I haven't read through the entire thread, so I'll only be judging from the initial posts for this.
I'd save Clementine. From reading what that cure is, it's simply not good enough. It only works for newborn babies? There aren't going to be a lot of those. Plus, the ones that are born increase the risk of death for itself, its parents and their group dramatically. At some point in time, that baby will cry. If they are anywhere near any walkers, it will alert them. They can be dealt with, but it will make the walkers a much more dangerous threat than they normally would be because they would always be drawn by the cries of the baby.
I'm sure we're all well aware that a baby cannot defend itself in any way. That means someone has to be protecting it at all times if and when walkers launch an assault, which means one less person for defense(or less efficient in that defense). We don't really have time to wait for those newborn babies to grow into able bodies that can help defend areas, either. Having a baby is just too risky in areas that aren't very secure(which most aren't) and that means there aren't going to be a lot of them in the world, at least initially.
Survivors can adjust to the infection. It can become a routine practice to destroy the brain of people who pass on, naturally or otherwise. People can adapt to the new life and slowly try to rebuild by themselves(like the Alexandria Safe-Zone in the comics). Simply being infected doesn't harm you, and turning after dying can be dealt with(every house comes supplied with a batch of salt licks ).
If the cure were better, if it could be injected to any living human and cure them, then maybe I'd reconsider. As it stands, it's simply not good enough.
Besides, it's not like you're really deciding the entire fate of humanity. Survivors will still survive, cure or no cure. If it were a "if you save Clementine every other human on Earth will instantly die" decision, then I'd probably choose otherwise.
In closing, if the cure were better, or humanity as a whole was in more immediate danger by the decision, I'd consider dropping Clem. Otherwise, no.
I think that many people ask the question: Why you can't think the vaccine who can cure all people forever? I will answer you: because everything has to be realistic from the biological point of view, I study at the medical сollege and I understand what I'm talking about. All the survivors are already infected, the virus is firmly stuck in their blood, virus has penetrated into every cell, each cell contains genetic information about a person, the virus penetrated the cell nucleus, and changed the structure of chromosomes so that any descendants of man will be born infected. The human embryo is formed on one and the fifth month of pregnancy, its genetic structure was formed. After the fifth month of the embryo just increases in size. The vaccine is another virus. The virus who made on the basis of the zombie virus, but its function changed. This new virus will do nothing, but he destroying old virus, and produces a human immunity to the zombie virus (not bite immunity) This vaccine helps to destroy the virus in the chromosomes, before there will be different cells of the embryo and spread the virus, but injection in the belly of a pregnant woman must be made no later than the second month of pregnancy, otherwise the vaccine does not cope with the spread of infected chromosomes. I believe this to be quite realistic.
I haven't read through the entire thread, so I'll only be judging from the initial posts for this.
I'd save Clementine. From reading what that cure is, it's simply not good enough. It only works for newborn babies? There aren't going to be a lot of those. Plus, the ones that are born increase the risk of death for itself, its parents and their group dramatically. At some point in time, that baby will cry. If they are anywhere near any walkers, it will alert them. They can be dealt with, but it will make the walkers a much more dangerous threat than they normally would be because they would always be drawn by the cries of the baby.
I'm sure we're all well aware that a baby cannot defend itself in any way. That means someone has to be protecting it at all times if and when walkers launch an assault, which means one less person for defense(or less efficient in that defense). We don't really have time to wait for those newborn babies to grow into able bodies that can help defend areas, either. Having a baby is just too risky in areas that aren't very secure(which most aren't) and that means there aren't going to be a lot of them in the world, at least initially.
Survivors can adjust to the infection. It can become a routine practice to destroy the brain of people who pass on, naturally or otherwise. People can adapt to the new life and slowly try to rebuild by themselves(like the Alexandria Safe-Zone in the comics). Simply being infected doesn't harm you, and turning after dying can be dealt with(every house comes supplied with a batch of salt licks ).
If the cure were better, if it could be injected to any living human and cure them, then maybe I'd reconsider. As it stands, it's simply not good enough.
Besides, it's not like you're really deciding the entire fate of humanity. Survivors will still survive, cure or no cure. If it were a "if you save Clementine every other human on Earth will instantly die" decision, then I'd probably choose otherwise.
In closing, if the cure were better, or humanity as a whole was in more immediate danger by the decision, I'd consider dropping Clem. Otherwise, no.
Agree 100% How about cremation? People do it now, without the virus it destroys everything including the brain. Make it so Cremation is mandatory after death. Start a community in a secure location (like an island) in this manner and problem solved.
The vaccine is another virus. The virus who made on the basis of the zombie virus, but its function changed. This new virus will do nothing, but he destroying old virus, and produces a human immunity to the zombie virus (not bite immunity) This vaccine helps to destroy the virus in the chromosomes, before there will be different cells of the embryo and spread the virus, but injection in the belly of a pregnant woman must be made no later than the second month of pregnancy, otherwise the vaccine does not cope with the spread of infected chromosomes. I believe this to be quite realistic.
When will born the first "uninfected" child, then he will become the "walking vaccine," his blood will contain all the components needed to create a new injection. And when this child will grow up (for example a girl) when this ""uninfected" girl will have sex with infected man, then their child will be uninfected , because the chromosome with the vaccine will dominate the chromosomes with a zombie virus, with a probability of 99.999999% thus after 50 years, you can restore the population of uninfected people.
When will born the first "uninfected" child, then he will become the "walking vaccine," his blood will contain all the components needed to create a new injection. And when this child will grow up (for example a girl) when this ""uninfected" girl will have sex with infected man, then their child will be uninfected , because the chromosome with the vaccine will dominate the chromosomes with a zombie virus, with a probability of 99.999999% thus after 50 years, you can restore the population of uninfected people.
Exactly. To make this work though, established communities need to be formed, such as Woodbury and Crawford without all the f'ed up shit.
Like I said before, they are in a plane, they could easily fly to an island off the shores of the US or even farther. US Cargo plains have ridiculous amounts of fuel in them. that situation is actually quite possible and probable.
You have any ideas how could they landing a large cargo plane on the island?
You have any ideas how could they landing a large cargo plane on the island?
Well seeing as the wife is a pilot. Military cargo plains are built for landing in hostile environments with rough terrains.. So they would land it just like they do in the military almost every day. My uncle was a pilot in the air force back in the day, he mad a crash landing on ground that was unfit for a normal plane landing. He survived and so did the rest of his team.
My point here is that making a beautiful landing like our passenger planes do every day is not the only way to land a plane. If you are trained to fly, you are also trained to land, even in bad situations.
Well seeing as the wife is a pilot. Military cargo plains are built for landing in hostile environments with rough terrains.. So they would land it just like they do in the military almost every day. My uncle was a pilot in the air force back in the day, he mad a crash landing on ground that was unfit for a normal plane landing. He survived and so did the rest of his team.
My point here is that making a beautiful landing like our passenger planes do every day is not the only way to land a plane. If you are trained to fly, you are also trained to land, even in bad situations.
For the most part, cargo planes (e.g. the C-130) are only designed to take off and land on unprepared runways; not "rough terrain". You still need an actual runway.
For the most part, cargo planes (e.g. the C-130) are only designed to take off and land on unprepared runways; not "rough terrain". You still need an actual runway.
I never said They needed to take off again after landing on the island. I simply was saying that a military plane can land on rough terrain. And are built strong to handle landing on rough terrain. My Uncle had to crash land a cargo plane several years back. Thus the point I was trying to make (and sorry if I was not clear in saying what I meant) that crash landing a military cargo plane will not kill the passengers and could be quite easy with a pilot who is trained.
If you will do nothing in this six seconds, Clem will noticing that ampule are falling out. Then she will looking to the vaccine, and saying "Goodbye", she will relaxing her hand, and falling down. You will catching ampule, then you will trying to grab Clem's hand, but it will too late.
What would you choose?
What is it? Self-sacrifice? Why? It's just a little girl, how she can decide to do this?
Sorry. I thought, that this moment would be a very dramatic. As Andrew St. John death scene, for example. I didn't kill him, but he was just fell on his knees, and waited his death, that was unrealistic, but that's was epic! I belive that Clementine can sacrifice herself for something important for everybody, because she's special (I've really don't want that it's ever happen). I thought that this would be better than sign "You are dead" on your screen.
Sorry. I thought, that this moment would be a very dramatic. As Andrew St. John death scene, for example. I didn't kill him, but he was just fell on his knees, and waited his death, that was unrealistic, but that's was epic! I belive that Clementine can sacrifice herself for something important for everybody, because she's special (I've really don't want that it's ever happen). I thought that this would be better than sign "You are dead" on your screen.
yeah, she'd be too scared to let Lee's hand go, which I can understand, most adults wouldn't even do that.
Eh.... Excuse me? Lee's hand? I mean a new main character, who would travelling with Clementine. He has care of her of course. Clem loves him, but she's perceives him isn't as a "new daddy" she perceives him as a best friend, or as a brother.
She can't. Some people on here want to think she's super smart, but she's still a little girl.
Well, she is smart. All that means is that she can understand things faster than the average person her age. It doesn't mean she knows everything, or never makes mistakes.
That said, I think you're right. She may understand that a person can die and good things can happen as a result, but I don't think she'd be able to predict it to the point that she would make that decision so quickly (six seconds is not much time). She doesn't even like you killing the St. Johns, for crying out loud, even after all they did to your group.
So no, I don't think Clem would do that, especially since that wouldn't even help the situation she's in. Stevie is dropping the ampule, so she let's go? Why would that make Steve suddenly think "okay, get the vaccine then"? In the heat of the moment, he would instinctively reach out for Clem if she starts falling. It would take too long for him to process what is going on, so he wouldn't be able to catch the vaccine anyway, losing both.
Eh.... Excuse me? Lee's hand? I mean a new main character, who would travelling with Clementine. He has care of her of course. Clem loves him, but she's perceives him isn't as a "new daddy" she perceives him as a best friend, or as a brother.
oh sorry, wasn't much on the forums for the last couple of days, forgot that it's about "steve", it was? yeah I'll edit it.
So no, I don't think Clem would do that, especially since that wouldn't even help the situation she's in. Stevie is dropping the ampule, so she let's go? Why would that make Steve suddenly think "okay, get the vaccine then"? In the heat of the moment, he would instinctively reach out for Clem if she starts falling. It would take too long for him to process what is going on, so he wouldn't be able to catch the vaccine anyway, losing both.
Alright, it's makes sense. But then what should happen when the time for making the decision will over? Steve will falling with Clem? And big sign on the screen: "You are dead", as in episode one, when we should choose between Carley and Doug. What do you think?
Alright, it's makes sense. But then what should happen when the time for making the decision will over? "You are dead"? As in episode one, when we should choose between Carley and Doug? What do you think?
I'll draw you a picture.
As Steve struggled with the deceision, what to do, to save Clementine or the Vaccine, the ampoule hit the ground and the liquid spilled all over the ground of the plain. Since it was lost for him, he tried to pull the girl in the plane again, placing his feet in a better position to do so. His shoe dragging a bit over the floor, before it hit the stains of the vaccine. He slipped and feeled the air embrace him, as he rolled out of the plane, falling down to the earth, the girl still in his hand.
After the fall, nothing more of them was left, than of the vaccine.
As Steve struggled with the deceision, what to do, to save Clementine or the Vaccine, the ampoule hit the ground and the liquid spilled all over the ground of the plain. Since it was lost for him, he tried to pull the girl in the plane again, placing his feet in a better position to do so. His shoe dragging a bit over the floor, before it hit the stains of the vaccine. He slipped and feeled the air embrace him, as he rolled out of the plane, falling down to the earth, the girl still in his hand.
After the fall, nothing more of them was left, than of the vaccine.
Epic! Not so dramatic, (because it means: "Game over. Press any key to continue") but epic! Thanks.
I can't belive how many people are killing the last hope for rebirth of mankind. (I've still not voting, i cant decide)
Its a tough decision if you actually think the vaccine is worth something. But when There are soooooooooo many aspects and moving parts to make it actually work successfully the odds of all the gears aligning just right are not worth sacrificing Clems Life.
Now, if the vaccine was able to be injected into an adult host and provide immediate vaccination from the virus it would be another story and one to think about more. But as far as im concerned, this vaccine is about as appealing as a crap flavored lollipop.
Now, if the vaccine was able to be injected into an adult host and provide immediate vaccination from the virus it would be another story and one to think about more.
This is not possible from the scientific point of view, considering how much strong zombie virus.
This is not possible from the scientific point of view, considering how much strong zombie virus.
thats what Im saying. Too many pieces have to fit perfectly to make the vaccine work. Odds are extremely against it, so for me, Saving the true hope that is Clementine is an easy decision.
I think I heard something, that they can just walk across the ground in water, but I think I am mistaken something.
Nah. Dead bodies float. It'd have to be pretty shallow water for them to walk.
Urgh. They would be like a pretty damn horrifying message in a bottle.
I'd save Clementine. From reading what that cure is, it's simply not good enough. It only works for newborn babies? There aren't going to be a lot of those. Plus, the ones that are born increase the risk of death for itself, its parents and their group dramatically. At some point in time, that baby will cry. If they are anywhere near any walkers, it will alert them. They can be dealt with, but it will make the walkers a much more dangerous threat than they normally would be because they would always be drawn by the cries of the baby.
I'm sure we're all well aware that a baby cannot defend itself in any way. That means someone has to be protecting it at all times if and when walkers launch an assault, which means one less person for defense(or less efficient in that defense). We don't really have time to wait for those newborn babies to grow into able bodies that can help defend areas, either. Having a baby is just too risky in areas that aren't very secure(which most aren't) and that means there aren't going to be a lot of them in the world, at least initially.
Survivors can adjust to the infection. It can become a routine practice to destroy the brain of people who pass on, naturally or otherwise. People can adapt to the new life and slowly try to rebuild by themselves(like the Alexandria Safe-Zone in the comics). Simply being infected doesn't harm you, and turning after dying can be dealt with(every house comes supplied with a batch of salt licks
If the cure were better, if it could be injected to any living human and cure them, then maybe I'd reconsider. As it stands, it's simply not good enough.
Besides, it's not like you're really deciding the entire fate of humanity. Survivors will still survive, cure or no cure. If it were a "if you save Clementine every other human on Earth will instantly die" decision, then I'd probably choose otherwise.
In closing, if the cure were better, or humanity as a whole was in more immediate danger by the decision, I'd consider dropping Clem. Otherwise, no.
Agree 100% How about cremation? People do it now, without the virus it destroys everything including the brain. Make it so Cremation is mandatory after death. Start a community in a secure location (like an island) in this manner and problem solved.
When will born the first "uninfected" child, then he will become the "walking vaccine," his blood will contain all the components needed to create a new injection. And when this child will grow up (for example a girl) when this ""uninfected" girl will have sex with infected man, then their child will be uninfected , because the chromosome with the vaccine will dominate the chromosomes with a zombie virus, with a probability of 99.999999% thus after 50 years, you can restore the population of uninfected people.
Exactly. To make this work though, established communities need to be formed, such as Woodbury and Crawford without all the f'ed up shit.
You have any ideas how could they landing a large cargo plane on the island?
Well seeing as the wife is a pilot. Military cargo plains are built for landing in hostile environments with rough terrains.. So they would land it just like they do in the military almost every day. My uncle was a pilot in the air force back in the day, he mad a crash landing on ground that was unfit for a normal plane landing. He survived and so did the rest of his team.
My point here is that making a beautiful landing like our passenger planes do every day is not the only way to land a plane. If you are trained to fly, you are also trained to land, even in bad situations.
For the most part, cargo planes (e.g. the C-130) are only designed to take off and land on unprepared runways; not "rough terrain". You still need an actual runway.
I never said They needed to take off again after landing on the island. I simply was saying that a military plane can land on rough terrain. And are built strong to handle landing on rough terrain. My Uncle had to crash land a cargo plane several years back. Thus the point I was trying to make (and sorry if I was not clear in saying what I meant) that crash landing a military cargo plane will not kill the passengers and could be quite easy with a pilot who is trained.
What is it? Self-sacrifice? Why? It's just a little girl, how she can decide to do this?
It's incredibly unrealistic, I agree.
She can't. Some people on here want to think she's super smart, but she's still a little girl.
Sorry. I thought, that this moment would be a very dramatic. As Andrew St. John death scene, for example. I didn't kill him, but he was just fell on his knees, and waited his death, that was unrealistic, but that's was epic! I belive that Clementine can sacrifice herself for something important for everybody, because she's special (I've really don't want that it's ever happen). I thought that this would be better than sign "You are dead" on your screen.
Andy just lost his entire family.
Hell in a cell.
And he had been shot in the ear/shoulder and punched about 30 times.
yeah, she'd be too scared to let the main char's hand go, which I can understand, most adults wouldn't even do that.
Eh.... Excuse me? Lee's hand? I mean a new main character, who would travelling with Clementine. He has care of her of course. Clem loves him, but she's perceives him isn't as a "new daddy" she perceives him as a best friend, or as a brother.
Well, she is smart. All that means is that she can understand things faster than the average person her age. It doesn't mean she knows everything, or never makes mistakes.
That said, I think you're right. She may understand that a person can die and good things can happen as a result, but I don't think she'd be able to predict it to the point that she would make that decision so quickly (six seconds is not much time). She doesn't even like you killing the St. Johns, for crying out loud, even after all they did to your group.
So no, I don't think Clem would do that, especially since that wouldn't even help the situation she's in. Stevie is dropping the ampule, so she let's go? Why would that make Steve suddenly think "okay, get the vaccine then"? In the heat of the moment, he would instinctively reach out for Clem if she starts falling. It would take too long for him to process what is going on, so he wouldn't be able to catch the vaccine anyway, losing both.
oh sorry, wasn't much on the forums for the last couple of days, forgot that it's about "steve", it was? yeah I'll edit it.
Alright, it's makes sense. But then what should happen when the time for making the decision will over? Steve will falling with Clem? And big sign on the screen: "You are dead", as in episode one, when we should choose between Carley and Doug. What do you think?
I'll draw you a picture.
As Steve struggled with the deceision, what to do, to save Clementine or the Vaccine, the ampoule hit the ground and the liquid spilled all over the ground of the plain. Since it was lost for him, he tried to pull the girl in the plane again, placing his feet in a better position to do so. His shoe dragging a bit over the floor, before it hit the stains of the vaccine. He slipped and feeled the air embrace him, as he rolled out of the plane, falling down to the earth, the girl still in his hand.
After the fall, nothing more of them was left, than of the vaccine.
Epic! Not so dramatic, (because it means: "Game over. Press any key to continue") but epic! Thanks.
Yeah Lee beat the living shit out of him.
Anyway, the main character will blame himself in everything no matter what choise he done.
I don't even think twice.
"The last hope" Durr, dude.
Its a tough decision if you actually think the vaccine is worth something. But when There are soooooooooo many aspects and moving parts to make it actually work successfully the odds of all the gears aligning just right are not worth sacrificing Clems Life.
Now, if the vaccine was able to be injected into an adult host and provide immediate vaccination from the virus it would be another story and one to think about more. But as far as im concerned, this vaccine is about as appealing as a crap flavored lollipop.
This is not possible from the scientific point of view, considering how much strong zombie virus.
thats what Im saying. Too many pieces have to fit perfectly to make the vaccine work. Odds are extremely against it, so for me, Saving the true hope that is Clementine is an easy decision.