I thought (hoped) that TellTale have learned when they made Tales of Monkey Island....
I don't think it's a process of learning. I think Telltale's ambition has exceeded their original business model. Creating a Sam and Max game is very different than the stuff they're doing now. This may be the last time they think in monthly schedules. Personally, I don't care about time between releases. I want them to keep doing cooler shit. If they were still working at the level of the Boneville games, no one would be on this forum right now.
"Soon" can mean anything to tomorrow until End of Days(and that is just the releasedate witch may or may not be held), so I'm not holding my breath. Not sure what you mean with your last sentence, but when I bought the seasonpass (as I said in above post) I thought (hoped) that TellTale have learned when they made Tales of Monkey Island....
Sorry I should have been more clear:
Knowing what we now, how many would still have bought the season pass, when EP 1 came out? It is a guilty pleasure thing;)
I just want to apologize for my rececnt comments. It's not like me to make such harsh comments. There's enough negative energy in this world without my two cents & we all have are faults. I still think it's to long inbetween episodes but to much negativity does nobody any good.
p.s. we don't need a icon for the middle finger the is just fine
Come on guyes. Now we know, that we will get a releasdate soon:)
Ok. Hands up. How many of you guyes would have bought the game eventhoug you knew at wich days it would be released?
My hand is up:)
I registered just to reply to this :-) I would have bought the games regardless and I do mean that. I am a little disappointed about how long it is taking to release each chapter but I am still hopeful it will come out soon.
It is also the decision of the parent. It's no worse than call of duty, and they play that. Plus like I said we love watching the show as a family. I don't understand what you are saying? Did you get stuffed in too many lockers in school for playing too much WOW when you were younger? All you seem to have is a snide comment to anyone who says anything.
In a recent blog (here: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2012/08/22/the-walking-dead-9-minutes-with-robert-kirkman/ ), Kirkman says this about the "serialized" nature of the Telltale games," Being able to play a two-hour chunk of game and end it on a cliffhanger, with a period of time between chapters that builds anticipation for the next story is a cool aspect for the comic."
Do you think that Telltale considers that the wait builds anticipation, which results in a better gaming experience?
Also, could they be judging the success of the game and the emotional investment of the players by the number and angry nature of the complaints about the wait?
I registered just to reply to this :-) I would have bought the games regardless and I do mean that. I am a little disappointed about how long it is taking to release each chapter but I am still hopeful it will come out soon.
I am not taking a "kick" at Milo, but he/she just seems to have a jerkoff comment about everything. My initial post was an attempt at levity and Debbie downer has a snide comment Maybe it's because I am new on the forum, he/she is having a bad day, or maybe i am right and he/she got stuffed in lockers, and this is where milo can safely take it out on people by being the Internet forum bully. Don't get me wrong, I'm ok if someone disagrees with me, but when you HAVE to comment on something like that, milo needs to get over him/herself.
Anyway that being said. I think TTG is making a great game here, but the wait is frustrating. I think they should have had episode 1 and 2 completed, certified, and ready to be released, while working on episode 3 at the time of episode 1 being released. That way they can release the 1st 2 month on schedule, and if anything should arise ie. issues with certification, glitches, mixups, anything they will consistently have a 1 to 2 month cushion to get it straight, rather than being bombarded with frustrated customers.. But I guess that would make sense. Maybe a tip for season 2 at the very least.
Don't get me wrong, I'm ok if someone disagrees with me, but when you HAVE to comment on something like that, get over it.
First of all, I didn't say you had taken a kick at Milo, just that there were others that had. Secondly, as you seem to now be picking a fight with me, I guess that would make you the internet forum bully.
Do you think that Telltale considers that the wait builds anticipation, which results in a better gaming experience?
Probably not, Kirkman releases his stuff close enough together that you can actually remember what happened. I think there doing this to get as much money as they can from the ios version.
First of all, I didn't say you had taken a kick at Milo, just that there were others that had. Secondly, as you seem to now be picking a fight with me, I guess that would make you the internet forum bully.
Welcome to the forum.
Wait a second, where was I picking a fight with you? Did I attack you in any way shape or form? I am absolutely befuddled as how you assumed my answering your question was picking a fight????????? I can't even say I apologize if you took it the wrong way because nowhere, not one word in my response to you intimates me picking a fight with you. Wow.
Ok, I am editing after reading your response.... That comment was in no way shape or form directed at you. My entire comment had to do with Milo, and nothing to do with you. If it had, I would have said "Cyreen, don't get me wrong, I'm ok if someone disagrees with me etc., etc." I was referring to him with his initial comment to my original post. SMH.
Your post PRIOR to editing did sound very much like it was directed at me and considering the general climate around here, everybody is a little defensive. Ultimately, it's not worth a fight. How you raise your family is your business.
Episode 3:Long Road Ahead...More Like Episode 3:Long Road Ahead Until The Next Release Date. I do appreciate all the hard work and time they put into the games. I like playing something that is not buggy and rushed. But this is ludicrous... Sorry, but I have all but given up on this game.
As far as, telltale games apology (at least there was one) about the wait on Episode 2: Starved For The Next Episode. and the statement about working to provide better communication... Lies... I mean, look at their website under Episode 3 and or anywhere else.
However, I think a parrot might have better communication then they do. That or a parrot is really in charge of communication.... Mid-August.... Mid-August
Because it is a fact. While not exactly shortly after the release, it was changed before Episode 2 was released.
Better double check your "facts".
When was the announcement made? I can't find when they changed it.
The closes thing I've found is a blog posted a week after the release of ep 2, and that doesn't even say it was changed from monthly to periodic explicitly. But I know it was change.
I watched this discussion on IGN's youtube channel and they said word on the street is that it will come out next week, by the end of the month, but nobody is sure.
I watched this discussion on IGN's youtube channel and they said word on the street is that it will come out next week, by the end of the month, but nobody is sure.
"Word on the street"? Strange sources for video games. But what the heck, it's IGN.
(Something I cannot stand though is the one excuse I continue to read is that "I'd rather wait for a quality game than play a half-assed one... =P" TWD has as many bugs in it as every other TTG game I have played... Glitches, choppy audio problems, tracks playing over each other and other weird random stuff...)
Indeed it does but the fanboys like to blame that on your computer specs... even if you have that game on a console lol
Telltale please can you hire more staff to get your games out quicker. I don't want to wait a month between episodes and two months is just terrible. You should make the episodes available on a weekly basis, just make all the episodes and release them weekly. I going to wait until they are all released and play them when I want. If the next season is going to be released 'monthly' I will be spending my disposable income elsewhere. Sort it out please.
Telltale please can you hire more staff to get your games out quicker. I don't want to wait a month between episodes and two months is just terrible. You should make the episodes available on a weekly basis, just make all the episodes and release them weekly. I going to wait until they are all released and play them when I want. If the next season is going to be released 'monthly' I will be spending my disposable income elsewhere. Sort it out please.
They actually are hiring! Filling the positions is the next step.
It is now well past middle of August and episode was ready for submission a while ago and yet there is no information yet?? If their console partners are so damn unreliable it is time to drop them I think or at very minimum release pc/mac versions when the actual game is ready.
Looks like this episode wont arrive before september...
It is now well past middle of August and episode was ready for submission a while ago and yet there is no information yet?? If their console partners are so damn unreliable it is time to drop them I think or at very minimum release pc/mac versions when the actual game is ready.
Looks like this episode wont arrive before september...
Telltale never actually said went they sent it for submission, they just said nearing submission.
More likely that they have submitted not long ago, i'd say prob on Monday or Tuesday.
Telltale smartly never said the day that it was submitted as it gives them more to to delay and leaves people thinking its sonys fault etc
Telltale never actually said went they sent it for submission, they just said nearing submission.
More likely that they have submitted not long ago, i'd say prob on Monday or Tuesday.
Telltale smartly never said the day that it was submitted as it gives them more to to delay and leaves people thinking its sonys fault etc
That is why I wrote READY for submission. They also said it was now out of their control and up to their partners, which suggests that it should have been submitted.
whats happening its da third week of aug and there still no word on teh walkindead ep3 beening out yet bad enought the price of the seasion pass has droped sance3 i payed or it n now da games are late makes u wounder if there all going to be out by the end of 2012 at all can some1 let me no if they have any info on when its going to be out ...........???????????? if the walking dead isent out by da end of this mounth AUG i will be requesting a part or full refund
whats happening its da third week of aug and there still no word on teh walkindead ep3 beening out yet bad enought the price of the seasion pass has droped sance3 i payed or it n now da games are late makes u wounder if there all going to be out by the end of 2012 at all can some1 let me no if they have any info on when its going to be out ...........???????????? if the walking dead isent out by da end of this mounth AUG i will be requesting a part or full refund
But seriously, my goodness, please learn to spell before posting. Long Road Ahead will be out soon. If you've waited this long you can wait a little longer.
Something I cannot stand though is the one excuse I continue to read is that "I'd rather wait for a quality game than play a half-assed one... =P" TWD has as many bugs in it as every other TTG game I have played... Glitches, choppy audio problems, tracks playing over each other and other weird random stuff..
I agree with this, Telltale games arent super smooth but playable atleast. Now imagine they would release it even earlier to please some of the complainers here. It would be totally unplayable then. I wouldn't mind waiting another 2-3 months now if it would be totally smooth and as bugfree as possible but people would go even crazier then..
I agree with this, Telltale games arent super smooth but playable atleast. Now imagine they would release it even earlier to please some of the complainers here. It would be totally unplayable then. I wouldn't mind waiting another 2-3 months now if it would be totally smooth and as bugfree as possible but people would go even crazier then..
I don't think it's a process of learning. I think Telltale's ambition has exceeded their original business model. Creating a Sam and Max game is very different than the stuff they're doing now. This may be the last time they think in monthly schedules. Personally, I don't care about time between releases. I want them to keep doing cooler shit. If they were still working at the level of the Boneville games, no one would be on this forum right now.
Sorry I should have been more clear:
Knowing what we now, how many would still have bought the season pass, when EP 1 came out? It is a guilty pleasure thing;)
And I have to put my hand up in the air:o
p.s. we don't need a icon for the middle finger the
I registered just to reply to this :-) I would have bought the games regardless and I do mean that. I am a little disappointed about how long it is taking to release each chapter but I am still hopeful it will come out soon.
It is also the decision of the parent. It's no worse than call of duty, and they play that. Plus like I said we love watching the show as a family. I don't understand what you are saying? Did you get stuffed in too many lockers in school for playing too much WOW when you were younger? All you seem to have is a snide comment to anyone who says anything.
Do you think that Telltale considers that the wait builds anticipation, which results in a better gaming experience?
Also, could they be judging the success of the game and the emotional investment of the players by the number and angry nature of the complaints about the wait?
This board has been very negative lately and that's not entirely fair, considering how many people have taken a kick at Milo.
Good first post. I agree.
I am not taking a "kick" at Milo, but he/she just seems to have a jerkoff comment about everything. My initial post was an attempt at levity and Debbie downer has a snide comment Maybe it's because I am new on the forum, he/she is having a bad day, or maybe i am right and he/she got stuffed in lockers, and this is where milo can safely take it out on people by being the Internet forum bully. Don't get me wrong, I'm ok if someone disagrees with me, but when you HAVE to comment on something like that, milo needs to get over him/herself.
Anyway that being said. I think TTG is making a great game here, but the wait is frustrating. I think they should have had episode 1 and 2 completed, certified, and ready to be released, while working on episode 3 at the time of episode 1 being released. That way they can release the 1st 2 month on schedule, and if anything should arise ie. issues with certification, glitches, mixups, anything they will consistently have a 1 to 2 month cushion to get it straight, rather than being bombarded with frustrated customers.. But I guess that would make sense. Maybe a tip for season 2 at the very least.
First of all, I didn't say you had taken a kick at Milo, just that there were others that had. Secondly, as you seem to now be picking a fight with me, I guess that would make you the internet forum bully.
Welcome to the forum.
Probably not, Kirkman releases his stuff close enough together that you can actually remember what happened. I think there doing this to get as much money as they can from the ios version.
uhhhh insert foot in mouth?
Wait a second, where was I picking a fight with you? Did I attack you in any way shape or form? I am absolutely befuddled as how you assumed my answering your question was picking a fight????????? I can't even say I apologize if you took it the wrong way because nowhere, not one word in my response to you intimates me picking a fight with you. Wow.
Ok, I am editing after reading your response.... That comment was in no way shape or form directed at you. My entire comment had to do with Milo, and nothing to do with you. If it had, I would have said "Cyreen, don't get me wrong, I'm ok if someone disagrees with me etc., etc." I was referring to him with his initial comment to my original post. SMH.
Because it is a fact. While not exactly shortly after the release, it was changed before Episode 2 was released.
Better double check your "facts".
As far as, telltale games apology (at least there was one) about the wait on Episode 2: Starved For The Next Episode. and the statement about working to provide better communication... Lies... I mean, look at their website under Episode 3 and or anywhere else.
However, I think a parrot might have better communication then they do. That or a parrot is really in charge of communication.... Mid-August.... Mid-August
When was the announcement made? I can't find when they changed it.
The closes thing I've found is a blog posted a week after the release of ep 2, and that doesn't even say it was changed from monthly to periodic explicitly. But I know it was change.
(Starts 12 minutes in) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuEk48WIiuc&feature=g-all-u
"Word on the street"? Strange sources for video games. But what the heck, it's IGN.
Indeed it does but the fanboys like to blame that on your computer specs... even if you have that game on a console lol
They actually are hiring! Filling the positions is the next step.
Looks like this episode wont arrive before september...
Telltale never actually said went they sent it for submission, they just said nearing submission.
More likely that they have submitted not long ago, i'd say prob on Monday or Tuesday.
Telltale smartly never said the day that it was submitted as it gives them more to to delay and leaves people thinking its sonys fault etc
You are crazy, it will be next week. I'm psychic I know these things
But seriously, my goodness, please learn to spell before posting. Long Road Ahead will be out soon. If you've waited this long you can wait a little longer.
I agree with this, Telltale games arent super smooth but playable atleast. Now imagine they would release it even earlier to please some of the complainers here. It would be totally unplayable then. I wouldn't mind waiting another 2-3 months now if it would be totally smooth and as bugfree as possible but people would go even crazier then..
I agree completely with you both on this.
"It will be released, when it is released."
Would you give up that console money? Doubtful