Sam & Max Wii now available in most places! (Germany coming in 2009)



  • edited February 2009
    Well it was supposed to be released in Australia last Thursday.. Went into the city and searched many stores and I didn't see it anywhere.. No sign innew releases or any shelves.. *sigh* bring on ataris release of season 2
  • edited February 2009
    Hero1 wrote: »
    *sigh* bring on ataris release of season 2

    ..That brings me to a question, any idea when this retail version of season 2 will be released? I have seen many online stores to say the beginning of March, but from experience I know they aren't always right. :)

    I do hope it is March, though. :D
  • edited February 2009
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Well it was supposed to be released in Australia last Thursday.. Went into the city and searched many stores and I didn't see it anywhere.. No sign innew releases or any shelves.. *sigh* bring on ataris release of season 2

    DVDCrave is selling it for AU$39.95, they started shipping them last Thursday.
  • edited February 2009
    Hi Telltalers

    Firstly can I say loved the SBCG4AP series, really excellent work and great to see a good new point and click game :)

    As a fan of your work on SBCG4AP, the Sam and Max cartoons and the old SCUMM classics, I thought it was about time I checked out Sam & Max season 1 for Wii (as a Mac man I can't play the PC version).

    Unfortunately the titles put me between a rock and a hard place as although the game is funny and good fun, it's also at the same time the worst game I've played on Wii due to the vast number of technical problems including: every other audio line being cut short (some of the shorter ones aren't even played), invisible objects, extreme lag during cut scenes (particularly in Ep 2), complete crashing (had to restart my wii by the plug 4 times), loading times of up to 2 mins per room, audio trapped in a loop (i.e. hearing "yay we wo, yay we wo, yay we wo... etc...) and the fact that my Wii sounds like its grinding the disk to a pulp with the noise it makes. The fact I'm only half way through the second case makes the sheer number of problems I've faced even worse.

    Luckily since I got the game ridiculously cheap (£3.99) I'm inclined to persevere but I really hope you can get whatever has gone horribly wrong fixed if you bring any more disk games to Wii. It's a real shame to see great content ruined by technical flaws.

    Thanks for listening to this rant, and good luck with all the future projects. Although I can't reccomend Sam & Max for the Wii, i'll be sure to carry on pestering our listeners to take a look at SBCG4AP and to check out the PC versions if possible.

    Time to play a bit of SBCG4AP-E4-D3-TCP ;)


    that must suck. It sounds worse than youtube on the wii web browser.
    Sorry telltale, but your port needs work.
  • edited February 2009
    Hi Telltalers

    Firstly can I say loved the SBCG4AP series, really excellent work and great to see a good new point and click game :)

    As a fan of your work on SBCG4AP, the Sam and Max cartoons and the old SCUMM classics, I thought it was about time I checked out Sam & Max season 1 for Wii (as a Mac man I can't play the PC version).

    Unfortunately the titles put me between a rock and a hard place as although the game is funny and good fun, it's also at the same time the worst game I've played on Wii due to the vast number of technical problems including: every other audio line being cut short (some of the shorter ones aren't even played), invisible objects, extreme lag during cut scenes (particularly in Ep 2), complete crashing (had to restart my wii by the plug 4 times), loading times of up to 2 mins per room, audio trapped in a loop (i.e. hearing "yay we wo, yay we wo, yay we wo... etc...) and the fact that my Wii sounds like its grinding the disk to a pulp with the noise it makes. The fact I'm only half way through the second case makes the sheer number of problems I've faced even worse.

    Luckily since I got the game ridiculously cheap (£3.99) I'm inclined to persevere but I really hope you can get whatever has gone horribly wrong fixed if you bring any more disk games to Wii. It's a real shame to see great content ruined by technical flaws.

    Thanks for listening to this rant, and good luck with all the future projects. Although I can't reccomend Sam & Max for the Wii, i'll be sure to carry on pestering our listeners to take a look at SBCG4AP and to check out the PC versions if possible.

    Time to play a bit of SBCG4AP-E4-D3-TCP ;)


    none of those problems happend to me, and i have the wii version. exept for the load times, those DID suck.and the voice cut-offs.
  • edited February 2009
    Unfortunately the titles put me between a rock and a hard place as although the game is funny and good fun, it's also at the same time the worst game I've played on Wii due to the vast number of technical problems including: every other audio line being cut short (some of the shorter ones aren't even played), invisible objects, extreme lag during cut scenes (particularly in Ep 2), complete crashing (had to restart my wii by the plug 4 times), loading times of up to 2 mins per room, audio trapped in a loop (i.e. hearing "yay we wo, yay we wo, yay we wo... etc...) and the fact that my Wii sounds like its grinding the disk to a pulp with the noise it makes. The fact I'm only half way through the second case makes the sheer number of problems I've faced even worse.
    none of those problems happend to me, and i have the wii version. exept for the load times, those DID suck.

    I've had most of the same problems as cronogenesis. Load time was annoying but I didn't mind so much. What I found really disappointing was the audio line being cut-off, extreme lag during cutscenes and the audio trapped in loops. (Audio loops happens especially when cutscenes freezes up for thirty seconds or so at every other frame.)

    Since I own the PC version, I bought the Wii release mostly as a show of support toward Telltale so it's not that big an issue to me. I do hope that season two will have better testing prior to release because a low-quality port ends up hurting the company making the game and I want ot keep enjoying quality games from Telltale for a long time. (I can't wait for Wallace & Gromit as well as the inevitable season 3 of S&M)
  • edited February 2009
    I have to say Ep 3 was pretty much problem free except for 3 audio lines cut, so here's hoping I just got a particularly bad copy and things are on the plus from here out.

    Will certainly talk about ep 3+4 on this weeks show and I still hope that season 2 doesn't have as much porting problems as this one, after all, your great TellTale and I hope people get to enjoy your games with as few problems as possible.
  • edited February 2009
    I bought the Wii version before PC-version, myself. I didn't really mind (or even notice the problems ) of the Wii version until I got the game for PC..

    I had same problems with long loading times, lagging and audio cuts, but what also kinda irritated me was the low texture resolution. It was really hard to read all those signs and posters that were scattered around in the world.
    And the game froze on me once, too. o.o (yes, so badly that I had to restart my Wii. )

    But it was a really fun experience to play comfortably on our sofa and use the wiimote. If these small bugs could be fixed in the future, and S&M would be perfect on Wii! :D

    (..But I'll probably start off with the PC version of S2 this time.. just for the sake of good ol' point & clicking :D Seems like my 6 years old computer still runs these games smoothly! )
  • edited February 2009
    Mh, looks like the German retail-version is coming on March 12th... is that correct, or is Amazon just guessing? Furthermore it says this time the retail-version includes the commentary-tracks... is that true?
  • edited February 2009
    Mh, looks like the German retail-version is coming on March 12th... is that correct, or is Amazon just guessing? Furthermore it says this time the retail-version includes the commentary-tracks... is that true?

    Well, some websites have even Jowood's Season 1's feature info mixed up with Telltale's version, so I wouldn't go count on that just yet. :( They might have just taken the information somewhere without realizing that these are going to be two different releases altogether.

    But again, I hope the release date is true! :D
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2009
    No commentary tracks on the retail version of Season Two (which is what that link is for), and the release date has not been set yet.
  • edited February 2009
    About the new names for Season 1 and 2... will it be possible to get the Wii version of Season 1 with it's new name? This might sound dumb, but I don't like the idea of having "Sam & Max Season 1" and "Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space" together on the shelf. It would just look weird.

    So, will you be releasing versions of "Sam & Max Save the World" for Wii?
  • edited February 2009
    According to a moderator on the Atari-forums the German version of Season 2 will have an ALL NEW voice cast, so NONE of the S1 voice-actors are returning. :mad:

    To me this is really like spitting in the face of all fans, as basically EVERYONE loved Season 1 for the fact, that both Sam & Max got their original German voices from "Hit the Road". Sadly Atari is well-known for cheap localizations, so as shocking as it is, it's not a huge surprise. I wish Jowood would've taken on S2 as well, as they did quite a good job with S1, especially with their casting choices (although voice directing could've been a bit better).

    So, I assume, no German S2 for me. :(
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2009
    Atari wanted to get the voice actors from Season One (and tried), but they weren't able to. I don't think they went out of their way to displease the fans - quite the opposite. We've been working with Atari on the localization and they seem pretty invested in putting out a good product and thorough to me.

    Regarding the technical problems people have been posting about - some of this is a matter of perception. Adventure Gamers just did a write-up of the port and described the same things you guys are describing in very different and less catastrophic ways. :D I'm not saying the problems don't exist, but I hope people who are still deciding whether to buy the game will take this more positive feedback into account.

    Trica, the issue you brought up about some textures being low res is due to limitations on the Wii. It would have been impossible for us to make every texture in the game as sharp as they are on a PC, so instead of shipping with universally low textures, we made an effort to get every texture that was required for understanding the game's critical path as high res as possible. It was actually a fairly painstaking process.

    No news on a German release date for Season One Wii right now. I think it's in Nintendo's hands at the moment. We'll let you know when we know!
  • edited February 2009
    Emily wrote: »
    Atari wanted to get the voice actors from Season One (and tried), but they weren't able to. I don't think they went out of their way to displease the fans - quite the opposite. We've been working with Atari on the localization and they seem pretty invested in putting out a good product and thorough to me.

    "Weren't able to" in terms of scheduling, or in terms of costs? I don't think the actors demanded more money than for S1, and if it was just concering the scheduling, I'd be HAPPY to wait one or two more months if that means that I'd get the right voices. Sorry, but I don't think the voice-actors passed on earning money, and if they demanded more money, simply raise the retail price. With a game series that lives from its voice-actors there's simply no alternative (it's like switching the cast of Friends... do you think the show would've survived that?), and I see a major boycot coming regarding S2... a stupid move on Atari's behalf.
  • edited February 2009
    Emily wrote: »
    Trica, the issue you brought up about some textures being low res is due to limitations on the Wii. It would have been impossible for us to make every texture in the game as sharp as they are on a PC, so instead of shipping with universally low textures, we made an effort to get every texture that was required for understanding the game's critical path as high res as possible. It was actually a fairly painstaking process.

    Ah yes, I see. I understand now and truly appreciate your hard work you did. Porting to a different console succesfully is never an easy task. :D ( I'm just a perfectionist like that, sometimes nitpick about even minor details. I'm sorry. :D )
    But yeah, the difference on textures would have been almost impossible for me to notice if I hadn't got the PC version too. And it never did bother the gaming itself much at all. So you did a fairly good job with it. :)
  • edited February 2009
    Well, I forgot to mention the time I had with my copy. The degraded graphic quality (which BTW was there very few times), long loading times (especially during 101's driving sequence) and the poor draw distance. I will agree, it sounded like the Wii was grinding the disc to a pulp, but I've seen worse. I've watched my sister play her Hannah Montana game, and every time she puts on a different article of clothing, it sounds like she was shoving the disc into a paper shredder. So I was fine with my game :D
  • edited April 2009
    After playing Season 1 for the first time ever on my Wii, I am in a semi-permanent state of shock and awe. Not only did this game exceed my expectations, but it managed to be nearly as entertaining as SBCG4AP, which, due to my strong bias, is spectacular. With a story that compelled me and humor that kept (and left) me laughing, this game gave me something that no other game (before SBCG4AP) was able to offer. Telltale has truly captured my heart, and I hope that it manages to keep it in its iron grip with the release of Season 2 in the future.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2009
    Thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it. :D
  • edited April 2009
    Will the German version have those bugs fixed? Will the english voices and subtitles to different languages (including spanish, my native language) be included?

    If not, what about a 1+2 season pack for Wii with bugs fixed?
  • edited April 2009
    I saw the season 1 game for the wii instore for the first time today!! 2 copies available at harvey norman in thomastown for any australians still looking
  • edited April 2009

    Hmm, you might be surprised but we're enjoying this Germany thing since quite some time already.
  • edited April 2009
    Well... it's been 2009 for quite some time too.

    This thread was originally started in september of 2008.
  • edited April 2009
    Well, from what I've read of this thread, Australians seem to have had troubles finding Season 1 from the stores since 2008, at all.

    So Hero1, great news! :D
  • edited June 2009
    Good news, Trica!

    I went down to JB HiFi today, and they told me that they had gotten a shipment of Sam & Max Season 1 in just yesterday; they hadn't even put it out on the floors yet. Everywhere else I went hadn't even heard of it, so, effectively, I was the 1st-5th person to buy Sam & Max from that shopping centre.

    JB HiFi has everything.


    Oh wait. Move that ^ comment to the SBCG4AP talk :D
  • edited June 2009
    That's great news. I won't buy it because I already have both seasons and I don't feel like paying for it again, but I will have to see if they've got it now in my city too. Unless you also live in Canberra.

    I guess I should also look in Harvey Norman. I like JB Hi-Fi better.
  • edited June 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Unless you also live in Canberra.

    Nope, boring old Perth.
  • edited July 2009
    Just bought S&M S1 for Wii (German) yesterday and I can confirm that the whole stuttering and hickups are still there. Actually I only played the first few minutes until I had to stop because of it. It was really bad and no comparison to the smooth gameplay of the PC version, which I've played through some time ago.

    I had several, at least to me, big issues with the Wii version:

    -Every time Sam or Max start to interact with something you get like a small break in the animation.

    -Wiimote movement is quite slow and sluggish, especially if you start to touch any of the borders of the screen. This behaviour drags down the whole gameplay

    -Voice and Animation sometimes get totally out of sync, especially right after a camera change in a cutscene. The desync is too much to justify it with the changed language vs. original lip sync.

    -The conversation text for Sam is more or less unreadable. It is black text on a dark blue background. The convo list of Max is ok. But overall they are just too small and hard to read, even on a projector with a 2.5m diagonal picture on the wall

    -As soon as I've left the office the lag and stuttering got even worse. So after speaking with Specs I've had enough and shut down the game and brought the Disk back for a refund.

    I wish TTG would have properly reviewed the port before it was released like it is now because technical issues are substantially tainting an otherwise very good game here. I just hope that ToMI will have a better time on the Wii. But since it is probably going to be released in episodic form I wont have to spend too much money to find it out :)
  • edited August 2009
    The only problems i had with the game (uk wii version) were with the sound. Quite frequently, words would be missed off the end during speach segments when observing items, which would be there at other occasions. Sometimes no voice would come out at all. Is this just a problem with my disc?
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