The Walking Dead Ep 4 RELEASE DATES ARE OUT! PSN NA October 9th, PC/Mac/Xbox 10th!



  • edited October 2012
    John W. wrote: »
    Is this out yet on Steam? I know that TTG store purchases haven't got it, but does anyone else?

    On Steam I think it's out. Go get it!!
    edited October 2012
    John W. wrote: »
    Is this out yet on Steam? I know that TTG store purchases haven't got it, but does anyone else?

    According to posts on their forums it's been out all day.
  • edited October 2012
    ZacTB wrote: »
    Telltale really have not done well with Episode 4's release though, you can't blame people for insults. But if it's against the rules, it's against the rules I guess :rolleyes:

    Except they got this episode out within roughly a month, which is something virtually everyone complained about last time.

    I seriously feel for TT sometimes. No matter what they do right, the focus is always on what doesn't go right.

    On another note, I think the reason PC users are having problems downloading is because EVERYONE is trying to download it at the same time.
  • edited October 2012
    Why do they continue to make me regret buying from them directly? Why even make it an option? I mean you'd think buying directly from a company would be less of a hassle(and cheaper) then going through a middle man(xbox/ps/steam), but for EVERY episode so far I've seen only DISADVANTAGE of buying from the TT site.

    I guess I'll simply hope we're getting some last minute bug fixes or something and try to be optimistic, but who really knows due to a lack of communication.
  • edited October 2012
    lucidity02 wrote: »
    Except they got this episode out within roughly a month, which is something virtually everyone complained about last time.

    I seriously feel for TT sometimes. No matter what they do right, the focus is always on what doesn't go right.

    On another note, I think the reason PC users are having problems downloading is because EVERYONE is trying to download it at the same time.

    They promised monthly before the games released and they didn't deliver. And now peoples saves are glitched so they have to start all the wayf rom the beginning, achievements are messed up and some people can't even download the game. How can you feel sorry for Telltale? They need to get their act together for Episode 5 and Season 2.

    Edit: It was more like a month and a half anyway.
  • edited October 2012
    ZacTB wrote: »
    They promised monthly before the games released and they didn't deliver. And now peoples saves are glitched so they have to start all the wayf rom the beginning, achievements are messed up and some people can't even download the game. How can you feel sorry for Telltale? They need to get their act together for Episode 5 and Season 2.

    Because what most people fail to realize is that software companies take TIME to squash bugs, perform QA testing and all that. A month, or even two, is likely nowhere near the amount of time bigger game companies have to perform quality assurance testing. If everyone wants their monthly releases sped along at the speed of light to minimize complaining, then they should expect bugs, especially considering how many possible permutations each individual episode has. People are being unrealistic by expecting a bug-free game in a month, and I doubt anyone on these forums could do much better, myself included.
    ZacTB wrote: »
    Edit: It was more like a month and a half anyway.

    I'm estimating, but it was approximately 35-40 days.
  • edited October 2012
    lucidity02 wrote: »
    People are being unrealistic by expecting a bug-free game in a month, and I doubt anyone on these forums could do much better, myself included.

    While this is true, you can say the same for TellTale.
    They were, bluntly said, idiots to think to bring this out monthly | idiots for promising this to make get more buyers.

    Way to ruin it's reputation.

    Edit: And before you write anything...
    They are company. It's not their first game. They HAVE designers, marketing guys, game testers - They have experience. They simply failed at a whole when designing the game at the get-go it seems...
  • edited October 2012
    Lately I'm on the verge of exploding on videogames and just looking for the slightest excuse to punch something. America gets X-Com 4 days before me, so by the time I get it I'd have already heard completion stories eight times over. Even if I were to get it a day early, it uses Steamworks and Steam has a regional timelock. When Walking Dead episode 4 was announced for today I dropped to my knees and praised the gods of gaming - finally, FINALLY some luck, the perfect distraction from my X-Com wait.

    But nope. As usual when TellTale said today, they meant when I already had one leg in bed. And as usual, the TellTale website which I purchased the season pass from is the last to receive the game. And now it keeps resetting the download. Haha. Hahaha. HAHAHAHAHA!11!!!!
  • edited October 2012
    DPB wrote: »
    According to posts on their forums it's been out all day.

    Really? Mine doesn't seem to have updated. I've been turning Steam off and on every hour or so and checking the game but there's nothing new there. :|

    EDIT: Nevermind. This time when I started the game it told me that it needed to be transferred to a "new form of data," which it hasn't said once in the 3-4 hours I've been loading up the game. It seems to be downloading episode four now. Hurrah!
  • edited October 2012
    I have the GET button but the download won't start yet.

    Playing FTL in the meanwhile :cool:
  • edited October 2012
    I've downloaded it already! Try it, guys! I'm gonna play in 15 minutes when I finish dinner! :D
  • edited October 2012
    Mine also still states "COMING SOON". :(
  • edited October 2012
    This is the first time I've had the in-game downloader just drop the connection every time. I don't see any advantage to it over just hosting the files themselves on their site and letting me d/l them directly, like with all episodes of everything else I've ever bought from TTG. Worst part is because I obviously would rpefer not to sit staring at a downloading status screen for the entire duration I don't see when it's dropped out without tabbing back into the game to see what it's up to. Any other kind of d/l would at least notify me if/when there was an issue, even if it *didn't* let me continue where it left off (which it also certainly should...)

    Everything I've bought from them has been through the site, inc. all 3 seasons of Sam and Max, Monkey Island etc etc and this is the first time I've ever regretted it over say Steam. It should be a no-brainer but I might look into the delivery method they use next time before making a purchase decision.
  • edited October 2012
    I don't know what happen to you then. :(

    Here's the proof:

  • edited October 2012
    om gettin discconnected too every time.
  • edited October 2012
    I swear if ttg isnt runnin late they are borking up files lol.
  • edited October 2012
    Silvere wrote: »
    While this is true, you can say the same for TellTale.
    They were, bluntly said, idiots to think to bring this out monthly | idiots for promising this to make get more buyers.

    But they ARE bringing it out near-monthly. And aside from some delays and some bugs that haven't really impacted my gameplay experience, they're doing an excellent job for a company that doesn't have the resources other software houses do.

    They're not idiots. They saw the value in an episodic narrative, something that's been utilized in cable dramas like Lost, Breaking Bad and other successful television programs, and chose to tie it to this gaming experience. It doesn't make them idiots that they didn't pull it off with 100-percent success. It makes them ambitious, and it helps them learn for future installments.
    Silvere wrote: »
    Way to ruin it's reputation.
    I'm pretty sure their reputation is just fine, seeing as how this game really put them on the map.
    Silvere wrote: »
    Edit: And before you write anything...
    They are company. It's not their first game. They HAVE designers, marketing guys, game testers - They have experience. They simply failed at a whole when designing the game at the get-go it seems...
    Again, Monkey Island, Sam & Max and their other games had nowhere near the vast amount of dialogue/plot permutations that this one has. Comparing MI, which was a great game that had a fairly linear and static plot, to this, which is a game that changes in myriad ways based on what you've said or done, is not a good comparison.
  • edited October 2012
    still 'coming soon'.
  • edited October 2012
    lucidity02 wrote: »
    But they ARE bringing it out near-monthly. And aside from some delays and some bugs that haven't really impacted my gameplay experience, they're doing an excellent job for a company that doesn't have the resources other software houses do.

    The poster you're quoting didn't say "near-monthly" they said "monthly", which is EXACTLY what telltale told all of its consumers willing to pay for a game before its release, they would deliver.

    You need to stop trying to defend a point that is obviously false. They DID NOT deliver on their initial promise. Period.

    Since the misleading delivery dates were made public, there has been no mention from anyone within the company concerning either the botched advertising or failure of the design team. In short the situation has been handled in a childish manner by those at TT, who have ignored it so far, took a new stance, and hope we will just forget. This has obviously provoked some more than childish backlash as a result. Some, but not all of the scorn is deserved, mostly due the COMPLETE LACK OF COMMUNICATION on the matter.

    So if you wish to blindly defend the company against the blankets of accusations people make, feel free... but on the previously mentioned point, consider this a suggestion; TT fucked up. Let them speak for themselves.

    OnTopic: Still "COMING SOON" on Ep. 4
  • edited October 2012
    lucidity02 wrote: »
    But they ARE bringing it out near-monthly.
    They brought it out first on 24.04. That's far from near-monthly.
    And aside from some delays and some bugs that haven't really impacted my gameplay experience, they're doing an excellent job for a company that doesn't have the resources other software houses do.
    This isn't a game with overly complicated gameplay or highly difficult programming. Movement bugs of characters in static scenes are fast found / fixed. There is nearly nothing in this game which can bug so hard that it's highly annoying. [ Brenda-glitch for example was one of the possible ones, and yea.. You saw. ^^ ]
    They're not idiots. They saw the value in an episodic narrative
    Yea, it's not hard to see some value in that.
    It doesn't make them idiots that they didn't pull it off with 100-percent success.
    There are enough small things that sum up to call them idiots, making the same mistakes all over again.
    Best example are the forums. Something especially went bad, when people ARE complaining about something. 90% don't say anything anyways, so you have to listen to the ones complaining...
    But we are going to far and before you want me to list up their mistakes - No, I won't cause I don't care :)
    It makes them ambitious, and it helps them learn for future installments.
    Why do I think that this argument is used since the first game released by TTG 0_0
    Hell, you can say that about every game by a company, and it's always true. No reason to mention it. IF they actually learn is another thing.
    I'm pretty sure their reputation is just fine, seeing as how this game really put them on the map.
    I honestly don't believe that at least 30% of the newcomers who came for TWD will stay for the other games. They gave enough reason to casual gamers to be fed up.
    But I'm not their marketing guy, so who knows.
    Comparing MI, which was a great game that had a fairly linear and static plot, to this, which is a game that changes in myriad ways based on what you've said or done, is not a good comparison.
    Where did I compare?
    And please, "myriad" ways is way exaggerated. Keep it realistic, there are changes, yes, but there would have been possible way more.
    Not to mention that I don't know the size of TTG's Team, so yeah, they then could have needed more than one month.
  • edited October 2012
    "Your telltale account does not currently have a licence for this game. Would you like to go to telltale game and purchase this game now?"

    Yeah. Yeah sure I would like to buy it twice.

    Seriously, get your s%it together, Telltale.
  • edited October 2012
    FINALLY downloading. I should have gone to work today, despite having the day off. :( I won't be able to play through all four until the weekend.
  • edited October 2012
    mine says coming soon still -- i also have to disconnect the internet until i get to the main screen in order to access anything. otherwise it just says connecting and freezes. e-mailed tech support over a month ago and got no response....

    this was the first ttg product ive purchased and while the product is excellent i couldn't be more disappointed with the tech support/communication
  • dx1dx1
    edited October 2012
    Accall wrote: »
    "Your telltale account does not currently have a licence for this game. Would you like to go to telltale game and purchase this game now?"

    Yeah. Yeah sure I would like to buy it twice.

    Seriously, get your s%it together, Telltale.

    Same here. Around 15 minutes ago it actually started, but when I went to the download section Episode 4 was still "coming soon".

    I think I will survive. It's almost sleepy time (2340h) and I have to get up at 0710h. Maybe tomorrow …
  • edited October 2012
    Just tried this workaround successfully :

    Did it the manual way but I think it only works if you have the GET button appearing.
  • edited October 2012
    OMFG I still can't download :/ Still seeing it as COMING SOON. Apart from the fact that NOW I can't even get to the main menu as it says like others are encountering about the license issue :S I know that the license issue is a normal thing(happened before many times) but this is getting to insanity level :S It's 00:04am here which means it's Thursday and was supposed to get it yesterday the 10th :////// Gonna try it for the last time and if it still doesn't work gonna restart PC
  • edited October 2012
    TTG is so busy retweeting every positive thing ever said about them that apparently they can't take the 30 seconds required to weigh in on this issue
  • edited October 2012
    boxman wrote: »
    Ugh... That was my fear.. Personally dont care much about achievements, but losing progress/choices would pretty much ruin the game for me. :(

    So much for the certification bull*hit. This proves that it is mostly about money and not actual quality assurance.
    Makes me wonder why microsoft needs weeks just to get it certified...
    Just finished the episode and it luckily seems like there was no achievements issues here. :)
  • edited October 2012
    Well, I got the "get" button and stared downloading. I believe that was around 2 hours ago. I haven't been able to download beyond 22%, and then it tells me I've lost the connection and starts over at 10%. I think I have tried over ten times with the same results. While I had this issue with episode 2, it was nowhere near as bad, maybe took 2 hours to download. Episode 3 was worse than 2, it had the same problem and took 4 hours to download. The difference with both of those and what's happening with Episode 4, is that they would get to a certain percentage of downloading, then quit, and after about 3 tries, they would go to a higher percentage, then quit, about 3 tries at that percentage, then on to a higher one, etc, until it finally completed the download. I have no clue why this download is different, and stopping at the same place every time. It is not late at all where I live, but I'm thinking I will join the camp of "try again tomorrow" so I don't get any more frustrated. Hope others are having better luck!
  • edited October 2012
    tried restarting pc and retrying to enter the game but it's giving me the license issue again and of course I can't get to the main menu :S TTG please HELP ?
  • edited October 2012
    I've tried several times to download the latest episode tonight (PC version) and have given up as it gets stuck on 60-70% and then fails with a "lost connection" error.

    I'm delighted Telltale have scored such a hit with TWD but as someone who has bought almost every game they've done before I'm also pissed off they've treated their initial fan base so badly. It seems PS3 (US) or Steam is now the way to go in order to get 'first play' on TT games?
  • edited October 2012
    at least yours downloading.....myself I can't even get to the main fuckin menu :S
  • edited October 2012
    mine still says "coming soon" ....
  • edited October 2012
    Gaanj yours is allowing you to enter the main menu and mine isn't allowing me
  • edited October 2012
    spawner wrote: »
    Gaanj yours is allowing you to enter the main menu and mine isn't allowing me

    disconnect your internet until it loads to the main screen with the barn then reconnect
  • edited October 2012
    Mine also says coming soon. :(
  • edited October 2012
    spawner wrote: »
    Gaanj yours is allowing you to enter the main menu and mine isn't allowing me

    spawner, take comfort in the fact that you're not the only one. After countless tries to enter the menu, and occasionally succeeding (I don't know how), it always failed to download episode 4. So I tried Eozen's trick and it worked - next time I clicked "GET", it was installed. Of course I tried to play it - what do you know, next crash. And now the program only starts in windowed mode and prompts me to enter my user name and password - upon which it does exactly nothing. Just the empty TWD screen with the hints scrolling at the top. So yeah - you're definetly not the only one experiencing recurring problems with TWD.
  • edited October 2012
    disconnected internet but still same issue
  • edited October 2012
    Finally managed to get onto the main menu, never been an issue before now, to find that it is still coming soon. It's midnight here and I'm not in the mood to stay up all night grinding my teeth, I'll cross my fingers and hope it gets sorted whilst I sleep.
  • edited October 2012
    Mandosaro wrote: »
    Finally managed to get onto the main menu, never been an issue before now, to find that it is still coming soon. It's midnight here and I'm not in the mood to stay up all night grinding my teeth, I'll cross my fingers and hope it gets sorted whilst I sleep.

    Was it telling you about the issue I have about the game license too ?
This discussion has been closed.