OMG Sam & Max for the Wii!



  • edited April 2008

    Here's the box!

    I third the question about 480p and DPLII.

    Also, does the Wii version has all the bonus content of the all-episodes-on-one-disc package?

    What was the framerate of the PC version and what's the targeted framerate of the Wii version?

    I never played point and click games, and I'm very excited to play Sam and Max, as I saw bits of the TV series when it aired on Fox Kids years ago! :p

    Thanks for making it possible TellTale! :D


    In case my question above regarding the bonus content wasn't clear enough, this is what I mean't:

    As Wikipedia describes:
    Boxed releases

    There are currently two boxed releases of Season One. On May 10, 2007, Telltale announced that they would release a hybrid DVD for Season One subscribers in June; holding all six episodes of the game as well as hours of bonus material, including commentaries, behind-the-scenes info, and all of the machinima shorts. The disc is available to those who buy a Season One subscription, plus the price of shipping and handling. It was released July 28th.

    Another version for the general consumer was published by JoWooD and has been available in stores since August 15. The boxed release contains a bonus printed poster featuring artwork by creator Steve Purcell, as well as "behind the scenes" videos, an interview with Steve Purcell and concept art on the disc.

    Will the Wii version have all of that bonus content, including the commentaries and artwork?
  • edited April 2008
    josejx wrote: »
    Thanks for the heads up on the Amazon pre-order, nice to know it won't be more than $30. :)

    On, they have the Boxart up, and the official rating. It's Rated T for Teen, and it's gonna come out on August 31st!
    Epic. Can't wait for it.
  • edited April 2008
    Zeek what i meant was getting the wii rom file onto the sd card, not the pc version, and putting that into the wii SD slot. I'm not sure if that was a mistake on your part, and for all i know your point is still valid despite this. Im no gosh dang coder!
  • edited April 2008
    Amazon actually already has this game listed for pre-order at the ever so sweet price of 29.99 :D

    I'm hoping the August 1, 2008 release date is accurate, but it sounds almost too good to be true.

    What has me baffled is the Amazon page's product description for it:
    Product Description
    Ten people, strangers to each other are invited to a lavish estate on a remote island. Through a recording their mysterious host accuses each of his ¿guests¿ of murder and proceeds to exact ¿justice¿. The tension mounts as, one-by-one, the number of people are reduced through the ingenious plotting of the unseen killer. Prepare to play the 11th character in the video game based on the best-selling murder mystery of all time!

    Hmm...Evil Under The Sun, anyone? XD
  • edited April 2008
    No. That is actually pretty different in a few ways to evil under the sun. You are talking about the poirot one right?
  • edited April 2008
    What has me baffled is the Amazon page's product description for it:

    Hmm...Evil Under The Sun, anyone? XD

    wow that Amazon thing is weird......August 1st? awwww :(
  • edited April 2008
    What has me baffled is the Amazon page's product description for it:

    It's a conspiracy, I tells ya!

  • edited April 2008
    What has me baffled is the Amazon page's product description for it:

    Hmm...Evil Under The Sun, anyone? XD

    You know I was so exicited I didn't even notice that. It's sounds like the exact same description they had for Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None for the Wii, which was also 29.99 IIRC
  • edited April 2008
    Very nice with a version coming to the Wii. I'd like to join the support for optionally using the Nunchuck for movement. Often in the PC version have I sworn at the nicely moving camera which makes transitions from one side of a set to another smooth, but also at the same time make actually hitting the thing you want impossible till the camera stops moving. Nunchuck movement would at least mean you didn't suddenly end up doing through a door which just edged it's way into your field of view just as you click...those insidious doors. It's a conspiracy I tell you...that and the bermuda triangle.

    Since you're only really left clicking except to put away a held inventory item I could suggest the B button to open the inventory so you don't have to click the box to open it. It's neat to use a wiimote for point'n'click adventure games, but some things can get a bit hard to hit, and it's bound to be a bother when Sam starts walking left because you missed the box again.

    As for the wii cover. That has got to be a fake. Max should be holding a Wiimote instead of a bat as we all know how Nintendo frowns on violence, well did once anyway, look at the port of Maniac mansion if you want an example.
  • edited April 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    During Dan's interview on GameSpot, I was sitting on the floor playing the game. *On the Wii.* You can believe what you want, but I wouldn't lie about something like this. :D

    Other than the obvious Wii-ification (i.e. new interface, menus, etc.), no. Why mess with a good thing? :p

    I'm going to guess that the answer is "no" to this, too.

    :( It would be nice if they made season one widescreen friendly...
  • FloFlo
    edited April 2008
    :( It would be nice if they made season one widescreen friendly...
    I don't think Wii games are required to support widescreen. Though if the Wii version of Season 1 does include it, an update of the PC version would be great.

    IIRC it was mentioned that the requirement of checking and adjusting every camera angle for widescreen was the main reason why it wasn't implemented (along with some artwork glitches), so if that's being worked on for the Wii version, I would love to see the PC version updated as well. (Add in some deleted scenes/dialogs, call it a Director's Cut and I'd even pay for it again ;))
  • edited April 2008
    Flo wrote: »
    I don't think Wii games are required to support widescreen. Though if the Wii version of Season 1 does include it, an update of the PC version would be great.

    IIRC it was mentioned that the requirement of checking and adjusting every camera angle for widescreen was the main reason why it wasn't implemented (along with some artwork glitches), so if that's being worked on for the Wii version, I would love to see the PC version updated as well. (Add in some deleted scenes/dialogs, call it a Director's Cut and I'd even pay for it again ;))

    Yes, I know all of that from previous comments. I was just mainkg the comment that I would LIKE that....doesn't mean it is going to happen. Actually what would be nice is if it would work at widescreen resolutions, BUT would display as 1:1 (black bars on left and right).
  • edited April 2008
    The box is beautiful. I feel genuinely intimidated by Max.
  • edited April 2008
    xChri5x wrote: »
    I've never used a Wii before so I really don't know how well it works. I can see the cursor being extremely sensitive using the wii remote, but that's just based off the little knowledge I have on this. Hopefully it works out, because I'd love to play Sam & Max on my TV and not have to worry about my system overheating and video card crashing... blah blah.

    I have a Wii myself and I have to say it's a wonderfully responsive and easy-to-use system. That aside, I hope we get Season 2 on the Wii as well! Not to mention any later seasons if they happen to be made!
  • edited April 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »

    *cracks up with uncontrolable laughter*
  • edited April 2008
    Flo wrote: »
    I don't think Wii games are required to support widescreen. Though if the Wii version of Season 1 does include it, an update of the PC version would be great.;))

    Agreed a update to the pc version would be awesome.
  • edited April 2008
    i'm sorry but i have to ask, is a mac version still a possibility as well?
  • edited April 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    (The glitchy camera and Specs' opaque glasses being two of them.)
    Not just that, there seemed to be issues with transparent textures all around (i.e the hot dog case, the booze cabinet behind Bosco etc). Interestingly enough, said textures were usually grey, why were Spec's blue?
    DrakeFox wrote: »
    Max should be holding a Wiimote instead of a bat as we all know how Nintendo frowns on violence
    Nintendo's previous president, Hiroshi Yamauchi called. He wants his hyper-family-friendly version of the company back.

    In case you didn't get that obscure reference, Nintendo has (despite Microsoft and Sony fanboy propaganda) changed since the 80's, mostly since the introduction of Iwata as the new president. They no longer enforce strict censorship rules, you can have pretty much whatever you want, so long as it's not over an AO rating (which is the same for all consoles). Hell, the Resident Evil series were exclusive to the GameCube for a few years, and the remake Capcom did of the first one was even gorier. I actually find it surprising the Sony and Microsoft fanboys actually know about Nintendo's old censorship rules, I mean, what with them not being old enough to have been around in those days ;) Oh yes, before anyone asks, I actually own consoles from all three companies, though Nintendo has a soft spot in my heart :D
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    That box art and the August 31 release date are fake. (Which is not to say that it won't be released around that time, but we have not announced an official release date, nor have we designed the box.)

    All of the transparent stuff was glitchy for the same reason. It has something to do with alpha textures. Sybil's glasses were red. :p
  • edited April 2008
    And you said she looked like Stevie Wonder! If they were red, then she probably looked more Elton John. :p
  • edited May 2008

    The adventure company has a Wii Sam & Max page! (Well, not really)

    I bought a Wii last weekend (mainly for Strong Bad and Sam & Max) but I'm having trouble finding more point and click games. I already have Zack & Wiki (which I love!) but other than that there is only "Agatha Christie: And then there was none" which even though it's not thaaat appealing, I'm still going to hunt it down.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    Thanks, I hadn't seen that page yet. That's not what the box is going to look like. I've emailed them about it.
  • edited May 2008
    I want a Wii mainly for the Wii fit! It's sweeeeeeeeet.
  • edited May 2008
    Oh what's the release date? Cos I want to go ranting and raving about it at work. It's handy working at a games store.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    "early fall"

    Probably August or September.
  • edited May 2008
    Thank you! Is that internationally?
  • SegSeg
    edited May 2008
    Thank you! Is that internationally?

    North America, Europe, and Australia.
  • edited May 2008
    Sorry no Spiceworld.
  • edited May 2008
    Seg wrote: »
    North America, Europe, and Australia.

    Australia! Bonus! It will do very well on the Wii down here.. should make the top 10 for sure..if it goes out to all the stores.. guess it's time for me to buy a Wii then :)
  • edited May 2008
    Sorry no Spiceworld.

    Ah man. We always miss out on the good stuff. All we get is Victoria Beckham's latest flop.
  • edited May 2008
    Is the new box art on TAC's page the official box art?
  • edited May 2008

  • edited May 2008
    *sniff* i love you Telltale :)
  • edited May 2008
    Ooo, if that's the new one, what was the old one they had up before it?
  • edited May 2008
    My questions before weren't answered!

    Does the game support 480p, Dolby Pro Logic II? And what is the game's framerate?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    That box still isn't the final one but is very close.
  • edited May 2008
    My questions before weren't answered!

    Does the game support 480p, Dolby Pro Logic II? And what is the game's framerate?

    Wow. Settle down. We will release more info about the Wii version soon enough.
  • edited May 2008
    Wow. Settle down. We will release more info about the Wii version soon enough.

    Sorry if I sounded overly excited or rude, my apologies! :(

    And as for the box, how different is it from the one shown? I really like it, is the only difference a different background or something?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    The box isn't done yet. The one xChri5x posted above is a mock-up and the final will probably be similar to this.
  • edited May 2008
    Well even if its just a mock up I love that box cover.. If I saw that in a store it would grab my attention and I'd wonder what the game is about and why is there an excited dog and rabbit fully armed.
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