Sam & Max Wii now available in most places! (Germany coming in 2009)



  • edited October 2008
    I Just Got My Copy Cheak It Out
  • edited October 2008
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    My best guess is Max.:D

    What makes you say that? ;)

    Not that Sam doesn't have his moments, too. BANANG! (I guess that's from season two, but whatever)
  • edited October 2008
    hooah had to sort through almost 40 stores! finally found a bonus cd! hehe
  • edited October 2008
    Any videos of it being started up?
  • I Got it- and the BONUS DISC!!! =D

    I love you Telltale! (Now hurry up with Season 2 Wii)
  • edited October 2008
    I checked Best Buy in Canada and had no luck yet.
  • edited October 2008
    To my surprise I got it in the mail yesterday.
    I gotta hand it to you, Telltale, You've done good.
    The big problem I have with this game is Episode 4.
    Thanks to the Wii's low-quality textures (Which isn't noticeable in other episodes.) the part of the background that's one big texture looks like throw up.
    A smaller problem is in the first two episodes some lines get cut off at the end.
    Overall, You did a good job.
  • edited October 2008
    Will seeason 2 come out for wii soon?
  • edited October 2008
    I picked mine up today. Love the disc art. :D Who wrote the manual? Was it one of you guys or someone at Adventure Company. Some parts of it seemed very in the Sam and Max spirit. (I also liked the Warp Drive description. :D)
  • edited October 2008
    I've been interested in this game for a long time but it crashed my PC. I'm now so happy that i have it on my wii, but a lot of lines skip or get cut out randomly.
    Any way that I can fix that.
  • edited October 2008
    to my knowledge you cant fix something once its on a disc unless its the disc skipping or something as such.

    Try laying the wii down or standing it up.. It goes in two positions.. see if that helps.. if not.. no clue !
  • edited October 2008
    I've been interested in this game for a long time but it crashed my PC. I'm now so happy that i have it on my wii, but a lot of lines skip or get cut out randomly.
    Any way that I can fix that.

    Same with me. :(
  • edited October 2008
    eb games (in Canada) told me that when they get the game in it'll be $19.99. I'm surprised it's so cheap. No complaints though!
  • edited October 2008
    I live in Europe and since we have to wait longer for the game can you at least fix the sound cut off problems i have been hearing about. How come you don't have any quality control?. Why didn't the testers find this bug before it shipped?. Since the Wii can't have a patch like the PC version i find this totally lazy practice.

    Can you at least try and fix it before it hits Europe. :mad:
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    Dedlok wrote: »
    Who wrote the manual?

    I did. :)

    Regarding the issue with a few lines cutting out at the very end of the line: we fixed this in the vast majority of places but there were a few spots we weren't able to fix. (And not because our testers are lazy and "didn't notice it" - our QA team worked very, very hard on this game and I'd hate for people to think that this issue is somehow QA's fault. It's not!) I don't think it should be a widespread issue, and hopefully it won't detract from your enjoyment of the game.
  • edited October 2008
    xChri5x wrote: »
    eb games (in Canada) told me that when they get the game in it'll be $19.99. I'm surprised it's so cheap. No complaints though!

    Quite suprising!, the cheapest I can find online is 34.99 from Amazon. All other places are 39.99 and not shipping yet.
  • edited October 2008
    The Bonus CD shipped along with my copy of the game; unfortunately, I found it extremely underwhelming. Don't misunderstand me -- it's not that I didn't think the content wasn't great, it's just that there was simply too little of it. A small showing of concept art and a smattering of wallpapers. The best part was the (thankfully) generous inclusion of the many soundtrack files -- very much appreciated!

    (Which again brings me back to my posting of Oct. 9th -- Emily, do you have any official response yet to this posting re: the possibility for Wii owners to obtain the REAL Season One Bonus DVD? Post #46 linked here

    Now, you folks might notice that I didn't mention the Video Featurette or Trailers... that's because I have a major problem with them, specifically NO audio during playback. Did anyone else have this same problem?

    Now, I should mention that I'm on a Mac, but that really shouldn't matter here. The CD loads up just fine on my desktop, and it was easy to find everything due to the very simple directory structure (as if I had burned an archive disc of these materials myself). I should also mention that I've never had any difficulties viewing .wmv files before, unless the file itself was somehow corrupted.

    However, not one single video player or tool that I have has been able to read an audio track off of the Featurette or the Trailers -- and that's if they were even able to load the file in the first place without reporting an error).

    Upon examining the actual file structure of the video files, various video tools I have show that no audio track exists in these files (all files should have both a video track and and audio track, along with an occasional third track like a subtitle file).

    So did anyone else have this same problem here on the board? (One friend of mine reported the same difficulties... he's also on a Mac.) From all appearance on my end, it looks as if there was an encoding problem whereby the audio tracks were accidentally left off these files before they were burned onto the master disc. Alternatively, it also possible that Telltale used some really unusual audio codec which unfortunately cannot be detected by a wide variety of video players out there in the world (and is something that the PC portion of the CD installs which enables the audio to be heard).

    Now before folks say this is just a Mac problem:

    Out of desperation, I even tried to play these .wmvs in both my PS3 and X360. The PS3 is able to access and play the video portion of the files perfectly, but the system also reports that there is no attached audio track. As for the X360, it couldn't even play the video portion -- it reports a error when attempting to play any of the video files. (A Microsoft product unable to play its own Windows Media files... what's the irony of that?)

    Lastly, I tried to "install" the Bonus CD through Crossover, but was unable to do so.

    So did anyone else have these same issues?

    Sorry for the novella again, but it's kinda hard to shrink down all this specific information into only a couple of sentence of grunts and misspellings.
  • edited October 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    Regarding the issue with a few lines cutting out at the very end of the line: we fixed this in the vast majority of places but there were a few spots we weren't able to fix. (And not because our testers are lazy and "didn't notice it" - our QA team worked very, very hard on this game and I'd hate for people to think that this issue is somehow QA's fault. It's not!) I don't think it should be a widespread issue, and hopefully it won't detract from your enjoyment of the game.
    What about the red areas on some objects (Which I assume to be missing textures)?
  • GaryGary Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008

    Now before folks say this is just a Mac problem:

    It is just a Mac problem. It works fine on my PC. They will not work, no matter what I try, on my Mac. They probably don't work on the PS3/360 because of codec issues.

    also: it's far better to write a novella with substantial content instead of one or two lines of pointless drivel just for the sake of writing something or bumping up your post count.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    Does sound like a codec issue, although I'm sorry to hear about the problems. We originally created this disc for the PC release and it didn't occur to anyone to try it on other platforms (I can say this with certainty because I was the person who suggested offering this CD as the preorder bonus and it definitely never occurred to me!) I haven't tried the disc on my Mac, but if Gary says it doesn't work, I believe him. Sigh.

    On the bright side [of the moon], a lot of cool Season One videos (including all of the episode trailers, the blooper reel, and some of the commentaries) can be found on Telltale's video site.
  • edited October 2008
    Just to be sure, have you tried grabbing the latest version of Flip4Mac?
  • edited October 2008
    Falzo wrote: »
    Quite suprising!, the cheapest I can find online is 34.99 from Amazon. All other places are 39.99 and not shipping yet.

    I got it for $26.99 from when I pre-ordered the game back in july. Unfortunately the price has gone up since.

    They shipped it on monday I have received it today. It plays very well, widescreen and all, but it appears the QA team didn't spend much time looking at the french translation before it was released.

    Aside the fact that it was translated in france, wich mean awful accent and expression but I can forgive that as english-speaking people don't know better, there are a bunch of errors and inconsistencies in the subtitles text. You might want to get localization tested a bit more next time you release a product like that.

    I'll probably stick to playing the games on my PC but I'm sure my teenagers are going to have a blast playing on the Wii as their understanding of the english language is too limited to appreciate the PC version.
  • edited October 2008
    It's now $29.99 at Future Shop, so I just bought it. Can't wait to play it!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    Zomby wrote: »
    Aside the fact that it was translated in france, wich mean awful accent and expression but I can forgive that as english-speaking people don't know better, there are a bunch of errors and inconsistencies in the subtitles text. You might want to get localization tested a bit more next time you release a product like that.

    Of course we tested it technically, but since our QA team doesn't speak French, it was the responsibility of the publisher's localization team to check for this sort of thing. I'm sorry you're unhappy with it. :(

    (Also, we do realize that the language is different in France than in Quebec. The translation was originally done for the French release in Europe. This is the first time a multi-language version has been released in North America. Same deal for the Spanish subtitles, which were originally translated for the PC release in Spain.)
  • edited October 2008
    Even though the translation was made for France, I still appreciate that you made it available for the French speaking North Americans. Too many game companies don't bother at all.
  • edited October 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    Of course we tested it technically, but since our QA team doesn't speak French, it was the responsibility of the publisher's localization team to check for this sort of thing. I'm sorry you're unhappy with it. :(

    Other than uppercase sentences with a couple of lowercase accented letters in them, I must admit that your QA team probably couldn't have picked up on the bad grammar. You might want to make a friendly suggestion to the localization team to tighten their own QA though. ;)
    Emily wrote: »
    Also, we do realize that the language is different in France than in Quebec. The translation was originally done for the French release in Europe. This is the first time a multi-language version has been released in North America.

    And I'm glad for that. I might not care much for the voice actors but I still appreciate the fact that you've actually given us the oppotunity to play it in french. :)
  • edited October 2008
    Went to EB games yesterday to see if they got it in, and after looking through all the new release stuff and not seeing it, I finally found one copy way on the bottom rack! It was the only copy they got, and it was $19.99!
  • edited October 2008
    is that the honour honor...favour favor type stuff we enter into in uk vs usa?
  • edited October 2008
    Anyone know what the price for the Australian version will be?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    T-man wrote: »
    What about the red areas on some objects (Which I assume to be missing textures)?

    I don't know anything about red areas on objects. Would it be possible to post a snapshot (maybe take a pic of your TV?) so we can see what you mean?
  • edited October 2008
    Kaldire wrote: »
    is that the honour honor...favour favor type stuff we enter into in uk vs usa?

    You mean the langage difference between Quebec and France? I guess it's somewhat similar... the accent, the pronunciation and... quite often... the expressions themselves. You might think of it as British slang vs american speak. We willl usually find any translation made in france very corny, as much as they will despise most of what is done here.

    We've been force fed France's translations for years from the movie studios before they started doing specific translations for Quebec. Most of them at least. Video games are now released more and more with french audio tracks and we're usually given translations made for France again. Since games aren't exactly as profitable as blockbusters movies, I can understand why developers can't afford to localize the game any more than they already do. (Just like they won't give you a specific US and UK version of the voices in the game) Although when the localization is text-based only, it's been known to happen. Nintendo, for one, has specific french localization for it's Wii game in North America.
  • edited October 2008
    "The gaming industry took in $18.85 billion during 2007, a figure that trumps the $16 billion in DVD sales earned by the movie industry in that same year"

    thats if you dont count like box office sales though :P

    interesting developement.. next there will be games in mexican and spanish! usa speak, and english, french and, french canadian.. Awesome

    I cant wait to see the speech tracks lol (jk on all this btw hope no one thinks that will happen.. just fun to mess with stuff)
  • edited November 2008
    I am proud to say that even though I'm several days late, I sold my Wii Fit in order to buy S&M for the Wii.
  • edited November 2008
    I am proud to say that even though I'm several days late, I sold my Wii Fit in order to buy S&M for the Wii.

    Why? It's only $20 at EB Games! :confused:
  • edited November 2008
    Compy 386 wrote: »
    Why? It's only $20 at EB Games! :confused:

    But...I didn't have any money, and we were trading stuff in anyways. I got it for $30 anyways..... Sigh, I miss our old EB...
  • edited November 2008
    Isn't region lockout optional?If not then why wasn't it ported to the DS which is reigion free and is designed for point and click games?
  • edited November 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    Of course we tested it technically...

    Speaking of which, is Telltale aware of a freezing glich? I thought it was only my copy, but then, looking at the review on GameFAQs, it appears to be a rare tech glich. Can you tell me anything about this?

    P.S. When I say "freezing glich", I mean "forced to unplug your Wii to restart it, or be forced to see the last scene you were at, while a long beep is heard".
  • edited November 2008
    Hey, Telltale! How did the game sell? SInce season 3 will be incompatible with CrossOver, I want a Wii port! Here's an idea. Bundle the next two seasons, and sell 'em for $50!
  • edited November 2008
    Isn't region lockout optional?If not then why wasn't it ported to the DS which is reigion free and is designed for point and click games?

    Because DS ports aren't actually an easy thing to do?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2008
    Compy 386 wrote: »
    Speaking of which, is Telltale aware of a freezing glich? I thought it was only my copy, but then, looking at the review on GameFAQs, it appears to be a rare tech glich. Can you tell me anything about this?

    Not without more details. Please post about it in the support forum and explain what you were doing when the freeze happened.
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