Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time (virtual console) and Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days. LoZ=Awesome. KH=Pretty much the same. And i'm kinda goin' on and off with Megaman 9. So freakin' hard!
Scribblenauts (Freaking awesome, stop reading this website and run--don't walk--to your nearest store and get this game), Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games, and Professor Layton and the Curious Village, after a guy by the name of DarkStar kept praising it.
1. Castlevania III for the Virtual Console on the Wii. Despite it's frustrating flaws, I think it's one of the most well-made NES beat-em-ups (if i can call it that) ever.
2. Worms for the iPhone/iPod touch. This was my first time ever playing a Worms game (other than a PSP demo at Target or Walmart or Game Stop or the like). I'm looking forward to the release of Worms: Battle Islands for WiiWare, or Worms 2: Armageddon for the PC.
Dark Messiah. Decapitate one orc, manuever behind another and slash him across the back, making him fall over a cliff edge, kick a third into a bunch of spikes, impale a further orc in the torso with the sword, then use boot to push him off the sword into his buddy coming up the stairs, and finally perform a coup de grace on the now disorientated and last orc. Quite a well put together first-person sword game.
Also playing Psychonauts, with the intention of getting through the constant crashes and completing it.
I'm Playing So Blonde, A MI ripoff adventure game, but i like it so far. great background art.
Also, a somewhat rare adventure called Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria. surprisingly funny.
Also playing Zeus Quest on my mobile.
Yeah, TMI really put me in adventure mode these past few months.
I got The Sims 3: World Adventures, and the first thing I did was enter a cheat code to construct a tomb.
The thing is, the debug code is actualy game programing code, so it looks like I may be beginning my studies a little early. That said, does anyone have a clue what TNS means? I tried testing it out, but nothing really happened, so I think it's just programming trash.
I'm Playing So Blonde, A MI ripoff adventure game, but i like it so far. great background art.
Also, a somewhat rare adventure called Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria. surprisingly funny.
Also playing Zeus Quest on my mobile.
Yeah, TMI really put me in adventure mode these past few months.
How girlie is that game? Is it suitable for both sexes? How is the humor? I was interested in that game a while back, heard good things about it. I'll have to look into the other you've mentioned.
I've just started Dragon Age: Origins, so there's 90 hours of my life down the crapper
Also getting into multiplayer FPS at the moment. Started playing Team Fortress 2 (of course i'm finding it hard as sin with everyone having FAR more experience than me) I'm digging the multiplayer in Modern Warfare 2 (dedicated servers or not) and I bought Shattered Horizon off Steam cos it looked genuinely interesting and it is.
I got some free guest passes with it as well so if you fancy giving it a whirl head on over here. The demand is somewhat less than massive mind you
I was interested in that game a while back, heard good things about it.
Lots of reviewers seemed to like it. I was very surprised to find myself disagreeing with them.
I'm generally a fairly blithe and uncritical person, rarely feeling an intense dislike for something. But I hated So Blonde.
I bought it because Steve Ince was involved - he was the writer for Broken Sword, one of my favourite games of all time. But the So Blonde script is blah, and the characters never quite break the mould enough to enter the realm of quirky and interesting.
The whole thing feels like it's supposed to be a homage to the golden age of point-and-click adventures, but it plays out as a poor, pale imitation of other games that did the same schtick much better. Very disappointing - like getting water on your cereal instead of milk.
My top 5 gripes:
1. A ridiculous, unfunny ripoff of insult swordfighting. Boring, cliched brunette jokes vs boring, cliched blonde jokes. Hardy har har.
2. Pointless pop culture references and intertextuality. Mashing a bunch of incongruous stuff into the game world isn't humorous in and of itself. You need to DO something with it to make it funny. For example, there's a hatch sitting in the jungle with a bunch of numbers engraved on it ("Lost"). Wow. Comic genius.
3. Tedious navigation and long loading times between screens. The designers went to the trouble of integrating a map into the game, but they only use it for "travelling" animations. What is the point of a map if you can't use it to navigate efficiently around the game world?
This is the process to move 2 screens:
> Exit crossroads
> ...Long load time...
> Map animation
> ...Long load time...
> Enter clearing
> Exit clearing
> ...Long load time...
> Map animation
> ...Long load time...
> Enter jungle
Ergh. Thrilling stuff.
4. Pixel hunting. This form of "puzzle" pretty much went out of style in the mid 90s, and for good reason. It's annoying, frustrating and useless. So Blonde involves one "puzzle" where the solution requires you to pick up an item that you cannot see on-screen at all. And you don't even know it's there. What larks.
5. A frequently irritating main character who spends half the game stubbornly not believing in the game world.
6. (Special bonus gripe, because 5 just weren't enough) An unfulfilling ending that feels oddly static, even though it's supposed to be the climax of the game.
The backgrounds are pretty. Unfortunately, the rest of the game falls way short of the mark.
1. A ridiculous, unfunny ripoff of insult swordfighting. Boring, cliched brunette jokes vs boring, cliched blonde jokes. Hardy har har.
agree. it was one thing if the jokes were funny or if not funny, then atleast make it hard to know the punchline. It's not much of a puzzle.
2. Pointless pop culture references and intertextuality. Mashing a bunch of incongruous stuff into the game world isn't humorous in and of itself. You need to DO something with it to make it funny. For example, there's a hatch sitting in the jungle with a bunch of numbers engraved on it ("Lost"). Wow. Comic genius.
I kinda liked that lost reference. The only thing that ruined it for me was the fact the Sunny is aware of it as a reference.
3. Tedious navigation and long loading times between screens. The designers went to the trouble of integrating a map into the game, but they only use it for "traveling" animations. What is the point of a map if you can't use it to navigate efficiently around the game world?
This is the process to move 2 screens:
> Exit crossroads
> ...Long load time...
> Map animation
> ...Long load time...
> Enter clearing
> Exit clearing
> ...Long load time...
> Map animation
> ...Long load time...
> Enter jungle
Ergh. Thrilling stuff.
that bugged me at first, but you know what? In 'A Vampyre story' it took about 5-10 seconds to load every screen, and there wasn't a loading image, so you don't pay to it much attention. I think the fact that here they gave a loading screen instead of just a black screen gives it too much attention. Agree about the map.
4. Pixel hunting. This form of "puzzle" pretty much went out of style in the mid 90s, and for good reason. It's annoying, frustrating and useless. So Blonde involves one "puzzle" where the solution requires you to pick up an item that you cannot see on-screen at all. And you don't even know it's there. What larks.
Spacebar shows all the hotspots... Helped me a lot.
5. A frequently irritating main character who spends half the game stubbornly not believing in the game world.
MASSIVELY AGREE! I also didn't like the little side quests. I mean, making a cappuccino. WHY?
I still haven't finished the game, but i'm not so annoyed by it so far that i wanna uninstall it yet. To be honest, I'm not surprised that it's from the same writer of BS. It gives the same vibe of 'serious story with trying-to-be-funny characters'
I'm currently replaying Jedi Knight (and I'll be moving onto Mysteries of the Sith shortly) with a bunch of mods that update the textures and stuff. Looks so much better as a result.
I'm also cracking through Tomb Raider 2 again. Very, very slowly. God the pre-Crystal Dynamic games are slow paced.
I'm currently replaying Jedi Knight (and I'll be moving onto Mysteries of the Sith shortly) with a bunch of mods that update the textures and stuff. Looks so much better as a result.
I hadn't played that in years and didn't even realize there were any mods like that. I might look into downloading those and replay it eventually...
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Nice spam post.
Currently I am playing:
Left 4 Dead 2: It's pretty much fantastic, a lot of minor yet noticable differences. An excellent game none the less.
Just finished Psychonauts. Had the game for about three years, this is the first time I've completed it. Excellent game, for the most part, but the final stages in that "meat circus" rubbish are beyond a doubt some of the worst and most frustratingly pathetic bits of game design I've ever had the misfortune to encounter, though the Arkham Asylum bosses still rank bottom for me. I was on the verge of giving up entirely and watching the ending on Youtube, it was that bad. They really dropped the ball at the end.
Constant crashes didn't help the situation either, particularly in that theatre level. Though there were some outstanding moments in it: Lungfishopolis, Waterloo World, and especially the Milkman Conspiracy.
"My employer has commissioned me to deliver this milk, to whitewash what went on here. I cannot rest until I have made my final delivery."
Left 4 Dead 2: It's pretty much fantastic, a lot of minor yet noticable differences. An excellent game none the less.
Agreed. I don't think I can ever go back to L4D1 after playing the sequel. The only thing I don't like is the special infected's tendency to gang up on you. (I once got Jockey'd, Boomer'd, Smoker'd, and Charger'd, one right after the other, with no time in between to regain my composure... that's a bit ridiculous)
I have just finished Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter for DS, and I can safely say that this is the very first ending to a game that has thoroughly made me say "WTF?"
So, apparently, the entire series of games was all a dream from a kid who was in a coma after a car crash. Yeah, not making this up. Came completely out of left field.
Agreed. I don't think I can ever go back to L4D1 after playing the sequel. The only thing I don't like is the special infected's tendency to gang up on you. (I once got Jockey'd, Boomer'd, Smoker'd, and Charger'd, one right after the other, with no time in between to regain my composure... that's a bit AWESOME)
Agreed. I don't think I can ever go back to L4D1 after playing the sequel. The only thing I don't like is the special infected's tendency to gang up on you. (I once got Jockey'd, Boomer'd, Smoker'd, and Charger'd, one right after the other, with no time in between to regain my composure... that's a bit ridiculous)
Is L4D2 really worth my money? I never played the first one because I couldn't imagine getting much play out of it after i'd played through all the maps, zombies generating differently each time or not
Just finished Uncharted 2 again, this time on Hard, now gotta decide if I should play Left 4 Dead (yes I'm late on this one), Brutal Legend (tried it for a while but Uncharted kept calling me back) or get Modern Warfare 2 or Assassins Creed II.
Is L4D2 really worth my money? I never played the first one because I couldn't imagine getting much play out of it after i'd played through all the maps, zombies generating differently each time or not
If you find yourself growing bored of the replaying the same campaigns, then the L4D franchise as a whole probably isn't for you. If you think of the campaigns in the same way as you think of a popular map in, say, TF2 or COD4 or whatever, then you likely won't grow bored of them.
If you're on the fence as to whether you'd get tired of it or not, but you really want to try it, start with L4D2. The campaigns are longer, they are all more "unique" from each other, and the AI Director 2.0 is far more unforgiving, which means it'll take awhile to play through it. Not to mention the countless mods that'll undoubtedly pop up in no time.
Note: The gore effects in this one are disturbingly realistic. It puts Soldier of Fortune to shame. If that's not your thing, then stick with L4D1. It's still a damn good game, and the gore is much more "video game"-ish.
L4D2, and yes it is worth the money. I used to think that L4D was easy, but now I only managed to finish 1 campaign in L4D2.Great game indeed.
But aside from L4D2 I have purchased The Longest journey series to get my fix of adventure games and every once in a while I play civilization IV:Beyond the Sword.
Mass Effect 2: This is an utterly fantastic game, it also seems quite likely to be my favourite in the coming year.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta: A really fun game, particularly if playing with friends to play off of. Though a lot of people were playing it a deathmatch game, which sucked.
Team Fortress 2: A really fun game to have got back into, though I cannot believe it will be 3 years old this year.
2. Worms for the iPhone/iPod touch. This was my first time ever playing a Worms game (other than a PSP demo at Target or Walmart or Game Stop or the like). I'm looking forward to the release of Worms: Battle Islands for WiiWare, or Worms 2: Armageddon for the PC.
Also playing Psychonauts, with the intention of getting through the constant crashes and completing it.
Also, a somewhat rare adventure called Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria. surprisingly funny.
Also playing Zeus Quest on my mobile.
Yeah, TMI really put me in adventure mode these past few months.
The thing is, the debug code is actualy game programing code, so it looks like I may be beginning my studies a little early.
How girlie is that game? Is it suitable for both sexes? How is the humor? I was interested in that game a while back, heard good things about it. I'll have to look into the other you've mentioned.
Also getting into multiplayer FPS at the moment. Started playing Team Fortress 2 (of course i'm finding it hard as sin with everyone having FAR more experience than me) I'm digging the multiplayer in Modern Warfare 2 (dedicated servers or not) and I bought Shattered Horizon off Steam cos it looked genuinely interesting and it is.
I got some free guest passes with it as well so if you fancy giving it a whirl head on over here. The demand is somewhat less than massive mind you
A bit; yes; patchy.
Lots of reviewers seemed to like it. I was very surprised to find myself disagreeing with them.
I'm generally a fairly blithe and uncritical person, rarely feeling an intense dislike for something. But I hated So Blonde.
I bought it because Steve Ince was involved - he was the writer for Broken Sword, one of my favourite games of all time. But the So Blonde script is blah, and the characters never quite break the mould enough to enter the realm of quirky and interesting.
The whole thing feels like it's supposed to be a homage to the golden age of point-and-click adventures, but it plays out as a poor, pale imitation of other games that did the same schtick much better. Very disappointing - like getting water on your cereal instead of milk.
My top 5 gripes:
1. A ridiculous, unfunny ripoff of insult swordfighting. Boring, cliched brunette jokes vs boring, cliched blonde jokes. Hardy har har.
2. Pointless pop culture references and intertextuality. Mashing a bunch of incongruous stuff into the game world isn't humorous in and of itself. You need to DO something with it to make it funny. For example, there's a hatch sitting in the jungle with a bunch of numbers engraved on it ("Lost"). Wow. Comic genius.
3. Tedious navigation and long loading times between screens. The designers went to the trouble of integrating a map into the game, but they only use it for "travelling" animations. What is the point of a map if you can't use it to navigate efficiently around the game world?
This is the process to move 2 screens:
> Exit crossroads
> ...Long load time...
> Map animation
> ...Long load time...
> Enter clearing
> Exit clearing
> ...Long load time...
> Map animation
> ...Long load time...
> Enter jungle
Ergh. Thrilling stuff.
4. Pixel hunting. This form of "puzzle" pretty much went out of style in the mid 90s, and for good reason. It's annoying, frustrating and useless. So Blonde involves one "puzzle" where the solution requires you to pick up an item that you cannot see on-screen at all. And you don't even know it's there. What larks.
5. A frequently irritating main character who spends half the game stubbornly not believing in the game world.
6. (Special bonus gripe, because 5 just weren't enough) An unfulfilling ending that feels oddly static, even though it's supposed to be the climax of the game.
The backgrounds are pretty. Unfortunately, the rest of the game falls way short of the mark.
agree. it was one thing if the jokes were funny or if not funny, then atleast make it hard to know the punchline. It's not much of a puzzle.
I kinda liked that lost reference. The only thing that ruined it for me was the fact the Sunny is aware of it as a reference.
that bugged me at first, but you know what? In 'A Vampyre story' it took about 5-10 seconds to load every screen, and there wasn't a loading image, so you don't pay to it much attention. I think the fact that here they gave a loading screen instead of just a black screen gives it too much attention. Agree about the map.
Spacebar shows all the hotspots... Helped me a lot.
MASSIVELY AGREE! I also didn't like the little side quests. I mean, making a cappuccino. WHY?
I still haven't finished the game, but i'm not so annoyed by it so far that i wanna uninstall it yet. To be honest, I'm not surprised that it's from the same writer of BS. It gives the same vibe of 'serious story with trying-to-be-funny characters'
"Mr. FSK" will be deer hunting tomorrow, so with him out of my hair for the day that's what I'll be doing.
Why does everything include references to a show I haven't watched?
I'm also cracking through Tomb Raider 2 again. Very, very slowly. God the pre-Crystal Dynamic games are slow paced.
I hadn't played that in years and didn't even realize there were any mods like that. I might look into downloading those and replay it eventually...
Cool. Thanks dude.
Nice spam post.
Currently I am playing:
Left 4 Dead 2: It's pretty much fantastic, a lot of minor yet noticable differences. An excellent game none the less.
Constant crashes didn't help the situation either, particularly in that theatre level. Though there were some outstanding moments in it: Lungfishopolis, Waterloo World, and especially the Milkman Conspiracy.
"My employer has commissioned me to deliver this milk, to whitewash what went on here. I cannot rest until I have made my final delivery."
Nikasaurs love eating Spam. Nom nom nom.
Agreed. I don't think I can ever go back to L4D1 after playing the sequel. The only thing I don't like is the special infected's tendency to gang up on you. (I once got Jockey'd, Boomer'd, Smoker'd, and Charger'd, one right after the other, with no time in between to regain my composure... that's a bit ridiculous)
Fixed. :tup:
Is L4D2 really worth my money? I never played the first one because I couldn't imagine getting much play out of it after i'd played through all the maps, zombies generating differently each time or not
If you find yourself growing bored of the replaying the same campaigns, then the L4D franchise as a whole probably isn't for you. If you think of the campaigns in the same way as you think of a popular map in, say, TF2 or COD4 or whatever, then you likely won't grow bored of them.
If you're on the fence as to whether you'd get tired of it or not, but you really want to try it, start with L4D2. The campaigns are longer, they are all more "unique" from each other, and the AI Director 2.0 is far more unforgiving, which means it'll take awhile to play through it. Not to mention the countless mods that'll undoubtedly pop up in no time.
Note: The gore effects in this one are disturbingly realistic. It puts Soldier of Fortune to shame. If that's not your thing, then stick with L4D1. It's still a damn good game, and the gore is much more "video game"-ish.
But aside from L4D2 I have purchased The Longest journey series to get my fix of adventure games and every once in a while I play civilization IV:Beyond the Sword.
Good call
Mass Effect 2: This is an utterly fantastic game, it also seems quite likely to be my favourite in the coming year.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta: A really fun game, particularly if playing with friends to play off of. Though a lot of people were playing it a deathmatch game, which sucked.
Team Fortress 2: A really fun game to have got back into, though I cannot believe it will be 3 years old this year.
Jedi Outcast (re, re, re, replaying)
Sam & Max: Reality 2.0 - but I'm stuck, so I've left that one for a while.