If you choose to wait until dusk to leave Clementine's house, he is on the street with Shawn instead of Chet, and drives the group to Hershel's farm in his police vehicle.
Season 2 has to have Clementine in some way. No way would they build up her character this much then just toss her aside(especially with Telltale's tweets before the release of episode 5). I'm all for a new group of survivors, but her story should be wrapped up somehow, i think.
If you look in the non-spoiler section, in the "Questions for the Walking Dead team" thread, Jake from Telltale says "yes, Lee is dead". So for anyone wanting him alive in Season 2, it will not be happening.
I dont know if I want the clementines story...I think it will be the same or I dont think so, if little girl survive and grew up to teenage girl..I want some group of other survivors, but they may be in touch with clementine and she will tell them her story. Maybe the two person that she says on the hill was from another little city or they are live in some quarantine. and from there might be the group of survivors
Whichever direction they chose to go Im in. This game had me hooked from the beginning. My concern with continuing the story whould be how your actions from the first game affect the next. (Yes I've played all the way through and know the ending, but wont ruin it for those that havent)
I'd like to go back and play the game again and see how differet choices change the game but Im concerened that I wont want to carry over my actions.
Sometime next year, Telltale releases the first teaser image for The Walking Dead: The Game Season 2, and Clementine’s nowhere to be seen. The Internet freaks out. However, here’s how the game will go: we start as a new character, we meet the new group, and we cope as things go horribly wrong. Walkers tip over the walls and eat everyone but us and a friend; we’re forced to flee. In the final moments of the episode, we’re lamenting our luck as we cross a sun-covered hill, and then – bam – we see a little girl off in the distance. Credits roll.
How Likely Is It?
Very Likely. With this option, Telltale gets the chance to flesh out the universe, and then we get to see how our final choices with Clem have changed her character. If we told her to avoid groups, does she run from our new character? If we didn’t tell her to keep her hair short, will she let it grow during Season 2? Bringing Clem back – whether she’s a fixture of Season 2 or just a one episode guest star – allows our choices as Lee to live on and intertwine with our new character."
So, what do you guys think about this? I haven't really thought of this, but it makes perfect sense and would hate to see it go any other way. (Ign pretty much gave all the possible ways to happen so one of them must be right.)
It would be disappointing if Clementine doesn't find Christa and Omid. Well, maybe not disappointing, just depressing. I like the idea of seeing new characters and it would be quite a hair raiser seeing that ending for the first episode of season 2. I'd be extremely disappointed if Clem finds a new father figure though or if she's still dependent on adults.
I want to see Clem with Christa and Omid as well. It'd be a shame to have the two characters at the top of the hill to be completely new, who have NO idea what she's been through. She can't just join these people, can she?
On another note, shouldn't this be posted in the season 2 speculation thread at the top?
It would certainly be a great follow up. Instead of following the escaped guy. We can follow the girl as a older person having to do horrible things. The problem is bad things end up usually happening to the person at the end of the season and I'd rather see her vanish and assume shes okay.
Then they try to use her in series and remove her midway through. I think it's very early to start talks but the company should at least make the game by mid year if they want a repeat of sales. People still wanting more of the game.
I want to see Clem with Christa and Omid as well. It'd be a shame to have the two characters at the top of the hill to be completely new, who have NO idea what she's been through. She can't just join these people, can she?
On another note, shouldn't this be posted in the season 2 speculation thread at the top?
I'm hoping she learns to not need someone to help her anymore. Maybe she is the main playable character and she helps the two survivors?
She's 9 years old, she is going to need some help from others. She couldn't do half the things that Lee could do because she is only a kid. Playing as her means that we wouldn't be able to make any decisions because no one listens to a 9 year old.
No matter what they do, I hope they bring back Molly somehow. Her situation in season 1 one seems to be made to bring her back as a character in season 2.
Thinking about Season 2 again.
Here is another idea. In Season 1 where you are forced to make a decision to save either Shawn or Duck, then Carley or Doug. There should be another option (well not really an option but another choice). By not doing anything at all you could lose both characters and the story STILL continues and changes things drastically.
while i watching ep5 reivew from ign , greg who made the reivew said something about keeping the save file , i asked him and he said confirmed it that telltale will used in season 2
so what exactly the save file of saeson 1 do in saeson 2 ?
don't tell me it's just about clem hoodie
cuz it will be the biggest telltae mistakes
can't wait for season 2
sorry if there's any english mistakes
Bah, unless the whole group went to hell, she wouldn't be alone. People who saved Carley could trust her. If you sided with Kenny, and in case that he and his family survive, he could raise her with Duck.
There's Lilly too, but unless she comes back after the Woodbury Accident, and alive, she wouldn't be a option. There's Doug too, but... I don't know. I saved him and all, he seems like a good guy... But I just have that feeling that, if I trust the little girl to him... Well, you guys can imagine.
And of course the new girl who appears in the Chapter 3 Preview. I mean, who knows?
And I would really like to play as a Teen Clementine. She doesn't need to be sexy or something. But it would be nice if she happens to be cute.
Well, now seeing the ending of episode 5 (and the group gone to he'll xD) a teenage clem, yes. A hardened clem? Not so much. She is a bit scarred after all this, and that should show in season 2 (being with Omid and Christa for the space between)
Well, now seeing the ending of episode 5 (and the group gone to he'll xD) a teenage clem, yes. A hardened clem? Not so much. She is a bit scarred after all this, and that should show in season 2 (being with Omid and Christa for the space between)
We won't get a teenage Clem, because it would require for their to be a time skip that would go past where the comic is currently at. We will most likely get a new group of people who will be introduced first, and then later on they will meet up with Clem as show at the ending credits. It will be interesting to see if she will become more jaded in the second season considering that she has been through a lot and will probably continue to go through bad things in the next season. I also think that she will probably play a more active role fighting with the group then the first one. The first season ended with her starting to be able to do things for her self. She is still has a naive kind of personality that will probably slowly fade in the second season.
I'm not interested in watching Clementine suffer any more than she already has. I'd actually like to see what's happening on the West Coast. There could be a H.A.M. radio scene where they contact a large settlement to the East and in a panning shot you could see Clementine walking with Omid and Krista. A road trip could ensue. Or, as someone else already came up with, the last two characters in another group could walk through that field and see Clementine sitting by that car. I have no interest in walking around blasting zombies as a hardened Clementine.
I think the new season will continue Clem's story but may not necessarily feature her as the playable character. It might be kind of weird to play as a nine year old, in my opinion. No matter what, though, I'm definitely excited for season 2.
What if the next season will be the story of the two people who you see at the end of season one?
Maybe the next season begins with a new individual / group and you play though 5 episodes with them. At the end of the final episode, you and the remaining survivor of your group are walking through this barren field and you look to you right and see a little girl alone......
Cut to credits. Prepare for the third and final season of TWD. \m/
What if the next season will be the story of the two people who you see at the end of season one?
Maybe the next season begins with a new individual / group and you play though 5 episodes with them. At the end of the final episode, you and the remaining survivor of your group are walking through this barren field and you look to you right and see a little girl alone......
Cut to credits. Prepare for the third and final season of TWD. \m/
Could be pretty badass. What do you think?
cool but I really want to know what happens after clem's scene cut out
I have a feeling that Lee's ex-wife might make an appearance.
That would be scary:)
Am I the ony one thinking, that we might get to play more than one character. Is it really that unlikely, that we get to do a few tasks as Clementine? She is already helping in S1, so why not let us play as her?
Ofcause we have to play as an adult main character most of the time to make the game work. FX if we play as Molly, she can do almost everything, but every once in a while Clementines size comes in handy, and we get to actually play her part:)
This may sound a little bizarre, for that I apologize, but basically the idea is this... you know how Lee was older and wiser and took care of Clementine while they were together?
Well... what if the shadow figures on the hill are 'zombies'? And so Clementine runs away, getting into the trees and loses them, she comes across a house, where things are quiet, so she checks it out cautiously, she has already loaded the gun, when she slowed down and came up to the house which is almost a cabin, not very large, isolated and out in the woods, when she goes into the kitchen she hears whimpering, a very soft almost crying.
She goes to the cabinet and slowly opens the door and sees a young child, perhaps 5 years old or so, boy? girl? Not sure at this point, but what the main idea of this idea is, is that Clementine becomes the main character and not the ward of another adult character that takes Lee's place, but 'she' actually takes Lee's place and helps someone younger and more inexperienced than her.
Also, in the first season we moved from group to group, meaning we had new people join us and we joined them, until at the end, there was no one left except Clementine. (Omid and Christa's fate is unknown, and I know that many things were 'not' expressly shown, so they become indefinite too, but until things are shown to have survived, I am going with the theory, that Clementine is the only one left alive.)
But rather than have a re-tread of the first season 'feel and formula', it would be nice to take a completely different track in the second season, and what I think would be very cool, with a different feel and flavor completely, would be to have Clementine and Sally be the main protagonists, they sneak around the woods and out onto the highway, moving away from the city, with Clementine telling Sally as they go, "We have to stay out of the cities, it'll be safer that way... fewer walkers to worry about..."
Perhaps other characters come into the story, people Clementine and Sally see at a distance, or who they see camped and talking, but don't interact with directly, because if they do, the arc devolves into the adults either taking care of, of taking advantage of the children's situation. Which may present a problem to be gotten around in the story for Clementine and Sally, with them getting untied and escaping back into the woods alone. Or rescuing a twenty something woman and her baby that the group was using as walker bait.
With the twenty something young woman almost out of her head, but minimally so, it might be Clementine and Sally that take care of the woman and her baby, more than the woman taking care of them.
I think with a small group that has only a few 'other people' encounters changes the flavor of the story a lot, and if the problems change to environmental challenges instead of other people doing things... Like, ok, we got chased up onto the roof of this house by walkers, how do we get to anther house, and out of the neighborhood?
Or we got into this store to find some canned baby formula, but now there are raiders coming into the front of the building, how do we get away unseen?
By having a small group and a change of emphasis from group decisions involving people that come into and out of the group, then we change how it feels when we play it, and it gives us a different side, of how things could go for people if they were out there in the world in a zombie apocalypse. Not everyone is going to be in a group. It may make the story slower, if Clementine and company have to spend a lot of time 'thinking' about how to do things, instead of reacting, but maybe with a smaller group they have to be 'smarter' about things, ya know? Just my two cents, but I think it could be both fun and different.
if christa and omid are in season 2, and we play one of them, i think it would most likely be omid, because christa has given to many opinions on important things while Omid wasn't really in it as much a christa and Omid never gave a strong opinion on anything unless his intention was to amuse
I think the story will revolve around clementine and Molly.
Molly probably saves clementine and Omid and Christia are probably searching for her.
Because they said they were going to the "Country side" that is probably where they go looking. Clementine will probably be a little older maybe in her teens.
The main protagonist might be molly to replace lee.
I think the story will revolve around clementine and Molly.
Molly probably saves clementine and Omid and Christia are probably searching for her.
Because they said they were going to the "Country side" that is probably where they go looking. Clementine will probably be a little older maybe in her teens.
The main protagonist might be molly to replace lee.
Won't be older, that would require the game to take place further in time then where the comics are at. I don't think Molly will replace Lee, she has an established personality.
If they decide to follow other characters, it might be interesting to see a story take place during the winter months. That'd offer something very different.
Won't be older, that would require the game to take place further in time then where the comics are at. I don't think Molly will replace Lee, she has an established personality.
I think that an older Clem would also violate any deals with Kirkman - I doubt he would like to skip his own work several years, so no.
We will either see Omid, Christa and Clem as a new group with either playable, or an entire new protagonist, which I would prefer.
This is simple: There is a timeline in the comic that has run for X months/years, beginning with the outbreak at let's call it day 0. At that time Rick was in hospital and Lee on his way to prison. But, they weren't the only people affected by the otubreak - there were people all over the world dying and fighting for their survival - so why stick to a small group we have already learned to love, hate and is also severely depleted? In Georgia, when there's a whole world in danger?
A lot can be made with a zombie outbreak, like how it goes in a hospital in Germany, on a fishing boat outside Iceland, 'riots' in Seattle, saving a school full of kids in Mexico... The possibilities are endless - and as an added bonus, most countries have a lot more restrictive weapon laws than the US, so finding guns and ammo will be a MUCH larger problem in such countries.
I think TTG went the right way by making this game a) more about relations and b) using the zombies as scares, so that's not a problem - and neither is the people, since we know TTG can write good and engaging characters with believble personalities.
So, I think the Lee and Clementine story has run its course, despite the sequel hook set up.
Please TTG, let us see new characters in a new story arc.
Won't be older, that would require the game to take place further in time then where the comics are at. I don't think Molly will replace Lee, she has an established personality.
Molly mysteriously left at the end of Episode 4.
She also knows the city well and we know she hasn't left the city with the other group.
Which means more then likely she still would be in the city when all it all goes to hell. I wouldn't be surprised if she finds clementine wandering around. She would definitively save her and not let he die off.
I think they may play clementine like a replacement for Mollys sister who died. And Clementine looks to molly as a promintent female figure she could emulate. But I feel that Molly thinks she isn't good enough to take care of Clementine, so they look for a family for her.
The ideal family is of course Omid and That other lady. They probably searched for clementine and had to leave because things went to hell. Molly probably thinks the city is too much salvaged out and agrees to help clementine to find omid.
Episode 1 of Season 2 would probably be trying to find them in the city, and finally leaving for the country. They may kill off molly in episode 1 season 2. An leave you with omid just to piss people off :P
Molly mysteriously left at the end of Episode 4.
She also knows the city well and we know she hasn't left the city with the other group.
Which means more then likely she still would be in the city when all it all goes to hell. I wouldn't be surprised if she finds clementine wandering around. She would definitively save her and not let he die off.
I think they may play clementine like a replacement for Mollys sister who died. And Clementine looks to molly as a promintent female figure she could emulate. But I feel that Molly thinks she isn't good enough to take care of Clementine, so they look for a family for her.
The ideal family is of course Omid and That other lady. They probably searched for clementine and had to leave because things went to hell. Molly probably thinks the city is too much salvaged out and agrees to help clementine to find omid.
Episode 1 of Season 2 would probably be trying to find them in the city, and finally leaving for the country. They may kill off molly in episode 1 season 2. An leave you with omid just to piss people off :P
I am still standing by it being a new character we have yet to meet. Molly might show up, but since there is an established personality for her, it would difficult to shape her like we did with Lee.
I have a feeling that when lee "died" he might not become a zombie and maybe if clementine left him he could of found clem after fighting his way out of savanah or if clementine shot maybe she shot just above his head and said I"im sorry lee i cant do this" and about lees possibly lost arm it could start with him having no arm already or him cutting it off, lee being the protagnist i dont think is likely but lee is definitly the protagnist or deurotagnist but i think most likely its gonna be omid/christa as main character for Season 2
I have a feeling that when lee "died" he might not become a zombie and maybe if clementine left him he could of found clem after fighting his way out of savanah or if clementine shot maybe she shot just above his head and said I"im sorry lee i cant do this" and about lees possibly lost arm it could start with him having no arm already or him cutting it off, lee being the protagnist i dont think is likely but lee is definitly the protagnist or deurotagnist but i think most likely its gonna be omid/christa as main character for Season 2
I'd love to see options in the episodes where you could A) Defend at camp or Scout for food. Different people go with you and different stuff happens. Would give more replay value.
I'd also like to see more "disposable" characters. Like if you have 5 to start with and 1 dies a chapter, but it really doesn't matter who. So in chapter 5, first player could have character A with them while second player could have character E with them. (This of course does not include "main" characters like Kenny that is essential to the story)
(copied from rate the game thread. just in case anyone of import reads this one and not the other)
If you choose to wait until dusk to leave Clementine's house, he is on the street with Shawn instead of Chet, and drives the group to Hershel's farm in his police vehicle.
Season 2 has to have Clementine in some way. No way would they build up her character this much then just toss her aside(especially with Telltale's tweets before the release of episode 5). I'm all for a new group of survivors, but her story should be wrapped up somehow, i think.
sorry for my bad English
I'd like to go back and play the game again and see how differet choices change the game but Im concerened that I wont want to carry over my actions.
Sometime next year, Telltale releases the first teaser image for The Walking Dead: The Game Season 2, and Clementine’s nowhere to be seen. The Internet freaks out. However, here’s how the game will go: we start as a new character, we meet the new group, and we cope as things go horribly wrong. Walkers tip over the walls and eat everyone but us and a friend; we’re forced to flee. In the final moments of the episode, we’re lamenting our luck as we cross a sun-covered hill, and then – bam – we see a little girl off in the distance. Credits roll.
How Likely Is It?
Very Likely. With this option, Telltale gets the chance to flesh out the universe, and then we get to see how our final choices with Clem have changed her character. If we told her to avoid groups, does she run from our new character? If we didn’t tell her to keep her hair short, will she let it grow during Season 2? Bringing Clem back – whether she’s a fixture of Season 2 or just a one episode guest star – allows our choices as Lee to live on and intertwine with our new character."
Read the whole story here:
So, what do you guys think about this? I haven't really thought of this, but it makes perfect sense and would hate to see it go any other way. (Ign pretty much gave all the possible ways to happen so one of them must be right.)
On another note, shouldn't this be posted in the season 2 speculation thread at the top?
Then they try to use her in series and remove her midway through. I think it's very early to start talks but the company should at least make the game by mid year if they want a repeat of sales. People still wanting more of the game.
Here is another idea. In Season 1 where you are forced to make a decision to save either Shawn or Duck, then Carley or Doug. There should be another option (well not really an option but another choice). By not doing anything at all you could lose both characters and the story STILL continues and changes things drastically.
so what exactly the save file of saeson 1 do in saeson 2 ?
don't tell me it's just about clem hoodie
cuz it will be the biggest telltae mistakes
can't wait for season 2
sorry if there's any english mistakes
Well, now seeing the ending of episode 5 (and the group gone to he'll xD) a teenage clem, yes. A hardened clem? Not so much. She is a bit scarred after all this, and that should show in season 2 (being with Omid and Christa for the space between)
We won't get a teenage Clem, because it would require for their to be a time skip that would go past where the comic is currently at. We will most likely get a new group of people who will be introduced first, and then later on they will meet up with Clem as show at the ending credits. It will be interesting to see if she will become more jaded in the second season considering that she has been through a lot and will probably continue to go through bad things in the next season. I also think that she will probably play a more active role fighting with the group then the first one. The first season ended with her starting to be able to do things for her self. She is still has a naive kind of personality that will probably slowly fade in the second season.
Maybe the next season begins with a new individual / group and you play though 5 episodes with them. At the end of the final episode, you and the remaining survivor of your group are walking through this barren field and you look to you right and see a little girl alone......
Cut to credits. Prepare for the third and final season of TWD. \m/
Could be pretty badass. What do you think?
cool but I really want to know what happens after clem's scene cut out
That would be scary:)
Am I the ony one thinking, that we might get to play more than one character. Is it really that unlikely, that we get to do a few tasks as Clementine? She is already helping in S1, so why not let us play as her?
Ofcause we have to play as an adult main character most of the time to make the game work. FX if we play as Molly, she can do almost everything, but every once in a while Clementines size comes in handy, and we get to actually play her part:)
This may sound a little bizarre, for that I apologize, but basically the idea is this... you know how Lee was older and wiser and took care of Clementine while they were together?
Well... what if the shadow figures on the hill are 'zombies'? And so Clementine runs away, getting into the trees and loses them, she comes across a house, where things are quiet, so she checks it out cautiously, she has already loaded the gun, when she slowed down and came up to the house which is almost a cabin, not very large, isolated and out in the woods, when she goes into the kitchen she hears whimpering, a very soft almost crying.
She goes to the cabinet and slowly opens the door and sees a young child, perhaps 5 years old or so, boy? girl? Not sure at this point, but what the main idea of this idea is, is that Clementine becomes the main character and not the ward of another adult character that takes Lee's place, but 'she' actually takes Lee's place and helps someone younger and more inexperienced than her.
Also, in the first season we moved from group to group, meaning we had new people join us and we joined them, until at the end, there was no one left except Clementine. (Omid and Christa's fate is unknown, and I know that many things were 'not' expressly shown, so they become indefinite too, but until things are shown to have survived, I am going with the theory, that Clementine is the only one left alive.)
But rather than have a re-tread of the first season 'feel and formula', it would be nice to take a completely different track in the second season, and what I think would be very cool, with a different feel and flavor completely, would be to have Clementine and Sally be the main protagonists, they sneak around the woods and out onto the highway, moving away from the city, with Clementine telling Sally as they go, "We have to stay out of the cities, it'll be safer that way... fewer walkers to worry about..."
Perhaps other characters come into the story, people Clementine and Sally see at a distance, or who they see camped and talking, but don't interact with directly, because if they do, the arc devolves into the adults either taking care of, of taking advantage of the children's situation. Which may present a problem to be gotten around in the story for Clementine and Sally, with them getting untied and escaping back into the woods alone. Or rescuing a twenty something woman and her baby that the group was using as walker bait.
With the twenty something young woman almost out of her head, but minimally so, it might be Clementine and Sally that take care of the woman and her baby, more than the woman taking care of them.
I think with a small group that has only a few 'other people' encounters changes the flavor of the story a lot, and if the problems change to environmental challenges instead of other people doing things... Like, ok, we got chased up onto the roof of this house by walkers, how do we get to anther house, and out of the neighborhood?
Or we got into this store to find some canned baby formula, but now there are raiders coming into the front of the building, how do we get away unseen?
By having a small group and a change of emphasis from group decisions involving people that come into and out of the group, then we change how it feels when we play it, and it gives us a different side, of how things could go for people if they were out there in the world in a zombie apocalypse. Not everyone is going to be in a group. It may make the story slower, if Clementine and company have to spend a lot of time 'thinking' about how to do things, instead of reacting, but maybe with a smaller group they have to be 'smarter' about things, ya know?
Molly probably saves clementine and Omid and Christia are probably searching for her.
Because they said they were going to the "Country side" that is probably where they go looking. Clementine will probably be a little older maybe in her teens.
The main protagonist might be molly to replace lee.
Won't be older, that would require the game to take place further in time then where the comics are at. I don't think Molly will replace Lee, she has an established personality.
I think that an older Clem would also violate any deals with Kirkman - I doubt he would like to skip his own work several years, so no.
We will either see Omid, Christa and Clem as a new group with either playable, or an entire new protagonist, which I would prefer.
This is simple: There is a timeline in the comic that has run for X months/years, beginning with the outbreak at let's call it day 0. At that time Rick was in hospital and Lee on his way to prison. But, they weren't the only people affected by the otubreak - there were people all over the world dying and fighting for their survival - so why stick to a small group we have already learned to love, hate and is also severely depleted? In Georgia, when there's a whole world in danger?
A lot can be made with a zombie outbreak, like how it goes in a hospital in Germany, on a fishing boat outside Iceland, 'riots' in Seattle, saving a school full of kids in Mexico... The possibilities are endless - and as an added bonus, most countries have a lot more restrictive weapon laws than the US, so finding guns and ammo will be a MUCH larger problem in such countries.
I think TTG went the right way by making this game a) more about relations and b) using the zombies as scares, so that's not a problem - and neither is the people, since we know TTG can write good and engaging characters with believble personalities.
So, I think the Lee and Clementine story has run its course, despite the sequel hook set up.
Please TTG, let us see new characters in a new story arc.
Molly mysteriously left at the end of Episode 4.
She also knows the city well and we know she hasn't left the city with the other group.
Which means more then likely she still would be in the city when all it all goes to hell. I wouldn't be surprised if she finds clementine wandering around. She would definitively save her and not let he die off.
I think they may play clementine like a replacement for Mollys sister who died. And Clementine looks to molly as a promintent female figure she could emulate. But I feel that Molly thinks she isn't good enough to take care of Clementine, so they look for a family for her.
The ideal family is of course Omid and That other lady. They probably searched for clementine and had to leave because things went to hell. Molly probably thinks the city is too much salvaged out and agrees to help clementine to find omid.
Episode 1 of Season 2 would probably be trying to find them in the city, and finally leaving for the country. They may kill off molly in episode 1 season 2. An leave you with omid just to piss people off :P
I am still standing by it being a new character we have yet to meet. Molly might show up, but since there is an established personality for her, it would difficult to shape her like we did with Lee.
Devs already confirmed he was dead.
I'd also like to see more "disposable" characters. Like if you have 5 to start with and 1 dies a chapter, but it really doesn't matter who. So in chapter 5, first player could have character A with them while second player could have character E with them. (This of course does not include "main" characters like Kenny that is essential to the story)
(copied from rate the game thread. just in case anyone of import reads this one and not the other)
no light, bright damn near white girls like clementine
or women with long flowing straight flat hair like christa.
You don't know what you're talking about. We come in all shapes, color and sizes.
Anything else is due to in game lighting.
im black.
you don't come in "clementine" pale, even if you're mixed.