On the DS I'm playing Professor Layton and Pandora's Box, on the Wii I'm playing A Boy and his Blob, and on the PC I'm playing Portal, Dawn of War, Night of the Raving Dead and Fright of the Bumblebee's. I'm currently stuck on Portal though. I know what I need to do, but I can't see how I'm meant to get up there. I can't jump high enough and the portal can't be placed anywhere near. Akward, but I'll figure it out! )
I have many games lined up to play after my exams, about half of them replays, if not more. The ones in italics are replays. I'm pretty much dedicating the whole 6 days I get free of responsibility to finishing;
-Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent
-The Tomb of Sammun-Mak
-Out From Boneville
-The Great Cow Race
-Doctor Who: Invasion of the Daleks (or whatever)
-Curse of Monkey Island
-Escape from Monkey Island
-Fright of the Bumblebees
-The Last Resort
-The Bogey Man
-The Mole, the Mob and the Meatball
-Abe Lincoln Must Die!
-Reality 2.0
-Bright Side of the Moon
-Baddest of the Bands
-Dangeresque 3
-8-Bit Is Enough
And that's all I can remember at this time. Chock a block time for gaming!
I have never played online with voice chat enabled, except when I play with IRL friends. It is a strategy that has served me well.
I like to give the benefit of the doubt. I've played against some cool people, or at the very least come out of it with some pretty interesting stories. For example, an actual quote from an actual online game: "How is it to play against a GERMAN?! This is the HIGHEST LEVEL OF THE GAME!"
In his defense, it WAS an online version of a German board game, but I'm pretty sure that people in other nations can be good at American games. He did beat me, though, so maybe Germans are some board game-playing Gods. Any of the board's Germans want to verify this claim?
No offense to any of the Germans is meant, by the way.
In his defense, it WAS an online version of a German board game, but I'm pretty sure that people in other nations can be good at American games. He did beat me, though, so maybe Germans are some board game-playing Gods. Any of the board's Germans want to verify this claim?
I think Germans are inherently good at board games. My mom is half German, and she is very competitive when it comes to board games, and she usually wins. It's kind of uncanny.
I like to give the benefit of the doubt. I've played against some cool people, or at the very least come out of it with some pretty interesting stories. For example, an actual quote from an actual online game: "How is it to play against a GERMAN?! This is the HIGHEST LEVEL OF THE GAME!"
In his defense, it WAS an online version of a German board game, but I'm pretty sure that people in other nations can be good at American games. He did beat me, though, so maybe Germans are some board game-playing Gods. Any of the board's Germans want to verify this claim?
No offense to any of the Germans is meant, by the way.
board games are often a much more common family activity in Germany. This is why there are so many interesting and cool games that come from there: Catan, Imperial, Dominion, etc.
Wild Arms 3 - I really like how the loading trailer changes between chapters
Torchlight - Alchemists specialized on summoning are really easy
Puzzlebot - I liked it
I'm currently taking advantage of the free Portal offer on Steam.
me 2!
I'm also on and off trying to get through playing FFXIII, and replaying Dragon Age: Origins: Awakening. Though, tomorrow I'm getting Alan Wake so those will probably go on hold for a week...
I'm only really competitive when it comes to Scrabble or trivia games because I like to show off. Of course, my entire family (extended included) is really competitive with these types of games as well...
I have never played online with voice chat enabled, except when I play with IRL friends. It is a strategy that has served me well.
Yup. Voice chat always tends to have super obnoxious people, regardless of whether they are being jerks or not. I just turn it off and talk with Skype if I'm playing TF2 with friends.
Still dabbling with NHL 10, Fifa 10 & Fallout 3 on the 360 but now concentrating on Dirt 2 which is my latest game rental. That'll keep me busy until Friday when I'll get Red Dead Redemption.
On the PC, I've just finished The Tomb of Sammun-Mak and I've been trying out the demo of Star Trek Online. And that's about it at the moment.
The Witcher: I love how this game feels, kind of like a cop game, but in a medieval fantasy world. There are a few clunky design aspects with respect to inventory and quests, but once you get past them it's all fine and dandy.
Halo Reach (beta): It's pretty rad, quite different to the previous titles, yet still retaining the feeling of Halo. It's closest to the original in feel, yet the game it reminds me the most of would have to be Star Wars: Republic Commando (the best thing related to the pretend/prequel trilogy).
CoD: MW2: Exactly what I needed at the time, mindless shooting and lots of explosions.
Pokemon Heart Gold (nostalgia overload!), Portal (a lot of fun so far), Super Mario Galaxy (so that I can gear up for the sequel) and The Tomb of Sammun-Mak (which I just finished today )
A while back, one of my friends decided to inventory his entire game collection and determine what he had and hadn't beaten, then try and finish off all his unfinished games. I followed suit but took it a step further and made an Excel spreadsheet to automatically tally it all. I apparently own 246 games, 130 of which I'm finished with. There's 58 games I'm never going to finish for one reason or another, so that leaves me with a to-do list that's 58 games long.
I just disqualified Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days from being 100% completed, so that one's finished. Right now I'm working on Pokemon SoulSilver, my umpteenth run of Ocarina of Time, Brain Age 2 (which I will consider finished when there are no sudokus left), and as soon as I can make myself stop with SoulSilver and Ocarina long enough to play a game on the PC, I'm going to get through SBCG4AP.
But I'll have to disqualify the Pirates of the Caribbean game and Rome: Total War right off the bat because I quit those for a reason.:D
I disqualified things like Animal Crossing (because it doesn't technically have an ending), Call of Duty (because while it's sitting in my game collection, it's my dad's game and I don't like it), and Friday the 13th on the NES (because it was a gift I didn't want in the first place). I also disqualified Sonic the Hedgehog: Genesis for the GBA because it's such a bad port of a game I've beaten the original version of. Stuff like that. But I tried to disqualify games conservatively, since the point is to try and finish the majority of games I own.
I also have my list based on several criteria. 1. Have I finished it? 2. Is it a game that can be 100%ed? That is, are there goals above and beyond the normal ending? 3. If so, am I going to bother 100%ing it? and 4. If so, have I already done this?
So for example, I've been working on Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days for a while. I finished it a long time ago, so that's 1. It has several challenge missions, plus Mission Mode, so that's 2. However, I recently decided not to bother 100%ing it because the later challenges were so ridiculous, so the game is considered finished.
If that's a system that sounds good to you, I can send you a blank version of my Excel sheet to save you the trouble of coding your own.
I don't think I have enough unfinished games to justify a spread sheet but thanks for the offer. Though I do feel an indescribable urge to finish all four of my dormant FPS games that I have lying around, now that I've finally figured out how to stop continuously looking at the ceiling.:D
A while back, one of my friends decided to inventory his entire game collection and determine what he had and hadn't beaten, then try and finish off all his unfinished games. I followed suit but took it a step further and made an Excel spreadsheet to automatically tally it all. I apparently own 246 games, 130 of which I'm finished with. There's 58 games I'm never going to finish for one reason or another, so that leaves me with a to-do list that's 58 games long.
I just disqualified Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days from being 100% completed, so that one's finished. Right now I'm working on Pokemon SoulSilver, my umpteenth run of Ocarina of Time, Brain Age 2 (which I will consider finished when there are no sudokus left), and as soon as I can make myself stop with SoulSilver and Ocarina long enough to play a game on the PC, I'm going to get through SBCG4AP.
I did this a while ago. Here is the list, it includes plenty of titles which cannot be finished.
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time.
- Sam & Max: The Tomb of Sammun-Mak
- Secret Files: Tunguska
- The Longest Journey
- Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
-Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent
-The Tomb of Sammun-Mak
-Out From Boneville
-The Great Cow Race
-Doctor Who: Invasion of the Daleks (or whatever)
-Curse of Monkey Island
-Escape from Monkey Island
-Fright of the Bumblebees
-The Last Resort
-The Bogey Man
-The Mole, the Mob and the Meatball
-Abe Lincoln Must Die!
-Reality 2.0
-Bright Side of the Moon
-Baddest of the Bands
-Dangeresque 3
-8-Bit Is Enough
And that's all I can remember at this time. Chock a block time for gaming!
Then I want to explore the Tomb of Sammun-Mak
In his defense, it WAS an online version of a German board game, but I'm pretty sure that people in other nations can be good at American games. He did beat me, though, so maybe Germans are some board game-playing Gods. Any of the board's Germans want to verify this claim?
No offense to any of the Germans is meant, by the way.
I think Germans are inherently good at board games. My mom is half German, and she is very competitive when it comes to board games, and she usually wins. It's kind of uncanny.
board games are often a much more common family activity in Germany. This is why there are so many interesting and cool games that come from there: Catan, Imperial, Dominion, etc.
Torchlight - Alchemists specialized on summoning are really easy
Puzzlebot - I liked it
I'm only competitive when it comes to things I can win. With things I suck at, I'm way too cool to care. It's kind of uncanny.
me 2!
I'm also on and off trying to get through playing FFXIII, and replaying Dragon Age: Origins: Awakening. Though, tomorrow I'm getting Alan Wake so those will probably go on hold for a week...
Yup. Voice chat always tends to have super obnoxious people, regardless of whether they are being jerks or not. I just turn it off and talk with Skype if I'm playing TF2 with friends.
= Brilliant.
On the PC, I've just finished The Tomb of Sammun-Mak and I've been trying out the demo of Star Trek Online. And that's about it at the moment.
Halo Reach (beta): It's pretty rad, quite different to the previous titles, yet still retaining the feeling of Halo. It's closest to the original in feel, yet the game it reminds me the most of would have to be Star Wars: Republic Commando (the best thing related to the pretend/prequel trilogy).
CoD: MW2: Exactly what I needed at the time, mindless shooting and lots of explosions.
I just disqualified Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days from being 100% completed, so that one's finished. Right now I'm working on Pokemon SoulSilver, my umpteenth run of Ocarina of Time, Brain Age 2 (which I will consider finished when there are no sudokus left), and as soon as I can make myself stop with SoulSilver and Ocarina long enough to play a game on the PC, I'm going to get through SBCG4AP.
But I'll have to disqualify the Pirates of the Caribbean game and Rome: Total War right off the bat because I quit those for a reason.:D
I disqualified things like Animal Crossing (because it doesn't technically have an ending), Call of Duty (because while it's sitting in my game collection, it's my dad's game and I don't like it), and Friday the 13th on the NES (because it was a gift I didn't want in the first place). I also disqualified Sonic the Hedgehog: Genesis for the GBA because it's such a bad port of a game I've beaten the original version of. Stuff like that. But I tried to disqualify games conservatively, since the point is to try and finish the majority of games I own.
I also have my list based on several criteria. 1. Have I finished it? 2. Is it a game that can be 100%ed? That is, are there goals above and beyond the normal ending? 3. If so, am I going to bother 100%ing it? and 4. If so, have I already done this?
So for example, I've been working on Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days for a while. I finished it a long time ago, so that's 1. It has several challenge missions, plus Mission Mode, so that's 2. However, I recently decided not to bother 100%ing it because the later challenges were so ridiculous, so the game is considered finished.
If that's a system that sounds good to you, I can send you a blank version of my Excel sheet to save you the trouble of coding your own.
am now currently playing:
Tales of the Abyss (PS2)
Okami (PS2)
Resident Evil 4 (GCN)
SW:Force Unleashed (PC)
...all obtained from birthday (first 3 from my wife after one visit to GameStop)
I did this a while ago. Here is the list, it includes plenty of titles which cannot be finished.
tf2:reason 2 for me getting steam
sammunmak: DUH....
Huh, why didn't I think of sharing it like that? Here's my list.