Not that I think taking the food would be "wrong" per se. But I sided with Clementine in part because there were simply too many unknowns. Whose car is this? Are they still nearby? Is the car truly abandoned, or are the owners making their way back once they get rid of some pesky walkers? Or are they just hiding in the bushes, afraid to come out because they heard Lee and company coming and thought they were bandits? Or perhaps the owners are bandits themselves or some other group we don't want to mess with that won't take kindly to someone coming along and taking their stuff. Maybe the supplies are booby trapped. Or poisoned. And once we take the supplies, then what? Carly and Ben left the motel. What if it's not safe to go back to? Are we just going to carry around all these boxes with us? And even if it is, how safe is it to be carrying all these supplies on a road we've already seen to be crawling with bandits? We'd already just barely survived one situation that seemed too good to be true, and now Kenny wants us to jump feet first into another one.
Nice post. Welcome to the forum too. I must say I do envy you having just played e1 and e2 last week and with e3 probably out this Friday. Good timing. The wait for e3 has just been brutal.
Back on topic, yeah there were just too many unknowns. Kat also mentioned there were medical supplies. Hope we didn't take someones heart meds or insulin.
I still stand by my theory that the car was brought there by Jolene, no harm, no foul. However, while it's all well and good to take the moral high ground from behind your computer screen, on a full tummy, those people were hungry to begin with and (other than maybe Duck), were that much hungrier at the end of the day.
Clem is a child, idealistic, and Lee for all intents and purpose is the parent in charge of her well being in a world that is less than ideal with very few options. In the instance of the car, her physical well being took priority because while that food it might be a "short-term convenience", it will keep her alive and strong for the time being.
If it was jolene car's, why where the headlights on? Your talk/shoot jolene in the afternoon with sunlight out. So a car she parked earlier would not have the headlight on. And it looked like an older car where you have to manually turn the headlights on.
I still stand by my theory that the car was brought there by Jolene, no harm, no foul.
If it was, I must have missed that bit. Though godzilla999666 brings up a good point about the headlights. And the battery was still running, so it must have stopped there that night. Which means it only would've been abandoned for a few hours at most. Either way, I think the decision still makes sense because it's not like Lee would have had any way to know it was Jolene's car at the time.
However, while it's all well and good to take the moral high ground from behind your computer screen, on a full tummy, those people were hungry to begin with and (other than maybe Duck), were that much hungrier at the end of the day.
Granted. And I'm not saying that's the choice that I personally would have made were I in the same situation. With these kinds of choices, most of us would like to think we'd do the right thing if it ever happened to us. But until we've actually been tested, we just don't know. And with a game, it's hard to make the player feel the same sense of despair that the character would be feeling because there's no actual danger.
On the other hand, I do think there's something to be gained through role-playing a character who's more heroic than ourselves. Which is how I've been playing Lee in my playthrough. Even though we don't know the exact circumstances surrounding his crime, I think in a way the zombie apocalypse represents to him an opportunity for a clean slate. The old world is gone, and now he has a chance to prove both to Clem and to himself that he's not a bad person. So maybe he's willing to go that extra mile.
In the instance of the car, her physical well being took priority because while that food it might be a "short-term convenience", it will keep her alive and strong for the time being.
That's fair enough I suppose. Though part of the problem I had with the decisions about who to feed and whether to take the supplies was that we as the players didn't know much about the situation. We know that Mark's supplies recently ran out. But how recent was that? Everyone's hungry, sure. But is that hungry from one day without food? Three days? A week? At the beginning of the episode, Lilly says that what she gives Lee is the last of the rations. To me, that made it sound like, while they may not have been eating well up until then, it wasn't until that day that they actually ran out of food. Plus, during the climax at the dairy farm, none of them seem to be adversely effected by the hunger. Carly's marksmanship is still dead on. Lee and Lilly are still able to tackle and fist fight farmers who are both bigger and better fed.
My point is, based on what we knew at the time, I didn't feel like anyone was in any immediate danger. We're all hungry and tired, sure. But one more night wasn't going to kill us.
I also noticed someone above saying that there ought to have been a middle option, which I kind of agree with. I might have been okay with taking the supplies if we'd been able to take the time to do even a quick scan of the area. As it was, everyone in the group pretty much seemed to just drop their guard as soon as they heard there was food.
Nice post. Welcome to the forum too. I must say I do envy you having just played e1 and e2 last week and with e3 probably out this Friday. Good timing. The wait for e3 has just been brutal.
Thanks! Yeah, the timing worked out (based on TTG's last blog post, I'm hoping that Episode 3 will be out within the next week). Even though I preordered it months ago, I was going to leave it until the season was done and play through the whole thing at once. But I ended up with a good bit of spare time on my hands, so I broke down and played the first two. Of course, now the wait for Episode 4 is probably going to be torture, but I see that that's a whole other discussion.
Having read all that, I still think it may have been a car Jolene "borrowed". I think she intended to take Clem (had her hat waiting for her and everything) and needed supplies and that the hoodie in the car was intended for Clem all along. I think being a bit of a wingnut and not really caring about the car, she left it running with the door open while she went to get the cart from her camp to haul supplies. The car ran out of gas in the meantime and the headlights could have been daytime running lights. Consider the timeline, the game starts and Lee is handing out afternoon rations and ends just after dinner, it's reasonable to assume the car battery lasted that long. Jolene would have arrived with the car after the second group arrived at the dairy to make it to her camp while Lee and Danny were there, which would be why no one saw the car on the way to the dairy.
It's as good as any other, until episode 3 proves it wrong or not. Given the time lapse between episode 1 and 2, I doubt the food will be relevant by episode 3.
Though part of the problem I had with the decisions about who to feed and whether to take the supplies was that we as the players didn't know much about the situation. We know that Mark's supplies recently ran out. But how recent was that?
Lily states they have enough food to last the week, but people were going without meals to make it last that long (Lilly's lottery).
My point is, based on what we knew at the time, I didn't feel like anyone was in any immediate danger. We're all hungry and tired, sure. But one more night wasn't going to kill us.
Everyone's decisions are based on their own perspectives, “There is no such thing as right and wrong, there's just popular opinion.” The point of the game is to to make you think about your choices.
I kind of think that the car will end up belonging to the two new folks coming in the next episode and if Lee takes the stuff (reviled by the hoddie, or because they were watching from the bushes, if not something else) then it could cause them not to trust you but if Lee didn't have a hand in it and stood up for not taking it then they still trust him even if no one else.
Edit: this would show that even though the food itself is gone the ramifications of your action still have impact
I wasn't exactly thinking "is this the right thing to do" more than I was thinking "Fuck Kenny." I helped him smash Larry and all, but when we talked on the road back to the motor inn I couldn't take his crap anymore. I even told him that we fucked up and it wasn't right. And when he acted all self righteous and pissy when I refused to take the food...jeez...
But I wouldn't be surprised if the bandits were somehow involved with the car. I'm sure we'll be seeing them again, as they seem to be one of the core reasons that St. Johns turned to cannabalism, and they even gave us a bit of information that was withheld from us by the St. Johns, namely their "deal". In short, they seemed to be too much of a driving force in episode 2 to NOT show up again, and if the car was theirs then they'll come at us until they kill us or we kill them. And if Clem is wearing the hoodie, they will probably go for her first when they attack.
Well, I'm now pretty sure that the car belonged to the bandits. In the trailer, they are threatening Lee's group with guns and asking why they stole from them.
Well, I'm now pretty sure that the car belonged to the bandits. In the trailer, they are threatening Lee's group with guns and asking why they stole from them.
I suspect those same bandits will be there even if you didn't. They just won't have that particular line of dialogue. And if it was their car, why didn't they post a guard?
I suspect those same bandits will be there even if you didn't. They just won't have that particular line of dialogue.
Well, the group still takes the stuff from the car regardless of what Lee decides. It's just that Lee and Clementine don't take anything if you were against it. So it still makes sense.
The car belonged to the radio guy, that's how he knew clem had a walkie and everything; he saw them from the woods. Then he'll be all "you stole my fucking food,my family died whilst I was out trying to get more. You killed them" Then I'll just slowly point to Kenny
The car belonged to the radio guy, that's how he knew clem had a walkie and everything; he saw them from the woods. Then he'll be all "you stole my fucking food,my family died whilst I was out trying to get more. You killed them" Then I'll just slowly point to Kenny
You British? I can't imagine who else would say "whilst" lol
Society has broken down. The dead are walking the earth.
People are raiding and eating eachother.
The car is abandoned.
Salvage rules apply.
Theres no moral question here.
Plus, Im petty sure whoever left it would have taken what they could carry.
I took the food and tried to explain it to Clem as best as the game let me.
The car belonged to the radio guy, that's how he knew clem had a walkie and everything; he saw them from the woods. Then he'll be all "you stole my fucking food,my family died whilst I was out trying to get more. You killed them" Then I'll just slowly point to Kenny
@Milosuperspesh I don't know f he lives in Savannah, I haven't read any of the 'over-spoilers', so whether it's there or not, I don't know. Lee and co. don't live in Savannah, yet they're there now.
He could have waited until they went away, then came back over to the car or something.
@Milosuperspesh I don't know f he lives in Savannah, I haven't read any of the 'over-spoilers', so whether it's there or not, I don't know. Lee and co don't live in Savannah, yet they're there now.
He could have waited until they went away, then came back over to the car or something.
how much of the game have you played ?
cos i reckon ep3 pretty much shoots 'your theory' full of several holes
Oh so after they walk off, you know that no-one came over to the car, and no-one saw that basically everything had been taken. You also know that there was no way the car could possibly ever work? You know a lot.
a car that was in ep2, no fuel looted and left behind.
oh sure ttg could wait till the last episode to suddenly reveal the cars owner, but considering lee and friends took a train to savannah yet the walkie man knew they where there and on they way why would he say come find us if he was still in macon.. and i'd reckon a train is faster than a car plus the roads aren't going to be clear and who knows how much fuel it would take to get there..
since the car was near to the farm, bandits are most likely to have gutted it for parts.
I believe I did,you're just having trouble getting to it. So if it was possible for bandits to randomly come across the car, why not the owner, who knew exactly were it was, and didn't have to be that far away? >.<
The group doesn't head for Savannah straight away.
at that point we didn't know of the walkie talkie being used.
we also had no idea what clem was doing behind our back.
a guy as powerfull as oberson/walkie talkie guy obviously has friends/supporters/ couple of dudes, why aren't they guarding the car ? oh sure walkers may of got em but no signs of struggle.
sorry to piss all over your theory but imo and that all it is my opinion your theory is stupid.
at that point we didn't know of the walkie talkie being used.
we also had no idea what clem was doing behind our back.
a guy as powerfull as oberson/walkie talkie guy obviously has friends/supporters/ couple of dudes, why aren't they guarding the car ? oh sure walkers may of got em but no signs of struggle.
sorry to piss all over your theory but imo and that all it is my opinion your theory is stupid.
Sorry to piss on yours, but where did you get that oberson is walkie talkie guy? People have pointed out he looks a lot like the zombie hanging from the bell tower, so unless zombies have started to talk...also, yes, we do know of the walkie talkie before then. We even use them. Clem tells us she plays with it, and is given new batteries from the back of the car. So it's really no good saying my hypothesis is stupid, when everything you're trying to use to argue against it is, well, pretty much stupid.
Kenny was shot on the farm on the outskirts of Macon. They found the car & batteries walking back to the motel from the farm.
Kemny is still suffering from being shot when the bandits attack and the motel is over run by the herd. So the amount of time passed inbetween is short. At this time Clem has no idea that they would be heading for Savannah.
Due to the limited range of a walkie and the stated 40 mph speed of the train I dont think Clem started talking to radio guy untill they were on the train close to Savannah.
I highly doubt radio guy is anyone we've met or know yet.
IMO oberson is/was the leader of crawford according to ep4 by which i mean posters placed all over the school halls, why make such a big deal of the guy if he ain't around plus his 'rules' to live by made for some worrisome reads. and thus against young children so after watching them he knew where to go and kidnap clem reasons who the fuck knows..
we saw a creepy looking dude 'sort of zombie like but not a walker', outside the house watching lee bury the starved kid.
that could just of been anyone why not oberson watching clem forshadowing his creepy nature ?
vernon may be a bit strange but if say he'd seen the group in macon why would he shoot lee upon him entering their hideout from the sewer ?! plus vernons group seem way too comfy/well stocked. if crawford was so tight on stuff.
we saw a creepy looking dude 'sort of zombie like but not a walker', outside the house watching lee bury the starved kid.
There's an assumption that is Radioman but it doesn't seem logical to me for him to come out of hiding. Can someone play through Ep 4 again and see if that guy fits the profile of Frank Anne's dad? It'd be natural for him to want to see his son buried.
There's an assumption that is Radioman but it doesn't seem logical to me for him to come out of hiding. Can someone play through Ep 4 again and see if that guy fits the profile of Frank Anne's dad? It'd be natural for him to want to see his son buried.
They found the car & batteries walking back to the motel from the farm.
Kemny is still suffering from being shot when the bandits attack and the motel is over run by the herd. So the amount of time passed inbetween is short.
there is at least 1 week between those two events. (taking the supplies from the car, then being attacked by the bandits)
Don't know if this will matter anymore... Personally I don't think so.
probably not, but I think it would be interesting if there was some sort of link to the guy on the walkie talkie, even if he is the only one aware of it. Like we caused something to happen.. We were the butterfly.
but not to the bit where Kenny says how long it's been since they took the supplies...nor when lee says about the bandits hounding them...
Three months had passed since the drug store and the farm events.
Plenty of time for bandits harassment.
Kenny drops Lee onto the hood of the jeep because he is still hurting. The bandits attack later that day.
Whats your point?
Three months had passed since the drug store and the farm events.
Plenty of time for bandits harassment.
Kenny drops Lee onto the hood of the jeep because he is still hurting. The bandits attack later that day.
Whats your point?
*sigh* just how much attention /do/ you pay?
What is the point of /your/ post ?
My point was obviously, I'll underline it, it has been at least a week since they took the supplies from the car. Episode 3 takes place at least one week after episode 2. x.x In regards to:
They found the car & batteries walking back to the motel from the farm.
Kemny is still suffering from being shot when the bandits attack and the motel is over run by the herd. So the amount of time passed inbetween is short.
The bandits don't harass before, as they already have their attention focused elsewhere. Once that is gone they move on to the motel, which is made clear by the arrows "appearing" in the wood and everything. Oh, you can also examine these arrows, and Lee talks about the week.
The point of is your questioning my summary of the events and timeline.
Are you trying to say a week is or is not a "short period of time" when considering a gunshot wound? also youre saying they had no bandit contact before the farm?
I dont mind being corrected if I am mistaken, Im just asking you to be clear about what youre saying.
The point of is your questioning my summary of the events and timeline.
Are you trying to say a week is or is not a "short period of time" when considering a gunshot wound? also youre saying they had no bandit contact before the farm?
I dont mind being corrected if I am mistaken, Im just asking you to be clear about what youre saying.
Kenny was shot on the farm on the outskirts of Macon. They found the car & batteries walking back to the motel from the farm.
Kemny is still suffering from being shot when the bandits attack and the motel is over run by the herd. So the amount of time passed inbetween is short
It is longer than you are appearing to make it in your post, which is clearly running on as though it is immediately after they make their way back from the farm.
Your summary of the timeline is inaccurate, and yes, the fact that they point out the length of time, shows this. Whether he was shot or not is irrelevant. A week is a measure of time, it won't become more or less.
Three months had passed since the drug store and the farm events.
Plenty of time for bandits harassment.
In regards to this, they have obviously not been harassed by the bandits since the first moment they get to the motel. Made clear by events in the game itself.
Nice post. Welcome to the forum too. I must say I do envy you having just played e1 and e2 last week and with e3 probably out this Friday. Good timing. The wait for e3 has just been brutal.
Back on topic, yeah there were just too many unknowns. Kat also mentioned there were medical supplies. Hope we didn't take someones heart meds or insulin.
If it was jolene car's, why where the headlights on? Your talk/shoot jolene in the afternoon with sunlight out. So a car she parked earlier would not have the headlight on. And it looked like an older car where you have to manually turn the headlights on.
not as brutal as the wait for ep2
Well, this is fiction we're talking about.
If it was, I must have missed that bit. Though godzilla999666 brings up a good point about the headlights. And the battery was still running, so it must have stopped there that night. Which means it only would've been abandoned for a few hours at most. Either way, I think the decision still makes sense because it's not like Lee would have had any way to know it was Jolene's car at the time.
Granted. And I'm not saying that's the choice that I personally would have made were I in the same situation. With these kinds of choices, most of us would like to think we'd do the right thing if it ever happened to us. But until we've actually been tested, we just don't know. And with a game, it's hard to make the player feel the same sense of despair that the character would be feeling because there's no actual danger.
On the other hand, I do think there's something to be gained through role-playing a character who's more heroic than ourselves. Which is how I've been playing Lee in my playthrough. Even though we don't know the exact circumstances surrounding his crime, I think in a way the zombie apocalypse represents to him an opportunity for a clean slate. The old world is gone, and now he has a chance to prove both to Clem and to himself that he's not a bad person. So maybe he's willing to go that extra mile.
That's fair enough I suppose. Though part of the problem I had with the decisions about who to feed and whether to take the supplies was that we as the players didn't know much about the situation. We know that Mark's supplies recently ran out. But how recent was that? Everyone's hungry, sure. But is that hungry from one day without food? Three days? A week? At the beginning of the episode, Lilly says that what she gives Lee is the last of the rations. To me, that made it sound like, while they may not have been eating well up until then, it wasn't until that day that they actually ran out of food. Plus, during the climax at the dairy farm, none of them seem to be adversely effected by the hunger. Carly's marksmanship is still dead on. Lee and Lilly are still able to tackle and fist fight farmers who are both bigger and better fed.
My point is, based on what we knew at the time, I didn't feel like anyone was in any immediate danger. We're all hungry and tired, sure. But one more night wasn't going to kill us.
I also noticed someone above saying that there ought to have been a middle option, which I kind of agree with. I might have been okay with taking the supplies if we'd been able to take the time to do even a quick scan of the area. As it was, everyone in the group pretty much seemed to just drop their guard as soon as they heard there was food.
Thanks! Yeah, the timing worked out (based on TTG's last blog post, I'm hoping that Episode 3 will be out within the next week). Even though I preordered it months ago, I was going to leave it until the season was done and play through the whole thing at once. But I ended up with a good bit of spare time on my hands, so I broke down and played the first two. Of course, now the wait for Episode 4 is probably going to be torture, but I see that that's a whole other discussion.
This is my theory (I'm not retyping shit):
It's as good as any other, until episode 3 proves it wrong or not. Given the time lapse between episode 1 and 2, I doubt the food will be relevant by episode 3.
Lily states they have enough food to last the week, but people were going without meals to make it last that long (Lilly's lottery).
Everyone's decisions are based on their own perspectives, “There is no such thing as right and wrong, there's just popular opinion.” The point of the game is to to make you think about your choices.
...and how well armed the person is who calls you wrong."
Luckily, so far the people against Lee haven't outgunned him yet.
they wouldn't want to hurt clem either..
Bandits don't like people stealing their stolen goods
...irregardless of whether the food you took was theirs or not. Besides, if they're coming for you anyway, you might as well give them a reason.
i would say the basic point of being a bandit means that you own everything, you just don't have it on you right now, so the car is "theirs"
Edit: this would show that even though the food itself is gone the ramifications of your action still have impact
But I wouldn't be surprised if the bandits were somehow involved with the car. I'm sure we'll be seeing them again, as they seem to be one of the core reasons that St. Johns turned to cannabalism, and they even gave us a bit of information that was withheld from us by the St. Johns, namely their "deal". In short, they seemed to be too much of a driving force in episode 2 to NOT show up again, and if the car was theirs then they'll come at us until they kill us or we kill them. And if Clem is wearing the hoodie, they will probably go for her first when they attack.
I suspect those same bandits will be there even if you didn't. They just won't have that particular line of dialogue. And if it was their car, why didn't they post a guard?
Well, the group still takes the stuff from the car regardless of what Lee decides. It's just that Lee and Clementine don't take anything if you were against it. So it still makes sense.
You British? I can't imagine who else would say "whilst" lol
People are raiding and eating eachother.
The car is abandoned.
Salvage rules apply.
Theres no moral question here.
Plus, Im petty sure whoever left it would have taken what they could carry.
I took the food and tried to explain it to Clem as best as the game let me.
Lol, I'm English and I didn't think that whilst wasn't heard of much in other countries lol
that is actually a good guess :>
leaves his car in macon full of supplies ?
@Milosuperspesh I don't know f he lives in Savannah, I haven't read any of the 'over-spoilers', so whether it's there or not, I don't know. Lee and co. don't live in Savannah, yet they're there now.
He could have waited until they went away, then came back over to the car or something.
how much of the game have you played ?
cos i reckon ep3 pretty much shoots 'your theory' full of several holes
a car that was in ep2, no fuel looted and left behind.
oh sure ttg could wait till the last episode to suddenly reveal the cars owner, but considering lee and friends took a train to savannah yet the walkie man knew they where there and on they way why would he say come find us if he was still in macon.. and i'd reckon a train is faster than a car plus the roads aren't going to be clear and who knows how much fuel it would take to get there..
since the car was near to the farm, bandits are most likely to have gutted it for parts.
The group doesn't head for Savannah straight away.
we also had no idea what clem was doing behind our back.
a guy as powerfull as oberson/walkie talkie guy obviously has friends/supporters/ couple of dudes, why aren't they guarding the car ? oh sure walkers may of got em but no signs of struggle.
sorry to piss all over your theory but imo and that all it is my opinion your theory is stupid.
Sorry to piss on yours, but where did you get that oberson is walkie talkie guy? People have pointed out he looks a lot like the zombie hanging from the bell tower, so unless zombies have started to talk...also, yes, we do know of the walkie talkie before then. We even use them. Clem tells us she plays with it, and is given new batteries from the back of the car. So it's really no good saying my hypothesis is stupid, when everything you're trying to use to argue against it is, well, pretty much stupid.
Kemny is still suffering from being shot when the bandits attack and the motel is over run by the herd. So the amount of time passed inbetween is short. At this time Clem has no idea that they would be heading for Savannah.
Due to the limited range of a walkie and the stated 40 mph speed of the train I dont think Clem started talking to radio guy untill they were on the train close to Savannah.
I highly doubt radio guy is anyone we've met or know yet.
IMO oberson is/was the leader of crawford according to ep4 by which i mean posters placed all over the school halls, why make such a big deal of the guy if he ain't around plus his 'rules' to live by made for some worrisome reads. and thus against young children so after watching them he knew where to go and kidnap clem reasons who the fuck knows..
we saw a creepy looking dude 'sort of zombie like but not a walker', outside the house watching lee bury the starved kid.
that could just of been anyone why not oberson watching clem forshadowing his creepy nature ?
vernon may be a bit strange but if say he'd seen the group in macon why would he shoot lee upon him entering their hideout from the sewer ?! plus vernons group seem way too comfy/well stocked. if crawford was so tight on stuff.
There's an assumption that is Radioman but it doesn't seem logical to me for him to come out of hiding. Can someone play through Ep 4 again and see if that guy fits the profile of Frank Anne's dad? It'd be natural for him to want to see his son buried.
99.9 percent sure it's radioman
there is at least 1 week between those two events. (taking the supplies from the car, then being attacked by the bandits)
probably not, but I think it would be interesting if there was some sort of link to the guy on the walkie talkie, even if he is the only one aware of it. Like we caused something to happen.. We were the butterfly.
Plenty of time for bandits harassment.
Kenny drops Lee onto the hood of the jeep because he is still hurting. The bandits attack later that day.
Whats your point?
*sigh* just how much attention /do/ you pay?
What is the point of /your/ post ?
My point was obviously, I'll underline it, it has been at least a week since they took the supplies from the car. Episode 3 takes place at least one week after episode 2. x.x In regards to:
The bandits don't harass before, as they already have their attention focused elsewhere. Once that is gone they move on to the motel, which is made clear by the arrows "appearing" in the wood and everything. Oh, you can also examine these arrows, and Lee talks about the week.
Are you trying to say a week is or is not a "short period of time" when considering a gunshot wound? also youre saying they had no bandit contact before the farm?
I dont mind being corrected if I am mistaken, Im just asking you to be clear about what youre saying.
It is longer than you are appearing to make it in your post, which is clearly running on as though it is immediately after they make their way back from the farm.
Your summary of the timeline is inaccurate, and yes, the fact that they point out the length of time, shows this. Whether he was shot or not is irrelevant. A week is a measure of time, it won't become more or less.
In regards to this, they have obviously not been harassed by the bandits since the first moment they get to the motel. Made clear by events in the game itself.