im starting to get very bored on waiting all the time damn wy say in the middle of aug, just say the end of aug, cuz it is the end of aug and i havnt seen ep 3 yet, not even a sign of it coming
Really, this is getting pathetic.
You have til the end of the month and then i will demand a refund.
I absolutely love the game, that's why i bought it, but this is total bush league and you clearly couldn't care less about your customers.
Which to say the least is a bad career move.
This is the last game i will buy from Telltale, since it clearly isn't worth it.
I wish you a long and prosperous career but i wouldn't count on it.
Really, this is getting pathetic.
You have til the end of the month and then i will demand a refund.
I absolutely love the game, that's why i bought it, but this is total bush league and you clearly couldn't care less about your customers.
Which to say the least is a bad career move.
This is the last game i will buy from Telltale, since it clearly isn't worth it.
I wish you a long and prosperous career but i wouldn't count on it.
wrote it already at back to the future forum some months?! ago..
Don't buy a Telltale game until all episodes are published..
Worst Customer Support ever.. the funny fact is that not piracy is killing the market.. they do that on her own.. no other industry would do that with their customers..
Just don't buy it if you are unhappy.. Maybe if they eat dry bread they will realize that I pay their bills only if I get what I want..
Really, this is getting pathetic.
You have til the end of the month and then i will demand a refund.
I absolutely love the game, that's why i bought it, but this is total bush league and you clearly couldn't care less about your customers.
Which to say the least is a bad career move.
This is the last game i will buy from Telltale, since it clearly isn't worth it.
I wish you a long and prosperous career but i wouldn't count on it.
Whats the point to complain and cry now?
I dont really care anymore. I wasnt on this site for weeks, I didnt checked TT´s twitter account for weeks. I dont care anymore, buying the seasons pass was a mistake, I wrote TT what was on my mind and that´s it. I can´t do anymore now. All we can do now is wait, they release it, when they release it. And after they released this season (I dont know, lets say next June) then we can do something.
I for one, will not buy another season pass. Maybe I buy the episodes after they are all released, maybe not. Depends on the reviews and ratings.
So, I say it again, whats the point to keep complaining? Just, I dont know, punch into a wall, turn around and move on. Its just some little game, there are plenty more and better games out there. I just regret, that I paid 20 € for this service.
It's a lie when they say they are going to release episodes monthly when they know they will not make that deadline.
Right there you're making another unfounded assumption. You don't know what they did or didn't know before they even started releasing the games. I find it much more likely that someone at Telltale thought at the time that a monthly release schedule was achievable.
And yes, it is a wordgame because they say something that they know customers will understand differently because most of us are not in the industry and doesn't have a clue how these things work...
So they say something. You assume they mean something completely different from what they said simply because you want it to be true. How is that a word game? This is the only place where I've ever seen anyone confused by the meanings of the words "ready" and "release."
I mean, you can use the excuse that "we're not in the industry, we don't know how the process works" all you want. But the fact is, TTG didn't lie. You made an assumption. You saw when it was going to be finished, you got excited, and you jumped the gun. I don't understand why people here can't just admit that. Why does someone else have to be lying or using "word games" to trick you just because the world fails to match your assumptions of how it should work?
Just type it into google to find more links, I just posted the first one that came up
To be fair, that's Metacritic. It's not exactly the same as posting "fake reviews." Sure, you could say that it's not really proper for game developers to go on to give good reviews to their own games, and I wouldn't necessarily disagree with you. But this kind of thing happens on sites like Metacritic. And while we may consider that inappropriate, it's not really the same as lying.
"The latest episode of 'Playing Dead' is here! The Telltale team takes a detailed look back at Episode Two of The Walking Dead: The Game, PLUS we have a sneak peek at two new characters from Episode Three: Long Road Ahead, Christa and Omid!
Episode Three: Long Road Ahead is in submission with our first party partners and we are anxiously awaiting a release date to be confirmed. We anticipate that this could be as soon as next week, and as soon as we have a confirmation on all platforms, we’ll be letting everyone know as soon as it happens!
We’d like to thank everyone for their patience, and we’re excited for everyone to play what we think will be the most emotionally turbulent episode of The Walking Dead yet."
*crosses fingers for next week!* Well I'm gonna go watch the vid now
dem I'm getting tired of this shit from telltale. Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't we promised a monthly release on the chapters...?
Originally their plan was to release monthly, but they realized they weren't gonna be able to do that and changed it to "periodically throughout 2012". To me it seems that the game spends most of it's time in certification, lol. Once they submit it for certification it's out of their hands.. so we'll have a release date as soon as they get word back from from their partners! I hope that's next week! They submit it for certification like around 2 weeks ago.
This is my second post on this forum and guess what, the last time I posted was while I was borderline comatosing for Episode 2 to be released and sure enough the next day it's release date was announced therefore I'm willing to take the chance and hope that lighting strikes walkers twice and if superstition, or in this case, karma feels generous we'll see a release date soon!
But just to make it in accordance to the last posts (and in fashion to the entire forum) why not have a good ol'fashioned bad mouthing of Telltale.
Telltale, your game is f*cking awesome. One of the best games I've played and definitely worth my pre-ordering the entire season. (Now for the generic stuff) Your release information is a f*cking abomination. You lied about the f*cking "monthly installments" (To the people who're gonna about it always being "periodically" it wasn't, I've had a suitable education to know what I've read.) Your customer support and overall customer satisfaction level is lower than a hookers underwear. If only you gave us something that was just a little more definitive, like a percentage bar of competition rather than the generic blood smear and the words "coming soon". Information is what will stop the riot and bloodshed on the forum everytime I log in to learn more about the game.
Finally, for the love of GOD would you just settle on a certification for the entire game? I've already beat a babysitter to death with a claw hammer and various other gruesome and spoilerific things, I think the certification is just about set in stone.
Telltale (besides the mods) obviously do not read these posts/ forums. It has become clear that they really have no regard for the customer. As Im sure most of you have watched read this :
Its beyond pathetic. For the third straight week, there are heavy rumors that NEXT week there will be a release date announced. I lol'ed. A few concerns here: announcement? Not the actual game but an announcement? So this will be a combined 3 months passining since episode 2? *facepalm* Secondly, is it really worth getting episode 3 knowing episode 4 might not come out till say 2014? Telltale is doing an excellent job with pace of this game, at this rate we may see episode 4 before the actual TV season ends!!!!!!!!!!!OMGGGG
I want to say like im not angry, but dissapointed (like a father) but telltale (being the obnixious little kid) wouldnt care. And like I said before it may seem like I am angry and upset over this game but I truly am not, I just want to play the game like all of you. I realize its just a game but I have been looking forward to it since the second I finished episode 2.
In short, TT you really f$*@!& this one up. not that you care ofcourse
This is my second post on this forum and guess what, the last time I posted was while I was borderline comatosing for Episode 2 to be released and sure enough the next day it's release date was announced therefore I'm willing to take the chance and hope that lighting strikes walkers twice and if superstition, or in this case, karma feels generous we'll see a release date soon!
But just to make it in accordance to the last posts (and in fashion to the entire forum) why not have a good ol'fashioned bad mouthing of Telltale.
Telltale, your game is f*cking awesome. One of the best games I've played and definitely worth my pre-ordering the entire season. (Now for the generic stuff) Your release information is a f*cking abomination. You lied about the f*cking "monthly installments" (To the people who're gonna about it always being "periodically" it wasn't, I've had a suitable education to know what I've read.) Your customer support and overall customer satisfaction level is lower than a hookers underwear. If only you gave us something that was just a little more definitive, like a percentage bar of competition rather than the generic blood smear and the words "coming soon". Information is what will stop the riot and bloodshed on the forum everytime I log in to learn more about the game.
Finally, for the love of GOD would you just settle on a certification for the entire game? I've already beat a babysitter to death with a claw hammer and various other gruesome and spoilerific things, I think the certification is just about set in stone.
I don't think you get it. Certification onto the consoles and PC have to go through the publisher/developers, for example through Microsoft for XBOX360, Valve for Steam and Sony for the PS3. It basically isn't Telltale Game's fault in THAT regard.
Telltale (besides the mods) obviously do not read these posts/ forums. It has become clear that they really have no regard for the customer. As Im sure most of you have watched read this : Its beyond pathetic. For the third straight week, there are heavy rumors that NEXT week there will be a release date announced. I lol'ed.
What?? You're upset at TT because of rumors? How can they control that?
I want to say like im not angry, but dissapointed (like a father) but telltale (being the obnixious little kid) wouldnt care. And like I said before it may seem like I am angry and upset over this game but I truly am not, I just want to play the game like all of you. I realize its just a game but I have been looking forward to it since the second I finished episode 2.
In short, TT you really f$*@!& this one up. not that you care ofcourse
Cursing and the mutiple G's makes you seem angry. Just saying.
Telltale are the greatest developers ever they give hope to all bums around the world who want to make games not skilled enough, thank you telltale for being such shoddy developers this gives homeless people a chance to walk of the streets straight into work... I mean it can't get any worse can it? Lol
I don't think you get it. Certification onto the consoles and PC have to go through the publisher/developers, for example through Microsoft for XBOX360, Valve for Steam and Sony for the PS3. It basically isn't Telltale Game's fault in THAT regard.
Do Steam games have to be certified? "With Steamworks, you avoid the overhead and delay of certification requirements. Distribute your game on your terms, updating it as quickly and frequently as you see fit." (
Additionally, there is no extra party involved in the distribution from the Telltale Store, so I assume PC players are only waiting to keep the console players from getting even more furious?
dont they have to announce the release date for sales first? its the 24th of august, i dont think a week will be enough to announce a new episode. i think the release will be in september.
certification may take a lot of time, depending on the platform owners SLAs.
well. i dont care, im happy to play it when its done, though i dont think that i will consider a season pass for another telltale game again. not a very healthy costumer relationship. they seem to be overchallenged by their success. you live and learn.
What?? You're upset at TT because of rumors? How can they control that?
Again, what? TT has made a couple announcements letting us know where they are in the process.
Cursing and the mutiple G's makes you seem angry. Just saying.
Well for one they can actually release solid information. Not "itll be ready mid-august", than troll us. That is wonderfull that they tell else teh game went into certification and than say we still have absolutely no idea when the release date is. And actually TT is doing anything BUT keeping us updated.
No I simply used the past tense of the f word. If I was angry every time I said the f word well than I would be angry virtually a good portion of the day. Which I am not.
I dont understand how you or others can sympathize with telltale. There is not one argument that can be made as to why you support them. As far as being wrong goes TT is .... well as far as it goes. And I am not the only one please read their facebook page, I find it quite humorous and agree completely.
Well for one they can actually release solid information. Not "itll be ready mid-august", than troll us. That is wonderfull that they tell else teh game went into certification and than say we still have absolutely no idea when the release date is. And actually TT is doing anything BUT keeping us updated.
No I simply used the past tense of the f word. If I was angry every time I said the f word well than I would be angry virtually a good portion of the day. Which I am not.
I dont understand how you or others can sympathize with telltale. There is not one argument that can be made as to why you support them. As far as being wrong goes TT is .... well as far as it goes. And I am not the only one please read their facebook page, I find it quite humorous and agree completely.
If there is any support for them its that they made a fucking great walking dead game and no one else has (yet) so until others make one better just shut up and wait. cuz even if your mad the game is BOSS and that aint no lie Mr. Grinch
ps no hard feelings dude. waiting sucks ass and a schedule would be awesome but aint gonna happen. ease down with the hate before i fed ex you mass amounts of pot lol jk(I'd never use fed ex;))
I dont understand how you or others can sympathize with telltale. There is not one argument that can be made as to why you support them.
I can think of one argument. They make a pretty damn good game. There ya go, I gave you one.
Also, they gave us as much info as they could. Would you rather them remain completely silent until they knew a confirmed release date? Oh, wait. They already did that once and were close to causing an actual apocalypse.
Daisy! Daaaisyyy... giveeeee meeee your answer... doooooooooo
Dammit I still can't get this song out of my head. If the game is released Tuesday I can start the download on XBL, and PSN, Then while they are downloading, i can hit up moviestop, pick up my copy of the walking dead season 2 special edition bluray, and make it a Walking Dead day. That's a big IF though.
Sure it does telltale are saints just google for more examples...
But your a fanboy so you will look past anything. Remember google is your friend.
Name-calling has never been a hallmark of a solid, logical argument. If the best you can say is, "anyone who disagrees with me is a fanboy," then I'll just go ahead and assume you have no real counter-argument.
Additionally, there is no extra party involved in the distribution from the Telltale Store, so I assume PC players are only waiting to keep the console players from getting even more furious?
I'm guessing part of the deal with Microsoft and Sony is that the game has to be released on their platforms at the same time as the PC.
I think saying the game will be 'ready' by mid August is a little misleading. Come out and tell us if the game is going to be ready to play or ready for certification. Whatever the case is they need to be more specific about what exactly ready is.
Jeez, I catch up on this board and find a manager, an MD and a rogue AI all chipping in their credible insight into the matter. New tactic everyone: if you don't have a title, you are no longer allowed to post in this thread or criticize Telltale.
This is my second post on this forum and guess what, the last time I posted was while I was borderline comatosing for Episode 2 to be released and sure enough the next day it's release date was announced therefore I'm willing to take the chance and hope that lighting strikes walkers twice and if superstition, or in this case, karma feels generous we'll see a release date soon!
But just to make it in accordance to the last posts (and in fashion to the entire forum) why not have a good ol'fashioned bad mouthing of Telltale.
Telltale, your game is f*cking awesome. One of the best games I've played and definitely worth my pre-ordering the entire season. (Now for the generic stuff) Your release information is a f*cking abomination. You lied about the f*cking "monthly installments" (To the people who're gonna about it always being "periodically" it wasn't, I've had a suitable education to know what I've read.) Your customer support and overall customer satisfaction level is lower than a hookers underwear. If only you gave us something that was just a little more definitive, like a percentage bar of competition rather than the generic blood smear and the words "coming soon". Information is what will stop the riot and bloodshed on the forum everytime I log in to learn more about the game.
Finally, for the love of GOD would you just settle on a certification for the entire game? I've already beat a babysitter to death with a claw hammer and various other gruesome and spoilerific things, I think the certification is just about set in stone.
:guybrush: applause to you! good post. I agree 100% with everything you said. Minus the beating of the babysitter. clawhammer was a good choice tho.
So say I finally retire and die of old age in about 35 years, (bad genes), and I am eagerly awaiting episode 4 or 5 at that time, can I grant a transfer of the license to TWD to my son who can then carry on the tradition of waiting for episodes?
Brings a tear to my eye knowing my kids and grandkids, and with luck, great-grandkids, will carry on the proud tradition of waiting for episodes to be released from TTG....gah sorry wiping tears from my keyboard.
ps no hard feelings dude. waiting sucks ass and a schedule would be awesome but aint gonna happen. ease down with the hate before i fed ex you mass amounts of pot lol jk(I'd never use fed ex;))
Grumble grumble grumble, sucks ass, Telltale, grumble, bad communication, goddamn mid-August, shrmphellfukkers...
You have til the end of the month and then i will demand a refund.
I absolutely love the game, that's why i bought it, but this is total bush league and you clearly couldn't care less about your customers.
Which to say the least is a bad career move.
This is the last game i will buy from Telltale, since it clearly isn't worth it.
I wish you a long and prosperous career but i wouldn't count on it.
scary words there, scary indeed.
Don't buy a Telltale game until all episodes are published..
Worst Customer Support ever.. the funny fact is that not piracy is killing the market.. they do that on her own.. no other industry would do that with their customers..
Just don't buy it if you are unhappy.. Maybe if they eat dry bread they will realize that I pay their bills only if I get what I want..
Whats the point to complain and cry now?
I dont really care anymore. I wasnt on this site for weeks, I didnt checked TT´s twitter account for weeks. I dont care anymore, buying the seasons pass was a mistake, I wrote TT what was on my mind and that´s it. I can´t do anymore now. All we can do now is wait, they release it, when they release it. And after they released this season (I dont know, lets say next June) then we can do something.
I for one, will not buy another season pass. Maybe I buy the episodes after they are all released, maybe not. Depends on the reviews and ratings.
So, I say it again, whats the point to keep complaining? Just, I dont know, punch into a wall, turn around and move on. Its just some little game, there are plenty more and better games out there. I just regret, that I paid 20 € for this service.
Right there you're making another unfounded assumption. You don't know what they did or didn't know before they even started releasing the games. I find it much more likely that someone at Telltale thought at the time that a monthly release schedule was achievable.
So they say something. You assume they mean something completely different from what they said simply because you want it to be true. How is that a word game? This is the only place where I've ever seen anyone confused by the meanings of the words "ready" and "release."
I mean, you can use the excuse that "we're not in the industry, we don't know how the process works" all you want. But the fact is, TTG didn't lie. You made an assumption. You saw when it was going to be finished, you got excited, and you jumped the gun. I don't understand why people here can't just admit that. Why does someone else have to be lying or using "word games" to trick you just because the world fails to match your assumptions of how it should work?
To be fair, that's Metacritic. It's not exactly the same as posting "fake reviews." Sure, you could say that it's not really proper for game developers to go on to give good reviews to their own games, and I wouldn't necessarily disagree with you. But this kind of thing happens on sites like Metacritic. And while we may consider that inappropriate, it's not really the same as lying.
But your a fanboy so you will look past anything. Remember google is your friend.
"The latest episode of 'Playing Dead' is here! The Telltale team takes a detailed look back at Episode Two of The Walking Dead: The Game, PLUS we have a sneak peek at two new characters from Episode Three: Long Road Ahead, Christa and Omid!
Episode Three: Long Road Ahead is in submission with our first party partners and we are anxiously awaiting a release date to be confirmed. We anticipate that this could be as soon as next week, and as soon as we have a confirmation on all platforms, we’ll be letting everyone know as soon as it happens!
We’d like to thank everyone for their patience, and we’re excited for everyone to play what we think will be the most emotionally turbulent episode of The Walking Dead yet."
*crosses fingers for next week!* Well I'm gonna go watch the vid now
Nope, not even TellTale....
yes, yes it is:p
Originally their plan was to release monthly, but they realized they weren't gonna be able to do that and changed it to "periodically throughout 2012". To me it seems that the game spends most of it's time in certification, lol. Once they submit it for certification it's out of their hands.. so we'll have a release date as soon as they get word back from from their partners! I hope that's next week! They submit it for certification like around 2 weeks ago.
But just to make it in accordance to the last posts (and in fashion to the entire forum) why not have a good ol'fashioned bad mouthing of Telltale.
Telltale, your game is f*cking awesome. One of the best games I've played and definitely worth my pre-ordering the entire season. (Now for the generic stuff) Your release information is a f*cking abomination. You lied about the f*cking "monthly installments" (To the people who're gonna about it always being "periodically" it wasn't, I've had a suitable education to know what I've read.) Your customer support and overall customer satisfaction level is lower than a hookers underwear. If only you gave us something that was just a little more definitive, like a percentage bar of competition rather than the generic blood smear and the words "coming soon". Information is what will stop the riot and bloodshed on the forum everytime I log in to learn more about the game.
Finally, for the love of GOD would you just settle on a certification for the entire game? I've already beat a babysitter to death with a claw hammer and various other gruesome and spoilerific things, I think the certification is just about set in stone.
Its beyond pathetic. For the third straight week, there are heavy rumors that NEXT week there will be a release date announced. I lol'ed. A few concerns here: announcement? Not the actual game but an announcement? So this will be a combined 3 months passining since episode 2? *facepalm* Secondly, is it really worth getting episode 3 knowing episode 4 might not come out till say 2014? Telltale is doing an excellent job with pace of this game, at this rate we may see episode 4 before the actual TV season ends!!!!!!!!!!!OMGGGG
I want to say like im not angry, but dissapointed (like a father) but telltale (being the obnixious little kid) wouldnt care. And like I said before it may seem like I am angry and upset over this game but I truly am not, I just want to play the game like all of you. I realize its just a game but I have been looking forward to it since the second I finished episode 2.
In short, TT you really f$*@!& this one up. not that you care ofcourse
I don't think you get it. Certification onto the consoles and PC have to go through the publisher/developers, for example through Microsoft for XBOX360, Valve for Steam and Sony for the PS3. It basically isn't Telltale Game's fault in THAT regard.
What?? You're upset at TT because of rumors? How can they control that?
Again, what? TT has made a couple announcements letting us know where they are in the process.
You have to say his name 5 times in order for him to respond.... Or was that Bloody Mary? I can't remember... Anyway.
Cursing and the mutiple G's makes you seem angry. Just saying.
"With Steamworks, you avoid the overhead and delay of certification requirements. Distribute your game on your terms, updating it as quickly and frequently as you see fit." (
Additionally, there is no extra party involved in the distribution from the Telltale Store, so I assume PC players are only waiting to keep the console players from getting even more furious?
certification may take a lot of time, depending on the platform owners SLAs.
well. i dont care, im happy to play it when its done, though i dont think that i will consider a season pass for another telltale game again. not a very healthy costumer relationship. they seem to be overchallenged by their success. you live and learn.
Well for one they can actually release solid information. Not "itll be ready mid-august", than troll us. That is wonderfull that they tell else teh game went into certification and than say we still have absolutely no idea when the release date is. And actually TT is doing anything BUT keeping us updated.
No I simply used the past tense of the f word. If I was angry every time I said the f word well than I would be angry virtually a good portion of the day. Which I am not.
I dont understand how you or others can sympathize with telltale. There is not one argument that can be made as to why you support them. As far as being wrong goes TT is .... well as far as it goes. And I am not the only one please read their facebook page, I find it quite humorous and agree completely.
If there is any support for them its that they made a fucking great walking dead game and no one else has (yet) so until others make one better just shut up and wait. cuz even if your mad the game is BOSS and that aint no lie Mr. Grinch
ps no hard feelings dude. waiting sucks ass and a schedule would be awesome but aint gonna happen. ease down with the hate before i fed ex you mass amounts of pot
I can think of one argument. They make a pretty damn good game. There ya go, I gave you one.
Also, they gave us as much info as they could. Would you rather them remain completely silent until they knew a confirmed release date? Oh, wait. They already did that once and were close to causing an actual apocalypse.
Name-calling has never been a hallmark of a solid, logical argument. If the best you can say is, "anyone who disagrees with me is a fanboy," then I'll just go ahead and assume you have no real counter-argument.
I'm guessing part of the deal with Microsoft and Sony is that the game has to be released on their platforms at the same time as the PC.
They make awesome games. What other argument do I really need for supporting a game developer?
Sal Makar, The Greatest Writer to Ever Live
:guybrush: applause to you! good post. I agree 100% with everything you said. Minus the beating of the babysitter. clawhammer was a good choice tho.
So say I finally retire and die of old age in about 35 years, (bad genes), and I am eagerly awaiting episode 4 or 5 at that time, can I grant a transfer of the license to TWD to my son who can then carry on the tradition of waiting for episodes?
Brings a tear to my eye knowing my kids and grandkids, and with luck, great-grandkids, will carry on the proud tradition of waiting for episodes to be released from TTG....gah sorry wiping tears from my keyboard.
Send me some of that pot, please.