I'm actually cool with it. I take the game as canon to the comics, while some people don't.
Which is why I don't want any tv show characters in the game.
It shouldn't be that difficult for people to notice anyway, as it says "based on the comic book by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard and Tony Moore" almost immediately in the credits for every single episode. Those words get their very own screen 15 seconds after the ending, too. That's hard to miss.
So what if the very first decision you have to make in the whole game comes back and means something in season 2?
I'm talking of course about Chet. he gets bitten and dies if you choose to leave at night time, but he lives if you choose to leave immediately. Nothing you could've been aware of, naturally. But what if he heroically comes to the rescue at the start of season 2, and it's harder to get out of the situation you're in if he did get bitten?
I'd like to see little decisions like that have a long-term impact.
Yea..I just hope they can release it a little bit earlier than fall -.-
(or was the releasing thing just a rumor )
No, they have mentioned multiple times they are working on Season 2 as we speak, and will attempt to release it by the end of the year. In the meantime, you're gonna have to wait patiently, lurk around these forums (my way of passing the time atm :P) or indulge in some other form of Walking Dead media, comics, tv show, new game etc...
No, they have mentioned multiple times they are working on Season 2 as we speak, and will attempt to release it by the end of the year. In the meantime, you're gonna have to wait patiently, lurk around these forums (my way of passing the time atm :P) or indulge in some other form of Walking Dead media, comics, tv show, new game etc...
Ah,well,it's good to know this might come out this year..Still,i hope we get something before,like a trailer or something.
Ah,well,it's good to know this might come out this year..Still,i hope we get something before,like a trailer or something.
Personally, I would rather them stay quiet until they release it. Like, no relsease date, no trailer, no poeple slipping anything up to the media. Just one day, I go on Steam, and it's there. When people announce stuff too early, I get overly hyped, and it is never as good as the hype. When someone announces the date of a game or flm I really like, I start counting down the seconds until it comes out, which is just torture. So, I would prefer it if I can carry on with my life without over hyping S2, or waiting specifically for it.
Personally, I would rather them stay quiet until they release it. Like, no relsease date, no trailer, no poeple slipping anything up to the media. Just one day, I go on Steam, and it's there. When people announce stuff too early, I get overly hyped, and it is never as good as the hype. When someone announces the date of a game or flm I really like, I start counting down the seconds until it comes out, which is just torture. So, I would prefer it if I can carry on with my life without over hyping S2, or waiting specifically for it.
HAH,Suit yourself
But yea,I would better wait for a good game, before get something quick and terrible..
I think that season 2 will start with a diferent group and there will be no talk about clementine and where she is but in some of the episode the new group may come across some places where the old group was like the motel or the train tracks (but with no train)
and in the final episode there will be only 2 survivors from the new group and there will be an after credit scene and this time from the perspective of the 2 characters you see clementine in the field and then season 3 will continue from there
Of course with the differences between the show and comic universe, it is possible that the TV show characters that don't feature in the comics do still exist, but just never met up with Rick, In a similar vain to how Tyreese appears in the show, which could open up the opportunity to introduce them to that canon via telltale.
I dont want that to happen mind you, because i much prefer original characters, but it could be interesting.
Don't take this the wrong way, Riadon, but sometimes I get the impression you'd be an incredibly frustrated person if this forum didn't allow attached images.
Don't take this the wrong way, Riadon, but sometimes I get the impression you'd be an incredibly frustrated person if this forum didn't allow attached images.
After watching the walking dead last night. I think it might have been a mistake to cast Lee off so early. I know it made for an emotional gut wrenching series. In the show the lead (Rick) lives on.
My thinking they wanted an epic close. Yet they'll have to make a brand new cast or bring in older ones. The lead who played in the online game. Had great voice acting done. He was emotionally engaged. I felt he could have easily fit in for Season 2.
The girl he was watching over, could have been older in series. In the TV series their relationships mature over time. Not everyone dies, and you become more emotionally connected to them after learning more about them.
I have mixed feelings with starting off with a brand new cast we know nothing about. But I hope they're successful in their attempts to tell a story.
I think the two best options for continuation in season 2 would be;
1. Taking off right from the ending, allowing us instant gratification with the cliffhanger ending
2. If they bring in a new cast I would love for them to throw us in the new cast prior to the events in Episode 5 so we build on the characters in the new group and bond with them and maybe at the end of episode 1 of season 2 have it crossover with the ending from season 1. That way when it all comes together you'll be all like, "Oh man!" and you'll see it coming and flip out haha.
Anyway, I'm really excited. I just think that Clem as a teenager is a little too obvious and you'd lose a whole lot of the character that has been built.
I don't think the second season will be a direct sequel to Clementine's tale, but I'm pretty sure we'll see her again - and some other characters from the first season, such as Lily and Kenny (no body, no death - those who read the comic will remember that time with Tyreese in the prison gym).
I posted this in another thread, but here's my speculation:
I think the Shadows weren't Omid and Christa, but the new protagonist and a companion from the beginning of Season 2, and they stumble upon Clem, who relates her story (and remembers everything my Lee taught her).
I think that Omid and Christa did make it back to the train and holed up in the boxcar for a while to regroup (I sent them there rather than the fruitless endeavor of trying to find a boat), but once no one met them there they decided to make their own way. I think we'll meet up with them sometime during Season 2, but I don't think it'll be right off.
Molly may make another appearance. Now that she knows there's nothing in Crawford, she'll keep sneaking in for supplies for a while, but that'll run out eventually and she'll have to make a move too. But she's flighty, she'll leave again - I don't see her as being a major part of Season 2.
So far as Vernon goes - they deserve to starve out in the Gulf of Mexico for leaving us high and dry like that. Yeah, I know, I'm mean.
As for Kenny... that's hard. I would LOVE, however, to see him turn up, covered from head to toe in Walker blood. It's unlikely, and after everything he's gone through he may not have the will to live anymore, but maybe he made it through.
I agree with some of the others: if I didn't see a corpse, there's a chance that person made it. If I did see a corpse but that corpse didn't have it's head bashed in or brains blown out, there's a chance we'll see them as a walker. I didn't have Clem shoot Lee, so there's a walker Lee chained to a radiator in my world. I think I'd feel bad if I have to bash in Lee's brains in Season 2, but you have to do what you have to do to try to survive.
I hope beyond hope that the new protagonist is as likeable as Lee. The way I played Lee was that he had demons in his past but he was a good person and had regrets. And besides, once the Zombie apocalypse started, the past kind of stayed in the past (although I got my butt chewed a few times for getting caught in lies). I would like to see the new protagonist as just another average person caught in this and learning the skills needed to survive based on the world they now exist in. I don't want it to be a current character, because I don't want an established character's back story (and the experiences they had with me as Lee) to affect the choices I make.
The new character and Bens good twin (Aha Ben is the evil twin). Your guy is chatting going "Hey so your looking for your Bro... man he sounds like a doosh" Then you see Clem. Run down the hill towards her, she panics and her gun goes off shooting her foot. Your character then carries her to camp and then DUDUM openning credits for season ROLE. Time skip with cut scene of your character explaining his backstory. Then check up on Clem who is ALIVE... introduces a limping Clem (more the shock. Just a flesh wound) to the group.
The new character and Bens good twin (Aha Ben is the evil twin). Your guy is chatting going "Hey so your looking for your Bro... man he sounds like a doosh" Then you see Clem. Run down the hill towards her, she panics and her gun goes off shooting her foot. Your character then carries her to camp and then DUDUM openning credits for season ROLE. Time skip with cut scene of your character explaining his backstory. Then check up on Clem who is ALIVE... introduces a limping Clem (more the shock. Just a flesh wound) to the group.
Beginning idea
If Clem accidentally shot herself, my Lee would turn in his grave. No way is Clem THAT stupid. Ben maybe, but never Clem.
Anyway i wonder if our choices in series 1 affect a whole new range of characters in season 2. For example if you left the brothers alive in season 1, in season 2 they kill at least one of the new characters looking after Clem. Just an idea
If Clem accidentally shot herself, my Lee would turn in his grave. No way is Clem THAT stupid. Ben maybe, but never Clem.
Anyway i wonder if our choices in series 1 affect a whole new range of characters in season 2. For example if you left the brothers alive in season 1, in season 2 they kill at least one of the new characters looking after Clem. Just an idea
Was more thinking an accident in her hands she shoots herself in shock. It could happen to anyone, especially a 9 year old who has only held a gun for a few days. I think the St Johns are dead no matter what. Danny was in a bear trap surrounded by walkers. Andy had the living shit kicked out of him #BadassLee So I think all badies are gone. Maybe Lily had a complete mental breakdown and is now a serial killer.
Hay Telltale, I think we have found another writer, that was very good I could see that working, the music does fit somewhat, nice job I honestly can not write that well.
OMG! How did you find it??? 6 months we did not have any information, absolutely no information! But now you change the sutyation, it's the great moment for this forum!
Telltale changed their twitter background from a wolf among us theme to a more walking dead looking background and also their profile pic on twitter is back to being the walking deadish pic Is this some information on the Dlc coming up ?
It shouldn't be that difficult for people to notice anyway, as it says "based on the comic book by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard and Tony Moore" almost immediately in the credits for every single episode. Those words get their very own screen 15 seconds after the ending, too. That's hard to miss.
I'm talking of course about Chet. he gets bitten and dies if you choose to leave at night time, but he lives if you choose to leave immediately. Nothing you could've been aware of, naturally. But what if he heroically comes to the rescue at the start of season 2, and it's harder to get out of the situation you're in if he did get bitten?
I'd like to see little decisions like that have a long-term impact.
Yea..I just hope they can release it a little bit earlier than fall -.-
(or was the releasing thing just a rumor
No, they have mentioned multiple times they are working on Season 2 as we speak, and will attempt to release it by the end of the year. In the meantime, you're gonna have to wait patiently, lurk around these forums (my way of passing the time atm :P) or indulge in some other form of Walking Dead media, comics, tv show, new game etc...
Ah,well,it's good to know this might come out this year..Still,i hope we get something before,like a trailer or something.
Personally, I would rather them stay quiet until they release it. Like, no relsease date, no trailer, no poeple slipping anything up to the media. Just one day, I go on Steam, and it's there. When people announce stuff too early, I get overly hyped, and it is never as good as the hype. When someone announces the date of a game or flm I really like, I start counting down the seconds until it comes out, which is just torture. So, I would prefer it if I can carry on with my life without over hyping S2, or waiting specifically for it.
HAH,Suit yourself
But yea,I would better wait for a good game, before get something quick and terrible..
That's all what I keep thinking.Even though,when someone's gonna take care of Clem,they will never be the same like Lee..
and in the final episode there will be only 2 survivors from the new group and there will be an after credit scene and this time from the perspective of the 2 characters you see clementine in the field and then season 3 will continue from there
P.S: sorry if my English is bad
Please tell me this is a joke.
If TV Show characters are appearing in Season 2, how will this remain canon to the comics? They take place in alternate realities.
Damn you Wiki and your somewhat reliable not really reliable information!
I think maybe only 1 or 2 characters from the show will appear in season 2.
I dont want that to happen mind you, because i much prefer original characters, but it could be interesting.
Don't take this the wrong way, Riadon, but sometimes I get the impression you'd be an incredibly frustrated person if this forum didn't allow attached images.
Why am I always singled out?
Anyways, a picture is worth one-thousand words.
My thinking they wanted an epic close. Yet they'll have to make a brand new cast or bring in older ones. The lead who played in the online game. Had great voice acting done. He was emotionally engaged. I felt he could have easily fit in for Season 2.
The girl he was watching over, could have been older in series. In the TV series their relationships mature over time. Not everyone dies, and you become more emotionally connected to them after learning more about them.
I have mixed feelings with starting off with a brand new cast we know nothing about. But I hope they're successful in their attempts to tell a story.
1. Taking off right from the ending, allowing us instant gratification with the cliffhanger ending
2. If they bring in a new cast I would love for them to throw us in the new cast prior to the events in Episode 5 so we build on the characters in the new group and bond with them and maybe at the end of episode 1 of season 2 have it crossover with the ending from season 1. That way when it all comes together you'll be all like, "Oh man!" and you'll see it coming and flip out haha.
Anyway, I'm really excited. I just think that Clem as a teenager is a little too obvious and you'd lose a whole lot of the character that has been built.
I think the Shadows weren't Omid and Christa, but the new protagonist and a companion from the beginning of Season 2, and they stumble upon Clem, who relates her story (and remembers everything my Lee taught her).
I think that Omid and Christa did make it back to the train and holed up in the boxcar for a while to regroup (I sent them there rather than the fruitless endeavor of trying to find a boat), but once no one met them there they decided to make their own way. I think we'll meet up with them sometime during Season 2, but I don't think it'll be right off.
Molly may make another appearance. Now that she knows there's nothing in Crawford, she'll keep sneaking in for supplies for a while, but that'll run out eventually and she'll have to make a move too. But she's flighty, she'll leave again - I don't see her as being a major part of Season 2.
So far as Vernon goes - they deserve to starve out in the Gulf of Mexico for leaving us high and dry like that. Yeah, I know, I'm mean.
As for Kenny... that's hard. I would LOVE, however, to see him turn up, covered from head to toe in Walker blood. It's unlikely, and after everything he's gone through he may not have the will to live anymore, but maybe he made it through.
I agree with some of the others: if I didn't see a corpse, there's a chance that person made it. If I did see a corpse but that corpse didn't have it's head bashed in or brains blown out, there's a chance we'll see them as a walker. I didn't have Clem shoot Lee, so there's a walker Lee chained to a radiator in my world. I think I'd feel bad if I have to bash in Lee's brains in Season 2, but you have to do what you have to do to try to survive.
I hope beyond hope that the new protagonist is as likeable as Lee. The way I played Lee was that he had demons in his past but he was a good person and had regrets. And besides, once the Zombie apocalypse started, the past kind of stayed in the past (although I got my butt chewed a few times for getting caught in lies). I would like to see the new protagonist as just another average person caught in this and learning the skills needed to survive based on the world they now exist in. I don't want it to be a current character, because I don't want an established character's back story (and the experiences they had with me as Lee) to affect the choices I make.
Beginning idea
If Clem accidentally shot herself, my Lee would turn in his grave. No way is Clem THAT stupid. Ben maybe, but never Clem.
Anyway i wonder if our choices in series 1 affect a whole new range of characters in season 2. For example if you left the brothers alive in season 1, in season 2 they kill at least one of the new characters looking after Clem. Just an idea
OMG! How did you find it??? 6 months we did not have any information, absolutely no information! But now you change the sutyation, it's the great moment for this forum!
Telltale's twitter account.
You win this round...
Aw, c'mon... it's much more fun this way!