Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • The edge of my seat has never been perched upon so much! From start to finish chapter 4 is a fine example of fine writing, and I say a jolly well done for it. Also, nice Goldilocks reference.

    I really had fun typing out this chapter, I hope all of you enjoy! Chapter 4: Bloody Good Eatin' Snow sighed. "Look, man up and tr

  • Lovely writing style! I look froward to reading more :)

    Chapter One - Fabletown. I ran like hell, my paws hitting the ground with each step I ran. My breaths were jagged, as if my lungs were

  • edited May 2014
    You are too kind, man! Thank you so much! Props to you for noticing by the way.
    LupineNoir posted: »

    The edge of my seat has never been perched upon so much! From start to finish chapter 4 is a fine example of fine writing, and I say a jolly well done for it. Also, nice Goldilocks reference.

  • edited May 2014
    Part 17 Lyla Smith


    'Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I will miss you until we meet again.'

    Lyla tried sitting but her nerves would not allow it. She soon found herself pacing back and forth. All Lyla could think about was Gren. When Vivian called and explained what happened, she couldn't believe it and was desperately wanting it to be a horrible joke. Instead, it was reality and she now waited in silence along with everyone else. Vivian was not at the scene when Dr. Swineheart picked Gren up; she simply left a not with this one word: sorry. Holly arrived minutes before Swineheart did with Gren. followed seconds later with Jack and Woody. When he finally arrived with Gren, Bigby had to hold Lyla back. She felt deeply that this was all her fault; Gren tried committing suicide in the alley because of her. He was still holding her picture when he arrived. Swineheart took Gren to the back and as he did, Bigby, Snow and John followed. They would all have to document the incident and hopefully have this stay quiet for awhile. Lyla tried following behind but was stopped by her father.

    "Daddy, please! I..I...I have to see him!"

    "Lyla, you can't. You can't be under this much stress in your condition-"

    "My friend fucking shot himself and you expect me to sit back and wait!?"

    Woody walked up to Lyla and tried grabbing her hand but she immediately turned away and headed for the door. Bigby was standing in front of it. She knew better than to challenge him but it was a risk she was willing to take.

    "Bigby, please! MOVE!"

    "Lyla, listen to your dad, please. I need you to stay out here and wait. Dr. Swineheart is a professional and he will take very good care of Gren. He's a fable, remember? These kinds of things happen slowly over time-think of this like a gash you would get from falling off a bike. He will be fine..."

    Woody again attempted to take Lyla. This time, she did not fight back and walked back with Woody. She took a seat next to him and Holly; Jack was at the bar with Henry and Hans. Georgie was staring out the window and was quiet the entire time Gren arrived. He said a few words to Lyla but nothing since. Lyla was worried; a silent Georgie was a never good thing. With the help of Woody, Lyla got up and walked over to Georgie. He was now rubbing his forehead and when he looked up and saw Lyla, he smiled. A sigh of relief escaped Lyla's lips.

    "Hey. He will be ok. He's a Fable...."

    "Yeah. Bigby explained it to me. I forget you guys are titans...can handle anything that comes your way. Wish Folkers were similar to that...."

    Georgie grabbed Lyla, pulled her close and slowly rocked her side to side. She buried her face in Georgie's chest; his smell was intoxicating. She felt his lips press gently to her forehead and he lightly kissed her. His stone was now blue; he could see the hurt and pain Lyla felt. Within seconds, her stone also turned blue. He couldn't stand seeing her in this condition and he tried everything to comfort her. The time seemed to move at a snail's pace. Several more times she tried venturing towards the direction of Gren but they failed every time. Finally, the door opened and out walked Swineheart.

    "Well, he is stable. I removed the bullet and patched him up; he's not going to like the right side of his head, however. Had to shave some hair but that's the least of his worries. He's sedated at the moment. He will need plenty of rest. I do, however, need to speak to you Lyla."

    Georgie released his hold on Lyla and watched her walk to the Dr. He took her to the side and she already knew what this was about. She sighed and quickly prepared herself.

    "I...I know what this is about, Dr...."

    "Oh, you do? So you know I'm going to ask you about the process of 'cleansing' then. He apparently gave him half of himself to you, Miss Lyla and he's going to need it back since you are with-"

    His eyes looked over and focused on Georgie.

    "Yes...I had no idea he did this...."

    "Well, Fables are funny like that. You see, there are different ways they can detect a mate in a person. Smells is one. An incident that makes you two closer. An object they give you....For example, Georgie gave you that stone to be his. Gren TRIED making you his by connecting but he never finished. He was pretty much dying as it was...when we found him, he looked terrible, aside from the bullet wound. Either way, he would have...."

    Lyla already knew the answer.

    "When he fully wakes up, we will start the process. You do know what this consists of-"

    Lyla nodded and the Dr. gathered his things, thanked everyone and left. Lyla felt sick; she wanted to hide. She wanted to run in there, grab Gren and apologize...apologize because she knew what a broken heart felt like. No one should ever go through something that devastating, especially alone. she slowly walked over to Georgie, vwho was nothing but smiles and understanding. Everyone seemed to surprised in his reaction. Lyla even overheard Woody saying to Bigby, 'Hell, he's taking this better. The old Georgie would have left him at the doorstep to die-' Hell, guess today would be full of nothing but goodbyes and as she smiled, Lyla wrapped her arms around Georgie and waited.


    Gren awoke two hours later; he was still feeling the effects of the medication but was able to walk around and talk. His first request was Lyla. She walked in the room and found him standing; he was still holding at her picture. Lyla could hear him sobbing quietly. she walked up behind Gren and grabbed his hand. He looked back and surprisingly, smiled back at her. Gren embraced Lyla. she could not hold it in any longer; Lyla began crying on Gren.

    "Hey, hey. Stop that. I'm ok. Don't worry about it. Let me take a look at you..."

    Lyla stepped back and showed off her quickly growing belly. Gren reached out a hand and placed it gently on her.

    "Wow, you look beautiful. That's going to be one big baby. Maybe he will have Georgie's giant bald head."

    Lyla chuckled.

    "Yeah, he...he want's a boy. We are all saying its a girl, however. Bigby and my father have a running joke about it."

    "Well, I wish you both the best of luck..."


    "Lyla, wait. Before you speak I want to say I'm sorry. I had no idea, well I did...ever since that day he rescued you in the subway....things between us-"

    "Gren, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were trying to take me for yourself. You should have said something to me. Georgie..."

    "Is a very lucky guy. I'm just sorry to let you get away like this. Hopefully in another life..."

    "I'm lucky to have known you, Gren. You are a great guy and I hope you find what you are looking for."

    Gren handed Lyla the picture.

    "We better....better get this thing going."


    The process would take a few minutes; it was very easy to accomplish but the results could vary. Some people felt nothing afterwards. All emotions connected to the other were gone in seconds. Others had a different outcome and found it difficult to let go. Once everything was burned and cleansed, it would be like nothing happened and the parties can start over and move on. Lyla was going to use the photo Gren had during the incident. Lola and Dr. Swineheart arrived, along with the Trip Trap group, Bigby, Snow, Cole and her parents looking on. And, as always, Georgie by her side. In Lyla's mind, this was only the beginning; her and Gren may not be together but this would not be the last time she would see him. Starting over wasn't looking too bad after all. Lola started a fire and threw in a large branch, sprinkled some dust over the fire and as the flames turned a bright red, she threw in Lyla's picture.

    "Come on over here, child. I don't wanna do this ta' ya' but it has ta' be done, baby."

    "Just do it quick, Lola-"

    Lola took out a sharp dagger and with a quick hand, drew a cut in Lyla's palm. The blood quickly surfaced and she walked over to the flames. She watched them dance against the picture. Beside her was Gren. He was lost in the flames; he was no longer smiling but seemed lost and alone in a crowd of people. Lyla already knew this was going to be hard for him. As Lola began to chant and Swineheart threw another handful of herbs into the fire, Lyla let five drops of her blood hit the picture and within seconds, it was engulfed in flames and became nothing but ashes. Gren suddenly fell to the floor and in a panic, Lyla ran to his side but was stopped by Holly.

    "Let me go, Holly! He's in pain-"

    "Of course he is, sweetie but you can't...he has to do this on his own..."

    Lyla watched in horror as Gren thrashed violently on the ground. She had to turn away; this was not helping her and as she walked away, Georgie grabbed her and quickly covered her ears. Georgie knew what he was going through and this shit hurt like hell. The fire began glowing white, as did Gren. He clawed at the ground and for awhile, he was his true form, letting out loud roars and grunts. He turned back to see Lyla and the others; his memory of her being wiped clean. Every moment, every memory he had was being erased. Despite his hurt and love for Lyla, he knew a part of him would always be with her and so, with his finale goodbye, Gren let everything go. He knew in time they would mend the relationship. for now, he was just happy to have known her and for awhile, understand what love was. He fell to the ground in silence; the glow gone from both his body and fire. Everyone made their way to his side. Bigby grabbed his shoulder and carefully squeezed it.

    " uh, ok....Gren?"

    While Bigby tried talking to Gren, Georgie attempted to ask Lyla questions. She too was glowing white and was looking straight ahead. Dr. Swineheart grabbed Georgie and pulled him back.

    "She's going through it herself. Stand back and wait."

    "But the baby-"

    "They baby is fine, Georgie...."

    Georgie helplessly watched as Lyla's memories of Gren vanished. After a minute, the glowing around her stopped and she returned to her old self. Georgie ran to her side, grabbed her and held her close.

    "Oh, my're're fucking alright...."


    Lyla stood quietly by the window and peered out; the rain picked up and she watched the people below scurry to find shelter from the sudden storm. Suddenly, she heard a voice and turned around. There, smiling from ear to ear, stood Gren. In his hand, he had a little plushie of a Grendel.

    "I wanted to congratulate you and Georgie on becoming parents. Normally that guy pisses me the fuck off but hey, each to their own right? I noticed Holly gave you one, so, to keep tradition alive I found this one. You'd be amazed how much shit the mundies make of us. Hell, I want that little shit head to know who I am, even if it did come from Georgie's nut sack."

    Lyla laughed and took the plushie and placed it next to the troll doll.

    "Thank you, Gren. It's lovely. She will love it."

    "Ha. She. That's what i said too. Georgie threw a broom at me. Poor Hans-all he wanted to do was clean...Well, I better be going. I have an early meeting in the morning. See you around soon?"

    "Of course! Here, give me your number-"

    Lyla reached into her pocket and pulled out a napkin. Gren laughed.

    "You always keep napkins in your pocket?"

    "Hm. My mom said you never know when you'll need one."

    They exchanged numbers, said their goodbyes and Gren was soon out the door. He walked down the now quiet streets, with nothing but the sound of the rain coming down. In his mind, he still had her thoughts, her memories; Lyla's mind may have been erased of Gren's memory but not his. No matter how many cleanses he did, a part of him would always be with her but that was ok to Gren because love is a strange and funny thing. All he could do was smile and as he turned the corner, looked back at the fading neon lights of the Pudding & Pie.

    "Goodbye, Lyla. Hope to see you again."

    And with a pep in his step, Gren walked home and prepared for another day.
  • Lyla has been through so much! (cries) I would give her a hug if I could!
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 17 Lyla Smith "Goodbye" 'Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I will miss you until we meet a

  • edited May 2014
    Hey guys, first time poster here.
    I've been playing with this idea and as a way of combatting my demons I'll pen this down. Hope you lot will enjoy.

    Well, where to begin.... Once upon a time is what the mundies coined, right? Least that is what I use to tell my grandkids their bedtime stories.
    My wife, Freya bless her soul, was an amateur novelist. She wrote hundreds of stories that not once saw the light of day. She told me all about them. She said one thing though “If you want to draw an audience in, start with the saddest thing you can imagine to grab your audience’s attention. The rest will be a cakewalk”. So this is for you Heidi. I hope I see you again soon one day, old girl.

    I was of a family of seven brothers. Not uncommon in the Homelands but nonetheless we were called “The Seven Dwarves”, as if there were no other dwarves around our mountain. We may not have been the only ones but we were good at what we did. We were the best miners, craftsmen and general arse kickers around. You messed with one of us, you messed with all seven of us.The clan of Dain, we were called. Our family heirloom was a hammer that was made by our ancestors who helped make bloody Mjolnir itself. That hamer that is on my mantelpiece is older than the rock my house in Bullfinch street is made of. It’s ancient and powerful and will be here still long after the last of my line is gone.
    My name’s Hadgar Dainson, the youngest of the Seven. We were THE Seven. Least we were before that woman appeared.

    I heard how the mundies spin that tale. Of how this poor creature came to our home, fleeing from her wicked step-mother and all that tripe. I’m not going to dispute the facts here, the queen did try to kill her and paid the ultimate price for it in the end. As did me and my brothers.
    Truth is, we did take her in and gave her food and shelter. Thing is though, one of my older brother’s, Ori, had seen her before. A few years ago, our Da went looking for new ore sites with Ori for what was supposed to be a few days.

    Those days turned to weeks and then months. We went looking after them but in the end only found Ori, nearly mauled to death by some wild animal, missing an eye and two fingers. We took him home, bandaged him up and healed him so he could tell his story and asked what happened to Da.
    Ori said Da kept getting caught on sinister traps laid down by some shape shifting bear mongrel who was put under a spell by an girl with “Skin as white as snow and hair as black as the night and lips as red as blood”. Sound familiar?
    I admit my Da was no saint and a bit greedy (an common trait amongst us dwarves) but what that bear did to him was not justice. He killed my da because that woman told him to do it. Least that’s what Ori said. My ma was heartbroken and she soon joined my Da in Valhalla.
    Ori took over as the new head of the family and we kept doing our jobs. Mining, crafting, smelting, fighting….until she arrived.
    It was as if the gods themselves presented her head on a silver platter to us.

    You may have heard rumours of what we did to her till that Witch came on by and offered an apple to end her misery. Then that Prince showed up to kiss her awake. I don’t want to speak ill of the dead but aye, those things happened. Me, Hadhod, Thakka and Fillin did nothing as our three eldest savaged her. We sat there and watched. It was only after she killed herself with that apple that we saw what monsters we had become and build her an glass coffin. You know how the story goes afterward. Let me skip to the part where after Prince Charming cheated on Snow White with her sister and then she began killing us one by one.
    They say it was accidents but I’m not sure if running into a blade seven times can be called an accident. Worst thing is, I cannot blame her. My brothers and parents will damn me for writing this down but what my family did to her was not justice. We deserved to burn for what we did.
    Ori was the first to go, then Nori and Thorgal. She would’ve killed all of us if it wasn’t for the Adversary.

    The Adversary invaded our home and unlike other kingdoms like King Cole’s or Flycatcher’s, we managed to drive them back. Of the Seven Dwarves we were with the original four plus three of our cousins or neighbors who either died or left or joined up in between skirmishes as Hadhod, then eldest, led us through the campaign. I even recall a few ladies joined our group during those years. In any rate, there were always seven of us and us seven beat pack the Adversary.
    While we gave our kin time to run, we threw everything we had on those green skinned bastards. Tunnel traps and dead ends, geysers, golems blessed by magic to be alive for a few moments and of course the Foe Hammer. Only Dainsons are able to wield the hammer so we tossed the hammer fro and abck to where it was needed most. Every strike was like an thunder clap and every time we tossed it between us four it dragged a few dumb gobbos that hung on to it right into our fires.
    We were magnificent, us Seven. Sure a few of us died each time but we were always known as THE Seven.Boy Blue told me Corporal Bearskin used us as an example to rally the men before every difficult battle. Can you believe it, seven dwarves being named in the same breath as King Arthur and Herakles as examples of stubborn resistance. Fantastic right?
    Well we were, least until we started losing. The Orcs came in larger numbers with every attack and with them came trolls and worse. When we were driven out of our home It was just me and Hadhod who came out of that mountain. We linked up with one of the few forces that once served with the great Lion in the North as we fled to the nearest portal to this realm.
    We fought our way there and suffered greatly. In the end it was just me who reached that gate along with a few others. The only reason that stopped me from going into battle and offing myself was because I had to promise to Hadhod that the Dainsons had to return to the Homelands one day and reclaim our ancestral home. And then and only then was I allowed to die.

    Centuries went past and I will spare you those tales for another time. In short I arrived in Fabletown and like Sherrif Bigby and Bluebeard I was granted amnesty. I did not wish to risk Snow White’s anger and moved just outside of Fabletown. I kept focused on my task to one day return to the Homelands and began researching the mundies and their weaponry. I am responsible for the large armoury at the business office and the development of other magical weapons we could use. During my time in Germany in the late thirties I met and fell in love with an German woman called Heidi. She lost her husband during the early stages of the war and had to raise her son, Peter, on her own. I stayed around to gather some ore and mine away but as the weeks passed we got close. After the war ended, me and Heidi moved to the states and got married. It was only because of Snow White’s mercy and Bigby making me swear to never reveal my Fable nature to her that the marriage was allowed. I opened up a car repair shop and raised my family as best as I could. Peter grew up and had kids of his own while Heidi grew old with me and passed away all of a sudden last year. Doctors said it was brain hemorrhage, none of us saw it coming.

    I did a lot of things wrong in my time…but I did my best to redeem myself since.
    The Foehammer longs to go back to where it was forged, back in the mountain of the Seven. I will make sure that day will happen but until then I will do my part for Fable Town and make sure those crappy Japanese cars will keep on driving.
  • edited May 2014
    Part 18 Lyla Smith


    -4 months later-

    Gren and Lyla never spoke again after that night. Holly and the others still found the time to see her and her very large belly; Lyla did not have any memory of going to the Trip Trap, so instead, they would go to the club. Gren never came with them. He wanted to be alone and see her from afar. Eventually, he would talk to Lyla and try to overcome his loss. Until that day, the little Grendel plushie on a shelf was enough for him. The days at the club did not change; every night Georgie still had an attraction that allowed the customers and clients to get a sneak peek and afterwards, 'wet their whistle', as Georgie put it. Lyla never went back on stage, even before her pregnancy. Georgie did not want her to be exposed, so instead made her the assistant of the club. She mostly stayed next to Henry or Hans when Georgie was busy. At first, Henry was annoyed; he didn't want Lyla getting in the way but when crowd control 'magically' appeared, he stopped and Lyla was by his side.

    One warm afternoon, Lyla walked up and down the club. It was silent for now and she took advantage of it. She stopped by the stage and laughed. Oh how her memories of Georgie sitting in the chair and watching her dance suddenly overcame her thoughts. Lyla could see him sitting on the edge, trying to get as much as he could. His smile, those eyes. Lyla remembers feeling alive rather then afraid. To her, Georgie was a wild stallion that needed time to learn, Lyla did not see Georgie behind her. He was focused on her; her light pink sundress hugging every curve and her quickly growing belly made him smile. He thought at that moment she could not get any more beautiful.

    "What are you doin', love?"

    "Just remembering the day I danced for you. Most people would call me insane for this but I was not afraid of you. Maybe a little fearful at first but that was it. I can still see you sitting in that chair. Nothing but smiles and a very large amount of cash to follow. I still have all that money you know."

    "Hm. well, I'm glad ya' didn't get too afraid of me. You deserved it. I always tell the girls, smile and turn on the clients. Make them want to come back; this is a business and nothing more. Well, it WAS nothing but it's slowly turning into a bloody fucking preschool! I'm just glad...glad you came back....."

    Lyla tightly grabbed Georgie's neck and held on tight.

    "That's all in the past. I'm ready for now and nothing can change that. I love you now and loved you don't have to be afraid anymore, Georgie. You're not alone...."

    "Thank found a part of me that was so lost and forgotten. Fuck, man! The hell fucking happened to me?!"

    Suddenly, the lounge filled with laughter; Henry, Hans and the dancers were all there.

    "Awww, boss. That was so sweet. I'm getting diabetes just hearing you speak...."

    Georgie gently let Lyla go and ran after Henry. The two chased each other around the club; Henry almost fell twice. Lyla watched and giggled. It was nice seeing him let go and have fun. She was worried for awhile; so many people told her it would be a miracle if he stuck around and helped her with the baby. After seeing him clear out a room and build a nursery alongside Henry and Hans, the thought no longer crossed her mind. The celebration and horseplay came to an end when David and Malcom appeared at the doorway. In there hand were more papers. Suddenly, the phone to the club rang and Georgie came to a screeching halt; he was not pleased to see either of them there.

    "The fuck you think you're doing in ma' club, huh?! You think you fucking dogs can just walk in here any time you want?"

    David simply smiled; Malcom was having a hard time staying still and was worried Georgie would snap and do something. He's seen it happen before and was prepared to run out of the door, with or without David.

    "You're phone is ringing. You should probably get that. We will be by Lyla once you are fin-"

    "Don't you fucking touch her, ya' hear me!? Don't even THINK about goin' near her! You stay right here where I can see ya."

    "Hm. Fair enough."

    Georgie walked past Hans and the dancers, reached for the phone and answered it. On the other line, was John. Georgie explained the situation and everyone could hear John's angry screams. After a few more minutes, Georgie was off the phone and alked towards Lyla; both Malcom and David still in their original spot.

    "Oooh, wow. Look at the dogs finally listen for once. You boys want a treat?"

    Georgie walked over to the bar, fetched up some beers and as he walked back, began shaking them. He stood in front of them both and opened the cans. Half of the beer was now on both David and Malcom.

    "There. Enjoy your fucking treat boys...."


    Malcom was prepared to lunge at Georgie and kill him with a quick snap of his teeth but he stopped in his tracks when he found David laughing. Suddenly, David clapped and wiped what beer he could from his face.

    "Bravo, Georgie. Yet another stunning performance by you and your lovely club. My, Miss Lyla. He's a keeper. Love to know that baby will be raised around animals and a bunch of Fables. Hm. Wouldn't be surprised if one day your daughter goes up on that stage-"

    "The fuck you say to me?! Huh, bitch?! Say it again, you motherfucker!! SAY IT AGAIN!"

    Before long, John was at the door. He stormed in just in time; the tension would not be able to be cut with a knife. Fucking chainsaw would be more like it.

    "Both of you, stop! I will not tolerate this in front of my daughter! And you-I thought when there was paperwork for her to sign, you would call me AND the sheriff! I will NOT have her here alone with you both, do you hear me?"

    "Oh, I'm sorry John...."

    The paperwork was the usual; Lyla and Georgie were not professional about it this time. It was a baby not some evil creature bound on destroying the world. This was getting out of hand but what could they do? They finally left; minutes later, Bigby arrived. He stopped them both outside and spoke to them. Lyla could see on his face that he was not pleased to see either one of them there. Bigby found his way into the club and pulled John to the side. After a few minutes, the two of them stood before her and Georgie.

    "If they EVER show up unannounced like that again, either you, Georgie or anyone here needs to call us. I do not want you to sign anything like that alone. I don't trust them...."


    That day, everyone was at the club: The Trip Trap, her parents and sisters, the entire Pudding & Pie crew. Today was the day when both Lola and Dr. Swineheart would determine the sex of the baby. Lyla was nervous; Georgie, however, seemed oddly calm in the situation and stood by her the entire time. Finally, they showed up. Dr. Swineheart had Lyla lie on her bed; doctors on both sides.

    "You excited, Lyla? Today is the day we find out the gender and if the baby is Fable or Folker. We;;, that's mostly for the council..."

    "Yes. Please. We all want to know."

    Lyla leaned back into the pillows and opened her legs. While Dr. Swineheart prepared the test, Lola dabbed her fingers into a cup containing crushed berries, pine leaves, rain water and jasmine and wiped it on her belly. This would calm the bay while the doctor checked the gender.

    "Hold still, Lyla. You will feel some pressure."

    Swineheart inserted what appeared to be a rod and while he did so, Lola began chanting and shaking hollowed out coconuts above her head. Lyla tried so hard not to laugh. The pressure sh felt down below helped her ease this feeling. After a few moments of silence, Dr. Swineheart had the largest smile on his face. He took out the rod, dabbed it in a cup of spring water and everyone watched the water turn a pale pink, then pale blue and finally a dark green. Lyla was confused, as was Georgie. Lyla watched as her mother fought through the large crowd of people.

    "So! What is it, Dr?! Are we having a girl or we having a boy?!"

    Both he and Lola chuckled.

    "It is a girl....and it's a boy."

    Lyla sat up and looked at them; Georgie now tightly holding her hand.

    "Twins! We are having twins!?"

    As Dr. Swineheart cleaned up his tools and placed them in his bag, he smiled.

    "No, not twins. Quadruplets. 3 girls and one boy. Congratulations, you two. I forgot to mention the last color would change to HOW many you had inside."

    Everyone was silent except for Nancy, who was squealing with delight. Lyla heard a loud thud and found Georgie on the floor. Henry and Hans laughed at their boss; everyone was congratulating them both, despite Georgie's current status. Later that night, while in bed, Georgie continued rubbing her belly.

    "Wow...four babies. Fuck sake. We are going to need more room. And more cribs..."

    "It will be fine, dear. Look on the bright side, you get your Georgie Junior I was starting to like the idea of a mini you in diapers and bowler hat."

    Georgie laughed.

    "I hope those girls are like their momma. Knowing them, though, they are going to have their dad's ugly mug. And my big nose."

    Lyla leaned over and kissed Georgie.

    "I like your nose and this ugly mug."

    Georgie leaned in and kissed Lyla, not before turning out the lights. They knew in the morning they would have to deal with the council and the Business office. For now, none of that mattered to either one of them. So under the moonlight seeping through the window, they made passionate love and for awhile, forgot the world existed.
  • Really nice job with these. You a writer at all?
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 18 Lyla Smith "Life" -4 months later- Gren and Lyla never spoke again after that night. Holly and the others still found

  • edited May 2014
    I'm wondering that myself.
    Belan posted: »

    Really nice job with these. You a writer at all?

  • No, I'm not. I've had people ask me that before. This is just for fun. I just love creating new characters and adding my spin onto existing characters that we know so little of. :)
    Gorvar posted: »

    I'm wondering that myself.

  • edited May 2014
    Part 9

    "Draco time is running out... You know what you came here for, your father correct? Now in a few moments he will be splattered all over that chamber walls but you can save him. You just have to forget about these 2 girls and walk away."

    "Shut up. You are really sick. How could you do this to Viera after you took her in and raised her as your own. Along with the fact of you trying to fuck up the human world. MY WORLD" Draco as his eyes to lite up.

    "Viera was a pawn just like her sister. I took them in for only one cogent reason, to further my cause. At first I didn't wish to bring children into this but I was desperate. I already lost so much myself I only wanted what was best for the fable world and.."

    "Don't feed me that bullshit. Your just like every other predictable tyrant. Always trying to force their law on other people and oppress them. Straight out of a fucking comic, Aizaax."

    " Such fire in you, but for how long. Draco this is your last last warning. Decide who you want to save or all 3 dies." Aizaax as he tightens the magical chains around Viera and Nisa.


    "Choose Draco, choose to save the father who abandoned you when you was a child or save the woman you love and her helpless sister. CHOOSE DRACO CHOOSE!"

    The door of the chamber breaks down and through walks Wolven, cover in blood. The blood on is so thick it changes the color scheme of his fur from a midnight black to a brownish red.

    "Your general is dead Aizaax. And you're next." Wolven as he stares directly at Aizaax as if he was looking into his cold hearted soul.

    "Not bad for a hellhound, I must say. But you are forgetting that..." Aizaax before the stronghold begins to shake.

    Back on the first level of the stronghold, Irene and Marco arrive in a room filled with magical pillars that are arranged in groups of 4 in all corners of the room.

    "Marco please NEVER, ever do that again...."

    "Sorry babe, I'll warn ya next time... Hmmm i don't see anything that looks Draco father."

    "Wait a minute, before we came her Draco gave me his medallion. He told that if it glows it means the he has found his father so..."

    Suddenly the medallion starts glowing.

    "Oh... well that was fast..." Irene as she looks at Marco.

    "So now Irene that only leaves one thing, sink this ship and split."

    "Very compelling of you Marco but how exactly are we going to do that?"

    "Simple you see those pillars, there are 4 in each corner of this room. They must power this fortress so if we manage to take them out.... BOOM easy money."

    "More like easy way to killed.."

    "Come on Irene, you're a fairy, you can think of something."

    Irene and looks around and sighs. She then uses her fairy power to create 4 explosive orbs. She tells Marco that power magic preventing her from approaching so now Marco has to use his vampiric speed to deliver each orb to the group of pillars to trigger a chain reaction.

    "Alright Irene watch this.."

    Marco delivers the first orb to the first group of pillars and when he reaches the second Irene is attacked by a group of humanoid wendigo's.


    "I'm ok Marco just finish the job." Irene as she fends off the mob of wendigo's with a torch.

    Marco makes it to the third and finally the the last group of pillars. The pillars begins the explode and Marco rushes towards to Irene and swept her off her feet once more. The two manage to escape the stronghold.

    Marco ends up of top of Irene and he apologizes to her. Then Irene rolls on top of Marco and the two exchange a long kiss.

    Back in the chamber, Aizaax knows that his pillars has been destroyed. He opens a portal and takes Viera and Nisa with him. Wolven chases after him but is not fast enough. He tells Draco to get his father and to not worry about Aizaax.

    Draco leaps over the balcony and rushes to his father. The fuse draws closer to the explosives and Draco questions why his father hasn't reverted back to his human form. The tired dragon stares at Draco and rises up then breaks out of it chains he tells Draco to climb on and it spread it wings and burst through the roof and flee's the stronghold. Wolven then jumps out of a window into a river.

    Moments later the stronghold collapses. Aizaax arrives at the center of large alter on top on a mountain. From distance the distance he watches as the stronghold falls.

    "The time has come my 2 lovely phoenix. The time has come to forge a new homelands..."

    To be continued to part 10.
  • edited May 2014
    Part 19 Lyla Smith

    "One step closer"

    'I loved you a thousand years; I'll love you a thousand more.'
    Christina Perri

    Dr. Swineheart came back the next day with the news of the babies. He had the results of what types they were; would they be Fable or would they be Folkers? Before the sun had time to reach the sky, Lyla was on the phone. Neither her or Georgie slept that night. After their love making, the two of them lied awake and just talked; they both knew that come morning, they would have to sit down with both the Council and Mayor of Fabletown. Lyla prayed deep down inside all four babies were Folkers. This would at LEAST give them a chance to avoid any problems in regards to her side of the fence. But, reality, she knew there was a chance one of the babies would be a Fable.

    Dr. Swineheart arrived with nothing more but a cup of coffee and smiles. Bigby and her father also arrived. Later that afternoon, her mother and Snow would make a visit and discuss the actions that would need to take place, if needed. And, later towards the evening, they would show up; her father assured them both that he and Bigby would be there. He took a seat upstairs in Lyla and Georgie's room. They offered him something to eat but with a smile and thanks, refused.

    "I won't take up your times, for I'm sure after yesterday's news, you both have a lot of preparations ahead. Look, after I did the testing and found out which baby it belonged to, you have three Folkers and one Fable...."

    Lyla's heart sank; she could feel herself becoming light headed and knew what that meant. The three who were more like herself would be treated like royalty; the one who took after Georgie not so much. The Fables would welcome them no matter what; her kind, however, would make things difficult. She already had it in her head on which one WAS the Fable.

    "It''s our son, isn't it Dr.?"

    "Yes. The girls are wolves, just like you. As a matter of fact, one of them is in wolf form as we speak. Your boy DOES show some folker tendencies; I had Lola check and he may or may not change into a wolf like his sisters. We won't really be able to tell until he's born. He's a halfer, Georgie and Lyla. Those usually have a hard time in the community..."

    Georgie stood up, walked to the bar and threw down every glass mug he found. The floor became a carpet of broken glass. Lyla rushed over to his side but was stopped by Henry. He and Hans had heard the commotion and headed in that direction just in time. Helplessly, she watched Georgie continue to destroy the bar; the t.v. was now in pieces, the keg half way across the room and about half the liquor bottles against the walls.

    "They are going to fucking take my son away from me! I will NOT let those fuckers take him from us, you hear me?! No disrespect to you and the Folkers but not my son! Fuck, that probably won't even be HALF the reason they don't want him here! It will be because he's...he looks...looks like me...."

    Georgie quickly stopped, fell to the floor and began to cry. Henry released Lyla and she ran to his side. She cradled him in her arms and gently rocked back and forth. Her dress was now soaked in tears; her heart heavy with this sudden rush of emotions. All Swineheart could do was wait; this was not the first case, nor would it be the last time he would have to deliver the news. Every time, however, crushed his spirit. Everyone watched, as Georgie Porgie, the man so many thought was soulless, careless, a scumbag and a waste of life, crumble to the ground and cry.

    John arrived minutes later with Bigby. They both held onto their files and another stack of papers. Snow arrived seconds later; Nancy followed quickly, then Mayor Cole. They would not get the council involved until later tonight. Right now, their main focus was Lyla, her babies and the man quietly staring out into space. Georgie was quiet the entire time as John and Bigby took a seat to discuss the possibilities of what was to come. Bigby spoke; John was having a hard time finding the words to speak.

    "Look. We have two options for US, the Fables. We will not turn you, Georgie or the babies into the farm UNLESS they are a threat to us. I do not see them being a problem to us as a community. We have several people alone that are 'halfers' and do not give us trouble. The girls appear to be ONLY Folkers, as Swineheart documented here. The boy is the one we are all concerned about. He appears to be a Fable but is showing signs of also carrying Folker tendencies, hence the name 'halfer'. We can either monitor him the second he is born and watch for any signs or take our chance and hope he's not a threat."

    "You're going to take my son away if he is a threat, aren't you sheriff?"

    Everyone's attention was now directed to Georgie; he was no longer crying but his eyes were as red as blood. His choice had changed from concerned to hate.

    "Georgie, you know how this works-"

    Georgie stood up and as he did, shoved all the papers on the ground. Every piece of paper were now scattered on the floor. He took his right foot and began crushing below his shoe. He took the others papers that didn't fall to the ground in his hand and shred them to nothing but millions on pieces. He threw them in the air and they fell back to the ground like snow.

    "I already know about the fucking rules, Sheriff! I fucking heard this a million fucking times even before she showed signs of the pregnancy! All I keep hearing are things that you CAN do or MAY happen to him if he DOES become a threat! You're the fucking protector of Fabletown-do your goddamn job, Bigby! He's not even HERE and you're already telling me there is a chance he may be taken away..."

    "Because I know what will happen if I DON'T tell you, Georgie! I'm doing this because I give a damn! You think I LIKE working with the Folkers?! No, I don't but it had to be done because she is one and so are those babies! Now, I need you to get a grip, sit down and talk to us! You screaming and destroying half of the documents will not solve your problems!"

    Georgie leaned in closer; his nose and the sheriff's now touching. Georgie's eyes seemed to change; they became darker, more focused.

    "Get a grip, sheriff? Get a grip?! Do you KNOW what they do to children and people that are considered 'dangerous' to both communities? Death, sheriff-you both insist on telling me about that fucking Farm but remember, Lyla knows EVERYTHING that took place. MY SON would be killed because he does not know anything different....because he is not given a chance...."

    Everyone was silent. Bigby was unable to find the words to continue. He knew the child may have a chance in Fabletown but the council had the upper hand in all of this. Why? Solely because Lyla was the female and a Folker; sadly, they could only speak for Georgie and the one's that showcased 'Fable' traits. Halfers to the community was like a coin toss; whatever side was more dominate, is who took charge. Until the child was born, they had no idea. John finally found the words to speak.

    "Look, Georgie. Bottom line is, we are trying to settle this. We can only take one day at a time. So far, the boy is half. That much is true. However, we won't get a better picture until he is here. And even then, there is the waiting period, how he will be as a newborn, toddler-"

    "This fucking bullshit sounds more like business then coming from a concerned grandfather-"

    "I AM concerned, Georgie. You don't think I was worried the minute I found out you two slept together? I will NOT sugarcoat this, Georgie. You of all people should know that...."

    Georgie and John were silent again. Lyla touched Georgie's hand and even though she hated the answers they were giving her, she knew the truth and it was not a pretty thing. Lyla tried to think positive. All she could hope for four healthy, happy babies.

    "Georgie, sweetie. I don't like this either. But this is reality and hopefully, if he IS a 'halfer', we can give him nothing but love, therapy and patience. They can't take him away if he shows signs of positive progress. Same goes for the girls if they do need a little boost of help. We can do this, Georgie. No one will take our babies're son will grow up here along side his sisters."

    Georgie's grip on Lyla's hand loosened. His thoughts were racing around his head. All could picture were the Council taking his newborn son away but Lyla brought him back to reality. By law, they couldn't do anything within the first year of the child's life. This was the time the children(s) had a chance to learn and behave the proper way of the community. Snow picked up a few papers not destroyed by Georgie's rage and slowly stood beside him. She placed her hand gently on his shoulder.

    "Gerogie, we can see the hurt and frustration. We do understand how devastating this must be to you. I can't imagine anything worse then to hear your child maybe in danger but please, we need you to restrain yourself from doing anything foolish. Please....."

    It was hard for Georgie to swallow his pride but he listened and as he and Lyla signed the papers, Bigby, Snow and John looked on.

    "Thank you, Georgie. We will do everything we can to help out..."

    That night, the Council never showed up. This gave Lyla and Georgie time to be alone. He was resting his head on her belly when suddenly, one of the babies lightly kicked his cheek. Georgie kissed the spot traced circles all over. The entire time, Lyla watched and smiled.

    "Daddy promises to never let anything happen to either one of you. I love you all too fucking much. I love you no matter what they say..."

    Lyla finally fell asleep; Georgie couldn't that night. All he cared about were the four little lives growing rapidly in Lyla's womb. Georgie, the scumbag, heartless bastard people thought he was, began singing to her belly. Each time he did, the babies moved inside and Georgie's smile grew each time.
  • That was beautiful.
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 19 Lyla Smith "One step closer" 'I loved you a thousand years; I'll love you a thousand more.' Christina Perri Dr. Swi

  • Be sure to reply folks :)
    Gorvar posted: »

    Hey guys, first time poster here. I've been playing with this idea and as a way of combatting my demons I'll pen this down. Hope you lot

  • Wow, very well-done! Caught my interest!
    Gorvar posted: »

    Hey guys, first time poster here. I've been playing with this idea and as a way of combatting my demons I'll pen this down. Hope you lot

  • edited May 2014
    Hope that everyone had a fantastic Mother's Day yesterday!
  • That's a dilemma, right there.
    MasterStone posted: »

    Part 8 The continued to approach the dreary fortress only to be stop by a wendigo, the very same one that attacked Draco the first time

  • edited May 2014
    Compact, interesting and imaginative!

    Referencing real-world aspects gave it a fresher angle too.
    Gorvar posted: »

    Hey guys, first time poster here. I've been playing with this idea and as a way of combatting my demons I'll pen this down. Hope you lot

  • Thanks for the reply guys :)
    Gorvar posted: »

    Hey guys, first time poster here. I've been playing with this idea and as a way of combatting my demons I'll pen this down. Hope you lot

  • edited June 2014
    Here's some more to read for - hopefully - your delectation. Let me know what you think.

    Part One - Is it a break-in if it's all unlocked?

    It's a quarter to midnight and the streets are still. Pools of amber light illuminate the side-walk at regular intervals, beacons on a dark night. There is a heat flowing through the city, and the thrill of a storm rides on it.

Mr. Weasel takes a more-or-less direct route to The Woodlands, only chancing a couple of narrow back-alleys which significantly reduce his journey length, and the likelihood of being seen. Head on a swivel, he is wary to keep his wits in the concrete jungle.
    After 10 minutes walking, with his feet warm in his boots, he's about to turn a corner on the Upper West Side of Manhattan when a pig appears from around it and they almost collide. The pig looks up, moist nosed and opened mouthed.
    "That you, Weasel?" the pig asks disconcertedly. After a slight hesitation the Weasel replies,
    "Hey, Colin." The pig is relieved.
    "Bit late for a stroll."
    "Yeah, I was just going to stop by my old apartment. I think I left some... books there." Should he be worried about Colin?
    "Books, huh?"
    "Yeah. I just couldn't sleep and that's when it came to my mind that a... book I couldn't find might still be there."
    "That so? Well as you can see I'm out for a stroll too. Bigby's working around the clock and is more stressed than a wolf should be, so I've decided to keep out of the way when he's at home."
    "Is he getting anywhere with the murder thing?"
    "Hard to say. Anyway I best move, damn Mundies get suspicious of talking pigs for some reason."
"Okay. Try not to get sent back to The Farm."
    "Heh, I'll try. Thanks."

    With that Colin trots off down the street, disappearing and reappearing in the lights. Mr. Weasel had met all of the Three Little Pigs - who were no longer particularly little - and knew without a doubt that Colin was his favorite. Posey and Dun were too highly opinionated upon matters which the Weasel tended to avoid, i.e. politics. Could Colin have suspected him of something though? Probably not, unless he thought him a murderer. With that a vision of the Big Bad Wolf on a vengeance leapt into the Weasel's mind, so he quickly picks up his steps and turns the corner, while trying to push the image out.

    As The Woodlands comes into sight Mr. Weasel takes note that dulled light shines through only a few windows. No shadows are to be seen behind the window curtains and blinds, and in the deserted street the building with grey stones and iron railings seems to loom up like a great impenetrable castle. Certainly anyone - including Mundies - would be able to tell that these 'luxury apartments' were open to a certain type of person.

    The cold hinges of the gate give out slight squeaks as they move, and the Weasel now stands in the grounds. He gives out a deep sigh; he could land himself in some Very Serious Trouble if this goes awry. Pushing the gate closed, the leaves of a nearby tree rustle as a breeze forces itself through the branches, followed by a deep rumble from an invisible mass in the sky above. An omen?

    Moving swiftly to the front door the Weasel holds the handle, pushes it down and opens the door just like that.

    As soon as he steps inside Mr. Weasel is hit by a wall of stagnant heat; it chokes him as his throat drys. After a moment of desperate swallowing he inspects the foyer: most apparent is the dimness, as there are only two bulbs switched on upon the high ceiling. Darkness lurks in the corners of the room, yet the Weasel can see through it well enough with his animal eyesight. Over to his right stands a desk home to a blue lamp and buzzing television screen. Could the screen be connected to cameras? Hard to say without getting close. Behind the desk, in an office chair with arms, slouches a snoozing guard. 'Good ol' Grimble', the Weasel contemplates.

    Content no one else is present, the intruder sweeps over red carpet and smooth marble floor to reach the elevator opposite the desk. Taking the stairs, he considered, would leave him too exposed.

    The 'Call' button is pressed: at current, the elevator is resting on the sixth floor..
    A wait.
    Even in his Glamoured state the Weasel's skin seems dry and course in the air, yet the handle of the screwdriver in his jacket pocket becomes slippery as his palms moisten.
    A ticking clock; hums and buzzes from the screen on the desk; a small meter above the elevator door displays the progress.


    Like an owl the Weasel spins his head and glares at the desk, however Grimble still sleeps soundly.

    Mr. Weasel steps onto the scuffed metal floor of the elevator, at the back of which is a mirror. Standing in front of it, hollow eyes stare back and unease him. The button for the 4th floor, the floor on which the Business Office is located, is depressed - which then proceeds to light up - whilst the Weasel decides a new provider of Glamours is necessary. He'd heard through the grapevine that there was a black market in them.

    Given the command, the elevator lurches into action. The passenger had once lived in this very building - apartment 1900 - just down the hall from Ichabod Crane. Now there was a man with a strange demeanour, he judged.


    Metal doors slide open and a wooden-clad corridor greets the passenger. Disembarking, a floorboard moves slightly under the pressure of his boot. The beating of Mr. Weasels heart grows faster - he's so close to answers. Yet if he were to get caught it would be the end of life as he knew it. Much to win, a great deal to lose.

    Snow White is sat at her desk in the Business Office. It was late and she felt it. She could hear Bufkin flying back and forth tidying records away, records which had been scoured in vain hope of finding assistance on the murders. Nothing had been found and nothing more could be done tonight, she knew. Rising out of the padded chair and lifting a pale blue bag, Snow White breezed past Ichabod Crane's desk without even a cursory glance as to its state. A thought made her skin crawl however.

    Opening the Business Office door from the interior, Miss White is greeted by a haggard man.
  • edited May 2014
    Enjoyable, well crafted, fantastic grammar.

    I am really nobody to remark on any content, so please disregard if considered that I am negative. I am not a writer and I am dyslexic.

    I was always under the impression that the cardinal sin of literature, a writer writing themselves into their story. Obviously any story written is from the writer's creativity, and all the characters within are from the writer's own imagination, possibly they are adaptations from another source. However when showing expression to any of the characters in a story from using words like: I, I am, I'm etc. This takes away most of the meaning from any other readers experiences. They can no longer picture that story about themselves. Begging the question of why would they read? Because this story is now only really about only about the writer. When if using any name to express the characters, even your screen name, but not your real birth name, because it may be possibly know to the reader. Using the difference will now have a much more desired effect. Being it is far easier for any readers to fantasize bringing themselves into the universe that the writer has created from their creativity written.

    There are exceptions to every rule, when if a writer's musings, a blog about the writer. Where any readers will follow the authour's personal thoughts, feelings, day's events etc. Although mostly within any Fantasy, Novel, etc, the above rule generally applies.

    Only offered as a constructive critique :)
    LupineNoir posted: »

    Here's some more to read for - hopefully - your delectation. Let me know what you think. Part One - Is it a break-in if it's all unl

  • edited May 2014
    Damn stupid computer! Posted twice so here you being random in this box! :)
  • Part 20 Lyla Smith


    Mayor Cole and Lyla sat outside drinking tea. It was a cool day;the wind was crisp and the air clean. Cole wore a large coat, jeans and boats. Lyla adorned a brown coat, pink sweats, black t-shirt and boots. She was now 5 months pregnant and everyday, the babies seemed to grow more and more. Both her and Cole took sips from their tea and sat in silence; the only noise they could hear were the city and Georgie. Hans and Henry were TRYING to help him put together the other three cribs. It did not sound productive or if they were even close to getting them done. Lyla tried assuring Georgie they had time to finish the cribs but Georgie was always one to take your opinion but still do what he wanted. Suddenly, a hammer came flying through the window. Mayor Cole looked shocked; Lyla simply laughed and took another sip.

    "My goodness, is he always like this under stress?"

    "It comes and goes. I'm not sure why he even asked them for help, if he-"

    Suddenly the club doors opened and they watched as Henry ran out, grabbed a cigarette and lit it. His hands were shaking and Henry seemed to be having a hard time holding it. Lyla offered him some of her tea but he instantly refused.

    "No! No, no, no, no-NO! He may fling something at me again!"

    "You guys having fun in there?"

    "I REALLY hope that's sarcasm, Lyla! Just boat loads of nothing buy rainbows and sunshine!"

    Hans would follow shortly after Henry. His face looked terrified and although he didn't smoke, Hans didn't hesitate to take one from Henry's pack. He lit the cigarette, leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. Quiet-for now.

    "Having fun Hans?"

    "Miss Lyla, you must be joking? You know what he's reminding us of-those women on their wedding day! No disrespect but all we did was suggest we paint the cribs, you know, all pretty for the girls and stuff like that? Well, he said no, he didn't like it because of the paint fumes! What paint fumes! Open the windows and they will be gone BEFORE they are here!"

    Henry quickly finished his and flicked it against the wall.

    "Hell, he threw a hammer at me! I hope it didn't hit either of you...."

    "No, young man, it didn't hit us. But you have to just go along with Georgie. He can be...a little dramatic when it comes to certain situations."

    "A little?!"

    Cole laughed, finished his tea and stood up.

    "Just let him do his thing. He's going to be a new father to not just one baby but four! I would be under a little stress if I was in his shoes. He needs all of your support during this time, especially with certain things like that."

    Hans finished his cigarette and the two embraced what was to come. The journeyed back to the club and upstairs to Georgie. While the two of them faced what was to come, Cole took this opportunity to speak to Lyla. Surprisingly, the Council never showed to talk to Lyla and Georgie. At first, the pair were worried; her father tried calling but no answer. There were nights Lyla feared they would show up during the night, so a couple nights out of the week, Georgie stayed up to stand guard. Cole had an idea as to the reason why they were not a nuisance to Lyla and his name is Bigby. Honestly, he wouldn't be surprised if Snow had anything to do with it either. Ever since the incident with David and Lyla at the office, she took an interest in the case and stayed close in case there were any problems.

    "So, Miss Lyla. Four babies. When I heard the news I was swept away with joy. This is great new to all of us in Fabletown and we want you and Georgie to know no matter what, you and the babies are always welcomed here."

    "I never planned on leaving, Mayor Cole. The Council want's everyone to believe that they will help me and the babies should we need it. But I know their tricks-they will only help the babies that do not show 'Fable' genes. I remember one time hearing Malcom use the word 'disease' to talk about my babies. Thank God Georgie was busy talking to my father..."

    "Well, those babies are not a 'disease'. We may not like the idea of a Fable and Folker mating and creating babies but we would never turn you away. Just so long the babies were able to create life and be stable in the community, there would not be a problem."

    Lyla began rubbing her stomach and smiled. As she did do, her sides began to move, as one of the babies began kicking her side.

    "I just want to know which one THIS is. I swear, every time I or anyone else touches, they kick. Seems Georgie's voice is the only way to calm them down. After our last visit with the Council, it made me sick to my stomach; they know who the Council is and they don't like them at all. The minute Georgie sings or talks to them, they stop."

    "They know who he is....they love their father, Lyla."

    "He's so worried they will be him, especially little Junior. He's so worried...."

    Cole grabbed Lyla's hands and held them in his.

    "I can understand his concern, Miss Lyla. Georgie wasn't the most generous person we've had in this town. Several times, people requested I close down the club and send him away. Then that whole incident happens and we had no choice but to leave Georgie alone. Then you show up and you swept him off his feet and knocked him on his ass! Excuse my language but its true. You showed him something no one ever could-love, trust, a friend. No one ever wants to be alone, Lyla, no matter what they tell you. His concern is coming from in here. He's hurt, Lyla because we all know its true about the Council..."

    Lyla was ashamed to be associated with such heartless creatures. Who were they to judge and make decisions based on a thousand years ago? Things are so much different then the old times but unfortunately, only a handful were willing to take that leap of faith and hope for the best. The last thing she wanted were her children to feel like they didn't matter, especially her son; call it a mother's intuition, but she could already feel the sensitivity of her boy. The girls seemed to all have their father's pride and ego; maybe that's one of them kicking her all the time. She didn't want her son to be left out, judged too soon and cast off like he meant nothing. Maybe that's the reason Georgie was the way he was....

    "He loves them, Mayor. I see it everyday in his voice, his smile, his touch. Not going to lie, I was worried for awhile that Georgie might take off or go back to his old ways when I announced the pregnancy but he didn't. He changed somehow-"

    "YOU did, my dear. Everyone deserves a second chance...."

    Before long, Georgie and the other two were outside. Georgie ran to Lyla's side and kissed her lips but not before rubbing her stomach one more time. He felt a light kick against his palm.

    "So, Georgie. How are those cribs coming along now?"

    His eyes glared at the only two that would say something to Lyla. They both turned around to try and avoid eye contact.

    "It's going now. We figured it all out."

    Cloe laughed.

    "Wonderful. Tell me, do the children have names yet?"

    "Yes, mayor, they do. Lyla and I have decided on Penelope, Kathrine and Emily for the girls. For the boy, we all knew this was coming-little Georgie Junior."

    "Excellent choice of names. Reason I ask, is because Snow want's to help with the party and-"

    Lyla was shocked on Snow's sudden interest in the babies. It was no longer about business.

    "Snow want's to help...."

    "Oh yes! That's all she talks about is helping out as much as she can now and when the babies are born. We told you, Miss Lyla. You may not BE a Fable but we love you no matter what. We are all on your side and here to support you all during this time."

    After that moment, Lyla no longer questioned the Fable community. Despite her background, they were welcoming her and the offspring a chance to live 'normal' lives. Her biggest concern now was the Council and what they had planned. She was much bigger and they still made no effort on contact to 'document' her changes. Surely David knew what was taking place. But that thought vanished the second Georgie touched her belly again.


    Later that day, everyone from the Business office was at the club, including her father. He and Bigby sat at the bar drinking and talking with Georgie. It was strange seeing all three of them talking and in the same room without a fight or smart ass remark being said. Snow sat beside her.

    "Hm. It's nice seeing them get along."

    "I was just thinking that. My father couldn't STAND Georgie. I know he was devastated when he found out, though."

    "We all were, Miss Smith, because of WHO Georgie was. He was not a good person; you only got to see the tip of it all. We had to deal with him almost every other day or so. He never cause us problems before but I'm sure you heard about what took place months ago..."

    "I did...."

    "We were all so focused on him as a person-how could you let this slip through your fingers and not care? It was simply a business for him and nothing more. He never cared about those girls or anyone for that fact. Georgie was a lost cause to us. Then, you, a Folker of all people, manages to see past that hard interior and see the good in him; the 'good' we thought was lost forever. And when we found out he was going to be a father, my first thought was YOU-would be be there to help you? And he was...Georgie came through and we are all impressed."

    "He's not a bad person, Snow. He just had no one there..."

    Suddenly, the door to the club opened and there stood David and Malcom. Her heart sank to the bottom. In his hand, were more papers. The smile on David's face was making her uneasy. With Georgie now by her side, holding her hand, she took what courage and strength she had and the two walked onward.
  • Wow, Bobit above really went all out on his review.

    Well, you know what I'm going to say about your story, fantastic, great references, very descriptive storytelling!
    LupineNoir posted: »

    Here's some more to read for - hopefully - your delectation. Let me know what you think. Part One - Is it a break-in if it's all unl

  • edited May 2014
    I didn't mean to be as rude, apology. I was only trying to offer some assistance, this isn't coming from anyone of note, I am not a writer. Your mentioned story was great, much better grammar then I can ever use, brilliantly set within the Fable universe.

    Aside from my above remark, there is always referencing once being set to a specified, specifically named character, that the offered rule does not always apply. Where a character specified would then refer to themselves using the terminology of I am etc. But without that referencing your created story will only ever be read as a musing. Possibly breaking that cardinal rule of literature. Drastically affecting the content of your creativity, taking away some experience from any potential readers.

    Appreciated thank you. There have been certain authour's who have ignored this rule at various times, within certain literature, nothing is ever set in stone :)

    Wow, Bobit above really went all out on his review. Well, you know what I'm going to say about your story, fantastic, great references, very descriptive storytelling!

  • What I meant by 'all out' was your review being somewhat lengthy. :P I believe I understand where you're coming from though, just as long as it isn't a harsh critique, (at least you were honest) everyone who posts a story on here deserves the most positive of treatments!
    Bobit posted: »

    I didn't mean to be as rude, apology. I was only trying to offer some assistance, this isn't coming from anyone of note, I am not a writer.

  • edited May 2014
    I understand you. I really didn't mean to be anything but constructive. Agreed :) This is a super fun thread, a great edition to this forum. Thank you

    Referencing: Bob replies 'I am going to the shops'. Bob addresses his army 'I will burn their fields, pillage their homes, and slaughter their cattle'.
    Musing: Thoughts written by an author or their feelings within a subject. Within literature this normally reads. I am, etc as the lead character normally who has not been named in sentencing, often only named upon paragraphs, or referenced at the start of written content.

    What I meant by 'all out' was your review being somewhat lengthy. :P I believe I understand where you're coming from though, just as long as

  • Firstly, thanks for the compliments! Secondly, thanks for the critique! If I've understood correctly I know exactly what your're saying about it. At first I was planning on specifically mentioning the style when I prefaced it asking for comments, however I thought I'd just see what people said.

    To give background as to how it ended up this way: I built the scenes up mentally - picturing a camera and directing a movie, sort of thing. So when typing it came out in that immediate style, with actions being related in real-time. I was unsure whether or not this was suitable for what I was writing, however I quite liked it as it seemed a little different.

    There was no intention of writing myself into it, yet if that is how it comes across then I fear it is due to an amateur experimenting with a master's technique. I happen to be reading a Charles Dicken's novel and I suspect I've imitated the writing style, creating a poor comparison.

    I hope this explains why it's the way it is.
    Bobit posted: »

    Enjoyable, well crafted, fantastic grammar. I am really nobody to remark on any content, so please disregard if considered that I am n

  • Thanks, dude :)
    Would you share a similar critique to Bobit's? Any other points? I honestly don't mind as I've not written much and would like to improve.

    Wow, Bobit above really went all out on his review. Well, you know what I'm going to say about your story, fantastic, great references, very descriptive storytelling!

  • edited May 2014
    Well, my critique wouldn't be much compared to Bobit's, maybe it would be if I really devote my time into it. I'd rather keep it short and sweet!

    For now, this is all I have to say, try and space the dialogue between your Fable and Colin without having the conversation all bunched up together. Other than that, I see no other things to point out honestly. I know this isn't much of a critique, but there ya go! :3
    LupineNoir posted: »

    Thanks, dude :) Would you share a similar critique to Bobit's? Any other points? I honestly don't mind as I've not written much and would like to improve.

  • edited May 2014
    Part 21 Lyla Smith


    Lyla and Georgie took no more than 5 steps before John, Bigby and Snow were beside them. Bigby held crowd control; Snow and John's face said it all. Lyla could hear her father growl.

    "I THOUGHT I told you guys never to come here unannounced?"

    "John, John-relax, its ok. We called the Business Office but no one answered the phone. I figured you all would be here, so Malcom and I dedcided to take a nice walk in your direction and wouldn't you know it...."

    "I'm not fucking around here, David! I told you, if you OR anyone from the Council wishes to speak to MY daughter, you have to ask. You maybe the Council but she is still MY daughter!"

    David chuckled and placed the papers on the bar. This was too easy in his mind. He looked over at Bigby, who's grip on crowd control grew in a matter of seconds.

    "Hm, sheriff. Any tighter and you might get a splinter...."

    "I'd choose your words VERY carefully, David."

    "I'm still not sure why you even have an interest in the girl. Shouldn't your main focus be ol' q-tip over there? But, I'm not here for either of you. Lyla, my dear-how are you?"

    Lyla was silent. Something about his smile was making her uncomfortable. One of the babies began moving around and was soon kicking her side. They were starting to feel her emotions; anything stressful, upset Lyla or made her sad resulted in the babies moving or kicking. Georgie noticed Lyla grabbing her side and he walked over to Lyla, grabbed her hand and placed his hand on her stomach. He tried talking to them but it was no use; they continued kicking and Georgie could feel the little kicks beneath his palm.

    "For fucking sake! The Council sure know when the fuck to pick the right time to do all this shit!"

    "Ssh, sweetie. Let's just sign the papers and have them leave, please."

    Georgie and Lyla took a seat with Malcom and David; the entire time, her father, Bigby and Snow beside them. David began jotting down notes the second they sat down; he was focused on her stomach.

    "So, four babies, huh? Three girls and one boy-you must be excited, Georgie. A full house!"

    Georgie said nothing. Instead, he focused his attention on Malcom, who was also taking notes. Malcom noticed Georgie and tried ignoring him but there was something different about his eyes; they were very dark and focused. Malcom was beginning to feel very uneasy.

    "Very fucking excited, David."

    "Would the Dr. have mentioned anything about what they are-you know, are they Fables, Folkers...half and half-halfers maybe?"

    Lyla could feel her heart pounding against her chest. She did not like the way David was smiling at her. When she refused to answer, David began writing some more down. He tried reaching over to touch her belly but was quickly stopped by Georgie; his grip around David's wrist said enough. He smiled and pulled back. Georgie's eyes were a solid black; even Lyla began to worry for she had never seen him do this before. Suddenly, she realized her stone was black as the night sky. Snow's expression was also a dead giveaway that something bad was coming.

    "Ok, Georgie. We just wanted to see them-"

    "You can FUCKING see them just fine where you are at! I don't want you touching them unless you ask ME!"

    Lyla touched Georgie's hand; it was very cold like ice. Suddenly, the babies were still and as she looked over, the stone now had a dark light surrounding it. Snow quickly was at her side.

    "Lyla, sweetie. You need to get up and come with me..."

    "Snow, what is going on?! His eyes....they, they are....the stone..."

    "Lyla, please. Come with me..."

    With Snow's help, Lyla was on her feet and standing beside the sheriff and her father. Everyone's silence was making her uneasy. David looked over at her direction; his facial expression instantly changed. He was no longer smiling but appeared annoyed and angry.

    "Snow, I do not find it professional to take the one person we need to talk you, do you? We simply want to ask her questions about the babies...."

    "All you want is to find out is which is which, so you can write down in your silly little journals, go back to your office and come up with some silly rule or idea on how to deal with that 'problem.' I think your time here as ended. Please leave now, David. We are finished here."

    Suddenly, the club was filled with David's laughter; Malcom tried joining in but quickly came to an end when David smacked him. He looked over at the group; his eyes had changed and Lyla could see his teeth changing as well. Meanwhile, Georgie still remained in his seat, focused solely on the one laughing.

    "Did you seriously just tell me, Snow, that we are FINISHED here? Remember, White-she is a FOLKER, not a motherfucking Fable, you hear me?! John may think everything is golden and the three of you can hold hands and skip down the fucking bubblegum road but not me! I know one of those babies is a Fable; I can smell it! We are not finished yet, White! We are only getting started-"

    Before John or Bigby could do anything, Georgie stood up. His body was now surrounded by the same black light as the stone. His eyes were black now and focused on David. Malcom knew what was to come, got up and quickly ran behind Hans and Henry, who were now shocked at what they were witnessing. David got up and headed after Malcom.

    "Where the fuck are you going, you dumb ass?! Get back here and finish! What the fuck is this Fable going to do, huh? Huh, Gerogie Porgie? Are you going to kiss me and make me cry? Oh no, Mr. Porgie, don't do that-I promise to be good and do what you say-"

    David suddenyl went quiet; he reached up to this throat and began clawing at it, like someone had a sudden grip on it. He was gasping for air and trying to reach for Malcom, who was still hiding behind Hans. Lyla suddenly realized why the color black for Georgie was very bad; it was sending him the powers within that were controlled by his hate and anger. Lyla watched as Georgie continued holdhing his grip on David's neck; the wolf's face was turning red and his gasps became shorter with each breathe he took. Suddenly, Georgie flung him across the room and into the stripper pole. David tried getting up but was stopped again by Georgie. He was suddenly levitating into the air; a black light surrounding his body. Within seconds, he went flying and ended up against a wall. David quickly got on his feet; he was now in his wolf form.

    "Fucking Fables! God how I HATE FABLES!"

    With a loud roar, David charged at Georgie. He grabbed Georgie and pinned him against the wall. The black light surrounded both their bodies and with a wave of his hand, David was sent halfway across the room. David picked up chairs along the way and threw them in Georgie's direction. Lyla watched in horror; the entire time, all four babies moving inside.

    "Dad! Bigby! Do something!"

    "Sweetie, we can't...."

    "DAD! Why not?! Help him!"

    "Lyla-WE CAN'T! The stone...this has to be done by Georgie..."

    Lyla continued to watch, as Georgie now had David again and threw him against the wall like a rag doll. David quickly got his footing back and lunged at Georgie. With a mighty swipe of his paw, Georgie was on the floor; David managed to catch Georgie and his right side was now bleeding. As Georgie tried getting up, David had him by the neck and pinned against the wall. The mighty beast watched as Georgie struggled against his paw. David laughed as he squeezed his neck.

    "You Fables fucking make me sick! Mixing your foul blood with our pure blood! What gives you the right to do so-to play Russian Roulette with their lives! Look at you, a worm from the fucking ground! How DARE you walk on my side and fuck with one of our own....I can't wait to destroy any Fable that girl is carrying....I hope it's the boy, Georgie.....would LOVE to destroy the legendary Georgie Porgie...."

    David tried to crush his neck but found it difficult. The stone was now a mixture of red and black. The light surrounding them grew stronger and George was now pushing David back. The beast was taken back and tried fighting back but the strength Georgie had was too much. Georgie lept into the air and landed head first into David's neck. The beast fell over in pain; a large gash now appearing. He reached over and tried covering the wound but soon Georgie had him in the air and threw him against the wall several times before dropping him by the exit. Georgie walked up to David, grabbed his arms and broke them. He then took his back leg and shattered the bone. Finally, with the power of the stone, lifted the bar completely off the ground, and held it above David's body. The giant wolf was in pain; a puddle of blood began to form around the beast.

    "Fucking apologize, you filthy dog and I might spare you...."

    "Fuck you, Fable...."

    With that, Georgie released the bar and watched it crush David below. The black light around his vanished; the stone was now white. His eyes went back to brown. He looked over to Lyla and the others; no one was sure what they just witnessed and she was lost for words. Georgie collapsed to the ground. Lyla ran over to his side; he was breathing but not moving. As she touched Georgie, the babies inside continued to kick, her belly and stone suddenly glowing red.
  • edited May 2014
    Part 10 (Final Fight Part 1)

    All I ever wanted was to restore the fable homelands to its former glory, back to it's prime where all flourished until that dreadful day years ago. I was a knight of my kingdom, the kingdom of Le Sombre. We were proud, honorable and wealthy. Our king and queen cared for their people. I served my kingdom along with my other comrades and my brother who was a black knight. I protected my kingdom from invaders and all who threatened her. But on that vile day, everything changed.... I changed. Now it is to late to turn back. What is done is done and now the only way out is death. I believe this dragon boy is the only one that can put a end to me for good. He has to...he has to set me free...

    Please Draco.....set me free from this curse so I can finally join my people in the afterlife....before I destroy the remainder of the homelands and the mundy world...

    Draco and his father landed on the outskirts of the fallen stronghold. Draco's father fell to the ground and transformed back into his human form. He told him how relieved he was to finally see his son after all these years and how he would of stayed with him and his mother if he could.

    "Dad what happen, why did you leave?"

    "I wish I could explain this more clearly, but I had to get my people... our people out of the homelands and migrate them to the mundy world. But I was stopped by Aizaax who imprisoned me here. He told me his plans, I tired to escaped but it was no use. Im sorry my son.. I.."

    "It's alright dad, i'm not mad at all. The only thing that matters now is stopping Aizaax once and for all. He took my friend Viera and her sister with him so I need to find him fast before its to late."

    The two are then greeted by Wolven.

    "Ahh I'm glad to that both of you are alright. Hello Delphantez."

    "Hello old friend, I must thank you for mentoring my son and rescuing me while I was in that hellhole."

    "It's the least I can do, but we can catch up later. I have the scent of the woman Viera. She and her sister is not far from here which means Aizaax isn't far. Draco the time has come. It's to put a end to all of Aizaax schemes once and for all. Are you ready?"

    "I'm ready wolfy."

    "Then lets go. Follow me."

    "Dad, when this is over we need to have a long chat, see ya soon."

    "Goodluck my son. I believe in you and know you can this."

    Draco followed Wolven up the path way out of the canyon. Across a stream was the mountain where Aizaax have been waiting. The two rushed up the mountain stairway and made it to the top. Atop of the mountain was an altar, where Viera and her sister remained unconscious. Aizaax greeted the two.

    "So this is where it all ends, how exhilarating. Now let me remind you that if I kill you here...which 90% certain, these two will die and both the homelands and the mundy world will be merged into a single realm. Just to make sure you know what's in stake." Aizaax as he rubs his beard.

    "That's never going to happen. I'll stop you even if it kill's me." Draco as he approaches Aizaax.

    "Excellent, now then. Come, come face me in this climactic showdown of good and evil. I assure you it's will not be going easy. Expect hell itself to break lose!" Aizaax as he reveals his true form as a 10 feet tall demonic knight. He then uses his magic to cover the top of the mountain in a ring of fire preventing Wolven for entering.

    "I am Aizaax, The Demon Knight of the great Le Sombre. And now young dragon you shall know the true meaning of eternal slumber, PERISH!" Aizaax as he draws his sword and attacks Draco.

    End Of Book 2 (To be continued)
  • Short and sweet's fine and your critique is valid - I will keep the spacing in mind for the future.

    Perhaps I'll try another written in the same style, yet revise it more. Who knows.

    Well, my critique wouldn't be much compared to Bobit's, maybe it would be if I really devote my time into it. I'd rather keep it short and s

  • edited May 2014
    Part 23 Lyla Smith


    Georgie was now on his third glass of tequila. Everyone was unsure how to swallow what just took place; his club was a mess and the bar was now a pile of shattered wood remains still sitting on David's body. He was moving for awhile but in the last five minutes, he was motionless. Dr. Swineheart arrived minutes later to bandage Georgie's wounds.

    "You're quite the entertainment lately, Georgie. First that subway incident, your hand and now this little fight with David. Tell me, what happened-"

    "He showed his face...that was the first problem."

    Even though Georgie's eyes had returned to normal, his voice showcased frustration when he spoke. After his attention on Georgie, Swineheart made his way to David's body. It didn't take him long to see he was gone.

    "Well, I can see the stone works just fine..."

    Finally, after several minutes of no one speaking, Henry decided he just had to ask. He just witnessed his boss not only change dramatically but levitate the entire bar and leave it on David's body.

    "Sooooooooooo, ok.....what was that about?! You guys saw that! Georgie, you CHANGED! You had powers! You were glowing black!"

    "It's the stone...."

    Snow walked to the table and picked up the stone; it was back to pastel green. She held it in her hands and watched the colors dance against her skin. She was still taken back by its beauty.

    "I heard about this but didn't believe it....This stone is given to the one you love. Once the connection is complete between you and the other person, it not only detects moods but when the other person is in danger. Georgie was capable of doing this to David because both his unborn children and Lyla felt threatened. The power of his hatred and anger towards David fueled the stone and allowed him to use it against David."

    Lyla now understood why Georgie warned her so many times before; black was not a good color and if it continued to stay like that, only bad could come out of it. She helped him put back on his shirt and helped him up. He placed the stone back in his pocket and rubbed her belly.

    "The babies, Georgie...they glowed red....."

    "They could feel my hate towards David. That means one or more has the ability like me to connect to the stone and you. Anything I feel in regards to you they will feel it as well."

    Snow returned with another glass of tequila. Georgie grabbed it and instantly drank the alcohol.

    "Don't you two worry about this. We will figure out how to handle this....the paperwork will be the biggest obstacle to overcome but we will do it."

    From the corner of his eye, John caught Malcom trying to walk out the door. He picked up a piece of glass and tossed it in his direction. Malcom stopped before the shard of glass impaled him.

    "Don't you even think about it, you fucker."

    "Fuck, John! Don't make this anymore difficult! Look, ok! I KNOW you told us to wait and we did! David called, I saw him! Just..wait! Don't send him after me! For God's sake, man! He PICKED up his own bar; the bar that's nailed down to the ground and just dropped it on David like it was nothing!"

    Georgie looked over at Malcom.

    "Yeah and I'll do the same fucking thing next time to you! You fucking Folkers think you are doing good, when in reality, all you fucking care about is yourself."

    Lyla wrapped her arms around his waist. She gently pressed her bellay against his lower back and within seconds, the babies kicked.

    "They want you to calm down, daddy. So do I. It's over with...."

    Dr. Swinheart and Bigby managed to fish what was left of David's body. They placed a sheet over him and soon, Swinheart was writing something down in his journal. Lyla was worried he would report this to the Folkers; they would want to know where David went. He and Bigby began talking and everything Bigby said, Swineheart wrote down. Minutes later, Nancy arrived at the club and found her daughter next to Georgie. Her first thought were the babies, got on her knees and pressed her ear against Lyla's belly.

    "Mom, they are fine; we are all fine. Wish I could say the same for David...."

    "He deserved it, that little prick. I can't believe he had the nerve to come down here and try that bullshit on us."

    John walked up behind his wife and kissed her on the cheek.

    "Don't worry, kiddo. We will take care of this. The Folkers are going to ask questions and I'm prepared for this. He simply walked in and cause problems for all of us. He threatened you and you became distraught; the babies began thrashing inside and this was causing you stress. Georgie only did what he had to do...."

    John's focus turned to Malcom. He was sandwiched between Henry and Hans.

    "RIGHT, Malcom? You go along with this and you will live. Remember, you are on Fable grounds. They are allowed to deal with you how they see fit....we have it all. Witnesses, a Dr's report....."

    Henry curled his fist in a ball and punched Malcom in the back of the head. This caused Malcom to fall forward and at the feet of Georgie. He was afraid to look up at Georgie Porgie; he witnessed something terrifying and John's words made him see that. It was true; he was in the Fable community and their laws were different.

    "Ok..ok...I, I won't say a word. I'm sorry...."

    He returned to his feet, brushed himself off and tried talking to John. His 'speaker' was now buried under a sheet. He tried to find the words to say.

    "Look, John-this has gone too far and I apologize to you and everyone present here today. I will return to the Council and announce David's demise. They will want answers, John. I will try to give them my response but they will still want to talk to you and the Business office. Just...let me gather my things and I will be out of here soon."

    Henry and Hans backed up and allowed Malcom to gather his things and walk out the door. He didn't say a word as he stepped outside. John found a bottle of whiskey on the floor, opened it and began to drink it.

    "Uh, man. We are going to need to figure all this out, Bigby....maybe Mary might help...."

    "Mary? You're daughter?"

    "Yes, she graduated law school not too long ago. If I bring this up, maybe she can help out as far as the law goes. We will take care of the paperwork and HOPEFULLY Mayor Cole and the council can meet half way and decide on what's to come. That's all fantasy thinking, however. This won't be easy...."

    "Don't worry about this, John. Everything will be ok...."


    The remainder of the day was spent trying to clean up the club. Hans and Henry were busy throwing our the shards of wood and broken bottles; Nancy tried her best to clean out the blood, while the Business Office crew were on the phone. Lyla heard them say several names: Cole, Mary, Nate-she could only imagine what was being said. She knew it wasn't all bad; his facial expression stayed the same. Lyla found Georgie standing by the door; it was wide open to let the cleaning fumes out. She walked beside him and gently touched his side. He looked down and smiled.

    "Hey, love. How are you feeling?"

    "WE are fine, sweetie. Back there, though. Thank you....I owe you big time. The subway, tonight..."

    "You already did, love."

    He stroked her right cheek and placed his other hand firmly on her lower back. Since their first encounter, Georgie had never been taken back by such beauty. He was still having a hard time understanding her reason to stay; her reason to trust and the reason to love him. After tonight, he was sure her opinions about him would change but it didn't matter to Lyla. She loved him, no matter what anyone said. He leaned down to kiss her and soon their lips touched. Her smell was so intoxicating to him; he wanted nothing more than to stay like this. The moment ended when Mary appeared in the door.


    "Hey, sis. Good lord, that belly. Alright...let's get this thing started."
  • I corrected the grammar a little and added a few bits.
    Gorvar posted: »

    Hey guys, first time poster here. I've been playing with this idea and as a way of combatting my demons I'll pen this down. Hope you lot

  • Whatever you want, it's your tale!
    LupineNoir posted: »

    Short and sweet's fine and your critique is valid - I will keep the spacing in mind for the future. Perhaps I'll try another written in the same style, yet revise it more. Who knows.

  • edited May 2014
    Part 24 Lyla Smith


    Mary was serious about business and when she got the call from her dad, she was ready. Her family was in trouble and she had every possible piece of information they could use. Mary, however, was not pleased to hear the father of the children was Georgie Porgie. Last time Mary had any contact with Lyla was awhile ago; Lyla had just taken a job at the Pudding & Pie and Mary was unsure about her sister's choice. Their mother seemed to 'skip' telling Mary about Georgie; John swears he told her but Mary insisted he never did. Whe Mary saw Georgie sitting in a chair, she cringed right on the spot. Of all the fucking Fables she could have created children with.

    Mary, unfortunately, may have been the more kind, understanding sister of the four but her thoughts on Fables and Folkers being together were the same view as the Council; she didn't understand why they insisted on mating or breeding with one another. Mary was upset when she found out her father left the Council position to work next to Bigby and Snow at the Business office. She had known Bigby and White since she was a little girl and did have respect for what they did on a daily basis but Mary still refused to mix business and friendships in the caase of something so serious.

    Mary continued looking at her very pregnant sister and the man standing beside her. Georgie could feel her eyes locked on him; he wasn't stupid and knew her feelings towards him. Mary was not happy because of this guy, her family and friends were in danger. The Fables may turn the other cheek, she thought but not her side. It would be a matter of time before they were fed up with their bullshit. But Mary pushed all negative thoughts to the side and faced what stood before her.

    "Lyla, sweetie. Congratulations on the babies. Mom told me you are having four-three girls and one boy-and I'm going to lie...I'm surprised that the father is Georgie. I mean, Georgie Porgie, Lyla!"

    "I'm aware on who he is, Mary."

    "With that being said, I'm still surprised in the choices you have made this past year. He's a pimp, Lyla. A low-life scumbag that preys on those most desperate in need of help and he takes advantage of that!"

    "I'd watch what you say, Mary. The babies do not like that and neither do I. He's not like that, Mary. He's changed...."

    "Yeah, for now. And when the time comes, he will take the chance and sw-"

    Mary turned her head and looked at Georgie. In his hand, he held a glass of whiskey. He was looking at the floor the entire time Mary spoke. Georgie couldn't blame Lyla's sister for the negative comments; after all, he had done a lot in the past that made people think this way. He was not a nice person and was an asshole to almost anyone that crossed his path. Even Henry and Hans, the two longest working members of the Pudding & Pie, had something negative to say. He swished his drink, took a sip and looked at Mary.

    "Hello, Mary. Nice to meet you...."

    Mary didn't say anything; her sister may have been fooled but Mary knew better. Sooner or later, the more you play with fire, the more it will burn. Lyla became upset with her sister. She was being rude and was too quick to judge. Yes, Georgie WAS a jerk and did deserve to have people upset with him but people can change and deserve a second chance. They were all in the same boat as he was; do anything you can with what little choices came your way. Lyla always felt it was unfair.

    "Mary, please. I need you to try and look past all of this. Dad did-"

    "DAD is too busy playing both fields. He was a damn fool for coming this way. Bigby and Snow are very nice people and they do their jobs very well but look at us, Lyla! We are two different worlds!"

    Nancy tried comforting her daughter but Mary was too distraught. She was having a hard time looking at her sister-it wasn't love she was looking at her with. It was the look of disappointment.


    "Lyla. Please. Dad called me to help you out. Seems you have stepped your boundaries with the Council and now they are hot on your trail. Normally in cases like this, I would turn the other cheek. But you are my sister...and despite my hate for HIM...I can't turn you or those babies away. They didn't ask for this...."

    "What do you mean THEY for this?"

    "Georgie. To be their father. Honestly, I wouldn't have been so mad if that Grendel was standing here instead...."

    It was like a knife to the heart. Lyla could not believe her sister's remarks or her reaction. Throwing Gren in the mix was not helping the situation. He did nothing; he was no more than a friends when she needed him. To have her compare Gren to Georgie was enough. Lyla didn't care how much trouble she was in.

    "Mary, that was unfair and I don't appreciate this. Georgie is a good man...."

    "Yeah...good to the drug dealers and thugs..."

    Lyla threw her fist back and punched Mary in the face; Mary fell flat on the floor, her brief case opening and papers flying all over. She was stunned at her sister's reaction. Lyla stood above her.

    "Mary, I'm sorry. I love you. You're my sister but I will not have you talk to him life that. He gave me a chance....THEY gave me a chance...."

    Mary looked over at Bigby and Snow. They're smiles reassuring her trust in them. Mary stood up and looked back at her sister.

    "I forgive Let's get this started...."

    As Mary walked past Georgie, she 'bumped' into him. This caused Georgie to stumble back a bit and look at Mary. She was now in his ear.

    "I swear to God, hurt my sister and your ball sack will be pulverized until its nothing but pure mush and I will force feed it to you. Understand, FABLE...."

    "Ya' don't have to worry,'re sister is the reason why I'm still standing...."

    Mary walked past him and soon, everyone followed behind. Despite her hate for Georgie, her main focus was on her sister and the mess they created behind her.
  • My favorite chapter so far your just getting better and better. You built tension slowly making the action more exciting. Loved the psychology element at the end so much fun reading this just epic can't wait to read the next chapter

    I really had fun typing out this chapter, I hope all of you enjoy! Chapter 4: Bloody Good Eatin' Snow sighed. "Look, man up and tr

  • There is the 3rd chapter of my tale as well, I don't think you've read that yet. :P But thank you though!
    Markd4547 posted: »

    My favorite chapter so far your just getting better and better. You built tension slowly making the action more exciting. Loved the psychology element at the end so much fun reading this just epic can't wait to read the next chapter

  • What pg No: head over and read now so many stories hard to keep up lol

    There is the 3rd chapter of my tale as well, I don't think you've read that yet. :P But thank you though!

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