The Xbox One

edited June 2013 in General Chat
Little surprised no-one's talking about the XBox One, which was officially announced today.

And has a stupid name.

Really, there's a lot we could say about this console, but I'll just bullet-point the best bits.

- It's called the XBox One. Even though it's actually the third. *sigh*
- The controller is extremely similar to the 360s, with a better D-Pad and higher Home button.
- It comes with an updated Kinect... that the console WILL NOT FUCTION WITHOUT.
- It won't be backwards compatible. With anything. 360 games, XBLA games, nothing. *facepalm*
- Playing a used game? You'll be charged a fee to do so.

In short - fail. The used games thing is perhaps the biggest kick in the teeth, and it's going to ruin this console.

EDIT: Oh, you're all talking about it in the "Whatever's On Your Mind" thread. Well, whatever.


  • edited May 2013
    Everyone's talking about it in the Whatever's on your mind thread. I missed the announcement, and as I have little interest in the console itself, but everyone seems to be slating it somewhat awful.

    You Ninja-edited. Darn you!
  • edited May 2013
    I have the urge to tell someone fuck you. Where are these guy's Twitters?
  • edited May 2013
    Friar wrote: »
    Everyone's talking about it in the Whatever's on your mind thread. I missed the announcement, and as I have little interest in the console itself, but everyone seems to be slating it somewhat awful.
    Yeah, just saw that. Oh well.

    It's those last three bullet points of mine that are the big problems, and understandably so.

    The Kinect's only real use was for Dancing games, so forcing everyone to have one, even if it's not used much, will merely bump up the price tag for the console and upset everyone in that regard. And I'm sure I don't need to remind you of what happens when hardcore games try to use it *COUGH*Steel Battalion*COUGH*

    The lack of backwards compatibility is frustrating as all hell (though not entirely unsurprising), and the lack of it is going to make it hard to justify buying the console until there's enough new games out for it. Why should we buy a new console with few games and no way to play the old ones? The 360 still works fine. No reason to upgrade.

    The fine for playing used games though is frankly insulting. There is no reason this should exist. At all. It's simply punishing people for not buying new and it's going to completely kill the rental market. And with no way to try games before buying them, people won't bother.
  • edited May 2013
    There has not been an XBOX system I've felt I could go without.

    Wii? Loved it to death. Buying a WiiU this winter.
    PS3? Killed it, loved it to death.

    XBOX? I always end up buying the HALO games and that's about it, then reselling the system for cash.

    On a different note, it's hilarious noting the aging gamer demographic. People are starting to sound like their grandparents with their complaints about all this newfangled technology and stuff they don't like, and how the next generation of gamers are spoiled or have it easy.

    It's easy because we have documentation of the Romans complaining about the same damn shit.

    Every generation thinks the next one is ruining things or spoiled blah blah blah.
  • edited May 2013
    I'd do my usual thing about how it's great they're not doing games but I'll just get yelled at so toodle-oo.
  • edited May 2013
    Ribs wrote: »
    I'd do my usual thing about how it's great they're not doing games but I'll just get yelled at so toodle-oo.
    Oh, but they are! 15 exclusives!

    5 of which are going to be sports games!

  • edited May 2013
    The more I read up on this console, the more stupid it sounds... -_-

    Looks like it will be PC and Wii U only this gen for me.
    (Maybe PS4, if Sony doesn't do anything stupid, but I'm not holding my breath over it. I'd argue the 3DS is the current killer console to watch (since you know, it has actual games that people with any sense of taste would give a fuck about))
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2013
    Something that wasn't announced on the stream: apparently it needs to connect to the internet once every 24 hours.
  • edited May 2013
    The more I read up on this console, the more stupid it sounds... -_-
    Seconded, especially following the internet thing Puzzlebox mentioned.
  • edited May 2013
    This has just strengthened my decision to not buy a new console this year or next or possibly ever. I'll just build a new PC.

    Still, Xbox One is at least a better name than the rumoured Xbox 720 idea (and far better than Wii/Wii U).
  • edited May 2013
    Draconian changes really. The internet connection thing is bothersome, but really, the big issue for me is the having to pay for used games.

    I buy most my games from pawn shops.
  • edited May 2013
    The problem isn't used games. The reason the used game market even exists is because the price of new games are far too expensive (especially on release), prohibitively so. If a serious push was made to reduce the standing price of new games then the used game market would get smaller and potentially developers get more profits.

    With these used charges Microsoft plan to implement, they better be giving the money to the people who made the games otherwise it's just theft.
  • edited May 2013
    If Xbox One games = PC games at launch then maybe, MAYBE its bearable.
    (£30 max at launch, with fast sales after a month or two)

    But c'mon here guys, we know that would never happen! XD
  • edited May 2013
    The "fee" for used games is also apparently not just some Project Ten Dollar minor surcharge, but the full price of the game.
    Kotaku wrote:
    Here's how the system works: when you buy an Xbox One game, you'll get a unique code that you enter when you install that game. You'll have to connect to the Internet in order to authorize that code, and the code can only be used once. Once you use it, that game will then be linked to your Xbox Live account. "It sits on your harddrive and you have permission to play that game as long as you’d like," Harrison said.

    Other users on the console will be able to play that game as well, Harrison said. So you don't need to buy multiple games per family. "With the built-in parental controls of the system it is shared amog the users of the device," he said.

    But what if you want to bring a game disc to a friend's house and play there? You'll have to pay a fee—and not just some sort of activation fee, but the actual price of that game—in order to use a game's code on a friend's account. Think of it like a new game, Harrison says.

    "The bits that are on that disc, you can give it to your friend and they can install it on an Xbox One," he said. "They would then have to purchase the right to play that game through Xbox Live."

    "They would be paying the same price we paid, or less?" we asked.

    "Let’s assume it’s a new game, so the answer is yes, it will be the same price," Harrison said.

    But that doesn't mean used games are dead. In fact, Harrison told us, you'll be able to sell your Xbox One games online.

    "We will have a solution—we’re not talking about it today—for you to be able to trade your previously-played games online," Harrison said.
  • edited May 2013
    The problem isn't used games. The reason the used game market even exists is because the price of new games are far too expensive (especially on release), prohibitively so. If a serious push was made to reduce the standing price of new games then the used game market would get smaller and potentially developers get more profits.

    With these used charges Microsoft plan to implement, they better be giving the money to the people who made the games otherwise it's just theft.

    50 bucks has been the price of a game for as long as I can remember. I think accounting for inflation, 60 seems reasonable.
  • edited May 2013
    The "fee" for used games is also apparently not just some Project Ten Dollar minor surcharge, but the full price of the game.

    That's just stupid. They're just turning off people.
  • edited May 2013
    Spielberg working on Halo TV series? WTF?
  • edited May 2013
    Well thanks Microsoft. I now know who to pick between you and the PS4 this generation. PS4 it is!
  • edited May 2013
    Bonus round! The controller feels lovely (apparently) but requires 2 AA batteries.

    Yes, the controller doesn't include a built-in battery.

    Honestly, the controller's the ONE THING they got right, and then they go and screw it up.
  • edited May 2013
    Hope the controller hooks up to PC, especially if it works through the existing 360 dongle. That is actually a really nice improvement over what I'm using now.

    Also dammit every minute something terrible seems to be said by some spokesman or said in some press document, I'll have to collect all the terrible things and put them together.
  • edited May 2013
    Bonus round! The controller feels lovely (apparently) but requires 2 AA batteries.

    Yes, the controller doesn't include a built-in battery.

    Honestly, the controller's the ONE THING they got right, and then they go and screw it up.

    It's like they went to the Wii controller for advice on how to do batteries.
  • edited May 2013

    "Oh no... Xbox One."

    Beatin' coolsome to that shit.
  • edited May 2013
    Bonus Bonus Round! Rare are bringing back a "historic IP" for the XBox One.

    Loving the comments on Destructoid - they're so pessimistic.
  • edited May 2013
  • edited May 2013
    Bonus Bonus Round! Rare are bringing back a "historic IP" for the XBox One.

    Loving the comments on Destructoid - they're so pessimistic.

    Perfect Dark One perhaps?
  • edited May 2013
    Sony's stock went up 10% apparently thanks to this reveal

  • edited May 2013
    They should send Microsoft a thank you card.
  • edited May 2013
    I read some where (probably on Major Nelson's blog) that as long as you're using your own account you can play your game on a friend's console.

    That's nice of them./
  • edited May 2013
    I read some where (probably on Major Nelson's blog) that as long as you're using your own account you can play your game on a friend's console.

    That's nice of them./
    That's how downloadable games work on the current 360, I didn't expect that to change. What has changed is making EVERY GAME no matter how you buy it a downloadable game.
  • edited May 2013
    Jesus it takes me aggges to download one game!
  • edited May 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    Jesus it takes me aggges to download one game!

    And compare your download speeds to that of 8 years ago when the Xbox 360 launched. Imagine what they'll be like in another 8 years. It's a console that'll become more and more accessible to people as time goes on.
  • edited May 2013
    Or alternatively, they could just not do the "everything is digital even though we have CDs" crap and make it accessible immediately.
  • edited May 2013
    I'm fucking done fuck this fucking bullshit fuck.

    First Telltale and everyone's grandmother and DAISHI wants to take gameplay out of games and remove critical thinking and puzzle solving so humanity can be reduced to brainless fuckwads who slap their cocks in each other's faces while hooting now Microsoft want to market an entire console to said brainless cockslapping fuckwads and I am fucking done video games are done. There is no innovation. There is no intelligence. Jake Rodkin and Dave Grossman can kiss my ass and so can Microsoft fuck off. I don't care. Gaming is dead. Gaming will go nowhere. My hopes and dreams for gaming are gone. It's over. I'm wasting my time. There is nothing on this green earth for me as a human being to contribute now because it will mean nothing in the long run when games are replaced by skype sex chat sports shitstain something something I quit.

    I can't even. I am too mad to post. There is no point in even being a game designer. My dream is dead.
  • edited May 2013
    I'm fucking done fuck this fucking bullshit fuck.

    First Telltale and everyone's grandmother and DAISHI wants to take gameplay out of games and remove critical thinking and puzzle solving so humanity can be reduced to brainless fuckwads who slap their cocks in each other's faces while hooting now Microsoft want to market an entire console to said brainless cockslapping fuckwads and I am fucking done video games are done. There is no innovation. There is no intelligence. Jake Rodkin and Dave Grossman can kiss my ass and so can Microsoft fuck off. I don't care. Gaming is dead. Gaming will go nowhere. My hopes and dreams for gaming are gone. It's over. I'm wasting my time. There is nothing on this green earth for me as a human being to contribute now because it will mean nothing in the long run when games are replaced by skype sex chat sports shitstain something something I quit.

    I can't even. I am too mad to post. There is no point in even being a game designer. My dream is dead.

    Hey grandpa.
  • edited May 2013

    I can't even. I am too mad to post. There is no point in even being a game designer. My dream is dead.

    Just keep fighting the mainstream to get your idea game design out there with no compromises and I'm sure you will find a fanbase with people who are like you and are sick of the game market as it is.
  • edited May 2013
    Sounds as crappy as expected.
  • edited May 2013
    To be fair a lot of things haven't been talked about with the PS4 and even if we have heard bad things about the Xbox One (really is a stupid name) at least we know now the
    Ps4 still hasn't given a stance about Preowned games and a lot of things could be the same about the PS4...
    At the moment Sony are winning but when they announce the actual games maybe microsoft may catch up...
  • edited May 2013
    and yet, I dread that it's probably going to sell well anyway. Unfortunately.

    oh, except in Japan. Even if the "features" they mention do work well in other non-US countries, the original XBox did horribly in Japan for the simple fact that the console's physical size was too damn big. And this one is bigger.

    Now remind me: SmartGlass is a Microsoft-only feature, right? Which means that any features it brings to the XBox One are not available to anyone who uses iOS or Android...

    Further, what if I want to use a real remote control at night when I'm playing games after my wife has gone to sleep?
  • edited May 2013
    DAISHI wrote: »
    Hey grandpa.

  • edited May 2013
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Now remind me: SmartGlass is a Microsoft-only feature, right? Which means that any features it brings to the XBox One are not available to anyone who uses iOS or Android...
    IOS and Android versions of the SmartGlass app are available. It's not a Surface-exclusive thing. I've used SmartGlass on my Android phone and tablet. It's not super-impressive as a feature but yeah, it's there.
    Further, what if I want to use a real remote control at night when I'm playing games after my wife has gone to sleep?
    We honestly don't know. Will the Xbox interface with regular remote controls? Will it have a media remote that does the job? It's way up in the air in regards to HOW this is actually going to work. My guess is that, worst case scenario, you can use a controller or cellphone or tablet.
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