The Walking Dead Ep 4 RELEASE DATES ARE OUT! PSN NA October 9th, PC/Mac/Xbox 10th!



  • edited October 2012
    I just did a simple restart of my computer.
    People are very quick to complain... there are more important things in life.
  • edited October 2012
    i restarted my computer, my adapter 4 times, the game 20 times, and keep getting a mixture of no license and on the get screen no connection.
  • edited October 2012
    MorpheusX wrote: »
    I just did a simple restart of my computer.
    People are very quick to complain... there are more important things in life.

    Like integrity? And keeping promises? And doing what we love?

    I can see how all these things might apply to this very situation, lol.

    4 1/2 hours TT. Please at least ADDRESS this issue.

    Still "COMING SOON"
  • edited October 2012
    weh I can't download it on PC yet.

    Back to Whiskey and karaoke...
  • edited October 2012
    hey look at that, I wanted to download the game (pc) before going to work, and guess what?

    connection error...


    gonna get to work...

    who's gonna play the game after work tonight?

    well I don't know...
  • edited October 2012
    Finally it says i can get it and like so many other people, it wont even go higher than 0% before saying I have no internet connection. Then how am I on the forum complaining about it??
  • edited October 2012
    I am having the exact same problems. Yesterday I couldn't get the GET button it was Coming Soon the whole time. Late at night it finally saw that it was out. It would then not download past 10 percent (download kept failing and as I started it again it would start at 10 percent again). I then decided to go to bed and see if they would fix it (seeing as I am in different time zones and it was still day for them).
    Well they didn't. I now get the "no connection to the internet" error while everything else that connects to the internet is working just fine.
    And I have tried exiting and restarting the game. I've tried restarting my pc. I've tried shutting off my pc, resetting my modem and router, then turn my pc back on then try the game again. I've tried deleting the entries it made.
    Still getting the same error message. So now I probably have to wait until office hours, again, to see if Telltale finally wants to go and fix it.
    So yeah next game will be bought from Steam and not the store because this is just a new entry in my list of complaints of how they dealt with the game for people who bought it directly from their store.
    Before rolling out a system like this they might have wanted to make sure it actually works.
    Just about killed my desire to even play the game.
  • edited October 2012
    its now been over 24 hours now and STILL its 'coming soon'.
    Please TT, i dont want a fight, i just want to save my darling clem from zombies! :(
  • edited October 2012
    its now been over 24 hours now and STILL its 'coming soon'.
    Please TT, i dont want a fight, i just want to save my darling clem from zombies! :(
  • edited October 2012
    At least now, everytime I start the game it's taking me to the main menu but it's getting stuck on the connection error. Please TTG if you're reading this, fix the issue as I want to play it too :)

  • edited October 2012
    Well, thanks to my friend insomnia, I thought I'd try now (close to Telltale time) when there may be fewer people trying to download. No such luck, the download won't go beyond 0% now. I do know that at some time every night, Telltale is down for maintenance or something, so this may be that time. Although if it is, I don't think I'll be able to post. Hopefully there will be some change today.
  • edited October 2012
    Yup same here, won't go any higher than 0% >.> this is actually worse than having to wait for it longer than a month...
  • edited October 2012
    I kept having this same connection error since yesterday dust so I don't know
  • edited October 2012
    Having the same problem, although i got to 76% last night then connection error

    Kept trying and it would pick up from 60% only to error soon after

    Now it wont budge from 0.00% :confused:
  • edited October 2012
    I've gotten back to the tease fase. It downloads until about 38/39 or if I am lucky 40 percent. Then it has a connection error and when I start the download over again I am at 10 percent again. I can't get further than 40% and it will go back to 10% without fail.
    I am scared that if I shut down the program it will just go back to the "you have no connection" malarky
  • edited October 2012
    If it gets stuck at a certain percentage, when you reconnect it should continue where it left. Happened to me on episode 2-3 aswell.
  • edited October 2012
    Nah this is not like episode 2 or 3. There I made some progress every time. One moment it would go back to 10 percent then I tried again and after a failure it would go back to 23 percent and the percentage downloaded would keep getting higher and higher.
    Now it is stuck in between 38 to 40 percent and it keeps going down to 10 percent. I restarted the download about 7 times, each time it goes back to 10 percent, each time it won't go past 40 percent max.
  • edited October 2012
    is the episode out in ps3 europe ?
  • edited October 2012
    I don't think so imafuckinzombie...Supposedly updates are to be confirmed "SOON". As for the connection error I never had a problem with the previous once's
  • edited October 2012
    europeans are always screwed :c
  • edited October 2012
    still nothing :S
  • edited October 2012
    I cannot download it either. The "no internet connection" sign always comes up...:(
  • edited October 2012
    europeans are always screwed :c

    Well, we supposedly have it here in North America, but as you can see, many of us can't get it to download. Maybe by the time it hits Europe, this issue will be fixed.
  • edited October 2012
    you mean in a weeks time ? hehe it takes a week or so to get to ps3 EU(I'm on PC)
  • edited October 2012
    spawner wrote: »
    you mean in a weeks time ? hehe it takes a week or so to get to ps3 EU(I'm on PC)

    Yep, I meant a week!
  • edited October 2012
    So after getting excited that my download has started, here I am 12 hours later still with no game.....

    The download kept dropping at 80% and now has been sat at 60% for about 45 mins......

  • edited October 2012
    Still can't download the game >.> this is pure shit from Telltales side I tell you!
  • edited October 2012
    So after getting excited that my download has started, here I am 12 hours later still with no game.....

    The download kept dropping at 80% and now has been sat at 60% for about 45 mins......


    and now i've got the connection error again! So much for playing before work, been trying since 10am (not including last night at 12am - 2am), it's now just after 2pm and I start work in an hour..... c'mon TT.....
  • edited October 2012
    Yesterday I tried to download more than 40 times in a 4+ hour time frame. My download always stopped at 22%, then gave me the Internet error, and restarted at 10%. Today over a 4 hour period I have tried to download over 20 times, and for the vast majority of those tries, the download has stopped almost immediately. A few times it has gotten as high as 10% before stopping. Yes, my internet connection is fine. Yes, I have tried exiting and going back to the game, shutting down my computer, making sure I have way more than enough space to download, etc. I'm hoping that someone at Telltale reads this thread today and helps all of us out that are having problems. Many of the posters are like me, and have had little to no problem with prior episodes. I wonder what is different this time.
  • edited October 2012
    I hope someone gets fired over this as it is madness. How they can claim to be a professional company when they mess up this badly every single episode without fail is beyond me.
  • edited October 2012
    I finally got it through the inofficial fix at but be sure to backup your files somewhere save and to delete all temp files.
    That finally worked because I was either getting pulled back to 10 percent or couldn't make a connection.
    Bit of a shame someone had to write an apache script for people to get their files... Hope they fix this before episode 5
  • dx1dx1
    edited October 2012
    Inofficial patch my butt.:cool: TTG, do something for your money.
  • edited October 2012
    So the achievements are still not working (and it's been out about a day and a half on Xbox) and my save game is still glitched, and now someone spoiled two major parts of Episode 4 by posting it in a thread title on this part of the forum. Wow. I can't blame Telltale for the last one, but fuck this. I was gonna get the retail version of the Walking Dead to support Telltale, but that's definitely not happening after this episode's release.
  • edited October 2012
    I can STILL not download the damn episode! >.> been like this for 24 hours now, this is not okay!
  • edited October 2012
    So are TT going to apologise at any point? Are they going to fix it at any point? Or are we just going to have to carry on sitting here, occasionaly pressing the 'get' button until by some miracle it works? I'm just angry at myself as every single time a release date is announced for a new episode, I start to get excited and think it will work this time. When I discover the release date for episode 5, I'm just gonna go ahead and plus an extra month to it and save myself the hassle.
  • edited October 2012
    Garrinski wrote: »
    The poster you're quoting didn't say "near-monthly" they said "monthly", which is EXACTLY what telltale told all of its consumers willing to pay for a game before its release, they would deliver.

    You need to stop trying to defend a point that is obviously false. They DID NOT deliver on their initial promise. Period.

    Seeing as how you quoted my original reply completely out of context, I'll go ahead and point out that I mentioned the release schedule exactly once during my initial response to the other poster. I said not a single word about Telltale's initial promise, nor was I defending said initial promise. What I was doing was explaining, in my own way, why I continue to support this software company, why it's difficult for a small outfit to release an episodic game in this particular style, and why I think people should appreciate what they've got instead of complaining about it. Please get your facts straight before you go around trying to police my posts.
    Garrinski wrote: »
    Since the misleading delivery dates were made public, there has been no mention from anyone within the company concerning either the botched advertising or failure of the design team. In short the situation has been handled in a childish manner by those at TT, who have ignored it so far, took a new stance, and hope we will just forget. This has obviously provoked some more than childish backlash as a result. Some, but not all of the scorn is deserved, mostly due the COMPLETE LACK OF COMMUNICATION on the matter.

    I strongly doubt Telltale is just waiting to see if anyone forgets. I constantly see members of their tech support team in these very forums checking for posts. Their communication does leave something to be desired. I take issue with your use of the word "misleading", which implies that the company did it intentionally, which I again strongly doubt.
    Garrinski wrote: »
    So if you wish to blindly defend the company against the blankets of accusations people make, feel free... but on the previously mentioned point, consider this a suggestion; TT fucked up. Let them speak for themselves.

    Couple things here. One, I used specific rationale in my defense of the company, which in itself means that I wasn't blindly defending anything.

    And two? If I want to defend Telltale, I'll defend Telltale. I hope not to see any more "suggestions" from you on my posting habits, which are frankly none of your business.
  • edited October 2012
    I think some of us were frustrated yesterday with the download issue, but kinda felt like, give them a little more time, they'll get it fixed. But they had several hours after the release yesterday before they went home for the night, and I believe they've been at work for close to three hours today. So if they have read the forums and know there is a problem ( I hope), or someone has contacted them, then it's something they should be working on. If it isn't some simple fix for them, it would be nice to let us know. It's not too far from 24 hours since I first started trying to download, and things have only gotten worse. Please help those of us that don't want to try the fix suggested by the mod!
  • edited October 2012
    Ok mine was like most of you guys...didn't have the GET IT button till late last night. I decided to download it and it says connection error like all of you here....what i did is...i just closed the game ( after clicking get it like 20 times in a row ) i took a shower...and 15 mins after i launched the game again and pressed the GET IT worked! and downloaded the whole game! so hopefully it will work for most of you guys! :)
  • edited October 2012
    Nice for you kingmartykim, but for me it hasn't worked all day :( I started getting the "Connection error"-messages late last night, and now it's been 24 hours and it still says the same bloody thing...
    This is without a doubt the last time I buy a game from TTG before it gets a complete package-release...
  • edited October 2012
    Have people tried force-quitting out of the game (or rebooting their comps) and then re-trying the download? I have the PC version (purchased from TT) and I had zero download problems.
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