Second they have a point. Microsoft is trying to one up Sony by offering 4 to 5 year old games and Sony usually offers games that aren't even 2 years old.
Really disapointed that Notch didn't show though after he got that V.I.P Gold PSone from Sony. Maybe he was one of the developers Microsoft payed not to show up if that rumor was true?
Then again I'm doubting Notch would do that but its disappointing to see Crapbox Zero get it and we don't.
We've already come right out and said we're not going to allow online pass. And the word "allow" is key there. Specifically with online, with PS+ requiring a charge to play online, we would not want any publisher (to charge.)
There are two sides working here:
Publishers: will strongly favor the ONE because of DRM, trading etc.
Players: hopefully strongly favor the PS4.
What can happen:
No games on the PS4 if the publishers want to force DRM on it and Sony refuses.
--> The One sells more because of more games
No one buys the One
--> publishers love money. They have to release games on the PS4 to sell them and are forced to do what Sony wants.
The problem is: gamers are weak-minded.
Oh god this game relaeses 20 minutes later than on XXXXX. I will never use YYYYY again. This sucks.
Heard it many times.
Remember, all that means is that EA/Craptivision have to do the same sort of stuff they do already and that's the season pass/day one dlc/ content locking on disc bullshit.
And its a good point. If they want to do that, its their funeral.
(And already consumers make it very clear if they step over the line)
Edit: I honestly see the line being split this generation.
Microsoft will have the markets it wants, the 20-something asshole game bro who'll mindlessly buy any shit with explosions, andThe older casual gamers who like TV stuff.
Sony will have everyone else. They are going for a brand loyalty angle.
It may be a smaller market, but its also one willing to part with more cash.
They will have the Japanese and European developers on side, making unique exclusives much like the ones that have found good success on the PS3 already.
Still they buy on Day 1 and also buy the cut out Day One DLC Content.
So if the publishers still make money that way why would they ever stop?
Because I bet a lot of those people who bought Sim City won't ever touch another Sim City game again, at least until EA go under and the IP gets transferred, or EA work extremely hard to make up for a travesty like that.
Also I've never bought Mass Effect 3 due to the ending. I'm wary of getting Dragon Age again after the second one.
If you keep biting the hand that's feeds you, you'll either starve or be put down.
The rest of ME3 was a chore to get through, an endless slog of corridors with little plot or any incentive to continue. The ending was, in my opinion, fitting for the dreary slog that comprised the rest of the game.
And chore is exactly the correct word. The narrative was bogged down with so many sidequests that I barely felt any urgency in dealing with the Reaper threat. It felt like a shopping list of things that needed to be purchased before I would have enough food to survive the apocalypse. Why did Commander Shepherd need to be the one to find that old religious relic on that random planet? I really have no idea. It took me out of the story because in my mind Commander Shepherd should not be involved with fetch quests in the middle of the worst crisis of the last 50,000 years. It's just a silly reminder that you are, in fact, playing a game. Which you are, but I felt that the subject matter should have dictated immersion.
Commander Shepherd dies so many times, her father was probably Rory Williams. Somehow.
I gotta say. People say FemShep, but in my mind, the female Commander Shepherd is the only one there is. I mean, she's such a badass hot lady, why would I ever trade her out for some generic space marine Shepherd?
Commander Shepherd dies so many times, her father was probably Rory Williams. Somehow.
I gotta say. People say FemShep, but in my mind, the female Commander Shepherd is the only one there is. I mean, she's such a badass hot lady, why would I ever trade her out for some generic space marine Shepherd?
i made the closes version of me i could, default shepard is lame, but then for my second playthrough i did femshep but i made her blonde and cute looking, i couldn't continue playing as cuteshep after i heard her voice, i had to make her a tough looking brunet/reddish hair to suit her attitude
Yeah, My Shepherd is always the auburn haired one, because that look just suits her no-nonsense attitude much better. Also looks like the face I see belonging to that voice.
Yeah, My Shepherd is always the auburn haired one, because that look just suits her no-nonsense attitude much better. Also looks like the face I see belonging to that voice.
i made my own version of femshep not really knowing what the default ones look like (and in ME1), i guess auburn hair and stern looking just suits her, i made her a bit more mature looking than the default ME3 femshep, ME default femshep still looks a bit too cute for how i played her
Commander Shepherd dies so many times, her father was probably Rory Williams. Somehow.
I gotta say. People say FemShep, but in my mind, the female Commander Shepherd is the only one there is. I mean, she's such a badass hot lady, why would I ever trade her out for some generic space marine Shepherd?
Agreed. And I keep saying, I have no problem with ME3's ending, especially after the Extended Cut. Huge, life changing outcomes usually don't have more than a few choices. And I looked at my decisions throughout ME2 & 3 and picked the one that felt right to me. Synthesis FTW.
Well, this is important because "that thing" will help vita sales. If Vita minecraft is any thing on par to the PC version of the game, people would want to get the Vita version over the crappy pocket edition port of minecraft. Mojang or 2K or whatever studio that is developing it should take their time with it.
Yeah!!!.....Hopefully it won't be a screwed up laggy port like another certain port of a game I know.....-cough- Jak and Daxter The Precursor Legacy -cough-
Second they have a point. Microsoft is trying to one up Sony by offering 4 to 5 year old games and Sony usually offers games that aren't even 2 years old.
Then again I'm doubting Notch would do that but its disappointing to see Crapbox Zero get it and we don't.
Looks like Sony has their head screwed on right.
(A real hero of the common man our Sony is!
There are two sides working here:
Publishers: will strongly favor the ONE because of DRM, trading etc.
Players: hopefully strongly favor the PS4.
What can happen:
No games on the PS4 if the publishers want to force DRM on it and Sony refuses.
--> The One sells more because of more games
No one buys the One
--> publishers love money. They have to release games on the PS4 to sell them and are forced to do what Sony wants.
The problem is: gamers are weak-minded.
Oh god this game relaeses 20 minutes later than on XXXXX. I will never use YYYYY again. This sucks.
Heard it many times.
Remember, all that means is that EA/Craptivision have to do the same sort of stuff they do already and that's the season pass/day one dlc/ content locking on disc bullshit.
And its a good point. If they want to do that, its their funeral.
(And already consumers make it very clear if they step over the line)
Edit: I honestly see the line being split this generation.
Microsoft will have the markets it wants, the 20-something asshole game bro who'll mindlessly buy any shit with explosions, andThe older casual gamers who like TV stuff.
Sony will have everyone else. They are going for a brand loyalty angle.
It may be a smaller market, but its also one willing to part with more cash.
They will have the Japanese and European developers on side, making unique exclusives much like the ones that have found good success on the PS3 already.
Still they buy on Day 1 and also buy the cut out Day One DLC Content.
So if the publishers still make money that way why would they ever stop?
Because I bet a lot of those people who bought Sim City won't ever touch another Sim City game again, at least until EA go under and the IP gets transferred, or EA work extremely hard to make up for a travesty like that.
Also I've never bought Mass Effect 3 due to the ending. I'm wary of getting Dragon Age again after the second one.
If you keep biting the hand that's feeds you, you'll either starve or be put down.
Boycottet ME3 because it is still not released on PC.
Boycot still intact. Release the game already EA!
And chore is exactly the correct word. The narrative was bogged down with so many sidequests that I barely felt any urgency in dealing with the Reaper threat. It felt like a shopping list of things that needed to be purchased before I would have enough food to survive the apocalypse. Why did Commander Shepherd need to be the one to find that old religious relic on that random planet? I really have no idea. It took me out of the story because in my mind Commander Shepherd should not be involved with fetch quests in the middle of the worst crisis of the last 50,000 years. It's just a silly reminder that you are, in fact, playing a game. Which you are, but I felt that the subject matter should have dictated immersion.
Well, it's kind of the right forum for this kind of utterance.
My favourite part of TTG release days.
No. She died at the end of ME2.
No. She died at the BEGINNING of ME2.
We said the same thing. ME2 was really short.
I gotta say. People say FemShep, but in my mind, the female Commander Shepherd is the only one there is. I mean, she's such a badass hot lady, why would I ever trade her out for some generic space marine Shepherd?
Did someone make a crazy mod or something? Such a thing surely doesn't exist.
i made the closes version of me i could, default shepard is lame, but then for my second playthrough i did femshep but i made her blonde and cute looking, i couldn't continue playing as cuteshep after i heard her voice, i had to make her a tough looking brunet/reddish hair to suit her attitude
i made my own version of femshep not really knowing what the default ones look like (and in ME1), i guess auburn hair and stern looking just suits her, i made her a bit more mature looking than the default ME3 femshep, ME default femshep still looks a bit too cute for how i played her
Agreed. And I keep saying, I have no problem with ME3's ending, especially after the Extended Cut. Huge, life changing outcomes usually don't have more than a few choices. And I looked at my decisions throughout ME2 & 3 and picked the one that felt right to me. Synthesis FTW.
which bricks some consoles so don't download it.