I am tired of the inconsistent with releasing of the episodes :mad: . But i think it would make me less mad if they would... IDK... just gave us some news on the next episode. When I go to The Walking Dead home page it still has no new info on the next episode and instead its all ep 2 stuff. All I would like is maybe just release some teaser trailers or at lease tell us a date they think it might be released around? Thats all i would like... a guess from Telltale as to when they thnk they will be done with Ep.3 .
Well they submit it for certification a couple weeks ago so now they're just waiting to get word back from their partners on that before they can give us a release date If they can get it out next week it will actually have been pretty consistent so far, with the episodes being released about 2 months apart... and they have given us like 4 or 5 little updates this time during these couple months through their blog and facebook so I can't complain too much anymore :P I just can't wait to play the game now!
I think I have found a way to ease everyone's hate and discontent with TTG right now. We got bamboozled from the git-go right? Well we just wait for a full series to be released instead of paying up front, or just not get it at all.
There are plenty of games out there to keep you busy so ignoring TTG for a year for 5 or 6 episodes to be released, (2 months per episode), should go by no prob. Not a big deal. Let them learn from their mistake and hopefully do better for their next release or deal with less support for their games.
I think I have found a way to ease everyone's hate and discontent with TTG right now. We got bamboozled from the git-go right? Well we just wait for a full series to be released instead of paying up front, or just not get it at all.
There are plenty of games out there to keep you busy so ignoring TTG for a year for 5 or 6 episodes to be released, (2 months per episode), should go by no prob. Not a big deal. Let them learn from their mistake and hopefully do better for their next release or deal with less support for their games.
Hopefully they learn from season one and their next project comes out quicker. I disagree with you saying we got bamboozled because such an act requires intent.
He may be blunt and sarcastic at times, but he is never verbally abusive. Compared to some of the posters lately and what passes for intelligence and etiquette here (as demonstrated by Mr. Jenoy above), Milo's a teddy bear.
Give that Im sure this changes nothing when it comesto how everybody else feels, but I can absolutely say the TTG has lost my patronage and I can only hope every other intelligent consumer out there that was let down by them will also walk away (boycott if you will) from TTG. That way software Companies in the future will know that it is unacceptable to do things in this manner and that they just can't be succesful thatway. Bottom line. That's America.
I think I have found a way to ease everyone's hate and discontent with TTG right now. We got bamboozled from the git-go right? Well we just wait for a full series to be released instead of paying up front, or just not get it at all.
Hmmm, I don't feel particularly bamboozled, is that kind of a tickley feeling?
There are plenty of people who are patient enough to wait for each episode as it's released and there are those people who wait until the game is finished. In all honesty, I've done both in the past.
If TT were to decide that the game didn't have enough financial backing to justify completing the series (like a couple other games, not TT, that I can think of), then I'd be upset.
what kind of bugs me, is that i was thinking the delay was because they had done a good job with the first two that perhaps raised the bar on their production so they were taking the risk to take the extra time to perfect the game, but because i now feel that the release has been artificially delayed for some extra promotion at PAX (they couldn't get episode 4 done by then so they had to delay 3) i find that a bit annoying, maybe on the bright side this means that they have a sort of head start on episode 4 so the rest of the episodes shouldn't be delayed, but it still sucks a bit
Raise your hand if you have ever felt personally victimized by Milo.
i never really noticed an issue, but i guess i cant feel personally victimised by some random nobody on the internet, its just not how i see people on the internet, i barely feel any personal connection with real friends if we are just talking with text over the internet, i need to look into peoples eyes to actually have a personal connection with them, its kind of odd really considering i have spent the best part of the last 10-15 years or so on computers using the internet, but i see any communication that isn't face to face as just the best of a bad situation not a decent form of communication.
I wish I had the time to write down all these names of people who are calling TTG the devil and saying they are done with them. So I can point it out to them next year in season 2 when they are waiting for episode 2 to drop and throwing a conniption. Face it, if the games were bad and you were not having the craving for them you would not be freaking out so much.
So I wonder if anyone at Telltale actually have the basic intelligence to know that August 27th doesn't quantify as mid August. What a joke, and still no updates. Congratulations for being literally the most useless development team ever.
Attention everyone - stop correcting other peoples' spelling please. It's dead annoying.
Second, and I've said this before countless times: People who go on official forums and then announce that they're going to pirate the games of the company absolutely MUST have a mental disability. What do they think will happen?
Most useless team ever? Hyperbole often? Ever heard of E.T. Did you play Two Worlds? There is a list of hundreds of games that were worse than this.
Whether you're personally a fan of the game or not funyahns you have to admit they're pretty rubbish overall. I actually acknowlege the game itself is good but only because it's well written. On the other hand, per your previous post I certainly wont ever recommend anyone buy anything from Telltale based on their record. (Unless you're happy buy episode to episode and expect the fact that they'll essentially lie through their teeth to sell their products). Where I'm from that's called false advertising but hey! :P
I am not happy to be waiting for the game man, but...I prefer that over say the EA greed machine pushing stuff out the door ready or not. Also, take into account they cannot afford to come through and run patches. I like TTG because they are a small underdog crew. Its people like them that keep me playing video games. Because, if I was waiting for Call of Duty 18 and Assassins creed 12 I would just quit gaming. Support the independents even if they are not perfect. I guarantee that they are doing the best they can, I know they don't want overly anxious upset customers. You have an absolute right to be disappointed, but when the games come out they work, and they are a blast.
I am not happy to be waiting for the game man, but...I prefer that over say the EA greed machine pushing stuff out the door ready or not. Also, take into account they cannot afford to come through and run patches. I like TTG because they are a small underdog crew. Its people like them that keep me playing video games. Because, if I was waiting for Call of Duty 18 and Assassins creed 12 I would just quit gaming. Support the independents even if they are not perfect. I guarantee that they are doing the best they can, I know they don't want overly anxious upset customers. You have an absolute right to be disappointed, but when the games come out they work, and they are a blast.
Lol and episode 2 was ready? That was a glitch filled P.O.S
I had 0 problems with any of the games. I have ran them through several times. Reason I say they can't patch is because of the fee they get charged by Microsoft/Playstation
I played ep2 on PS3 at my friends house and have seen on Facebook I'm not the only one who faced - Lag/screen freezes during action scenes, sound bugs and loops.
Even after the delay they released something that plays like a beta.
I played it recently at my friends but I'm sure he hasn't had a patch for it, even if he did I don't think it changed any of the bugs might have made things worse since he mentioned seeing new bugs during my play.
I know that ep2 deleted all 3 of
my save files the first time I played it. I liked that. Almost as much as I like waiting for new episodes, but not as much as I like watching people argue on the Internet. I love grammar nazis, spellcheck nazis, and the ignorant all equally. I am like the jesus of trolls.
He may be blunt and sarcastic at times, but he is never verbally abusive. Compared to some of the posters lately and what passes for intelligence and etiquette here (as demonstrated by Mr. Jenoy above), Milo's a teddy bear.
thanks cyreen i do give really amazing warm hugs too
i am wondering if these anti milo peeps are actually previously banned members...
So this the first time I post anything on this forum but I have followed it during a long time. So my question for you guys is, any news on release date yet? Even a guess would be appreciated..
yeah thanks dude. I know that but is there any news from some gaming site or some twitter announcement from a telltale employer? The waiting is killing me
So I wonder if anyone at Telltale actually have the basic intelligence to know that August 27th doesn't quantify as mid August. What a joke, and still no updates. Congratulations for being literally the most useless development team ever.
Actually, they have given us a few updates this time around, through their blog and facebook, telling us everything that they can! They submit the game for certification a few weeks ago so it's been out of their hands.. they're waiting to hear back from their partners on that before they can give us all a much anticipated release date! They even made and update saying something a long the lines of how "a lot of people thought their goal for the game to be ready Mid-August thought that meant a hard release date of Mid-August but they wanted to make clear that wasn't the case". So all we can do is wait now! I'm hoping for an update or something later or tomorrow or soon atleast!
Most useless team ever? Hyperbole often? Ever heard of E.T. Did you play Two Worlds? There is a list of hundreds of games that were worse than this.
LOL freaking E.T! I've never played Two Worlds, but man, E.T. sucked! But hey, The Walking Dead game isn't crappy, the company is just crappy! xP No really I don't have much beef with them anymore.
Ah man, That guys post got snipped last that. That was the most hilarious thing ever!!! hahahhahahahah
TheWaitingDead person.... I do have a little hopeful guess... I'm hoping for a release date announcement today or tomorrow and the release by Friday. That's what they did with episode 2.. announced on tues june 26th that the game would be released wed. 27th for xbox and friday 29th for pc/ps3! I can hope, right?! lol I'm just so anxious too, I can hardly wait! Oh and I'm a loser so I'll be checking facebook all day for any updates from them LOL
no it's people with shoddy equipment that have trouble, my pc worked 100% bug free or they have no clue how the game works..cough brenda cough...
Milo judging by most post I've seen from you I assume your perception is an impression you form of others based on a language barrier?
As I had stated it was the PS3 version, others have also found episode 2 problematic.
Not sure if you are just a troll/suffer from a language barrier or are just very young.... um... but...
Was that aimed at me? Because if turning the game off after completing episode two the first time, and then opening the game to play my second slot is shoddy equipment or me doing something wrong, please elaborate.
I had some issues with the first episode, bad framerate and a little lag, just turned down settings, then turned them back up again and it was fixed.
Other than that, I really hope they release episode 3 this week. It's my first week of Uni again and I really need some distraction from psychology lectures
Well they submit it for certification a couple weeks ago so now they're just waiting to get word back from their partners on that before they can give us a release date
Oh hello Cthul, lol, I haven't seen you on correcting grammar lately :P
There are plenty of games out there to keep you busy so ignoring TTG for a year for 5 or 6 episodes to be released, (2 months per episode), should go by no prob. Not a big deal. Let them learn from their mistake and hopefully do better for their next release or deal with less support for their games.
Hopefully they learn from season one and their next project comes out quicker. I disagree with you saying we got bamboozled because such an act requires intent.
post of the year
He may be blunt and sarcastic at times, but he is never verbally abusive. Compared to some of the posters lately and what passes for intelligence and etiquette here (as demonstrated by Mr. Jenoy above), Milo's a teddy bear.
Hmmm, I don't feel particularly bamboozled, is that kind of a tickley feeling?
There are plenty of people who are patient enough to wait for each episode as it's released and there are those people who wait until the game is finished. In all honesty, I've done both in the past.
If TT were to decide that the game didn't have enough financial backing to justify completing the series (like a couple other games, not TT, that I can think of), then I'd be upset.
i never really noticed an issue, but i guess i cant feel personally victimised by some random nobody on the internet, its just not how i see people on the internet, i barely feel any personal connection with real friends if we are just talking with text over the internet, i need to look into peoples eyes to actually have a personal connection with them, its kind of odd really considering i have spent the best part of the last 10-15 years or so on computers using the internet, but i see any communication that isn't face to face as just the best of a bad situation not a decent form of communication.
Second, and I've said this before countless times: People who go on official forums and then announce that they're going to pirate the games of the company absolutely MUST have a mental disability. What do they think will happen?
Whether you're personally a fan of the game or not funyahns you have to admit they're pretty rubbish overall. I actually acknowlege the game itself is good but only because it's well written. On the other hand, per your previous post I certainly wont ever recommend anyone buy anything from Telltale based on their record. (Unless you're happy buy episode to episode and expect the fact that they'll essentially lie through their teeth to sell their products). Where I'm from that's called false advertising but hey! :P
Lol and episode 2 was ready? That was a glitch filled P.O.S
Even after the delay they released something that plays like a beta.
my save files the first time I played it. I liked that. Almost as much as I like waiting for new episodes, but not as much as I like watching people argue on the Internet. I love grammar nazis, spellcheck nazis, and the ignorant all equally. I am like the jesus of trolls.
thanks cyreen i do give really amazing warm hugs too
i am wondering if these anti milo peeps are actually previously banned members...
nice one! Insight the crowd to bring out the pitchforks and torches..
no it's people with shoddy equipment that have trouble, my pc worked 100% bug free or they have no clue how the game works..cough brenda cough...
more like he's laughing his tits off...
ii wonder if ttg will update the blog today or tomorrow.....
Other than that, your guess is as good as anyone else's. also welcome... Hehe.. the waiting dead...
Actually, they have given us a few updates this time around, through their blog and facebook, telling us everything that they can! They submit the game for certification a few weeks ago so it's been out of their hands.. they're waiting to hear back from their partners on that before they can give us all a much anticipated release date! They even made and update saying something a long the lines of how "a lot of people thought their goal for the game to be ready Mid-August thought that meant a hard release date of Mid-August but they wanted to make clear that wasn't the case". So all we can do is wait now! I'm hoping for an update or something later or tomorrow or soon atleast!
LOL freaking E.T! I've never played Two Worlds, but man, E.T. sucked! But hey, The Walking Dead game isn't crappy, the company is just crappy! xP No really I don't have much beef with them anymore.
Ah man, That guys post got snipped last that. That was the most hilarious thing ever!!! hahahhahahahah
Milo judging by most post I've seen from you I assume your perception is an impression you form of others based on a language barrier?
As I had stated it was the PS3 version, others have also found episode 2 problematic.
Not sure if you are just a troll/suffer from a language barrier or are just very young.... um... but...
Other than that, I really hope they release episode 3 this week. It's my first week of Uni again and I really need some distraction from psychology lectures
the xbox left stick sensitivity issue being one..people buying the game on pc with out checking the spec first/driver updates..