Thanks Telltale! I just want to congratulate you on making such an amazing first season, I can't wait for season 2. I wish you all the best luck in your future endeavors. I think your taking story telling in games to a whole new level. Thanks for everything!
I just finished the game and I would like to let Telltale know that they are bastards, magnificent and glorious bastards. This game was amazing, in over 20 years of gaming I have not experienced a more gut wrenching, and soul shattering story. This games dificulty level is pretty much null, but this was the hardest game I ever played. I physically had trouble begining episode 5 knowing what emotional horrors you might have had in store for me. You left me in tears, you left me wishing I had never pressed start, and you did not dissapoint. I can not recommend this game highly enough, in terms of story you have surpassed any game ever made, you even left most books,movies and tv shows in your dust. I did not just cry at the end of your game, I wept.
Absolutely loved the game! My only gripe is that I beat the last episode so quickly. A "finale" should always be longer not shorter than the rest of the episodes. I gave it a eight as a whole. Can't wait for the next season!!!!!
I'm sad I didn't notice that. Sorry but I was too busy holding back tears. :P
Anyway the entire series and especially the last episode were simply amazing. Nothing better than when a games ending holds up to a already high standard overall. Amazing storytelling, voice acting and just all round awesome.
I'm kind of sad it ended and we no longer have new episodes to look forward top but oh well. Something this good cant last forever.
This may be one of the greatest games I've ever played in my entire life, I'm dead serious. It started of smoothly and it was quite predictable, I thought it was great back then though it needed some more action. In episode 2, they show a lot more graphic and frightening content, and in episode 3, they flat out say: We're not fucking around here.
Many may consider the gameplay style dull, since it differs a lot from any other game on the market. I really appreciate how it's for the most part story-based, and that they focused a lot more on that than on any other aspect. It didn't lack anything, the music was awesome, the graphics were great considering that they made it look like the comics. The highlight of the entire game is the story, and all the decisions/consequences. I have never ever felt so much empathy while playing a game! I love how during the later episodes, you never know what to expect. Anything can happen.. people can die, a walker may turn up out of nowhere. So beware!
This is a game that everyone should play, it is by far the most emotional game I have ever played, and might be one of the most emotional games to have been made. It never gets tiring nor dull throughout the episodes. Constant action and tension along with great story, dialog and decisions.
Absolutely masterful series. That said, I do have a harsh review. I loved the episode, but I seriously need to point out some problems.
I have six main complaints with episode 5
1) WAY too short.
2) It felt rushed/Campman's motivations.
3) Lee's arm.
4) Lee's death/zombification.
5) The epilogue was horrible.
6) The concept of "choice".
1) Is it just me? Or is this the shortest episode? I mean, I railroaded through this in what seemed to be maybe an hour and a half? Most episodes reach over 2 hours. Episode 3 had to be the longest. Hoping for a longer experience.
2) Also the way the story wraps up was rushed. I mean, Campman's motivation made little sense to me. Sure, he says you stealing the stuff led to his family's demise, but was that really enough for him to go through with his Rube Goldberg idea? And how was he able to track them down in the city, Clem didn't have the radio with her. Why the fuck wasn't the Marsh Hotel filled with zombies? And what the fuck was Campman going to do if Lee came with everyone? How could he have possibly beaten Lee, Kenny, Christa, Omid, and Ben? Especially if they were armed? Waaaaaay too many plot holes. Very, very sloppy writing. I would've gladly waited another month or two for a better written story.
3) I didn't cut my arm off, because in the back of my mind I knew it was absolutely pointless. And low and behold, it was. My friend messages me saying he got Lee's arm amputated and he STILL dies. Thanks for being complete dicks with that one, TellTale, teasing a possible determinant death. Also, Kenny and the others seemed to know cutting it off might help. My question is, why the fuck didn't they suggest that when I first showed them the bite?
4) I was expecting Lee to die. But the way people were hyping the ending up made me think Clem was going to die too. Not that I wanted that. It's the last thing I wanted. It's just people were saying this was the most heartwrenching thing they've ever seen. So I'm like "Clem must be the one that dies". I mean, everyone loves Clem and that's the only death I expect people to have such a strong reaction too. I love Lee, but still. I guess the fact that I expected Lee to die took a bit of the emotional sting away. I got so attached to him and Clem. I'm glad to see Clem alive, but knowing they'll never be together again makes me much more angry than it does sad.
5) The epilogue is complete trash. I hate that TellTale keeps trying to be ambiguous. First Lilly. Then Molly. Then Vernon and his piece of shit group. Then Kenny's "death". And then Clementine. Is it too much to give the player some closure? I mean, it is a season, but from what TellTale was saying after the game's success, I don't think they had a season 2 planned. So was this cliffhanger ending supposed to happen or was it added in at the last minute to hook people for season 2?
6) Choice never mattered with this game. You can feed me that "the theme is helplessness/hopelessness" stuff, but that's some bullshit. It was cost effective and time saving. Period. I was really expecting them to come through and give us multiple endings for this one episode. I could tolerate things like Carley dying and Ben's lackluster death if you save him, as long as they gave me the option to end the game in a couple different ways, but no. It's like being able to choose different types of fast food. You may get a different taste, but it all ends in a heart attack regardless.
I know I'm coming down hard on a downloadable game that probably didn't have much funding and resources behind it, but TellTale should've never suggested that your choices actually matter and therefore have a profound effect on the story when they really didn't mean anything. Doug, Larry, Carley, Ben, Duck, Katjaa, Chuck, and Lee are doomed no matter WHAT you do. Molly, Lilly, Christa, Omid, Kenny, and Clementine's fates are unknown thanks to a literary cop-out (ambiguous endings).
They should've just said it's a story and you're along for the ride, but instead it gives the phony illusion of choice. We can argue all day whether it's intentional or not.
I really hope season 2 is much, much more ambitious and far-reaching. Hope Clem, Lilly, and Christa and Omid come back. Kenny, if he's alive too.
That said, I still adore the game. It's going down in my top 20 favorite video games of all time.
I've defended this game against other people's complaints, and I have really enjoyed it. However, I was left feeling pretty disappointed by episode 5.
First off, it was pretty short. That could be forgiven, however, if they hadn't made it so that:
None of your choices mattered. I didn't steal from the station wagon. So what? The guy is still angry. I chose to bring along Omid and Christa. So what? Kenny still ends up coming along. Does it even matter where you tell Omid and Christa to meet you? Or what you tell Clementine to do?
I don't know. I enjoyed myself, and I will definitely buy a season 2, if and when that comes out. But I guess all the complaints about your choices not mattering -- all the complaints from my friends, who I disagreed with -- were right. And that kind of leaves a bad impression on me, lowering my opinion of the series as a whole.
I really enjoyed the game. I have seen tons of people complaining about the Stranger.
I actually really liked him. It gave me a chance to reflect on my actions, and what I had done through the course of the game. What seemed completely justified at the time suddenly seems like a monstrously cruel thing to do.
So I finished episode 5 a like 30 minutes ago and let it all sink in.. I just don't know what to think.
I get the whole point that Telltale tried to make here.
The episode seems shorter, because there is 'no time left'.
Still it felt too short to statisfy me..
At the start they really got my attention.. I mean.. You start out pretty dramatic! It also seemed like all the choices I made really mattered and were going to give me a totally different playthrough and a different ending. I was starting to imagine that there were going to be different scenarios, different cutscene.. It would be real fun to do a second playthrough!
Loved all those little details that they put in, how they made the characters so loveable.. I didn't had Kenny with me but it felt great to be reunited with him later.
Great scenes like slashing through zombies.. Slicing a zombie kids head..
It was so intense.. They really got me excited!
Even a choice that we might all have forgotten, taking food from the car..
But from there..
I lost it.
The man did not give a damn about my choice (I did not steal from the car).
Yes I know this is realistic, he was insane. Of course he did not care.. But from there it went downhill for me.. It was getting too predictable..
The head in the bag was shocking too btw.
Also loved the fact that they smeared themselves with zombie blood and flesh.. The memories of the comic!
Anyway, from there..
Everything felt so pushed.
You knew what was going to happen.. And I know that's the point of the game.
You have no time left, so there is no time to get a more emotional scene with clementines parents, they're just waddling around there without a real story.
There is no time to get into Lee's story, about what happened to him! It doesn't matter, because the world ended! You're not a kid, woman, man, murderer or sick person anymore, you're alive and that's all what matters.
I get that.
It did not work for me.
Yup it was realistic that Lee had to die
And it was realistic that we couldn't see what would happen to Clem, because our character was dead or a walker, he couldn't know.
I get the whole fact that Telltale was trying to send us the real message of the end of the world but.. I expected more!
I couldn't really feel anything for the end, because I was still waiting.
Waiting for something to happen..
Being excited after the credits, to finally see Clementime in the open field.. And then be dissapointed again.
It did not touch me, not at all.
Great message here, but I just expected more after 5 episodes of making intense choices.
Anyway, I would still recommend this game to all my friends.
I really enjoyed the first 4 episodes and had a great time.
Started to read the comics and watching the series and I'm loving it!
And other people might have shed buckets of tears and found the ending amazing, which I can understand!
So I hope you all had a great time, please don't be mad at me for having an opinion, I'm not bashing on the game.
Feel free to share your experience too!
P.S.: Excuse me for my English, it's not my mother language.
P.S.: Excuse me for my English, it's not my mother language.
For it to be your second language you're doing very well, friend. You should work on your paragraphs and sentence structure, but other than that, you're doing fine! I agree with majority of your points about the game. Very rushed, very sloppy writing.
6) Choice never mattered with this game. You can feed me that "the theme is helplessness/hopelessness" stuff, but that's some bullshit. It was cost effective and time saving. Period. I was really expecting them to come through and give us multiple endings for this one episode. I could tolerate things like Carley dying and Ben's lackluster death if you save him, as long as they gave me the option to end the game in a couple different ways, but no. It's like being able to choose different types of fast food. You may get a different taste, but it all ends in a heart attack regardless.
I know I'm coming down hard on a downloadable game that probably didn't have much funding and resources behind it, but TellTale should've never suggested that your choices actually matter and therefore have a profound effect on the story when they really didn't mean anything. Doug, Larry, Carley, Ben, Duck, Katjaa, Chuck, and Lee are doomed no matter WHAT you do. Molly, Lilly, Christa, Omid, Kenny, and Clementine's fates are unknown thanks to a literary cop-out (ambiguous endings).
They should've just said it's a story and you're along for the ride, but instead it gives the phony illusion of choice. We can argue all day whether it's intentional or not.
I really hope season 2 is much, much more ambitious and far-reaching. Hope Clem, Lilly, and Christa and Omid come back. Kenny, if he's alive too.
That said, I still adore the game. It's going down in my top 20 favorite video games of all time.
For it to be your second language you're doing very well, friend. You should work on your paragraphs and sentence structure, but other than that, you're doing fine! I agree with majority of your points about the game. Very rushed, very sloppy writing.
Having finished the game now, my overall like for the Walking Dead franchise in itself has diminished. I didn't hate it by any means, but I get really sick of being let down over and over again by so many people dying for seemingly no other reason than they just thought it was good to kill them off.
I was pretty pissed about Kenny's death at the end, it seemed like a total ripoff. I mean I chose to save Ben, so when Kenny pulled out the gun and said there was only one bullet, my immediate response was to just tell him to give it to Ben and get ourselves out. After all Ben had already said that was what he wanted, and he wouldn't have wanted to be the cause of Kenny's death anyway. Not to mention Kenny had literally just got done saying that what Katjaa did was selfish, and how you are supposed to stick around to help those you care about no matter what, then they let him go and off himself. BS. I get that it made sense, leaving Clem with Omid and Christa, but still it was a cheap death, and I'm getting pretty sick of those.
The thing with Lee was a major bummer for me too, I hate that they had to kill him off, and I seriously spent the time episode 4 was released to the time episode 5 was released hoping they would write it in as just a scratch and that he would be fine. Sadly that hope was for nothing. I ended up crying at the end of the episode, it was a mix of sadness and anger, and it just left me feeling almost betrayed.
The "villain" was absolute rubbish. He was basically mad at me for no reason, I wasn't guilty of any of the crap he went on about, it was like he was mad at me just for the sake of having someone to be mad at. It was ridiculously convenient how they wrote that bit too, there were no zombies anywhere to be found in the Marsh house until Clem fired the gun, and that only brought one single zombie. Also what would have happened if Omid and Christa hadn't have gotten separated from Lee, how would he have responded then? That part just had such a terrible story to it.
The final chapter just seems so rushed, there is literally no closure at all. I don't know what happens to Clem, Omid, or Christa, or even Lee really. I don't get why they couldn't just throw us a bone or something.
All in all the game wasn't too terrible, would I play it again? No probably not, but I did enjoy some parts of it. One of the absolute game killers for me was how often I would have to restart because of my save data being deleted. I likely wont purchase season two unless TellTale fixes the issues with the save data and starts being far less ambiguous.
Words cannot describe the depth of emotion in this Episode, nor can they describe the excellence. Even if it was a little shorter than that I expected, it was still the best damned game I've seen in a while.
I really enjoyed playing The Walking Dead. Any complaints I may have about it are very minor. I also realized that I love the episodic format! I found that I really looked forward to getting a new episode and seeing what happened next; it was similar to having a favorite show come back in the fall after not being on over the summer. It was like getting a little present every month or two. I will be back for season 2, and if Fables is Telltale's next game, I'll give it a try.
Absolutely masterful series. That said, I do have a harsh review. I loved the episode, but I seriously need to point out some problems.
I have six main complaints with episode 5
1) WAY too short.
2) It felt rushed/Campman's motivations.
3) Lee's arm.
4) Lee's death/zombification.
5) The epilogue was horrible.
6) The concept of "choice".
1) Is it just me? Or is this the shortest episode? I mean, I railroaded through this in what seemed to be maybe an hour and a half? Most episodes reach over 2 hours. Episode 3 had to be the longest. Hoping for a longer experience.
2) Also the way the story wraps up was rushed. I mean, Campman's motivation made little sense to me. Sure, he says you stealing the stuff led to his family's demise, but was that really enough for him to go through with his Rube Goldberg idea? And how was he able to track them down in the city, Clem didn't have the radio with her. Why the fuck wasn't the Marsh Hotel filled with zombies? And what the fuck was Campman going to do if Lee came with everyone? How could he have possibly beaten Lee, Kenny, Christa, Omid, and Ben? Especially if they were armed? Waaaaaay too many plot holes. Very, very sloppy writing. I would've gladly waited another month or two for a better written story.
3) I didn't cut my arm off, because in the back of my mind I knew it was absolutely pointless. And low and behold, it was. My friend messages me saying he got Lee's arm amputated and he STILL dies. Thanks for being complete dicks with that one, TellTale, teasing a possible determinant death. Also, Kenny and the others seemed to know cutting it off might help. My question is, why the fuck didn't they suggest that when I first showed them the bite?
4) I was expecting Lee to die. But the way people were hyping the ending up made me think Clem was going to die too. Not that I wanted that. It's the last thing I wanted. It's just people were saying this was the most heartwrenching thing they've ever seen. So I'm like "Clem must be the one that dies". I mean, everyone loves Clem and that's the only death I expect people to have such a strong reaction too. I love Lee, but still. I guess the fact that I expected Lee to die took a bit of the emotional sting away. I got so attached to him and Clem. I'm glad to see Clem alive, but knowing they'll never be together again makes me much more angry than it does sad.
5) The epilogue is complete trash. I hate that TellTale keeps trying to be ambiguous. First Lilly. Then Molly. Then Vernon and his piece of shit group. Then Kenny's "death". And then Clementine. Is it too much to give the player some closure? I mean, it is a season, but from what TellTale was saying after the game's success, I don't think they had a season 2 planned. So was this cliffhanger ending supposed to happen or was it added in at the last minute to hook people for season 2?
6) Choice never mattered with this game. You can feed me that "the theme is helplessness/hopelessness" stuff, but that's some bullshit. It was cost effective and time saving. Period. I was really expecting them to come through and give us multiple endings for this one episode. I could tolerate things like Carley dying and Ben's lackluster death if you save him, as long as they gave me the option to end the game in a couple different ways, but no. It's like being able to choose different types of fast food. You may get a different taste, but it all ends in a heart attack regardless.
I know I'm coming down hard on a downloadable game that probably didn't have much funding and resources behind it, but TellTale should've never suggested that your choices actually matter and therefore have a profound effect on the story when they really didn't mean anything. Doug, Larry, Carley, Ben, Duck, Katjaa, Chuck, and Lee are doomed no matter WHAT you do. Molly, Lilly, Christa, Omid, Kenny, and Clementine's fates are unknown thanks to a literary cop-out (ambiguous endings).
They should've just said it's a story and you're along for the ride, but instead it gives the phony illusion of choice. We can argue all day whether it's intentional or not.
I really hope season 2 is much, much more ambitious and far-reaching. Hope Clem, Lilly, and Christa and Omid come back. Kenny, if he's alive too.
That said, I still adore the game. It's going down in my top 20 favorite video games of all time.
Quoted for Truth.
So much truth. I still enjoyed it. But it was the novel, not the game, or the choices, I would have had just as much fun and feels. Lee dies. I'm done, the book is closed.
OH NO! A wild season 2 appears. The whole idea of a Season 2 is just a cash cow, and given I might of tried it, had Lee not died. You can't kill Master Chief, and replace him with another Spartan. You can't kill Sam Fisher, and have his daughter fight.
Ive just played this amazing game, the walking dead game was one of the best games ive played in a long time. I cant believe whats just happen my heart is still pounding and tears are still falling. This game has to be the best from this year better than halo 4, call of duty and all the outer rubbish games have come out this year. They done this game so smartly so upsetting, even know im still crying of whats just happen. 1-5 episode's have been amazing i like how every trust or comment in the game had repercussions and danger's to your friend's and clementine. Even your discussion in the game who to save and who should die made me scared, angry, upset or happy. Assepsherly when you had to shoot Duck in the head what made me cry or trying to save Carly from Lilly or dug from Lilly how hard that was for me or the player's. This is a 10/10 game and if you havnt played this then i think you should, this game, this light that shine from telltale is truly amazing and on my second run throw the game. Bring more game like this and if there a next one then i hope it about clementine i would loveto know what happens to her and omid and the other girl that i forget her name all the dam time.
At first I was skeptical because I never really cared for games that were based off something. They just never really seemed right. However Telltale did a great job making original characters and a plot that just pulls you in.
Its not over the top because you can relate to these people in many ways they are just normal folks who have been thrown into a catastrophe. If the world happen to suffer some fate like this. I could imagine this is how people would behave.
(SPOILERS INCLUDED) Episode 5 was a great conclusion to the season, and also a very emotional one. Throughout the 5 episodes, Lee was a great character to interact with as he interacts with the characters in the game, especially Clementine, and I felt that Lee and Clementine would have made a great father/daughter pair. Their relationship develops with great emotion and tension as the world gets deeper into crap and they try to live on. When it got down to the final chapter, I didn't want Lee to die and Clem to be without him, and nearly went into tears. The ending was just one of the most powerful ones ever been put to pixels, and I am quite impressed with the emotional power that the game carries throughout, especially through this episode.
I also thought Telltale delivered on their promise on the decisions made throughout the game. You look over them and start to see where they fit (Episode 2's ending is a great example). They made a much enriching story, and kept me gripped throughout.
To me, with Episode 5, The Walking Dead Season 1 is the best Telltale Game ever developed, one of the best Survival-Horror games ever made, and one of the best adventure games of the modern age. I hope a Season 2 comes soon after another project, and I wish Telltale luck in their GOTY campaign and their next adventure in developing.
And, would I name it my GOTY? Well, if I wouldn't, then why am I here?
Aaaaaaaaand... your choices don't mean jack. Nice, Tell Tale. I wouldn't be so upset about that if not for the blatantly misleading marketing.
My other chief complaint is that there's nothing "artistic" about the ambiguity; it's just plain lazy and unsatisfying. Atrocious ending to a decent series. My eyes are bugging out of my head seeing words like "masterwork" bandied about.
[Ive just played this amazing game, the walking dead game was one of the best games ive played in a long time. I cant believe whats just happen my heart is still pounding and tears are still falling. This game has to be the best from this year better than halo 4, call of duty and all the outer rubbish games have come out this year. They done this game so smartly so upsetting, even know im still crying of whats just happen. 1-5 episode's have been amazing i like how every trust or comment in the game had repercussions and danger's to your friend's and clementine. Even your discussion in the game who to save and who should die made me scared, angry, upset or happy. Assepsherly when you had to shoot Duck in the head what made me cry or trying to save Carly from Lilly or dug from Lilly how hard that was for me or the player's. This is a 10/10 game and if you havnt played this then i think you should, this game, this light that shine from telltale is truly amazing and on my second run throw the game. Bring more game like this and if there a next one then i hope it about clementine i would loveto know what happens to her and omid and the other girl that i forget her name all the dam time.]
K, You cant even compare this to Halo 4 or Call of Duty. Yes this was a great game but it is too different to be compared to fps's. This game has a great story but it's not programmed the best, let alone all the little glitches here and there, the way zombies/people walked, certain events where it wouldn't let you click the "quick time event", things like that. You seem like a rater who just ignores all the flaws a game has. To me, Story: 10/10, Programming: 5/10. Also one main thing that made me dislike telltale, was the fact that they PROMISED each episode would be released EVERY MONTH. Since they failed to do that, they lost a lot of people, but it did make up for it in the end. Telltale, keep making great games, just fix all the bugs and make a promise you can KEEP!
About EP5..... I thought it was a cool Episode, pretty emotional, but for me the series ended with a disappointment. Why is there no real ending? Why isn't there a short clip of how my actions effected anything? It would have been a must to have a little ending depending on my decisions. Nothing I did in all 5 Episodes made any difference.
I played through twice, my normal play and my 2nd play both have done the exact opposite stuff for a whole of 5 episodes, in each and every decision that was available.
Yet everything plays out the same, even the same ending after the credits!!!
That was weaksauce!
Other than that the series was alright but I can't get over how they did not implement a true ending depending on your choices.... overall the entire Series is a decent 7/10.
There was a lot of things to like about the season, and alot to hate. I wont list the things i like as we could be here all day, but the things i dont like are pretty bad ones imo. Like the deaths of kenny, why would he not just shoot ben and run up the ladder, ben was screwed and i dont buy the whole he wanted to die act. Lee getting bit, it was stupid, and i got the same feeling there as i did with kenny's death, felt forced and caged. The cliffhanger was needless, could of ended it with clementine meeting up with O/C and still get people excited about season 2. Or meeting up with nobody if you told O/C to meet you by a boat or train, you know give the ending a bit of multiple paths depending on what you say to them which would lead into 2.
Definitely not a 10, no game is ever perfect, edging to an 8-9, the linearness of certain deaths pushed it to a 7.
It's weird, I enjoyed the game more than the TV show...Maybe because I'm in direct control and feel more intimate with it rather than just watching it...Although if they did make this a television show I still think it'd get to me more than The Walking Dead that's currently airing.
I think the reason the game was better than the TV show is that you grew much more attached to the characters and the action and story was much more intense as you had to make the decisions and not just watch people on tv make the choices that you may not have done had it been you. Episode 5 was incredibly intense and full of "Oh man" moments. But the end was absolutely heartbreaking. There is a need for season 2 on many fronts. One, so that we can make sure Clem is safe and finds someone she can connect with as she did with Lee. We still need to find out what happened to Lilly (still think she will reappear at sometime) and have to find out the fate of Christa and Omid. As i believe Christa was showing signs of pregnancy. Even though Kenny drove me crazy at times, it was still tough to see him go down (if that is what happened). Just another storyline that needs to be answered.
I sure hope Season 2 comes out soon, might be very tough remembering and reconnecting if it takes a year or more for season 2 to arrive.
But, you can count me in on that purchase. I need to get back in there and make sure Clem is safe, being how scared she was at the end.
So much truth. I still enjoyed it. But it was the novel, not the game, or the choices, I would have had just as much fun and feels. Lee dies. I'm done, the book is closed.
OH NO! A wild season 2 appears. The whole idea of a Season 2 is just a cash cow, and given I might of tried it, had Lee not died. You can't kill Master Chief, and replace him with another Spartan. You can't kill Sam Fisher, and have his daughter fight.
It's bullshit.
There are still many possibilities in Season 2. We do not know the fate of Kenny, Lilly, Christa, Omid, Molly. We know Clem survives but she is terrified and alone. Those facts alone could easily draw anyone back in for season 2.
For those complaining about lack of closure. This is a zombie horror. In an apocalypse there is generally very little closure to anything. All you can do is try to survive and even that is nearly impossible with all the challenges you are constantly facing in a bleak and hopeless world.
I did not like to see Lee die, but would his survival really left you satisfied at the end? Say he and Clem survive, and they head out to look for Christa/Omid and the episode ends that way. All of you complaining would have said, there was no closure there too.
The fact is, there has to be a cliffhanger ending, just as with any tv show, movie series, etc.
No one wanted to see Clem's heart broken. But at the same time, we all know Clem is going to need to grow as a girl into a woman. She is going to need to have things like this happen to make her stronger and give her courage.
I tend to look at the overall instead of getting so nit picky just to complain. It was an interactive story/movie/comic. And Telltale did it about as good as anyone could and probably ever will do. I sure wont gripe because a zombie didnt move how he should, or didnt follow a sound because he should have. That is just flat out looking for something to whine about.
I had no technical issues at all on the pc, so whatever people complained about as far as lag, or episodes not loading right or games being wiped out. I never had any of those problems, so I cant bitch there.
My one complaint was that your choices did not affect the out come of the game. BUT, your choices did matter when communicating with others in the group. They did change storylines and plot lines for character development even though they may not have affected the story as a whole.
You know how hard it would be for this game to have had multiple endings with a known Season 2 in the works? That would just mean much more work for telltale and much longer times between episodes as they would need to craft completely different movies, stories, plot elements, and such for each possible outcome. You think people would be ok with that?
I've followed Telltale since their very first game and I'm very glad they are finally getting the attention they deserve. It seems they gained a lot more fans from this series. I'd like to talk about what I thought of the season.
I loved the fact how the playstyle was where you could end up choosing how you act towards characters, choosing what kind of person you would like to be, it made you feel like you were actually Lee all this time. You grew bonds with certain characters, started to feel a connection and immerse yourself into that game. I felt scared when we had lost Clem, depressed when I had to shoot Duck, badass when I walked through the horde meat clever in hand, guilty when I saw the car outside the hotel, scared for Clems safety as I died.
I'm going to point out a couple of things that were pretty amazing about this game:
- I liked how there were different routes you could take in the game, e.g. you could choose to be nice to Vernon or threaten him to back down.
- You guys are the masters of making me emotional. The scene with the starved kid made me blub like a baby. Knowing that poor kid had starved to death, how much he must of suffered was really emotional. The ending scene with Lee and Clem I couldn't hold back my tears for long, even my male friends from uni were crying. Lee and Clem had something special.
- The fact that you would of never seen the car stealing scene as something important. I stole from the car thinking there were no consequences for me, especially when it wasn't played on for several more episodes. When I saw the car outside the hotel it hit me and I was really surprised.
- The fact you start in cuffs and end in them. Good writing guys
- The journey. You end up dying ...sure, its sad, but we are all going to die one day, it's the journey inbetween that makes our lives worth living and I think Lee had a good one and died a hero. He saved Clems life and redeemed himself from before the ZA.
The only thing I'd change would be the radio man. He made me feel super guilty about stealing from the car and I even thought about giving him Clem at one point until I noticed how crazy he was. But later on I saw on the forums that he blames you regardless of if you steal from it. I'd of liked it if he was more sympathetic if you didn't steal, a bit like how Vernon could be if you didn't threaten or lie to him. So I feel that if he is going to blame me regardless of what I did then I guess I made the right choice in stealing? I would of felt better if there was some real consequences in my actions, would of hit harder if you get me.
Either way well done Telltale! You and Doublefine are both getting the love you deserve ;w; I'll be in the queue for the next season! (and the next monkey island season too *wink wink*)
After playing through all five episodes, I cant help feeling a bit disappointed.
I really thought episode 5 would be a bit larger in playtime, more terrifying choices to make, and a large dose of calculations to see what ending you get, but we all end up with the same ending no matter how we played the game. Not good!
The first season starts off great but ends with a miscalculation.
The ending after the final credits is quite predictable, early in the episode.
If the choices i make in the game makes a difference then why do I end up at the same spot everytime?
There's alot of improvement to be done, still, but all in all this is a good game :-)
There are still many possibilities in Season 2. We do not know the fate of Kenny, Lilly, Christa, Omid, Molly. We know Clem survives but she is terrified and alone. Those facts alone could easily draw anyone back in for season 2.
For those complaining about lack of closure. This is a zombie horror. In an apocalypse there is generally very little closure to anything. All you can do is try to survive and even that is nearly impossible with all the challenges you are constantly facing in a bleak and hopeless world.
I did not like to see Lee die, but would his survival really left you satisfied at the end? Say he and Clem survive, and they head out to look for Christa/Omid and the episode ends that way. All of you complaining would have said, there was no closure there too.
The fact is, there has to be a cliffhanger ending, just as with any tv show, movie series, etc.
No one wanted to see Clem's heart broken. But at the same time, we all know Clem is going to need to grow as a girl into a woman. She is going to need to have things like this happen to make her stronger and give her courage.
I tend to look at the overall instead of getting so nit picky just to complain. It was an interactive story/movie/comic. And Telltale did it about as good as anyone could and probably ever will do. I sure wont gripe because a zombie didnt move how he should, or didnt follow a sound because he should have. That is just flat out looking for something to whine about.
I had no technical issues at all on the pc, so whatever people complained about as far as lag, or episodes not loading right or games being wiped out. I never had any of those problems, so I cant bitch there.
My one complaint was that your choices did not affect the out come of the game. BUT, your choices did matter when communicating with others in the group. They did change storylines and plot lines for character development even though they may not have affected the story as a whole.
You know how hard it would be for this game to have had multiple endings with a known Season 2 in the works? That would just mean much more work for telltale and much longer times between episodes as they would need to craft completely different movies, stories, plot elements, and such for each possible outcome. You think people would be ok with that?
There are still many possibilities in Season 2. We do not know the fate of Kenny, Lilly, Christa, Omid, Molly. We know Clem survives but she is terrified and alone. Those facts alone could easily draw anyone back in for season 2.
That's the problem. I think it was more of a cheap ploy to make us want to get season 2. A season 2 was not planned because TellTale didn't know if the game would be successful or not. But because it shattered all expectations, they said a season 2 is coming. Which leads me to believe that cliffhanger ended was added at the very last minute. And since it was added at the last minute, that mean the original ending had some true closure and we were robbed of that for supporting the game. Makes no fucking sense.
For those complaining about lack of closure. This is a zombie horror. In an apocalypse there is generally very little closure to anything. All you can do is try to survive and even that is nearly impossible with all the challenges you are constantly facing in a bleak and hopeless world.
I guess you know firsthand how apocalypses are supposed to work.
I did not like to see Lee die, but would his survival really left you satisfied at the end? Say he and Clem survive, and they head out to look for Christa/Omid and the episode ends that way. All of you complaining would have said, there was no closure there too.
Lee dying was fine with me. I knew it was probably going to happen. It's not a gripe. However, yes, him an Clem living would have made a satisfying ending. Every story doesn't have to end in death to be emotional.
If he and Clem went off looking for Omid and Christa I would've felt much better concerning closure. Yes, it's still a cliffhanger ending, but knowing Clem's safe with Lee and that they can appear in Season 2 would be enough closure for me.
The fact is, there has to be a cliffhanger ending, just as with any tv show, movie series, etc.
Not really. Why do you think people absolutely despised Halo 2's ending? Where Master Chief says he's "finishing the fight" and it cuts to black. That's basically saying "fuck you, buy Halo 3".
No one wanted to see Clem's heart broken. But at the same time, we all know Clem is going to need to grow as a girl into a woman. She is going to need to have things like this happen to make her stronger and give her courage.
Very, very true, which is why her killing her zombified parents to save Lee would've been a MUCH better option than what we got.
I tend to look at the overall instead of getting so nit picky just to complain. It was an interactive story/movie/comic. And Telltale did it about as good as anyone could and probably ever will do. I sure wont gripe because a zombie didnt move how he should, or didnt follow a sound because he should have. That is just flat out looking for something to whine about.
No one's complaining about technical issues, now you're nitpicking. I can care less if it's somewhat glitchy, it's always been glitchy, my problem is the fact they fucked up the story.
I had no technical issues at all on the pc, so whatever people complained about as far as lag, or episodes not loading right or games being wiped out. I never had any of those problems, so I cant bitch there.
Again, I don't see many people complaining about this. If anything people complain about their corrupted save files. Which is a VERY valid issue. I had to restart the entire game twice because the game didn't want to load episode 4. And at the end of episode 5, the chart said I did things I know for a fact I didn't do. It said I sided with Larry when I clearly had Kenny's back the entire time.
My one complaint was that your choices did not affect the out come of the game. BUT, your choices did matter when communicating with others in the group. They did change storylines and plot lines for character development even though they may not have affected the story as a whole.
Character development? What character development? Kenny acts the same way whether you side with him or not. So does Christa and Omid. And Clem still loves you to death even if you be the biggest dick to her on the planet.
You know how hard it would be for this game to have had multiple endings with a known Season 2 in the works? That would just mean much more work for telltale and much longer times between episodes as they would need to craft completely different movies, stories, plot elements, and such for each possible outcome. You think people would be ok with that?
Then good. I'd wait for a fully fledged retail release than a downloadable title. I'm not shitting on TellTale because I hate them. I love this development company, they're the only people I trust with this franchise, but it makes me mad knowing what they could've done. Instead, they cut corners and went the cost effective route. The Walking Dead is a cash cow, so they better put more money behind this so TellTale can actually give us a Season 2 where our choices mean shit.
It's a nice experience overall. Like with previous episodes it have been small things that killed the immersion for me in the final one.
From the top of my head:
Lee has this discussion with Christa and Omid on the rooftops that he should do the risky things from now on since he has been bitten anyway. They reach that provisional wooden bridge and Christa says omething like: "Careful here." Still she and Omid go first and not Lee. Seconds later, where they want to cross the street by climbing the sign, they basically have the same argument again. Do they even listen to each other at all?
After the stranger is dealt with, the player can't pick up the hatchet but only click on the exit door. Minutes earlier, that weapon helped me to fight through the horde and now I want to leave unarmed?
When Clem asks me what she should pick first from the Security Officer walker, of course I tell her to grab the gun - so she can shoot the walker if it somehow breaks out of its trap (which didn't look very tight anyway). But Lee says: "The gun, always the gun!" Errrm, no?! I didn't mean to give her a lifelong lesson, potentially important for a future series. I was just telling her what to do in that situation. It's just one example for many dialogue lines throughout the game that look like they have one connotation when you can pick them but then turn out to have a totally different meaning because Lee adds sentences that I didn't see on screen before.
I'm handcuffed to the radiator and my last suggestion for Clem should be that she should always have her hair cut short?! I found it annoying enough when Chuck advised me to do it out of nowhere on the train and now this. Even if she was bald, zombies can still grab her by her clothes or limbs.
Personally, I would have prefered many different endings in this one and a fresh start for season two over the way it is now.
How about the fact that the kidnapper was able to get to Savannah in the first place. His car had no fuel when Lee's group raided it. During the week between episode 2's ending and the end of episode 3 he lost his wife and child but managed to get to Savannah before Lee who had reached Savannah by train. Not to mention that Clementine only new she was going Savannah when Lee confirmed it to her when he was on the train cutting her hair so she couldn't have told the stranger until after that point yet he knows Savannah pretty well when advising Lee to get out of the street. I'm sorry Telltale but I didn't by any of that. It felt tacked on.
The whole stranger on the radio plot spoiled the series to me. The focus should have stayed on searching for Clementine's parents and finding a safe haven. When the stranger sat me down and explainned why he was punishing me he didn't have anything on me. Clementine had told him everything I had done whilst being with her from episode 1-5. The stranger should have seen me as a saint based on my choices. I didn't steal his food from the car, I didn't kill any of the st john brothers. I didn't help Kenny kill Larry. All he had to criticize me for was the fact that I took Clementine to Crawford, I left Lilly on the road and I saved Carly over Doug. He claimed I saved her because she was pretty and a had a gun. I know that was Telltale speaking to us through him at that point. But that's just it, I didn't save her purely for those reasons. I saved her because I bonded more with her in episode 1 than I did with Doug. Had the choice of been between Kenny and Carly, she still would have been pretty and still would have had a gun, yet I would have bonded more with Kenny since Lee had spent a whole day with him by then. In that case I would have chosen Kenny over Carly. Telltale gave Carly far more script lines, and scenes than Doug. She was involved in all the major arguments and decissions once Lee met that group. Saving her was a no brainner. Then Telltale punish us for choosing the character that they had fleshed out more so the kidnapper uses that as a reason for punishing Lee. Ridiculous. That was Telltale's feable attempt to make it seem like choices matter and there are consequences for our actions.
The guy even said that he wanted to punish the peole that was with Lee, refering to Kenny and his wife, blaming them for the death of his wife and son due to them looting his food, yet he wants to kill Lee because of things he felt he had done to people he didn't even know or care about.
By the end I felt that there was no reward for the way I played the game. I could have been an arse hole, treated Clementine like shit, killed everone for the fun of it and still got the same ending. Ben will still die in the alley way if he was in ep 5, Kenny will still die in the alley if ben was not in ep 5. Lee will still die in the locked room at Clementine's hand and she will still leave the city by herself and see 2 figures in the distance. I don't see why Telltale coudn't have had multiple endings considering this episode was much shorter than all of the others. I had all the group members with me expecting to get the longest game because there was more characters to talk to, yet the game finished in 1 and half hours. I was hoping that the episode would have been the longest. In comics milestone issues like TWD 100 are often double sized additions. I expected the episode to be longer than episode 1 at least. I found episode 5's ending under whelming. Considering we will have to wait a very long time before season 2 comes out I would have wanted the episode to end with some ressolve, at least to see Clementine board the train with Christa and Omid and a longer video seqence. The Tekken games have longer video seqences when you complete them.
10/10, bring on Season 2!!!!
I'm sad I didn't notice that. Sorry but I was too busy holding back tears. :P
Anyway the entire series and especially the last episode were simply amazing. Nothing better than when a games ending holds up to a already high standard overall. Amazing storytelling, voice acting and just all round awesome.
I'm kind of sad it ended and we no longer have new episodes to look forward top but oh well. Something this good cant last forever.
Many may consider the gameplay style dull, since it differs a lot from any other game on the market. I really appreciate how it's for the most part story-based, and that they focused a lot more on that than on any other aspect. It didn't lack anything, the music was awesome, the graphics were great considering that they made it look like the comics. The highlight of the entire game is the story, and all the decisions/consequences. I have never ever felt so much empathy while playing a game! I love how during the later episodes, you never know what to expect. Anything can happen.. people can die, a walker may turn up out of nowhere. So beware!
This is a game that everyone should play, it is by far the most emotional game I have ever played, and might be one of the most emotional games to have been made. It never gets tiring nor dull throughout the episodes. Constant action and tension along with great story, dialog and decisions.
Don't doubt, just play!
I have six main complaints with episode 5
1) WAY too short.
2) It felt rushed/Campman's motivations.
3) Lee's arm.
4) Lee's death/zombification.
5) The epilogue was horrible.
6) The concept of "choice".
1) Is it just me? Or is this the shortest episode? I mean, I railroaded through this in what seemed to be maybe an hour and a half? Most episodes reach over 2 hours. Episode 3 had to be the longest. Hoping for a longer experience.
2) Also the way the story wraps up was rushed. I mean, Campman's motivation made little sense to me. Sure, he says you stealing the stuff led to his family's demise, but was that really enough for him to go through with his Rube Goldberg idea? And how was he able to track them down in the city, Clem didn't have the radio with her. Why the fuck wasn't the Marsh Hotel filled with zombies? And what the fuck was Campman going to do if Lee came with everyone? How could he have possibly beaten Lee, Kenny, Christa, Omid, and Ben? Especially if they were armed? Waaaaaay too many plot holes. Very, very sloppy writing. I would've gladly waited another month or two for a better written story.
3) I didn't cut my arm off, because in the back of my mind I knew it was absolutely pointless. And low and behold, it was. My friend messages me saying he got Lee's arm amputated and he STILL dies. Thanks for being complete dicks with that one, TellTale, teasing a possible determinant death. Also, Kenny and the others seemed to know cutting it off might help. My question is, why the fuck didn't they suggest that when I first showed them the bite?
4) I was expecting Lee to die. But the way people were hyping the ending up made me think Clem was going to die too. Not that I wanted that. It's the last thing I wanted. It's just people were saying this was the most heartwrenching thing they've ever seen. So I'm like "Clem must be the one that dies". I mean, everyone loves Clem and that's the only death I expect people to have such a strong reaction too. I love Lee, but still. I guess the fact that I expected Lee to die took a bit of the emotional sting away. I got so attached to him and Clem. I'm glad to see Clem alive, but knowing they'll never be together again makes me much more angry than it does sad.
5) The epilogue is complete trash. I hate that TellTale keeps trying to be ambiguous. First Lilly. Then Molly. Then Vernon and his piece of shit group. Then Kenny's "death". And then Clementine. Is it too much to give the player some closure? I mean, it is a season, but from what TellTale was saying after the game's success, I don't think they had a season 2 planned. So was this cliffhanger ending supposed to happen or was it added in at the last minute to hook people for season 2?
6) Choice never mattered with this game. You can feed me that "the theme is helplessness/hopelessness" stuff, but that's some bullshit. It was cost effective and time saving. Period. I was really expecting them to come through and give us multiple endings for this one episode. I could tolerate things like Carley dying and Ben's lackluster death if you save him, as long as they gave me the option to end the game in a couple different ways, but no. It's like being able to choose different types of fast food. You may get a different taste, but it all ends in a heart attack regardless.
I know I'm coming down hard on a downloadable game that probably didn't have much funding and resources behind it, but TellTale should've never suggested that your choices actually matter and therefore have a profound effect on the story when they really didn't mean anything. Doug, Larry, Carley, Ben, Duck, Katjaa, Chuck, and Lee are doomed no matter WHAT you do. Molly, Lilly, Christa, Omid, Kenny, and Clementine's fates are unknown thanks to a literary cop-out (ambiguous endings).
They should've just said it's a story and you're along for the ride, but instead it gives the phony illusion of choice. We can argue all day whether it's intentional or not.
I really hope season 2 is much, much more ambitious and far-reaching. Hope Clem, Lilly, and Christa and Omid come back. Kenny, if he's alive too.
That said, I still adore the game. It's going down in my top 20 favorite video games of all time.
I'm bawling my damn eyes out. Oh god... I didn't want it to end like this. ;___;
First off, it was pretty short. That could be forgiven, however, if they hadn't made it so that:
None of your choices mattered. I didn't steal from the station wagon. So what? The guy is still angry. I chose to bring along Omid and Christa. So what? Kenny still ends up coming along. Does it even matter where you tell Omid and Christa to meet you? Or what you tell Clementine to do?
I don't know. I enjoyed myself, and I will definitely buy a season 2, if and when that comes out. But I guess all the complaints about your choices not mattering -- all the complaints from my friends, who I disagreed with -- were right. And that kind of leaves a bad impression on me, lowering my opinion of the series as a whole.
I actually really liked him. It gave me a chance to reflect on my actions, and what I had done through the course of the game. What seemed completely justified at the time suddenly seems like a monstrously cruel thing to do.
I get the whole point that Telltale tried to make here.
The episode seems shorter, because there is 'no time left'.
Still it felt too short to statisfy me..
At the start they really got my attention.. I mean.. You start out pretty dramatic! It also seemed like all the choices I made really mattered and were going to give me a totally different playthrough and a different ending. I was starting to imagine that there were going to be different scenarios, different cutscene.. It would be real fun to do a second playthrough!
Loved all those little details that they put in, how they made the characters so loveable.. I didn't had Kenny with me but it felt great to be reunited with him later.
Great scenes like slashing through zombies.. Slicing a zombie kids head..
It was so intense.. They really got me excited!
Even a choice that we might all have forgotten, taking food from the car..
But from there..
I lost it.
The man did not give a damn about my choice (I did not steal from the car).
Yes I know this is realistic, he was insane. Of course he did not care.. But from there it went downhill for me.. It was getting too predictable..
The head in the bag was shocking too btw.
Also loved the fact that they smeared themselves with zombie blood and flesh.. The memories of the comic!
Anyway, from there..
Everything felt so pushed.
You knew what was going to happen.. And I know that's the point of the game.
You have no time left, so there is no time to get a more emotional scene with clementines parents, they're just waddling around there without a real story.
There is no time to get into Lee's story, about what happened to him! It doesn't matter, because the world ended! You're not a kid, woman, man, murderer or sick person anymore, you're alive and that's all what matters.
I get that.
It did not work for me.
Yup it was realistic that Lee had to die
And it was realistic that we couldn't see what would happen to Clem, because our character was dead or a walker, he couldn't know.
I get the whole fact that Telltale was trying to send us the real message of the end of the world but.. I expected more!
I couldn't really feel anything for the end, because I was still waiting.
Waiting for something to happen..
Being excited after the credits, to finally see Clementime in the open field.. And then be dissapointed again.
It did not touch me, not at all.
Great message here, but I just expected more after 5 episodes of making intense choices.
Anyway, I would still recommend this game to all my friends.
I really enjoyed the first 4 episodes and had a great time.
Started to read the comics and watching the series and I'm loving it!
And other people might have shed buckets of tears and found the ending amazing, which I can understand!
So I hope you all had a great time, please don't be mad at me for having an opinion, I'm not bashing on the game.
Feel free to share your experience too!
P.S.: Excuse me for my English, it's not my mother language.
For it to be your second language you're doing very well, friend. You should work on your paragraphs and sentence structure, but other than that, you're doing fine! I agree with majority of your points about the game. Very rushed, very sloppy writing.
I was so angry about issue number 6.
Heh thanks mate! c:
I was pretty pissed about Kenny's death at the end, it seemed like a total ripoff. I mean I chose to save Ben, so when Kenny pulled out the gun and said there was only one bullet, my immediate response was to just tell him to give it to Ben and get ourselves out. After all Ben had already said that was what he wanted, and he wouldn't have wanted to be the cause of Kenny's death anyway. Not to mention Kenny had literally just got done saying that what Katjaa did was selfish, and how you are supposed to stick around to help those you care about no matter what, then they let him go and off himself. BS. I get that it made sense, leaving Clem with Omid and Christa, but still it was a cheap death, and I'm getting pretty sick of those.
The thing with Lee was a major bummer for me too, I hate that they had to kill him off, and I seriously spent the time episode 4 was released to the time episode 5 was released hoping they would write it in as just a scratch and that he would be fine. Sadly that hope was for nothing. I ended up crying at the end of the episode, it was a mix of sadness and anger, and it just left me feeling almost betrayed.
The "villain" was absolute rubbish. He was basically mad at me for no reason, I wasn't guilty of any of the crap he went on about, it was like he was mad at me just for the sake of having someone to be mad at. It was ridiculously convenient how they wrote that bit too, there were no zombies anywhere to be found in the Marsh house until Clem fired the gun, and that only brought one single zombie. Also what would have happened if Omid and Christa hadn't have gotten separated from Lee, how would he have responded then? That part just had such a terrible story to it.
The final chapter just seems so rushed, there is literally no closure at all. I don't know what happens to Clem, Omid, or Christa, or even Lee really. I don't get why they couldn't just throw us a bone or something.
All in all the game wasn't too terrible, would I play it again? No probably not, but I did enjoy some parts of it. One of the absolute game killers for me was how often I would have to restart because of my save data being deleted. I likely wont purchase season two unless TellTale fixes the issues with the save data and starts being far less ambiguous.
Words cannot describe the depth of emotion in this Episode, nor can they describe the excellence. Even if it was a little shorter than that I expected, it was still the best damned game I've seen in a while.
So much truth. I still enjoyed it. But it was the novel, not the game, or the choices, I would have had just as much fun and feels. Lee dies. I'm done, the book is closed.
OH NO! A wild season 2 appears. The whole idea of a Season 2 is just a cash cow, and given I might of tried it, had Lee not died. You can't kill Master Chief, and replace him with another Spartan. You can't kill Sam Fisher, and have his daughter fight.
It's bullshit.
Its not over the top because you can relate to these people in many ways they are just normal folks who have been thrown into a catastrophe. If the world happen to suffer some fate like this. I could imagine this is how people would behave.
I also thought Telltale delivered on their promise on the decisions made throughout the game. You look over them and start to see where they fit (Episode 2's ending is a great example). They made a much enriching story, and kept me gripped throughout.
To me, with Episode 5, The Walking Dead Season 1 is the best Telltale Game ever developed, one of the best Survival-Horror games ever made, and one of the best adventure games of the modern age. I hope a Season 2 comes soon after another project, and I wish Telltale luck in their GOTY campaign and their next adventure in developing.
And, would I name it my GOTY? Well, if I wouldn't, then why am I here?
My other chief complaint is that there's nothing "artistic" about the ambiguity; it's just plain lazy and unsatisfying. Atrocious ending to a decent series. My eyes are bugging out of my head seeing words like "masterwork" bandied about.
K, You cant even compare this to Halo 4 or Call of Duty. Yes this was a great game but it is too different to be compared to fps's. This game has a great story but it's not programmed the best, let alone all the little glitches here and there, the way zombies/people walked, certain events where it wouldn't let you click the "quick time event", things like that. You seem like a rater who just ignores all the flaws a game has. To me, Story: 10/10, Programming: 5/10. Also one main thing that made me dislike telltale, was the fact that they PROMISED each episode would be released EVERY MONTH. Since they failed to do that, they lost a lot of people, but it did make up for it in the end. Telltale, keep making great games, just fix all the bugs and make a promise you can KEEP!
I think Mr. Ebert might have a thing or two to say about video games being art after playing this.
I played through twice, my normal play and my 2nd play both have done the exact opposite stuff for a whole of 5 episodes, in each and every decision that was available.
Yet everything plays out the same, even the same ending after the credits!!!
That was weaksauce!
Other than that the series was alright but I can't get over how they did not implement a true ending depending on your choices.... overall the entire Series is a decent 7/10.
Definitely not a 10, no game is ever perfect, edging to an 8-9, the linearness of certain deaths pushed it to a 7.
I sure hope Season 2 comes out soon, might be very tough remembering and reconnecting if it takes a year or more for season 2 to arrive.
But, you can count me in on that purchase. I need to get back in there and make sure Clem is safe, being how scared she was at the end.
For those complaining about lack of closure. This is a zombie horror. In an apocalypse there is generally very little closure to anything. All you can do is try to survive and even that is nearly impossible with all the challenges you are constantly facing in a bleak and hopeless world.
I did not like to see Lee die, but would his survival really left you satisfied at the end? Say he and Clem survive, and they head out to look for Christa/Omid and the episode ends that way. All of you complaining would have said, there was no closure there too.
The fact is, there has to be a cliffhanger ending, just as with any tv show, movie series, etc.
No one wanted to see Clem's heart broken. But at the same time, we all know Clem is going to need to grow as a girl into a woman. She is going to need to have things like this happen to make her stronger and give her courage.
I tend to look at the overall instead of getting so nit picky just to complain. It was an interactive story/movie/comic. And Telltale did it about as good as anyone could and probably ever will do. I sure wont gripe because a zombie didnt move how he should, or didnt follow a sound because he should have. That is just flat out looking for something to whine about.
I had no technical issues at all on the pc, so whatever people complained about as far as lag, or episodes not loading right or games being wiped out. I never had any of those problems, so I cant bitch there.
My one complaint was that your choices did not affect the out come of the game. BUT, your choices did matter when communicating with others in the group. They did change storylines and plot lines for character development even though they may not have affected the story as a whole.
You know how hard it would be for this game to have had multiple endings with a known Season 2 in the works? That would just mean much more work for telltale and much longer times between episodes as they would need to craft completely different movies, stories, plot elements, and such for each possible outcome. You think people would be ok with that?
I loved the fact how the playstyle was where you could end up choosing how you act towards characters, choosing what kind of person you would like to be, it made you feel like you were actually Lee all this time. You grew bonds with certain characters, started to feel a connection and immerse yourself into that game. I felt scared when we had lost Clem, depressed when I had to shoot Duck, badass when I walked through the horde meat clever in hand, guilty when I saw the car outside the hotel, scared for Clems safety as I died.
I'm going to point out a couple of things that were pretty amazing about this game:
- I liked how there were different routes you could take in the game, e.g. you could choose to be nice to Vernon or threaten him to back down.
- You guys are the masters of making me emotional. The scene with the starved kid made me blub like a baby. Knowing that poor kid had starved to death, how much he must of suffered was really emotional. The ending scene with Lee and Clem I couldn't hold back my tears for long, even my male friends from uni were crying. Lee and Clem had something special.
- The fact that you would of never seen the car stealing scene as something important. I stole from the car thinking there were no consequences for me, especially when it wasn't played on for several more episodes. When I saw the car outside the hotel it hit me and I was really surprised.
- The fact you start in cuffs and end in them. Good writing guys
- The journey. You end up dying ...sure, its sad, but we are all going to die one day, it's the journey inbetween that makes our lives worth living and I think Lee had a good one and died a hero. He saved Clems life and redeemed himself from before the ZA.
The only thing I'd change would be the radio man. He made me feel super guilty about stealing from the car and I even thought about giving him Clem at one point until I noticed how crazy he was. But later on I saw on the forums that he blames you regardless of if you steal from it. I'd of liked it if he was more sympathetic if you didn't steal, a bit like how Vernon could be if you didn't threaten or lie to him. So I feel that if he is going to blame me regardless of what I did then I guess I made the right choice in stealing? I would of felt better if there was some real consequences in my actions, would of hit harder if you get me.
Either way well done Telltale! You and Doublefine are both getting the love you deserve ;w; I'll be in the queue for the next season! (and the next monkey island season too *wink wink*)
After playing through all five episodes, I cant help feeling a bit disappointed.
I really thought episode 5 would be a bit larger in playtime, more terrifying choices to make, and a large dose of calculations to see what ending you get, but we all end up with the same ending no matter how we played the game. Not good!
The first season starts off great but ends with a miscalculation.
The ending after the final credits is quite predictable, early in the episode.
If the choices i make in the game makes a difference then why do I end up at the same spot everytime?
There's alot of improvement to be done, still, but all in all this is a good game :-)
There are still many possibilities in Season 2. We do not know the fate of Kenny, Lilly, Christa, Omid, Molly. We know Clem survives but she is terrified and alone. Those facts alone could easily draw anyone back in for season 2.
That's the problem. I think it was more of a cheap ploy to make us want to get season 2. A season 2 was not planned because TellTale didn't know if the game would be successful or not. But because it shattered all expectations, they said a season 2 is coming. Which leads me to believe that cliffhanger ended was added at the very last minute. And since it was added at the last minute, that mean the original ending had some true closure and we were robbed of that for supporting the game. Makes no fucking sense.
For those complaining about lack of closure. This is a zombie horror. In an apocalypse there is generally very little closure to anything. All you can do is try to survive and even that is nearly impossible with all the challenges you are constantly facing in a bleak and hopeless world.
I guess you know firsthand how apocalypses are supposed to work.
I did not like to see Lee die, but would his survival really left you satisfied at the end? Say he and Clem survive, and they head out to look for Christa/Omid and the episode ends that way. All of you complaining would have said, there was no closure there too.
Lee dying was fine with me. I knew it was probably going to happen. It's not a gripe. However, yes, him an Clem living would have made a satisfying ending. Every story doesn't have to end in death to be emotional.
If he and Clem went off looking for Omid and Christa I would've felt much better concerning closure. Yes, it's still a cliffhanger ending, but knowing Clem's safe with Lee and that they can appear in Season 2 would be enough closure for me.
The fact is, there has to be a cliffhanger ending, just as with any tv show, movie series, etc.
Not really. Why do you think people absolutely despised Halo 2's ending? Where Master Chief says he's "finishing the fight" and it cuts to black. That's basically saying "fuck you, buy Halo 3".
No one wanted to see Clem's heart broken. But at the same time, we all know Clem is going to need to grow as a girl into a woman. She is going to need to have things like this happen to make her stronger and give her courage.
Very, very true, which is why her killing her zombified parents to save Lee would've been a MUCH better option than what we got.
I tend to look at the overall instead of getting so nit picky just to complain. It was an interactive story/movie/comic. And Telltale did it about as good as anyone could and probably ever will do. I sure wont gripe because a zombie didnt move how he should, or didnt follow a sound because he should have. That is just flat out looking for something to whine about.
No one's complaining about technical issues, now you're nitpicking. I can care less if it's somewhat glitchy, it's always been glitchy, my problem is the fact they fucked up the story.
I had no technical issues at all on the pc, so whatever people complained about as far as lag, or episodes not loading right or games being wiped out. I never had any of those problems, so I cant bitch there.
Again, I don't see many people complaining about this. If anything people complain about their corrupted save files. Which is a VERY valid issue. I had to restart the entire game twice because the game didn't want to load episode 4. And at the end of episode 5, the chart said I did things I know for a fact I didn't do. It said I sided with Larry when I clearly had Kenny's back the entire time.
My one complaint was that your choices did not affect the out come of the game. BUT, your choices did matter when communicating with others in the group. They did change storylines and plot lines for character development even though they may not have affected the story as a whole.
Character development? What character development? Kenny acts the same way whether you side with him or not. So does Christa and Omid. And Clem still loves you to death even if you be the biggest dick to her on the planet.
You know how hard it would be for this game to have had multiple endings with a known Season 2 in the works? That would just mean much more work for telltale and much longer times between episodes as they would need to craft completely different movies, stories, plot elements, and such for each possible outcome. You think people would be ok with that?
Then good. I'd wait for a fully fledged retail release than a downloadable title. I'm not shitting on TellTale because I hate them. I love this development company, they're the only people I trust with this franchise, but it makes me mad knowing what they could've done. Instead, they cut corners and went the cost effective route. The Walking Dead is a cash cow, so they better put more money behind this so TellTale can actually give us a Season 2 where our choices mean shit.
The whole stranger on the radio plot spoiled the series to me. The focus should have stayed on searching for Clementine's parents and finding a safe haven. When the stranger sat me down and explainned why he was punishing me he didn't have anything on me. Clementine had told him everything I had done whilst being with her from episode 1-5. The stranger should have seen me as a saint based on my choices. I didn't steal his food from the car, I didn't kill any of the st john brothers. I didn't help Kenny kill Larry. All he had to criticize me for was the fact that I took Clementine to Crawford, I left Lilly on the road and I saved Carly over Doug. He claimed I saved her because she was pretty and a had a gun. I know that was Telltale speaking to us through him at that point. But that's just it, I didn't save her purely for those reasons. I saved her because I bonded more with her in episode 1 than I did with Doug. Had the choice of been between Kenny and Carly, she still would have been pretty and still would have had a gun, yet I would have bonded more with Kenny since Lee had spent a whole day with him by then. In that case I would have chosen Kenny over Carly. Telltale gave Carly far more script lines, and scenes than Doug. She was involved in all the major arguments and decissions once Lee met that group. Saving her was a no brainner. Then Telltale punish us for choosing the character that they had fleshed out more so the kidnapper uses that as a reason for punishing Lee. Ridiculous. That was Telltale's feable attempt to make it seem like choices matter and there are consequences for our actions.
The guy even said that he wanted to punish the peole that was with Lee, refering to Kenny and his wife, blaming them for the death of his wife and son due to them looting his food, yet he wants to kill Lee because of things he felt he had done to people he didn't even know or care about.
By the end I felt that there was no reward for the way I played the game. I could have been an arse hole, treated Clementine like shit, killed everone for the fun of it and still got the same ending. Ben will still die in the alley way if he was in ep 5, Kenny will still die in the alley if ben was not in ep 5. Lee will still die in the locked room at Clementine's hand and she will still leave the city by herself and see 2 figures in the distance. I don't see why Telltale coudn't have had multiple endings considering this episode was much shorter than all of the others. I had all the group members with me expecting to get the longest game because there was more characters to talk to, yet the game finished in 1 and half hours. I was hoping that the episode would have been the longest. In comics milestone issues like TWD 100 are often double sized additions. I expected the episode to be longer than episode 1 at least. I found episode 5's ending under whelming. Considering we will have to wait a very long time before season 2 comes out I would have wanted the episode to end with some ressolve, at least to see Clementine board the train with Christa and Omid and a longer video seqence. The Tekken games have longer video seqences when you complete them.