Look, here's the thing about episodic releases. You can either a) buy the game beforehand and enjoy the water cooler thalk between 'sodes or you CAN b) wait until the season is out and play a run through. Nobody stops you from picking one choice over the other- and I think both are valid. I played the waiting game with TWD, Hector, and Strong Bad, and bought all three Sam and Maxes and Tales of MI after they had finished.
I liked the "nowness" of being able to just marathon a whole season... but then it was over. I actually enjoy the watercooler talk on the TWD forum.
You do realize that it has always been a release in PST and people outside of America have almost always have that problem... and for waste of space? Really? Would you rather Telltale NOT tell us anything and have you waiting pointlessly instead of telling you that you can go off and sleep instead of waiting pointlessly for it?
i would have had they say a proper time in the original post rather then an a ass hearted update a few hours before they release the game
I'm just asking this: Can't they simply upload the game to PSN, XBOXLIVE and Steam servers and arrange it so that they will be unlocked and available at the exact same time? Like upload the file and click "publish on date:xx" just like uploading a video on YouTube but publishing at a later date. I think they must have that system available on all three platforms...
You make it sound oh so easy. But I'm sure that it isn't. Plus, they don't publish it on the PSN or Xbox Live - that's down to Sony and Microsoft.
I would rather they released it when it was 100% ready, rather than rush it out a few hours early with bugs.
I couldn't agree with that more and I just wish they were communicating with the community better than they are. Clearly fans are upset and have been for some time now so why not come out and address the problem instead of ignoring it? I get that things happen out of their control but some light on the situation would be greatly appreciated and this is coming from a paying customer.
Delay away, take your time, and make sure I get the best possible game you can deliver but please keep me in the loop about the process when you take my money before the game is ready. The guys over at Kickstarter do an awesome job of this lol.
Look, here's the thing about episodic releases. You can either a) buy the game beforehand and enjoy the water cooler thalk between 'sodes or you CAN b) wait until the season is out and play a run through. Nobody stops you from picking one choice over the other- and I think both are valid. I played the waiting game with TWD, Hector, and Strong Bad, and bought all three Sam and Maxes and Tales of MI after they had finished.
I liked the "nowness" of being able to just marathon a whole season... but then it was over. I actually enjoy the watercooler talk on the TWD forum.
ye i would have done that but it sead monthly episode releases so i figered thats not too bad
Try calming down and finding a way to get your point across without reducing yourself to insults and feet stamping. This does absolutely nothing because I doubt Telltale wants to listen to someone talk to them like that. Instead try getting your point across in a calm manner and I'm sure people will be more likely to agree with you instead of getting upset with how upset you are.
Funny how TT doesnt have a problem with taking money from said persons, eh?
I got away earlier from work today to play this game. I've been waiting all day.
It's not that TT could have communicated better. They could have communicated. Because they didn't.
There's not even a little "Sorry guys we screwed it again, next time pc will be first" and this is what I don't like. They're pretending like everything is going as planned and we can be so very happy we can be a part of this when we already payed the full price and consoles still get everything before us.
So without a Sorry from TT, I must conclude they actually are screwing pc gamers on purpose.
We will be live by 6pm PST today through the Telltale Store and Steam for the PC and Mac builds. Thank you all so much for your patience, and we're excited for you to get to experience it!
So you screwed up the release date... and tell us at almost midnight(UK).
Funny how TT doesnt have a problem with taking money from said persons, eh?
I got away earlier from work today to play this game. I've been waiting all day.
It's not that TT could have communicated better. They could have communicated. Because they didn't.
There's not even a little "Sorry guys we screwed it again, next time pc will be first" and this is what I don't like. They're pretending like everything is going as planned and we can be so very happy we can be a part of this when we already payed the full price and consoles still get everything before us.
So without a Sorry from TT, I must conclude they actually are screwing pc gamers on purpose.
Really? What happened with the first episode? Aside from the game itself not being all that good I mean
There was a code given for the upcoming episode 1 that people could use to claim the first episode free. My intention was to play episode 1 with this code and then buy the whole season two weeks later on pay day. On the day of episode 1's release the people who used the code were informed that they would be waiting a month to play the first episode, at the same time episode 2 came out for paying customers. Now I can understand that people who paid for the episode should be the ones getting it first over people who used the code. It was the lack of communication again from Telltale in leaving it until release day to drop this bombshell that made me realise this was no longer the same company that used to value its supporters. So I never bought BTFF, JP or Hector and I still never have. I should have known better than to buy from them again.
Well I don't see anything hard about uploading game files to a server and making them available for download. Sounds pretty simple to me.
I figure they are just doing some more bug testing so our version is better/less buggy. Better thought than them sitting around a computer trying to get one episode up...
There was a code given for the upcoming episode 1 that people could use to claim the first episode free. My intention was to play episode 1 with this code and then buy the whole season two weeks later on pay day. On the day of episode 1's release the people who used the code were informed that they would be waiting a month to play the first episode, at the same time episode 2 came out for paying customers. Now I can understand that people who paid for the episode should be the ones getting it first over people who used the code. It was the lack of communication again from Telltale in leaving it until release day to drop this bombshell that made me realise this was no longer the same company that used to value its supporters. So I never bought BTFF, JP or Hector and I still never have. I should have known better than to buy from them again.
Really? I'm more interested that they gave you a code for it when episode 1 is free for all.
Also, you are not missing much in BTTF or JP, so that's a plus
I figure they are just doing some more bug testing so our version is better/less buggy. Better thought than them sitting around a computer trying to get one episode up...
They should have done that "before" the release date, and they should have thought of all the bugs "before" promising us "monthly" episodes
OK PC-gamers.. ya'll know when you're gettin the game now. Juuuust a couple of hours. Chillax!
Now it's the PlayStation loosers from non-NA places that has the right to complain!
I do sort'a like the waiting.. It's always nice to have something to look forward to. But the thing that is such a pain in the butt, is the matter of fact that we have NO IDEA when it'll turn up on our PSN. It's not TellTale's fault and all that. But MAN it's irritating!
Anyway.. chilllaaaaxx peeeepz.. You've waited this long. Now it's just a couple of hours away? Heck, watch something fun, play another game, fuck your girl-/boyfriend! At least you're not waiting, waiting, waiting for a release date that can come as soon as friday.. or wednesday next week! :cool:
I figure they are just doing some more bug testing so our version is better/less buggy. Better thought than them sitting around a computer trying to get one episode up...
Funny how TT doesnt have a problem with taking money from said persons, eh?
I got away earlier from work today to play this game. I've been waiting all day.
It's not that TT could have communicated better. They could have communicated. Because they didn't.
There's not even a little "Sorry guys we screwed it again, next time pc will be first" and this is what I don't like. They're pretending like everything is going as planned and we can be so very happy we can be a part of this when we already payed the full price and consoles still get everything before us.
So without a Sorry from TT, I must conclude they actually are screwing pc gamers on purpose.
I agree with you on those points and I'm upset for the same reasons though I think being a little more civil in voicing your distaste for the situation would be more constructive than telling them "Screw you". You want to improve the situation right? Well acting civil sounds like a good place to start for me.
Continue letting them know you're upset, don't stop that but don't be so crass about it. Would you be more willing to listen to the guy who is telling you "Screw you!" or the guy who is calmly explaining why he is upset with you?
you dont under stand what hes saying ye we know the world as diffrent time zones
but when some one say 29th then you would think i'll play it on the 29th even if its at 11:59 pm when you start it.
It will be the 29th... where Telltale are based. It will be the 30th in the UK. It has always been this way when Telltale announce a launch date. I understand what he is saying, but I don't think either of you understand how worldwide launches work.
You are indeed. If you can't stand waiting for the episodes buy the game when the last episode has been released.
You are wrong. Waiting hasn't been the issue. Being lied to about intended product release dates is the MAJOR issue that TT has yet to address. Until they do so, I would not expect the fans of the game who paid for a COMPLETED product($25 for 1 episode a month) to be content with this debacle, and to those of you preaching "patience" and "don't be mad", you really have no ground to tell me or anyone else how this company is running things or what their intentions are.
This issue has been festering since episode 2 finally saw the light of day and will not be going anywhere until someone at TT publicly addresses their mistake.
On topic:
I think it is great to hear they have given us a concrete release time for Ep. 3's today(after we waited through literally over half the day). I reserve final judgement for the time when I'm actually able to play the episode.
It will be the 29th... where Telltale are based. It will be the 30th in the UK. It has always been this way when Telltale announce a launch date. I understand what he is saying, but I don't think either of you understand how worldwide launches work.
Most of the worldwide launches I have seen have been at GMT 00:00, I remember staying up for so many games, waiting for Steam to unlock the game so I can play it. I can only remember a few games which didn't release with GMT. Worldwide releases should use GMT, since the 0' meridian is the basis the world sets their clocks and it is thus the global time standard.
It will be the 29th... where Telltale are based. It will be the 30th in the UK. It has always been this way when Telltale announce a launch date. I understand what he is saying, but I don't think either of you understand how worldwide launches work.
i don under stand but your missing the point that they have only just given us a Time also lets face it its not just a day late its what..... a month late is it
Most of the worldwide launches I have seen have been at GMT 00:00, I remember staying up for so many games, waiting for Steam to unlock the game so I can play it. I can only remember a few games which didn't release with GMT. Worldwide releases should use GMT, since the 0' meridian is the basis the world sets their clocks and it is thus the global time standard.
That's all very nice - and I agree to a point - but Telltale made it clear that they meant August 29th PST. Hence why I haven't been going insane shouting "where is my game?!"
Most of the worldwide launches I have seen have been at GMT 00:00, I remember staying up for so many games, waiting for Steam to unlock the game so I can play it. I can only remember a few games which didn't release with GMT. Worldwide releases should use GMT, since the 0' meridian is the basis the world sets their clocks and it is thus the global time standard.
I am pretty sure Valve runs by American time, I have gotten up at 8 several times to play a pre ordered game on steam
That's all very nice - and I agree to a point - but Telltale made it clear that they meant August 29th PST. Hence why I haven't been going insane shouting "where is my game?!"
they can mean what they like but if they don't relay that info to there customers how do we know ?
TTG may have hit gold here, but i can see what the scoop is. Cashing in to the max on this game, and who cares who is screwed over. Show me the money.
PC gamers have already given their money. There is nothing gained from us. But letting MS and Sony bid over exclusive early releases is definately a way to pump more gold into the coffers.
Customer service doesn't matter, they realize you and I are all hooked. They are maximizing profit.
However, i will state clearly. I have learned my lesson. I hope TTG the best with this business model. They will not gain any further support from me or even game recommendations, regardless of how good the game is.
Or how about treating your original customers with a bit of respect and releasing their version with the consoles?
I liked the "nowness" of being able to just marathon a whole season... but then it was over. I actually enjoy the watercooler talk on the TWD forum.
Nice and simple question...
No simple answer just another few pages of nonsense.
i would have had they say a proper time in the original post rather then an a ass hearted update a few hours before they release the game
You make it sound oh so easy. But I'm sure that it isn't.
I couldn't agree with that more and I just wish they were communicating with the community better than they are. Clearly fans are upset and have been for some time now so why not come out and address the problem instead of ignoring it? I get that things happen out of their control but some light on the situation would be greatly appreciated and this is coming from a paying customer.
Delay away, take your time, and make sure I get the best possible game you can deliver but please keep me in the loop about the process when you take my money before the game is ready. The guys over at Kickstarter do an awesome job of this lol.
Nope, 2 hours 30 mins left :cool:
ye i would have done that but it sead monthly episode releases so i figered thats not too bad
so much for that lie
Time Zones
Well I don't see anything hard about uploading game files to a server and making them available for download. Sounds pretty simple to me.
Funny how TT doesnt have a problem with taking money from said persons, eh?
I got away earlier from work today to play this game. I've been waiting all day.
It's not that TT could have communicated better. They could have communicated. Because they didn't.
There's not even a little "Sorry guys we screwed it again, next time pc will be first" and this is what I don't like. They're pretending like everything is going as planned and we can be so very happy we can be a part of this when we already payed the full price and consoles still get everything before us.
So without a Sorry from TT, I must conclude they actually are screwing pc gamers on purpose.
Telltale are hiring - you should apply!
So you screwed up the release date... and tell us at almost midnight(UK).
Without an explanation of course.
i agree with all of that m8
You've all got time to watch Gone with the Wind
You do realise that the world has different time zones, right?
There was a code given for the upcoming episode 1 that people could use to claim the first episode free. My intention was to play episode 1 with this code and then buy the whole season two weeks later on pay day. On the day of episode 1's release the people who used the code were informed that they would be waiting a month to play the first episode, at the same time episode 2 came out for paying customers. Now I can understand that people who paid for the episode should be the ones getting it first over people who used the code. It was the lack of communication again from Telltale in leaving it until release day to drop this bombshell that made me realise this was no longer the same company that used to value its supporters. So I never bought BTFF, JP or Hector and I still never have. I should have known better than to buy from them again.
I figure they are just doing some more bug testing so our version is better/less buggy. Better thought than them sitting around a computer trying to get one episode up...
Really? I'm more interested that they gave you a code for it when episode 1 is free for all.
Also, you are not missing much in BTTF or JP, so that's a plus
you dont under stand what hes saying ye we know the world as diffrent time zones
but when some one say 29th then you would think i'll play it on the 29th even if its at 11:59 pm when you start it.
They should have done that "before" the release date, and they should have thought of all the bugs "before" promising us "monthly" episodes
Now it's the PlayStation loosers from non-NA places that has the right to complain!
I do sort'a like the waiting.. It's always nice to have something to look forward to. But the thing that is such a pain in the butt, is the matter of fact that we have NO IDEA when it'll turn up on our PSN. It's not TellTale's fault and all that. But MAN it's irritating!
Anyway.. chilllaaaaxx peeeepz.. You've waited this long. Now it's just a couple of hours away? Heck, watch something fun, play another game, fuck your girl-/boyfriend! At least you're not waiting, waiting, waiting for a release date that can come as soon as friday.. or wednesday next week! :cool:
lmao is that a joke ?
I agree with you on those points and I'm upset for the same reasons though I think being a little more civil in voicing your distaste for the situation would be more constructive than telling them "Screw you". You want to improve the situation right? Well acting civil sounds like a good place to start for me.
Continue letting them know you're upset, don't stop that but don't be so crass about it. Would you be more willing to listen to the guy who is telling you "Screw you!" or the guy who is calmly explaining why he is upset with you?
It will be the 29th... where Telltale are based. It will be the 30th in the UK. It has always been this way when Telltale announce a launch date. I understand what he is saying, but I don't think either of you understand how worldwide launches work.
Yes, but Telltale made it rather clear they meant August 29th PST, and just that. This is one thing you can't blame them for... yet.
It wasn't on initial release.
If I was qualified I certainly would. Telltale and QuanticDream are the two gaming companies that I would be interested in working for.
ovvvv thanks
The people sitting around the one computer was a joke, the bug testing was not. What other reason is there to force us to wait like this?
You are wrong. Waiting hasn't been the issue. Being lied to about intended product release dates is the MAJOR issue that TT has yet to address. Until they do so, I would not expect the fans of the game who paid for a COMPLETED product($25 for 1 episode a month) to be content with this debacle, and to those of you preaching "patience" and "don't be mad", you really have no ground to tell me or anyone else how this company is running things or what their intentions are.
This issue has been festering since episode 2 finally saw the light of day and will not be going anywhere until someone at TT publicly addresses their mistake.
On topic:
I think it is great to hear they have given us a concrete release time for Ep. 3's today(after we waited through literally over half the day). I reserve final judgement for the time when I'm actually able to play the episode.
Most of the worldwide launches I have seen have been at GMT 00:00, I remember staying up for so many games, waiting for Steam to unlock the game so I can play it. I can only remember a few games which didn't release with GMT. Worldwide releases should use GMT, since the 0' meridian is the basis the world sets their clocks and it is thus the global time standard.
i don under stand but your missing the point that they have only just given us a Time also lets face it its not just a day late its what..... a month late is it
That's all very nice - and I agree to a point - but Telltale made it clear that they meant August 29th PST. Hence why I haven't been going insane shouting "where is my game?!"
I am pretty sure Valve runs by American time, I have gotten up at 8 several times to play a pre ordered game on steam
they can mean what they like but if they don't relay that info to there customers how do we know ?
PC gamers have already given their money. There is nothing gained from us. But letting MS and Sony bid over exclusive early releases is definately a way to pump more gold into the coffers.
Customer service doesn't matter, they realize you and I are all hooked. They are maximizing profit.
However, i will state clearly. I have learned my lesson. I hope TTG the best with this business model. They will not gain any further support from me or even game recommendations, regardless of how good the game is.
That is my way to pay you back