Well let's just say that there is a possibilty that she dies. They can't make her new Protagonist and frankly she's not that interesting character anyways. She was cool for just one episode since she's jumping around and shit but it's enough.
It should be christa or omid because they are the ones to take care of clem and they wrent seen at the end of the game and i hope molly makes another camo or joins the group
Whoever we play in the next season, it'll be someone without an established personality. We made our own Lee through the choices we made and that's a huge draw for this game. That would be lost if we were given a more defined character to start with.
Just leave any females from the TV show off of it... They're all terrible! (Especially Andrea, the worst character on the show)
Almost all the characters on the TV show are unlikeable in the first two seasons (apart from Daryl, of course!), but I haven't watched any of season 3 yet - I'm sure they will become more interesting. When I said Andrea, I definitely meant the comic version
EDIT - Not that I want ANY characters from the main storyline, just pointing out there have been some badass women in the world of TWD.
As a male, when I'm given the choice I usually play as a female character because great Female characters are woefully underrepresented in video games and I would absolutely love to play as one in the next season because I know Telltale would do a great job with one.
But as far as roleplaying, I don't care what gender it is because I've been able to connect fairly easily with both female and male protagonists
But I do agree with you that the lead in the next season shouldn't be Clementine but mostly because I want to see how lee's actions and words affected her and not have my input mucking up any character development she's going through
That's very insightful. Novels and films have a number of great, interesting female leads and considering that video games are an art form now they really should include more protagonists that are female.
Agreed being able to play as Clem will kind of mar Lee's teachings and influence on Clem. Besides it would be more interesting to observe how she changed develops based on Lee's choices and moral standards.
Christa and Omid really don't have a strong enough presence to be established as leads for the next season. TTG has to make a new character that can be potentially as good and well developed as Lee.
It's going to be hard to find a character to fill Lee's shoes though. Lee is easily one of the most likable and greatest protagonists in a video game...well paragon Lee anyway
I'm for Molly as the main character next seaon, just cause she is one of the best characters in season one and shes only in episode 4. Christa and Omid are nice as group members but to play them... I don't know if that really would work. Between Clem and Molly I easily can see chemistry and also most players liking Molly as the protagnist.
Doubt we will be Clem, I doubt they let you go around doing stuff and killing walkers on your own when you're just 9 years old, only Lee would let her do that. Well, not alone but.. You know.
Who says Clem is still 9 years old in season 2...
I still like the idea of playing Molly as the best..
I would have much preferred that Season One had ended conclusively and Season Two be a new story with a new protagonist who just ends up crossing paths with the survivors from Season One.
I'm not really keen on just seeing the continuing adventures of Clem, Christa and Omid - because I kind of feel that for the most part that story has been told. The cliffhanger at the end was not really warranted and with Lee gone, there is a lack of a decent protagonist character.
Playing as Clem doesn't strike me as being a good route to go either...
That strong character with that short appearance in season 1? She can easily play the main part next season, but we'll see. I don't like the idea of christa and omid that much, group member ok, bur playing them would feel weird.
The way the game ended I can see Telltale going one of three ways for season 2:
1 - You play Clem trying to find her way in the world, maybe trying to find Omid and Christa. I'd love to see this as Clem was a great character and I need to know what happened to her!
2 - Christa or Omid (one or the other or both interchangeable) as they try to find Clem and deal with Christa being pregnant.
3 - Someone new. I can see TT going this way, but I really hope they don't. We need closure!
I really hope Telltale are planning on continuing Clem's story, otherwise it was a massive dicktease to have that scene after the EP5 credits with Clem.
I don't think the two figures were Omid and Christa; the shotgun shells and the fact Clem seemed shocked makes me think it was someone else.
They aren't going to jump a number of years into the damn future so Clem will only be 9, 10, maybe 11 at the most. It'll be a new lead character that we haven't met yet
Christa and Omid really don't have a strong enough presence to be established as leads for the next season. TTG has to make a new character that can be potentially as good and well developed as Lee.
It's going to be hard to find a character to fill Lee's shoes though. Lee is easily one of the most likable and greatest protagonists in a video game...well paragon Lee anyway
I agree, no matter who they choose, Lee will be one tough act to follow.
Molly would be the best choice out of all the season 1 characters because we don't know much about her past and we don't know much about her personality which would allow us to fill in blanks like we did with Lee. But any other existing character wouldn't work because those blanks have already been filled in their personality is already known and if we play as an existing character we would either be stuck in that characters personality or we might make the character act in ways that would be inconsistent with previous characterization.
But the essence of the story is just that, nowhere is safe... Does an author tailor make his story to fit one's wishfull thinking of happy everafter? Not everyone gets to marry their highschool sweetheart, fall in love with Mr. Right, and the cancer patient sometimes just succumbs. Heh, my boss has a saying. "Life's a bitch, and then you die..." There is no hope in a Kirkman, society has gone to hell so make do with what you can, till your face is eaten off at least...
(yes... my glass is half empty by the way:p)
I agree with the general logic, but not the storytelling perspective.
Think of it this way, stories and games have always been there to teach lessons and to sharpen skills.
It doesn't matter how much real life sucks or whether it's hopeless or not, but good storytelling mostly exists to demonstrate other people's mistakes or show qualities that society finds desirable.
In the comics, you eventually come to realize that it doesn't matter how desirable Rick's or Glenn's qualities were because desirable qualities mean jack shit and they'll both end up in the same place.
Kind of reminds me of a longer running example of that one 2pac movie where two burned out addicts start off in a free clinic, and after whatever sorry adventures they ended up having they ended up at the same clinic at the end of the movie. No lessons were learned, it was just a waste of the viewer's time.
Or imagine if they killed off Clem in season 2. Lee was a great protagonist and all, but Clem was the catalyst and the motivator for the entire season. There's really no way that TTG could do it without rendering the ~9 hours spent on S1 a massive waste of players time.
And that's not a "It might have grazed her cheek, or Lee's that one special immune person." hope.
We don't see him die... I think there's a reason for that.
Personally I think it's because a lot of us wouldn't want to see our closest friend in the apocalypse get ripped to shreds. I loved the guy, but I accepted he's gone.
Playing as Clementine, a 9 year old girl, will severely limit what we are able to do in the game. Clementine couldn't do half the things that Lee did. We would be following the other characters and won't have much say in the group. Playing as a character that we already know also takes away some off the choices that we can make because they already have a personality. Also the "Clementine will remember..." and "Christa/Omid will remember..." make it even less likely that we will play as one of them.
Honestly I would pick Omid as the main character in the next season because he's quite likable, with Molly as a guest. Or maybe Clem (maybe in season 3 or something)
I hope there will be more seasons. I have a good feeling there will be since the game has got some good press/reviews and (I hope, because it deserves it) great sales. I'm also hoping that the people at Telltale aren't heartless enough to leave us in the dark on how Clem turned out (;P).
I could see it picking right up where the first season ended or flash forward a few years with Clem being the new main character so we could see how our decisions from the first season affected her personality and reasoning.
If it ends up being about an entirely new group I hope at least we'll come across Clementine if only to know if she survives at all...
I'd like for the next installment to have multiple drastic outcomes. Most of the decisions only slightly swayed the story. But not by much.
I want the decisions to completely alter the story. Say for an example a key individual dies which causes a domino effect and negates any other outcomes from happening or making other people not trust or be cautious around your actions. Or just leave your company completely.
I think we will see Kenny in the beginning of season 2 as a zombie.. No matter how he dies in episode 5 (with Ben or alone) he doesn't shoot himself (so he should come back as a zombie, right?). At least that's what I think.
I think the second season would feature Clem, but I don't think she would be the main character. She's just a kid. But maybe we would be controlling whoever is taking care of her (Christa/Omid? maybe)? Or we could follow a whole new group of survivors. Maybe they would stumble upon Clem briefly? So we see what has happened to her?
I just finished Episode Five.......
I am 22 years old and I've NEVER EVER cried while playing a Video game.....
Games made me angry, sad or happy......but I really never shed a single tear while playing......until now.
The Ending of Episode 5 was the most emotional Moment in my entire Gaming History......
Just wanted to thank you very much for that moment. No other Game did that before and I'll probably never forget that. Thank you for the most personal story I've ever enjoyed! It was a marvellous journey.
I think that season 2 the first episode anyways should pick up where season 1 left off and discover the shadow duo and then have them stop with shadows because after Campman I've had all I can
I say NO! to a completely different group with no connections to season one. I was completely satisfied with the choices that Telltale managed to give us throughout the season but I did except some more variation to the ending,not a vast amount(4 or 6) instead of just two.Clem living, no matter what you do, surely means that we continue her story,doesnt it? If season 2 has no connection to 1 then I'll be surprised and disappointed that the ending didn't branch out more(I totally understand the constraints if we do continue with Clem's story).
I was somewhat apathetic to Christa and Omid in episode 3 but 4 or 5 made me really like and care for them. I enjoyed and appreciated Omid's optimism and humour and Christa showed that she is a caring and resourceful woman who is willing to step up when the others dither, I jumped at the option to let them take care of Clementine. Please continue their and Clem's story Telltale. Does Clem find them? Is it them on the hill? What will happen to them and their future child? Did they even make it out of Savannah?!
I don't want to play as any of them but I most definitely what them in our future protagonist's group( and Molly too )
I want future seasons to continue with survivors I have gotten to know and care for in previous ones and not just start from scratch each time.If it's true that we are told to keep our saves, why start again with a totally unconnected story?
In the end of Season 2, Clementime will sit on a hill, watching the sunset go down, then she hears footsteps, you see two pair of legs, Clem doesn't turn around since she is scared, you then hear "Hello Sweat pea" *Screen fades black* You'll have to wait for Season 3! SOO INTENSE!
The way I hope for season 2 to start off. We start with a new main character (Male and female) and you get to pick your gender (they both can be together. Just have the one not picked die).
Have them meet Clem and then go from there. You can have past actions affect future ones from the relationships you had or add new characters. How would Lilly react to the new group or about finding out that Lee is dead?
Will they search for a boat or go to the country side? How will Clem be affected by this new change and about Lee's death? How will Lee's actions through eposide one affect the group? Did Kenny die (because I think he did) and will we hopefully not be given a cursed person?
(personally I would go with the Left 4 Dead 1 plan. Go get a boat and find a small island. Less zombies to deal with and one big enough to support yourself on.)
As for the possible new characters... Don't have another Ben. Ben was the worst of them all and that is including Larry who went out of his way. He destoryed the first group (raider trading), got you swarmed by zombies (Unlocked the doors), and kept killing your group members off as he made more fights (Shouting I killed when your trying keep yourselves safe). Saving him in the bell tower will have him make more fights (more complaining), cause another moment of bad luck (Balcony break), and nearly (properly) gets Kenny killed (With him trapped and dead) and gives you even more problems. In a way not killing him is a crime in itself.
Maybe Clementine travelling around like molly, or maybe shes with omid and christa and molly + Lily maybe since lily got no grudge with them or maybe Glenn The guy that left, and he got another walkie talkie
Why is everyone still liking Lilly and thinking she is staying in the series? She is done and hated for me. She shot Carley/Doug in the face in cold blood. What else do you need to know she was an animal even more than Kenny was to Larry.
Do you think Kenny is actually dead?
He dies in two possible ways in this game, either trying to save Ben's life or jumping in the hole to save Christa. What I find interesting is that they never ACTUALLY show Kenny being killed in any outcome. Maybe that's a hint he'll come back in season 2. Maybe one of the people Clementine saw at the end was Kenny?
If you tell Kenny that "Katjaa wouldn't have wanted this", Lee stays back behind the door and actually watches Kenny get killed. You still don't see it happen, but you can tell from Lee's expression on his face that he knows that Kenny died.
If you tell Kenny that "Katjaa wouldn't have wanted this", Lee stays back behind the door and actually watches Kenny get killed. You still don't see it happen, but you can tell from Lee's expression on his face that he knows that Kenny died.
Almost all the characters on the TV show are unlikeable in the first two seasons (apart from Daryl, of course!), but I haven't watched any of season 3 yet - I'm sure they will become more interesting. When I said Andrea, I definitely meant the comic version
EDIT - Not that I want ANY characters from the main storyline, just pointing out there have been some badass women in the world of TWD.
That's very insightful. Novels and films have a number of great, interesting female leads and considering that video games are an art form now they really should include more protagonists that are female.
Agreed being able to play as Clem will kind of mar Lee's teachings and influence on Clem. Besides it would be more interesting to observe how she changed develops based on Lee's choices and moral standards.
Christa and Omid really don't have a strong enough presence to be established as leads for the next season. TTG has to make a new character that can be potentially as good and well developed as Lee.
It's going to be hard to find a character to fill Lee's shoes though. Lee is easily one of the most likable and greatest protagonists in a video game...well paragon Lee anyway
Could also a new character though...
I still like the idea of playing Molly as the best..
I'm not really keen on just seeing the continuing adventures of Clem, Christa and Omid - because I kind of feel that for the most part that story has been told. The cliffhanger at the end was not really warranted and with Lee gone, there is a lack of a decent protagonist character.
Playing as Clem doesn't strike me as being a good route to go either...
That strong character with that short appearance in season 1? She can easily play the main part next season, but we'll see. I don't like the idea of christa and omid that much, group member ok, bur playing them would feel weird.
The way the game ended I can see Telltale going one of three ways for season 2:
1 - You play Clem trying to find her way in the world, maybe trying to find Omid and Christa. I'd love to see this as Clem was a great character and I need to know what happened to her!
2 - Christa or Omid (one or the other or both interchangeable) as they try to find Clem and deal with Christa being pregnant.
3 - Someone new. I can see TT going this way, but I really hope they don't. We need closure!
I really hope Telltale are planning on continuing Clem's story, otherwise it was a massive dicktease to have that scene after the EP5 credits with Clem.
I don't think the two figures were Omid and Christa; the shotgun shells and the fact Clem seemed shocked makes me think it was someone else.
Adam West! *scnr*
I agree, no matter who they choose, Lee will be one tough act to follow.
Molly would be the best choice out of all the season 1 characters because we don't know much about her past and we don't know much about her personality which would allow us to fill in blanks like we did with Lee. But any other existing character wouldn't work because those blanks have already been filled in their personality is already known and if we play as an existing character we would either be stuck in that characters personality or we might make the character act in ways that would be inconsistent with previous characterization.
I agree with the general logic, but not the storytelling perspective.
Think of it this way, stories and games have always been there to teach lessons and to sharpen skills.
It doesn't matter how much real life sucks or whether it's hopeless or not, but good storytelling mostly exists to demonstrate other people's mistakes or show qualities that society finds desirable.
In the comics, you eventually come to realize that it doesn't matter how desirable Rick's or Glenn's qualities were because desirable qualities mean jack shit and they'll both end up in the same place.
Kind of reminds me of a longer running example of that one 2pac movie where two burned out addicts start off in a free clinic, and after whatever sorry adventures they ended up having they ended up at the same clinic at the end of the movie. No lessons were learned, it was just a waste of the viewer's time.
Or imagine if they killed off Clem in season 2. Lee was a great protagonist and all, but Clem was the catalyst and the motivator for the entire season. There's really no way that TTG could do it without rendering the ~9 hours spent on S1 a massive waste of players time.
Personally I think it's because a lot of us wouldn't want to see our closest friend in the apocalypse get ripped to shreds. I loved the guy, but I accepted he's gone.
Well, we don't see Lee die, do we? But he's dead, just as Kenny is, but I guess that's just my opinion, everyone has one :P.
And anyone who wants a new story is retarded.
I could see it picking right up where the first season ended or flash forward a few years with Clem being the new main character so we could see how our decisions from the first season affected her personality and reasoning.
If it ends up being about an entirely new group I hope at least we'll come across Clementine if only to know if she survives at all...
I want the decisions to completely alter the story. Say for an example a key individual dies which causes a domino effect and negates any other outcomes from happening or making other people not trust or be cautious around your actions. Or just leave your company completely.
I think the second season would feature Clem, but I don't think she would be the main character. She's just a kid. But maybe we would be controlling whoever is taking care of her (Christa/Omid? maybe)? Or we could follow a whole new group of survivors. Maybe they would stumble upon Clem briefly? So we see what has happened to her?
I don't know, I have too many ideas XD
I am 22 years old and I've NEVER EVER cried while playing a Video game.....
Games made me angry, sad or happy......but I really never shed a single tear while playing......until now.
The Ending of Episode 5 was the most emotional Moment in my entire Gaming History......
Just wanted to thank you very much for that moment. No other Game did that before and I'll probably never forget that. Thank you for the most personal story I've ever enjoyed! It was a marvellous journey.
Greetings from Germany!
I was somewhat apathetic to Christa and Omid in episode 3 but 4 or 5 made me really like and care for them. I enjoyed and appreciated Omid's optimism and humour and Christa showed that she is a caring and resourceful woman who is willing to step up when the others dither, I jumped at the option to let them take care of Clementine. Please continue their and Clem's story Telltale. Does Clem find them? Is it them on the hill? What will happen to them and their future child? Did they even make it out of Savannah?!
I don't want to play as any of them but I most definitely what them in our future protagonist's group( and Molly too
I want future seasons to continue with survivors I have gotten to know and care for in previous ones and not just start from scratch each time.If it's true that we are told to keep our saves, why start again with a totally unconnected story?
Have them meet Clem and then go from there. You can have past actions affect future ones from the relationships you had or add new characters. How would Lilly react to the new group or about finding out that Lee is dead?
Will they search for a boat or go to the country side? How will Clem be affected by this new change and about Lee's death? How will Lee's actions through eposide one affect the group? Did Kenny die (because I think he did) and will we hopefully not be given a cursed person?
(personally I would go with the Left 4 Dead 1 plan. Go get a boat and find a small island. Less zombies to deal with and one big enough to support yourself on.)
As for the possible new characters... Don't have another Ben. Ben was the worst of them all and that is including Larry who went out of his way. He destoryed the first group (raider trading), got you swarmed by zombies (Unlocked the doors), and kept killing your group members off as he made more fights (Shouting I killed when your trying keep yourselves safe). Saving him in the bell tower will have him make more fights (more complaining), cause another moment of bad luck (Balcony break), and nearly (properly) gets Kenny killed (With him trapped and dead) and gives you even more problems. In a way not killing him is a crime in itself.
He dies in two possible ways in this game, either trying to save Ben's life or jumping in the hole to save Christa. What I find interesting is that they never ACTUALLY show Kenny being killed in any outcome. Maybe that's a hint he'll come back in season 2. Maybe one of the people Clementine saw at the end was Kenny?