whats happening its da third week of aug and there still no word on teh walkindead ep3 beening out yet bad enought the price of the seasion pass has droped sance3 i payed or it n now da games are late makes u wounder if there all going to be out by the end of 2012 at all can some1 let me no if they have any info on when its going to be out ...........???????????? if the walking dead isent out by da end of this mounth AUG i will be requesting a part or full refund
lol, send them an email and word it just like this post. I bet they fly you out to their studio and issue you a free pass to play test the rest of season 1 and get your input on season 2. Then they will certainly offer to issue that part or full refund.
I still hold that we will at least hear something by next Tuesday August 28th. It may not be out on that date, but the big announcement will be made by then. Just curious, what is everyone playing while they wait on episode 3 the long road ahead?
It is also the decision of the parent. It's no worse than call of duty, and they play that. Plus like I said we love watching the show as a family. I don't understand what you are saying? Did you get stuffed in too many lockers in school for playing too much WOW when you were younger? All you seem to have is a snide comment to anyone who says anything.
i don't play wow, one of my mates tried but it wasn't my thing, lockers? no in my school we had pegs and cubby holes/shelves. snide is another middle name of mine but it wouldn't fit in the id box. so my reasoning is you are activily choosing to ignoring signs/rules to keep your kids happy by exposing them to adult materials. regardless of others doing it/peer pressure these signs/rules are there for a reason and if your only defence is my kids are alright they know the difference. i bet all the other parents thought the same thing before their kids went crazy..
Your post PRIOR to editing did sound very much like it was directed at me and considering the general climate around here, everybody is a little defensive. Ultimately, it's not worth a fight. How you raise your family is your business.
Now go cry to youre mommy...
Have u ever, ever considered to read any other post, before posting, dumbass...
Its delayed, because of PS and MS and some other buls**
You have a funny way of making a lot of presumptions. I know the excuses Telltale have been coming out with. What fanboys and suck ups conveniently ignore is the fact that all developers have to navigate the world of certification. In other words, it's an excuse that means Jack.
If Telltale can't keep to their advertised promises of monthly releases, then they simply shouldn't be promising it. Shifting the goal posts to periodic releases is unacceptable for those who purchased a full season on the original premise.
I mean not only have they completely failed to live up to a level customers should be able to expect they have treated everyone like mugs by failing to communicate their most accurate intentions.
An excuse is an excuse, it only reveals the weakness in people who make them. Only Telltale is responsible in their failure as the developer and overall project managers of The Walking Dead game.
I will still never ever purchase a product from Telltale games and will be recommending friends and family do the exact same.
I still hold that we will at least hear something by next Tuesday August 28th. It may not be out on that date, but the big announcement will be made by then. Just curious, what is everyone playing while they wait on episode 3 the long road ahead?
playing Batman: Arkham Asylum on PS3 and buying Sleeping Dogs on Monday
Gosh, everytime I come here all I see is a bunch of bickering! Complaining about this or that or arguing with each other over silly and off-topic subjects! I hope the game comes out next week/very soon! Then everyone can stop the rage and start posting in review threads!!!
And about the "periodically" shit that you argued about for a whole page.., they did changed it to periodically shortly after they missed the "monthly release" in May for episode 2, I'd say some time early to mid-June. I remember saying something like, oh, look guys, they've changed it to periodically now, so's people can't get mad about it not being out monthly anymore! Those sneaky tricksters! :P
well I, like many others, am not surprised by the delays...again.
The thing that really irritates me is the people who seem like they'll defend telltale to the death. I am one of the people who bought the season pass when it was still being advertised as a "monthly episodic series" or whatever they described it as. So, when they decided to cover their asses by changing it to "periodic releases" that alone should piss people off. The thing I don't understand is why they wouldn't have the ENTIRE game either fully or damn-near fully finished before announcing it, and releasing the first episode. If all they had to do every month was tweak a few things and iron out a few bugs/glitches they would have no problems releasing one episode per month. It certainly isn't the customers' fault that telltale was clearly way over their head with this game.
People have a right to be upset...we all have other things to do, so it's not like the people who vent/complain have no lives...it's just that, as others have said, we should now be on...what? the fifth episode, yet here we are, still waiting for the third...it's ridiculous.
I am also furious with telltale because they choose their wording very carefully to cover their asses. That's not good business, it's shady business. I KNEW when they announced that episode three would be "ready" in mid August that they chose that wording so that when the game wasn't out in mid August they would be able to say "hey, we never said it would be RELEASED...we said it would be 'ready'"...and they did it again with their statement earlier this month that the episode was "nearing final submission for certification"...so, when people come here to complain, the defenders would say "they said it was nearing certification, not that it had been submitted already"...it's just bullshit. They can't stick to their schedule...bottom line. They should have the knowledge of how long it takes for a game to go through the certification process, then give a soft release date...if they did that, and things happened and bugs needed to be worked out - resulting in the game being delayed for a week or so, I think people would be a lot more tolerant/forgiving. It's the fact that telltale says next to nothing, and the fact that they carefully choose their wording so that they can't be held accountable when they miss their vague time frames, that pisses people off.
I love this game, and I'll anxiously await the releases of the final few episodes from this batch...but when they release episodes 6-10 or whatever, I'll certainly be avoiding the season pass, and I'll just wait until all of the episodes are out before I buy them.
I love this game, and I'll anxiously await the releases of the final few episodes from this batch...but when they release episodes 6-10 or whatever, I'll certainly be avoiding the season pass, and I'll just wait until all of the episodes are out before I buy them.
There isnt going to be Episodes 6-10. thats why they announced a Season 2
whats happening its da third week of aug and there still no word on teh walkindead ep3 beening out yet bad enought the price of the seasion pass has droped sance3 i payed or it n now da games are late makes u wounder if there all going to be out by the end of 2012 at all can some1 let me no if they have any info on when its going to be out ...........???????????? if the walking dead isent out by da end of this mounth AUG i will be requesting a part or full refund
Your post PRIOR to editing did sound very much like it was directed at me and considering the general climate around here, everybody is a little defensive. Ultimately, it's not worth a fight. How you raise your family is your business.
Well, it had nothing to do with you, just explaining my response. I think you may be a little overly sensitive. There was no offense towards you though. I just want to make that clear. BTW my family is raised perfectly fine. :-)
doesn't matter what they're calling it...there are 5 episodes in this first installment, and the next installment will have 5 episodes as well...
"After the first 5 Episodes in Season 1, we're getting The Walking Dead Game Episod 6-10 as part of Season 2 in 2013! That is right, the down-loadable episodic game sequence depending on the comics will be back for more zombie-induced terror!"
I always expected this to happen.
People who played older episodic games made by Telltale know that when they say "monthly" this is a sort of an inside joke.
As in, "yeah, sure we will deliver an episode each month, have a season pass *wink-wink* *nudge-nudge*."
I still haven't downloaded my second episode and I have bought the game and the season pass twice - once for my iOS devices and once on Steam. To the best of my knowledge, there is still no Episode 2 on iOS even though it was announced that they were putting finishing touches on it sometime three weeks ago.
And that is fine.
That is how Telltale operates. That lot never knew how to keep their promises and keep their customers informed. People are complaining and they never really payed any attention to that. Almost casual disregard for their fans is expected.
When I was buying my season passes I knew that I won't be playing the game at all until all the episodes were released sometime in 2020.
I will do it with Season 2 again.
I am not defending Telltale, they are really being kind of dickish, but that is just how they are. Kind of like Sony and the Soviet leadership, they will go to extreme lengths to ignore they outcries of their customers but, yet again, that is just how they are.
However, their games tend to be good and they also tend to (eventually) be released. I can live with that.
Milo, don't you ever assume that you are even worthy of commenting on how I raise my children. They are being raised perfectly fine. I'd worry more about your fixation on your Internet muscles. I almost feel sorry for you. Not really, but I am now over you.
Just a thought but I think that Walking Dead Ep 5 will be out at the time of the TWD Season 3 comes out or just shortly before/after to drum up excitement about both.
Just a thought but I think that Walking Dead Ep 5 will be out at the time of the TWD Season 3 comes out or just shortly before/after to drum up excitement about both.
So we can see 3 this month 4 next and 5 Oct 14ish
That certainly would be nice, but unfortunately I think that's just wishful thinking if they've been struggling to get one episode out every 2 months, I don't see how they'd be able to pull off one episode every month for the next three months...but that would be awesome if it happened lol
Milo, I have to agree with Greglead here. Letting kids play these games isn't a problem. If a kid is brought up to know the difference between right and wrong then they should be fine. It is definitely up to the parent to make the decision on if their child is mature enough to handle them. Myself and my brothers played "mature" games growing up and we are fine.
If a game causes a kid to go crazy and kill people then there was most likely something wrong with that kid to begin with.
I'm going to take a guess and say you don't have any kids. If you did you would understand how infuriating it would be to have someone tell you or insinuate that you're raising your kids wrong. I would never say that about someone, unless they're causing harm to their child and I don't think letting them play a rated M game is considered causing harm. I'd get defensive too if someone had something to say about how I raised my kids.
Just a thought but I think that Walking Dead Ep 5 will be out at the time of the TWD Season 3 comes out or just shortly before/after to drum up excitement about both.
So we can see 3 this month 4 next and 5 Oct 14ish
I think episode 3 might be ready in time for TWD Season 3, if we're lucky!
The release is now pointless the majority of us probably have forgot our story lines. Even if you do replays an developed a new story. Or keep, the story at hand that you have. Doesn't help with these release dates. We all can sit here an place blame on Telltale. Though I, think they weren't expecting a huge audience return from this game. Instead they have a big fan community of this series now. An they're oerwhelmed an trying to deliver a episode and they aren't.
Lastly wouldn, you have all 5 episodes done before releasing the game. Like I said they weren't expecting this big audience. An now paying for it , trying to develop new episodes to meet the expectation of gamers and the community of this series.
I understand you have to dot your i's and cross your t's. Once all said and done for the actual release of episode 3. The gamer - consumer will not be as interested - hooked as before due to the delay. Especially if episode 3 is not a big turn out meaning" video game control grabber - seat grabber" due to the this delay. If Telltale doesn't deliver, they can hang it up. Cause will say "that's the delay we waited for?"
Milo, I have to agree with Greglead here. Letting kids play these games isn't a problem. If a kid is brought up to know the difference between right and wrong then they should be fine. It is definitely up to the parent to make the decision on if their child is mature enough to handle them. Myself and my brothers played "mature" games growing up and we are fine.
If a game causes a kid to go crazy and kill people then there was most likely something wrong with that kid to begin with.
I'm going to take a guess and say you don't have any kids. If you did you would understand how infuriating it would be to have someone tell you or insinuate that you're raising your kids wrong. I would never say that about someone, unless they're causing harm to their child and I don't think letting them play a rated M game is considered causing harm. I'd get defensive too if someone had something to say about how I raised my kids.
As a father myself I too am sensitive about this subject. Everytime I take my son to go see a movie thats even somewhat scary I get looks and stares and people talking shit. Little do they know that my son knew about the movie begged and begged for me to take him and finally he saved up enough allowance to go. (made him save up even tho I paid with my money.;)) The movie was resident evil afterlife. oh and my son is the opposite of a psycho. hes learning how to catch the bad guys so when hes a cop he can save everyone:p plus if zombies come my kid wont be a dumb duck;):p
All this drama is reminding me of the Mass Effect 3 incident and making me cringe; people are attacking each other over opinions (some if not most of said people didn't even do their research on the matter), glorified sticks in the mud are getting more attention than they deserve, and overreaction is becoming the rule of law.
Doesn't matter what side of the argument you're on, you both lose.
As a father myself I too am sensitive about this subject. Everytime I take my son to go see a movie thats even somewhat scary I get looks and stares and people talking shit. Little do they know that my son knew about the movie begged and begged for me to take him and finally he saved up enough allowance to go. (made him save up even tho I paid with my money.;)) The movie was resident evil afterlife. oh and my son is the opposite of a psycho. hes learning how to catch the bad guys so when hes a cop he can save everyone:p plus if zombies come my kid wont be a dumb duck;):p
Well said imo i dont mind seeing kids play mature games but if the parents dont care thats a problem because then that makes video games look like the bad thing. im not a father since im only 18 and going to college in october i know how you feel in a way because when i was around 5-7 years old my parents bought me Gears of War 1. i loved the game back then but did i think killing is fun? No because i was tought violence isnt the solution. i see 8 year old kids asking for COD at my local Gamestop when the parent should suggest something like Crash Bandicoot or Spyro the dragon. or if they like nintendo, then suggest mario, DK, sonic. something around those types of games. it makes me sad that todays generation of kids dont know what Crash, Spyro, Jak and Daxter or even StarFox Adventures is. those games are like Childhood Classics. Sorry for the rant but its the truth in my eyes
The release is now pointless the majority of us probably have forgot our story lines. Even if you do replays an developed a new story. Or keep, the story at hand that you have. Doesn't help with these release dates. We all can sit here an place blame on Telltale. Though I, think they weren't expecting a huge audience return from this game. Instead they have a big fan community of this series now. An they're oerwhelmed an trying to deliver a episode and they aren't.
Lastly wouldn, you have all 5 episodes done before releasing the game. Like I said they weren't expecting this big audience. An now paying for it , trying to develop new episodes to meet the expectation of gamers and the community of this series.
I understand you have to dot your i's and cross your t's. Once all said and done for the actual release of episode 3. The gamer - consumer will not be as interested - hooked as before due to the delay. Especially if episode 3 is not a big turn out meaning" video game control grabber - seat grabber" due to the this delay. If Telltale doesn't deliver, they can hang it up. Cause will say "that's the delay we waited for?"
Not I. I can simply watch my playthroughs of both episodes on YT.
Not I. I can simply watch my playthroughs of both episodes on YT.
lol thats awesome. how do you make the playthroughs? i have tried before but it comes out like garbage. oh and grr ep 3 still not out (so i am not off-topic:p)
no i don't have any kids yet... but even if i did i'd be carefull of what i let them do....
again sorry if i offended you.
Cool deal. And I agree you have to be careful of what you let kids do but some kids are more mature and can handle things better than others. That's what I was trying to say. I agree with you more than not btw. We're cool.
no i don't have any kids yet... but even if i did i'd be carefull of what i let them do....
again sorry if i offended you.
if you don't have kids its understandable:) No offense just your own opinion. but when you have kids you try to keep them away from violent things...its damned impossible really as life itself is violent (even school, outside, fucking anywhere really) the best you can hope for is minimal damage, unless you make your kid live in a bubble (which truthfully i considered:p) its better to educate them on the idiotic nature of violence than let them figure it out elsewhere. Though I do feel like war games shouldn't be made, cuz the main people who play r the ones not old enough to even be enlisted. lol theres my like 20cents on that subject. time to go do the dad thing and forget about the walker games:( oh and the walker games should so be a movie. I'd watch every sequel and i don't even know what it would be about:D
lol thats awesome. how do you make the playthroughs? i have tried before but it comes out like garbage. oh and grr ep 3 still not out (so i am not off-topic:p)
Here's an idea.. make a statement that each new episode will be out the 1st day of every second month (actually let's make it 3 months just to be sure, lol). And then each time release it X days earlier. Far better to know exactly when to check for the new episode and the episode always being there, plus a hero for releasing it earlier.
People will be like.. "oh it's the 1st of December, which means a new episode is out!" come here to check things out and see that it was actually released the 12th of November "wow these guys beat their deadline by 18 days! They're awesome!"
This thread would still exist, trying to guess how sooner the game will be released and we would all laugh... mods chilling out.. good times.
my kids don't play a lot of video games they usually play in the fresh air football and playing with their Friends i don't want them being stuck in front of a monitor shooting people all day long after all they might turn out to be like some people on these forums and i don't want that god forbid. they are only aloud to use the pc a certain amount of time and i monitor what they do until they are 16....
yes true thats why my kid gets 2 hrs tv in the morn 8-10am an one hr at night before bed. no need for zombie-like children running round the house lol. you get outside until its dark, you are hurt, hungry, or its storming...oh and take the dog too:p
Episode three was originally thought to release "mid August" but unfortunately September is just around the corner and we have no idea when we can continue the adventure.
I have this feeling because they gonna test the game in pax prime(31 august-2 september).So from that time i add at least 2 weeks.
i don't remember anywhere that they do testing after certification which it said was going to be certified two weeks ago my guess is testing done for ep 3...til bugs arise from us users. no way will they test for another two weeks after they sent it into certification process. i guess they could but i highly doubt it
lol, send them an email and word it just like this post. I bet they fly you out to their studio and issue you a free pass to play test the rest of season 1 and get your input on season 2. Then they will certainly offer to issue that part or full refund.
did you get warned sticks ? i accept your apology.
i don't play wow, one of my mates tried but it wasn't my thing, lockers? no in my school we had pegs and cubby holes/shelves. snide is another middle name of mine but it wouldn't fit in the id box. so my reasoning is you are activily choosing to ignoring signs/rules to keep your kids happy by exposing them to adult materials. regardless of others doing it/peer pressure these signs/rules are there for a reason and if your only defence is my kids are alright they know the difference. i bet all the other parents thought the same thing before their kids went crazy..
pretty much a guarantee unless, the people are censored or banned from attending if in large numbers, so they probably have let some pass through..
yep and i kick back with pop corn.
nice meme ref
it is indeed.
certainly is
i also apologise for those i have offended.
You have a funny way of making a lot of presumptions. I know the excuses Telltale have been coming out with. What fanboys and suck ups conveniently ignore is the fact that all developers have to navigate the world of certification. In other words, it's an excuse that means Jack.
If Telltale can't keep to their advertised promises of monthly releases, then they simply shouldn't be promising it. Shifting the goal posts to periodic releases is unacceptable for those who purchased a full season on the original premise.
I mean not only have they completely failed to live up to a level customers should be able to expect they have treated everyone like mugs by failing to communicate their most accurate intentions.
An excuse is an excuse, it only reveals the weakness in people who make them. Only Telltale is responsible in their failure as the developer and overall project managers of The Walking Dead game.
I will still never ever purchase a product from Telltale games and will be recommending friends and family do the exact same.
marv are you aware of the recent blog posts??
playing Batman: Arkham Asylum on PS3 and buying Sleeping Dogs on Monday
And about the "periodically" shit that you argued about for a whole page.., they did changed it to periodically shortly after they missed the "monthly release" in May for episode 2, I'd say some time early to mid-June. I remember saying something like, oh, look guys, they've changed it to periodically now, so's people can't get mad about it not being out monthly anymore! Those sneaky tricksters! :P
The thing that really irritates me is the people who seem like they'll defend telltale to the death. I am one of the people who bought the season pass when it was still being advertised as a "monthly episodic series" or whatever they described it as. So, when they decided to cover their asses by changing it to "periodic releases" that alone should piss people off. The thing I don't understand is why they wouldn't have the ENTIRE game either fully or damn-near fully finished before announcing it, and releasing the first episode. If all they had to do every month was tweak a few things and iron out a few bugs/glitches they would have no problems releasing one episode per month. It certainly isn't the customers' fault that telltale was clearly way over their head with this game.
People have a right to be upset...we all have other things to do, so it's not like the people who vent/complain have no lives...it's just that, as others have said, we should now be on...what? the fifth episode, yet here we are, still waiting for the third...it's ridiculous.
I am also furious with telltale because they choose their wording very carefully to cover their asses. That's not good business, it's shady business. I KNEW when they announced that episode three would be "ready" in mid August that they chose that wording so that when the game wasn't out in mid August they would be able to say "hey, we never said it would be RELEASED...we said it would be 'ready'"...and they did it again with their statement earlier this month that the episode was "nearing final submission for certification"...so, when people come here to complain, the defenders would say "they said it was nearing certification, not that it had been submitted already"...it's just bullshit. They can't stick to their schedule...bottom line. They should have the knowledge of how long it takes for a game to go through the certification process, then give a soft release date...if they did that, and things happened and bugs needed to be worked out - resulting in the game being delayed for a week or so, I think people would be a lot more tolerant/forgiving. It's the fact that telltale says next to nothing, and the fact that they carefully choose their wording so that they can't be held accountable when they miss their vague time frames, that pisses people off.
I love this game, and I'll anxiously await the releases of the final few episodes from this batch...but when they release episodes 6-10 or whatever, I'll certainly be avoiding the season pass, and I'll just wait until all of the episodes are out before I buy them.
There isnt going to be Episodes 6-10. thats why they announced a Season 2
"After the first 5 Episodes in Season 1, we're getting The Walking Dead Game Episod 6-10 as part of Season 2 in 2013! That is right, the down-loadable episodic game sequence depending on the comics will be back for more zombie-induced terror!"
We don't really need to split hairs, do we?
People who played older episodic games made by Telltale know that when they say "monthly" this is a sort of an inside joke.
As in, "yeah, sure we will deliver an episode each month, have a season pass *wink-wink* *nudge-nudge*."
I still haven't downloaded my second episode and I have bought the game and the season pass twice - once for my iOS devices and once on Steam. To the best of my knowledge, there is still no Episode 2 on iOS even though it was announced that they were putting finishing touches on it sometime three weeks ago.
And that is fine.
That is how Telltale operates. That lot never knew how to keep their promises and keep their customers informed. People are complaining and they never really payed any attention to that. Almost casual disregard for their fans is expected.
When I was buying my season passes I knew that I won't be playing the game at all until all the episodes were released sometime in 2020.
I will do it with Season 2 again.
I am not defending Telltale, they are really being kind of dickish, but that is just how they are. Kind of like Sony and the Soviet leadership, they will go to extreme lengths to ignore they outcries of their customers but, yet again, that is just how they are.
However, their games tend to be good and they also tend to (eventually) be released. I can live with that.
So we can see 3 this month 4 next and 5 Oct 14ish
That certainly would be nice, but unfortunately I think that's just wishful thinking
If a game causes a kid to go crazy and kill people then there was most likely something wrong with that kid to begin with.
I'm going to take a guess and say you don't have any kids. If you did you would understand how infuriating it would be to have someone tell you or insinuate that you're raising your kids wrong. I would never say that about someone, unless they're causing harm to their child and I don't think letting them play a rated M game is considered causing harm. I'd get defensive too if someone had something to say about how I raised my kids.
I think episode 3 might be ready in time for TWD Season 3, if we're lucky!
Lastly wouldn, you have all 5 episodes done before releasing the game. Like I said they weren't expecting this big audience. An now paying for it , trying to develop new episodes to meet the expectation of gamers and the community of this series.
I understand you have to dot your i's and cross your t's. Once all said and done for the actual release of episode 3. The gamer - consumer will not be as interested - hooked as before due to the delay. Especially if episode 3 is not a big turn out meaning" video game control grabber - seat grabber" due to the this delay. If Telltale doesn't deliver, they can hang it up. Cause will say "that's the delay we waited for?"
As a father myself I too am sensitive about this subject. Everytime I take my son to go see a movie thats even somewhat scary I get looks and stares and people talking shit. Little do they know that my son knew about the movie begged and begged for me to take him and finally he saved up enough allowance to go. (made him save up even tho I paid with my money.;)) The movie was resident evil afterlife. oh and my son is the opposite of a psycho. hes learning how to catch the bad guys so when hes a cop he can save everyone:p plus if zombies come my kid wont be a dumb duck;):p
All this drama is reminding me of the Mass Effect 3 incident and making me cringe; people are attacking each other over opinions (some if not most of said people didn't even do their research on the matter), glorified sticks in the mud are getting more attention than they deserve, and overreaction is becoming the rule of law.
Doesn't matter what side of the argument you're on, you both lose.
Well said imo i dont mind seeing kids play mature games but if the parents dont care thats a problem because then that makes video games look like the bad thing. im not a father since im only 18 and going to college in october i know how you feel in a way because when i was around 5-7 years old my parents bought me Gears of War 1. i loved the game back then but did i think killing is fun? No because i was tought violence isnt the solution. i see 8 year old kids asking for COD at my local Gamestop when the parent should suggest something like Crash Bandicoot or Spyro the dragon. or if they like nintendo, then suggest mario, DK, sonic. something around those types of games. it makes me sad that todays generation of kids dont know what Crash, Spyro, Jak and Daxter or even StarFox Adventures is. those games are like Childhood Classics. Sorry for the rant but its the truth in my eyes
Not I. I can simply watch my playthroughs of both episodes on YT.
no i don't have any kids yet... but even if i did i'd be carefull of what i let them do....
again sorry if i offended you.
lol thats awesome. how do you make the playthroughs? i have tried before but it comes out like garbage. oh and grr ep 3 still not out (so i am not off-topic:p)
Cool deal. And I agree you have to be careful of what you let kids do but some kids are more mature and can handle things better than others. That's what I was trying to say. I agree with you more than not btw. We're cool.
if you don't have kids its understandable:) No offense just your own opinion. but when you have kids you try to keep them away from violent things...its damned impossible really as life itself is violent (even school, outside, fucking anywhere really) the best you can hope for is minimal damage, unless you make your kid live in a bubble (which truthfully i considered:p) its better to educate them on the idiotic nature of violence than let them figure it out elsewhere. Though I do feel like war games shouldn't be made, cuz the main people who play r the ones not old enough to even be enlisted. lol theres my like 20cents on that subject. time to go do the dad thing and forget about the walker games:( oh and the walker games should so be a movie. I'd watch every sequel and i don't even know what it would be about:D
i use a game capture to record HD quality
People will be like.. "oh it's the 1st of December, which means a new episode is out!" come here to check things out and see that it was actually released the 12th of November "wow these guys beat their deadline by 18 days! They're awesome!"
This thread would still exist, trying to guess how sooner the game will be released and we would all laugh... mods chilling out.. good times.
From that you get mid-September?
But you said "from the article". I'm not understanding how the article hints at mid-September.
i don't remember anywhere that they do testing after certification which it said was going to be certified two weeks ago my guess is testing done for ep 3...til bugs arise from us users. no way will they test for another two weeks after they sent it into certification process. i guess they could but i highly doubt it