They did say something. "In addition to this video, we wanted to give everyone a very important update. In July, we let everyone know that we were hard at work on Episode Three – Long Road Ahead, and our aim has been to have it ready towards the middle of August. Some of you may have thought this meant a hard date of August 15th, but we wanted to be as clear as we could to let you know the latest news on the release date. The team has finished play-testing and tuning, and we’re nearing final submission to our partners for certification on digital platforms. As soon as we hear back from our partners on when Episode Three will be available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace, PlayStation Network, PC, and Mac, we’re going to break that news to you right here."
Did you not check the date when this was posted, the 10th...
They wouldn't have waited so close to the release date to post saying oh sorry everyone who thought it was going to be released (yes we saw the messages about this on are website) but we actually just meant it would only be ready to pass to our partners.
Telltale 'Why we didn't mention this earlier? Umm no reason... it wasn't because we had actually planned to have it released to the public by then... no! That's crazy we just didn't think to tell any one that.... um well... ugh...'
Its looking like money is the problem.To many are getting there share,and some are not.Lets see if you college boy`s and girls have any good history quotes.
i like how because someone complains in this day and age they are called whiner,loser if people didn't complain this world would be a sorry arse place to live in we need people to complain not just to accept everything at face value.So someone is a loser now days if they complain about something i don't see them as whining and losers you wouldn't like to live in Great Britain they say we are a nation of whiners.
As I pointed out before, people aren't whiny anymore, they're entitled. It's not "wah this could be better" it's "wah I demand you do things my way or give me my money back".
Well is it unreasonable to think that "ready," means ready to be released? "Hey kids, dinner is ready, but we're gonna wait a few weeks before we eat it."
It's more like "Hey kids, dinner is ready! Whoa, I have to take it out of the pot and put it on your plate first!" "Fuck you mom, I'm eating it now! Gimme that spoodle!"
Can Telltale please never again make a game that attracts the X-Box demographic, please?
Its looking like money is the problem.To many are getting there share,and some are not.Lets see if you college boy`s and girls have any good history quotes.
Lessons in life will carry on with you for ever.
im not a college boy yet leaving in October but im a History fan. One of my favorite History person is Leonardo Da Vinci and heres a quote i like and believe in “The depth and strength of a human character are defined by its moral reserves. People reveal themselves completely only when they are thrown out of the customary conditions of their life, for only then do they have to fall back on their reserves.” - Leonardo Da Vinci
EA is a terrible, terrible company. They buy other video companies and then kill whatever they stood for as their main means of progressing their business. They are the fucking Borg. But let's face it, they've got the best customer service known to man. It's Saturday and I e-mailed EA's support to get a DLC for Mass Effect 1 to run on Windows 7. I've received five answers to my e-mails TODAY, most of them within fifteen minutes of sending my questions. Eventually, a BioWare user on the forums had already supplied the solution, but I got the link from that very support guy who just would not stop swiftly answering until the problem was solved.
Sad to say, Telltale hasn't got the manpower for that. They're expanding, and they're improving. But it takes the experienced eye of someone watching that company for years to see it. TWD game is over their heads. Not because it's a huge franchise (Back to the Future and Jurassic Park were way bigger), but because of goals they set for themselves for that game. They raised the bar to interactive stories and multi-platform simultaneous releases. Delivery is undoubtedly stuttering while some compromises to reach these goals feel unsatisfactory at best.
Jake has written elsewhere that the delay "caught them with their pants down". That is how I perceive the situation today. Look back at Mass Effect 3 and EA, where a company 40 times the size and 100 times the financial power promised a lot of things for their game which they obviously had no intent to deliver. Telltale had the intent. Under the verbal marketing sugarcoats of their announcements, what they promised always bore feasibility. Schedule's off, pretty much, and I gather that this game doesn't run as smooth on some systems as it should be. They're taking flak for that, and they should be. The customer has to raise his finger to imply that this is not the path for a steady future relationship.
But two things remain absolutely clear. First, what some people on twitter or the blog are doing - posting plain ol' profanities from the veil of anonymity - serves no purpose and just is the work of infantiles. What do these people hope to achieve by leaving their odd "F you Telltale" remark? Second, even if Telltale really pulls it together (and I expect them to have done so these last months), the issues won't miraculously disappear. That's what "caught with the pants down" means.
Nothing is wrong with that, absolutely nothing. I was thinking the same thing when I read that blog entry, and I am convinced it was written with the expectation that they'd have the episode released mid August. That mid August would not mean "a hard date of August the 15th" however was clear to anyone, I'd assume. This wasn't a sneaky way of leaving out certification processes as another step in the way to episode release.
The central thing that last bit of info lacks, in my opinion, is the confession that they wanted to release mid August and weren't able to. That is a rhetoric maneuver that I find a bit stretched. I assume that the reaction of the above mentioned hate posters would be a bit less violent with this little bit of trickery, but, among others, I would nonetheless wish Telltale to communicate as straightforward as humanly possible instead.
Who else would love to be a character in the walking dead ??!!
i would like to be the funny, nerdy type of character who is selected as one of the few to be pick to Stay Alive or Choose to get Shot/Eaten alive by zombies
First off, I'd like to say I don't mind the delays at all, as long as the product is good. Plus I got it for free, so I couldn't complain anyway
But it bothers me reading all those angry people complaining about TTG (see here: ). They're mostly right. Why the silence again? Why do you post a blog update about the iOS version of Episode 2 without a single mention of the current state of Episode 3? Can't you see that doing that will fire up people's rage even more? It just looks as if you didn't care one bit, even if that might not be the case.
Apparently someone from the staff mentioned in these forums that the episode was waiting for review from Sony, Microsoft, etc. But, why don't you mention it in the blog? Most of those people won't read these forums anyway. And BTW, why has the PC version to also wait when it doesn't need approval by anyone? Maybe there is some agreement signed with Microsoft that prevents any version to be released before the Xbox360 one? It's the only reason that I can think of. Anyway, any bit of info would be better than this constant silence (and posting things in the blog without mentioning Ep3 is even worse, since it looks as if you're ignoring the complaints).
I've played Telltale Games products since the beginning with Bone and Sam & Max Season 1, up to today's games and everything in between, and I loved most of them. You got a great reputation with your quality products (especially Sam & Max and Tales of Monkey Island), and you used to have very good PR people working with you. What happened?
It's not that hard to post about this at least once a week with a honest explanation of what's going on. Please, don't overlook the PR work. These mainstream licences are bringing new people, but with these practices, they're not staying much longer, and they will extend the notion that Telltale Games are not worth bothering with. This constant silence is hurting Telltale's reputation a lot. As a longtime TTG user, I hate seeing this happen.
Probably because they have nothing new to say since the last time they posted here on August 10. If they were constantly posting nothing relevant, it would be a bit like poking a bee's nest with a stick, it just stirs them up more.
I was 100% with kirby18 until he said EA is a good company. it is probably the ONLY gaming company that manages to be worse than telltale (with blizzard and bioware taking spots 3 and 4)
A true man admits when he is wrong. EA does suck pretty big ones. trust me, ive played bf3 nd fifa... i know. quality of the game wise i might have to agree that telltale edges them slightly. i mean i dont want to rage quit because of TWD
The greatly anticipated opportunity to play Episode 3 of The Walking Dead!
that would suck for me because RE6 Demo for PS3 comes out September 5th and besides i think the Episode will be released at least Tuesday or Thursday. or Announced Tuesday and released on Thursday/Friday
that would suck for me because RE6 Demo for PS3 comes out September 5th and besides i think the Episode will be released at least Tuesday or Thursday. or Announced Tuesday and released on Thursday/Friday
Actually, I think you're right (at least I'm hoping), I think it will be released next Wednesday or Friday.
hate to be that guy, but reading through the hatefull and funny comments on facebook it remided me that if tt actually stuck to their word, we would be awaiting if not already done with episode 5 and season 1... It just made me think that as good as episode 3 is, and i think it will be awesome, it will justly and indoubtly end on a cliff hanger. and so the waiting for episode 4 will begin, and that will end with a cliff hanger, and than the waiting for episide 5 will begin, and that will end with small closure than another cluff hanger for season 2
No prizes this time, unless someone steps in to provide any. Virtual crown to the winners instead and the undying respect of the community (AND the developers of course).
Oh wow. Haven't checked in what feels like ages. I figured Episode 3 would be out by now for sure. Silly me. Maybe it's better if I wait until 2013 for my next check. Who knows, by then even Episode 4 might be out.
Ugh this proves my point...
Did you not check the date when this was posted, the 10th...
They wouldn't have waited so close to the release date to post saying oh sorry everyone who thought it was going to be released (yes we saw the messages about this on are website) but we actually just meant it would only be ready to pass to our partners.
Telltale 'Why we didn't mention this earlier? Umm no reason... it wasn't because we had actually planned to have it released to the public by then... no! That's crazy we just didn't think to tell any one that.... um well... ugh...'
Lessons in life will carry on with you for ever.
As I pointed out before, people aren't whiny anymore, they're entitled. It's not "wah this could be better" it's "wah I demand you do things my way or give me my money back".
It's more like "Hey kids, dinner is ready! Whoa, I have to take it out of the pot and put it on your plate first!" "Fuck you mom, I'm eating it now! Gimme that spoodle!"
Can Telltale please never again make a game that attracts the X-Box demographic, please?
I nominate this for quote of the month.
im not a college boy yet leaving in October but im a History fan. One of my favorite History person is Leonardo Da Vinci and heres a quote i like and believe in “The depth and strength of a human character are defined by its moral reserves. People reveal themselves completely only when they are thrown out of the customary conditions of their life, for only then do they have to fall back on their reserves.” - Leonardo Da Vinci
it's not good man, it is not good
I assumed everyone here played on pc.
nope PS3
I play on Xbox 360 !!! Luckily I got episode 2 early
Pretty much what this guy said....
"Better than you, nah nah nah boo boo stick your head in doo doo"
Daniel Tosh
why in th...
I can't help but feel like your trying to tell me something !!
I played it on the PS3.
i would like to be the funny, nerdy type of character who is selected as one of the few to be pick to Stay Alive or Choose to get Shot/Eaten alive by zombies
But it bothers me reading all those angry people complaining about TTG (see here: ). They're mostly right. Why the silence again? Why do you post a blog update about the iOS version of Episode 2 without a single mention of the current state of Episode 3? Can't you see that doing that will fire up people's rage even more? It just looks as if you didn't care one bit, even if that might not be the case.
Apparently someone from the staff mentioned in these forums that the episode was waiting for review from Sony, Microsoft, etc. But, why don't you mention it in the blog? Most of those people won't read these forums anyway. And BTW, why has the PC version to also wait when it doesn't need approval by anyone? Maybe there is some agreement signed with Microsoft that prevents any version to be released before the Xbox360 one? It's the only reason that I can think of. Anyway, any bit of info would be better than this constant silence (and posting things in the blog without mentioning Ep3 is even worse, since it looks as if you're ignoring the complaints).
I've played Telltale Games products since the beginning with Bone and Sam & Max Season 1, up to today's games and everything in between, and I loved most of them. You got a great reputation with your quality products (especially Sam & Max and Tales of Monkey Island), and you used to have very good PR people working with you. What happened?
It's not that hard to post about this at least once a week with a honest explanation of what's going on. Please, don't overlook the PR work. These mainstream licences are bringing new people, but with these practices, they're not staying much longer, and they will extend the notion that Telltale Games are not worth bothering with. This constant silence is hurting Telltale's reputation a lot. As a longtime TTG user, I hate seeing this happen.
Actually, during a Zombie a thon on AMC they ran seasones 1 and 2 and had a contest. If you win, you get to be on the show as a zombie.
I'm entered tho I think the drawing isnt til Oct.
A true man admits when he is wrong. EA does suck pretty big ones. trust me, ive played bf3 nd fifa... i know. quality of the game wise i might have to agree that telltale edges them slightly. i mean i dont want to rage quit because of TWD
The greatly anticipated opportunity to play Episode 3 of The Walking Dead!
haha sucker i still win, and i haven't even guessed the release date
that would suck for me because RE6 Demo for PS3 comes out September 5th and besides i think the Episode will be released at least Tuesday or Thursday. or Announced Tuesday and released on Thursday/Friday
Actually, I think you're right (at least I'm hoping), I think it will be released next Wednesday or Friday.
but its true anyhow..
No, he wouldn't be that silly, would he? There's too many people on each date for him to do that.
Just to clarify for Vain's sake.