Daisy! Daaaisyyy... giveeeee meeee your answer... doooooooooo
I'm half crazy over the likes of you,
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage,
But you'd look sweet, upon the seat
Of a bicycle built for two!
Ok so this doesn't exactly name a release date and the comment "We anticipate that this could be as soon as next week" isn't very reassuring to say the least but here's some of the latest news (recycled is a better word) on episode 3.
Well it's pretty obvious they want their product out on all platforms around the same time. Notice I said around, as last time it took an extra week for the EU PS3 users. Probably some contractual agreements forcing this to be the case.
You know..I'm a Production Manager in a small factory. One thing I noticed when it comes to business is how poor decisions by upper management can ultimately destroy a business. I hate to say it, mainly because I feel the Telltale has done a wonderful job so far on the products they produce. Unfortunately, it really doesn't matter how great a product is if they alienate all their consumers. It was great that you gave us a post on Ep. 3's release date Telltale, but now...alll you've done is set and ALMOST IMMEDIATELY broke another expectation of your customers. If you werent going to live up to the whole Mid-August release, why not just be honest????:eek:
Ok so this doesn't exactly name a release date and the comment "We anticipate that this could be as soon as next week" isn't very reassuring to say the least but here's some of the latest news (recycled is a better word) on episode 3.
Worth zilth. I don't trust Telltale anymore on anything. They broken their promise too many times... I won't even belive them when we actually do get a release date, due to their reccords of releasing things on time and when they say so...
You know..I'm a Production Manager in a small factory. One thing I noticed when it comes to business is how poor decisions by upper management can ultimately destroy a business. I hate to say it, mainly because I feel the Telltale has done a wonderful job so far on the products they produce. Unfortunately, it really doesn't matter how great a product is if they alienate all their consumers. It was great that you gave us a post on Ep. 3's release date Telltale, but now...alll you've done is set and ALMOST IMMEDIATELY broke another expectation of your customers. If you werent going to live up to the whole Mid-August release, why not just be honest????:eek:
Granted they should have been more specific, but I'm sure they never said they would release it by mid-August. They said they SHOULD have it ready by mid-August. We can infer that they meant having it ready for certification which is another long wait on top of waiting for release dates to coincide for all platforms. The fact that we have to reason this out shows you how bad their PR department is. Whatever though, it should come out next week, hopefully.
Ure kidding me rite? Whether they were 'inferring' or not, they led people to believe that it(ep.3) would be out by then (mid-august). An mid-august is Exactly what the post stated. I'm not mad at Telltale, maybe a lil impatient cuz the game if good and all, but if you are going to keep ure customers informed on an issue, either do it full go or just remain silent like with ep. 2's release.
Ure kidding me rite? Whether they were 'inferring' or not, they led people to believe that it(ep.3) would be out by then (mid-august). An mid-august is Exactly what the post stated. I'm not mad at Telltale, maybe a lil impatient cuz the game if good and all, but if you are going to keep ure customers informed on an issue, either do it full go or just remain silent like with ep. 2's release.
I wasn't defending them. I was merely trying to be rational. No need to be hostile. This is just a discussion right? What we're arguing about is simply semantics. I was just stating that they didn't say they were releasing it mid-August -- just that they would have it ready by then.
They broken their promise too many times... I won't even belive them when we actually do get a release date, due to their reccords of releasing things on time and when they say so...
Okay, I was trying to avoid this thread due to the strong feelings that people obviously have on this topic (and I'm sure I'll regret jumping in now, but whatever). But when I see statements like this, it kind of bothers me because it seems to be a bit disingenuous.
I understand that people are upset. It's always disappointing when a game you're looking forward to gets delayed. I don't agree that the ire we've seen is necessarily justified. But I can certainly see where it's coming from, and hey, everyone's entitled to their opinion. But when people say that TTG is being dishonest, I don't get it. What promise have they broken?
As far as I'm aware, no one at Telltale made the claim that Episode 3 would be released in mid-August. They said it would "ready" in mid-August. As in development is finished. It still has to go through the standard distribution process (if anything, I'd think that any anger ought to be directed at Microsoft and Sony for making developers jump through their hoops to make sure their networks get the game the same day as the PC). And BTW, that was explained in the same message where they said it would be ready mid-August.
And the reason they gave us that timeframe was to keep us up to date as to where they were in the process. You know, because of fans complaining about how TTG does a poor job communicating and that they should at least give us an update. Which they did. And fans still complained anyway. And even after we got the update, a lot of fans decided that this meant Episode 3 would be released exactly on August 15th. And this is what makes it so difficult for game makers to communicate with fans. Because when they do give us updates, certain fans always seem to read more into them than what the company actually said. And when they fail to meet the fictional promise that fans assumed they made, they're accused of being liars.
Now I know, I know. Telltale originally said the episodes would be released "monthly." The game was delayed. It happens. A lot. And frankly, I'd be willing bet that if I were to go back and read the fine print from when I signed up for my season pass, there was probably a line in there somewhere about the release dates being subject to change. Games get delayed. That's not really the same thing as "breaking a promise" to their fans.
Okay, I was trying to avoid this thread due to the strong feelings that people obviously have on this topic (and I'm sure I'll regret jumping in now, but whatever). But when I see statements like this, it kind of bothers me because it seems to be a bit disingenuous...
Now I know, I know. Telltale originally said the episodes would be released "monthly." The game was delayed. It happens. A lot. And frankly, I'd be willing bet that if I were to go back and read the fine print from when I signed up for my season pass, there was probably a line in there somewhere about the release dates being subject to change. Games get delayed. That's not really the same thing as "breaking a promise" to their fans.
My sentiments exactly (well, almost lol).
I'm looking forward to the same response by this community for the release of Ep. 4 . As the BSG scriptures say, "All this has happened before, and all this will happen again."
U guys are all kind of too in to this forum stuff. In no way was I being hostile. And u gotta see things from the stand point of a NORMAL consumer. Not someone who sits in front of some sort of computer all day. I understand that making a good game takes awhile. I would rather have to wait and get a good game then get it earlier and it suck. Who wouldn't? But they needed to be clearer. Saying: yeah we r done with r part so if it takes forever from here on out then its not OUR fault; isnt communicating. Its passing the buck.
And when people read into stuff as much as the people on these forums (myself as well) do, when u throw out a date like that of course everybody and their mom are going to run with it. Remember, Public perception is 90%, Truth only 10%.
Okay, I was trying to avoid this thread due to the strong feelings that people obviously have on this topic (and I'm sure I'll regret jumping in now, but whatever). But when I see statements like this, it kind of bothers me because it seems to be a bit disingenuous.
I understand that people are upset. It's always disappointing when a game you're looking forward to gets delayed. I don't agree that the ire we've seen is necessarily justified. But I can certainly see where it's coming from, and hey, everyone's entitled to their opinion. But when people say that TTG is being dishonest, I don't get it. What promise have they broken?
As far as I'm aware, no one at Telltale made the claim that Episode 3 would be released in mid-August. They said it would "ready" in mid-August. As in development is finished. It still has to go through the standard distribution process (if anything, I'd think that any anger ought to be directed at Microsoft and Sony for making developers jump through their hoops to make sure their networks get the game the same day as the PC). And BTW, that was explained in the same message where they said it would be ready mid-August.
And the reason they gave us that timeframe was to keep us up to date as to where they were in the process. You know, because of fans complaining about how TTG does a poor job communicating and that they should at least give us an update. Which they did. And fans still complained anyway. And even after we got the update, a lot of fans decided that this meant Episode 3 would be released exactly on August 15th. And this is what makes it so difficult for game makers to communicate with fans. Because when they do give us updates, certain fans always seem to read more into them than what the company actually said. And when they fail to meet the fictional promise that fans assumed they made, they're accused of being liars.
Now I know, I know. Telltale originally said the episodes would be released "monthly." The game was delayed. It happens. A lot. And frankly, I'd be willing bet that if I were to go back and read the fine print from when I signed up for my season pass, there was probably a line in there somewhere about the release dates being subject to change. Games get delayed. That's not really the same thing as "breaking a promise" to their fans.
This needs to be posted on every thread, nails the issue on the head with a nuclear freaking bomb.
Ready/released is wordgames, and who cares when the episode is "ready" when it's not "released". They clearly stated that episodes were to be released monthly. They must have known about the certificationprosess beforehand and told their custumers this upfront before taking their (and mine) money..
:cool:In any case, they're doing a great job with the actual content, so I guess I can't really be that upset. I hope they keep up the good work. These forums are a good way to pass the time in between episodes for sure.
Okay, I was trying to avoid this thread due to the strong feelings that people obviously have on this topic (and I'm sure I'll regret jumping in now, but whatever). But when I see statements like this, it kind of bothers me because it seems to be a bit disingenuous.
I understand that people are upset. It's always disappointing when a game you're looking forward to gets delayed. I don't agree that the ire we've seen is necessarily justified. But I can certainly see where it's coming from, and hey, everyone's entitled to their opinion. But when people say that TTG is being dishonest, I don't get it. What promise have they broken?
As far as I'm aware, no one at Telltale made the claim that Episode 3 would be released in mid-August. They said it would "ready" in mid-August. As in development is finished. It still has to go through the standard distribution process (if anything, I'd think that any anger ought to be directed at Microsoft and Sony for making developers jump through their hoops to make sure their networks get the game the same day as the PC). And BTW, that was explained in the same message where they said it would be ready mid-August.
And the reason they gave us that timeframe was to keep us up to date as to where they were in the process. You know, because of fans complaining about how TTG does a poor job communicating and that they should at least give us an update. Which they did. And fans still complained anyway. And even after we got the update, a lot of fans decided that this meant Episode 3 would be released exactly on August 15th. And this is what makes it so difficult for game makers to communicate with fans. Because when they do give us updates, certain fans always seem to read more into them than what the company actually said. And when they fail to meet the fictional promise that fans assumed they made, they're accused of being liars.
Now I know, I know. Telltale originally said the episodes would be released "monthly." The game was delayed. It happens. A lot. And frankly, I'd be willing bet that if I were to go back and read the fine print from when I signed up for my season pass, there was probably a line in there somewhere about the release dates being subject to change. Games get delayed. That's not really the same thing as "breaking a promise" to their fans.
Yea I understand that argument. But you got to understand that MOST gamers could give a flip when they get done making the episode, all they care about is when its coming out. I don't need to know their production schedule, what I need to know is when its going to be downloading onto my computer or PS/Xbox. Seriously, you have to add the whole "Just the facts maam, don't confuse me with the details".
I did play Back to the Future, but I didn't buy (or discovered it) on PSN before it was released in full. I did preorder the Tales of Monkey Island and, was as angry as I am now with the TWD, hell, I bought it on Steam back then, and when the final episode was delayed on steam for 24 hours because they couldn't finnish it on time before the people at steam went home, I was so mad that I got the final episode off Piratebay...
I was very sceptic to buy the seasonpass for TWD remembering my experiece with ToMI, but I realy thought TellTale must have learned since then, I guess I was wrong...
Sounds like we a had a similar problem and solution! Haha. Anyways yeah, I agree with you to some extent I guess I just stopped getting angry lol. I'm not sure why, maybe it's because I just find this situation a little too familiar that I laugh it off, but I can see how others wouldn't find it as humorous as I do, Hell I don't even understand why I'm not mad usually my response to this kind of thing fury.
Sounds like we a had a similar problem and solution! Haha. Anyways yeah, I agree with you to some extent I guess I just stopped getting angry lol. I'm not sure why, maybe it's because I just find this situation a little too familiar that I laugh it off, but I can see how others wouldn't find it as humorous as I do, Hell I don't even understand why I'm not mad usually my response to this kind of thing fury.
I know, that is what happends when something gets too ridiculus, it actually become funny....
Ready/released is wordgames, and who cares when the episode is "ready" when it's not "released".
They're different words with different meanings. They didn't say "release" because that's not what they meant, and they made that distinction rather clear. In what way is that "word games?" This argument seems like a flimsy attempt to justify an accusation that certain people seem committed to making in spite of what the actual facts may be.
And apparently, a lot of people on these forums care because I keep seeing posts about how TTG should be more communicative and provide us with updates on where they are in the process. Since they don't have an exact release date until pretty close to the actual release, that's really the best they can provide.
They clearly stated that episodes were to be released monthly. They must have known about the certificationprosess beforehand and told their custumers this upfront before taking their (and mine) money..
Please see the last paragraph of my previous post. A delay is not the same as a lie.
Yea I understand that argument. But you got to understand that MOST gamers could give a flip when they get done making the episode, all they care about is when its coming out. I don't need to know their production schedule, what I need to know is when its going to be downloading onto my computer or PS/Xbox. Seriously, you have to add the whole "Just the facts maam, don't confuse me with the details".
Again, the update is for the fans who keep asking for updates. They don't have an exact release date until a few days before the actual release.
But as I said, I can understand why people are upset. My objection is specifically to the claim that TTG is being dishonest. It may be that most gamers only care about the final release date. But that doesn't make it any more reasonable for them to then put words in TTG's mouth because they're either unwilling or unable to read what the developers actually said. Just because "most gamers" want something doesn't mean anyone is obligated to uphold any kind of invented promise to them that was never actually made.
Please see the last paragraph of my previous post. A delay is not the same as a lie.
It's a lie when they say they are going to release episodes monthly when they know they will not make that deadline. And yes, it is a wordgame because they say something that they know customers will understand differently because most of us are not in the industry and doesn't have a clue how these things work...
If they said before ep 1 was released something like "We will not make a monthly release this time because of the certification procedure on the consoles" people would have understood that, but they didn't. Sure it would have been a drop in presales, but this drop is comming anyways at their next game as their reputation is now shot to Hell and that's something that's much bigger loss and much harder to build up...
Just a quick question to PS3 season pass holders, I bought after ep2 came out, so I wonder, do we have to wait for the weelky PSN Store update or will the episode become availeble as an "update" the same day it's released on PC and XBox ?
Yea I understand that argument. But you got to understand that MOST gamers could give a flip when they get done making the episode, all they care about is when its coming out. I don't need to know their production schedule, what I need to know is when its going to be downloading onto my computer or PS/Xbox. Seriously, you have to add the whole "Just the facts maam, don't confuse me with the details".
So, basically they would have been better off just staying quiet (what everyone has been upset about) instead of saying when the game would be finished?
I don't know about that man. If there was no announcement since episode 2 was released until they posted the release date I think things would have been A LOT worse around here.
It's a lie when they say they are going to release episodes monthly when they know they will not make that deadline.
You have no clue if there is any truth to this so this is your opinion. I really doubt they lied. I'm sure they thought they could get it done in that time frame and just didn't. That's it.
Take it for what it is. Please forgive me if someone Posted this already. Before I come here I always google the walking dead game episode release date, and this popped up as of 2 hours ago. It's from IGN, so be warned. They are saying "as early as next week" here is the link... http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/08/23/walking-dead-episode-3-as-soon-as-next-week
Take it for what it is. Please forgive me if someone Posted this already. Before I come here I always google the walking dead game episode release date, and this popped up as of 2 hours ago. It's from IGN, so be warned. They are saying "as early as next week" here is the link... http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/08/23/walking-dead-episode-3-as-soon-as-next-week
Is it just me or was this conversation edited to hell?
To put a dampner. If the releases were monthly as previously stated, August would've been the final stretch in waiting for the 5th and last episode of the season.
Most of season 2 better already be in post-production before episode 1 is unleashed or I'll be convinced they're going to pull the same stunt again. In which case I'll be advising people to hold onto their money.
At this point, you can keep bitchin, or just shut up, I guess. I am, however, annoyed at my season pass that was originally promised monthly episode releases and will not get some sort of discount or refund because of the delays. Stop defending or attacking TTG, they said Mid-August, call it ready for certification or ready for release, it wasn't specified, but it's also past Mid-August. I realize this has happened to other games of theirs and monthly release dates are hard to keep and nearly impossible to even dream of right now with a project of this scale. So, in the future, I recommend TTG to never promote monthly releases of games, and for consumers to be more aware of the companies they invest in, unfortunately, this is the reality of the situation.
i just hope the delay is because they realised how good episode 2 was, so they just decided they had to do more and make episode 3 extra good, so they just believe the wait will be worth it, and that when we get it we will agree that the game makes up for the waiting
First, let me say this: I am an adult and realize that things don't always work out as we plan. Throwing a temper tantrum doesn't help anyone and won't help Episode 3 (or 4 or 5) be released any faster.
With that said, my problem with this whole situation is fundamentally this: I prepaid for the entire Walking Dead game season with the realistic expectation that the installments would be released about once a month.
Episode 1 was released on 4/24/2012 -- it now a full 4 months later and all of us paying customers are still waiting for Episode 3 to be released.
In my mind, this is unacceptable. I know it's takes a while for high quality games to be released (cf. Blizzard and Diablo II and Starcraft: Heart of the Swarm), but we didn't prepay for those games.
I'm out $25 and still waiting on Episode 3. The updates TellTale gives are vague (at best). I don't care if the game is being "released soon." I want to know that my money has been spent well.
This is not whining, but a reality check. TellTale, you can't take advantage of your customers by luring them in with a discounted prepaid Walking Dead season and then not fulfill your end of the bargain in the suggested period of time.
You know that us customers have no recourse, and seem to be taking advantage of that. Either we demand a refund or wait for the next Episode and complain in the interval.
I support your desire to make a high quality video game, but please don't fool us into thinking you're going to release ~1 Episode per month, give us a discount by buying the whole season up front, and then spend your time instead making more money by developing earlier seasons for the iPad (iOS).
Please be respectful and either meet your deadline or offer a sincere apology and an explanation for why that deadline wasn't met so that we can understand where our money is going. In my line of work, this is how we handle things and it only seems honorable and respectful that you should do the same.
Response from a moderator (aside from "we're working on Episode 3 as fast as we can" or "it should be released soon" would be sincerely appreciated.")
First, let me say this: I am an adult and realize that things don't always work out as we plan. Throwing a temper tantrum doesn't help anyone and won't help Episode 3 (or 4 or 5) be released any faster.
With that said, my problem with this whole situation is fundamentally this: I prepaid for the entire Walking Dead game season with the realistic expectation that the installments would be released about once a month.
Episode 1 was released on 4/24/2012 -- it now a full 4 months later and all of us paying customers are still waiting for Episode 3 to be released.
In my mind, this is unacceptable. I know it takes a while for high quality games to be released (cf. Blizzard re: Diablo II and Starcraft: Heart of the Swarm), but I didn't prepay for those games.
I'm out $25 and still waiting on Episode 3. The updates TellTale gives are vague (at best). I don't care if the game is being "released soon." I want to know that my money has been spent well.
This is not whining, but a reality check.
TellTale, you can't take advantage of your customers by luring them in with a discounted prepaid Walking Dead season and then not fulfill your end of the bargain in the suggested period of time.
You know that us customers have no recourse, and seem to be taking advantage of that. Either we demand a refund or wait for the next Episode and complain in the interval.
I support your desire to make a high quality video game, but please don't fool us into thinking you're going to release ~1 Episode per month, give us a discount by buying the whole season up front, and then spend your time instead making more money by developing earlier seasons for the iPad (iOS).
Please be respectful and either meet your deadline or offer a sincere apology and an explanation for why that deadline wasn't met so that we can understand where our money is going. In my line of work, this is how we handle things and it only seems honorable and respectful that you should do the same.
Response from a moderator (aside from "we're working on Episode 3 as fast as we can" or "it should be released soon" would be appreciated.)
So, basically they would have been better off just staying quiet (what everyone has been upset about) instead of saying when the game would be finished?)
Firstly if they actually meant it would be "READY" by mid August they would have posted on THESE forums, that THEY READ all the time as many people assumed it was being released at that time. But they did not... why because their original plan was to have it released by mid August.
Secondly Telltale is known to lie (even faking their own reviews), delay and use cheap tactics so why would things change, they picked the word READY just in case it was delayed. Look how long episode 2 was and it was filled with screen freezes and little bugs - on all the systems.
Thirdly I love these forums, very entertaining stuff lol
Secondly Telltale is known to lie (even faking their own reviews), delay and use cheap tactics so why would things change, they picked the word READY just in case it was delayed. Look how long episode 2 was and it was filled with screen freezes and little bugs - on all the systems.
Thirdly I love these forums, very entertaining stuff lol
That really happen? I want to read it! Got a link?
i dont agree with posting a real name on a forum, to risky in my opinion, some people are obsessive and wrong in the head, so dont have an opinion on anything else or you might have some crazy person that disagrees with you
Daisy! Daaaisyyy... giveeeee meeee your answer... doooooooooo
I'm half crazy over the likes of you,
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage,
But you'd look sweet, upon the seat
Of a bicycle built for two!
Dammit and now it's stuck in my head.
Sony and Microsoft for the 360 and PS3 versions.
if it comes out next week it will be in august...just not mid august. sept 1 is a saturday tho so not then!!
proly just microsoft as they are on the get it first list. ps3 and pc was same day
Worth zilth. I don't trust Telltale anymore on anything. They broken their promise too many times... I won't even belive them when we actually do get a release date, due to their reccords of releasing things on time and when they say so...
Granted they should have been more specific, but I'm sure they never said they would release it by mid-August. They said they SHOULD have it ready by mid-August. We can infer that they meant having it ready for certification which is another long wait on top of waiting for release dates to coincide for all platforms. The fact that we have to reason this out shows you how bad their PR department is. Whatever though, it should come out next week, hopefully.
I wasn't defending them. I was merely trying to be rational. No need to be hostile. This is just a discussion right? What we're arguing about is simply semantics. I was just stating that they didn't say they were releasing it mid-August -- just that they would have it ready by then.
Okay, I was trying to avoid this thread due to the strong feelings that people obviously have on this topic (and I'm sure I'll regret jumping in now, but whatever). But when I see statements like this, it kind of bothers me because it seems to be a bit disingenuous.
I understand that people are upset. It's always disappointing when a game you're looking forward to gets delayed. I don't agree that the ire we've seen is necessarily justified. But I can certainly see where it's coming from, and hey, everyone's entitled to their opinion. But when people say that TTG is being dishonest, I don't get it. What promise have they broken?
As far as I'm aware, no one at Telltale made the claim that Episode 3 would be released in mid-August. They said it would "ready" in mid-August. As in development is finished. It still has to go through the standard distribution process (if anything, I'd think that any anger ought to be directed at Microsoft and Sony for making developers jump through their hoops to make sure their networks get the game the same day as the PC). And BTW, that was explained in the same message where they said it would be ready mid-August.
And the reason they gave us that timeframe was to keep us up to date as to where they were in the process. You know, because of fans complaining about how TTG does a poor job communicating and that they should at least give us an update. Which they did. And fans still complained anyway. And even after we got the update, a lot of fans decided that this meant Episode 3 would be released exactly on August 15th. And this is what makes it so difficult for game makers to communicate with fans. Because when they do give us updates, certain fans always seem to read more into them than what the company actually said. And when they fail to meet the fictional promise that fans assumed they made, they're accused of being liars.
Now I know, I know. Telltale originally said the episodes would be released "monthly." The game was delayed. It happens. A lot. And frankly, I'd be willing bet that if I were to go back and read the fine print from when I signed up for my season pass, there was probably a line in there somewhere about the release dates being subject to change. Games get delayed. That's not really the same thing as "breaking a promise" to their fans.
My sentiments exactly (well, almost lol).
I'm looking forward to the same response by this community for the release of Ep. 4
And when people read into stuff as much as the people on these forums (myself as well) do, when u throw out a date like that of course everybody and their mom are going to run with it. Remember, Public perception is 90%, Truth only 10%.
This needs to be posted on every thread, nails the issue on the head with a nuclear freaking bomb.
Ready/released is wordgames, and who cares when the episode is "ready" when it's not "released". They clearly stated that episodes were to be released monthly. They must have known about the certificationprosess beforehand and told their custumers this upfront before taking their (and mine) money..
Yea I understand that argument. But you got to understand that MOST gamers could give a flip when they get done making the episode, all they care about is when its coming out. I don't need to know their production schedule, what I need to know is when its going to be downloading onto my computer or PS/Xbox. Seriously, you have to add the whole "Just the facts maam, don't confuse me with the details".
Sounds like we a had a similar problem and solution! Haha. Anyways yeah, I agree with you to some extent I guess I just stopped getting angry lol. I'm not sure why, maybe it's because I just find this situation a little too familiar that I laugh it off, but I can see how others wouldn't find it as humorous as I do, Hell I don't even understand why I'm not mad usually my response to this kind of thing fury.
I know, that is what happends when something gets too ridiculus, it actually become funny....
They're different words with different meanings. They didn't say "release" because that's not what they meant, and they made that distinction rather clear. In what way is that "word games?" This argument seems like a flimsy attempt to justify an accusation that certain people seem committed to making in spite of what the actual facts may be.
And apparently, a lot of people on these forums care because I keep seeing posts about how TTG should be more communicative and provide us with updates on where they are in the process. Since they don't have an exact release date until pretty close to the actual release, that's really the best they can provide.
Please see the last paragraph of my previous post. A delay is not the same as a lie.
Again, the update is for the fans who keep asking for updates. They don't have an exact release date until a few days before the actual release.
But as I said, I can understand why people are upset. My objection is specifically to the claim that TTG is being dishonest. It may be that most gamers only care about the final release date. But that doesn't make it any more reasonable for them to then put words in TTG's mouth because they're either unwilling or unable to read what the developers actually said. Just because "most gamers" want something doesn't mean anyone is obligated to uphold any kind of invented promise to them that was never actually made.
It's a lie when they say they are going to release episodes monthly when they know they will not make that deadline. And yes, it is a wordgame because they say something that they know customers will understand differently because most of us are not in the industry and doesn't have a clue how these things work...
If they said before ep 1 was released something like "We will not make a monthly release this time because of the certification procedure on the consoles" people would have understood that, but they didn't. Sure it would have been a drop in presales, but this drop is comming anyways at their next game as their reputation is now shot to Hell and that's something that's much bigger loss and much harder to build up...
Just a quick question to PS3 season pass holders, I bought after ep2 came out, so I wonder, do we have to wait for the weelky PSN Store update or will the episode become availeble as an "update" the same day it's released on PC and XBox ?
So, basically they would have been better off just staying quiet (what everyone has been upset about) instead of saying when the game would be finished?
I don't know about that man. If there was no announcement since episode 2 was released until they posted the release date I think things would have been A LOT worse around here.
You have no clue if there is any truth to this so this is your opinion. I really doubt they lied. I'm sure they thought they could get it done in that time frame and just didn't. That's it.
I used to sing in a barbershop quartet, and that song was in our set list. Wow, now I'll be singing it all night. Great thanks LOL
Is it just me or was this conversation edited to hell?
Most of season 2 better already be in post-production before episode 1 is unleashed or I'll be convinced they're going to pull the same stunt again. In which case I'll be advising people to hold onto their money.
With that said, my problem with this whole situation is fundamentally this: I prepaid for the entire Walking Dead game season with the realistic expectation that the installments would be released about once a month.
Episode 1 was released on 4/24/2012 -- it now a full 4 months later and all of us paying customers are still waiting for Episode 3 to be released.
In my mind, this is unacceptable. I know it's takes a while for high quality games to be released (cf. Blizzard and Diablo II and Starcraft: Heart of the Swarm), but we didn't prepay for those games.
I'm out $25 and still waiting on Episode 3. The updates TellTale gives are vague (at best). I don't care if the game is being "released soon." I want to know that my money has been spent well.
This is not whining, but a reality check. TellTale, you can't take advantage of your customers by luring them in with a discounted prepaid Walking Dead season and then not fulfill your end of the bargain in the suggested period of time.
You know that us customers have no recourse, and seem to be taking advantage of that. Either we demand a refund or wait for the next Episode and complain in the interval.
I support your desire to make a high quality video game, but please don't fool us into thinking you're going to release ~1 Episode per month, give us a discount by buying the whole season up front, and then spend your time instead making more money by developing earlier seasons for the iPad (iOS).
Please be respectful and either meet your deadline or offer a sincere apology and an explanation for why that deadline wasn't met so that we can understand where our money is going. In my line of work, this is how we handle things and it only seems honorable and respectful that you should do the same.
Response from a moderator (aside from "we're working on Episode 3 as fast as we can" or "it should be released soon" would be sincerely appreciated.")
- James Head, MD
With that said, my problem with this whole situation is fundamentally this: I prepaid for the entire Walking Dead game season with the realistic expectation that the installments would be released about once a month.
Episode 1 was released on 4/24/2012 -- it now a full 4 months later and all of us paying customers are still waiting for Episode 3 to be released.
In my mind, this is unacceptable. I know it takes a while for high quality games to be released (cf. Blizzard re: Diablo II and Starcraft: Heart of the Swarm), but I didn't prepay for those games.
I'm out $25 and still waiting on Episode 3. The updates TellTale gives are vague (at best). I don't care if the game is being "released soon." I want to know that my money has been spent well.
This is not whining, but a reality check.
TellTale, you can't take advantage of your customers by luring them in with a discounted prepaid Walking Dead season and then not fulfill your end of the bargain in the suggested period of time.
You know that us customers have no recourse, and seem to be taking advantage of that. Either we demand a refund or wait for the next Episode and complain in the interval.
I support your desire to make a high quality video game, but please don't fool us into thinking you're going to release ~1 Episode per month, give us a discount by buying the whole season up front, and then spend your time instead making more money by developing earlier seasons for the iPad (iOS).
Please be respectful and either meet your deadline or offer a sincere apology and an explanation for why that deadline wasn't met so that we can understand where our money is going. In my line of work, this is how we handle things and it only seems honorable and respectful that you should do the same.
Response from a moderator (aside from "we're working on Episode 3 as fast as we can" or "it should be released soon" would be appreciated.)
- James Head, MD
*** I welcome all replies and thoughts to radiomorphic@gmail.com
Firstly if they actually meant it would be "READY" by mid August they would have posted on THESE forums, that THEY READ all the time as many people assumed it was being released at that time. But they did not... why because their original plan was to have it released by mid August.
Secondly Telltale is known to lie (even faking their own reviews), delay and use cheap tactics so why would things change, they picked the word READY just in case it was delayed. Look how long episode 2 was and it was filled with screen freezes and little bugs - on all the systems.
Thirdly I love these forums, very entertaining stuff lol
That really happen? I want to read it! Got a link?
Just type it into google to find more links, I just posted the first one that came up
I love that this guy feels the need to put his full credentials on here. I might start putting mine at the end of every message
TheStalkingHead Bsc Ssc