Why didn't Lee and Clem refuse the batteries from the car as well, like she refused the hoodie?
I'm not totally sure, but they should of stuck that option in there. That way if you refuse, your group would never find out about the lady watching, and neither will you. Possibly causing them to be less aware and vulnerable to dangers in the next episode.
if it turns out i was making lee and his group bad people for stealing, i will just go back and change that decision, but the impression i got was that seeing as i couldn't search for the people that owned the car (even for a minute or two) it meant the owners were dead, but if the game basically lied to me and it turns out i was killing off a nice family that had to leave the car for 5 minutes while we stole it from them i will change my decision.
i got the impression i wasn't stealing at all, but maybe the bandits will see it otherwise.
if it turns out i was making lee and his group bad people for stealing, i will just go back and change that decision, but the impression i got was that seeing as i couldn't search for the people that owned the car (even for a minute or two) it meant the owners were dead, but if the game basically lied to me and it turns out i was killing off a nice family that had to leave the car for 5 minutes while we stole it from them i will change my decision.
i got the impression i wasn't stealing at all, but maybe the bandits will see it otherwise.
If you loot the food and supplies from the car, at the end Lee looks at the car with discontent, almost as if he knows what he did was wrong.
If you loot the food and supplies from the car, at the end Lee looks at the car with discontent, almost as if he knows what he did was wrong.
i think it is more that he didn't know what to think, in real life i would have searched around for any other survivors, but once i was happy there were no survivors i would take it all (and not feel bad) and even if later i meet up with the guys who actually own the stuff i would tell them the situation and a normal person would at least understand (you would just be an idiot to not keep supplies in a survival situation) and would have done the same thing.
it was just Clementine that made it a moral issue, and i would say it was more that she didnt understand how the world has changed, in a normal situation taking things out of a car you dont own would be wrong, but in a life or death situation it would be wrong to leave the supplies alone
i think it is more that he didn't know what to think, in real life i would have searched around for any other survivors, but once i was happy there were no survivors i would take it all (and not feel bad) and even if later i meet up with the guys who actually own the stuff i would tell them the situation and a normal person would at least understand (you would just be an idiot to not keep supplies in a survival situation) and would have done the same thing.
it was just Clementine that made it a moral issue, and i would say it was more that she didnt understand how the world has changed, in a normal situation taking things out of a car you dont own would be wrong, but in a life or death situation it would be wrong to leave the supplies alone
I agree with what you said about Clementine's point of view. When you're that young, you tend to see the world in "black and white". For an eight year old, taking something that doesn't belong to you is wrong. She doesn't understand all of the different factors that you need to take into account, such as the possibility of starving to death if you DON'T take the food.
As for Lee's face, I think it was more of a guilt that he has to disappoint Clementine in order to take care of her, coupled with the fact that we've been conditioned to think this sort of situation is wrong. Nobody wants to "steal", and there is a slight possibility that the owners will come back to the car. This is the apocalypse, however, and sometimes the right choice will be the "wrong" one.
I think that was the food the bandits were arguing over in episode 2.
I agree and I agree that is the reason they attack the motor inn. I also think the hoodie belongs to that crazy womans daughter. She never said she was dead, only that they took her. I believe the bandits will attack the motel, so taking or not taking the food really doesn't matter. The game won't let you or Clem starve to death, so just leave the food for the others to take.
I honestly don't think it will make a difference to the original owner of the car/supplies.
1. The fact that the lights are on in the car means it hasn't been left long.
2. Whoever had the car wouldn't have left that stuff there. They had to be close. They didn't show up, so something chased them off, and probably got them (or they would have come back).
The only consequence I can think of is whoever chased the original owners away being pissed to see the supplies gone.
is it possible glenn returned from atlanta albiet briefly with supplies and he just used enough fuel to get the car close enough to the group ?
If this game was based on the series then it could be possible because does leave group in a car for some time. But this game is based on comics so Glenn would not return to this group at all.
If this game was based on the series then it could be possible because does leave group in a car for some time. But this game is based on comics so Glenn would not return to this group at all.
glenn doesn't have to return just drop off the supplies then go back to maggie..
I chose the "We don't want any part of this" option. My two reasons for doing so are this:
1.) I wanted Clem to have some trust in me after seeing me kill Danny and beat Andy up really badly.
2.) Our group left the motel, so it's not at all surprising that the owner(s) of the car were just out hunting or something. Therefore, I wanted to do unto those people as I hoped was done unto our hotel (i.e. no one broke in and ransacked it or tore it apart or something). If there was just one or even two owners, the car would have to be abandoned on little hunting trips. Most likely, they're dead, but my other reasons won out.
3.) Also, even though I don't like Lily (and would have smashed her dad's nose in given the choice), I wanted to support her after her loss (I didn't help kill her dad).
I'm actually surprised no one else has mentioned that second point. It just goes to show how many different ways us players can think about these things. Those two thoughts came to me right away. I didn't even pause.
2.) Our group left the motel, so it's not at all surprising that the owner(s) of the car were just out hunting or something. Therefore, I wanted to do unto those people as I hoped was done unto our hotel (i.e. no one broke in and ransacked it or tore it apart or something). If there was just one or even two owners, the car would have to be abandoned on little hunting trips. Most likely, they're dead, but my other reasons won out. :
I'm actually surprised no one else has mentioned that second point. It just goes to show how many different ways us players can think about these things. Those two thoughts came to me right away. I didn't even pause.
Hate to burst your bubble, but leaving a "permanent" settlement, and leaving a car are two different things. That and also we've mulled around the idea that they left the car permanently, the most telling clue being that the car engine no longer turns over (indicating a dead battery, meaning those lights have been running for a very long time).
Hate to burst your bubble, but leaving a "permanent" settlement, and leaving a car are two different things. That and also we've mulled around the idea that they left the car permanently, the most telling clue being that the car engine no longer turns over (indicating a dead battery, meaning those lights have been running for a very long time).
There's no "bubble" to burst. I wasn't saying that I have the "right" answer. I was just giving my opinion and was surprised no one else had the opinion. You don't need to get on the offense. I'm probably just an outlier.
And, yes, I do agree with everything you said. My first instinct was to take the stuff except for the fact that Lily and Clem had issues with it. Even if Lily had went along with it, I would have just explained to Clem why it was necessary. It just all added up in just the right way for me.
Also, I didn't notice him try to turn-over the car. I thought he just looked and saw no gas.
i was under the impression that lee say's the car is out of gas as the game zooms in to show the gauge on e.
so sister i don't what your aiming at..
also if the battery was dead there would be no lights on the car, but you see as you approach the car a) it has lights on b) it also makes a ticking beeping door is open noise...
It's possible to have lights on and not have enough battery power to turn over the engine (believe me, I've actually done it before!).
Also, for most cars, in order to check the gas level you HAVE to turn on the engine. He reaches in, fiddles with the keys, THEN the camera pans to the gas gauge, and Lee says something like "Figures". Also, if it was merely out of gas, you would hear the starter click.
@ FakeKisser, I didn't mean to sound rude. All of your other reasons are perfectly sound (can't argue with a person's morality!). I just whole-heartedly believe that the car in the woods was abandoned, and probably long enough to assume that the owner is not returning. I would have felt VERY differently if we had stumbled upon someone's camp.
@ FakeKisser, I didn't mean to sound rude. All of your other reasons are perfectly sound (can't argue with a person's morality!). I just whole-heartedly believe that the car in the woods was abandoned, and probably long enough to assume that the owner is not returning. I would have felt VERY differently if we had stumbled upon someone's camp.
No problem. It's not a big deal. It's so hard to convey some things through text. So, misunderstandings happen. I wasn't upset or anything. I appreciate you chiming in!
Im on my 3rd game save, and im trying to do all the most wreckless/crazy decisions... the problem is, ive taken the food in both my other saves... not taking the food would be soft/sensitive... now im in a dilemna! i cant see any scenario in real life where the people would NOT take the food. crazy!
It's a trap! We can heAr rustling in the trees as we approach, so it could be the bandits drawing people out so they can catch them later? Or it could be someone thinking we're the bandits, which could cause problems with another group, clem either way is on of the main characters and she reminds us either with facial expressions or telling us straight when we've done wrong, maybe its for lees benefit or the story itself, eitherway I think if you stole, you's in a whole heAp o trouble
Im on my 3rd game save, and im trying to do all the most wreckless/crazy decisions... the problem is, ive taken the food in both my other saves... not taking the food would be soft/sensitive... now im in a dilemna! i cant see any scenario in real life where the people would NOT take the food. crazy!
"we're not stealing the food we're transporting it to it's rightful owners"
Car definitely belongs to the bandits, they have the car and they parked it there to go and scavenge the motel, when they come back, they wont see any resources in the car so they will attack the group. Since bandits are better armed the group will try to run away, and that will force Kenny to leave with his family and Lilly to leave to Woodbury.. On the other side, Lee will have to take the train with Doug/Carley and Clem to Savannah..
I believe Jake said in the questions thread that episode 3 only takes place a week or two after episode 2. If the bandits owned the car, it would make no sense for them to retaliate within that time. Seeing how aggressive they are, they would have just attacked the motor inn right after they looted the car. I'm betting that the car does not belong to the bandits now.
When I first saw the car I thought 2 things: 1. It's to good to be true and 2. The lights are on so someone is likely using those lights.
There wasn't the typical signs of a struggle and my thoughts that the car wasn't something you should be taking stuff from were encouraged by Clem not wanting to take anything.
I find that in games child characters can be a give away to plot points, as they typically serve little purpose outside of a dead weight and / or foil to the assumptions adults make.
All the adults are rabid over the goodies, the little girl who isn't worldly or nearly as experienced senses something's the matter? She's usually right.
I'm looking forward to seeing who has the most correct hypothesis though.
When I first saw the car I thought 2 things: 1. It's to good to be true and 2. The lights are on so someone is likely using those lights.
There wasn't the typical signs of a struggle and my thoughts that the car wasn't something you should be taking stuff from were encouraged by Clem not wanting to take anything.
I find that in games child characters can be give a give away to plot points, as they typically serve little purpose outside of a dead weight and / or foil to the assumptions adults make.
All the adults are rabid over the goodies, the little girl who isn't worldly or nearly as experienced senses something's the matter? She's usually right.
I'm looking forward to seeing who has the most correct hypothesis though.
I think that's pretty good.. I haven't thought of it that way though..
Car was abandoned , no one inside, no one outside, group haven't ate for days, and we just had to get some food.. If the ep3 is week or two after ep2, I guess it's not bandits car..maybe the food from the car is the source of problem and fight between group..
If the car really belongs to the Bandits: Does it matter whether they stole the food or not? If they meet the Bandits, the group is in trouble one way or the other. I can't see how not stealing the food will make the bandits go "Hey cool, you didn't loot us, here, have some food and bullets and the antidote!"
Since this is a family car I thought more along the lines of we're stealing from a family, and that was the moral quarrel they had. And in that regard I thought Clem was totally out of line.
If the car really belongs to the Bandits: Does it matter whether they stole the food or not? If they meet the Bandits, the group is in trouble one way or the other. I can't see how not stealing the food will make the bandits go "Hey cool, you didn't loot us, here, have some food and bullets and the antidote!"
Since this is a family car I thought more along the lines of we're stealing from a family, and that was the moral quarrel they had. And in that regard I thought Clem was totally out of line.
Since the group looks after each other, it would make sense to not have looted the car so that no one can be like "Hey, Lee was the one who let us loot the car! Let him deal with the bandits". If it does turn out that the car belongs to the bandits, then I can just shoot them.
If the car really belongs to the Bandits: Does it matter whether they stole the food or not? If they meet the Bandits, the group is in trouble one way or the other. I can't see how not stealing the food will make the bandits go "Hey cool, you didn't loot us, here, have some food and bullets and the antidote!"
Since this is a family car I thought more along the lines of we're stealing from a family, and that was the moral quarrel they had. And in that regard I thought Clem was totally out of line.
I see what you're saying and it's still possible. However I think it relies on the assumption of what Dan, Andy and their Mom insisted at the Dairy. That the bandits are in fact "bad" people. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up either being an ally of sorts or not wholly evil at least with perhaps a few friends within the group.
As far as the car; I'm sure it's not a bandit's first choice, but given how often cars are picked up and tossed aside for another. Anyone could be driving anything.
I see what you're saying and it's still possible. However I think it relies on the assumption of what Dan, Andy and their Mom insisted at the Dairy. That the bandits are in fact "bad" people. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up either being an ally of sorts or not wholly evil at least with perhaps a few friends within the group.
As far as the car; I'm sure it's not a bandit's first choice, but given how often cars are picked up and tossed aside for another. Anyone could be driving anything.
Right now, I still find the bandits more of a threat then the St.John family. Whatever it is in the Walking Dead, people like the bandits always screw everything up.
Right now, I still find the bandits more of a threat then the St.John family. Whatever it is in the Walking Dead, people like the bandits always screw everything up.
No one should argue this. The St. Johns were largely rational opportunists, the bandits shot each other for no reason.
But seriously. I'm basically the new care taker of a child. She's starving and we're headed towards winter. I'm not leaving my daughter out in the cold with nothing to eat. So food and a sweatshirt it is. If the food belonged to the bandits or to other people really doesn't change my decision. I don't know if that is morally correct or not and frankly, I don't care. I have a child and people to take care of.
But seriously. I'm basically the new care taker of a child. She's starving and we're headed towards winter. I'm not leaving my daughter out in the cold with nothing to eat. So food and a sweatshirt it is. If the food belonged to the bandits or to other people really doesn't change my decision. I don't know if that is morally correct or not and frankly, I don't care. I have a child and people to take care of.
Yeah, it was a no brainer for me as well.
Although it might be a little unrational. In airplanes they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on before you put on the mask of your child - meaning, look out for yourself first, so that you can help others.
You really should probably think along the lines of: Who will be most valuable to my own survival. And a little girl is pretty far at the back of that list.
But of course people don't think like that and neither do I, I also fed her from the limited supply I had feeling responsible for her.
I'm not totally sure, but they should of stuck that option in there. That way if you refuse, your group would never find out about the lady watching, and neither will you. Possibly causing them to be less aware and vulnerable to dangers in the next episode.
i got the impression i wasn't stealing at all, but maybe the bandits will see it otherwise.
If you loot the food and supplies from the car, at the end Lee looks at the car with discontent, almost as if he knows what he did was wrong.
i think it is more that he didn't know what to think, in real life i would have searched around for any other survivors, but once i was happy there were no survivors i would take it all (and not feel bad) and even if later i meet up with the guys who actually own the stuff i would tell them the situation and a normal person would at least understand (you would just be an idiot to not keep supplies in a survival situation) and would have done the same thing.
it was just Clementine that made it a moral issue, and i would say it was more that she didnt understand how the world has changed, in a normal situation taking things out of a car you dont own would be wrong, but in a life or death situation it would be wrong to leave the supplies alone
I agree with what you said about Clementine's point of view. When you're that young, you tend to see the world in "black and white". For an eight year old, taking something that doesn't belong to you is wrong. She doesn't understand all of the different factors that you need to take into account, such as the possibility of starving to death if you DON'T take the food.
As for Lee's face, I think it was more of a guilt that he has to disappoint Clementine in order to take care of her, coupled with the fact that we've been conditioned to think this sort of situation is wrong. Nobody wants to "steal", and there is a slight possibility that the owners will come back to the car. This is the apocalypse, however, and sometimes the right choice will be the "wrong" one.
Probably explains why they're seen in the motor inn in the preview.
I agree and I agree that is the reason they attack the motor inn. I also think the hoodie belongs to that crazy womans daughter. She never said she was dead, only that they took her. I believe the bandits will attack the motel, so taking or not taking the food really doesn't matter. The game won't let you or Clem starve to death, so just leave the food for the others to take.
hopefully the bandit scene will be a bit like jolene a bit of sneaking and investgating noise then boom head shot...
1. The fact that the lights are on in the car means it hasn't been left long.
2. Whoever had the car wouldn't have left that stuff there. They had to be close. They didn't show up, so something chased them off, and probably got them (or they would have come back).
The only consequence I can think of is whoever chased the original owners away being pissed to see the supplies gone.
assuming the car is in good condition, and how long ago the fuel ran out, as the running engine would recharge the battery.
is it possible glenn returned from atlanta albiet briefly with supplies and he just used enough fuel to get the car close enough to the group ?
If this game was based on the series then it could be possible because does leave group in a car for some time. But this game is based on comics so Glenn would not return to this group at all.
glenn doesn't have to return just drop off the supplies then go back to maggie..
1.) I wanted Clem to have some trust in me after seeing me kill Danny and beat Andy up really badly.
2.) Our group left the motel, so it's not at all surprising that the owner(s) of the car were just out hunting or something. Therefore, I wanted to do unto those people as I hoped was done unto our hotel (i.e. no one broke in and ransacked it or tore it apart or something). If there was just one or even two owners, the car would have to be abandoned on little hunting trips. Most likely, they're dead, but my other reasons won out.
3.) Also, even though I don't like Lily (and would have smashed her dad's nose in given the choice), I wanted to support her after her loss (I didn't help kill her dad).
I'm actually surprised no one else has mentioned that second point. It just goes to show how many different ways us players can think about these things. Those two thoughts came to me right away. I didn't even pause.
Hate to burst your bubble, but leaving a "permanent" settlement, and leaving a car are two different things. That and also we've mulled around the idea that they left the car permanently, the most telling clue being that the car engine no longer turns over (indicating a dead battery, meaning those lights have been running for a very long time).
There's no "bubble" to burst. I wasn't saying that I have the "right" answer. I was just giving my opinion and was surprised no one else had the opinion. You don't need to get on the offense. I'm probably just an outlier.
And, yes, I do agree with everything you said. My first instinct was to take the stuff except for the fact that Lily and Clem had issues with it. Even if Lily had went along with it, I would have just explained to Clem why it was necessary. It just all added up in just the right way for me.
Also, I didn't notice him try to turn-over the car. I thought he just looked and saw no gas.
so sister i don't what your aiming at..
also if the battery was dead there would be no lights on the car, but you see as you approach the car a) it has lights on b) it also makes a ticking beeping door is open noise...
so sister get your facts right first
Also, for most cars, in order to check the gas level you HAVE to turn on the engine. He reaches in, fiddles with the keys, THEN the camera pans to the gas gauge, and Lee says something like "Figures". Also, if it was merely out of gas, you would hear the starter click.
@ FakeKisser, I didn't mean to sound rude. All of your other reasons are perfectly sound (can't argue with a person's morality!). I just whole-heartedly believe that the car in the woods was abandoned, and probably long enough to assume that the owner is not returning. I would have felt VERY differently if we had stumbled upon someone's camp.
But you know what told me the car was trouble? The fact that Clem said no.
I'm getting the impression that the little girl is the "moral compass" of Lee and the others.
No problem. It's not a big deal. It's so hard to convey some things through text. So, misunderstandings happen. I wasn't upset or anything.
"we're not stealing the food we're transporting it to it's rightful owners"
There wasn't the typical signs of a struggle and my thoughts that the car wasn't something you should be taking stuff from were encouraged by Clem not wanting to take anything.
I find that in games child characters can be a give away to plot points, as they typically serve little purpose outside of a dead weight and / or foil to the assumptions adults make.
All the adults are rabid over the goodies, the little girl who isn't worldly or nearly as experienced senses something's the matter? She's usually right.
I'm looking forward to seeing who has the most correct hypothesis though.
I think that's pretty good.. I haven't thought of it that way though..
Car was abandoned , no one inside, no one outside, group haven't ate for days, and we just had to get some food.. If the ep3 is week or two after ep2, I guess it's not bandits car..maybe the food from the car is the source of problem and fight between group..
If the car really belongs to the Bandits: Does it matter whether they stole the food or not? If they meet the Bandits, the group is in trouble one way or the other. I can't see how not stealing the food will make the bandits go "Hey cool, you didn't loot us, here, have some food and bullets and the antidote!"
Since this is a family car I thought more along the lines of we're stealing from a family, and that was the moral quarrel they had. And in that regard I thought Clem was totally out of line.
Since the group looks after each other, it would make sense to not have looted the car so that no one can be like "Hey, Lee was the one who let us loot the car! Let him deal with the bandits". If it does turn out that the car belongs to the bandits, then I can just shoot them.
I see what you're saying and it's still possible. However I think it relies on the assumption of what Dan, Andy and their Mom insisted at the Dairy. That the bandits are in fact "bad" people. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up either being an ally of sorts or not wholly evil at least with perhaps a few friends within the group.
As far as the car; I'm sure it's not a bandit's first choice, but given how often cars are picked up and tossed aside for another. Anyone could be driving anything.
Right now, I still find the bandits more of a threat then the St.John family. Whatever it is in the Walking Dead, people like the bandits always screw everything up.
plus she retains her innocense and there fore is bound to state looting any car abandoned or other wise is wrong..
clem is taking on the voice of reason and humanity..
No one should argue this. The St. Johns were largely rational opportunists, the bandits shot each other for no reason.
But seriously. I'm basically the new care taker of a child. She's starving and we're headed towards winter. I'm not leaving my daughter out in the cold with nothing to eat. So food and a sweatshirt it is. If the food belonged to the bandits or to other people really doesn't change my decision. I don't know if that is morally correct or not and frankly, I don't care. I have a child and people to take care of.
Yeah, it was a no brainer for me as well.
Although it might be a little unrational. In airplanes they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on before you put on the mask of your child - meaning, look out for yourself first, so that you can help others.
You really should probably think along the lines of: Who will be most valuable to my own survival. And a little girl is pretty far at the back of that list.
But of course people don't think like that and neither do I, I also fed her from the limited supply I had feeling responsible for her.