Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • edited May 2014
    Your story's actually inspired me to write this with romance with Bigby and Snow also Gren as a main Villain after reading all your chapters just taught be funny to have him as a complete opposite type of person.

    What you think of this chapter do you like it I went a bit crazy with this chapter I hope all made sense to the reader lol also I want to thank you for taking the time to read it I know so long
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Shit Gren! Not you have peaked my interest and wish to know more! Poor Bigby! :(

  • Yep, you got me, I surrender. XD I believe I understand what you're trying to say though, haha.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    lol GOT YOU with Snow bit yeah that was inspired by the film Inception the Ellen Paige and Leo Di Caprio scene That was very deep that

  • I have method to my madness just I can just imagine you reading that section "facepalm" here we go again with Marks crazy stories you read enough to know to expect the unexpected XD

    Yep, you got me, I surrender. XD I believe I understand what you're trying to say though, haha.

  • edited May 2014
    Mmm-hmm, the capital words tend to bring out your insane side. :)
    Markd4547 posted: »

    I have method to my madness just I can just imagine you reading that section "facepalm" here we go again with Marks crazy stories you read enough to know to expect the unexpected XD

  • I'm a badass with caps lol usually just like to use them when a characters is shouting to really reinforce the message they are trying to get across making it stand out making the scene more tense

    Mmm-hmm, the capital words tend to bring out your insane side. :)

  • edited May 2014
    Part 32 Lyla Smith

    "Babysitting is fun...."

    NOTE: I have posted a link with several of the characters mentioned in the story. Try and take a guess on which is which. Again, sorry for the poor quality; my scanner took a shit and now, I'm forced to take pics of my work. :(

    Georgie and Lyla needed to get out; they had some alone time but since the birth of the quads, most of their 'alone time' was spent feeding, burping, changing or chasing down a baby. They were growing at a rapid pace; they babies were now able to sit up without help and move around on the floor for a few inches. Part of being both Fable and Folker; their capability to develop their cognitive skills were alarming and much faster then a mundy baby. Georgie and Lyla were now having to deal with four quickly developing babies. They both decided a date night would be their option.

    Lyla decided on Snow and Bigby. Snow had called her earlier to check on the babies and insisted that she and Bigby watch them. He, however, was not pleased; Bigby was terrible with children and he had a nasty habit of bad mouthing Georgie from time to time. It was a habit and last thing he needed was Junior to fling him around. Bigby was not in the mood to fly today.

    After a few arguments and Snow storming out of the Business office, Bigby agreed and the two were soon headed to the club.

    "Snow, next time, don't do this to me. I...I don't know how to handle these things!"

    "You mean babies, Bigby?"

    "And another thing! Why us-she has John, Nancy, her sisters. I might have even heard Henry or Hans in there..."

    "Relax, big guy. They are just four little babies. We have handled much bigger projects then this before. You will do great."

    She gave Bigby a pat on the shoulder; he sighed and the two continued till they reached the Pudding & Pie. Bigby knocked and without warning, there was a loud crash from within the club. They could hear Georgie yelling, Lyla's voice and a few little laughs. He already knew what was going on.

    "Wow. And you think this will be nothing, huh?"

    Nina, one of the dancers, opened the door. On her head was a bowl of pudding. Snow was trying to hold back the urge to laugh.

    "Oh, Bigby! Snow. We all had forgotten you two were coming over. You must be the one's watching the babies for Georgie and Lyla."

    She led them both inside and down the hall; the shadows on the end detected chaos. From what they could see, food, plates and bowls were being thrown around. The only concerned voice was Georgie; Lyla was now laughing.

    "Hm. Sounds like fun. Babies acting up?"

    "Oh, no. They have been little angels, well, most of them. Katie is our comedian; Penny, believe it or not, has been egging her on all morning. Swineheart was wrong about the girls' powers-"

    "Wait! They ALL have the same thing?"

    "No, no. So far, just Penny has it. She does it to make Katie laugh; Katie changes into a wolf and you know how bad wolve's table manners are-"

    Nina looked at Bigby, who did not find her comment ammusing. Nina ignored it and finally, they were in the lounge. Georgie had Penny and Junior in one hand, Katie and Emily in Lyla's hands. Above their heads, they noticed floating bowls of food. The entire time, the babies laughed; Junior seemed to be concerned. Bigby remembered what John had told him about the whole connection thing and assumed he was feeling what Georgie's emotions were-frustrated. Snow rushed to Lyla's side and took one of the babies. Katie thrashed in Snow's grip and began growling. Lyla reached over and flicked her on the nose. Bigby laughed; good times.

    "No! Bad puppy! We don't growl at your auntie Snow! I'm so you can see, its been a hectic morning-"

    Without warning, the bowls came crashing down. Bigby looked over at Georgie, who was now covered in food. Penny reached up, scooped some into her little hand and ate it. Junior continued looking at his father and laughed. Surprisingly, Georgie laughed; this shocked Bigby.

    "Oh, fuck. Hectic is still not the right word for all of this. Seems like little Miss Penny has the same thing as Junior, except now, when either of her siblings eggs her on or she laughs, this happens. Not all the time; just when she is REALLY happy."

    Snow laughed, grabbed a towel and gently cleaned Katie's face. The pup was now in human form and quickly began sucking on her thumb. Georgie and Lyla went upstairs to change, as Bigby and Snow watched the babies. Minutes later, they were ready. Lyla wore a red dress, while Georgie was in a black shirt and tie, black pants and boots. Bigby was shocked to see him without the trademark bowler hat. He walked over to Georgie and began rubbing it.

    "Remember, I get three wishes!"

    He and Georgie fell into a laugh. Lyla was happy to see them finally 'tolerating' each other.

    "Ok, ok, sheriff. We have to be going. Thank you so much."

    Lyla and Georgie gave each of the babies a kiss, got in Georgie's car and drove away. Snow waved them off and headed back inside the club. She walked in to four babies tackling Bigby; he was on the floor 'wrestling with the babies.

    "Snow, look! They are learning so quick!"

    "Just be easy with them, Bigby."

    Bigby continued wrestling on the ground; he was semi changed, which Katie took as something to play with. She quickly changed and within seconds, was yanking on his hair. Emily and Penny were jumping onto his back, while Junior sat directly on his stomach. He was laughing. Bigby to him was nothing more than a big teddy bear. Bigby grabbed all four babies and began running around the room. Katie continued pulling his hair with her teeth, Emily and Penny laughing. Suddenly, Junior was screaming; he was not having fun. Snow heard him and rushed over.

    "BIGBY, please! He's very sensitive..."

    She grabbed Junior and cuddled him close to her face. The boy reached out his hand and touched her cheeks. Snow smiled; Junior did the same. She was taken back by such beauty, the innocence the babies had. She hoped deep down inside, Fabletown would be good to them in the future. Katie finally turned back human and began crying; this sent the other two in a fit.

    "Oh, sounds like a couple of babies are hungry!"

    "Follow me, Bigby. Lyla left some milk for them in the kitchen."


    The four babies were sitting in their highchairs, drinking from their bottles. Every second or so, the kitchen would be filled with laughter. Bigby sat in front of them and played peek-a-boo. Snow sat back and watched him; so, he can't handle kids, huh? Katie and Penny were sent in a laughing fit; Emily sat back and seemed bored and didn't seem to be amused.

    "Aw, what's the matter, sweetie? Your sisters and brother think its funny!"

    Snow walked over to Emily and picked her up. She laughed; Emily had the same sour mug Georgie had when things were going to hell.

    "Oh man, this poor girl. Looks so much like daddy. I'm sorry."

    "What are you talking about, Snow. They ALL do except for little miss wolf cub over here! You remind me so much of your mommy when she was younger. Your papa, too! John was always so full of life and stubborn in his younger years."

    Snow rocked Emily back and forth. Bigby managed to pick up the other three and hold them in his arms. Katie snuggled closer to his chest; Junior and Penny fighting for the soft, warm spot on Bigby's arm.

    "I still have a hard time believing that Georgie Porgie is a father! A year ago, he was running this club without a care for anyone but himself. I always pictured him dying alone in this club-"

    Bigby quickly stopped and looked down at Junior. He was starting to glow. Bigby quickly apologized; last thing he needed was to be tossed around with babies in his arms. The glow quickly passed and Junior was fast asleep. Snow and Bigby placed them in their cribs and sat down for coffee.

    "So, Mr. I don't like kids. You seem to be doing wonders with them...."

    "Yeah, I guess all that practice years ago with John's girls really paid off. I used to HATE when he brought them to work, remember? Touching everything with their sticky little paws. Remember Crane when Gina peed on his chair and he thought a leash would help-"

    "Hm, yeah....I remember...."

    Snow and Bigby quickly fell silent; it had been so long since that incident. It didn't happen very long ago but the memories were still so fresh in their minds.

    "I guess so much has changed over these last few months, for all of us..."

    Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. This startled both Snow and Bigby.

    "Snow, are they expecting anyone?"


    "Where are Hans and Henry? Any dancers here beside Nina?"

    "Let...let me go check. Go ahead and answer it."

    As Snow headed to the back, Bigby walked to the front door. The knocks grew louder and echoed down the hall. All Bigby could think is whoever was behind the door was going to get it; there were sleeping babies and he didn't feel like dealing with four very cranky babies. He opened the door. Bigby froze when he saw him standing there.


    There, standing before Bigby, was Nate and Malcom. In his hand, he held a pen and papers.

    "Hello, Bigby. Might we come in for a little chit chat?"

    Bigby was ready to fight, even if that meant risking his own to save Georgie Porgie.
  • edited May 2014
    No, not 'not'! I meant to say NOW. Yeesh! I was typing that on my phone! :P Anyway, enough of my ranting....

    I love how you have taken the characters we all know and love and did the opposite. To me, those are always the best ones; they peak your interest and want to know more-or so, for me! I think so far, you have a brilliant idea. Run with it and have fun! Curious as to what will take place. :)
    Markd4547 posted: »

    Your story's actually inspired me to write this with romance with Bigby and Snow also Gren as a main Villain after reading all your chapters

  • So exciting love this a great read well done
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 32 Lyla Smith "Babysitting is fun...." NOTE: I have posted a link with several of the characters mentioned in the story. Try

  • I am balanar, the day walker, the night stalker. I am everybody's nightmare. Psyapsyarghhhhhhh.
  • I tremble with fear among your battle cry at the end, or whatever the hell that was. :P
    Web Head posted: »

    I am balanar, the day walker, the night stalker. I am everybody's nightmare. Psyapsyarghhhhhhh.

  • edited May 2014
    Part 33 Lyla Smith

    "....until he shows up"

    Georgie and Lyla sat in the corner, located to the back. They were dinning at the Elegant Swan, a VERY fancy restaurant located in the heart of Fabletown. It was a great cover up from the mundies. Usually Georgie didn't enjoy places like that; the whole shirt and tie thing was not his cup of tea but the misses seemed happy, so he learned to keep his mouth shut. Besides, it was something nice and they were spending time together.

    The first thirty minutes they waited for their meal; the conversations, however, always began with one of the quads. Lyla was starting to think all of the babies had some capability of a power; so far, Junior and Penny had it. One powered by love, the other by hurt and rage. Georgie was worried; this made him uneasy and he wasn't sure yet why. Lyla assured him it was nothing; his imagination was healthy but getting to him. When their meal arrived, Georgie was too busy picking at it.

    "Georgie. What's wrong?"

    "Don't you think it's fucking strange about their powers? A halfer has one....the fable has it-"

    "GEORGIE! What on earth is that supposed to mean?!"

    "Nothing-just forget about it...."

    Lyla reached her hand across the table, grabbed his and held it. She could see something was troubling him; Georgie had a terrible way of hiding it.

    "I...I don't know. Have this feeling something isn't perhaps, the Council is hoping the babies will turn on either us or each other and they can us them, like fucking weapons...."

    "My, you have a vivid imagination-"

    "LYLA! I'm fucking serious! Don't you think its strange that the FABLE baby and HALFER baby had the total opposite power to one another!?"

    As Georgie's voice rose, people in the restaurant looked their direction. Lyla knew he was frustrated; she was also hoping Junior was not picking up on his emotions. If so, Bigby and Snow were having fun trying to calm him down. She sighed.


    "You think I'm insane..."

    "Did I saw that? Look, I honestly think its the new father syndrome; you are getting used to all of this and every little thing they do or say, you panic! If the Council WAS doing that, they would wait for Kathrine, not Penny. SHE is the only wolf, remember? Why would they use either Penny or Emily? THEY are the Fables, dear. Just...relax, sweetie. They are fine."

    "You are right..."

    Georgie never wanted to admit it but she was the reason he was so sane this last year. He could have easily lifted this table and stormed out; not a care in the fucking world. But he had not only Lyla but four little mini Georgies (or, uh, 3 not counting Katie) at home waiting for him. He smiled; he wasn't going to let the Council ruin his day, so he quickly dropped the subject. Besides, Penny and Junior loved each other. Suddenly, Georgie noticed their waiter rushing to their table. In his hand, was the restaurant phone.

    "My apologies for the sudden interruption but there is a woman on the other end; she sounds frantic and says she needs you."

    Georgie took the phone and thanked the waiter. On the other end, was Snow.


    "Georgie! I need you and Lyla to come back! They are here-the Council is here-"

    Georgie didn't let her finish; that was all he needed. He gave the phone back, quickly paid and took off. Lyla followed behind. Georgie was now in his car, keys in the ignition and engines roaring. Lyla took her seat, as he drove away, peeling down the street. He was speeding at full speed, not saying a word. His stone, however, glowing bright red.

    "GERGIE! What is going on?! Are the babies ok?!"

    "I'm going to fucking kill them myself! Think they can pull this shit on me!"


    "They are at the club, Lyla! You're two most favorite fucking people in this shit fucking hole town! Oh, so what, since I'm not there they thought they could pull a fast one?!"

    Georgie turned the corner; wheels screeching and leaving a little trail of smoke behind. Lyla didn't say a word; all she was hoping as time was on their side and Bigby was the one there.


    Gren was taking a stroll down the block; he needed to clear his head and this seemed to be the right choice. He had his share of liquor; Holly was not stingy today and her generosity paid off for awhile. He was heading down to the club; maybe her could hang out there for a bit. And besides, he needed to see the babies; he too, loved them after all, even if they were Georgie's offspring. As he turned the corner, he could see Bigby yelling at two men. He recognized one of them as Nate. He immediately knew this was the Council and nothing good could come out of this. He quickly ran in that direction.

    "Look, Bigby. We are all on the same page here. We just want to document the babies ourselves. Come on, big guy. It was part of the deal-"

    "YOUR deal was to call ahead of time! I don't remember ever getting a call from either of you! And you wait until they are BOTH gone? Seems too coincidental, don't you think ?"

    Suddenly, Bigby noticed Gren, who was now by his side.

    "Uh, what are you doing here?"

    "Don't worry, Fido. I was heading this way anyway. Where is Lyla?"

    "She and Georgie went out. Snow and I are here watching the kids."

    Although he and Bigby didn't quite see eye to eye, he too was not a fan of the Council. Gren looked to the right and saw a car pull up into the alley. Her sister, Carla was the one to get out and run down to the front.Her long auburn hair following behind her caught Gren's eye.

    "What is all of this? What are you two doing here?"

    "Look, Carla. You know us-"

    "Yeah and I ALSO know you guys have knowledge of the rules as well. They are not home, so beat it!"

    "This doesn't concern you anyway, Carla. This is official Council business and you are but a simple human. You wouldn't understand-"

    "HEY! Watch what you say, Lassie...."

    Bigby and Nate were taken back by Gren's sudden remarks. He was starting to lose his patience and Carla could see it. Both his eyes were slowly changing to a milky color, his fingers very slowly turning into long, gray claws.

    "You Fables make me laugh. Don't worry yourself too much, Grendel. I may have to rip off your arm if you can't control yourself...."

    As Nate smiled, Bigby already prepared himself and within seconds, Gren was no longer glamoured but in his true form. Bigby slowly began turning. Carla stepped to the side as she watched this large massive creature tower over Nate. Malcom, like always, was hiding behind their car. He knew better then to mess with Grendels.

    "Rip off my arm, huh? I'll give you something to rip off-"

    Gren swung his giant hand at Nate in hopes of ending it with one swipe. Nate jumped up as the claws came swinging and laned back on his feet, now semi changed. He brought out his claws and was prepared to end this miserable creature's life. Only problem was standing beside him.

    "Bigby, Grendel-we DON'T have to do this. Just let me see those babies and everything will be fine..."

    "No deal, wolf...."

    Grendel lunged at Nate. Nate locked his jaws on his knee and sunk his teeth deeper into Gren's flesh. The beast howled out in pain and soon came crashing down into a car. He quickly limped towards Nate and swung again. When that failed, Gren lifted up a truck and tossed it at him. Nate dodged it in time, only to be ambushed by Bigby. The two wolves battled in the streets, Nate quickly pulled a light post out of the ground and swung it at Bigby. He managed to hit his chest, which knocked Bigby to the ground. He was quickly back on his feet.

    "That all you got, Nate? C'mon-I remember things so differently..."

    Nate tossed the light aside and soon, he and Bigby were at it, teeth to claws. Bigby lifted Nate over his shoulders and tossed him against the wall. Carla watched as Gren slowly made his way to Nate, grabbed his right foot and swung him against another car. Malcom frantically searched in the glovebox; he knew Nate had it in here. Crala noticed Snow in the doorway.

    "CARLA! Hurry! Get inside!"

    "Snow-oh my god, no! MALCOM!"

    In his hands, shaking like a leaf, Malcom held a pistol; he was aiming it at both Bigby and Gren. He pulled the trigger and the sound of the gun shot echoed in the streets. Nate backed up; no one was sure who got shot. Bigby looked down and didn't see a thing. However, Gren was hit Malcom managed to find the weak point in his body and just like that, he collapsed to the ground. They suddenly heard the reeving of an engine and noticed Georgie speeding quickly down the street. Malcom and Nate quickly got in heir car and sped off. Carla ran out into the street, followed by Georgie and Lyla.

    "SNOW! Call Swineheart-NOW!"

    As Snow ran back inside, Bigby rushed to Gren's side; his chest wound bleed profusely. He took off his shirt and covered the wound.

    "Stay with us, Gren. You can do this-you've pulled through worst...."

    All they could do was wait. Lyla prayed that time was on their side.
  • edited May 2014
    (smokes a Huff & Puff cigarette while exhaling smoothly)

    That some good sh** dragon lol

    I tremble with fear among your battle cry at the end, or whatever the hell that was. :P

  • edited May 2014
    ---- Continued, Part 2

    Curiously, I followed Bigby down the corridor after Snow who was walking even faster than before. Something was obviously wrong.

    Snow stopped to turn round and impatiently beckon us towards her.

    “Hurry up!” she snapped. As we anxiously approached her, she caught sight of me cowering behind Bigby. Her expression clouded. It seemed as if the whole atmosphere had suddenly formed icicles. I hung back, cowering behind Bigby and nibbling the skin around my fingers.

    “You’re not bringing her with us?” Snow hissed to Bigby as quietly as she could, but I still heard.

    “Well, I, uh-” Bigby stammered. “Is it that bad, Snow?”

    She wasn’t giving any details with me being there. Slowly and sorrowfully, she bent down and gave me a sorry look. Unlike other Fables, she’s never really had too much of a problem with me - I think she feels sad for me, actually, the fact that I was only a 'little girl' and I had no family.

    “I’m sorry, honey, but this is Fabletown business we’re attending to right now,” she told me softly. “We’ll talk to you later, okay?”

    “I’m not a little kid,” I said - though I was starting to feel a lot like one.

    “Of course you’re not,” she smiled. “But this is still no place for someone like you.”

    She got up and looked at Bigby. “Let’s go,” she said, and briskly swept off in her heels. Bigby shrugged at me, and went to catch up with her, leaving me alone in the Woodlands foyer. When they left, I wondered if I should go after him. It couldn’t be about me, could it? I hope not; I’ve been on my best behaviour so far, and since when Bigby helped me, there’s a glimmer of hope that shows I can control myself.

    Even so, I couldn’t help feeling curious about Snow’s dilemma. It’s probably going to bug me for weeks now.


    “Come on. Get up, you stupid little shit.”
    Cold fingers grabbed my wrist, digging their fingers in hard, and I barely had time to open my eyes as I was roughly dragged down the darkness and thrown into a room. I shivered with fear when I looked up and saw big black figures looming over me, sinsiter yellow eyes boring hungrily into my face.

    “Please let me go,” I whispered, but it came out as a timid little squeak. I was too small, too helpless to protect myself. All that I could do was lie there and let them run their crooked fingers down my body, slapping me hard if I so much as trembled. Tears ran down my face.

    "Now, now, dear," my captors whispered to me in their gravelly, raspy voices. "Be obedient now, or there will be consequences."

    He viciously squeezed my leg as he spoke, and shocking waves of pain bolted through my body. It hurt so much that I couldn't even wince.

    Out from the blurry vision, I could see one of my torturers going to get a knife. It was frighteningly long and sharp, stained with purple blood. My eyes widened. I started to struggle and flail, but my arms and legs were pinned down tight and I was as weak as my age.

    "Keep struggling," they smiled, their eyes alien-like. "It won't get you anywhere."

    The knife was brought closer and closer to my face, and I could feel it faintly brushing my cheek. Then they started to fumble with my clothes, and that's when my whole body started to feel static and my fingertips started to burn -

    "AARGGHHHH!" A blood-curdling scream let rip from my lips, an excruciating noise that could shatter a thousand windows. Flames lit all around me, hissing and sizzling and burning, burning, burning. I slowly leaned up, feeling more stronger than I felt. My captors slowly stepped back. I turned towards them, to the sick monsters than have kept me as their prisoner all these years, and brought my hand out towards them. The yells of pain rang out like bird songs in my ears. I just wanted them to die, to suffer like I've suffered, to turn them into ashes on the ground -

    "Lehava! Stop!"

    I was violently taken back to reality and when my eyes opened, it took me a second to realize where I was. My hands were strangely numb.

    ---- More to come. Sorry, I kind of rushed it.
  • Uh-huh, it definitely is, that's why I smoke it every day! XD Must be something in the nicotine.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    (smokes a Huff & Puff cigarette while exhaling smoothly) That some good sh** dragon lol

  • Oooo, really tense scene with the torturers and all! Awesome second part, she-wolf! :) Can't wait to see more!
    she-wolf_x1 posted: »

    ---- Continued, Part 2 Curiously, I followed Bigby down the corridor after Snow who was walking even faster than before. Something w

  • Ahhh, Gren! You're too much of a drunkard to die on us!
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 33 Lyla Smith "....until he shows up" Georgie and Lyla sat in the corner, located to the back. They were dinning at the Elega

  • I forget to ask what think of part 2 of my crime mysery?

    Uh-huh, it definitely is, that's why I smoke it every day! XD Must be something in the nicotine.

  • That was intense and so sad poor Gren he may be a evil villain to me but still :'( SAVE HIM please awesome chapter
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 33 Lyla Smith "....until he shows up" Georgie and Lyla sat in the corner, located to the back. They were dinning at the Elega

  • It was really good! I read it earlier this morning. You've made Gren such a sneaky Fable, considering the fact that he's a hulking titan.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    I forget to ask what think of part 2 of my crime mysery?

  • AAAAAAH only a dream thank god damn that was excellent and I need more so good
    she-wolf_x1 posted: »

    ---- Continued, Part 2 Curiously, I followed Bigby down the corridor after Snow who was walking even faster than before. Something w

  • edited May 2014
    All my story's Gren's main villain I don't know why just started that after played ep:1 because I loved the tension between Bigby and Gren and the fact he hates fabletown as he feels Bigby only serves the rich in ep: 1 more a tribute because I like his character.

    Thanks for the feedback the next chapter most likely the final chapter won't be for a few days as if you read anymore stories I'm sure your head would explode lol

    It was really good! I read it earlier this morning. You've made Gren such a sneaky Fable, considering the fact that he's a hulking titan.

  • edited May 2014
    Part 33 Lyla Smith


    'Life is an insane ride; you don't know what's going to happen. Nothing is guaranteed but hang on and enjoy.'

    Swinheart was finishing up the stitches on Gren's chest. All morning everyone was on edge as they watched the doctor frantically try and piece back the giant beast. Both Malcom and Nate were long gone. Bigby contacted John, who immediately went down to the Council. Carl, another member of the organization, claims neither one of them had been back all morning. John refused to waste his time and returned back to the club. Within an hour, Gren was up and walking around; nothing more than a glass full of whiskey to heal the pain.

    "Well, Gren. I'd say luck has been your good friend these last few months. The guns, not so much. TRY and stay out of trouble, if you can."

    "I'll try but seems no matter these I right, doc?"

    Gren took a seat at the bar. Why he was here, he still had no idea. Why did he even bother trying to save them? He was still trying to figure that out. Swinheart gave him a pat on the back, thanked everyone and left. He told both Georgie and Lyla he would be back in the morning and left. Lyla walked over to Gren and hugged him.

    "Thank you, Gren. Sorry you had to deal with the Council."

    "Well, it was nothing. Hate those flea bags just as much as you....let me finish this and I will go..."

    Lyla hugged him one more and left. Carla, however was curious; who was this strange, tall dark and handsome man that helped save her nieces and nephew? Carla had heard of her sisters talking about a guy, who mysteriously showed up one day. Was this him? She took a seat next to him. There was an awkward silence between them. Carla was miss social butterfly; it was very easy for her to walk into a crowd of strangers and leave with friends. Gren, however would rather be alone. He was used to it. Now, he had this woman sitting beside him, grinning from ear to ear. He was annoyed.

    "Uh...yes? The fuck are you looking at?"

    "Wow. Uh, ok that was a bump but that's ok! I don't mind bumps! They are fun!"

    Gren rolled his eyes. The hell was she gripping about now?He continued to drink his whiskey. He noticed Carla getting awfully close to him. Gren was kind of a claustrophobic guy; he needed his space and didn't like too many people around him. Everyone at the Trip Trap knew this; this was the reason no one sat too close to him. Gren pulled his stool to the right and sat a little bit further from Carla. She was getting frustrated.

    "Okay, I get it. No biggie. I just wanted to thank you for helping..."

    Carla gently touched his arm and walked away. Something overcame Gren's body; he was suddenly flooded with emotions he thought were lost months ago. The air was quickly smelling like a fresh cut bouquet of flowers. Gren sniffed the air and followed the sweet smell. He noticed it was a trail following Carla. What the hell is going on, he thought. What is this? He watched her make a stop at Bigby, who was holding Penny and Katie.

    "Thank you, Sheriff. I'm not sure what I would have done if I was the one here. I can't believe those guys. Well, I mean-"

    "Don't worry about it. Just glad these little guys are ok."

    Bigby cuddled the girls close to his face; he had not had a shave in awhile and his stubble tickled Penny, causing her into a laughing fit. Katie was too preoccupied by her aunt Carla's shiny earrings. Snow held Junior, while John tried holding Emily. She was very antsy and wouldn't hold still. John finally placed her under his armpit and like a heavy bag of dog food, carried her around like so.

    "Hey Junior. Can papa touch you or are you going to toss him around again?"

    Junior laughed as John poked his nose. Despite what took place, he couldn't be mad. He was only doing what he knew; he didn't know any better.

    "I'm just surprised the Council is taking such risks with this. We are holding our end of the deal; we have a year, like we BOTH agreed to watch the babies and make sure they are nothing but healthy, happy, well-rounded babies. Now, they seem so desperate to prove they are monsters; almost like they know something and want to prove it...."

    "Well, I already fucking told them; you told them, Bigby-EVERYONE! I don't want those fuckers in ma' club when I'm not here!"

    "Did he have anything with him, Bigby?"

    "The usual. Papers. Like him flashing those around would change my mind."

    The girls were now sleeping his his arms. Bigby, Snow and John made there way to the kids' room. They had a very busy day and needed to rest. As they walked away, Carla was stopped by Gren. He had a grin on his face and Carla was suddenly taken back. Not too long ago, he was giving her an attitude, like she was wasting him time.

    "I take it the whiskey is kicking in, Mr. Grendel?"

    "Please, no Mr. That was my father. Just Gren....look, about earlier-"

    "Save it. No problem. Well, if you will excuse me, I have things to do with Lyla."

    "WAIT! Before you do, I have a question! Do you like Japanese food?"

    Carla knew what this was; she remembered who he was now. Carla had heard Lyla and Mary talking about him in the past. She was not interested in playing nurse.

    "Look, Gren. You seem like a, uh, charming man. Really, you do. But, you see-"

    "Just one night and if you don't like it, I will never bother you again! How about, tonight at 7?"

    Carla wasn't too sure but she figured dinner tonight could help clear up some questions she needed answered. She agreed and after they exchanged information, Gren was out the door.

    "Pick you up at 7?"

    Carla nodded and soon, he was out the door. Hans minutes later stood by her side, holding a bottle and some medication.

    "Where did Gren go? Georgie said Swineheart gave him these to take for the pain...."

    Carla didn't seem to know Hans was there and she turned to head in Lyla's direction. Was she being selfish towards Gren to please her own curiosity? Was she really interested in Gren? As he walked down the sidewalk, Gren thought the same thing. Maybe it was never Lyla he was meant to have; his voodoo priest never specified to him WHO she was. All he said was the name 'Smith.' After watching Lyla fall into the arms of Georgie, he assumed this wasn't the right Smiths, so he ignored it all completely and moved on. Jack was actually the one that brought it to his attention the other day. He assumed Jack was just well, being Jack-a jerk.

    The smell from earlier, though. That WAS something Lyla didn't have; Grendels found mates through the smells. If they were sweet, like Carla's was, it was a good sign. She was human, so her ability to smell the sweetness was zero to none. He still imagined her face, if she had the ability to. all he knew was tonight. Gren hoped he wasn't wrong. He couldn't handle another disappointment. Luck runs out eventually.


    Malcom and Nate were parked in Central Park; they were worried John would be asking questions and all they needed was him coming after them. Malcom remembered how his temper used to be long before he was married with kids. John and Bigby were notorious for handling their business, even if it meant 'bending' the rules.

    "Nate, we can't keep doing this! They are going to tell Carl and you know what will happen? The same fucking shit that happened to David!"

    Nate slapped Malcom in the face; he was panicking and it was clouding his thoughts.

    "Shut the fuck up, Malcom! I KNOW about all of that shit, okay!? They are hiding something from us. I just KNOW it! YOU even saw what Vermilda showed us in the crystal ball, did you not?!"

    "But, Nate! Vermilda has been known to have wrong answers. How do we know she is right about the babie's fates?"

    "Because Vermilda now has the help of a wonderful friend of Georgie. Stupid Fable has no idea what's coming and if her sources are right, Vermilda was able to pull up those disgusting halfer's futures and show us everything. I will bring them down, Malcom! John won't even know its coming...him or that stupid waste of time Bigby. Bring them ALL down...Fables in MY world..."

    Nate began laughing, which made people stop to stare. It was a risk, yes but Nate loved taking them and if it was a way to bring down the Fables and all Halfers alike, he was willing to take a giant leap of faith. Malcom just wasn't too sure if he would be there to catch him, should he fall.
  • Excellent another great chapter
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 33 Lyla Smith "Happen" 'Life is an insane ride; you don't know what's going to happen. Nothing is guaranteed but hang on and

  • edited May 2014
    Part 34 Lyla Smith


    Lyla woke up to the sound of babies crying. She rushed out of bed and down the stairs. It was dark and very quiet; she looked around and didn't see anyone. Why on earth were the babies alone downstairs? She didn't put much thought into and continued towards their cries. as she walked down the hall, she noticed red stains up and down the walls; the puddles grew larger as she walked into the lounge. What she witnessed was unbelievable; Henry and Hans were tied up on stage, one on each end.

    Lyla rushed over to their side and frantically tried untying them. Henry and Hans were both gagged.

    'What the hell happened to you two?! Where is Georgie and the kids?!"

    As Lyla managed to free Henry, she noticed it-they both had severe cuts in their lower abdomen. She tried to hold back the blood but watched as Henry's life slowly escaped his eyes.She looked over at Hans and noticed he was gone.


    "HENRY! HENRY! Where are they?! HENRY!!!"


    He was gone. She placed his lifeless body next to Hans. Lyla turned around and found Nate. In his hands, he held Emil and Katie.

    "Give me my babies, Nate! Where are the other two!? WHERE ARE THEY!?"

    The girls began crying. She tried grabbing them but stopped in her tracks when she saw him; Malcom held the other two. Beside him, stood Vivian. She now had a loaded gun at Junior's head.


    "Uh uh, Lyla. I'd choose your next moves VERY carefully. You see, if I don't like what you do, your baby will be nothing more than a lifeless bob-ALL OF THEM!"

    "Ok, ok, just please...."

    Malcom and Nate laughed; the babies continued to cry.

    "Oh, Lyla. You are too STUPID for your own good! I see you looking at Junior. Oh, what a precious gift from hell....Bet you are wondering why he can't do that glowing thing, huh? Well, we took care of that. Seems Vermillda knows so much more than we thought. Just a drop of this stuff and his powers are gone-POOF! Just like that..."

    "Don't you hurt them, Nate! Don't you hurt my babies!"

    "Oh, like those two over there?"

    Lyla didn't want to look; she couldn't. Knowing that behind her, the lifeless bodies of her friends were still there. Vivian walked behind Lyla and pointed the gun directly into the back of her head. She pushed against her, which cause Lyla to fall. she looked up and watched as Malcom cradled Katie and Junior.

    "Malcom-don't do this! Please! My father will find out and as soon as he-"

    Lyla watched in horror as Nate brought out her father and Georgie; both were chained and thrown to the floor. She watched as Nate walked behind her father, grab his neck and point the gun at his head.

    "Oh, you mean THIS John! Go ahead, John-do what you know best! Go ahead-STOP ME!"

    He jabbed the gun into his head; John tried avoiding the blows but was unsuccessful. He looked at Lyla; she was now in tears and trying so hard to look away. She couldn't....Meanwhile, Georgie focused his attention on the babies; Vivian was now holding junior. He was screaming, as she held him close to her chest. Vivian noticed Georgie watching her; she walked slowly up to him.

    "Now, now, Georgie. You have a fine son here. Too fucking bad its not mine, you fucker! We could have had something! Instead, you fucked her!"

    Vivian quickly turned around and slapped Lyla. Georgie tried moving towards her, pulling at the chains that held him back. Lyla rolled her eyes, gave Nate a signal and he shot John in the head. The mighty man fell to the ground and ended in a pile of blood. Lyla screamed and ran towards her dead father but was stopped by Vivan. She now had her gun aimed at Junior.

    "TRY me, bitch! You don't think I will do it..."

    She cocked the gun and fell into a laughing fit. Lyla quickly came to a halt.

    "That's much better. Sorry about your father...he was a good man. The good ones always leave too soon."

    She walked passed his body.

    "Pfft. Piece of shit Folker. You people need to know your place..."

    Lyla wanted to change so bad; she wanted to tear everyone apart in this club. But she couldn't risk it, especially with all of them armed and holding her babies.

    "Vivian, please. You don't have to do this! I'm sorry about you and Georgie! But, he was single and-"

    "This was MY club, bitch! You wiggled your tits and batted your eyelids and the asshole falls head over heals. I TRY my hardest to make him mine; to HAVE his babies, to BE married but you took that from me! You took ALL of this from me!"

    Without warning, she pulled the trigger and shot Emily and Katie in the head; Lyla charged at Vivian. Georgie continued struggling to free himself, tears now streaming down his eyes. He watched as Nate dropped the girls to the floor.

    "Sorry, Georgie. Katie would have made a GREAT addition in the Folker community but you know, she was tainted with Fable blood...."

    Vivian turned around, smiled, cocked the gun and pulled the trigger. This time, she shot Penny and Junior. Malcom dropped the babies, just as Lyla caught them. She screamed in agony as she held her lifeless babies.

    "oops. Must have didn't deserve them anyway, you nasty Folker. Mixing your blood with our own..."

    "You, you monsters! ALL OF YOU! you killed my babies! MY BABIES!"

    My babies, my babies! wow, Lyla. You are dramatic...its called sacrifices, dear. We all made sacrifices-I MADE SACRIFICES!!!"

    Vivian pulled out a knife from her belt and held it to Georgie's neck. He struggled against her grip. The entire time, he watched her mouth 'I love you.' He had failed her...failed them all. He looked around the club one last time: his dead friends and babies scattered on the floor in pools of blood. With one quick swipe, Vivian sliced open his neck, blood pouring out like water. His mind slowly vanishing, the sounds of Lyla's anguish screams fading fast. His eyes were closed and his body fell to the floor. Malcom released Lyla, she she crawled to Georgie. She held him in her arms; she gathered all the babies and held them close to her chest. She never noticed Vivian behind her. It didn't matter anymore; she already lost everything dear to her.

    "This was fun, Lyla. so sad we had to end it...see you in hell...."

    Vivian pulled the trigger and a loud gun shot was heard.

    Lyla screamed, as she quickly pulled herself up from the bed. Georgie was startled and fell to the floor. He watched as Lyla ran from the room and towards the quads; all four of them, sound asleep. He walked behind her. She was in tears.

    "Lyla! Lyla..."

    "I had the most terrible nightmare, Georgie! She was here! They were all here!"


    "They killed them, Georgie...I SAW them kill Henry, Hans, my father...the babies, you...."

    Georgie held her close to his chest and rocked her; he began humming. Lyla closed her eyes and tried erasing the terrible images.

    "Sweetie, it was a dream. They are ok...we are ok. no one will ever take them from us...."

    Normally, the quads stayed in their own crib but that night, Lyla wanted all of them in bed. Georgie didn't argue and throughout the night, the six of them shared a bed. Georgie held her and the babies close to him that night. Although Lyla never fell back asleep, she just wanted them close. something told her this was just the beginning.
  • edited May 2014
    You know what? I'm in, this sounds like fun.

    I have ancestry in Scotland. As in my mom's grandad was from Scotland, I don't really know anybody else or any further back. So it works for me to have a European Fable origin. And it's pretty short.

    **Origin** Bigby has a few brothers in Europe somewhere who have caved in to their beast side. The branch-off in my ancestry, and potential branch-off from the Fable canon, is that one of those said brothers used to waylay women and savage them during the time before he gave fully to the beast within, when it became simply killing and eating. One such rape survivor gave birth to a child that had inherited the beast blood of the Fable half.

    **Powers Explained** The presence of the Mundane heritage within conflicted with the Fable heritage, resulting in a lack of control over the beast transformation. Only when under enough moonlight, at least the gibbous phases(when the moon is three-quarters shown), could the Mundy-Fable willfully transform, being unable to transform into wolf form at any other time.

    A full moon, however, provided too much light all at once for the pseudo-werewolf to control transformation, forcing the wolf half out arbitrarily. That same person was one of the Fables who fled during the Exile with her then Mundy husband and son.

    **From Mother to Son** Grandma's name: Isla. She was a Mundy Scot. Mother's name: Catriona. Mundy father's name: Belden. Catriona was routed for suspicion of consorting with demons/monsters and/or being one herself, and traveled to France. The Fables wouldn't be seen with her, and Mundies definitely wouldn't have her if they found out what she was. During her time on the road she learned how to suppress her beast side and how to hide when it came out on its own. She met Belden in France, and hid her true nature from him while they courted. Eventually he found out, but he gave her a free pass because he loved her. They had me in France and Catriona gave me a Scottish name: Tod. From there, we traveled to England after a few years at Belden's wishes. After learning English, he wished to travel again, this time to the States across the Atlantic. In the state of New York, we were discovered and, basically, "captured" and thrown into the Farm.

    **Fabletown Blues** So I'm that kid all grown-up, but I'm much younger than most Fables, and my mother is much older than both me and my Mundy father, who is in his late 40's. I'm allowed residence in Fabletown due to my ability to control my transformations, but I live like every other Fable without power or wealth, and I'm looked down upon especially because my father was a Mundy. Whether on the Farm or in Fabletown, the Woodlands carried out an unrelated and nonnegotiable order to have everything related to the existence of Fables be wiped from his mind with magic, leaving behind a loving wife in his memories whom he now believes, in addition to his son, has a unique case of Selenophobia(fear of the moon).

    Because I work as an overnight stocker for a department store, I have to time the dates I can't work with nights of the full moon. Later on, Dr. Swineheart fashioned a psychiatric report diagnosing me with said moon phobia, so getting out of going to work on full moon nights was no longer an issue.

    Because of the nature of my origin, I don't have a unique story, I'm just one of the Fables who don't, and I fall under the category of werewolf. By the way, Bigby does have brothers, and that stigma of having relations with a Mundy must be a thing because Mundies are looked down on as inferior and Fables don't like associating with them. I did my research. I also went with a female "werewolf" mother to subvert a trope or trend of werewolves is male. And Bigby's my great uncle!

    I might make a character arc, but it won't be a Fable story, that's basically summed up as "werewolves exist". I'll worry about the powers later, and while they'll be the same as some of what Bigby's are, they won't be as crazy awesome.
  • Love this we need more please
    Hbh128 posted: »

    You know what? I'm in, this sounds like fun. I have ancestry in Scotland. As in my mom's grandad was from Scotland, I don't really know

  • Interesting!
    Hbh128 posted: »

    You know what? I'm in, this sounds like fun. I have ancestry in Scotland. As in my mom's grandad was from Scotland, I don't really know

  • edited May 2014
    Part 35 Lyla Smith


    Carla never met Gren up for dinner. It was a good thing she didn't go. After the horrible nightmare encountered, she knew she made a wise decision. Georgie agreed to allow Carla a room at the club. She had become a live in nanny for the babies while she finished he studies. Carla heard her sister's horrific screams and desperately tried to assure everything would be fine. When the sun was right above the ocean, Carla was on the phone with Lola. She explained the scenario and what took place. As she hung up the phone, minutes later Lola was at the club. In her hand she held a large sheep skinned bag and in her other, a rather large strange object; it was an oval shaped item with Eagle feathers and tiny hallowed out Turtle shells dangling from the top.

    Georgie, Lyla and Carla were surprised to see her here unannounced.

    "Lola, what is going on-"

    "SSHH! There is evil surrounding dis club! I know dis magic; it's no good ta' ya'!"

    Lola reached into the sheep skinned bag, pulled out a handful and blew purple looking dust around the corners of the club. She took the oval object and circled three times around the treated ares. As she did this, she began chanting ancient. Lola finished and followed her as she made her way behind the club and in the alley. She repeated these steps, never breaking concentration. Lola was soon on the move but this time, heading inside the club. Again, everyone followed her. Henry and Hans were now awake and having a conversation by the bar. This ended fairly quickly when they saw the fragile Voodoo Priestess 'cleansing' areas in the club.

    "Uh, what the hell is this? Seriously, Georgie! Look, I know you guys are worried and all but don't you think using magic will-"

    Lola may have been tiny but her strength was no laughing matter. She took the sheep skinned bag and swung it hard enough into the side of Henry's head. Maybe that would knock some since into that very stubborn wolf, she thought.

    "OUCH! The hell, woman!? Fuck, Georgie! She's insane!"

    "Boy, I know ya' mammy taught ya' betta din' dat, ya' silly little man! There be some evil magic in dis' place-I feel the presence off the work belonging ta' dat boy Nate...his finger prints are all over dis...."

    "That would explain the sudden nightmare I had..."

    Georgie brought down the babies, thanks to Carla's help. Lola wanted to bless them; create a 'shield' over their bodies and minds, so the evil could not enter their bodies and souls. She took some more of the powder, poured some clear liquid and as the mixture was wet, marked each of the babies' foreheads. The mixture glowed a light purple and then was quickly absorbed into their skin.

    "Dis mixture was made from a very old, rare ancient plant. It helps da' babies from her until da day of der' death. Ya' club had an evil presence; I could feel dat beast da minute I walked up ta da club."

    "Great. Now the Council is playing dirty. Shit....well, so could we. I will let my father and Bigby know. Thank you, Lola."

    As Georgie thanked Lola and walked the older lady to the door, Carla and Lyla placed the babies in the play pin and sat on the couch. She was baffled and was having a hard time understanding all of this. Carla brought coffee and a Blueberry muffin.

    "You should eat, sis."

    "I can't believe this! Well, I can but to leave a mark on this club for everything evil and damaging to enter and do this shit!?"

    "People will do anything when they are desperate, Lyla."

    The club phone began ringing. Lyla looked over to see Hans answering the phone.

    "The hell is calling at this hour?"

    "Dad maybe...."

    Hans began walking over to the women sitting on the couch and stopped beside Carla. He held the phone near his chest, trying to cover the mouth piece.

    "Uh, Carla. Sorry to interrupt your conversation but there is someone on the phone for you. It's that funny looking fella-Gren."

    Her heart stopped beating; she couldn't believe he actually was trying to contact her. She looked over at Lyla, who didn't seem too pleased. Carla felt foolish and took the phone from Hans and thanked him. Every excuse played in her mind; not like she was LYING. Something HAD come up and she needed to be with her sister. But a nightmare? Fuck....


    Gren didn't sound angry, just extremely disappointed.

    "Look, Carla. If you're not seriously interested, that is fine. I can handle it; trust me, I can. But to stand me up?! I sat there, for almost TWO hours for you and when the restaurant was slowly cleaning up for the night, I figured you wouldn't come..."


    Lyla was not happy at all. Yes, she did what she did months ago put all of that was an accident; Carla knew what she did.

    "Well, uh-you never came and picked me up! You said you-"

    "YOU called and said you would meet me there! Remember?! I asked you, are you sure, and you said yeah! YOU told me you had to study for a class or whatever and I said okay, see you there!!!!"

    That was right, Carla thought. She had called him after he had left and told him that story. Now she was feeling very disgusted with herself; this was not like her and she couldn't find an excuse.


    "Look, Carla. Just, forget it...sorry I even called..."

    "WAIT! Uh, look. I don't know, well, want to grab a coffee and walk around the city? There is a park just a few blocks from the club.."

    There was silence; he had not hung up. Carla could hear him breathing. Finally, Gren answered.

    "See you in ten..."

    There was a click and the phone was dead. She pushed the end button and looked up at Lyla; she was not amused with her sister and was having a hard time comprehending her sister's actions.

    "Really, Carla?"

    Carla got up and without a word, went into the bathroom to get ready. As she finished, Lyla was standing by the door and with a quick swipe, knocked Carla in the back of the head. This caused Penny and Emily to laugh.

    "You're Aunt Carla needs some sense knocked into her, girls. She's sorry and won't do it again, RIGHT CARLA?!"

    Carla stuck her tongue out, grabbed her purse and was soon walking down the sidewalk. Her heart was pounding so quickly against her chest. Butterflies? Anxiety? Carla just swallowed her pride and carried on. It was just Gren; what could go wrong?
  • I think you've managed to switch from physical action to psychological drama really well, and it's just as gripping.
    Also, your chapter title sounds like a great late 1940s noir film.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    THE LIE AMONG US Chapter 2 THE KILLER GUESS Bigby was alone in the forest he had no one to turn to years spent protecting the fab

  • Great twist, leaves you wanting to know what's going on!
    she-wolf_x1 posted: »

    ---- Continued, Part 2 Curiously, I followed Bigby down the corridor after Snow who was walking even faster than before. Something w

  • Clearly thought out and with some very interesting anti-cliches. I'm not sure what the term for the opposite of a cliche would be.
    Hbh128 posted: »

    You know what? I'm in, this sounds like fun. I have ancestry in Scotland. As in my mom's grandad was from Scotland, I don't really know

  • edited May 2014
    Thank you so much for not just taking the time to read it but leaving a review to. Yeah when I went for more psychology over action it's always dangerous ground for me but felt all the twists will keep the reader entertained as the reader slowly unravels the mystery. I'm proudest of Gren unveil when learn about his plan full of psychology. Anyway thanks and can't wait for the next part of your story
    LupineNoir posted: »

    I think you've managed to switch from physical action to psychological drama really well, and it's just as gripping. Also, your chapter title sounds like a great late 1940s noir film.

  • Definitely didn't see Gren coming like that, and the twists ramp up the tension. The way Gren is here is so different from pudding_pie's work - loving the mix of ideas. I've done a bit more on mine and I'm thinking of something for you TWD story thread, however it's hard finding time for reading it all never mind writing. Oh well :P
    Markd4547 posted: »

    Thank you so much for not just taking the time to read it but leaving a review to. Yeah when I went for more psychology over action it's alw

  • edited May 2014
    Thanks and your always welcome when you have the time. Perfection takes time I understand Lupine I can't wait for your story here
    LupineNoir posted: »

    Definitely didn't see Gren coming like that, and the twists ramp up the tension. The way Gren is here is so different from pudding_pie's wor

  • edited May 2014
    Part 36 Lyla Smith

    "Second times a charm"

    Carla took a seat at a table. In her hand, she clutched her hot chocolate. The wind blew lightly through the trees and picked up leaves and debris. She watched closely to the bust quickly making their way through the city. Half of them on their phone, the other half inhaling their. She almost laughed when she watched a business man talking on his phone, not realizing a large amount of mustard that had fallen on his tie.

    "These mundies crack me up..."

    Carla turned around and found Gren standing behind her. In his hand, he held a large coffee. He was wearing a scarf and large jacket. Carla realized she probably should have brought one; the wind was quickly picking up.

    "Why? I'm a mundy.."

    "Heh. I stand by my first comment. You guys crack me up. Its always rush here, avoid this, yell at that-"

    "Oh, and you Fables are so patient and willing to take the time?"

    Gren chuckled. He noticed Carla struggling to keep her back and the goosebumps forming on her arms. He sighed and took off his jacket. He wrapped it around her shoulders. Carla was lost for words.

    "You gave me your jacket? Won't you be cold..."

    "Nah. I'll be alright. Besides, look like you could use it more than I do..."

    Carla and Gren began making their rounds on the city. Carla couldn't remember the last time she took a simple walk in the city. The only time she was in the concrete jungle was for a pair of shoes or school. Now that she lived at the club with her sister, trips to the inner city would be more frequent. Gren, however, hated the city; he often recalled his childhood in the middle of the forest. But he had no choice and like everyone else, took their anger and frustrations out on something else. His choice of medication-alcohol. The sight of Carla's face erased all the bad thoughts the moment he turned and looked at her.

    She was in love with the city at that very moment. The air was clean and crisp; despite the noise of traffic, she could hear musical instruments. People were playing them on the street corners and as she stood to listen, Gren tossed in a few bucks. It was the least he could do. She was at every window looking in. There was so much beauty displayed for people walking by could see. within seconds, she was gone and made her way to the park. Gren had a hard time keeping up with her and for a moment, lost sight of her. But her sweet smell caught his nose and within seconds, found her sitting in the swings, sipping her coffee. Gren took the swing next to her. From a distant, he could hear birds and more music. Carla had her eye on children playing on the jungle gym. She smiled.

    "I just love kids. Look at them; not a care in the world. This is an ugly world and yet, all they see is a big world to play and have adventures. I used to do that when I was a kid."

    "Yeah. Kids are...they are something...."

    "There are times I go back when I close my eyes. I picture my sisters and I playing on swings like this. I remember one time we were playing Barbies and I accidentally lost one of Gina's favorite ones."

    "Least it wasn't Mary, right? She seems like a real stick in the mud."

    "She has always been like that. Business comes first; play time was meant for the stupid and little. I can't tell you how many birthdays and anniversaries she has missed out on. Lost count after my 17th birthday....I don't know. Maybe I CAN see the world through rose colored glasses."

    "Well, we could use more people like you..."

    Gren took a sip from his coffee and as he finished, tossed it in the direction of the trash can. Carla began rocking back and forth, causing the swing to move front and back. Gren watched as Carla became instantly amused. Her laughter filled the air; the most pleasant sound in this dark, shit town. He just watched as her long auburn hair flowed gently with her motions. All the while, her smell growing stronger, causing Gren's true form to slowly creep on him. He could hear growls escaping his mouth; his eyes changing to their normal color. He stood up and ran to a drinking fountain. He need to just get away from a moment. Carla watched as he took off. She came to a halt and chased after him.

    "Gren! Gren, where are you going?"

    He ignored her calls and found a fountain. He quickly turned the nob and splashed cold water in his face. He remembered Dr. Swineheart's advice from many years ago; stop, breath and count to ten. Never give in. Gren closed his eyes and started counting. One, two, his mind tried to focus, he could hear the patter of feet. Carla was standing behind him.

    "Gren? You okay?"

    Gren finished counting; he could feel his true form returning to the shadows.

    "Yeah. Oh, hey Carla. Sorry. I just was really thirsty."

    "I could tell!"

    She giggled and grabbed his arm.

    "Come on, silly! Push me on the swing!"

    Carla ran back and took her original spot. Gren followed behind and stood behind her waiting. He began pushing her; slow at first then picking up speed. Within seconds, she was flying high into the sky. Carla swore that very moment she could touch the heavens.

    "Higher Gren! I want to touch the very creation of God; I want to soar high with the birds. Feel the wind blow through my hair. Join me, Gren! Come touch the sky with me."

    "Carla, no. I...its okay for you but-"

    "Come on, Gren. Fly with me; close your eyes and be a bird."

    Gren didn't hesitate and was now sitting on the swing, picking up speed. Soon, he was soaring through the wind; his hair blowing through the wind. He watched Carla close her eyes and allow her arms to fall to the side. She was indeed, a little bird flying through the sky. He did the same thing as Carla; his arms were soon outward and he could feel the cool breeze flowing carelessly through his hair. They both fell into a laugh riot.

    "Gren! We are flying!"

    It had been a long time since Gren had this much fun. The Trip Trap was full of wonderful people and he thanked them for everything they have done for him over the years. Carla gave him the ability to laugh again, to leave everything behind and forget about the Homelands, his life...this fucked up town.

    "Jump, Gren! Jump with me!"

    "Wait, what? Carla-"

    She was in the air and within seconds, on the ground. Gren closed his eyes and let go; for a mere second, he felt like he was actually flying. He landed beside Carla, sand flying into the air. He erupted into a laugh and soon, he grabbed Carla's hand and the two were soon running up the hill. When they reached the top, both of them plopped to the ground. The grass felt amazing below Gren's arms.

    "That was so much fun! I can't remember the last time I had THAT much fun!"

    Carla was pleased to see Gren laughing and having a good time. This was a wonderful time; she was happy she decided to come out today.

    "Hey. Sorry about yesterday. Lyla had a terrible dream and it must have slipped my mind."

    "Eh, don't worry about it, Carla."

    "Can I ask you something?"


    "My sister. Do you...did you...."

    "I made an honest mistake, Carla. I THOUGHT maybe she was the one but I was wrong..."

    "Do you still love her?"

    "As a friend, I care for her. But love, no."

    Carla dropped the subject; she didn't want to carry something on that had no need for it. They decided to head back; Carla had a lot of papers to study and Gren needed to be up early for work. He walked her back to the club; the street lights were on and the sun going down. Carla had no idea she was out that late with Gren. It was nice; he secretly thought the same thing. As she headed for the front door, Carla turned around. He was smiling; this took her back by surprise.

    "I had a great time, Gren. I'm sorry again for the other day. I just...this whole thing with Lyla and the babies has us all thrown in a tailspin. We are so worried about the Council-"

    "Hey, hey. Don't. Family comes first. If you guys ever want to, I can come by and take a look around the club. I mean, I know you have Hans and Henry; they ARE pretty big but when I'm in my TRUE form, I'm massive!"

    "Can I see?"


    "You. Your true form...please?"

    "Carla, I-"

    "Come upstairs with me. I don't think Georgie or Lyla will mind. I really want to see it. I've heard stories; you have my curiosity at its highest. It won't take long..."

    At first, Gren felt like this was a bad idea. But after some thought, he agreed; what harm could come out of it? She was a mundy curious about his world; it was like discovering a new form of life to her. He agreed and the two quietly headed upstairs, the wind picking up and rain clouds occupying the night sky.
  • edited May 2014
    Tod the Werewolf, Powers(My real name isn't Tod, btw)


    **Decelerated aging**
    Being part-Mundy penalizes my immortality to decelerated aging. I will die eventually. The part-Fable in me still renders pestilences like viruses, parasites, and bacteria ineffective.

    **Damage Resistant** (vulnerable to silver, magic, enchantments, and Fables)
    Being kin to a species of well-known and very popular wilderness monster, werewolves, and to the Big Bad Wolf of Legend, I do retain considerable resistance to bodily harm, though to a lesser extent due to my existence being untold and unwhispered among the Mundies, and because I am part-Mundy. A strong Fable would not have much trouble killing me by conventional means other than firearms(which can hurt me in Mundy form, but are ineffective in wolf form).

    I would not have been able to transform naturally if I were a pure Fable Wolf, but my Mundy heritage grants me a human form, although at the price of being unable to invoke my Fable form whenever I wish, and unable to control it on special nights. Because I'm factoring in being a lesser-known Fable and being 3/4ths Mundy, I'm bumping up my ability to transform to any phase other than the New Moon. It still makes sense on its own, but the weaker the phase, the more limited my transformation. Imagine Bigby's weaker form, and the strength and speed of that form, during Crescent phases. Half Moon phase allows me to progress to the same transformation as Bigby's plantigrade werewolf form(new word? look it up), but at like 7 feet in height. Only Bigby is as big as he is because he had a big apetite and ate lots of humans. Gibbous allows me to transform into a more wolf-like upright appearance, but more digitigrade and wolf-headed. Full Moon forces the transformation, and in full Wolf form on all fours. I could play alpha wolf to a pack in the forest during the few nights the phase lasts. Clothing and hair: due to my Mundy blood, clothing rips when I change to any transformation, and my hair doesn't disappear. It changes back to human hair, but it don't disappear. I gots to shave that all off. By myself. Can you imagine being a werewolf, going full wolf at night, and going to get waxed during the day? Too suspicious.

    My wolf forms, despite its Mundy-mingled heritage, is harder better faster and stronger than any human or wolf specimen in any way. While a Mundy might be able to put up a fight equipped with silver, my Wolf side is still vulnerable to true Fables known for their strength.

    **Acute Senses**
    I have all the superior senses of a wolf, but not as strong. Unlike Bigby, I don't have to develop habits singular or plural to prevent sensory overload from living in a city, but the radius of my olefactory range is considerably smaller, similar to a dog's. I have acceptable visual clarity at night, and it I easily notice movement at up to 150 feet away, but bright light blurs my vision a bit and forces me to squint. My hearing range is equal to that of a wolf.

    **Mundy Form**
    This is my natural form. The Fable blood in me lends speed and strength that doesn't match up with my bodily physique without wearing it down, and an uncanny resistance to damage that seems natural upon medical examination and x-ray scans. I am also able to hold up my own body weight in Mundy form. I can regenerate limbs, but the process remains largely active only during any Wolf form. The process is much slower in human form.


    **Multilingual** My first language was Scottish Gaelic, taught by my mother, and my father taught me French alongside the first for education, which later required English when we moved to England.

    While living in Europe, my mother taught me how to hide in my true form, as well as how to avoid detection in case I've been seen.

    I once made a mistake that had to be solved by killing, fortunately with a clear conscience. After that moment, I went on a grim killing streak, motivated by a hot-headed, self-righteous sense of vigilantism. When my dubious behavior was discovered, I reaped a painful reward tenfold. Since then, I kept my aptitude for quiet killing--and the lessons learned from my slip-ups--locked away and a secret on a need-to-know basis. When we fled to Fabletown, the Witches of the 13th Floor strangely already knew.
  • (clears throat) Attention everyone, I have edited this thread to show my further appreciation for you guys! Check under the line in the original post above to see my speech and what I will do for the future of this topic! I hope you guys will like what I have planned so far.
  • Splendid idea :)
  • I thank ya kindly! :D You may be a contender yourself, Stone!
    MasterStone posted: »

    Splendid idea :)

  • edited May 2014
    Part 37 Lyla Smith

    "Playing the part"

    Gren walked into a circus; the Pudding and Pie was growing to look more and more like a very dedicated preschool, not a strip club. Georgie's 'usual' customers were slowly dwindling down to just a few; a lot of them felt uncomfortable living out their 'fantasies' with four very small children in the other room. At first, it was upsetting Georgie; this WAS his livelihood and business. The babies were scaring away potential clients and those that put their hard earned money and time into this place. But over time, he noticed how much happier the club seemed to have been. The girls no longer seemed hostile or sour towards him, Henry's anxiety levels had gone down, Hans seemed to respect him more than before and Lyla had a huge weight lifted off her shoulders; she still had in the back of her mind, from time to time, that this club would still take over him. It never did.

    He took a seat at the bar; Henry washing a few dishes and cutting limes every so often. He noticed Gren, wiped his hands and grabbed a glass.

    "Hey you. Welcome back to the madness. What can I get ya?"

    "Uh, give me a Black Velvet. Since you already have them there, a lime as well, please."

    Henry gave Gren a nod and turned his back to prepare the drink. Gren watched as Hans was sweeping up bits of paper, crayola crayons shavings and crackers. He laughed; there was a time when he was picking up blood, puke, sweat, tears and shame. He was still having a hard time that THIS was once the most putrid, dishonest, sex hungry places in Fabletown; it was ran by a man full of nothing but hate and anger and it would show time to time. Henry returned with his drink.

    "Hm. Wow. Strange seeing crayola crayons and juice boxes in this place. He doesn't even have his trademark sign open out in the front. Sure this is the Pudding and Pie, Henry?"

    "Yup. He and Lyla have been thinking of converting the top into not only were we all stay but a little daycare as well. Some of the dancers have kids and well, let's face it, the four don't need to see what goes on downstairs. So, he want's to add a third level, even fourth, so the second floor can be the daycare facility, we live upstairs and the club stays the same."

    "I don't understand why Lyla would even still allow Georgie to keep this place."

    "It IS his business, Gren. He's changed A LOT in not only appearance and rules but how he treats the girls and handles certain situations."

    Gren didn't believe it; yes, Georgie was engaged and had four small children but that never stopped people like him in the past. He was doing this for years; he was known in Fabletown, not just for that song but this club. So many people shunned him out because of it. Carla made her way to the bar; a large smile on her face. Henry offered her a drink but she thanked him and turned it down.

    "Don't drink?"

    "Nah. Hate the stuff."

    Before Gren could answer, his pant leg was suddenly being tugged on. He looked down and found Penny on the right leg, Katie on the other; she was going to town chewing on his boot. Her teeth were out and she was currently chewing on them, like it was a chew toy. Gren panicked and scooped them both up. He looked down and noticed nothing was damaged; just some teeth marks and the boot severely coated in spit. He looked at Katie, who laughed and licked his nose. Disgusting, Gren thought. Not sure if to consider this baby spit or dog drool. Carla tried so hard not to laugh; Gren didn't seemed amused. She took one of the girls, just as Georgie walked down the stairs and into the bar. In his arms, he held Emily and Junior.

    "There you two are! Fucking sake! I can't turn my back for two seconds without those two causing trouble, getting into all kinds of shenanigans and what not!"

    "Oh, its fine, shoe, however doesn't think so."

    Katie continued laughing; she was in her wolf form and let out a tiny howl. Georgie rolled his eyes, grinned and gave her a kiss on the head.

    "Ok, sweetie. Put the 'big bad wolf' away. Its night night. Your mommy should be down any minute to collect you and Penny."

    No sooner had he said that, Lyla was walking down the stairs. She took Katie from Carla and Penny from Gren. As the girls snuggled close to her chest, she noticed a trail of drool, followed it with her eyes and saw were the end was. Gren was now trying to clean it with a napkin.

    "Oh Gren. I'm so sorry. If there were any damages, we will take care of it. She's teething and EVERYTHING has become a chew toy to her."

    "Its fine, Lyla. There is no damage. She's a puppy; that's what they do-chew."

    Carla gave the babies each a tiny kiss and waved goodbye, as Georgie and Lyla walked up the stairs to their nursery. Gren watched as two of the dancers, Nina and Nerissa, walked down the stairs, wave to Georgie and Lyla and head for the front. When they noticed Carla, they made a detour to her and the three women were talking. Gren watched as the three of them laughed; he couldn't remember the last time he had seen Nerissa smile like that. They laughed and just as quickly as they made their way down the stairs, they were gone. Carla found Gren standing still, the look of confusion on his face.

    "What Gren?"

    "Its just...did they just leave, like that? Didn't say a damn thing to Georgie?"

    "I don't understand your question?"

    "Georgie fucking Porgie just LET them go; no fight, no insults-nothing!?"

    "Gren, he's not like that. I SEE it everyday; since I moved in, he hasn't said anything derogatory or mean to the girls. Whenever they need a day off or something is bothering them, they find him or Lyla and talk."

    "Yeah because YOU are here and you can EASILY go and tell your father and with the snap of his finger, Lyla and those kids will be takne out and we will all watch as Georgie becomes the VERY thing he used to be and this place will go back to what is used to be. Come on, Carla! Do you REALLY think he has changed? You honestly think your sister has fucking changed that piece of shit!? Pussy and babies do not keep little boys, Carla. That's what he is-a little boy! Fuck, Carla. I USED to come to this place to escape reality and I've seen the shit he has done and said!"

    Carla was silent; since Gren's sudden eruption of anger, all she could do was stand and listen. She could detect the anger but fear as well. Carla too, had her doubts about Georgie. Her father once told them he practically made a deal with the 'devil' to obtain this club and his safety. She didn't say a word as she walked up to the stairs. Gren watched; Carla was gone no more than ten seconds when she returned with a large book. The appearance of it was in terrible shape; it looked old and worn down. The lettering on the front were impossible to read. He assumed it was a photo album but as she flipped through the pages, Gren could see it was a book. As Carla flipped through the pages, he realized it was a mundy book of Fables and their stories.

    Carla found the section titled 'Georgie Porgie.' It listed the origin, year and that silly little rhyme:
    'Georgie Porgie pudding and pie,
    kissed the girls and made them cry.
    When the boys came out to play
    Georgie Porgie ran way.'

    "This stupid book doesn't mention the reason behind it. Mundies have THEIR story; Georgie has his and one day, I listened as he told me. Its amazing what people will do when their hearts and souls can only take so much disappointment."

    Gren was silent, as Carla continued flipping through the pages. She found the chapter called 'Big Bad Wolf.' There were several stories in this chapter: Red Riding hood, Three little pigs, Peter and the Wolf.

    "My father and Bigby are really good friends, Gren. He's like a family member to us. We went to school hearing these tales of how dangerous and terrible the big bad wolf was; you have no idea how hard it was for us to keep our mouths shut as the teacher said horrible things, the children laughing. He's done FAR worst things than Georgie, yet we still love him. Why? Because we know the full story."

    Carla didn't go far when she found the chapter she was looking for. Gren had to take a minute, as the blurred black lettering read his name: Grendel. He looked at the picture; the mundies had an image showing a towering grey creature with small, black eyes, large claws and teeth. This caught his attention, as Carla read the information down below the picture.

    "Grendel was a terrible creature that destroyed villages and killed anything that came across his path. The mighty creature would roam through the mead halls and terrorize the citizens of that village. Nobody could defeat him, for they did not know how to bring the creature down. That was until Beowulf. It says here you two battled and he defeated you by ripping off your arm."

    Carla looked up at Gren; he now looked disappointed and trying to hold back tears. Don't cry, he thought. Hold it all back. Carla slammed the book shut and stood before Gren. She reached and grabbed his jacket, slowly pulling it down. She noticed the infamous scar; so the stories were true. She noticed Gren turning away; he didn't want her to see. He had no right to judge Georige; they ALL did something terrible back at the Homelands.

    "I want to see who you truly are, Gren. Show me...please..."

    The room suddenly turned a bright green; the lounge filling quickly with the color. Carla noticed a towering grey giant before her. Although the picture in the book was no where near what she saw, it still didn't matter; she had nothing to say. She took her hands and placed them on each side of his face. Carla smiled, causing Gren to do that same. Her reaction, despite her being a mundy, was no where what he had imagined. He gently placed her forehead against his and sighed.

    "You all have done something; we all have. We can't judge; only help. That's all he ever wanted, Gren. A second chance. The sheriff got one, you family has. Why not Georgie? Why not those babies?"

    Gren didn't say anything; he had already forgotten about the world, about Georgie, about the Homelands. It took a mundy to help.

    "You're not bad, Gren. I'm not afraid of you...."

    Gren no longer brought it up. He had a lot of thinking to do.
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