Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • It's all good! I'm still overwhelmed by how many stories there are now! It is insane!

    The 3rd chapter of my story is located on page 6, btw.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    What pg No: head over and read now so many stories hard to keep up lol

  • Yeah epic again have such nice pacing to your stories with great character depth another quality addition but have strange feeling your next chapter will be the best one ever

    This will be the third chapter to my ongoing story, you can view the other parts on the first 2 pages of this discussion! Chapter 3: Ey

  • edited May 2014
    I have a feeling that chapter 5 will be my best chapter yet, too!
    Markd4547 posted: »

    Yeah epic again have such nice pacing to your stories with great character depth another quality addition but have strange feeling your next chapter will be the best one ever

  • edited May 2014
    Part 25 Lyla Smith


    'Time passes. Memories fade. Feelings change. People leave. But the heart never forgets.'

    All Mary wanted were the facts; what took place, who started it, why on earth there was a bar on David's body. She and her father unfortunately would have to report this, no matter what. The Council would begin to ask questions and the more they avoided the situation, the worse it would be for the Fables. They finished and as Mary gathered her papers, she looked over at her sister; all she saw for an instant was a little girl in pigtails, bugging her, Carla or Gina to play Barbies. She smiled; her mind returning back to reality. Mary was only trying to protect Lyla.

    "There. This should help you both out. Hopefully the Council won't make this into something we can't control. Dad will come over to my apartment tonight and after that, we will go and discuss this with the Council....I should be going."

    "I'll walk you to the door."

    With Georgie's help, Lyla slowly got up and walked with her sister to the door. Mary closed her briefcase one more time and hugged Lyla. She was silent the entire time; the same look of disappointment still on her face.

    "Mary, please-don't do this."

    "Do what, butthead?"

    "DON'T do that to Georgie. He's really trying...."

    Mary pushed her bangs to the side. That afternoon, her auburn hair was pulled back to the side. It was nice considering Mary always had her hair in her face all through her high school years. It was nice seeing her eyes. Mary had the brightest green eyes Lyla had ever seen. Mary tried to ignore her sister.

    "Lyla, look. I will do this for you and the babies. Really, I'm going to try my best and hopefully with dad, they can work out a deal with us. But Georgie and I will never be 'friends'. I don't like him, Lyla. I truly believe you fucked up big time, little sister. He is no good to you; he's done nothing that contributes to the community..."

    "He's trying NOW, Mary. He didn't have to stay...everyone, including me, were surprised and expecting him to leave-"

    "SEE? You just told me yourself that YOU were expecting him to vanish the second you told him! Why the fuck would you STILL fuck him and create children with him?"

    "Mary, stop-"

    "NO! No, I won't stop! Lyla, I love and will do ANYTHING for you but you should know this! I DON'T LIKE FABLES! And I especially don't like them being around Folkers-"

    Mary looked up. Everyone was looking at her. Mary told herself that no matter the situation, she would remain professional and help her family. She was finding it hard now to be committed to something she had such deep feelings towards.

    "Please leave, Mary...."

    "Lyla, I'm sorry. But Georgie-"

    "GO MARY!"

    Mary swallowed back her comments, gave a slight nod and headed out the door. Lyla slammed it behind her. As she headed past her father, she looked up. His eyes concerned, his face angry.

    "Why did you ask her...."

    Lyla was gone, leaving everyone else downstairs. She gently laid down and closed her eyes. All the while, the babies inside moving around. Lyla placed her hands on her stomach.

    "Don't you worry about your aunt Mary....she will come around. She has to...."


    Lyla awoke to the sudden screams and cries from downstairs. She was half asleep and tried to focus on where the noise was coming from. She realized who it was and tried to get out of bed. All Lyla knew was she couldn't wait for this pregnancy to be over with. Walking to the damn door was taking so much out of her. As she slowly walked down the stairs, she found Hans holding back Georgie; Henry was in the front of him trying to grab him. Behind Henry stood her mom and sisters; she noticed her father and Bigby were gone. They must have gone early this morning with Mary.

    "What the hell is going on here?!"

    Suddenly, her pocket was glowing a bright blue with a mixture of purple. She looked over at Georgie, who was struggling to free himself from Hans.

    "Hello!? What is he so upset?! This fucking stone is as blue as the sky!"

    Finally, Georgie managed to free himself and without saying a word, ran upstairs. He didn't even stop to glance at Lyla.

    "Georgie! Georgie...."

    Lyla turned right around and looked at Henry and Hans. Although walking was becoming a difficult task, she managed through the pain, walked up to both Henry and Hans and slapped them both.

    "I'm going to ask you both one more time-WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!"

    As she said this, Hans and Henry could easily see the babies thrashing inside of her. This cause Lyla to rache both her hands down and grab her sides. Hans finally spoke.

    "Henry...he didn't know...he was kidding around with Georgie...."

    "Didn't know what, Hans?"

    " was a joke. I..I..I have not seen him cry like that in a long time..."

    "Hans! Henry! What is it!? Will someone please tell me-"

    "The closet, Lyla. Henry was just joking...he didn't know...I tried calming him down...."

    "The closet? What about the closet, Hans?"

    Hans' blue eyes were as sad appearing as was the stone Lyla had in her pocket. Lyla couldn't remember the last time Hans looked so worried.

    "They did bad things to him, Lyla. VERY bad things back in the homelands. His father...his father was a terrible alcoholic and would beat up on Georgie and when he tried fighting back, he would throw him in the closet, sometimes for days. His mother was too afraid to speak up and his sibling would get punished if they TRIED helping him. It got to the point where no one cared and Georgie just suddenly slipped out of the cracks...."

    Lyla was unable to process what Hans just told her. She was finding it hard to think straight. Everything made sense-his lack of trust, unable to love, create problems for himself...his fear of the dark.

    "He would throw Georgie in the closet, as punishment. It only got worse for him as he grew. That silly little song, you know, the Georgie Porpige pudding pie one?"

    "....yes, Hans...."

    "He was seeing this girl back at the homelands; he was in love with her, Miss Lyla. But this girl was bad, Lyla...very bad to Georgie and one day she told everyone he tried kissing her and tried raping her. When the town found out, they chased him out. Ever since that day, that stupid rhyme has followed him, even to this city. He didn't do anything, Lyla and when you're alone and lost in this city, you do fucking shitty things to stay alive....The Crooked Man only gave him this club for their benefit. As long as Georgie 'played' along, he would live to see another day..."

    Lyla could not handle what she heard. She turned around and without saying a word, headed upstairs.


    She found Georgie sitting on the bed. In each hand, he held a plushie from Holly and Gren. She could hear light sobs coming from him. The stone was still glowing blue. Lyla looked over and saw her stone; the color was blue as well.

    "Why are you sad, love? You have to take it easy...the babies..."

    "We know daddy is sad and don't like it. Sweetie..."

    "I didn't want you to know, Lyla. That happened so long ago. Fucking fuck....I can't fucking believe it!"

    Georgie tossed the Grendel plushie, then the troll doll against the wall. He stood up and began punching the wall. Lyla ran over to his aid and the only thing she could do, was wrap her arms around him, rock back and forth and begin humming. Georgie struggled against Lyla but slowly calmed down, fell to his knees and cried. She covered his face and continued to rock back and forth.

    "You must think I'm a bloody fucking idiot..."

    "No. I think you're human. I think somewhere deep inside, you've had all this anger and hurt. Georgie...."

    "He was such a fucking asshole, Lyla. I still don't know why to this fucking day. Hm. That was something the mundies didn't catch in that fucking fruity little song.....I didn't want this club, Lyla-I didn't want to be the 'bad' guy of Fabletown. But I had bills, one would help me, Lyla. The Business office only helped those they saw 'fit'; the fucking imbecile Crane and that bitch Snow White always turning me down...I did what I had to to survive. I've been doing this for so long, it kind of swallowed me whole and took what remaining emotions I had and spit out this Georgie....I.."

    Lyla looked down and saw tears. She took her finger and gently wiped them away. It was crushing her to see him this way but also, a sigh of relief. Georgie was showing something he had lost so many years ago.

    "I...I didn't rape that girl...."

    "I know, love.....I know...."

    Lyla had heard somewhere, maybe from her own mother, that lies can be the deadliest thing a human being can do. Lies spread faster than any disease and have a larger effect on a person's mentality and how they saw themselves. Georgie's worth was crushed with the incident that happened to him as a child and the lies told hundreds of years ago by the homelands. She jumped the bandwagon the instant she and Georgie crossed paths; he was nothing more than a waste to her. Over the time they spent with each other, especially the subway and what took place in the sheriff's office, her opinions changed about Georgie. And when he gave her the stone, made passionate love with her and stayed around for the babies, things changed; people can change for the better.

    All Lyla knew at that moment was the man she loved so dearly now holding her and rocking with her. He was no longer crying and soon, both them and the stones began glowing a pastel green. Lyla took off his hat and kissed the top of his head gently, all the while, Georgie holding onto her belly ever so tightly. At that moment, all he cared about was now and swore to leave the homelands behind him.
  • edited May 2014
    Part 26 Lyla Smith

    "Been awhile"

    There was a large oak table between them. Mary and John sat on one side, on the other, sat Nathaniel or Nate, as he liked to be called. Malcom was standing beside him; both were looking at the incident report Mary had from earlier. The room was silent the entire time, even as John and Mary arrived. Luckily, it was only Nate and one other member; everyone had gone home for the day. Nate already knew something had taken place when Malcom arrived back without David.

    Nate was a large man; in his wolf form, he could easily stand 8 feet. As his 'human' form, he was close to a good 6' 4''. He had his long black hair pulled back seemed to be letting his facial hair slowly grow back. He wore casual clothes; a simple white tee shirt and blue jeans with a simple pair of black vans to top it off. He flipped through the report, only to look up twice since John handed him the stack. Finally, after carefully reading it, Nate spoke.

    "So, John. What you are telling me is both Malcom and David arrived at the Pudding & Pie without your permission? Am I hearing this correctly..?"

    "Yes. I warned them BOTH because of my daughter's condition."

    "Oh yes, Miss Lyla Smith. She's pregnant by a Fable....a uh, Mr. Georgie Porgie it says here?"

    "Yes, that is correct. They were threatening her, making her stress to the point the babies were thrashing inside her womb and causing her great pain-".

    Nate lifted his giant hand up to motion silence. John stopped, sat back down and took in a large breath. He watched as Nate flipped to the back; the part where Mary wrote down the incident that took place between Georgie and David.

    "And if I'm reading this right, Georgie lifted his bar COMPLETELY off the ground, tossed it and had it crush David...all because he showed up accidentally without 'permission'?

    "LOOK! You can think whatever you like! My daughter was caused a lot of stress and Georgie was doing what he thought was right to stop it-"

    "Hm. So, if I'm hearing you right, John. If I EVER feel threatened by, oh I don't know, Georgie-then I can easily tear him from limb to limb all because I feel threatened?"

    John was starting to lose his patience. Mary watched as her father slowly changed into his wolf form. She was terrified; it had been a long time since she had seen her father in this wolf form. Nate never moved but Malcom was now slowly backing away.

    "John, relax. You're scaring the girls..."

    He looked at Malcom, who was now standing by the exit. Nate's facial expression said it all, so with his tail between his leg,walked back to his side.

    "Look, let's sort this out. David COULD over step his boundaries. I saw that on a daily basis. But to MURDER him-John, really? What happened to you? You used to be the most feared Council member we had! Now you've gone soft...those monsters-"

    "Those FABLES have done more for me and my own than you and the Council has ever done. I LEFT on my own. The corruption and greed this Council has been founded on. It used to be about protection, hope and a chance at life. Now look at you. I didn't want this...I didn't want my children around this shit! Sorry we even wasted your time...."

    John excused himself from the table, grabbed the papers from David and headed for the exit. Surprisingly, Mary followed behind. Nate continued smiling and watching the two of them walk out the door.

    "Damn shame, John. We could have turned the other cheek in regards to this. Can't wait to meet the new editions to your family. Until then, so long..."

    That was not sitting right with Mary; it seemed too easy that neither Malcom or Nate were trying to stop them.

    "Remember, Nate. As long as the babies ARE NOT a threat to EITHER Fable or Folker, you can't do a damn thing; its right here, in both constitutions; page 8 for the Fables, page 6 for the Folkers. They have a Dr. and a Voodoo Priestess trained to determine if the baby will be able to live in the community. So far, they seem to be 'normal' and willing to live in the community."

    Nate stood up and clapped; he was always amazed with how intelligent John's daughters could be. Too bad, he thought, the poor choices they have made in life. He would have been pleased to have either daughter by his side, especially that Lyla.

    "Wow, Mary. Law school has done nothing but great things for you. Then again, you were always so intelligent, you and your sisters. Got that from your old man....your mom never had the 'brains' for these kinds of conversations; she IS human, right? Just about as dumb as those Fables are..."

    Before John could say a word, he was surprised by his daughter suddenly growling. He watched as his beautiful daughter slowly turn into a beast. Nate and Malcom were shocked; they had no idea Mary had the ability to turn like her father and sisters. They assumed she was human like her mother and sister Carla; even as a young girl, she never showed signs. Now she in nothing but a tattered suit and fur.

    "The fuck did you say, you fucking bitch?!"

    Nate was in shock and found it hard to speak. Only until Mary was in his face, did he find his words.

    "Mary! No...wait! What I see...not YOUR mom is stupid! OTHER know-"

    Mary lifted him up, spun him around and tossed Nate into vase, causing it to shatter and leave the flowers and water in a pile on the floor. She stood there and watched. Her wolf instincts kicked in and she was on the hunt. Her prey was trying to find a way to get up. Nate watched as Mary slowly made her way over. He could have changed easily but if she was anything like her father, he didn't stand a chance. He had heard what Lyla did to an old boyfriend....

    "STOP! Wait-look! Ok! I won't...I'm sorry! I will forget you two were ever here just, please! Spare my life and I will not bother your family again just-GO! Please...."

    Mary looked Nate up and down, snarled and placed her hand in what was once her pocket; she was fishing around and Nate thought it was something to end his life with. He waited but was surprised she held a pen instead.

    "Take it and sign your name case you decide to pull a fast one on us...."

    Without hesitation, he took the pen and signed his name. Mary took the papers, placed them neatly in her brief case and walked out the door; John quickly on her trail. Nate just sat there, while Malcom had already disappeared, thinking nothing but the worst.


    While in the car, Mary was silent. John wanted to ask; he had no idea his daughter was capable of that.

    "Uh, Mary, sweetie. Back there...what...what was that? I mean, I knew Lyla and Gina were wolves but you...I thought-"

    "I've taught myself to hide it, dad. I was trying to hide the beast and live a 'normal' life; how the hell do you explain being a werewolf in school, or during a date? I heard stories, dad-watched movies, read books and the wolves were ALWAYS the bad guys; hell, even Bigby scared the fuck out of me BECAUSE of WHO he was-The Big Bad Wolf! Then, when you and mom got into that fight years ago, when Gina, Carla and I were kids...and you scared me. It scared all of us...."

    John was silent; the light was red and he had no idea. He suddenly laughed; all he could remember was that stupid lamb.

    "What? What's so funny?"

    "Remember when you were a little girl and that little baby sheep followed you EVERYWHERE, even to school?"

    "Yes! And how you tried soooooo hard not to eat the poor little thing!"

    "And then that song-"

    Both John and Mary fell silent. The song was never about her; it was pure coincidence that a lamb followed Mary everywhere she went. The Fables found it adorable; the Folkers, not so much. They made it difficult for her family.

    "Mary, I know what your thoughts and feelings are about this. I too was like that when I found out about your sister. Believe me, I was not happy to see Georgie there or that they went as far as to have children. But my love for her never changed...I was not going to be your grandfather..."

    John sighed. Mary had heard about her grandfather twice; now and when she was 6. He was part of the Council during the time when wolves and humans were not allowed to be together. He was devastated when he discovered her father and mother together. Even at his funeral, no one allowed him to speak or have any part in it. She was doing the same thing to her sister.

    "Let's....let's just hurry up and get back to the club...."


    Mary and John arrived just as Hans and Henry did with the takeout. Mary was not interested in food; all she had in mind was Georgie. She found him and Lyla sitting in the lounge.

    "Hello, Lyla. Georgie, may I speak to you alone?"

    Everyone was shocked, including Lyla.

    "Why? I thought Fables disgusted you-"

    "Lyla, please! Georgie-"

    He got up and the two walked outside; the sun had just begun to set. The sky was a dark orange pink color. Georgie leaned against the wall, took out a cigarette and lit one. He offered one to Mary but she refused.

    "Look. I'm going to make this quick. I'm sorry about earlier and my behavior towards you. But you have to understand where I'm coming from-"

    "I do, Mary. I fucking see it everyday. But every morning now, I find your sister's smiling face and I forget everything anyone has ever told me. I see the babies, MY BABIES, growing each day. Instead of filth, my club brings entertainment and my dancers respect me. No longer do I have to fear someone is watching or will I live to see another day. Why? Because your sister-she found me when everyone else stopped looking. I love her, Lyla. She SAW what no one else could see....I love that fucking girl...."

    Georgie turned to hide his tears; he had done enough crying and last thing he needed was to show emotion to Mary.

    "Don't hide, Georgie. THIS is what I want to see. I guess we are all lost, you, me...Folkers and Fables alike...."

    Mary walked up to Georgie and hugged him. This caught him off guard but returned the gesture.

    "Thank you, Georgie...."

    All the while, Lyla watched. Would she tell them she saw what took place? Maybe in time. But for a brief moment in time, all was alright in the world and as she touched her belly again, a little kick touched her palm.

    "See? Told you your Aunt Mary would come around..."

    Everything in life would show its ugly head but for now, this was enough to make life alright for a few brief moments.
  • edited May 2014
    You have to be one of most intelligent writers I encountered. The descriptions really set every scene making me feel in every moment as a reader. Grammar spotted no mistakes. Story pacing was perfect always interested to see what happened next and never got bored.

    Read a criticism being use of I, am etc for me I enjoyed the use as made me as the reader feel like I was experiencing and was part of the story first hand. I have a story thread myself and the reason I never criticize is because none of us are professional writers and we all have different styles and tastes so something I like another person we hate so anyone could make you potentially a worse writer if you took any criticism on board.
    LupineNoir posted: »

    Here's some more to read for - hopefully - your delectation. Let me know what you think. Part One - Is it a break-in if it's all unl

  • edited May 2014
    Part 27 Lyla Smith

    "From here on out"

    -5 months later-

    Since the incident at the club and the Council, things have seemed quiet between the Fables and Folkers-for now. David was finally put to rest days later after the accident at the Pudding & Pie. John and his family were not allowed at the funeral; the Council had made the decision to remove the Smiths from the Folker community and sent them in the direction of the Fable community. Surprisingly, Malcom still continued to speak to John, although he never turned his back or revealed certain topics to Malcom. Despite their continuing 'friendship', John was no fool and was careful with what he said. But he was not worried about the Council right now; Lyla was nine months pregnant and due any day now. For the past week, Lola stayed at the club; she wanted to be there in case Lyla went into labor. Georgie was comical that entire week Lola was there. Lyla swears she has never seen him more alert than he was.

    Today was Lyla's baby shower. The club had been closed the past several days to prepare for the function. Lyla remembered months ago promising the job of party planning to both Henry and Hans. Watching them scream and throw things at each other made her question her decision to put THEM in charge.

    "FUCK! Hans! I said the balloons go on the chairs, food goes on THAT table and the gifts stay INDOORS! It's hot! You want a fucking pregnant wolf out in the sun?? Huh? You want to fucking die today?!"

    "Henry! Relax! The gifts are inside. However, I think the balloons should be the center piece and the food should go on that side of the yard and-"

    "Center piece? CENTER FUCKING PIECE? These balloons are hideous, Hans! Why do they have ducks on the front?!"

    "Henry, they are babies..."

    "HENRY, THEY ARE BABIES! Meh, meh, meh, meh! Look at me, I'm Hans! I ordered balloons with fucking gay ass ducks on them!!!"

    Lyla tried to contain her laughter; it was too funny watching Henry and Hans 'work' together. Finally, she had Georgie intervene the two; Henry was now throwing plastic spoons at Hans, who took shelter under one of the tables. While she watched Georie try to pull the 'children' apart, Bigby startled her; for a big guy, he sure knew how to quiet when he wanted to be.

    "Oh fuck, Sheriff! You scared me...."

    "Sorry, Lyla. Thought you heard me. This is for the babies."

    As he handed her the gifts, Bigby planted a kiss on her forehead. He had known Lyla since she was in diapers and Bigby considered her, along with her sisters, like family. To her, Bigby was almost like another uncle to her. Snow arrived seconds later with three more gifts.

    "Oh sweetie, here let us help you. Bigby, help her out!"

    Bigby sighed, grabbed the gifts and placed them inside. While he did that, Snow and Lyla watched as Georgie was struggling to grab the box of spoons from Henry. At first, Henry ignored him and continued throwing spoons at Hans. Irritated with Georgie, he turned his attention at him and threw spoons at his direction. This gave Hans time to get out from under the table and run. He ran past Nancy, who was heading outdoors.

    "Hey, Hans. Where-"

    Hans ignored Nancy and ran inside the only place he found safe from Henry. She was appalled at what she witnessed. Georgie was now throwing cups at Henry. The entire time Lyla laughed, until she saw her mom's facial expressions.

    "GEORGIE! HENRY! Really?! Now every single one of those cups AND spoons need to be washed! We have a party to do! This is not the school yard!"

    Henry and Georgie stopped in their tracks, gathered up every utensil and cup and headed indoors.

    "Honestly, you two. How old are we?!"

    Minutes later, the Trip Trap crew arrived; this time, Gren was with them. This surprised Lyla; her and Gren had not spoke to each other in months. She was glad to see him; Lyla missed Gren and wished he would come around more often. He was nothing but smiles when he saw Lyla. He placed his gift down and gave her a hug. In an instant, tears were in her eyes.

    "'re here...."

    "Wouldn't miss this for the world, Lyla. Wow you look like you are ready to pop!"

    He reached up and touched her stomach; one of the babies gently kicked his hand, which sent the others to move rapidly.

    "Oh wow! They missed you, too! See-you should have come around more often. I missed you..."

    "I had some things to take care of, Lyla. But its taken care of now....."

    Little did Lyla realize Gren was in serious therapy after the 'cleansing' that took place months ago. Holly and the others promised to keep his whereabouts secret; hell, even Bigby knew where he was but out of respect, he never said anything. After that night, Gren found it hard to sleep, eat, work-socialize- and needed serious help. Swineheart contacted a therapist for Gren and for months, he was there. At first, Gren tried committing suicide; he couldn't take the pain of watching Lyla be with another man but after months of serious therapy and psychiatric help, Gren finally let Lyla go, came to his senses and began fresh. He was just happy to be here and with her.

    "Well, I'm glad to see you, Gren. Don't be a stranger...."


    Despite Henry and Hans' little 'cat fight' earlier, the decorations looked amazing; Lyla could not understand, however, what Henry's problem was with the ducks. She found them very tasteful and appropriate for the baby shower. Georgie offered to barbecue, with the help of Bigby and her father. The three of them were tolerating one another, so Lyla thought nothing of it. After several beers, however, she found out why it was not always a good thing. Georgie was not so much drunk as Bigby and her father were; for some reason, Bigby was naked and dancing, while her father felt the need to pick up the very hot food and eat it. Georgie was just being a goof and dancing with Bigby. Lyla and the others found it entertaining; Henry, Hans and Gren were throwing dollar bills at Bigby and Georgie. Only one not laughing was her mother, who rushed out and like a sheep herder, walked all three of them into the house. It didn't take long for the three of them to sit and sober up; one of the MANY perks to being a Folker and Fable.

    Half way into the party, after everyone had their fill of food, Lyla began opening up the gifts. Everyone brought a little something, even Jack, who was too busy making Henry angry to pay any attention to the party. First, she opened up her parent's gift; several pairs of clothes and an envelope of money. Each of her sisters did the same; an envelope containing $100 dollars and a little gift certificate from Gina for one day at the spa. Lyla laughed; she would be needed that VERY soon. Next, were the Trip Trap gang; Holly bought clothes for each of the baby, Woody purchased a baby monitor, four individual baby tubs and a basket of shampoos, soaps and powders. Jack bought clothes as well and surprisingly, a little bowler hat like Georgie.

    "Hey, the kid has to look the part."

    Lyla gave him a hug, then a punch in the shoulder. Jack may have gotten on her nerves in the past but he was nothing more than a harmless jokster that enjoyed a good laugh from time to time. Gren's gift came next. He handed her an envelope. Inside, it contained $1,000 dollars and a napkin with the words 'Thank you for everything. Can't wait to meet the babies. :) Love, Gren' Lyla was lost for words.

    "Gren...why so much...."

    "Hush, woman. Use it for the babies; but whatever you need. Trust me, four babies will go through A LOT of diapers."

    Lyla hugged Gren and thanked him. Bigby and Snow were next. Snow white personally had four cribs designed for the babies: Three pink ones decorated with flowers, butterflies and ponies. A blue one decorated in music notes, the homelands and Fabletown.

    "So he will always know he is loved and wanted in this community. We want those babies to know that no matter what happens, we all love them."

    Lyla tried not to cry as she embraced Snow. Bigby also got them clothes, shoes, more packs of diapers and a photo album. She thanked everyone. Henry and Hans put their money together in a jar with the label 'rainy day.' Henry also made sure to purchase each kid a pair of green converses.

    "Just like their uncle Henry..."

    The dancers gave her and Georgie money; Nerissa gave each of the babies a shell from her once home in the ocean at the homelands.

    "So they never forget were we all came from..."

    Lyla thanked everyone; everyone's attention was now on Georige. He had not said much since the dancing from earlier. He was smiles the entire time; in his hand, he held a coke can. He took a long sip, got up and grabbed Lyla's hand. She followed him behind the club. He held her hand and with the other hand, stroked her left cheek. Lyla had a pleased look on her face the entire time.

    "Lyla, love. I can't believe still that her in a few days, I'm going to be a daddy. I want you to know that no matter what happens, I love you and nothing will change that. We will overcome anything that comes our way. You are the reason I'm still standing never gave up..."

    Georgie reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet box. Lyla's eyes widened, as she watched him drop down to one knee. Lyla was not quite sure what to say; her feelings and tears were enough. Georgie continued to hold her hand, his dark brown eyes solely focused on her's.

    "Lyla, I love you so much and can't wait to start this insane journey with you. Will you marry me?"

    Lyla was lost for words as Georgie slipped the ring on her finger. He was instantly in tears as she kissed Georgie up and down his face, ended on his lips.


    "Yes, yes, Yes Georgie! I will...."

    Behind them, they could hear everyone clapping and whistling; a shower of confetti falling from above. Seemed like Henry and Hans knew all along. Lyla and Georgie continued kissing under the rainfall of shredded, colorful papers. Never in a million years, did Georgie think his life would end up here. But he didn't mind. He was already there.
  • edited May 2014
    Book 3, Part 11 (Final Battle Part 2)

    Aizaax attacks and Draco manages to roll out of the way in time. Draco notices Viera's sword still sheathed and he picks it up and looks towards her. Aizaax then says "I hope you know how to use that.." before he unsheathes it and flames spew from it. Draco then goes for Aizaax. The two engages in a sword fight. At first Aizaax shear power overpowers Draco pushing him back each time he tries to block Aizaax attacks.

    "That's right young dragon hold your ground. Keep fighting till your last breath, until my sword finds your heart!" Aizaax as he destroys the ground where Draco was standing.

    "You said you wanted to make a better place for fables by destroying the mundy world? You don't think there won't be any consequences?

    "I never said I wanted to directly destroy it... I said I was going to amalgamate it Draco! I don't care what the mundies do afterwards, but if they try to get in my way, they will perish as well or anyone else of that matter. And within that dawn, I will serve as emperor of the world. Or better yet, IT'S PROFOUND GOD!"

    "You fucking lost it." Draco as Aizaax appears behind him and impales him with his sword.

    "That confirms the 90% chance...." Aizaax as he watches Draco's body fall to the ground in a pool of blood.

    "You had so much promise, what a shame Draco. Now it's time to complete my spell."

    "TREACHEROUS BASTARD, I'll tear you to shreds!!" Wolven as he leaps over the wall of fire and charges directly at Aizaax hoping to tear out his throat only to be blocked and knocked away by him."

    Aizaax then begins draining energy from Viera and her sister. A dark beam of light shoots into the air and from the top the mundy world can then be seen.

    "The merging spell has begun. Now begins the glorious era the new fable..." Aizaax before he hears a loud roar. Draco who has been stabbed and believed to be dead has transformed into true his dragon form. Appearing much larger and monstrous than any of this previous transformations. Aizaax stares at the dragon and says, "You won't make this easy will you? Here let me even the playing field."

    A black aura bursts from Aizaax transforming him into a flying demonic creature. He takes off into the sky and shouts at Draco telling him to know his place. He charges at Draco but Draco manages to move the unconscious Wolven out of the way and attacks Aziaax with flames. Draco then ascends and the two beast clash in the sky.

    Delphantez can be seen on a mountain near by combining a spell with something.....

    To be continued to Part 12
  • edited May 2014
    Wow, I really don't think I've had such compliments before, thanks!

    I'm pleased you liked the style. I've not tried writing this way before - though I enjoy it -so I was eager to hear what others think, however I hadn't actually considered the different tastes of people. I appreciate you're tip, thanks again!

    Also I'm looking forward to more of your writing. I know there's a much to read here now so I will wait patiently. :)

    Hope Spain was nice by the way.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    You have to be one of most intelligent writers I encountered. The descriptions really set every scene making me feel in every moment as a re

  • edited May 2014
    Part 28 Lyla Smith

    "And babies make 6"

    It was late in September; the air was cool and crisp, the afternoons still unbearable to venture out past noon. The light from the candles flickered and danced along the walls; they entwined with the shadows and noise from the world outside the club. The alarm clock read 1 a.m but the music lightly playing said something different. Georgie and Lyla were wrapped up in sheets; his face tracing all along her cheek bones, her arms enclosed around Georgie's neck, directly gazing into his eyes. They seemed to twinkle against the candlelight. His lips touched her's ever so compassionately; Georgie continued touching her face while the music played on. Lyla paused for a moment to look deep into his eyes; she witnessed his bare soul, his emotions; fears, wishes, his everything flood to the surface. She smiled and continued kissing him.

    "Why did you stay, Lyla?"

    Lyla was struck with bewilderment at Georgie's sudden question. It had been months since he asked her those exact words.

    "Georgie, sweetie. I told you...I love you."

    "Fuck, I'm sorry...fucking ruined it. Sorry. Forget I asked..."

    Georgie tried rolling back to his side; his stone glowing purple. Before he could even make it half way, Lyla had his hand in her's; the biggest smile on her face.

    "Georgie, it comes down to you and me, no matter what. Even after everyone 'warned' me and was HOPING this was a phase, I saw things you tried hiding. You grew as a person; the Georgie you thought was lost just needed a little push. You and were both lost, love...two lost souls in this city just trying to find their way. Mine found your's and I wouldn't take anything back that has happened this year. Even if they told me I could do it over, it comes down to this: I'd choose you and this dumpy club each time."

    Georgie leaned in and kissed Lyla. He still had his moments of doubt and mentally prepared himself for Lyla's absence one day but over the last year, slowly but surely, the mere thought of her leaving was slowly disappearing. It was true; even after all the bullshit, she was still here. As he continued kissing her, Lyla suddenly stopped and grabbed her stomach; Georgie could clearly see she was in pain and the babies moving lower.

    "Fuck, Lyla! Are you ok?! Are you-"

    "UGH! GEORGIE! Get Dr. Swineheart and Lola! They are coming, sweetie!!"

    Without hesitation, Georgie jumped out of bed. His thoughts were solely based on the babies. Georgie's mind was so clouded, he forgot to throw on pants. Lyla watched as a naked Georgie ran down the hall, run down the stairs and contact Swineheart and Lola. She maneuvered her way little by little to the edge of the bed. She slowly lifted herself up, still clutching her stomach as she made her way to the robe hanging on the door. Before she could grab it, her mother and sisters were already in her room.

    "Lyla, sweetie. It's ok! Mommy has you! Breath, breath, remember? One, two, three-"

    "Mom, I'm fine. I just want to get my robe on and head down-"

    Lyla hunched over; the pain was unbearable and the contractions closer as the time passed. With the help from her mom and Carla, Lyla sat back down. She could hear Gina and Mary frantically searching for towels; Carla left her sister's side to briefly retrieve hot water. While she watched her sisters scatter around the room like roaches, her cousin Jimmy walked in the room; he was recording her as she sat trying to breath.

    "Jimmy? The hell are you-UGH FUCK! YOU LITTLE FUCKING SHITS!!!"

    "Hey cousin. Your mom called me the other night and said you are REALLY close to delivering these beautiful little miracles from God, so I flew in this morning and here I am!!"

    "Ugh, Jimmy, sweetie! Do you have to record at this very moment?"

    "Yes. I want to make a journal for the sweet little-"

    Lyla's screams were getting louder; the contractions were close and she was not sure if the babies were going to wait for Swineheart or Lola. Georgire returned, finally wearing boxers, with Swineheart and Lola behind him. He rushed to her side and grabbed her hand; that was a poor decision at the time because Lyla was crushing his fingers beneath her grip. Georgie tried pulling out but her strength was too much and decided that right now, he would have to deal with it.

    Gina, Mary and Carla stood by the door; her father, Henry, Hans, Bigby and Snow all beside them. Mayor Cole was on his way, as was the Trip Trap crew. Lola stood on the opposite of Georgie and began wiping Lyla's forehead with a cool wet rag. Swin heart was at the end; he had Lyla's legs propped up and open. He could see a head full of black hair.

    "Ok, Lyla. I see the first baby. Now, I need you to give me a BIG push, ok? Going to count to ten..."

    As the Dr. began counting, Lyla pushed down and continued squeezing Georgie's hand. She didn't even seem to mind her cousin continuing to record her in labor. Swinheart ended his counting and Lyla leaned back into the pillow trying to catch her breathe.

    Ok, ready? One more big push..."

    Swineheart started back up with his counting and Lyla pushed once more. The room fell silent; only noise were the grunts from Lyla and counting from swineheart. Finally, on the number 7, the first baby was born. Swineheart handed her to Lola; she lifted the baby up for Georgie and Lyla to see. She had a patch of dark, black hair on her head and from what Lyla could tell, looked identical to Georgie. Lola walked over to the table and quickly began the clean up. Around her wrist, Lola placed a band with the name Penelope on it Soon, she was ready to push again.

    "Alright, Lyla. One, two, three-push, Lyla! Push, sweetie!"

    No sooner had Penelope arrived, baby number two was ready. Swineheart fished out the baby and proceded to show the parents. She too had dark hair and looked just like Georgie; she had every feature Lyla could see, even his big head. Lola took the baby and just like the first, cleaned her up and placed a band on her wrist with Emily on it. As the family and friends cooed over the first two babies, baby number three was ready to be born.

    "Oh, wow! Here she comes-looks like mommy!"

    Lyla was not sure what that meant; she pushed and watched as Swineheart brought up a squirming, kicking baby pup; she was in wolf form and within seconds, cried and growled. Lola was careful with the pup as she took her back to get cleaned. Lyla looked over at Georgie; he was in tears as he saw all three, healthy babies being cleaned and wrapped up by Lola. Little Kathrine was not enjoying this and made it difficult. Lyla could now see who was kicking her throughout her entire pregnancy. Finally, she was ready to push; everyone anticipating the arrival of the little boy.

    "Ok, Lyla. I see his head. Ready? Push-"

    It did not take her long and no sooner had the doctor began counting, little Georgie Junior arrived. Lola lifted him up to show the proud parents. Lyla was lost for words as she watched Lola take back the final baby for cleanup. soon, the room was filled with the sound of the newborns. With the help from Swineheart, Lola brought the four babys to the anxious parents; Georgie held Emily and Kathrine, Lyla held Junior and Penelope. Kathrine was not pleased to have Emily there beside her and soon, the little pup was growing. Georgie lifted the newborns to his chest, cradled them both and rocked them back and forth. Soon, Kathrine was snuggling closer to his chest, while Emily sucked on her thumb. Georgie lightly kissed each of them on the forehead.

    Lyla held Junior and Penelope close to her chest; Junior soon moving his mouth to indicate his hunger. With the help from Lola, she placed him and Penelope on each breast and watched them as they nursed. She still could not believe she had not just one but four babies. Everyone circled the new parents. Her mother could not contain herself and had to leave for a brief moment. Lyla and John laughed; her mother was very emotional at certain occasions. After the two were finished and burped, Lyla switched with Georgie and had the last two feed. Kathrine was going to be her 'brat' child; she refused to have her sister feed beside her.

    John and Bigby both fell into a laughing fit.

    "Oh man, sweetie. Just like you when you were little. NO ONE could be around your mother when she nursed you. Hell, you bit me twice!"

    The dancers, Hans and Henry had Junior and Penelope; Henry was in tears as he cradled Junior.

    "I love these babies, Lyla! Bitch-look at me! I'm a mess....God, these kids look just like you, Georgie! Half of them have your big ol' noggin!"

    Georgie chuckled as he and Lyla watched their babies being passed around from family to friend; Jimmy never putting that stupid recorder down, even as he held the babies. Lyla watched as the Trip Trap crew took turns holding the babies; she laughed as Jack began to freak out when Emily became fussy. Surprisingly thanks to Gren, she calmed down long enough for Jack to continue hold her. Next, the Business office; bigby seemed more terrified then anything with the newborns. she watched him struggle to hold the babies. Even with the help from Snow and Cole, he found it difficult; Bigby never did 'like' kids and didn't know how to handle them properly.

    Lyla observed attentively at everyone now holding her babies. Although Georgie's fingers got crushed and the pain was setting in, that didn't matter; after everything that happened, nothing from the past seemed to matter anymore. He was focused on now and nothing more.


    The babies were now sleeping; they were each in their cribs and resting easily into the night-for now. Kathrine made a few grunts and mini howls for awhile but settled down when Lyla scratched behind her head and gently rubbed her belly; the once furry pup was now in human form. She looked like Lyla with a small patch of brown hair to top it off. Georgie stood over the cribs and watched his babies sleep. Lyla was on the bed, resting and healing from the busy night. She looked up to see him smiling and kissing each baby.

    "You are going to wake them, dear, if you keep doing that. They are fine..."

    "Yeah, I know. I'm still taking in the fact that me, motherfucking Georgie Porgie, is a father! You know I had people ACTUALLY stopping by because they didn't believe your father OR the fucking Sheriff?"

    "Is that what was going on earlier?"

    Georgie's last stop was at Junior's crib; sitting on his head was the bowler hat like Georgie. He carefully took it off and placed it on the dresser. Since his birth, everyone's attention was focused on Junior; even if they never actually said it, they both knew. They all wanted to see if Swineheart was right-was he a halfer and could he be able to control it?

    "Do you think he is right, Lyla...about Junior..."

    "Georgie, we can't decide that just yet; he's barely 12 hours old. Swineheart even said we may not see certain features until he's one, a toddler-hell, even a teenager! We just have to wait and until then, give them all nothing but love, support and patience. No matter what, they are all loved by us, their family...the Fables..."

    Georgie kissed his son's forehead gently and took a seat next to Lyla. She placed her head on his shoulder; the two watching the babies.

    "He will be fine-they all will be. Just one day at a time..."

    Georgie kissed her forehead, reached to the lamp and turned off the light. The babies were surprisingly quiet the entire time and by morning, Georgie and Lyla knew what they would have to face. But for now, they had time to spare and wanted nothing more then to be with each other and the babies. The future could wait.
  • edited May 2014
    Really I have my own thread and review so many stories I lost count of how many.

    But yours are unique as flow so well really easy on the eye to read without finding myself losing concentration a real relaxing and enjoyable tales to read then are so smartly written and entertaining also

    As for myself I don't write unless I have a great concept that excites me never just write a filler story that people might enjoy but a story to the best of my ability which that think people would love to read and I think is the best I can do. Basically a story if I was user that I would love to read and feel is unique and intelligent enough to make a quality tale that's interesting to read. So far can't think of anything but never know but with all storys here think another story to read would make dragons head explode lol.

    Btw If ever want to write a about The walking dead I have a thread and I feel your a very talented and a very intelligent writer your welcome anytime to just relax and read story or write one.
    LupineNoir posted: »

    Wow, I really don't think I've had such compliments before, thanks! I'm pleased you liked the style. I've not tried writing this way be

  • Part 12 (Final Battle Part 3 and Epilogue)

    The showdown between Draco and Aizaax continues. The two beast attacks become more violent destroying everything in their way. The dark beam of light glows brighter and brighter blinding Draco for a brief moment. Aizaax takes advantage and manages to knock Draco to the ground. He then uses his magic to materialize a spear of dark energy and aims it at Draco.

    "I will suffer you no more dragon, DI...ughhhmm...." Aizaax as his chest is pierced by a arrow of light.

    "No....what... is this..." Aizaax turns around to see Delphantez standing on another mountain.

    Aizaax falls to the ground before reverting to his human from. Draco gets up and see's the injured Aizaax. He has a murderous look in his eye's and he draws closer to Aizaax ready to decimate him.

    "I underestimated your power, young dragon. I completely forgot whose son you were... You are surely a worthy opponent, and I will gladly accept defeat. No death, to one as powerful as you. I renounce my ambitions. I know what I have done in the past is unforgivable, you must understand I did this for the homelands and my kingdom.."

    Draco reverts back to his human form and tells Aizaax it didn't have to end this way.

    "No young dragon, I let my pride cloud my judgement and let my ambition blacken my soul. My selfishness turned out to be the end of me. Here Draco, take my sword. Finish me.."

    Draco remains silent them stares at Aizaax blade. At first he is hesitant but he remembers why he accepted this quest and what he promised to everyone. He lifts the Aizaax sword up high over Aizaax chest and with all his strength stabs him. Dark beams of light explodes from Aizaax causing him to explodes before saying his final words. "My people, I have failed you. I tried to resurrect our kingdom but I have failed. Perhaps it was meant to be..... My actions has cost so many innocent lives and now I pay with my own. My pain is temporary , but my eternal...."

    The dark beam of light in the sky begins to disappear. The energy from Viera and her sister stops freeing them. Viera wakes up immediately and hugs her sister."

    "Nisa! Nisa please wake up...!"

    "I'm here sister, still alive. But very weak.. Oh! There's your boyfriend big sis."

    "Boyfriend? I don't have a." Viera when she turns around to see Draco waving at her.

    "Draco.... you.. kept your promise.. I...'

    "Big sis i'll be fine you go get your man." Nisa as she smiles at Viera.

    Viera walks towards Draco, she tells him how thankful she was. She bursted in tears after telling him how angry she was about feeling so helpless. Draco interrupted Viera and kisses her. The clouds cleared and the stars was glowed in the beautiful night sky. The moon shined bright over the mountain onto the shrine.

    Wolven awoken, surprised and relieved to see that Draco was victorious.

    "I knew you could do it kid..."

    Irene arrived at the bottom of the mountain in Marco's arms. Irene looked at Marco and said "Our little man done it." Marco smiles at Irene and tells her he never doubted him once.

    Everyone returns to the entrance of the canyon. Draco, Irene and Marco says goodbye to Wolven and Delphantez and prepares to be transported back to the mundy world. Draco asked where Viera and Nisa are. Wolven tells him that the two have already left, they wanted me to tell you goodbye and thank again. Draco looks at the ground, in disapproval. He then says his goodbye to Wolven and his father and leaves the canyon..

    3 years later after the fight with Aizaax, everyone has went their separate ways.

    In the forest Wolven is now the leader of his pack. He is married to a white wolf from the southern shelf and has 4 sons and 3 daughters. He still continues to help fables in need. He recently visited his younger brother in Fabletown who wasnt to happy to see him.

    Irene who is now a mother of 2 children a boy and a girl can be seen preparing lunch for the two. Marco is seen pulling in the driveway dressed in a suit greeting Irene and his son a daughter. The two reminisce about their adventure with Draco years ago wondering if he's ok.

    In Florida, Draco can be seen at the entrance of Miami Speedway. As he prepares to enter he feels a warm presence. He turns around and see's a phoenix feather falling from the sky. He picks it up and look up into the sky and smiles. He puts his helmet on which contains a black dragon on the back of it then turns around and walks into the stadium...

    End of Saga (To be.....continued?)
  • Thank you all, this has been a good experience for me. It allowed me to to get in touch with my 'creative' side and I enjoyed reading the stories in this thread. Thank you again and keep up the good work :)
  • edited May 2014
    Part 29 Lyla Smith


    NOTE: I added a picture of Georgie, Lyla and the kids. A rough sketch; nothing fancy. :)


    Georgie was in a deep sleep. He had a hard time getting to this point. His thoughts were filled with nothing but terrible thoughts; he had a nightmare where the Council came, examined his son and came to the conclusion he was not able to live in either community. He watched as Nate and Malcom dragged his son to the Farm; no one could help him, not even Snow and Bigby. He had a chance to see him; he was sickly and struggling to live. He reached for his son but he disappeared; Georgie found himself in the dark. Suddenly, he heard a voice-his fathers. He was suddenly in the closet back at home; he peered through the door and found his drunk father rocking in the chair and laughing. Each laughter he threw his empty bottles at the door.

    "Fuck you, you little prick! Trash stays hidden, you little fuck! Yo think we CARE about you, huh? You think ANYONE will want filth living in their home?!"

    Georgie noticed his son now sitting in his lap. Georgire frantically tried to pen the door but it was locked. He helplessly watched his son being thrown in another closet. Georgie yelled at his father; the giant man in the bowler hat opened the door, dragged Georgie out and began slapping him around.

    "You think you deserve him, huh-THEM!? You fucking make me sick, you fucking piece of shit....."

    Georgie woke up and frantically searched the bed. His brow layered in sweat, his heart racing in the night. He found Lyla sitting in a chair, breastfeeding Penelope and Emily; Kathrine and Junior still fast asleep. Kyla was startled by Gerogie's gasps and watched as he rushed by her side.

    "Georgie, Georgie sweetie! Stop! Are you ok?"

    "The babies! For fuck sake, Lyla! Are they ok? Where is that bloody fucking maggot at!!"

    Georgie's shouting startled Junior and Kathrine and soon, the two sleeping babies engaged in a loud cry.

    "GEORGIE! Look! You woke them up! Here-take these two while I try to comfort the others. What maggot? What are you talking about-"

    She stopped at the sight of Georgie standing by the window; he closely held Emily and Penelope close to his chest; she could hear him singing softly as he gently rocked the girls back and forth. Lyla realized who he was talking about; she left it at that and waited for his response. For now, she fed the other two and sang them a lullaby. Georgie walked over to Lyla and watched as Katie and Junior suckled and growled; Katie was still not enjoying having one of her siblings next to her.

    "Sweetie, you want to talk..."

    "I'm sorry I woke them up...fucking sake...."


    "I had a dream...well, nightmare, about Junior. They took him away from us, Lyla! To that fucking piece of shit Farm! And then, I was suddenly back home in the closet; my dad was there laughing and he had Junior with him! But then, he ended up in the closet and...and..."

    Lyla got up from the chair, placed Katie and Junior in their cribs; took the other two from Georgie and placed them in their cribs. They watched the babies fall into a deep sleep; Katie growling as she closed her eyes.

    "He's not going anywhere, Georgie. He is going to be ok; YOU are going to be just fine. He can't hurt you, Georgie...I won't let that happen..."

    Lyla took his hand and guided him back to bed. Georgie laid down; Lyla took her usual place next to him. She placed her head on his chest and listened to his heart come to a steady beat. Georgie was quiet; Lyla knew better to interrupt his thoughts, especially when he rolled over and turned off the light. He grabbed Lyla and pulled her closer. Time heals all, he had heard; time sure as hell was taking its sweet time. As he closed his eyes, he looked at the babies.

    "I promise...."


    Georgie was suddenly awaken by Lyla screams; they were coming from downstairs. He heard a loud crash of dishes and Hans frantically trying to calm the girls. His first thought was the Council; he ran downstairs in nothing but boxers and tried to hurry into the kitchen. He looked around, expecting to see Nate or Malcom, instead, he found Junior sitting up in the rocking swing, waving his hands around. Above Georgie, he saw pots, pans and dishes. The girls were screaming in fear; Hans and Henry trying their best to hush them. Junior was encased in a white glow; his eyes no longer brown but a very light blue. He swung his right arm back and several dishes came crashing down; shards of glass flying in all directions.

    "HENRY! HANS! Get the girls out of here!"

    As told, Henry and Hans scooped up the girls and took cover in the other room. Lyla tried talking to Junior; he was not listening and continued throwing dishes around.

    "The fuck happened, Lyla!?"

    "Georgie, I don't know! He was so fussy this morning. I got up and took him downstairs; Hans and Henry helped me with the girls. I thought he was hungry but he wouldn't eat, so I placed him in the jumpy seat and as I turned away, he screamed, Georgie! He screamed, his eyes turned that color; he started to glow and now, he's throwing things around!"

    Georgie and Lyla ducked; Junior managed to pick up a chair and toss it against the wall. Lyla crawled away and grabbed the phone; Swineheart and Lola would know what to do. Meanwhile, Georgie slowly walked up to his son. Junior noticed his father and dropped his hands. Georgie slowly lifted his arms and reached out to Junior and tried to slowly pick him up. Without warning, the boy waved his hand and another chair flew out the window. Georgie panicked; if the Council EVER found out....

    "JUNIOR! STOP! You want them to take you away!? Do you want to be separated from your mommy and daddy and sisters, huh?! Stop, please! Just....stop...."

    Georgie held his son close; he didn't know what to do and was running out of time. Suddenly, the boy was quiet; Georgie looked down and found Junior sucking on his thumb. His eyes slowly changing back to brown; the white glow disappearing. Lyla was still on the phone when she found Georgie cradling Junior. The little boy was asleep in his father's arms.

    "What...what the hell did you do...."

    Georgie was baffled; one minute, his son was throwing furniture. The next, he was fast asleep like nothing ever happened.

    "Did...did you get a hold of Swineheart and Lola....

    "Yes! Georgie, how did-"

    "I don't know, Lyla....I don't know...."

    That was the funny thing about Halfers that no one mentioned; they were usually pretty quiet individuals but it was hard to pinpoint what made them tick; what would stop it or if it could be cured. Junior had his parents go through the first phase; what made him tick. Next challenge would be to figure out how to control them. Georgie continued holding his son. Somehow, it was Junior now trapped in the closet. Only Georgie and Lyla were now the one's trying to save him. All they could do was wait. How time was funny like that.
  • No, thank you man. Creativity is always good for the brain! Your stories have been an interesting addition to this thread!
    MasterStone posted: »

    Thank you all, this has been a good experience for me. It allowed me to to get in touch with my 'creative' side and I enjoyed reading the stories in this thread. Thank you again and keep up the good work :)

  • Glad to see everyone's interesting ideas. Love this thread! :) Can't wait to read more of everyone's stories. Agree with Master-Keep up the good work!

    No, thank you man. Creativity is always good for the brain! Your stories have been an interesting addition to this thread!

  • Ah, G. Porgie. Nice to see that you're still active on here as well! Your story is still a fantastic read!
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Glad to see everyone's interesting ideas. Love this thread! :) Can't wait to read more of everyone's stories. Agree with Master-Keep up the good work!

  • Oh, for fucking sakes! I need a break from the club, too ya' know! XD Thank you. :) Even if i WAS the only one active, I'd still be here. Having too much fun!

    Ah, G. Porgie. Nice to see that you're still active on here as well! Your story is still a fantastic read!

  • edited May 2014
    I couldn't help but laugh at your picture, in a positively good way of course! :3

    Btw, Lyla's smokin'. Nice work!

    EDIT: Meant for this to be a reply towards pudding_pie's comment above. D'oh!
  • I am glad! :D
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Oh, for fucking sakes! I need a break from the club, too ya' know! XD Thank you. :) Even if i WAS the only one active, I'd still be here. Having too much fun!

  • Thanks. Hey, no prob. :) Glad it brought smiles. Those poor

    I couldn't help but laugh at your picture, in a positively good way of course! :3 Btw, Lyla's smokin'. Nice work! EDIT: Meant for this to be a reply towards pudding_pie's comment above. D'oh!

  • Superb you have a great imagination and are a great storyteller
    MasterStone posted: »

    Part 12 (Final Battle Part 3 and Epilogue) The showdown between Draco and Aizaax continues. The two beast attacks become more violent d

  • edited May 2014
    Part 30 Lyla Smith

    "Accidental happy ever after"

    NOTE: Will start leaving little images from time to time. Give feeling to what is being read. :) Next part hopefully will have a link to one.

    Swinheart and Lola did not take long; within five minutes, both of them were finished examining Junior. Swineheart also wanted to look at the girls since he and Lola were already there. Lyla and Georgie's fears were coming true; Junior would be taken away for sure if he had this unexpected tantrum again. The Council would for sure have him taken to the Farm. All they could do was wait and hope Swinheart would have nothing but good news Finally, both of the doctors arrived; each holding a sleeping baby. Georgie was the first to stand by their side.

    "How is he, doctor? The girls-"

    Swineheart chuckled as Katie woke up and licked his hand.

    "Seems they are all happy, healthy little girls. Junior was a bit fussy; judging by how old, Lola and I guessed either he was restless or gassy. Try burping him next time or putting him to bed 30 minutes earlier than the girls."

    "So every fucking time he has a tantrum, he's going to fucking pick shit up?!"

    "Well, Georgie, he doesn't have the ability to communicate verbally how he is feeling; the little guy was trying to get some attention and help, so he did the only thing he could..."

    Georgie grabbed Katie and Junior while Lyla held Emily and Penny. They were still unsure on how to swallow the news. It still didn't answer their one question-would this be an ongoing thing or could it be tamed?

    "Dr, what Georgie and I want to know is, can we control this behavior before he does it again? He's little enough to get it into his brain because when he get's older...."

    "It can be. Lola and I want to take a better look at Junior alone tomorrow. We want to try a different variety of treatments and what sets him off.So far, we can tell pain and discomfort make his abilities strong, therefore, he uses them to get attention and comfort."

    As she maneuvered the girls in her arms around, Lyla managed to give Georgie a slight punch in the arm.

    "The fuck is that for?!"

    "It's your fault! You're the reason he can do that shit!"

    "Oh yes, Lyla cause just the other day, I too fucking lifted up furniture, tossed them around like play toys and fucking glowed fucking white!"

    "It's the two of you, actually...."

    Georgie and Lyla turned their attention to Swineheart; he and Lola were smiling. Lola reached into her burlap, took out a large clear ball and walked over to Georgie and Lyla. She squeezed her way in between them, waved her hand over the ball and like lights to a house, they turned on and left a florescent glow behind them. Lyla and Georgie peered into the ball; they saw their son.

    "Dat der boy is what he be because of ya' two; he be half Fable, half Folker. Da' two worlds, when combined, can create the most beautiful children with the capability to live wonderful lives and do great things...but if he can't control dat little temper and find a healthy outlet, they will surely take him away. The girls, however are not half; they are either one or da other. Take Katie: She is YOU, Lyla. She will be able ta' control her wolf instincts, with your help. Emily and Penny be like their daddy; a Fable. They will be tanks, those two dem' little girls"

    With a wave of her hand once more, the ball was clear again. She placed it back and the two of them watched as Georgie and Lyla cradled the babies; Junior snuggling closer to Georgie's chest. He leaned dow and gave them both a kiss on the forehead.

    "He CAN live in this town, Lyla and Georgie. Mayor Cole has given you two as long as you need to. He will learn and he will control it. He's going to need nothing but your love and patience. We will back tomorrow. Until then, have a good day."

    The two of them thanked Lyla and Georgie and soon, they were out the door. Lyla noticed Henry and Hans sneaking around the corner; the look on their face was priceless. You would think they just saw a ghost.

    " it safe, Lyla? Is he-"

    "He's fine, Henry. All four of them are fine. Georgie and I just need to work on Junior, that is all."

    "Sooo, will he do this EVERY TIME he is sad, or sick or-"

    Henry stopped the second he noticed Georgie's face; he didn't look all to thrilled at the moment and knew better than to carry out the conversation. Lyla had her head tilt just enough to plant a kiss on his cheek. Last thing she needed was a frustrated Georgie holding newborns.

    "Look, Georgie and I are going to work with Swineheart and Lola in the morning. Right now, we are just focused on the babies and will keep an eye out the rest of the day; if there are ANY changes, we are to contact them. If you guys notice anything, please, let one of us know. We need to make sure they are going to be safe...."

    Lyla looked over at her son, who was now snuggling closer to Georgie and sucking this thumb.


    Lyla wanted to test Junior that afternoon. While the girls all slept peacefully in their bassinets, she held Junior in her arms. When he would close her eyes, she would make a sudden noise to startle him; she wanted to see for herself what set him off. It was a risk she was taking but her son's future would depend on these silly little motions. He was wide awake; his dark brown eyes focused on his mom, who was now placing the bowler hat on his head. She smiled as she looked at her miniature Georgie.

    "Don't tell your daddy this but I didn't like him. If you were to tell me a year ago that I would not only be engaged to him, let alone have his children, I would have thought you were mad. He is a good man, sweetie...just lost in this fucked up town like the rest of us."

    She took a seat next to the window; the air was heavy that day with not a cloud in the sky. Lyla looked down below and watched as crowds of people made their way to the final destination. Junior cooed as he frantically moved his tongue around in his mouth. Lyla figured out this was his way of saying 'hungry.' He sure as hell didn't indicate this earlier during his 'fit', so Lyla knew it wasn't hunger that drove him mad. Maybe it was him just being fussy. She pulled her blouse down and watched as Junior latched himself onto her breast. He was quiet as he nursed and Lyla continued to gently move him. He was closing his eyes and Lyla wanted nothing more than to keep him awake. Junior's eyes were closed and she decided to leave him be. Today, they would play it by ear. If she did, however, have another moment, she would be ready. For now, all Lyla wanted was for Junior to be as 'normal' as he could be.

    Georgie walked into the room. In his hand, he held a cup of coffee and in the other, a croissant. As he passed by the girls, he managed to give them each a little kiss on the forehead. Emily kicked around for a few seconds but was soon fast asleep. Georgie made his way to Lyla, who was still nursing Junior.

    "Want a bite?"

    "No thank you, sweetie. Not really all that hungry. Mmm. That coffee smells amazing, though. The minute these four are no longer breastfeeding, I'm getting me the biggest cup of coffee you have ever seen!"

    Georgie was beaming as he watched Lyla.

    "What? What is that smile for?"

    "Just content..."

    Georgie kissed Lyla. As they were lost in their passion, Henry and Hans walked in; Gina and Carla behind them.

    "WOAH, you two! Get a room! Don't need to be makin' anymore babies yet, boss!"

    "Fuck off, Henry..."

    As Junior finished, Gina grabbed the baby and gently burped him.

    "He's adorable, sis. They all are. The girls look like you, Q-ball....except for Katie. Those poor girls...."

    Gina laughed as Georgie gave her the finger; he knew she was kidding around with him. Emily AND Penny did have about 98% of his features but it didn't bother him. Gina finished burping Junior and placed him in his bassinet.

    "So, did you guys ever figure out what is wrong with Junior?"

    "Not yet. Swineheart and Lola will return tomorrow and 'test' him. They wanted us to watch him but I don't want to do that to him. Georgie and I will handle this later but for right now, we want him to enjoy the peace and quiet."

    Lyla noticed her sister was dressed up very pleasant; she had on a nice black cocktail dress, her hair pulled back and nice slip on shoes. She noticed Hans was dressed up nicely as well. He wore a pair of dark blue jeans, black converse, a simple white tee and a plaid red shirt. Lyla could smell the cologne from where she was.

    "Oh wow, Gina...Hans. Where are you two heading off looking so nice?"

    "Well, Hans asked me out the other day and well, why not? We are going to eat a simple lunch, maybe catch a's fucking hot as all hell, so we will see where the day goes."

    Hans and Gina said their goodbyes and walked out the door. Lyla laughed; oh how funny life has been the last few months. Later that day, her mom and dad came over for a quick visit. John tried asking her about Junior and the girls but she refused to talk about it; for right now, she wanted to put it in the back of her mind and enjoy this moment. John dropped the subject. He too knew that sooner or later, despite their separation from the Folkers, the Council would be down to document the babies. That was the last time anyone brought it up that day.


    While Lyla and Georgie were in bed, they heard Hans and Gina finally arrived home. She could hear them trying not to laugh but it was not successful; she heard Henry storming out of his room, yelling. No, she thought. We don't have four sleeping babies in here. Lyla was trying to get up but Georgie stopped her.

    "Don't love. Leave it. Look at them-they are OUT! If we hear them beginning to fuss, THEN I will go down there and shut them all up myself. Come here..."

    Georgie grabbed Lyla and kissed her. It was intense; the emotions flooding over the both of them. He slowly took off her shirt and kissed her neck. Lyla wrapped her arms around Georgie's neck and felt the consuming fire within. She wanted nothing more than to feel him and forget everything they had to deal with from here on out. They were unaware of Nate standing outside the club, watching...waiting.
  • edited May 2014
    Wow, I still can't believe you've made 30 parts already. You are just on the ball, Porgie!
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 30 Lyla Smith "Accidental happy ever after" NOTE: Will start leaving little images from time to time. Give feeling to what is

  • Aw, yeah. Draco's gonna whoop some Aizaax butt.
    MasterStone posted: »

    Book 3, Part 11 (Final Battle Part 2) Aizaax attacks and Draco manages to roll out of the way in time. Draco notices Viera's sword s

  • We are just getting started. :) Haha Porgie-LOVE it!

    Wow, I still can't believe you've made 30 parts already. You are just on the ball, Porgie!

  • edited May 2014
    Eh? I should start popping some popcorn for myself then. XD
    pudding_pie posted: »

    We are just getting started. :) Haha Porgie-LOVE it!

  • edited May 2014
    Part 31 Lyla Smith

    "Baby steps"

    NOTE: Here is another image of the Quads. Sorry for the poor quality. Scanner no longer works, so taking pictures OF the picture will do for now. :) Enjoy.

    All morning, Dr. Swineheart and Lola tested Junior. They tried every possible action that might have sent someone off: Hunger, disturbance while sleeping. He even tried pain; Georgie was quick to deny Swineheart the chance to even try but he insisted. How else were they going to know and so, with a heavy heart, Georgie watched as Swineheart pricked him with a needle. The baby cried but nothing more. Both of thew were stumped. Swineheart even asked Lyla what she had done that morning to send him into a rage but she wasn't sure.

    "All I did was bring the babies down too feed and with the help of both Henry and Hans, we brought them downstairs so not to disturb Georgie."

    Lola asked Henry and Hans if they noticed anything strange with the boy but both said nothing out of the ordinary. Swineheart was running out of theories; there had to be SOMETHING that sent the boy into a frightening fit. He even tested the girls but neither one of them showed the capability of doing what their brother did. Finally, Lola and Swineheart took a coffee break with Georgie; Lyla began feeding the babies. John made a stop at the club and asked how it was going with Junior; everyone's frustrated glances and silence said it all.

    "We don't know, dad. They have tried everything but he just doesn't seem to be responding. We have to figure it out before he does it again!"

    John thought for a moment. He looked around the kitchen. Something MUST have triggered the boy but what? John got up and began walking around the kitchen. He examined the area and every so often looked over at Junior, who was now nursing. One again, Katie was beside him; she growled at her brother but was soon hushed by Lyla. It did not seem to bother him, as he continued nursing. It couldn't be his sisters, so John moved on. He reached the spot were Georgie was drinking his coffee. He looked exhausted and explained to John the insomnia he's had.

    "It's not the babies, just these weird dreams I've been having about my father and the homelands."

    "Of what?"

    "Stupid shit...just, stupid shit...."

    Suddenly, Lyla noticed Junior no longer nursing but turning his little head in the direction of his father. Without warning, the child began to glow white; his eyes turning a solid light blue. Lyla panicked and had Henry grab the girls, especially Katie. Although the pup was still hungry, Lyla couldn't take the chance and stood in silence; all she could do was wait. Swineheart and Lola watched on as the boy's body glowed. He continued to look at Georgie; he noticed his behavior and slowly walked to him. Henry was lost for words.

    "Boss, it's you! He looked at you and started that glowing thing again!"

    Georgie ignored Henry's comments and slowly reached out. Suddenly, without warning, Junior's attention was now on John; the giant man stood in silence, unsure as to what he should do. Without warning, Junior blinked and John went flying into the wall. Lyla was horrified as she watched her infant throw her father around like a rag doll. Hans and Henry tried grabbing John but each time Junior blinked, John flew up higher.

    "LYLA! Do something! GEORGIE!!!"

    Georgie, along with the others, tried frantically to reach John.

    "Damn it, Georgie! He's going to get him killed! The fuck! He didn't do a damn thing! He's going to severely hurt someone!"

    Junior quickly dropped John to the floor. He landed in the lounge. Hans and Georgie ran over to his side; Lyla and Lola trying to calm the girls. She kept Junior away from them, just in cause. Henry unexpectedly was surrounded by the same glow as John had and was tossed into the wall.

    "Fucking, no, NO! Junior!"

    Georgie ran back to his side; Hans helped John back up to his feet. Georgie watched helplessly as Henry was swung around in the air and tossed against the wall. Some of the dancers ran into the mess and watched in horror as their bartender was swung around like some play thing.

    "GEORGIE! UGGHHHH! LYLA! Do something! For heaven sake's!!!"

    "HENRY! We are trying...."

    Swineheart began putting two and two together. He quickly rushed to Henry, who was now trying to hold onto the ceiling fan.

    "Henry! Apologize to Georgie!"

    "The hell!? For what!?"

    "Trust me-just do it!"

    Henry did as he was told and suddenly, he stopped in mid air. Everyone was trying not to say anything, afraid Junior would start up. Lyla and Georgie watched as a bruised and battered Henry was slowly brought back to the ground. John helped him up; Hans had a wet rag ready for him. As Henry took a seat, Georgie walked to Swineheart.

    "The fuck did you-"

    "I think I've come to the conclusion of what send Junior into a's you, Georgie."


    "Let me explain. You yourself still have a lot of rage and certain memories you will never forget. The wounds have healed but the scars remain; the problems you went through as a child in the homelands. Therefore, it's become a part of you as the years went by. It's not tattooed into your genetics. I noticed John asked you a question and it made you upset. Junior did what he could to stop your pain. Henry made a comment you didn't like, therefore, Junior took care of that. Tell me, the other day when he had his first outburst, what happened?"

    "Fuck, doctor! I don't fucking know! I was still sleeping when I heard Lyla scream and-"

    Georgie's thoughts came to a halt when he remembered that morning he had woken up from the dream; the nightmare he had about the closet and is father. Georgie Junior must have picked up on his distress and took it out on everyone, not realizing he was safe and in the club.

    "Fuck! I had a nightmare....but I still don't-"

    "It's like the stones, Georgie. They connect you AND Lyla together; it's like an invisible rope that is tied around both of your waists. It holds you two together; combines your emotions to her own. Like I said, over the years your pain HAS become a part of you and so, with the birth of your son, he is now connected to you in ever way. Not saying the girls are not but it's different with them...."

    No one said a word; everyone was trying to figure it all out.

    "So, we can no longer say anything bad about or to Georgie ?"

    "That is correct, Henry. The boy will pick up on his father's anger or sadness and like he just did, create chaos and destruction until that person has learned his lesson or apologies, like you did."

    "The hell..."

    Georgie had Junior in his arms. The baby boy snuggled closer to his neck and began sucking on his thumb, cooing the entire time Georgie rocked him. Junior was simply doing the one thing no one ever did for Georgie back in the homelands-protect him. He was still deciding if that was a positive thing or not.


    Later that night, after everyone had supper and went their seperate ways, Georgie sat at his usual spot by the stage and continued holding Junior. The baby looked at his father with curious, massive brown eyes. Georgie was still processing what the doctor told him earlier. since that incident, everyone, especially the girls and Henry, were careful with their choice of words. He had no idea how powerful a broken soul could be; his son had inherited some of his hurt and anguish. Georgie was not sure how this would effect him as a child in Fabletown or even around mundies. Would he be too much like him and be so hateful that no one would want him around? Cast him off into the same category Georgie was in for so many years? Fuck, the Farm was beginning to sound like a vacation spot now.

    "How is he?"

    Georgie turned around and saw Lyla in her nightgown. She looked so beautiful against the blue and pink neon lights from the club. Georgie was beaming.

    "Hey love. He's fine. Wide awake. Come sit with us. Where are the girls?"

    Lyla took a seat beside Georgie. She placed her palm on his knee and squeezed.

    "Nerissa and Hans are helping me put them to sleep. Nerissa wanted some practice with the girls. She's so happy to have them around. she told me they bring happiness to this place. A new life for a new beginning. Thought that was beautiful. Poor Hans had a hard time earlier helping me with the diaper change."

    Georgie chuckled at the picture of this giant guy trying to change a diaper. Junior began kicking, which made Lyla smile. He was no monster; just a boy trying to protect his family and the father he knew had so much hurt in him left. Lyla slowly took Junior and grabbed Georgie's hand. She began guiding him to the stage.

    "Lyla, what are you-"

    "Ssh. Just come with me silly,"

    They reached the stage. Lyla pressed Junior against her and Georgie's chest. She used her left hand to hold him, the other wrapped around his neck. Georgie did the same; placed his right hand under Junior and the other around her waist. They were now slowly dancing under the lights. Junior yawned and was soon fast asleep.

    "He loves you so much, Georgie. He knows everything..."

    "Not sure if that is a good thing, love. Would hate knowing he has some of my memories, my hate...rage..."

    "We both know what you have gone through, Georgie. He loves you enough to be a part of you and try to help heal what couldn't be done. I've managed to crack through some of the layers. He wants to help chip away more. He loves you, Georgie. The girls love you more than anything in this world. I love you...."

    Georgie kissed his son, then Lyla. In the corner of his eye, he saw Henry and Nerissa holding the girls; Hans following close behind. They surrounded the couple; Georgie and Lyla kissing the girls' forehead. Georgie at times wanted to turn the hands of time back; to go back to the homelands and make things right. He prayed he would have the courage, as he went away for awhile in his mind and was back there again. He looked around and thanked God he never had that ability. He would have missed out on all of this. As he and Lyla held their children, he knew time heal all and with Lyla, continued dancing slowly on stage, surrounded by the one thing he needed most-love.
  • edited May 2014
    I going try different type of story a murder mystery to stay true to TWAU going to do chapters only be 3 or 4 chapters I'll going to try a different style of writing then I always do just to challenge myself for bit of fun I'll try something else



    It began in a cafe Bigby was having coffee with Snow. Bigby felt calm in her presence even just looking into her eyes it reminded him of why he still protects fabletown and follows the law to keep people just like her safe. Bigby never had many friends but Snow it seemed was always their when he needed her a shining light in a dark world her smile could light up the darkest room.

    Bigby:(smiling) Thank you for coming Snow

    Snow: .......

    Bigby:(shouts) SNOW!!


    Bigby: No I tried snow to protect them there was nothing I could do?


    Bigby: I never knew what was going to happen that was nothing I could do!!

    Snow: I would never be your friend your a failure and a monster who would want to be with you everyone you care about always ends up dead!!

    Bigby:(Bigby covers his ears as tears roll down his face) NO SNOW PLEASE I NEED YOU YOUR ALL I HAVE!!!.

    Suddenly Snow disappears into the thin air and Cafe windows starts exploding, the cafe is covered in flames and just Bigby by himself the noise burst his eardrums. As cafe just becomes ash silence follows. Suddenly a mirror appears at the end of the room. Bigby walks over and see a monster in the reflection a massive wolf with sharp teeth with claws covered in blood reflecting how felt about himself inside. Suddenly everything's goes black.

    Bigby Awakes in his bed sweating it was all just a nightmare deep down he knew was his subconscious telling him something. Bigby looks up and froze in fear around his bed were police and swat teams with AK 47's to his head he was covered in blood and his clothes were ripped apart.

    SWAT:(screams) DON'T MOVE!!!

    Bigby: Wait What goings on what's happening?


    Suddenly Bigby felt huge impact to the back of his head hit with a weapon he was knocked out and awoke in an interrogation room with Snow he smiled as he saw her before him she always appeared angelic to him all his fear and confusion suddenly didn't matter she was only one he felt understood him and with her at his side he could really get to the end of what happened

    Bigby:(smiling) Hey Snow

    Snow:(glares at bigby) Where were you last night?

    Bigby:(Laughing) Asleep why? and why didn't you take my handcuffs off?

    Snow: Last night in a cafe multiple bodies of fables and mundy's were found dead!!

    Bigby: Oh No!! we need to investigate is there any suspects or clues

    Snow: You Bigby there were claws marks which matched yours they also found traces of your hair at the scene

    Bigby: You don't think I did it do you?

    Snow: I don't know?

    Bigby: SNOW!! I wasn't there check the camera's there was no chance it was me.

    Snow: It was you on the camera's Bigby they want to sentence you to death I had use all my contacts to even talk to you

    Bigby: You have to let me go I have to find the Killer and clear my name.

    Snow:(Tears rolled down her face) I wish I could I'll miss you (she kisses Bigby on the lips and leaves the room the pain for her seeing Bigby in this situation made it no longer unbearable in his presence she was powerless to save him )

    2 guards enter the room with needles full of fatal fluids and a gun with silver bullets in case he survives to finish the job. Bigby was tied down he had no chance. The guards stuck the needles into him and applied pressure to inject suddenly a rage deep inside Bigby an animal instinct reaction to survive erupted inside him turning him into wolf form the sudden change made the guards go flying against the walls like ragdolls being instantly knocked out. Bigby sprinted out of the room and escaped.

    Taughts tormented his daydreams was it him all the evidence and footage pointed to him all he knew he would find his answer by the end of the night or die trying as he sprinted into the dark night


    Not sure if it's any good because tried something different then I used to I'll finish it if you want to see what happens next lol

    Thanks for reading
  • 31 parts is achievement in itself but to keep all them at such high standard is just incredible love this
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 31 Lyla Smith "Baby steps" NOTE: Here is another image of the Quads. Sorry for the poor quality. Scanner no longer works, so

  • edited May 2014
    Another interesting story to add among the pages of adventurous tales! Good job, Mark! At first I was like, "Damn Snow, calm your butt down!".
    Markd4547 posted: »

    I going try different type of story a murder mystery to stay true to TWAU going to do chapters only be 3 or 4 chapters I'll going to try a

  • Gotta wonder where this story is going to go. Fast paced - a gripping read!
    Markd4547 posted: »

    I going try different type of story a murder mystery to stay true to TWAU going to do chapters only be 3 or 4 chapters I'll going to try a

  • I'm glad you like them :)

    Your principles to writing and the amount of consideration you put into it are admirable, and your positivity and and support of other's work is appreciated too.

    I'm a little behind with TWD so I haven't been to those threads much, yet I will gladly check this out, thanks!
    Markd4547 posted: »

    Really I have my own thread and review so many stories I lost count of how many. But yours are unique as flow so well really easy on th

  • Right!! lol The woman knows what she wants, though! Dammit! :D

    Another interesting story to add among the pages of adventurous tales! Good job, Mark! At first I was like, "Damn Snow, calm your butt down!".

  • edited May 2014
    Haha, yes! If Snow wants cream on her coffee, you'd better damn well get that cream, boy! Or else there'll be Hell to pay with her! :O
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Right!! lol The woman knows what she wants, though! Dammit! :D

  • edited May 2014

    Chapter 2 THE KILLER GUESS

    Bigby was alone in the forest he had no one to turn to years spent protecting the fables and Mundy's only made them hate him more to make things worse they were all hunting him fables, mundies and the police. He taught about leaving Fabletown it's a dump anyway where his treated like dirt no matter how hard he try's but he knows it is all worth the effort just for Snow even a smile from Snow is worth thousands years of hate for him.

    Bigby resisted the temptation to sleep in fear even a small chance it was him who caused all the murders by accident during his sleep was it the monster inside of him coming out was he unable to control it anymore? he was not sure and not willing to take the risk.

    Bigby(mind) Was it me? I mean all the evidence and the video shows me deep down I know I'm a monster capable of killing like this maybe I should just give in and let them kill me just in case. NO I'LL NEVER SEE SNOW AGAIN I NEED TO PROTECT HER!!( a voice screamed deep down inside of him)

    Bigby hatched a plan he will go to Aunt Greenleaf apartment and get glamoured as someone else giving him freedom to investigate Fabletown without being noticed or caught.

    Bigby arrives at her apartment and knocks on the door a little girl named Rachel answers

    Rachel:(clearly stressed and sweating) Oh Bigby why are you here I know nothing my mammy's not here

    Bigby:(Notices the suspicious behavior so persuades to get an answer) Why do you think I'm here?

    Rachel:(shouts) WE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT I SWEAR!!

    Bigby: Then you have nothing to fear

    Bigby knew this was his only chance to get information and only had short period of time before the police arrived he had to take drastic action he shoved rachel out of the way and lit up his lighter and put it up to the precious tree in the apartment in about 15 seconds it would be nothing but ash.


    The little girls transform back into greenleaf

    Green: NO!! DON'T YOU dare touch that tree I'm a powerful witch I will kill you

    Bigby: I'm a dead man walking anyway rather you then the cops!! 5 SECONDS!!!

    Green: My lips are sealed but I can give you an address where you will find your answer

    Bigby removed the lighter from the tree and blew out the flames on the branch.

    Bigby: DEAL!!

    Bigby headed for an abandoned office on the outskirts of fabletown it was dark the cold wind made him shiver but his hunger for answers made all emotion and feeling non-existent he was like a dog chasing a bone nothing could stop him now as he entered the building he felt the shadows were watching his every move and the wind was whispering something to him. His instinct lead him to one particular office room it was clean and had all the latest technology not even most top companies could ever afford but why was just this room so clean and full of technology and so extremely well kept.

    Bigby checked the presses and froze in fear he found a letter the contents disturbed him to this day it had pictures of him and had his hair inside it was addressed to Greenleaf. He titled his head up and looked at the computer screen they were all tracking his movements monitoring his every move LIVE!! all day everyday.

    He was in over his head he fell to his knees he wanted to wake up from this nightmare but every time he reopened his eyes the nightmare was still there it was torture for him.

    Suddenly a phone started ringing beside Bigby and Bigby ran over and picked up the phone

    Bigby: Hello?

    Snow: Bigby thank god your ok I need you to meet me down the docks right now we have to talk

    Bigby: I missed you I be there as quick as I can

    Bigby immediately dropped everything he was doing and headed for the docks all he cares about is Snow all his problems were immediately forgotten as long as he could be with Snow. He saw a figure at the dock when he arrived it was Snow lighting up the dark night.

    Bigby:(hugs Snow) Snow thank god is everything ok

    Snow:(pushing Bigby away) look I need you to do something for me to show you love me?

    Bigby: I'll do anything

    Snow:(hands Bigby a gun with a silver bullet) I need you to shoot yourself I rather you die for me then get killed by the cops it's only matter of time anyway Bigby

    Bigby(Loads the bullet and is about to pull the trigger)

    Suddenly Bigby looks into Snows eyes the love and compassion it usually caused turned to nothing the butterflies were gone something strange was going on

    Snow:(shouts) DO IT YOU STUPID LAPDOG!!!


    Gren: Your always to busy chasing a bone to ever look at the bigger picture your rash decisions and think later attitude makes you predictable your uncertainty about yourself makes you easily mulipated


    Gren: Alright but it's a long story you see your fable towns only line of defence you and Snow are only people in this corrupt city who can't be bought or controlled through fear plus your only thing stopping anyone controlling anything in fabletown who want to fix the city their only threat the last line of defence is you.


    Gren: Your a fable almost invincible we tried but it would never work so we took other actions to destroy you. We monitored you we soon realized your on edge through your aggressive reactions to simple situations so we killed everyone you cared about to push you over the edge yet mentally you survived. Which lead me to another idea I turn fabletown against you make Snow think your a monster and get you thrown down witching well or killed by the cops I was glamoured as you I caused the murders we always monitored you so we knew the location you were at we ripped up your clothes and covered you in blood then called Swat team in to come in and arrest you GENIUS!

    Bigby:(growls) I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!

    Gren: You think I'll let you defeat me with a fistfight? playing to your strengths bit of childish mentality you have there you underestimate me I have Snow locked up and it is my next idea to rid you of fabletown I always have a plan B if I ever see you again in fabletown or you make any contact with Snow or even look me in the eyes I WILL KILL HER LEAVE OR SHE DIES!!

    Bigby: How do I know your telling the truth?

    Gren: You don't do you really want to risk it?


    Gren: A wise decision for once you STUPID LAPDOG!!

    Bigby sprinted back into the woods as tears rained down his face his only fatal weakness was Snow I mean how could he last time he tried to help the people he cared about they all ended up dead it's best for everyone that he leaves and never returns he taught to himself as he disappeared into the shadows.

    Thanks for reading hope you enjoy be couple of days before I do my next final chapter if you want me to of course anyway if wrote anymore you head with explode with all the reading and as always thank you for taking the time to read hope you enjoyed it I focused more on character development and furthering the plot then action in this chapter but I promise now I set the foundation it will be all action and violence ahead lol
    Markd4547 posted: »

    I going try different type of story a murder mystery to stay true to TWAU going to do chapters only be 3 or 4 chapters I'll going to try a

  • Thank you for taking the time to read it and glad such a talented writer appreciated my work thanks
    LupineNoir posted: »

    Gotta wonder where this story is going to go. Fast paced - a gripping read!

  • edited May 2014
    lol GOT YOU with Snow bit yeah that was inspired by the film Inception the Ellen Paige and Leo Di Caprio scene

    That was very deep that dream sequence was meant to show how Bigby's feels about himself Snow was asking the questions which haunted him how he felt about what happen that was his fault, no one should like him and his a monster that feels powerless to protect anyone etc Snow represents what he feels about himself and he struggles to let the past go hard to explain lol

    Another interesting story to add among the pages of adventurous tales! Good job, Mark! At first I was like, "Damn Snow, calm your butt down!".

  • http(:)//
    LupineNoir posted: »

    ahem Hello all. Inspired by the above tales and enticing Fables universe I thought I'd have a shot at an origins story, however not only a

  • Shit Gren! Not you have peaked my interest and wish to know more! Poor Bigby! :(
    Markd4547 posted: »

    THE LIE AMONG US Chapter 2 THE KILLER GUESS Bigby was alone in the forest he had no one to turn to years spent protecting the fab

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