The Xbox One



  • edited June 2013
    Public backlash. Otherwise, nothing.

    And god fucking dammit, Dead Rising 3 is doing a Resident Evil 6.

    Great a fun funny game becomes a big serious tone game. (Sigh)
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2013
    Gman5852 wrote: »

    Announcing the partnership with CDP, but "Poland not included"?
    No Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungaria, Romania, Turkey? Portugal? Greece?? :eek:
  • edited June 2013
    Announcing the partnership with CDP, but "Poland not included"?
    No Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungaria, Romania, Turkey? Portugal? Greece?? :eek:

    Who needs them. They all have no money.
  • edited June 2013
    greece got bailed out didn't they ?
  • edited June 2013
    Being bailed out doesn't really mean anything. They still have a 60% unemployment rate among the target audience, which would be young adults.
  • edited June 2013
  • edited June 2013
    lol why would Microsoft even bother with Japan.
  • edited June 2013
  • edited June 2013
    Microsoft: "Are you kidding? We wouldn't support these regions if you PAID us too! But hey, don't let that stop you from developing games for us."
  • edited June 2013
  • edited June 2013
    Microsoft: "Are you kidding? We wouldn't support these regions if you PAID us too! But hey, don't let that stop you from developing games for us."

    That's Canada now apparently. I couldn't even be bothered to count how many times Vancouver/Montreal were mentioned so far at E3. Plus Bioware is here in Edmonton. Well, at least the world sees us as good for something.

    That and we have Rush and Neil Young.
  • edited June 2013
    Nintendo aint even impressed with the Kinect

  • edited June 2013
    cos nintendo wanted to do it on the wii 3...
  • edited June 2013
  • edited June 2013
    Oh god dang it Microsoft.

    I sincerely hope that is fake.
  • edited June 2013
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Oh god dang it Microsoft.

    I sincerely hope that is fake.

    I sincerely hope that it's true. I love a good train wreak.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2013
    While single Microsoft employees might revert to such tactics out of their very own despair, it's completely bogus as a company strategy. I readily believe Microsoft tried to buy out publishers to not show their PS4 games at E3. I readily believe the reports that they're flooding reddit with myriads of pro Xbox One comments as part of their damage control strategy.

    I don't believe they're giving orders to employees at E3 to troll Nintendo. The Neogaf forum "evidence" is spotty at best.
  • edited June 2013
    Microsoft please just've already made asses of yourselves as is. Here's some reasons people bother with Wii U and not Xbox Zero.

    It has Mario,Zelda and others
    No always online bullcrap
    Plays pre owned games
    Plays Wii games and up scales them.
    You can trade games in
    You can lend games to friends
    You can bring games to friends houses without being online every hour.

    Enough reasons Microsoft? I really hope Xbox One fails. How dare you go to other companies' game booths and try to dismiss the good console for the piece of shit you're trying to sell. Microsoft you derserve to fail.
  • edited June 2013
    Announcing the partnership with CDP, but "Poland not included"?
    No Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungaria, Romania, Turkey? Portugal? Greece?? :eek:

    Especially PORTUGAL :mad:
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2013
    Hey, it's not like you'd want to have the console. ;)
  • edited June 2013
    Hey, it's not like you'd want to have the console. ;)

    Yeah but still its a big disrespect to all the nations that arent included and the xbox one is a spit in the face of gamers and i hope they only sell 5 consoles and those 5 people are all from microsoft
  • edited June 2013
    I'm still pissed off that Microsoft actually went to a Nintendo event and bad mouthed Wii U and tried to get everyone to come play their good for nothing piece of shit excuse for a console. Microsoft let me tell you something right here and now. Wii U will always be better than Xbox One. You try to rip people off. Basically make it so people don't actually buy a game and just the license to play a game. You bring one of the biggest mistakes from Games called always online DRM because it failed on 2 games that used it (Sim City & Diablo 3) and base a whole console around it and you think you have any right to go and bad mouth any console.

    Microsoft you've made asses of yourselves. I know it may not be true but with the recent rumors regarding Microsoft and what they've done so far, I believe its very possible for them to be doing this. That's all i think of saying.....except this......How dare they....How dare you go to someone else's event which has nothing to do with you in the slightest and then you sit and insult and bad mouth? Microsoft, Xbox One is the one that deserves to be bad mouthed and it should for extremely good reason. The console is making all the mistakes. Microsoft is rumored to be trying the lowest ways to try and make Xbox One look even a tiny little bit good and if its true then i feel Xbox One should fail.
  • edited June 2013
    The core problem here, and the one that analysts and critics trying to sound smart will happily point out, is that Microsoft is putting companies above consumers, which is the exact opposite of how this industry needs to be.

    Almost every single 'innovation' that the XBone has is designed to benefit the publishers and punish the individual customers. And the end result is that, outside of the fanboys who will refuse to listen to any well-argued criticism against their beloved Micro$$$oft or teh Haloz, people will abandon this anti-consumer console and instead purchase one that is not only pro-consumer (or at least, is perceived to be pro-consumer) but also cheaper. Sounds obvious, but people DO speak with their wallets.

    I could run down every single stupid, pro-publisher feature of the XBone, but I don't need to because everyone else has already done it and at the end of the day, I can sum up the entire situation with one simple statement.

    People buy video game consoles... to play video games. Anything that gets between people and those games is going to be despised. And that's why the XBone fails. It gets between YOU... and the game.

    (Those asterisks are actually what happened when I typed Microsoft with a $. ********** See? And yet, you can use three $ and it works fine. Weird...)
  • edited June 2013
    Wow. That's really optimistic. Unless they're going to release an Xbox None or something where they remove all the bullshit, I'll be surprised if they can even match the Xbox 360 numbers, let alone hit a billion.
  • edited June 2013
    **********. Really?
    EDIT:Oh.... k
  • edited June 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    That's absurd. The current generation hasn't even reached half a billion, why the hell do they think the next-gen will reach a whole one?

    I don't know what Microsoft have been smoking lately but seriously - someone send them to rehab!
  • edited June 2013
    I think Microsoft is speaking one load of shit. I would say they would be lucky if they could get up to the number of the 360. What's worse is that what happens when the fanboys find out about the bs for themselves?
  • edited June 2013
    A billion units is like saying 1 unit per every 7 people on the entire planet.

    I've taken an Intro to Marketing class in college, and you can't just assume you'll strike it rich by saying your target market is everybody. You have to provide your product or service with a particular demographic in mind.

    You can't claim to target both middle-class American households with TV-integration and Generations X and Y's gamers by offering Halo and Call of Duty at the same time, when the price point is nowhere near reasonable for said households and the game DRM restrictions are nowhere near appealing for said gamers.

    In other words, there are name-brand TV tuners and home theatre setups which are cheaper than the XBone; and there are games on PS4 which are either exactly the same game or else highly similar which do not restrict the gamer like the XBone does.

    So, by targeting everybody at the same time they are in fact targeting nobody at all.
  • edited June 2013
    Yeah I think the only market they are trying to appeal to is the asshole Cod players who bad mouth people online then get their asses kicked. I think we got all the proof of that from them playing Killer Instint during the press conference.
  • edited June 2013
    That's absurd. The current generation hasn't even reached half a billion, why the hell do they think the next-gen will reach a whole one?

    I don't know what Microsoft have been smoking lately but seriously - someone send them to rehab!

    Especially when they lower the amount of countries that CAN buy and user their next brick. How does that work? Less potential customers but more units sold. Someone needs to slap them.

    Oh Microsoft. Just let it happen. It will be over soon enough. *rape*
  • edited June 2013
    and not only are they limiting what countries can use the console, but also what stores that can sell games. I'd be surprised if the Vintage Stock or GameXchange in town would be able to trade in XBone games.

    So... heavily limited global customer base for the console; heavily limited access to used/discounted game sale locations; highest price point of any console or TV tuner... and they think it will break all possible sales records?
  • edited June 2013
    Seriously what are they smoking!? Are they all having a collective psychotic episode.
  • edited June 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    Seriously what are they smoking!?

    Whatever it is, the Government should be using these Microsoft douche bags as a part of an anti-drugs campaign. Nothing would get the kids off drugs faster then seeing the negative effects evident with the XBone!
  • edited June 2013
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    So they realize that the only way to get people to get an Xbox One is to give it to people for free with a Packet of Doritos...
  • edited June 2013
    you know, it occurs to me that the shelf life of a bag of Doritos or a can of Mt Dew is probably longer than the lifespan of the console (as a console and not a brick.)
  • edited June 2013
    I'm gonna see Man of Steel today.
  • edited June 2013
    Hudomonkey wrote: »
    So they realize that the only way to get people to get an Xbox One is to give it to people for free with a Packet of Doritos...

    It would be funnier if the majority of the entries were people detailing just how much they want those Doritos.
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