I pretty much unlocked everything within two hours, so it's clear that this game is built as a party game. Now I just wish that my mom would understand the concept of a shooting gallery. Seriously, several times during our time playing, she kept saying "I don't understand this game."
What's so hard to understand about a game that is just a Disney shooting gallery?!
Halo ODST: It's a shooter and it's made by Bungie (who know how to make shooters whatever you say). Firefight is the best survival mode which I have ever played.
Need For Speed Shift: an Okay game, with a f**kton of glitches, when/if they patch it it will be a lot better.
Got a couple of new games for the 360 recently - NHL 10 & Arkham Asylum. NHL 10 is absolutely fantastic and I'm not even a hockey fan. It just feels so good to play. As for Arkham Asylum, I've not played it much yet but what I have played was great and I think it will only get better.
They'll keep me busy until FIFA 10 comes out next week.
I'm also slowly working my way through Baten Kaitos and killer7 on the Gamecube.
I was playing a lot of Aaaa! (I'd type out the full title but... eh, effort.) but then I got to the endgame and started having to grind for teeth. I love the game, but grinding's no fun.
I was playing a lot of Aaaa! (I'd type out the full title but... eh, effort.) but then I got to the endgame and started having to grind for teeth. I love the game, but grinding's no fun.
I should have bought that, instead of buying Dark Messiah and dealing with a strange load time bug that makes the game nigh unplayable. (and by load time bug, I mean 30 minute load times that should last 30 seconds... )
Just finished playing ToMI - Chapter 3... So now, I'll play Ankh 3 (I found the previous 2 parts to be quite satisfying), as well as try to finish Majesty 2 (I simply love this unique strategy game, despite the campaign's difficulty), stuck on the level before the last...
Tried to get into Final Fantasy XII for the 50th time in the past 3 years since it was released. It just isn't possible. It manages to do everything that pisses me off.
I love the Rhythm Kung Fu, even though it reminds me a bit too much like the first level of Parappa the Rappa. Snowball Fight feels a bit too much like Toy Story Mania and Time Crisis, but it's really fun.
I like the My Routine option the best, however. Finally! I can do my yoga in the morning without the menu trolling!
I hate a terrible habit of starting a lot of games around the same time...
Knights of the Old Republic (PC) - I actually loaded this up before it was put on Steam, 2nd playthrough - love it. Prototype (PC) - Again, fun game, but my computer is just at the edge of running it well and it chops slightly when there are tons of npc's on screen - which is often. I feel like I should hold onto this one until I upgrade. Dead Space (PC) - I can only play through for 30 min stretches because I get stressed out easily with games, but I love it. I wanna finish it before I try out Dead Space: Extraction. Wallace and Gromit: Muzzled! (PC) - Love it. I've loved all the Wallace and Gromit games - the style, the fun innocent feel of the games. These are by far my favorite Telltalegames. I hope they do more. Homestar Ruiner (PC) - Free episode - and I enjoy Homestar Runner and the cartoons, but I don't think I'll get the rest of these games. Just not holding my interest. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC/WII) - Loved the Sands of Time, just have to finish the boss fight with the Dahaka before I play Two Thrones. These games are great.
Those are the ones I'm most focused on now - I've started so many other games lately like Braid, Jedi Knight, Psychonauts, Crysis, Far Cry 2, Ben There, Dan That, UT3, and MI2 just for fun. I've got Mata Hari waiting for install, but over the past few years my attention span for some adventures has gone down - Moment of Silence I played for 10 minutes, Overclocked I played through but with a walkthrough because I wanted to get through the plot quickly (turned out to be another military conspiracy story, but done fairly well), Black Mirror I tried to play twice, but I just got bored each time, Still Life 2 I couldn't bring myself to care about, the Sherlock Holmes games (I'm a huge Sherlock fan) bored me to death...am I becoming one of those gamers who needs adrenaline to rush every time I play a game? I hope not...I feel like adventure games have come to a point where plots just aren't interesting me anymore. Most "techno-thrillers" seem to have the same government conspiracy plots, murder mysteries just aren't that mysterious...you see where I'm going. I hope Mata Hari isn't that way since I paid for it. Thank God for Wallace and Gromit and ToMI. I stopped playing S&M season 2 after Night of the Raving Dead because that one just bored me, I know I should finish out the season though, and probably will before Season 3 comes out.
Did I ramble too much for this thread? Sorry.
I hate a terrible habit of starting a lot of games around the same time...
Homestar Ruiner (PC) - Free episode - and I enjoy Homestar Runner and the cartoons, but I don't think I'll get the rest of these games. Just not holding my interest.
I'm loving both, which is interesting, as both games were nabbed on a whim. I hate most platformers, especially in the first person, and yet Mirror's Edge has me completely entranced and addicted. Every time I pull off a smooth series of moves, I feel like the single most badass person on the planet. It really is immersive in a way I never expected.
KoTOR is even more interesting, seeing as how the Star Wars franchise has always left me cold. When my inner space-nerd is hungry, I usually feed it Trek. But this game grabbed me before the tutorial even ended, and now my character is on Dantooine, grabbin' loot and Force-stunning with glee. I still think Mass Effect is BioWare's crowning jewel, but I'm suddenly much more open to the idea of Star Wars games.
Right now I'm playing Brutal Legend, Halo 3 ODST, SWAT 4, Thief II The Metal Age and Doctor Who: Destiny of the Doctors. Also after starting the discussion about for TTG to start a Full Throttle episodic adventure, playing Full Throttle again
i rented scribblenauts and i gotta the most amazing game i have ever seen.you can literally type in anything as long as its not vulgar or copyrighted and it will pop up.puzzles ar hard though.
FIFA 10 (360)
NHL 10 (360)
Football Manager 2010 (PC)
Beneath a Steel Sky (iPod Touch)
Batman: Arkham Asylum (360)
GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony (360)
Discworld II (PC)
Borderlands (360)
ToMI: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood (PC)
I pretty much unlocked everything within two hours, so it's clear that this game is built as a party game. Now I just wish that my mom would understand the concept of a shooting gallery. Seriously, several times during our time playing, she kept saying "I don't understand this game."
What's so hard to understand about a game that is just a Disney shooting gallery?!
My Spanish Coach (Kind of a game)
I will be playing Batman: Arkham Asylum soon
I was really hoping to get that game today but I suppose it'll be later in the week now
Other than that, I'm still playing Spore to pass the time while waiting on Wii Fit Plus.
Need For Speed Shift: an Okay game, with a f**kton of glitches, when/if they patch it it will be a lot better.
They'll keep me busy until FIFA 10 comes out next week.
I'm also slowly working my way through Baten Kaitos and killer7 on the Gamecube.
I was playing a lot of Aaaa! (I'd type out the full title but... eh, effort.) but then I got to the endgame and started having to grind for teeth. I love the game, but grinding's no fun.
I should have bought that, instead of buying Dark Messiah and dealing with a strange load time bug that makes the game nigh unplayable. (and by load time bug, I mean 30 minute load times that should last 30 seconds...
Damn Valve's no-refund policy.
...because this Sunday, I'm getting Wii Fit Plus!!
I love the Rhythm Kung Fu, even though it reminds me a bit too much like the first level of Parappa the Rappa. Snowball Fight feels a bit too much like Toy Story Mania and Time Crisis, but it's really fun.
I like the My Routine option the best, however. Finally! I can do my yoga in the morning without the menu trolling!
Knights of the Old Republic (PC) - I actually loaded this up before it was put on Steam, 2nd playthrough - love it.
Prototype (PC) - Again, fun game, but my computer is just at the edge of running it well and it chops slightly when there are tons of npc's on screen - which is often. I feel like I should hold onto this one until I upgrade.
Dead Space (PC) - I can only play through for 30 min stretches because I get stressed out easily with games, but I love it. I wanna finish it before I try out Dead Space: Extraction.
Wallace and Gromit: Muzzled! (PC) - Love it. I've loved all the Wallace and Gromit games - the style, the fun innocent feel of the games. These are by far my favorite Telltalegames. I hope they do more.
Homestar Ruiner (PC) - Free episode - and I enjoy Homestar Runner and the cartoons, but I don't think I'll get the rest of these games. Just not holding my interest.
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC/WII) - Loved the Sands of Time, just have to finish the boss fight with the Dahaka before I play Two Thrones. These games are great.
Those are the ones I'm most focused on now - I've started so many other games lately like Braid, Jedi Knight, Psychonauts, Crysis, Far Cry 2, Ben There, Dan That, UT3, and MI2 just for fun. I've got Mata Hari waiting for install, but over the past few years my attention span for some adventures has gone down - Moment of Silence I played for 10 minutes, Overclocked I played through but with a walkthrough because I wanted to get through the plot quickly (turned out to be another military conspiracy story, but done fairly well), Black Mirror I tried to play twice, but I just got bored each time, Still Life 2 I couldn't bring myself to care about, the Sherlock Holmes games (I'm a huge Sherlock fan) bored me to death...am I becoming one of those gamers who needs adrenaline to rush every time I play a game? I hope not...I feel like adventure games have come to a point where plots just aren't interesting me anymore. Most "techno-thrillers" seem to have the same government conspiracy plots, murder mysteries just aren't that mysterious...you see where I'm going. I hope Mata Hari isn't that way since I paid for it. Thank God for Wallace and Gromit and ToMI. I stopped playing S&M season 2 after Night of the Raving Dead because that one just bored me, I know I should finish out the season though, and probably will before Season 3 comes out.
Did I ramble too much for this thread? Sorry.
I'm loving both, which is interesting, as both games were nabbed on a whim. I hate most platformers, especially in the first person, and yet Mirror's Edge has me completely entranced and addicted. Every time I pull off a smooth series of moves, I feel like the single most badass person on the planet. It really is immersive in a way I never expected.
KoTOR is even more interesting, seeing as how the Star Wars franchise has always left me cold. When my inner space-nerd is hungry, I usually feed it Trek. But this game grabbed me before the tutorial even ended, and now my character is on Dantooine, grabbin' loot and Force-stunning with glee. I still think Mass Effect is BioWare's crowning jewel, but I'm suddenly much more open to the idea of Star Wars games.
NHL 10 (360)
Football Manager 2010 (PC)
Beneath a Steel Sky (iPod Touch)
Batman: Arkham Asylum (360)
GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony (360)
Discworld II (PC)
Borderlands (360)
ToMI: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood (PC)
think that's about it currently.
On an unrelated note, I RETURN! For like the third time.
Outside of that, Uncharted 1&2, Disgaea 3 (still), and Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction.