Now that I think about it, your group chosen in episode four could have taken a bigger role in episode five. Would have been interesting if you didn't get to see someone you left behind, for example. After going to the morgue, I thought me and my group were going to look for Clementine straight away, instead of going back to the Mansion. That's why I tried everyone to come with me, honestly.
All you people complaining that your choices didn't matter: Sit down and plot the story with alternate branches for every possible outcome. See how far you get before you throw your hands in the air and give up. Making a game like that is just not possible, period. At least not in the timeframe and with the manpower that Telltale have available.
And although I suspected as much from the start, the decisions were still hard and it was still fun to play through. I still felt I was playing MY version of the game, and it was great. I cared about Clem and the other characters, much more so than in any other game I ever played. I think if you are disappointed because of a lack of fundamental changes resulting from your decisions, then you're playing with the wrong mindset. But that may just be my point of view. I'm just sad that so many people are disappointed because of that. This isn't a role playing game... it's not even an adventure in the traditional sense, really. Frankly, I don't know what it is. Interactive fiction perhaps. So thank you Telltale for an AWESOME game experience that is unparalleled. More please!
And on a sidenote... I for one am even glad there aren't many different outcomes. I don't have the time to play a game twice or even more often just to see all different branches of the story...
I thought it was great. The characters and voice acting were phenomenal.
My only real complaint is that the decisions didn't mean much. No matter what the same characters get killed and you get the same conclusion to everyone. Aside from that though it was fantastic.
Man, there sure are a lot of morons on this board.
The story should not have had any alternative conclusions. The ending we got was great and any alternate endings would have taken away from the emotional weight of the story.
HOWEVER--in a game that is supposed to be about choices affecting a narrative, branching paths to the same conclusion would have improved the game significantly, and added replay value. To those who say "OMG, it's UNPOSSIBLE TO DO THIS IN A GAME, IT WOULD TAKE FOREVER TO PLOT EVERY POSSIBLE OUTCOME!!" That is a moronic argument. Even two or three divergent paths over the course of the story could have been included and would not necessarily have had to affect the ending at all. There is no reason the narrative could not have organically come back full circle to the same ending. Look at a game like Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis--3 divergent paths based on a choice the player makes at a specific point earlier in the game all lead to the same final area and ending. And that was 20 years ago. It would not have been difficult to have planned this game around a few divergent narrative paths based on things like whether or not you sided with Lilly or Kenny at various points, whether you chose to go the Dairy Farm or not, who you took with you to search for Clem, etc.
Great story, but divergent paths would have been a major improvement here.
Just finished episode five, and man... what a ride.
The darkest and most emotional moving game I've ever played.
As a long fan of the adventure genre, I think this one is way up there, ammongst the best ever made.
I'm not sure how many will agree with me, but I really felt betrayed by Kenny at the end of Episode 5.
He really got on my nerves, but I still tried to be a good friend to him, because I have the decency to not mistreat someone simply because I'm not fond of them.
I stood up for Duck to Larry at the pharmacy, I shot Duck for him, helped rescue Katjaa when *forgot his name* turned at the Motor Inn when she was trying to save him, agreed with him about leaving Lilly on the roadside, shot Fivel, etc, etc. But since I didn't help him smash Larry's head in or let Ben fall to his death, I was a horrible person who apparently wouldn't help him when he needed it and refused to help me find Clem.
As a side note, I did notice that at the St. John's farm, he didn't help me fight off Danny (I think it was him) in the barn and watched me struggled. Lilly came to the rescue.
And I still stood by him, apart from the two times I believed he was wrong. Two times I disagreed with him, and he couldn't trust me.
That made me angry.
I did so much for the guy, and he completely turned on me the one time I really asked for help.
I believe he only cared about his family and his well-being. I didn't matter in the end. Sure, he'd take me out on his fancy old boat, but he couldn't dare put himself in danger for me. That'd be far too much.
I'm not criticizing the game with this; not at all. I really think it was a great part of the game. It provoked emotion from me. I wouldn't enjoy a game where I sat not caring one way or another staring at the screen. That's beyond boring.
I'm not sure how many will agree with me, but I really felt betrayed by Kenny at the end of Episode 5.
He really got on my nerves, but I still tried to be a good friend to him, because I have the decency to not mistreat someone simply because I'm not fond of them.
I stood up for Duck to Larry at the pharmacy, I shot Duck for him, helped rescue Katjaa when *forgot his name* turned at the Motor Inn when she was trying to save him, agreed with him about leaving Lilly on the roadside, shot Fivel, etc, etc. But since I didn't help him smash Larry's head in or let Ben fall to his death, I was a horrible person who apparently wouldn't help him when he needed it and refused to help me find Clem.
As a side note, I did notice that at the St. John's farm, he didn't help me fight off Danny (I think it was him) in the barn and watched me struggled. Lilly came to the rescue.
And I still stood by him, apart from the two times I believed he was wrong. Two times I disagreed with him, and he couldn't trust me.
That made me angry.
I did so much for the guy, and he completely turned on me the one time I really asked for help.
I believe he only cared about his family and his well-being. I didn't matter in the end. Sure, he'd take me out on his fancy old boat, but he couldn't dare put himself in danger for me. That'd be far too much.
I'm not criticizing the game with this; not at all. I really think it was a great part of the game. It provoked emotion from me. I wouldn't enjoy a game where I sat not caring one way or another staring at the screen. That's beyond boring.
I think not helping him with Larry in the meat locker is, in his eyes, the equivalent of you wanting to put his family in danger(due to a potential walker), which is probably why he puts so much emphasis on that one decision. At least he gives a calm response even if you tell him off at episode 4 in this way.
Good point, though I think if everyone had been quick enough Larry could have been taken out immediately if he reanimated by dropping the blocks on his head then, before he gets a chance to jump up.
I think I'll side with him on my next play through and see if he offers to help me then.
This game was one of my favorites of all time because I have never played a game that had me so emotionally invested before PERIOD. I gave it a 10. Long Live Clem!
Good point, though I think if everyone had been quick enough Larry could have been taken out immediately if he reanimated by dropping the blocks on his head then, before he gets a chance to jump up.
I think I'll side with him on my next play through and see if he offers to help me then.
I hate to bring the debate into this thread but I can't resist. Walkers tend to jump up when they reanimate like the cop in ep 1 or the teacher in ep 2. They probably wouldn't have had a chance to drop the salt licks before Larry at least bit Lilly, and maybe others.
Sorry for being OT. I voted 10 because despite small faults, it's still an amazing unique game which shines like a gem in a big pile of poopy games.
I thought the first episode was kind of weak. But things definitely picked up by Episode 2. Honestly, I think Episode 2 was my favorite because of the whole spooky atmosphere it gave throughout. Some of the tragedies that happened like Duck getting bitten, or Katya commiting began to take a toll on me emotionally. I think that's when I finally realized how dark telltale was striving to go, and I appreciated that.
I enjoyed episode 3, but I felt the pacing was a bit off. Should have ended with Duck and Katya death, rather than showcasing it mid way. The pacing kind of became dull afterwards. Still enjoyed it regardless.
Episode 4 I enjoyed. But I sort of felt it was the weakest next to 1. Only because it was kind of lacking that pacing that 3 and 2 had. To much, gathering in one place rather than constantly on the move. Still enjoyed it though, again the dark moments like burying the poor zombified child in the attic, or witnessing that Crawford camp. It made the game for me. Those dark, shitty momemnts.
Episode 5 was short. But was really good in my opinion. The stranger being the guy who kidnapped Clem was sort of Meh to me. They could've used a better villian but I'll let it pass. The ending of course was horrible. I had Clem shoot didn't make me cry, but it made me numb. Just, ugh. Was really tolling on me.
The game was great though. There were technical issues, and the production values were sort of lacking. I also thought besides a few good musical pieces, they could have done a better job on the OST and music in general in the game.
Overall i'd give it an 8.5
Great game. Accel by it's characters and the bonding of Clementine and Lee.
I finished The Walking Dead a few days ago. This was definitely the most thrilling and emotional gaming experience I've ever had. I haven't seen any game that makes use of the player choices that much and I really liked that there was no "wrong" or "right" answer you could choose. You could simply play the game the way you would react in the situation. The game always made me fell excited about what happens next.
I love games with a good story and this has one of the best that I have ever experienced, To have a game give me so many emotions is rare as I don't cry about much I will admit I got watery eyed at the end of episode 5 and felt sad for Kenny when Duck and Katjaa died and anger when Lilly shot Carley, When Clem saw her parents as walkers she looked so sad as the one last thing she had hope for was to find them and that was gone and all she had left was Lee and he was also becoming a walker. I hope in season 2 we see that she found Omid and Christa and we get to see them again
I rated this game an 8 simply because of the words next to it. Using my own scoring system this game would have got a 9/10. The reason it wasn't 10/10 is because it didn't have multiple endings based on choice and the inability to change the story much based on choice. I'm not bashing TT for it, just my idea of a perfect flawless game would be The Walking Dead with lots of story changing choices.
I loved the camera work, examples of this are during the raiding of the abandoned car. If you choose not to steal from it, showing Clem holding Lee's hand. Another is when you are fighting the brother at the dairy farm and have to decide between killing him or leaving him. With your friends at one side and him at the other, felt like choosing my friends or revenge.
I also loved how this game was able to give me a great deal of emotions and take me from one extreme (hope) to the other (desperation) within a matter of minutes. (during the escape from the motel and the break down of the group). The ending itself was golden. I have never played a game or watched a movie where I was so emotionally invested with the characters that I cried, but TT pulled it off with the bond between Lee and Clem. This game is one of my favourite games of all time, no other story has been so rich. The only problem is with replayability due to the already mentioned lack of changes based on choice. Its like a good book, you will want to read it again sometime in the future but reading it over and over again will just get old fast.
Throughout the whole credits, I was crying like a bloody baby. I was saying to myself "no, no no they won't end it like this. It'll be a happy ending." The sad music didn't help; I probably diluted my glass of pepsi to tear water.
Sam & Max Season 3 made me cry at the end, but this is on a whole new level.
TellTale, I will forgive you not making S&M Season 4 if you make Walking Dead Season 2. Kudos, and...
10 - because:
the story amazed me, and what is more important to me:
i was really close to the most characters, telltale sure has a talent for making good,
rememberable and reasonable chars, just like bioware has.
and also the game totally messed with my expectations and feelings, they
didn't use those stereotypes like the first Z u see laying around jumps up,
the secon neither but the 3rd one does and then it scares the shit
into your pants, or even though you know at least since episode 3 there will
be no happy ending you still believe in it, wish it badly and you get disappointed
over and over again, deaths after deaths, this game plays around with your
feelings and expectations and THAT makes it special, it was lagging a little,
had a few bugs but seriously i don't care, if i see moments like the one
at the side of the road, or in the rv with clem, or the meat locker or...
the well done bad ending *manly tears bro, manly tears...*
it is depressive, but "the walking dead" never intended to make you feel good,
or at least not for long. BUT it also has its funny parts, it's hillarious well timed jokes, so that it doesn't feel toooo bad.
and since the very ending is "open" for now you can think about things will go on
yourself if TTG starts a new story (which i don't believe) that kinda would break my heart...
10/10 The best and most interesting game I have ever played. I loved it so much I finished it 2 times and going on 3rd one. I hope that season 2 will be at least as good as season 1 if not even better!
Mmmmkay, I guess I am going to get killed now, but I really want to write this comment.
I got first two episodes for free on PS3, and they were awesome. There might be no real choice, but an illusion of choice was nice, and the story was amazing. Well, that was the first two episodes.
I guess TTG ran way over budget by then, because the game went downhill afterwards. The death of Carley/Doug was very dramatic, but unbelievable. And so pretty much was the rest of ep.3.
Then comes episode 4, which was fun to some degree, but didn't have any drama element for me. Actually, I personally do not feel like ep.4 moved the story in any sense, it was there just like TTG needed 5 episodes.
And episode 5 is... boring. No drama, no emotions, nothing. The most expected ending - Lee dies, Clem lives. Who would have thought this is gonna end this way? It's very short to boot. Clem's kidnapper is unbelievable as well. No quest elements (pick up and use an item). By that time, the feeling, the spirit I sensed in ep.1 was long lost.
And then again, as it have been mentioned lot and lot of times out there - the game does not offer neither choice nor illusion of choice, it's just narative which allows your character to say different phrases at some point. All these claims how all our choices along the story will matter in episode 5 gone poof. The game just takes your input and discards it right away.
Story-wise, for me the whole season 1 is lame. A killer sacrifices his life to protect the random little girl in zombie-apocalypse. That feels just like 3$-worth book sold on every street corner.
The music is fine, though it is rarely noticeable.
There were couple of glitches, including game freeze in ep.3, but they were minor, and didn't affect me much.
So, despite awesome start, the game was very disappointing to me. I give it 4/10.
After playing episode 1, 2, and 3 I was sure Telltale games had finished off all its good stuff.... Boy was I wrong. They had a whole deck of cards up their sleeves. I will come right out and say... I cried like a baby as Clem and Lee talked for the last time in that one building. I burst out crying and continued to cry for another 10 minutes after I turned off the computer... This game involved me in such a personal level that every single decision or death impacted me strongly.
I will totally play this game over and over again to see what other different outcomes I can get and see if I can save any more people. Telltale PLEASE bring us Season 2 pronto... the suspense just kills me. GOD... Lee why did u have to die... so sad......
Omg, I can't believe Lee died! I thought he was a surviver! So stupid the way he got bit too! Cause zombies are attracted to sound, so if Clem and her captor went by and dropped the walkie there that zombie would have heard them.. he would have been trying to follow Clem and her captor or trying to check out the sound coming from the walkie... unless he was dumb deaf and blind, but he sure jumped out pretty fast when I reached down to grab it! And I tried to tell dumby Lee to look under that damn board before I got that walkie but I still got bit I wish I could have told Lee to cut his hand off right away, instead of him waiting until the virus had obviously already spread... and why would they just leave those surgical supplies? That's dumb, they wouldn't leave supplies like that. There were more silly things I was going to point out, but I can't remember them all now. Besides the silly stuff, and besides being pissed that Ben didn't get a chance to really redeem himself before falling to his death, and being pissed that Kenny didn't just shoot Ben in the head with that last bullet and come with me to help save Clem, and besides being pissed and sad that Lee died, it was a good episode.
I didn't leave anyone with the boat cause I didn't think anyone was gonna steal the damn thing! I thought it'd be better to have the whole group with me! And I figured it was Vernon and his group that took Clemmy! Boy was I wrong! Taking that food in episode 2 DID come back to bite us in the ass!
I will definitely be playing this episode through again. I wonder what happens if I leave someone with the boat?
I'm kinda really excited for season two now cause I know I raised Clem up good.. and now that I'm thinking about it's kinda really well done.. the whole first season is you raising up Clem, teaching her lessons and stuff, then season two will probably be played as Clem, using all the skills and lessons that Lee taught her in season one. That'd be really cool anyways!
I feel so bad for Ben I wish I could have saved him.
I really hope that was Christa and Omid walking out yonder at the very very end clip! I wonder what happens if I tell them to find us when they get down, or to meet us at the other place (I told them to meet us at the train).
I shall play through again tonight!
Even if you don't take the food you still get the same punishment from the stranger on the radio. Once I realised this I saw no reason not to take the food on my second play through. I will take the food all the time, now.
Personally I didn't like the radio guy plot device. I think the game could have been just as good with out it. I didn't see it as a big twist. I was just like o.k. My conscience was clear since I didn't take the food in my first play through any way. I expected him to commend me for my restraint and morals, then he started talking shit about how I wasn't good enough to care for Clem when I took her to dangerous places. I thought, hang on isn't that the same as when he took his kid hunting and lost him in the woods. You were pretty much damned if you do and damned if you didn't in that sequence. I wasn't rewarded for my sacrifice of leaving the food.
I didn't except how the guy on the radio was able to get to Savannah before us in the first place. The reason Lilly had to drive back the way we came when she stole the RV was because the route to Savannah was blocked by the train. The guy on the radio couldn't have set out to Savannah until after the train was moved, so he followed us and was some how able to beat us to Savannah with enough time to get to know the layout well enough to direct us from his radio when we did arrive. Even if he wasn't in the game Clem still could have left for the Marsh house in anger after Lee disappointed her when he said we couldn't look for her parents. Lee still could have got bit whilst searching for her and still could have died on his way to getting Clem to safety. I just don't see how the guy on the radio was able to go so long by himself without getting killed by the bandits or the walkers in Macon when he was siphoning gas and how he was able to get to Savannah by himself,so swiftly without any problems. In the ZA roads are blocked by other cars, which often mean having to get out and push cars out of the way or take alternate and longer routes. I've played the game countless times and the guy on the radio is the main issue I have with the game. I hope season 2 doesn't have stupid shit like that and focuses on survival.
Its not perfect. A couple of times it felt like my big choices didn't really matter, but overall i don't think I've ever played a game that has managed to draw me into its world and make me care like TWD.
I am 100% a FPS gamer. I rarely venture out of this realm with GTA and Halo Wars as an exception. So for me to rate this game a 10... That says something.
This game was my best surprise of 2012, and I am glad I gave it a shot. The story was amazing, the graphics were great (in their own way) and the relationships were strait out above and beyond gaming expectations.
People who are upset about the game ultimately not making your choices change how the game ended. I have a few words for you: This game is tailored to how you play, not altered. The relationships and choices you make effect how the game plays out for your experience, but it does not have to alter how it ends.
I hate the ending, Lee was an awesome guy, and Clem deserved to have him protect her through the whole series. But I also love that the game made me feel the way it did with the ending, making me sad, depressed, angry, and betrayed just shows how good the writing and story is for this game.
So 10/10 is well deserved for Tell Tales The Walking Dead Game.
Wow, I loved episode 5, in fact, it was my favorite one :P
I didn't dislike the episode because Lee died. I disliked the episode because it was the shortest, the conflict with the stranger felt awkward, the death of Kenny to save Ben seemed completely out of character, and Clem being able to drag Lee to safety when completely surrounded seemed like a huge leap a faith.
In my opinion, I felt like episode 4 was the best.
I voted for 7
I don't want to make a list of positive aspects because I mostly liked the game I just say the negative things:
Episode 1 lagged sometimes (tried on 3 different new PC's). So there might have been a component in these computers which wasn't good for the game. Anyway this shouldn't be in a game with that low engine and graphic details. (they were okay for the game but anyway) -> -1 point
There were no real decissions and only one ending, I really disliked that -> -2 points
Anyway I had fun playing this game. That is why I think 7 points are okay.
I respect your comment, and I think 1 ending was annoying too, but episdoe six is gonna be a different game, (Same style, but different download) so it would be impossible to connect, though I think you're point is agreed.
For me it was an easy decision although it had flaws like every game ever made!! I gave it 10 based on how original and unique it is. There might be another game like this, but it isnt nearly as good as the story the game play how the story can change up according to decisions you make. and since most of us playing it were familiar with the walking dead some way or another, it added a deep emotional attachment value to it! which all those combines to me earns a perfect 10!
*Controller- Sometimes I got frustrated at the controller, I died very unnecessary a few times because the controller was off. Like, when I jumped the roof and tried to grab Molly's arm, I clicked it several times and just went bang on the ground anyways. This also happened with a few zombie encounters.
*Options- Sometimes I got frustrated by not enough options in how to act. I wanted to brawl with Larry and Kenny a lot sooner and tell them where to stick it.
*Puzzles- Sometimes I got frustrated by how easy the puzzles were. It's more of a tale than point and click, but the timed puzzles saved some of that.
*Highlight/hotspots- Without the options where you can actually get highlights/hotspots of stuff, the controller was awful and unplayable. First off, I turned off all help options because TTG games are often easy as is, but just trying to find the highlight for the very first window after the car crashing scene made realize that there is no way I'd do anything without highlights.
*Sounds- music, voices, voice acting, sounds- all so real. Just fantastic.
*Characters- awesome. What depth! Incredible how you made me relate and care/feel about all these characters.
*Story- amazing, although I'd have liked to keep on as Lee.
*All in all- now it may look like the cons are a lot more than the pros, but the truth is that everything else than the cons I've listed was just pure gravy. This is by far the best TTG made imo.
All in all, I can't wait for s2 where I hope to play as Molly, starting to find a cure and solve wtf is going on.
I am surprised at how many people are not so happy with how the choices affect the game. I have been a long time gamer and this is the one game that I feel your decisions actually matter. Mass Effect and other games dont really give me the full impact of your choice. I rated it a ten, out of all the games I have ever played, this game is one of my all time favorites.
All you people complaining that your choices didn't matter: Sit down and plot the story with alternate branches for every possible outcome. See how far you get before you throw your hands in the air and give up. Making a game like that is just not possible, period. At least not in the timeframe and with the manpower that Telltale have available.
And although I suspected as much from the start, the decisions were still hard and it was still fun to play through. I still felt I was playing MY version of the game, and it was great. I cared about Clem and the other characters, much more so than in any other game I ever played. I think if you are disappointed because of a lack of fundamental changes resulting from your decisions, then you're playing with the wrong mindset. But that may just be my point of view. I'm just sad that so many people are disappointed because of that. This isn't a role playing game... it's not even an adventure in the traditional sense, really. Frankly, I don't know what it is.
And on a sidenote... I for one am even glad there aren't many different outcomes. I don't have the time to play a game twice or even more often just to see all different branches of the story...
My only real complaint is that the decisions didn't mean much. No matter what the same characters get killed and you get the same conclusion to everyone. Aside from that though it was fantastic.
At least they didn't make everyone go back to the Mansion immediately.
The story should not have had any alternative conclusions. The ending we got was great and any alternate endings would have taken away from the emotional weight of the story.
HOWEVER--in a game that is supposed to be about choices affecting a narrative, branching paths to the same conclusion would have improved the game significantly, and added replay value. To those who say "OMG, it's UNPOSSIBLE TO DO THIS IN A GAME, IT WOULD TAKE FOREVER TO PLOT EVERY POSSIBLE OUTCOME!!" That is a moronic argument. Even two or three divergent paths over the course of the story could have been included and would not necessarily have had to affect the ending at all. There is no reason the narrative could not have organically come back full circle to the same ending. Look at a game like Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis--3 divergent paths based on a choice the player makes at a specific point earlier in the game all lead to the same final area and ending. And that was 20 years ago. It would not have been difficult to have planned this game around a few divergent narrative paths based on things like whether or not you sided with Lilly or Kenny at various points, whether you chose to go the Dairy Farm or not, who you took with you to search for Clem, etc.
Great story, but divergent paths would have been a major improvement here.
Those who call others morons usually deserve the name.
The darkest and most emotional moving game I've ever played.
As a long fan of the adventure genre, I think this one is way up there, ammongst the best ever made.
I gave it a 9.
I'm looking forwards to Season 2.
He really got on my nerves, but I still tried to be a good friend to him, because I have the decency to not mistreat someone simply because I'm not fond of them.
I stood up for Duck to Larry at the pharmacy, I shot Duck for him, helped rescue Katjaa when *forgot his name* turned at the Motor Inn when she was trying to save him, agreed with him about leaving Lilly on the roadside, shot Fivel, etc, etc. But since I didn't help him smash Larry's head in or let Ben fall to his death, I was a horrible person who apparently wouldn't help him when he needed it and refused to help me find Clem.
As a side note, I did notice that at the St. John's farm, he didn't help me fight off Danny (I think it was him) in the barn and watched me struggled. Lilly came to the rescue.
And I still stood by him, apart from the two times I believed he was wrong. Two times I disagreed with him, and he couldn't trust me.
That made me angry.
I did so much for the guy, and he completely turned on me the one time I really asked for help.
I believe he only cared about his family and his well-being. I didn't matter in the end. Sure, he'd take me out on his fancy old boat, but he couldn't dare put himself in danger for me. That'd be far too much.
I'm not criticizing the game with this; not at all. I really think it was a great part of the game. It provoked emotion from me. I wouldn't enjoy a game where I sat not caring one way or another staring at the screen. That's beyond boring.
I think not helping him with Larry in the meat locker is, in his eyes, the equivalent of you wanting to put his family in danger(due to a potential walker), which is probably why he puts so much emphasis on that one decision. At least he gives a calm response even if you tell him off at episode 4 in this way.
I think I'll side with him on my next play through and see if he offers to help me then.
No dead lee
lee is the best
I hate to bring the debate into this thread but I can't resist. Walkers tend to jump up when they reanimate like the cop in ep 1 or the teacher in ep 2. They probably wouldn't have had a chance to drop the salt licks before Larry at least bit Lilly, and maybe others.
Sorry for being OT. I voted 10 because despite small faults, it's still an amazing unique game which shines like a gem in a big pile of poopy games.
I thought the first episode was kind of weak. But things definitely picked up by Episode 2. Honestly, I think Episode 2 was my favorite because of the whole spooky atmosphere it gave throughout. Some of the tragedies that happened like Duck getting bitten, or Katya commiting began to take a toll on me emotionally. I think that's when I finally realized how dark telltale was striving to go, and I appreciated that.
I enjoyed episode 3, but I felt the pacing was a bit off. Should have ended with Duck and Katya death, rather than showcasing it mid way. The pacing kind of became dull afterwards. Still enjoyed it regardless.
Episode 4 I enjoyed. But I sort of felt it was the weakest next to 1. Only because it was kind of lacking that pacing that 3 and 2 had. To much, gathering in one place rather than constantly on the move. Still enjoyed it though, again the dark moments like burying the poor zombified child in the attic, or witnessing that Crawford camp. It made the game for me. Those dark, shitty momemnts.
Episode 5 was short. But was really good in my opinion. The stranger being the guy who kidnapped Clem was sort of Meh to me. They could've used a better villian but I'll let it pass. The ending of course was horrible. I had Clem shoot didn't make me cry, but it made me numb. Just, ugh. Was really tolling on me.
The game was great though. There were technical issues, and the production values were sort of lacking. I also thought besides a few good musical pieces, they could have done a better job on the OST and music in general in the game.
Overall i'd give it an 8.5
Great game. Accel by it's characters and the bonding of Clementine and Lee.
I loved the camera work, examples of this are during the raiding of the abandoned car. If you choose not to steal from it, showing Clem holding Lee's hand. Another is when you are fighting the brother at the dairy farm and have to decide between killing him or leaving him. With your friends at one side and him at the other, felt like choosing my friends or revenge.
I also loved how this game was able to give me a great deal of emotions and take me from one extreme (hope) to the other (desperation) within a matter of minutes. (during the escape from the motel and the break down of the group). The ending itself was golden. I have never played a game or watched a movie where I was so emotionally invested with the characters that I cried, but TT pulled it off with the bond between Lee and Clem. This game is one of my favourite games of all time, no other story has been so rich. The only problem is with replayability due to the already mentioned lack of changes based on choice. Its like a good book, you will want to read it again sometime in the future but reading it over and over again will just get old fast.
Sam & Max Season 3 made me cry at the end, but this is on a whole new level.
TellTale, I will forgive you not making S&M Season 4 if you make Walking Dead Season 2. Kudos, and...
I loved the series and it was both moving and enjoyable but doesn't compare with Sam and Max, Strong Bad, Back to the future or Wallace and Gromit
the story amazed me, and what is more important to me:
i was really close to the most characters, telltale sure has a talent for making good,
rememberable and reasonable chars, just like bioware has.
and also the game totally messed with my expectations and feelings, they
didn't use those stereotypes like the first Z u see laying around jumps up,
the secon neither but the 3rd one does and then it scares the shit
into your pants, or even though you know at least since episode 3 there will
be no happy ending you still believe in it, wish it badly and you get disappointed
over and over again, deaths after deaths, this game plays around with your
feelings and expectations and THAT makes it special, it was lagging a little,
had a few bugs but seriously i don't care, if i see moments like the one
at the side of the road, or in the rv with clem, or the meat locker or...
the well done bad ending *manly tears bro, manly tears...*
it is depressive, but "the walking dead" never intended to make you feel good,
or at least not for long. BUT it also has its funny parts, it's hillarious well timed jokes, so that it doesn't feel toooo bad.
and since the very ending is "open" for now you can think about things will go on
yourself if TTG starts a new story (which i don't believe) that kinda would break my heart...
I got first two episodes for free on PS3, and they were awesome. There might be no real choice, but an illusion of choice was nice, and the story was amazing. Well, that was the first two episodes.
I guess TTG ran way over budget by then, because the game went downhill afterwards. The death of Carley/Doug was very dramatic, but unbelievable. And so pretty much was the rest of ep.3.
Then comes episode 4, which was fun to some degree, but didn't have any drama element for me. Actually, I personally do not feel like ep.4 moved the story in any sense, it was there just like TTG needed 5 episodes.
And episode 5 is... boring. No drama, no emotions, nothing. The most expected ending - Lee dies, Clem lives. Who would have thought this is gonna end this way? It's very short to boot. Clem's kidnapper is unbelievable as well. No quest elements (pick up and use an item). By that time, the feeling, the spirit I sensed in ep.1 was long lost.
And then again, as it have been mentioned lot and lot of times out there - the game does not offer neither choice nor illusion of choice, it's just narative which allows your character to say different phrases at some point. All these claims how all our choices along the story will matter in episode 5 gone poof. The game just takes your input and discards it right away.
Story-wise, for me the whole season 1 is lame. A killer sacrifices his life to protect the random little girl in zombie-apocalypse. That feels just like 3$-worth book sold on every street corner.
The music is fine, though it is rarely noticeable.
There were couple of glitches, including game freeze in ep.3, but they were minor, and didn't affect me much.
So, despite awesome start, the game was very disappointing to me. I give it 4/10.
I will totally play this game over and over again to see what other different outcomes I can get and see if I can save any more people. Telltale PLEASE bring us Season 2 pronto... the suspense just kills me. GOD... Lee why did u have to die... so sad......
Even if you don't take the food you still get the same punishment from the stranger on the radio. Once I realised this I saw no reason not to take the food on my second play through. I will take the food all the time, now.
Personally I didn't like the radio guy plot device. I think the game could have been just as good with out it. I didn't see it as a big twist. I was just like o.k. My conscience was clear since I didn't take the food in my first play through any way. I expected him to commend me for my restraint and morals, then he started talking shit about how I wasn't good enough to care for Clem when I took her to dangerous places. I thought, hang on isn't that the same as when he took his kid hunting and lost him in the woods. You were pretty much damned if you do and damned if you didn't in that sequence. I wasn't rewarded for my sacrifice of leaving the food.
I didn't except how the guy on the radio was able to get to Savannah before us in the first place. The reason Lilly had to drive back the way we came when she stole the RV was because the route to Savannah was blocked by the train. The guy on the radio couldn't have set out to Savannah until after the train was moved, so he followed us and was some how able to beat us to Savannah with enough time to get to know the layout well enough to direct us from his radio when we did arrive. Even if he wasn't in the game Clem still could have left for the Marsh house in anger after Lee disappointed her when he said we couldn't look for her parents. Lee still could have got bit whilst searching for her and still could have died on his way to getting Clem to safety. I just don't see how the guy on the radio was able to go so long by himself without getting killed by the bandits or the walkers in Macon when he was siphoning gas and how he was able to get to Savannah by himself,so swiftly without any problems. In the ZA roads are blocked by other cars, which often mean having to get out and push cars out of the way or take alternate and longer routes. I've played the game countless times and the guy on the radio is the main issue I have with the game. I hope season 2 doesn't have stupid shit like that and focuses on survival.
Its not perfect. A couple of times it felt like my big choices didn't really matter, but overall i don't think I've ever played a game that has managed to draw me into its world and make me care like TWD.
This game was my best surprise of 2012, and I am glad I gave it a shot. The story was amazing, the graphics were great (in their own way) and the relationships were strait out above and beyond gaming expectations.
People who are upset about the game ultimately not making your choices change how the game ended. I have a few words for you: This game is tailored to how you play, not altered. The relationships and choices you make effect how the game plays out for your experience, but it does not have to alter how it ends.
I hate the ending, Lee was an awesome guy, and Clem deserved to have him protect her through the whole series. But I also love that the game made me feel the way it did with the ending, making me sad, depressed, angry, and betrayed just shows how good the writing and story is for this game.
So 10/10 is well deserved for Tell Tales The Walking Dead Game.
I didn't dislike the episode because Lee died. I disliked the episode because it was the shortest, the conflict with the stranger felt awkward, the death of Kenny to save Ben seemed completely out of character, and Clem being able to drag Lee to safety when completely surrounded seemed like a huge leap a faith.
In my opinion, I felt like episode 4 was the best.
I respect your comment, and I think 1 ending was annoying too, but episdoe six is gonna be a different game, (Same style, but different download) so it would be impossible to connect, though I think you're point is agreed.
Come on dude, this isn't the place for spoilers.
*Controller- Sometimes I got frustrated at the controller, I died very unnecessary a few times because the controller was off. Like, when I jumped the roof and tried to grab Molly's arm, I clicked it several times and just went bang on the ground anyways. This also happened with a few zombie encounters.
*Options- Sometimes I got frustrated by not enough options in how to act. I wanted to brawl with Larry and Kenny a lot sooner and tell them where to stick it.
*Puzzles- Sometimes I got frustrated by how easy the puzzles were. It's more of a tale than point and click, but the timed puzzles saved some of that.
*Highlight/hotspots- Without the options where you can actually get highlights/hotspots of stuff, the controller was awful and unplayable. First off, I turned off all help options because TTG games are often easy as is, but just trying to find the highlight for the very first window after the car crashing scene made realize that there is no way I'd do anything without highlights.
*Sounds- music, voices, voice acting, sounds- all so real. Just fantastic.
*Characters- awesome. What depth! Incredible how you made me relate and care/feel about all these characters.
*Story- amazing, although I'd have liked to keep on as Lee.
*All in all- now it may look like the cons are a lot more than the pros, but the truth is that everything else than the cons I've listed was just pure gravy. This is by far the best TTG made imo.
All in all, I can't wait for s2 where I hope to play as Molly, starting to find a cure and solve wtf is going on.