So, everyone else I've seen seems happy with the group, but Kenny kind of irritated me. In EP 1, I saved Duck both times. in EP 2, I helped him off Larry, AND I fed Duck, which he thanked me for. In EP 3, I sat on the fence, but then talked him down instead of fighting. This episode, I said that MAYBE we should wait a little before getting the boat, and saved Ben. Now I apparently have been watching out for myself instead of him. So, in summary... Kenny, WTF?
I felt I had to register an account after playing the 4th episode.
AHHHHHH, EPIC!!!!!! Cannot believe Lee is bitten, who was the dude who was spying on you burying the kid???? Was it actually Molly? And you can let Clem go with the dickhead Doctor??? And Omid can die??? And you can shoot Molly!!!!
I thought that when I saved Ben he would just die later anyway, but him actually coming with me?? Fuck, did not see that coming. I watched a mate play through after and he let him drop (I questioned his humanity afterwards and said I no longer wanted to be with him in a zombie apocalypse).
Never played a game which made me care so much about characters. I was shouting at my TV for 2 episodes wanting that prick Ben to die and when it came to the choice, I couldn't let a living person needlessly snuff it. Even though he fucked up EVERYTHING. God, I want episode 5 NOW!!!!
And I don't think Lee will be in season 2.
Definitely need more than 3 save slots. Is it possible to hide your bite and still have people come with you?? I originally hid and then showed and had everyone come with me. I have no idea how it will affect the story overall. After every episode I have played I have watched the forums and seen the flamers getting angry, well I say to them now, FUCK YOU!!!! Your choices did matter, this could all end very differently for lots of people and you learn a lot about who your supposed 'mates' are when they make their Lee a heartless twat!!!!
P.S. I always hated Chuck, not to be trusted, Clem should stop acting like that liability of a child from the TV show and Kenny and his mood swings need to do one (although I couldn't do it myself if I were given the choice...).
I guess you found her putting her self in danger, despite your clear warnings, charming.
She enters a house through the doggie door, despite me telling her not to enter buildings without my permission in Ep 3
She sneaks into the backyard, worrying Lee.
She follows Lee and Kenny into town.
Then she goes outside to meet the walkie talkie man.
They trying to make her likable by having her do something useful, like find the boat, but it still pisses me off. Now she's in danger, again, and I got bit trying to figure out what happened and I'm supposed to want to save her? Not really.
I feel exactly the same way. That girl won't listen and it cost Lee his life.
Also, worth noting that had Clementine not showed up in town when she did, Molly would have undoubtedly axed Lee in the face.
Yea she's eight years old so there isn't much to expect as far as behavior. But I actually beat up Molly and put a gun to her head. Anyone else get that?
I'm new to the boards here, I played eps 1 and 2 pretty much when they came out but I was into some other games when ep 3 hit. I didn't play it until this weekend along with ep 4 and let me say I was shocked and amazed at what happened.
I know this is for ep 4 but I wanna say something about ep 3 really quick since I'm late to that party.
Carley. First of all I was a big supporter of the Lee/Carley thing. When things started to move on that front I was excited about that but was cautious that Carley might die. Was thinking shot by the bandits, left behind, zombie bite, something along those lines. But when Lily reached for her that was some bs. Really emotional and broke my heart. Still upset about it. Granted it's only been a couple of days for me. I did bring Lily along even though I had to pause the game and think about it lol. I was going to leave her but I thought "what would Clementine think if I did that". Man this game makes me scratch my head, in a good way of course.
Anyway, ep 4. Pretty much figured Crawford was walker infested, just had a feeling. And the thing about putting a gun to Molly's head I said earlier, I completed the two punching prompts when you sneak up on her. Clem just showed up and watched. I liked Chuck to a certain extent but I think he served his purpose. He didn't seem like he'd make it far to me. I don't have any emotional investment with Christa and Omid yet, they're still too new and (mostly Christa) seem more of a "to themselves type". But they are coming with me to find Clem so that is appreciated.
The bite. Man I wasn't expecting that. To be honest I didn't know what to expect when I started this game. But this journey has been great and while I wish things were different it truly delivers a unique emotional experience that most games do not. I do think Clem's parents are dead and whether or not she'll find out, I think she needs Lee. I don't see how Lee can survive unless they throw in immunity (doubtful if not already debunked) or amputation which is probably too late.
The only survivors I really wanted were Lee, Clementine, and Carley. I already expressed my thoughts on Carley and probably will continue to do so (since it's still new to me sorry ) but really I was hoping for Lee and Clem to make it. Can you imagine being Clementine and losing the only partner you had during this time? Lee has spent this entire time trying to save her and now he won't be able to make sure it happens. It's really a bad situation. And even though I'm sure he won't turn/die before he sees her again their reunion will be short lived.
At this point I'd be ok if some how Lee makes it. Because after the many gut wrenching moments this series has had (Carley/Doug, Duck, Katjaa) Lee just makes it almost unbearable. It really takes hope out of the equation which I think is essential in surviving something like this. But don't take what I'm saying as being bad at all. I've gotten something great from this game and I am excited to see how season 1 ends and what's in store for season 2.
-New characters were well-illustrated- as it used to be.
-The plot in this episode is fantastic (crawford, boat, clem disappearance and so on).
-I also like that we were able to decide more about Clem.
-It is the best episode from point of view of typical adventure game.
- I still can feel amazing atmosphere of the game and TWD universe.
Why so low? (In my opinion episodes 2nd and 3rd are better)
- I was really missing the continuous tension. I mean that in 2nd and 3rd episodes I was used to it (especially in 2nd)- I was not sure if something would not happen in any moment.
- "Difficult" decisions and choices weren't difficult for me. I think that my choices aren't about outcome, but about me and my personality and I had known that I had to help Ben (not to let him fall down) and Kenny ( to kill the boy). I still have time to decide if Clem should stay with me or go with Vernon. There was nothing tough to decide about (as it should have been). Previously, in 1st, 2nd and 3rd I felt that I could be wrong.
The bite is RIGHT on his wrist. If he cut off his wrist, then the infection wouldn't kill him. It would take forever to heal though, he would be disabled after, and the bleeding may kill him.
What a lot of people do, especially if you get a snakebite, is to make a really tight knot around your arm, so the infected blood can't flow to the rest of your body. If Lee used anything to tie a knot around his elbow, he would have a little more time.
Hey...Nowhere in the comics to date has ANYBODY survived a bite by amputating the biten limb. Not even Dale. Reread it and you'll see. Come :mad: on everybody.
Phenomenal. My new favorite. 1 was an intro, 2 was all dread, 3 was all misery, 4 was surviving without hope. Clearing the house had an awesome tone, and running out the back door to find Clementine was a great mixture of "I'm being irresponsible" and "Why can't I make Lee move any faster? I don't care what danger I'm in!"
i wonder if the guy on the walkie talkie is hershel from the farm he might be getting revenge because his son died when you try to save duck or try to save his son
Remember she is only 8 and living in a now zombie apocalyptic world she has no choice but to grow up quickly, and you helped her by putting a gun in her hand to give her bravery, cutting her hair so she would be grabbed which gave her wisdom, and saying you're a team which means she wants to help you and be by you every step of the way. Putting all that on an eight year old, yeah she's going to start trying to help where she thinks is right and wouldn't view it as rebellious.
Also if you were a little child and through this whole time you were given hope or a chance that your parents were alive, I'm sure you'd go chasing after them too.
I feel like the game played more like a movie in Episode 4. With fewer choices and less interaction required from me than in previous episodes. I also feel it was shorter, as it only took me about 2 hours to finish.
If Molly CAN die in this episode. then she will not be back at all. Bummer. That's the only way TellTale can make it work. Molly was a 1 episode character apparently.
If Molly CAN die in this episode. then she will not be back at all. Bummer. That's the only way TellTale can make it work. Molly was a 1 episode character apparently.
She can't die, actually. She can get separated from the group, but her fate is unknown. If anyone can get out of that sticky situation she was in, it's Molly. So it's pretty hasty to say she's dead.
She can't die, actually. She can get separated from the group, but her fate is unknown. If anyone can get out of that sticky situation she was in, it's Molly. So it's pretty hasty to say she's dead.
Just like Glenn, Lily, Hershel... dunno, maybe she could follow them cause she cared for Clem. Otherwise, if they change location I doubt she'll just appear randomly.
people are just dumb and forget that dale had two walker on his leg which he survived for more than a few weeks at the very least which means he survived being bitten...the first time at least. then was bit on shoulder/chest area....taken by cannibals and then died even then like half a day later tho. It's funny to hear people say stuff without them being correct. people are funny:p
It happened in the Prison parking lot huh? When he went out to help get gas. Wow, U guys r correct!! My bad. U really can survive a bite if u amputate the limb quickly enuff. Maybe Lee does have a shot!!!! :eek:
What logic has this thread full of spoilers in the non-spoiler forum and not the spoiler forum?
Ouch, enough with the font and size. A simple PM would have sufficed, but that's not quite your thing eh?
The decision ultimately was meant to ease the transition. People were used to have the thread stickied in the normal forum, but of course it belongs in the spoiler discussion forum. Where it now is. *poof*
Ouch, enough with the font and size. A simple PM would have sufficed, but that's not quite your thing eh?
The decision ultimately was meant to ease the transition. People were used to have the thread stickied in the normal forum, but of course it belongs in the spoiler discussion forum. Where it now is. *poof*
The font and size reflected the time of the posting. "Ouch" pretty much describes the non-spoiler forum after the release date. This thread had the opposite effect you intended and there were few mods around to fix anything because they were trying to avoid spoilers.
You poofed 9 days too late for a lot of people. lol
Great episode, very deft handling of so many characters in one episode. One thing that did bother me was how suddenly the decision was made for Molly to go; I had to look it up to see if she was some character from the comic to explain why she would suddenly have to disappear. Other than that I really don't have much to complain about. I can't say it hit me as emotionally hard as Episode 3, though the character development Ben got this episode was pretty damn tremendous. I've always liked the kid, and i'm glad the story has really given him some time to shine!
There was a lot of like tense moments where it was a relief in the end, like when Clem went missing the first time, the music gets your heart racing but then you find her and it's like sweet relief. The game really pulls your heart strings.
You know a game has excellent character development when a death in video game affects you in some way.
One more thing. I WANT TO PRAISE TELLTALE FOR THE GREATER NUMBER OF CHOICES! Allowing Clem to go with the old guy, saving Ben, the group you go with in the last was amazing.
But, why is everyone here saying they miss Carley. Am I the only one that.....saved Doug?
Hey...Nowhere in the comics to date has ANYBODY survived a bite by amputating the biten limb. Not even Dale. Reread it and you'll see. Come :mad: on everybody.
Dude, you're way off. Dale absolutely did survive his bite from walkers. he was bit outside the prison and then survived months, possibly more than a year. He never got sick from the bite at all. He even explicitly stated in one issue that he was the first person anyone knew of to survive a Walker bite.
In regards to Lee not cleaning the wound, I thought that as well. I mean, I've always been a person who says, "If someone in my group got bit, I wouldn't fancy delusions that they'd survive." But when I saw Lee get bit, I kept telling myself he could survive it. So if I were him, yeah, the first thing I'd do is run inside and clean the heck out of that wound.
Same here. Was pissed when he died too. Was probably the nicest person in the group.
This game is getting depressing, the first two episodes were so upbeat and had a feeling of exploring a new world kind of deal. But now I just find myself expecting someone to die at every turn. Guess that's how it works in a zombie apocalypse.
I rated it mediocre. There's no conflict in the story at all, nothing any logical person would have to think hard about. The saddest moment is actually the boy in the attic, everything else was meh.
Now if I was to include the fact that the game crashed and wiped all my progress, I'd rate it abominable. I don't feel much motivation to play through the whole thing again and I can't accurately recreate my choices and mistakes.
Dude, you're way off. Dale absolutely did survive his bite from walkers. he was bit outside the prison and then survived months, possibly more than a year. He never got sick from the bite at all. He even explicitly stated in one issue that he was the first person anyone knew of to survive a Walker bite.
U ain't see my threads after this huh? Duh... I figured that out already. Damn, guy can't make a mistake.
I was wondering, how many people killed that first walker as soon as you exit the sewer in Crawford with their gun, because I didn't seem to have a choice there and lee went and 'axed' him a question. I've seen exactly one person use their gun to dispatch that walker guard. What exactly affects this decision? How do I make Lee shoot him? Mostly, I just want to hear Lee casually ask the guard,
"How's it going?:cool:" before shooting him like the true badass he is. Lee must be as Badass as possible in my playthrough, so that dialogue is a must. How do?
I was wondering, how many people killed that first walker as soon as you exit the sewer in Crawford with their gun, because I didn't seem to have a choice there and lee went and 'axed' him a question. I've seen exactly one person use their gun to dispatch that walker guard. What exactly affects this decision? How do I make Lee shoot him? Mostly, I just want to hear Lee casually ask the guard,
"How's it going?:cool:" before shooting him like the true badass he is. Lee must be as Badass as possible in my playthrough, so that dialogue is a must. How do?
I too would like to know. I have done two plays one where I use the gun and one where its hatchet time. No clue how I did one and not the other.
One small choice spoiler in the review I don't go into detail at all though. The ending was amazing can't wait for EP5!
AHHHHHH, EPIC!!!!!! Cannot believe Lee is bitten, who was the dude who was spying on you burying the kid???? Was it actually Molly? And you can let Clem go with the dickhead Doctor??? And Omid can die??? And you can shoot Molly!!!!
I thought that when I saved Ben he would just die later anyway, but him actually coming with me?? Fuck, did not see that coming. I watched a mate play through after and he let him drop (I questioned his humanity afterwards and said I no longer wanted to be with him in a zombie apocalypse).
Never played a game which made me care so much about characters. I was shouting at my TV for 2 episodes wanting that prick Ben to die and when it came to the choice, I couldn't let a living person needlessly snuff it. Even though he fucked up EVERYTHING. God, I want episode 5 NOW!!!!
And I don't think Lee will be in season 2.
Definitely need more than 3 save slots. Is it possible to hide your bite and still have people come with you?? I originally hid and then showed and had everyone come with me. I have no idea how it will affect the story overall. After every episode I have played I have watched the forums and seen the flamers getting angry, well I say to them now, FUCK YOU!!!! Your choices did matter, this could all end very differently for lots of people and you learn a lot about who your supposed 'mates' are when they make their Lee a heartless twat!!!!
P.S. I always hated Chuck, not to be trusted, Clem should stop acting like that liability of a child from the TV show and Kenny and his mood swings need to do one (although I couldn't do it myself if I were given the choice...).
She's eight years old.
Also, worth noting that had Clementine not showed up in town when she did, Molly would have undoubtedly axed Lee in the face.
Yea she's eight years old so there isn't much to expect as far as behavior. But I actually beat up Molly and put a gun to her head. Anyone else get that?
I'm new to the boards here, I played eps 1 and 2 pretty much when they came out but I was into some other games when ep 3 hit. I didn't play it until this weekend along with ep 4 and let me say I was shocked and amazed at what happened.
I know this is for ep 4 but I wanna say something about ep 3 really quick since I'm late to that party.
Carley. First of all I was a big supporter of the Lee/Carley thing. When things started to move on that front I was excited about that but was cautious that Carley might die. Was thinking shot by the bandits, left behind, zombie bite, something along those lines. But when Lily reached for her that was some bs. Really emotional and broke my heart. Still upset about it. Granted it's only been a couple of days for me. I did bring Lily along even though I had to pause the game and think about it lol. I was going to leave her but I thought "what would Clementine think if I did that". Man this game makes me scratch my head, in a good way of course.
Anyway, ep 4. Pretty much figured Crawford was walker infested, just had a feeling. And the thing about putting a gun to Molly's head I said earlier, I completed the two punching prompts when you sneak up on her. Clem just showed up and watched. I liked Chuck to a certain extent but I think he served his purpose. He didn't seem like he'd make it far to me. I don't have any emotional investment with Christa and Omid yet, they're still too new and (mostly Christa) seem more of a "to themselves type". But they are coming with me to find Clem so that is appreciated.
The bite. Man I wasn't expecting that. To be honest I didn't know what to expect when I started this game. But this journey has been great and while I wish things were different it truly delivers a unique emotional experience that most games do not. I do think Clem's parents are dead and whether or not she'll find out, I think she needs Lee. I don't see how Lee can survive unless they throw in immunity (doubtful if not already debunked) or amputation which is probably too late.
The only survivors I really wanted were Lee, Clementine, and Carley. I already expressed my thoughts on Carley and probably will continue to do so (since it's still new to me sorry
At this point I'd be ok if some how Lee makes it. Because after the many gut wrenching moments this series has had (Carley/Doug, Duck, Katjaa) Lee just makes it almost unbearable. It really takes hope out of the equation which I think is essential in surviving something like this. But don't take what I'm saying as being bad at all. I've gotten something great from this game and I am excited to see how season 1 ends and what's in store for season 2.
It seems a few people wonder this.
There wouldn't be an episode 5 if you looked for her parents.
Clem would have no reason to run away with the guy on the walkie-talkie. Remember, he was telling Clem he knows where her parents are.
Why so high?
-New characters were well-illustrated- as it used to be.
-The plot in this episode is fantastic (crawford, boat, clem disappearance and so on).
-I also like that we were able to decide more about Clem.
-It is the best episode from point of view of typical adventure game.
- I still can feel amazing atmosphere of the game and TWD universe.
Why so low? (In my opinion episodes 2nd and 3rd are better)
- I was really missing the continuous tension. I mean that in 2nd and 3rd episodes I was used to it (especially in 2nd)- I was not sure if something would not happen in any moment.
- "Difficult" decisions and choices weren't difficult for me. I think that my choices aren't about outcome, but about me and my personality and I had known that I had to help Ben (not to let him fall down) and Kenny ( to kill the boy). I still have time to decide if Clem should stay with me or go with Vernon. There was nothing tough to decide about (as it should have been). Previously, in 1st, 2nd and 3rd I felt that I could be wrong.
Hey...Nowhere in the comics to date has ANYBODY survived a bite by amputating the biten limb. Not even Dale. Reread it and you'll see. Come :mad: on everybody.
Remember she is only 8 and living in a now zombie apocalyptic world she has no choice but to grow up quickly, and you helped her by putting a gun in her hand to give her bravery, cutting her hair so she would be grabbed which gave her wisdom, and saying you're a team which means she wants to help you and be by you every step of the way. Putting all that on an eight year old, yeah she's going to start trying to help where she thinks is right and wouldn't view it as rebellious.
Also if you were a little child and through this whole time you were given hope or a chance that your parents were alive, I'm sure you'd go chasing after them too.
So long story short, LEAVE CLEMMY ALONE!
If Molly CAN die in this episode. then she will not be back at all. Bummer. That's the only way TellTale can make it work. Molly was a 1 episode character apparently.
She can't die, actually. She can get separated from the group, but her fate is unknown. If anyone can get out of that sticky situation she was in, it's Molly. So it's pretty hasty to say she's dead.
Just like Glenn, Lily, Hershel... dunno, maybe she could follow them cause she cared for Clem. Otherwise, if they change location I doubt she'll just appear randomly.
people are just dumb and forget that dale had two walker on his leg which he survived for more than a few weeks at the very least which means he survived being bitten...the first time at least. then was bit on shoulder/chest area....taken by cannibals and then died even then like half a day later tho. It's funny to hear people say stuff without them being correct. people are funny:p
Agreed, he survived but was later finished off/weakened by the Hunters.
I thought the leg bite happened RIGHT BEFORE he was kidnapped by the Hunters.Not a week but only by a few hours.
What would he clean it with? Assuming he had the stuff he probably thought he was fucked so didn't bother.
Come on man. Seriously?
Ouch, enough with the font and size. A simple PM would have sufficed, but that's not quite your thing eh?
The decision ultimately was meant to ease the transition. People were used to have the thread stickied in the normal forum, but of course it belongs in the spoiler discussion forum. Where it now is. *poof*
only thing bad about it was lee's bite
but i think i saw that one coming
The font and size reflected the time of the posting. "Ouch" pretty much describes the non-spoiler forum after the release date. This thread had the opposite effect you intended and there were few mods around to fix anything because they were trying to avoid spoilers.
You poofed 9 days too late for a lot of people. lol
I'll send a pm next time.
You know a game has excellent character development when a death in video game affects you in some way.
I don't think Lee is well aware of the 'rules' so to speak of the Walking Dead World.
Dude, you're way off. Dale absolutely did survive his bite from walkers. he was bit outside the prison and then survived months, possibly more than a year. He never got sick from the bite at all. He even explicitly stated in one issue that he was the first person anyone knew of to survive a Walker bite.
Same here. Was pissed when he died too. Was probably the nicest person in the group.
This game is getting depressing, the first two episodes were so upbeat and had a feeling of exploring a new world kind of deal. But now I just find myself expecting someone to die at every turn. Guess that's how it works in a zombie apocalypse.
I rated it mediocre. There's no conflict in the story at all, nothing any logical person would have to think hard about. The saddest moment is actually the boy in the attic, everything else was meh.
Now if I was to include the fact that the game crashed and wiped all my progress, I'd rate it abominable. I don't feel much motivation to play through the whole thing again and I can't accurately recreate my choices and mistakes.
U ain't see my threads after this huh? Duh... I figured that out already. Damn, guy can't make a mistake.
"How's it going?:cool:" before shooting him like the true badass he is. Lee must be as Badass as possible in my playthrough, so that dialogue is a must. How do?
I too would like to know. I have done two plays one where I use the gun and one where its hatchet time. No clue how I did one and not the other.