E2 Release Discussion:PC/Mac/PSN/XBLA/iOS/Kindle/Android out now;Vita/PS4/XOne:Nov 4 NA/Nov 7 EU



  • the last time it said IOS that same week it came out within a day of the pc/xbox release, so I am feeling pretty happy. also, if you remember with walking dead season 1 IOS was delayed 1-2 months, so maybe the four month delay means that IOS is ready now, instead of in a month. thanks, helpful delay.

  • Hahahaha… no :l


  • :D

    Pashok57 posted: »

    Or in Adam Harrington's voice

  • What do you mean "if"? Of course he's a pim… oh... wait… you meant the character in the game didn't you?

    What if Dave is the pimp?

  • harringtonvoharringtonvo Verified
    edited February 2014

    Amen Puzzlebox… amen. ;)

    puzzlebox posted: »

    We're working on assets for the rest of the switchout. It's Bigby's turn to shine for a bit. EDIT: Bam. Check it out!

  • Hey Adam! =3 Just wanted to say hi. Love your work, keep doing what you do!

    Amen Puzzlebox… amen.

  • Today's gonna be a long day.

  • edited February 2014

    Can't really remember what it was like with previous episodes of The Walking Dead. So, I assume Steam will likely update at around 6pm UK time? I believe game updates can be any time, but I'm assuming Telltale are treating this as a release. If it came be anytime, good luck me doing what I need to tomorrow. ;)

    On an off-topic note, seems The Walking Dead: Season 2, Episode 2 is coming soon. So, they may not be alternating at all in case people haven't caught that news yet.

  • edited February 2014

    Today's TTG twit

    The next chapter of #TheWalkingDead Season 2 is just around the corner.

    No questions about where their priorities lie atm.

  • Indeed, it's a shame if you think about it. In my opinion, TWAU has the potential to be better than TWD.

    interzoid posted: »

    Today's TTG twit The next chapter of #TheWalkingDead Season 2 is just around the corner. No questions about where their priorities lie atm.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I don't think its about giving TWD priority but to they want give people news that they are working on it so fans don't start raging like they have done for episode 2 of TWAU.

    Indeed, it's a shame if you think about it. In my opinion, TWAU has the potential to be better than TWD.

  • Anyone know what time my game will update for epsode 2 tommrow? My guess would be before noon maybe

  • edited February 2014

    I'd like to know this too for the PC version. Currently, I'm expecting it's likely going to update around 6pm UK time, as I reckon they'll treat it as a new game release. (If anyone remembers when updates hit for The Walking Dead)

    Anyone know what time my game will update for epsode 2 tommrow? My guess would be before noon maybe

  • I'm looking forward to Bluebeard's appearance, I have a feeling he'll be badass and one of the best characters.

  • I would rage!

    Web Head posted: »

    Don't have your hopes up guys, it will be released in March...

  • edited February 2014

    I was trying to post a pic. but nvm.

    SomGuye posted: »

    Today's gonna be a long day.

  • Oh my goodness. They released Walking Dead in DECEMBER! You remember December? As in that month that JUST PASTED? You'll get your Walking dead soon enough. Telltale loves you and wants to give you more Walking Dead but they have other needy children to feed first so just wait you turn!

    They give more time to the wolf among us its great game..but they also have to give more time to the walking dead season 2 i think may be they forget that the walking dead is one of their biggest project ever

  • Bluebeard alone is reason to get pumped. Bluebeard as voiced by Dave "Lee from Walking Dead" Fennoy? He's going to be insane!

    SonEdo posted: »

    I'm looking forward to Bluebeard's appearance, I have a feeling he'll be badass and one of the best characters.

  • edited February 2014

    I really wanted to respond to the reddit thread

    Why do you even feel the need to tell us that ? You're sounding like you're doing us a huge favor, it's actually annoying. Of course you'd post here first, if you didn't that would be a damn slap in our faces, why even bother have an official forum -sorry, community- then ?

    And believe it or not, some people don't give two sh-ts about reddit, period, and don't even understand why it's supposed to be worth of mentioning that you wanted to post there at all.

    Confirmed for being the factory of the shi--iest meme humor on the whole internet (le girlfriend - le fart - le poker face - le gf rage face - le troll face - le every single f-cking meme face ever badly drawn - you don't say ? LOL true story), yeah, what a great place.

    Now le redditors can le """"downvote"""" (eew) le me but I le said what I le wanted to le say

  • So you gotta hang on till tomorrow, come what may...

  • Will TTG tell exact time when ep2 be available?

  • edited February 2014

    you forgot the greatest Le monkey face xD

    Alt text

    have an upboat sir xd

    I really wanted to respond to the reddit thread Why do you even feel the need to tell us that ? You're sounding like you're doing us a

  • Tomorrow ;)

    Will TTG tell exact time when ep2 be available?

  • Yeah, thanks, my tomorrow will start in 2 hours and will continue for 24 hours more. This isnt what i want to know)

    vivec posted: »


  • I'm going to guess 6pm UK time for the PC (Steam). No idea about other platforms and I'm rubbish with time zones. Hope this helps somewhat at least.

    Yeah, thanks, my tomorrow will start in 2 hours and will continue for 24 hours more. This isnt what i want to know)

  • Playing this game on xbox was very painful. Stuttering ,long load times ,lagginess. Everyone who is playing this on xbox/ps3 should switch to pc. My computer is 7 years old and it runs this game butter smooth.

    Rob_K posted: »

    I'm going to guess 6pm UK time for the PC (Steam). No idea about other platforms and I'm rubbish with time zones. Hope this helps somewhat at least.

  • It better be, i don't want sitting all day long staring at my steam library.

    Rob_K posted: »

    I'm going to guess 6pm UK time for the PC (Steam). No idea about other platforms and I'm rubbish with time zones. Hope this helps somewhat at least.

  • Must be your own XBOX or something, because i am also playing on xbox and I am not having any lag, but to be honest the load times aren't exactly the quickest.

    vivec posted: »

    Playing this game on xbox was very painful. Stuttering ,long load times ,lagginess. Everyone who is playing this on xbox/ps3 should switch to pc. My computer is 7 years old and it runs this game butter smooth.

  • Yeah, that too :D

    mfw all they do is steal memes from more creative imageboards and use them over and over, while all their "OC" consists of existing pics shooped to look like drawings

    vivec posted: »

    you forgot the greatest Le monkey face xD have an upboat sir xd

  • It's 30mins after midnigth in Poland. I'm still wainting. Can't sleep :c

  • Go to sleep.

    Kryga303 posted: »

    It's 30mins after midnigth in Poland. I'm still wainting. Can't sleep :c

  • I will wait all nigt for a update for episode 2. steam please update now xD

  • Alt text

    Kryga303 posted: »

    It's 30mins after midnigth in Poland. I'm still wainting. Can't sleep :c

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    Our release dates are always in Pacific time, i.e. U.S. west coast. The episode is SUPER unlikely to release any earlier than 8am PST on Feb 4th. Right now it's 4:40pm on Feb 3rd here, so definitely get yourself some sleep tonight instead of waiting up!

  • I just watched some gameplay for the first episode and thought it was awesome!! I'd love to play the game myself. I have a Macbook Pro (laptop) without a mouse, but I can right click on the trackpad. Is that sufficient, or will I need to buy a mouse to play this game?


  • I've played the first episode on my Macbook with only the trackpad, so yeah, it's possible

    I just watched some gameplay for the first episode and thought it was awesome!! I'd love to play the game myself. I have a Macbook Pro (laptop

  • Yay! Thank you so much!! :D

    Sjejse posted: »

    I've played the first episode on my Macbook with only the trackpad, so yeah, it's possible

  • I do not think right clicking is required. In Telltale's older titles, you could optionally right click to skip dialogue, but they've since removed that for their newer, more story oriented titles.

    I just watched some gameplay for the first episode and thought it was awesome!! I'd love to play the game myself. I have a Macbook Pro (laptop

  • edited February 2014

    Usually, walking dead episode were release at 3h00pm EST (or 12 PST). I think we can supposed the same thing for wolf among us. Steam doesn't released games at midnight (they're some exception for super ultra popular games) because they said there isn't enough tech staff (at night) to solve problem if something real bad occured.

  • So, Kevin's update was spot on. The first week of February. Unfortunately, all my saves are on my XBOX so I have to wait one more day longer, lol.

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