I think it would be really cool if the main character in season 2 would be a black jewish canadian transgender character.
The supporting characters could be one that is a lesbian, but she is butch, and is a little person (dwarfism)
Another could be a gay man, but he's 90 years old, and latino.
Another character, could maybe play the same role as clementine. This time though it could be a asian girl with downsyndrome who is in love with the trans geneder main character, thus creating alot of conflicts between the 2.
WOuld be very interesting to say the least, and would break alot of molds of gaming than your sterotypical white attractive, 6 foot bald male model main character.
I'm not sure if this is sarcasm, a dumb idea, OR THE BEST IDEA I'VE EVER HEARD
Seeing as this was a game that told us that our decisions would affect the game, I expected there to be multiple endings. Since there was only one, with slight variations, I believe that Clem will be in season 2 in some form so we can see what she has become post Lee.
As for who we'll play, Clem doesn't make sense to me, I want to see how my decisions change her, not control her myself. We could play as one of the previously established characters, but I'd rather play as a new character with no history with anyone else that can see her as she is now, not the girl Lee spent season 1 protecting. I would be surprised if it's not someone new we're controlling in season 2.
I'd like our main character in season 2 to be fairly young male, late teens or early 20s, and have it start out at the beginning of the apocalypse. I know some people don't want to go back there again, but I think seeing your character survive those first few days helps you relate to him.
After the initial few days we would see him and some other survivors band together find a place where they can remain relatively safe, and have enough food to last for a while. It doesn't matter where, a farm, a motel, maybe a grocery store, but I'd like to see them someplace where they could be safe and sheltered from everything that's going on.
Fast forward a few months and the shit hits the fan. Whether someone dies and turns, or they're attacked by bandits, it's something that kills most, if not all of your group, but you escape by yourself, mostly by luck.
You spend the next few days on the run. Because you've been so sheltered during most of this, you're unprepared to survive on your own. You're hungry, tired, dehydrated, then you run into a couple of walkers. Exhausted, you turn to run and trip over a log. Then walkers are right on top of you, about to make you their dinner, then "Blam! Blam!" You look up and there's Clementine standing over you with a smoking gun. It turns out the two figures she saw in the distance at the end of season one were the walkers that were about to eat you.
I think we could then see our main character and Clem travel alone, at least for a little while. It would be an interesting relationship where the 9 year old girl is more prepared for what's out there than a 20 year old guy. They would have more of a team relationship than the father/ daughter one Clem had with Lee, but we'd still have a bond with her, and feel very protective of her after she saved our life (and because she's still a 9 year old girl alone in a zombie apocalypse).
I also wouldn't mind seeing zombie Omid and Christa. It would show how much Clem's grown that she could escape the city on her own, but Omid and Christa couldn't do it together.
Just a few, I hope not too many, of my thoughts on the direction I'd like to see season 2 go.
I think it would just be more interesting to have her in your party and after a few episodes she talks about her husband Lee and Clementine would say something like...what was his last name? I have a feeling next seasons protagonist will be a woman.
I would like to say I had a great time with this game, honestly it's not what I expected and I was very pleasantly surprised, then brutally crushed with the endscene. Though it is likely most chatter and suggestions here would be mostly ignored or only glanced at, I thought I would at least put out my suggestions somewhere where they might be seen.
I may prattle on for a little bit, so brace yourself if your willing to go through it, and I'm happy (and even eager) to hear anyones thoughts in reply, or even 'improvements' on my own!
First up, I have to say that I'm in the 'denial' boat, though I don't doubt there are a whole bunch of others out there, as I mentioned, I got pretty emotional at Lee's 'death' scene, but it was left a little open. I played through it twice, the second time to see what the different options effected, but both times I had Clem shoot Lee at the end.
Though Clem did point the gun at Lee,, she closed her eyes, pulled up the gun and fired, but then Lee gave a quick faded laugh in the blackout. This would suggest either that Clem couldn't actually shoot Lee, missed entirely, or hit him in the body leaving him to be reanimated. In the first case, perhaps the bullet grazed Lee's head, and he blacked out? It could have missed entirely, or entered in a non-fatal area.
But I hear you say, "So what if he didn't die to the shot? He was infected! Whether she missed or not, Lee's gone. Zombified or otherwise!" (or "That 'laugh' was just some zombie in the background! Don't be silly.(<--- what?! Heresy! )) Well, I'm here for suggestions, not simply to debate whether she shot him or not!
So, for my desperate but futile attempt at keeping the Clem and Lee team going, here's my suggestion and ideas: One way, Lee is shot, the other I believe he is left there by Clem to turn, because he doesn't want Clem to go through killing him. (bear with me here, till you hear all of the suggestion, it may not make sense till you hear its completion)
(This may also depend on whether you told Clem to 'trust no-one' or to go with Omid and Christa, the other option(s) would be the same as if you told her to go with Omid and Christa. Though its not necessary, it's a thought on the previous series last conversation and action/reaction)
In the first case; Clem would have missed, either grazing his face giving him a scar, or couldn't bring herself to kill Lee. She couldn't just abandon him there either, so she stays, crying into his chest. Omid and Christa come back looking for Lee (regardless of his wish, ie if you told them to go to the train) and find Clementine sleeping on the very pale, walker-blood spattered lee, still cuffed to the radiator(?). Scene Blackout.
In the second case, where Clem leaves Lee; Either Clementine would meet up with Omid and Christa, who go back for Lee (for whatever reasoning, to finish him off, perhaps, maybe Clem demands they bury him). They agree and return when it quietens down.
(OR, if you had chosen not to trust anyone AND to spare Lee, Clementine decides to go back on her own because she feels horribly guilty)
Clementine(+ Omid and Christa(if selected)) enter the back cautiously and see Lee's cuffed to the radiator, pale, and still breathing! Everyone knows he should be long dead and turned, so what's going on? Scene blackout.
Lee wakes up in a strange new environment (With the obviously assosciated heavily blurred vision), with the voice of Clementine 'guiding' him back. He tries to sit up, but is still very weak, and tied down onto a bed. It is now that Omid and Christa chime in, telling Clem to get back, be careful, because they dont know if he really has turned or not. Lee is slightly less pale now, but still appears very ill. Scene blackout
He wakes up again to see Clem sleeping on a mattress nearby, and wakes her to begin a dialogue. Dialogue can be worked out in time, but it would end up with Clem or Lee shouting out he's awake, Omid and Christa come in and join the conversation. (If Clementine was the only one to come back for you originally, Omid and Christa explain that they came back for you (regardless of your wish) and they saw Clementine trying to drag you away, so they came to help.
They all ask him how he could possibly have survived. In the case of your arm being cut off, that's what it would be associated to in the beginning. If you chose not to cut your arm off, the only explanation is that somehow your body became immune to whatever infection the 'walkers' give through blood transmission.
You spend a little time around their temporary house, obviously very weak still. When done at the house you gather back together and decide whether you should split up or stay together, Clem, depending on what you said(trust noone, go with Omid/Christa, neutral) wants the specific thing. (The whole"clem will remember this" thing) Then it returns to a cinematic, back to where the previous series left off, with Clem looking at figures in the distance, and looking at her gun, only now Lee(,Omid and Christa, if you chose they should come) come up, with Lee putting his hand on Clem's shoulder, appearing less pale, but still weakened.
In addition to this 'saving' of The Lee and Clem team, there would be either an episode, or a major part, focused on trying to get Lee's blood to some facility as some sort of 'cure', likely ending in the facilities destruction.
For people that had their arm cut off, it would add like a slightly separate conversation line through the series, perhaps people letting you off a little easier, certain cut scenes being a little different, and those with their whole arm would have more trouble with strangers, because the bite mark would still be visible on his arm. Though he'd cover it, he'd inevitably get found out by strangers. (I dont know the storyline planned for the next season).
Though desperate I am, I would not accept the "It was a dream" scenario, where he dreamt whatever part of his troubles, and neither would anybody else. I don't think the team would even consider it, but either way, no dream.
I also understand that for people who didn't play Season 1, they would need something to go off of if they play 2 without playing 1 first. In this case, I believe it would be dealt with in one of two;
A sort of innocent 'quizz' or 'questionarre' at the start, asking the player what they would do, if it was them in a zombie apocalypse, and sneak in as best you can the questions of cutting off your arm, would you take from some random car etc.
Letting the player choose. Randomising it would only really work if they player was happy with however it started out, ie, if they wanted to have both arms, yet it was cut off, they would continue to randomise games until they got his arm back. Some may even want his arm still cut, for the experience of different dialogue, story or experiences.
I would like to point out that a long 'Timeskip' may not be the best option either. Clementine has been a character already moulded, and she has her own personality already, supported by lee in the past, the same goes with Omid and Christa. It may also conflict with the ongoing series, but I'm not sure of the ramifications of that. One way or another I believe they would include Clementine, however, it should certainly not be an 'older, controllable her'
Though peoples ideas may or may not be good, and I'm sure people would have mixed feelings about my suggestions, I'm fairly sure season 2 would be pretty damn hard to manage, code and storywise if it was a continuation of series 1, but it is certainly very much what I would like, though I'm not sure about the majority of others.
Don't get me wrong, I've seen people say they want an entirely new story, and while I would still play a new arc, I would very much miss the ultimate duo that is Clementine and Lee. It would also give developers a chance to REALLY have a play with everything that you chose to tell, teach and show Clementine and see how it works out in series 2. IE, if you killed one or both of the brothers (Andy/Danny), she ends up shooting some random stranger even if you tell her not to, steals from others if you chose to take from the van, the team could have a great play around with consequences.
I realise Telltale have their own teams, writers, storboarders etc and will more than likely want to portray their own story in their own way, maybe even a completely new and different story arc, but perhaps they just might get an idea or two from the public and implement it somewhere, or if its good enough, have a main part revolving around it in a different perspective. (Or, hopefully save Clem and Lee )
I may have some grammatical errors or a plothole here that I haven't noticed, please do say something >.<
I, personally, think that the new main protagonist should be a young man. Young like Molly, maybe even a bit younger. That way we can establish an older brother-like character to be Clementine's new protector that people can be comfortable with and that won't replace Lee as a father figure (which is the worst possible idea).
I'm going to write a character like that, except instead of trying to emulate an instant attachment to Clem like Lee did, I want to try and write Lee's polar opposite. Colder and more withdrawn, effected by the world on a deeply emotional level (and maybe a slightly psychotic one, too :P). That way Clementine's role as a morality pet will shine even brighter and have more influence to her as a character and to her bond with the new protagonist, making the new protagonist easily more likable as he slowly grows more attached to Clem, gradually shifting his personality in the process thanks to her.
This pretty much sums up what I would want as a main character.
Maybe Season 2 is about a parallel story which starts at the same time as Lee's journey did. The new characters might cross paths with people from the comics or Season 1. And in the end they meet Omid, pregnant Christa and Clementine (if the two figures in the countryside are O&C) as a cliffhanger announcing Season 3.
Significant events in Season 1 that could be taken into Season 2 as déjà vues (to reward the players of the first season):
Shooting and screaming at the end of Episode 1, when Lee was looking along the street. And Glenn drove that way afterwards, so he might be in Season 2.
The girl who makes an appearance in the beginning Episode 3 luring the zombies out of the stores could've been a seperated member of the new group of survivors.
... (add more if you can think of more events that might have ran parallel)
Maybe Season 2 is about a parallel story which starts at the same time as Lee's journey did. The new characters might cross paths with people from the comics or Season 1. And in the end they meet Omid, pregnant Christa and Clementine (if the two figures in the countryside are O&C) as a cliffhanger announcing Season 3.
Significant events in Season 1 that could be taken into Season 2 as déjà vues (to reward the players of the first season):
Shooting and screaming at the end of Episode 1, when Lee was looking along the street. And Glenn drove that way afterwards, so he might be in Season 2.
The girl who makes an appearance in the beginning Episode 3 luring the zombies out of the stores could've been a seperated member of the new group of survivors.
... (add more if you can think of more events that might have ran parallel)
20 year old older brother type bond. Maybe lacks responsibility and Clem helps him gain this trait. Now Clem is not the lose canon but you must convince people you are worthy of protecting her. SIMPLES
I have read the comics and I know that Glenn was on his way to Atlanta with the taxicab. The events of Episode 1 are prior to the events of Rick's journey.
What if... They make a connection with the comic/show even more? My idea:
Remember morgan and his son from the tv show? What if season 2 has morgan and his son ? The two silouettes ? One was shorter than the other and i think it can definately be pulled off. Since rick in the tv show told morgan on radio to leave/dont come to atlanta because it wasnt safe. What if the first few episodes are about what happened to morgan and his son after meeting rick? And then around the third or fourth episode or so, they made thier way to savannah but find it only infested. So they left and are walking in the field. Clementine spots them and thats where they join up. I think its be kinda cool to try and make a story out of morgan and his son after meeting rick since nothing about them was shown after that.
What if... They make a connection with the comic/show even more? My idea:
Remember morgan and his son from the tv show? What if season 2 has morgan and his son ? The two silouettes ? One was shorter than the other and i think it can definately be pulled off. Since rick in the tv show told morgan on radio to leave/dont come to atlanta because it wasnt safe. What if the first few episodes are about what happened to morgan and his son after meeting rick? And then around the third or fourth episode or so, they made thier way to savannah but find it only infested. So they left and are walking in the field. Clementine spots them and thats where they join up. I think its be kinda cool to try and make a story out of morgan and his son after meeting rick since nothing about them was shown after that.
Up until now, TT has considered the comics to be canon, not the show.
I think Christa's pregnancy will be one of the main plot points of Season 2. I don't think the two characters in the distance are Christa and Omid, but one is the main character who you play as and the other is another main character, and then them two along with Clementine find Christa and Omid (and Molly maybe as well). I think Omid will die in Season 2 and Christa will be heavily pregnant due to a time skip, assuming Christa is already around 2 to 3 months pregnant, the skip could just be 5 or 6 months). I hope they handle it differently to Lori's pregnancy in the comics and tv show. What do you guys think?
What if Christa suffers a miscarriage and is eaten from inside out by her zombie baby? Horrible, O know, but it hasn't been done before in TWD and would be interesting to see...
What if Christa suffers a miscarriage and is eaten from inside out by her zombie baby? Horrible, O know, but it hasn't been done before in TWD and would be interesting to see...
Is that possible? Do babies have teeth while in the womb?
- A new protagonist and group of people, with the only returning characters being Clem, Omid, Christa and Molly. (Maybe Kenny, he's not 100% dead.)
- Choosing between several options for the protagonist's past, old job and abilities.
- Ability to pick what characters you want to go with you on missions (like in the beginning of episode 5)
- Interesting and colorful cast. Would be nice with a character such as Tyreese and Abraham.
- Several love interests. Hell yeah.
- Ability to develop deep relationships with all characters in the game. I loved how you could either be BFF with Kenny, or be enemies with a common goal.
I love Christa, but I expect her to be killed off somehow or have a miscarriage (definitely plausible with the stress and lack of nutrition she's bound to be experiencing), before she gives birth- if the game continues with the remaining characters from Season One, of course. Delivering a baby and taking care of it just isn't something I can see in the game. It'd suck up almost all of the the player's time.
I was about to post something about Lee for a second, too, but then I remembered he's dead. I guess it hasn't sunk it completely for me that he's gone, though I do accept it.
I really dislike the idea of Kenny returning in the next season, though. I was surprised to see how many people actually believe he may still be alive. From the moment I experienced his fate in the game, I firmly believed he was dead without a doubt.
Heres my Idea:
Our new charecter name is Ian King he is a Pre-med student that lives in savanah with his Girlfriend. On the day of the outbreak our charecter was on a date with hisso they escape the city together and meet a group of people. The decide to go to the countryside of savanah and settle there to the military arrives but there is no help so our charecter becomes the leader of this group. He writes in a journal it keeps his sanity. But the choices he make starts to weigh him down driving him insane and the choices we make tear the group some of them thinking your not fit to lead a theme that was not explored with lee but can make a could plot. For the group there
should be know good or bad choices or right or wrong they should just be choices all with there own demons.
Another thing is bring back old faces. Another plot to be explored is christas pregneancy. Since our charecter was studing to be a doctor it makes sense for him to deliver christas baby but maybe something goes wrong with the pregnany and instead of delivering the baby properly Ian has to do a see section and cut christas stomach open to take out the baby and maybe omid doesnt want you to do it but christa says that you have to do it and maybe you have to act fast once you cut christa open and stich her back up before she dies so if you dont hurry up its your fault that she dies. Clem should definatly come back to we should not have to babysit her she should be like a partner for us she protecting us just as much as we are protecting her. Ian and clems realationship should be more like a brother/sister realationship
then a father/daughter. Clem also shouldnt be invicible she should have bad stuff happening to her as it is happening to us. Maybe she could be exposed to darker themes like in the comics Rape, canabilism ,torture, slaves(im not sure if its in the comics)
I dont know, I really hope season 2 has you playing as Clem. I would love to see how she's doing, and how much she has changed since her last encounter with Lee.
- A new protagonist and group of people, with the only returning characters being Clem, Omid, Christa and Molly. (Maybe Kenny, he's not 100% dead.)
- Choosing between several options for the protagonist's past, old job and abilities.
- Ability to pick what characters you want to go with you on missions (like in the beginning of episode 5)
- Interesting and colorful cast. Would be nice with a character such as Tyreese and Abraham.
- Several love interests. Hell yeah.
- Ability to develop deep relationships with all characters in the game. I loved how you could either be BFF with Kenny, or be enemies with a common goal.
I think they were making an incredibly stupid business decision. Season 1 was the best and fastest selling game they've ever had. It was a masterpiece of story, voice acting, game design (yes there were technical hiccups, but it looks fantastic). They'd have to be nuts not to capitalize on that some more, although I hope that isn't their primary goal with Season 2.
They've already announced season two, so you don't have to worry about whether or not there will be a second season. There are definitely more episodes of The Walking Dead coming from Telltale.
Yeah, sorry for the late post, just didn't sign up until now.
Yeah they've already announced a s2, so i bet it's gonna also be good, but maybe not as the first one, and will probably feature the story of clem. but maybe you control omid.
I just wish that there would be a carley and a lee couple, just as strong as their relationship, that would be great. i dont get how getting shot in the cheek will result in an instant death. It could only hit your jaw, some blood vessels (im sure that it wont hit ALL MAJOR leading to the brain) etc
I really can't wait to see what they are doing with a second season of The Walking Dead. I'd like if they continue the story of Clementine, but I actually think that we will see a whole new group of people. It would be great if they would come across Clementine during their journey to surviving.
Yeah, it was already confirmed
but I wont get a 3rd one if there is if telltale kills my favorite character again
I know I have to accept the loss, but sometimes fiction turns/impacts reality. Damn, i was so attached to Carley. (and her character, her traits/personality/looks)
Carley got shot in the head deal with it. Is the stranger and Larry returning... NO neithers your video game crush. We see you boner in your pants. She wont reappear as she wasnt that key.
Lee is the only possible 'ghost' and I dont think thats Telltales style. On returns
Clem- 90% likely
Omid 50%
Christa 50% if Christa back her child 60%
Molly 30%
Vernon 5%
Kenny and Carley are gone... deal with it.
Season 2 hopefull Clem based. Feb announcementmay release please
Clementine will be involved somehow because she is such a prominent character in season one it would be stupid of them not to involve her in season 2 somehow. A good scenario would be to have some new survivors who are somehow stuck in the middle of a large hoard of walkers and Clem somehow helping them possibly by shooting the walkers in the head and taking the survivors to a safe area where Omid and Christa are, Christa at this point could be heavily pregnant and need help somehow.
I'm not sure if this is sarcasm, a dumb idea, OR THE BEST IDEA I'VE EVER HEARD
As for who we'll play, Clem doesn't make sense to me, I want to see how my decisions change her, not control her myself. We could play as one of the previously established characters, but I'd rather play as a new character with no history with anyone else that can see her as she is now, not the girl Lee spent season 1 protecting. I would be surprised if it's not someone new we're controlling in season 2.
I'd like our main character in season 2 to be fairly young male, late teens or early 20s, and have it start out at the beginning of the apocalypse. I know some people don't want to go back there again, but I think seeing your character survive those first few days helps you relate to him.
After the initial few days we would see him and some other survivors band together find a place where they can remain relatively safe, and have enough food to last for a while. It doesn't matter where, a farm, a motel, maybe a grocery store, but I'd like to see them someplace where they could be safe and sheltered from everything that's going on.
Fast forward a few months and the shit hits the fan. Whether someone dies and turns, or they're attacked by bandits, it's something that kills most, if not all of your group, but you escape by yourself, mostly by luck.
You spend the next few days on the run. Because you've been so sheltered during most of this, you're unprepared to survive on your own. You're hungry, tired, dehydrated, then you run into a couple of walkers. Exhausted, you turn to run and trip over a log. Then walkers are right on top of you, about to make you their dinner, then "Blam! Blam!" You look up and there's Clementine standing over you with a smoking gun. It turns out the two figures she saw in the distance at the end of season one were the walkers that were about to eat you.
I think we could then see our main character and Clem travel alone, at least for a little while. It would be an interesting relationship where the 9 year old girl is more prepared for what's out there than a 20 year old guy. They would have more of a team relationship than the father/ daughter one Clem had with Lee, but we'd still have a bond with her, and feel very protective of her after she saved our life (and because she's still a 9 year old girl alone in a zombie apocalypse).
I also wouldn't mind seeing zombie Omid and Christa. It would show how much Clem's grown that she could escape the city on her own, but Omid and Christa couldn't do it together.
Just a few, I hope not too many, of my thoughts on the direction I'd like to see season 2 go.
I think it would just be more interesting to have her in your party and after a few episodes she talks about her husband Lee and Clementine would say something like...what was his last name? I have a feeling next seasons protagonist will be a woman.
I would like to say I had a great time with this game, honestly it's not what I expected and I was very pleasantly surprised, then brutally crushed with the endscene. Though it is likely most chatter and suggestions here would be mostly ignored or only glanced at, I thought I would at least put out my suggestions somewhere where they might be seen.
I may prattle on for a little bit, so brace yourself if your willing to go through it, and I'm happy (and even eager) to hear anyones thoughts in reply, or even 'improvements' on my own!
First up, I have to say that I'm in the 'denial' boat, though I don't doubt there are a whole bunch of others out there, as I mentioned, I got pretty emotional at Lee's 'death' scene, but it was left a little open. I played through it twice, the second time to see what the different options effected, but both times I had Clem shoot Lee at the end.
Though Clem did point the gun at Lee,, she closed her eyes, pulled up the gun and fired, but then Lee gave a quick faded laugh in the blackout. This would suggest either that Clem couldn't actually shoot Lee, missed entirely, or hit him in the body leaving him to be reanimated. In the first case, perhaps the bullet grazed Lee's head, and he blacked out? It could have missed entirely, or entered in a non-fatal area.
But I hear you say, "So what if he didn't die to the shot? He was infected! Whether she missed or not, Lee's gone. Zombified or otherwise!" (or "That 'laugh' was just some zombie in the background! Don't be silly.(<--- what?! Heresy!
So, for my desperate but futile attempt at keeping the Clem and Lee team going, here's my suggestion and ideas: One way, Lee is shot, the other I believe he is left there by Clem to turn, because he doesn't want Clem to go through killing him. (bear with me here, till you hear all of the suggestion, it may not make sense till you hear its completion)
(This may also depend on whether you told Clem to 'trust no-one' or to go with Omid and Christa, the other option(s) would be the same as if you told her to go with Omid and Christa. Though its not necessary, it's a thought on the previous series last conversation and action/reaction)
In the first case; Clem would have missed, either grazing his face giving him a scar, or couldn't bring herself to kill Lee. She couldn't just abandon him there either, so she stays, crying into his chest. Omid and Christa come back looking for Lee (regardless of his wish, ie if you told them to go to the train) and find Clementine sleeping on the very pale, walker-blood spattered lee, still cuffed to the radiator(?). Scene Blackout.
In the second case, where Clem leaves Lee; Either Clementine would meet up with Omid and Christa, who go back for Lee (for whatever reasoning, to finish him off, perhaps, maybe Clem demands they bury him). They agree and return when it quietens down.
(OR, if you had chosen not to trust anyone AND to spare Lee, Clementine decides to go back on her own because she feels horribly guilty)
Clementine(+ Omid and Christa(if selected)) enter the back cautiously and see Lee's cuffed to the radiator, pale, and still breathing! Everyone knows he should be long dead and turned, so what's going on? Scene blackout.
Lee wakes up in a strange new environment (With the obviously assosciated heavily blurred vision), with the voice of Clementine 'guiding' him back. He tries to sit up, but is still very weak, and tied down onto a bed. It is now that Omid and Christa chime in, telling Clem to get back, be careful, because they dont know if he really has turned or not. Lee is slightly less pale now, but still appears very ill. Scene blackout
He wakes up again to see Clem sleeping on a mattress nearby, and wakes her to begin a dialogue. Dialogue can be worked out in time, but it would end up with Clem or Lee shouting out he's awake, Omid and Christa come in and join the conversation. (If Clementine was the only one to come back for you originally, Omid and Christa explain that they came back for you (regardless of your wish) and they saw Clementine trying to drag you away, so they came to help.
They all ask him how he could possibly have survived. In the case of your arm being cut off, that's what it would be associated to in the beginning. If you chose not to cut your arm off, the only explanation is that somehow your body became immune to whatever infection the 'walkers' give through blood transmission.
You spend a little time around their temporary house, obviously very weak still. When done at the house you gather back together and decide whether you should split up or stay together, Clem, depending on what you said(trust noone, go with Omid/Christa, neutral) wants the specific thing. (The whole"clem will remember this" thing) Then it returns to a cinematic, back to where the previous series left off, with Clem looking at figures in the distance, and looking at her gun, only now Lee(,Omid and Christa, if you chose they should come) come up, with Lee putting his hand on Clem's shoulder, appearing less pale, but still weakened.
In addition to this 'saving' of The Lee and Clem team, there would be either an episode, or a major part, focused on trying to get Lee's blood to some facility as some sort of 'cure', likely ending in the facilities destruction.
For people that had their arm cut off, it would add like a slightly separate conversation line through the series, perhaps people letting you off a little easier, certain cut scenes being a little different, and those with their whole arm would have more trouble with strangers, because the bite mark would still be visible on his arm. Though he'd cover it, he'd inevitably get found out by strangers. (I dont know the storyline planned for the next season).
Though desperate I am, I would not accept the "It was a dream" scenario, where he dreamt whatever part of his troubles, and neither would anybody else. I don't think the team would even consider it, but either way, no dream.
I also understand that for people who didn't play Season 1, they would need something to go off of if they play 2 without playing 1 first. In this case, I believe it would be dealt with in one of two;
A sort of innocent 'quizz' or 'questionarre' at the start, asking the player what they would do, if it was them in a zombie apocalypse, and sneak in as best you can the questions of cutting off your arm, would you take from some random car etc.
Letting the player choose. Randomising it would only really work if they player was happy with however it started out, ie, if they wanted to have both arms, yet it was cut off, they would continue to randomise games until they got his arm back. Some may even want his arm still cut, for the experience of different dialogue, story or experiences.
I would like to point out that a long 'Timeskip' may not be the best option either. Clementine has been a character already moulded, and she has her own personality already, supported by lee in the past, the same goes with Omid and Christa. It may also conflict with the ongoing series, but I'm not sure of the ramifications of that. One way or another I believe they would include Clementine, however, it should certainly not be an 'older, controllable her'
Though peoples ideas may or may not be good, and I'm sure people would have mixed feelings about my suggestions, I'm fairly sure season 2 would be pretty damn hard to manage, code and storywise if it was a continuation of series 1, but it is certainly very much what I would like, though I'm not sure about the majority of others.
Don't get me wrong, I've seen people say they want an entirely new story, and while I would still play a new arc, I would very much miss the ultimate duo that is Clementine and Lee. It would also give developers a chance to REALLY have a play with everything that you chose to tell, teach and show Clementine and see how it works out in series 2. IE, if you killed one or both of the brothers (Andy/Danny), she ends up shooting some random stranger even if you tell her not to, steals from others if you chose to take from the van, the team could have a great play around with consequences.
I realise Telltale have their own teams, writers, storboarders etc and will more than likely want to portray their own story in their own way, maybe even a completely new and different story arc, but perhaps they just might get an idea or two from the public and implement it somewhere, or if its good enough, have a main part revolving around it in a different perspective. (Or, hopefully save Clem and Lee
I may have some grammatical errors or a plothole here that I haven't noticed, please do say something >.<
This pretty much sums up what I would want as a main character.
Significant events in Season 1 that could be taken into Season 2 as déjà vues (to reward the players of the first season):
Shooting and screaming at the end of Episode 1, when Lee was looking along the street. And Glenn drove that way afterwards, so he might be in Season 2.
The girl who makes an appearance in the beginning Episode 3 luring the zombies out of the stores could've been a seperated member of the new group of survivors.
... (add more if you can think of more events that might have ran parallel)
I have read the comics and I know that Glenn was on his way to Atlanta with the taxicab. The events of Episode 1 are prior to the events of Rick's journey.
Remember morgan and his son from the tv show? What if season 2 has morgan and his son ? The two silouettes ? One was shorter than the other and i think it can definately be pulled off. Since rick in the tv show told morgan on radio to leave/dont come to atlanta because it wasnt safe. What if the first few episodes are about what happened to morgan and his son after meeting rick? And then around the third or fourth episode or so, they made thier way to savannah but find it only infested. So they left and are walking in the field. Clementine spots them and thats where they join up. I think its be kinda cool to try and make a story out of morgan and his son after meeting rick since nothing about them was shown after that.
Up until now, TT has considered the comics to be canon, not the show.
True. But then again, morgan is in the comics as well, though a little briefer than the show.
Rick meets Morgan again in the comics later though and Morgan joins Rick's group.
Nothing concrete yet, i think. It's far into the future for now.
Is that possible? Do babies have teeth while in the womb?
They do not.
- A new protagonist and group of people, with the only returning characters being Clem, Omid, Christa and Molly. (Maybe Kenny, he's not 100% dead.)
- Choosing between several options for the protagonist's past, old job and abilities.
- Ability to pick what characters you want to go with you on missions (like in the beginning of episode 5)
- Interesting and colorful cast. Would be nice with a character such as Tyreese and Abraham.
- Several love interests. Hell yeah.
- Ability to develop deep relationships with all characters in the game. I loved how you could either be BFF with Kenny, or be enemies with a common goal.
Surprise me, Telltale!
I was about to post something about Lee for a second, too, but then I remembered he's dead. I guess it hasn't sunk it completely for me that he's gone, though I do accept it.
I really dislike the idea of Kenny returning in the next season, though. I was surprised to see how many people actually believe he may still be alive. From the moment I experienced his fate in the game, I firmly believed he was dead without a doubt.
Our new charecter name is Ian King he is a Pre-med student that lives in savanah with his Girlfriend. On the day of the outbreak our charecter was on a date with hisso they escape the city together and meet a group of people. The decide to go to the countryside of savanah and settle there to the military arrives but there is no help so our charecter becomes the leader of this group. He writes in a journal it keeps his sanity. But the choices he make starts to weigh him down driving him insane and the choices we make tear the group some of them thinking your not fit to lead a theme that was not explored with lee but can make a could plot. For the group there
should be know good or bad choices or right or wrong they should just be choices all with there own demons.
Another thing is bring back old faces. Another plot to be explored is christas pregneancy. Since our charecter was studing to be a doctor it makes sense for him to deliver christas baby but maybe something goes wrong with the pregnany and instead of delivering the baby properly Ian has to do a see section and cut christas stomach open to take out the baby and maybe omid doesnt want you to do it but christa says that you have to do it and maybe you have to act fast once you cut christa open and stich her back up before she dies so if you dont hurry up its your fault that she dies. Clem should definatly come back to we should not have to babysit her she should be like a partner for us she protecting us just as much as we are protecting her. Ian and clems realationship should be more like a brother/sister realationship
then a father/daughter. Clem also shouldnt be invicible she should have bad stuff happening to her as it is happening to us. Maybe she could be exposed to darker themes like in the comics Rape, canabilism ,torture, slaves(im not sure if its in the comics)
Oh God, don’t remind us of Back to the Future...
So... you want Mass Effect?
2) I would be very,very,very pissed..
Yeah they've already announced a s2, so i bet it's gonna also be good, but maybe not as the first one, and will probably feature the story of clem. but maybe you control omid.
I just wish that there would be a carley and a lee couple, just as strong as their relationship, that would be great. i dont get how getting shot in the cheek will result in an instant death. It could only hit your jaw, some blood vessels (im sure that it wont hit ALL MAJOR leading to the brain) etc
but I wont get a 3rd one if there is if telltale kills my favorite character again
I know I have to accept the loss, but sometimes fiction turns/impacts reality. Damn, i was so attached to Carley. (and her character, her traits/personality/looks)
But I'm sure to get the 2nd if it comes out.
Lee is the only possible 'ghost' and I dont think thats Telltales style. On returns
Clem- 90% likely
Omid 50%
Christa 50% if Christa back her child 60%
Molly 30%
Vernon 5%
Kenny and Carley are gone... deal with it.
Season 2 hopefull Clem based. Feb announcementmay release please