doesn't sound like bill gates... hard, fast full of bugs and rapey is more his i hear.. not from any or my experience.. as my ass is still pure..
ok i think the picking on milo being a bit of fanboi has derailed this thread long enough ?
so...the qte's on ryse by crytek... seems a bit ott..
yes it does... oh look the ps4 will need a 'kinect v1.4 ps4 eyetoy' but it's seperate...oh look the wands are back..
oh look now they say the ps plus is mandatory for online play ooh look that what the xbox 360 had...
yeah.. for certain games they will be needed.... extra cost which for those who haven't already got them../need the upgraded versions..
yeah they'll be spending about the same...
but what ever...
Yes, the PS Move would bring the overall price point up, but it's not required. It doesn't make the barrier to entry for the console in general that much higher--it's just an optional peripheral.
real problem is:
1) The XBone forces you to check online every 24 hours to make sure your games are legit;
2) Disc-based XBone games are worthless because the disc is tied to your XBox Live account anyway;
3) Buying used games is pointless because there are fees incurred by the buyer which will likely bring the used game's total price up to day-one retail new-game price anyway;
4) When Microsoft's servers are down, or the XBone is no longer supported, your console will not work within 24 hours of it happening. Period;
5) The Kinect is always watching and/or listening by default, and you mark my words, setting the Kinect to be turned off without accidentally turning off the console instead will likely be buried in a settings menu somewhere obscure;
6) They are setting a higher initial price point just to force features on the consumer that nobody cares about, like being able to change TV channels with your voice...
and more.
Also, putting tape on an infrared camera won't work because the tape likely would not block infrared light.
If I had to pick between PS Move and Kinect I will pick PS Move. At least Move has some decent games that can play with it. Resistance 3, InFamous 2, inFamous Festival of Blood, LBP Karting. Kinect on the other hand has made mockery with a range of games including Sonic (Sonic Free Riders), and even though I have not played any Dragonball games but I do got the second and third fighting game of it on PS2. Dragonball Z for Kinect which i seen on Angry Joe and more.
Also I'm not going to buy a console that looks like its going to be a piece of shit. Why should I be punished if I bought a pre owned game? Why should I be punished if my Internet goes off and the Xbox One won't turn on. Oh and lets not mention Mr.Kinect that always stays on and almost no one wants it. Also it barely has any good exclusives and tries to one up PS Plus by offering Gold members 2 free 4 year old games.
Sony on the other hand has better exclusives, inFamous,Killzone,Kingdom Hearts 3,Knack, Drive Club. You can play PS4 games on Vita,none of bs Microsoft is doing to try get more money and on top of all that its cheaper than the Xbox One.
It's such a shame that Microsoft has chosen to go this route. I mean, if they weren't being assholes about it, the hardware is pretty cool, especially the improvements to the Kinect. Now more or less nothing will cause me to actually purchase one, but I'm still kinda fantasizing about hooking up a Kinect to the 3D printer in lab (Replicator 2x) and pretending like I'm in TNG. It would be an expensive way to get kicks for a few hours, but well worth it. I think.
It only prints in three colors: red, white, and blue. It's a very patriotic printer.
Also, it requires a 3D model designed in its specific program to print something. I don't think I'm good enough at 3D modeling to do LeChuck. I don't even know how to do a plain cube.
It only prints in three colors: red, white, and blue. It's a very patriotic printer.
Also, it requires a 3D model designed in its specific program to print something. I don't think I'm good enough at 3D modeling to do LeChuck. I don't even know how to do a plain cube.
Guess it'll have to be a very blocky Captain America then! XP
Those 5 people that buy it will get to keep some good games then, at least until Microsoft closes the servers and the console is reduced to breeze-block.
Know what Microsoft. I hope you fail and I hope you fail hard. You basically say hey we are too lazy to have an offline mode on it so ether move somewhere where you can get a better connection or buy our Xbox 360. Do you guys really think that doing this to your fans and then saying go buy the 360 for an offline mode? No if they are smart they will buy a PS4 because its cheaper than the heap of crap called XBone. It has better feature and its a next gen console which has offline and let's you play pre-owned games.
On another note, Microsoft must be blind. They think that gamers are going to like being forced to be online 24 hours or their console won't work? No no no it is not a good choice. It's the most stupid choice you can pick. What happened when Sim City had this? Game didn't work. Diablo 3? Error 47 due to always online.
Hey Microsoft when Sony kicks your rip off asses Guess what you can. #Dealwithit. Because XBone is a load of shit.
I'm glad that the PS4 won't have the DRM crap that Xbone has, but what of online passes now? Publishers still have the right to use DRM on the PS4, just not something Sony provides/the publishers have to create it themselves.
What is preventing publishers from just making the game have this DRM on the PS4 for the games themselves?
it's ridiculous to try and copy call of duty's aesthetic style and tone, because that isn't what makes it popular anyway it's the online game that made call of duty the success it is (although for me it was the single player that i enjoyed) and that multiplayer is so popular because it give positive reinforcement for basically everything you do (even dying) essentially call of duty is just saying "you're such a good boy" every 5 seconds and that is kind of hard to resist for most people.
"serious" and "realistic" just isn't what call of duty is about
Yeah but Microsoft fanboys aren't interested in the facts, they're too busy taking it up the ass from Bill Gates.
i'm aware of kinect being on all the time but with the option to turn it off hell even put some tape over the camera but thats too simple...
Not sure how you think i take it up the ass...
Nooooooo!! It has to download all those updates and consumes extra less energy when in 'non play but on' mode!! You don't just 'unplug' the Xbox One.
...the Xbox One unplugs you.
hope this guy doesn't mind hotlinking
Slowly and sensuously?
what no johnny mnemonic ?
doesn't sound like bill gates... hard, fast full of bugs and rapey is more his i hear.. not from any or my experience.. as my ass is still pure..
ok i think the picking on milo being a bit of fanboi has derailed this thread long enough ?
so...the qte's on ryse by crytek... seems a bit ott..
Enough. Thanks. Gotta keep SOME order here.
Just let it happen, it’ll be over soon
No. NO. Not that.
real problem is:
1) The XBone forces you to check online every 24 hours to make sure your games are legit;
2) Disc-based XBone games are worthless because the disc is tied to your XBox Live account anyway;
3) Buying used games is pointless because there are fees incurred by the buyer which will likely bring the used game's total price up to day-one retail new-game price anyway;
4) When Microsoft's servers are down, or the XBone is no longer supported, your console will not work within 24 hours of it happening. Period;
5) The Kinect is always watching and/or listening by default, and you mark my words, setting the Kinect to be turned off without accidentally turning off the console instead will likely be buried in a settings menu somewhere obscure;
6) They are setting a higher initial price point just to force features on the consumer that nobody cares about, like being able to change TV channels with your voice...
and more.
Also, putting tape on an infrared camera won't work because the tape likely would not block infrared light.
You don't know how many times I've been told THAT!
Also I'm not going to buy a console that looks like its going to be a piece of shit. Why should I be punished if I bought a pre owned game? Why should I be punished if my Internet goes off and the Xbox One won't turn on. Oh and lets not mention Mr.Kinect that always stays on and almost no one wants it. Also it barely has any good exclusives and tries to one up PS Plus by offering Gold members 2 free 4 year old games.
Sony on the other hand has better exclusives, inFamous,Killzone,Kingdom Hearts 3,Knack, Drive Club. You can play PS4 games on Vita,none of bs Microsoft is doing to try get more money and on top of all that its cheaper than the Xbox One. Laserschwert did some impressive ones a while back
Also, it requires a 3D model designed in its specific program to print something. I don't think I'm good enough at 3D modeling to do LeChuck. I don't even know how to do a plain cube.
Guess it'll have to be a very blocky Captain America then! XP
Those 5 people that buy it will get to keep some good games then at least.
GIF of the Day.
It is patriotic, just not exclusively to one country...
They can just go to Canada if something happened to England.
There are still a lot of old folks here who eat that shit up, for sure. Just stay away from me.
On another note, Microsoft must be blind. They think that gamers are going to like being forced to be online 24 hours or their console won't work? No no no it is not a good choice. It's the most stupid choice you can pick. What happened when Sim City had this? Game didn't work. Diablo 3? Error 47 due to always online.
Hey Microsoft when Sony kicks your rip off asses Guess what you can. #Dealwithit. Because XBone is a load of shit.
What is preventing publishers from just making the game have this DRM on the PS4 for the games themselves?
And god fucking dammit, Dead Rising 3 is doing a Resident Evil 6.
Well that's one less reason to buy an Xbox One, I should thank Capcom for that
it's ridiculous to try and copy call of duty's aesthetic style and tone, because that isn't what makes it popular anyway it's the online game that made call of duty the success it is (although for me it was the single player that i enjoyed) and that multiplayer is so popular because it give positive reinforcement for basically everything you do (even dying) essentially call of duty is just saying "you're such a good boy" every 5 seconds and that is kind of hard to resist for most people.
"serious" and "realistic" just isn't what call of duty is about
sounds like something you'd say to a dog
well it's hardly a sophisticated psychological tactic so i gave it the appropriate tone