Right now I'm playing Emerald City Confidential, something picked up randomly on Steam for $10. It's a nice 2D adventure game by an independent developer, set in L. Frank Baum's land of Oz but with a noir-ish 1940s detective story feel. Puzzles are so incredibly easy that they barely even qualify for the moniker, so it's more of an interactive story than a true adventure game. In spite of that, I'm enjoying it so far.
I had to reformat C:\ (again), but I was, and once they're all re-installed will continue to be, playing through:
Assassin's Creed (the first one, obviously)
Dead Space (how did I miss this first time round?)
Psychonauts (the Steam sale convinced me to go through it again)
I recently finished the original FEAR and its two expansions (just before I had to refomat, lucky lucky!), and while it's not the best set of games in the world, they were enjoyable enough.
I alternate between Dragon Age, Replaying portals and I got off my lazy arse and got ahold of brutal legend quite cheap, maybe I'll send that review to those people with that blog "asking" for it :P
Oh yeah, also playing l4d2 at times and battlefield: BD (along with the demo for BF:BD2, pretty good, think that game will be enjoyable, got bored of the demo fast though, after a while playing the same map gets old, they do need to make better incentives for taking the crates though, the points you got for them does not give you any points towards weapons >>)
Elder Scrolls: Morrowind. Currently has 250 modules loaded into the datafiles, so it's unstable, but beautiful. Should stop crashing once I find out which mods & conflicting & purge them.
Neverwinter Nights. Include the premium mods & expansion packs by the developers alone, & it still takes 8 hours a day for a month to finish this game. Probably scores a record for longest patch support & I swear it never crashes. Along with Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 & NWN2, has the best stories ever.
Aveyond 3. Can't wait till 3.3 comes out in 3 days. It's my favorite oldschool 2D fantasy RPG, done in the style of SNES/Genesis games like the origina Zelda, Final Fantasy, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, wtc.
All of the game I love the most came out between 2001 & 2003.
I alter between games A LOT. Can't seem to really stick to just one these days...
Pokemon Crystal--Replaying it for old time sake before the remakes come out. Fallout 3 Sims 2 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Thinking about picking up Chrono Trigger again, even though I know I won't finish it for months to come.
Just finished FEAR 2: Reborn (fun, if short) and I'll be damned if I'm gonna play through again just for a few essentially pointless Achievements, so I'm gonna get back into the Creed of the Assassins. With a bit of luck, the sequel will have come out for the PC by the time I've found all the flags.
Just finished replaying my beloved Broken Sword II for the first time in a couple of years. It's still just as good as I remembered. Starting on Broken Sword III now!
On the PS2/3 I am currently playing though all the Ratchet and Clank games in order and getting all skill points and weapon upgrades. After that I will start with Spyro, the old ones.
On the PC I am currently playing the F2P games Warrior Epic and Holy Beast Online, and if not that WoW and if not that ToMI
On the DS, I'm actively playing Pokémon SoulSilver. I'm also attempting to complete the challenges in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, but I'm at the point where all I have left are the ones so hard they require walkthroughs, so it's been mostly sitting to the side lately.
On the GameCube, I'm trying to finally finish Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Progress is slow.
And there's a few other games that I've recently been playing but sort of stopped in the middle of and keep neglecting. Mainly FFCC, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories (despite the fact that I don't own a PS2), and my current run of Ocarina of Time.
And then there's my ongoing project of finishing Rock Band 2, but I play that on and off.
So I am (my first time playing it). It's a little odd not having an inventory, but I like the musical aspect. Maybe I should play on Expert, is there some sort of bonus scene for playing Expert?
I'm pretending that it's before the year 2004 and playing games like Counter-Strike, Team Fortress Classic and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. After all the adventure gaming I've been doing, it's somewhat liberating to be able to solve problems with BULLETS!
On the DS, it's Pokemon Heartgold. It reminded me why I avoided the Pokemon franchise (it's....so....addictive!)
But after doing a re-play of ToMI on the mac, I'm now an active player in Portal. I now see why my Game History teacher was hell bent with the ARG for it....
About to dig into Avatar: The Game. I heard it was... ehh... at best, but I'm on a pretty powerful "must digest everything Avatar-related" kick, and that means taking the bad with the good.
You're getting yelled at? The people on that server must be jerks. I've never been yelled at, and I'm really not that good. Which I suppose is why I mainly play Engineer.
You're getting yelled at? The people on that server must be jerks. I've never been yelled at, and I'm really not that good. Which I suppose is why I mainly play Engineer.
I picked a server completely at random and probably made every visible mistake in the book. Plus I didn't know the maps so I had no idea where I was going half the time.
Ah. I picked up TF2 as part of the Orange Box and didn't touch it until my cousin, who had played the 360 version of the game, came over and fired it up. He played for a while and then made me sit down and play it on the map that he was on, and I've played on almost nothing but that map ever since. If you like Capture Point games, I'd highly recommend the Egypt map on Alpha Omega's sever. The address is
Just finished replaying my beloved Broken Sword II for the first time in a couple of years. It's still just as good as I remembered. Starting on Broken Sword III now!
Whilst i enjoyed Broken Sword 2, i also was kind of dissapointed because Broken Sword 1 was just so much better. :O/ I hope Revolution Software is making enough money with the iPhone adventures in order for making a great new successor this time or something new, which i somehow doubt.
I'm currently playing no game.
But i'm looking forward to S&MS3E2, MOS, Eschalon Book II, LCRSE, Deathspank, Rage, HL2E3, oh and Ultima X by Lord British and The Bard's Tale II by InXile, hey one at least can dream. :O)
NHL 10
Fallout 3 (again!)
Mass Effect (have had it for a while, just actually trying to finish it at least once)
Football Manager 2010
Think I might play Sam & Max: Hit the Road again soon, feel in the mood for it.
Assassin's Creed (the first one, obviously)
Dead Space (how did I miss this first time round?)
Psychonauts (the Steam sale convinced me to go through it again)
I recently finished the original FEAR and its two expansions (just before I had to refomat, lucky lucky!), and while it's not the best set of games in the world, they were enjoyable enough.
Oh yeah, also playing l4d2 at times and battlefield: BD (along with the demo for BF:BD2, pretty good, think that game will be enjoyable, got bored of the demo fast though, after a while playing the same map gets old, they do need to make better incentives for taking the crates though, the points you got for them does not give you any points towards weapons >>)
Neverwinter Nights. Include the premium mods & expansion packs by the developers alone, & it still takes 8 hours a day for a month to finish this game. Probably scores a record for longest patch support & I swear it never crashes. Along with Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 & NWN2, has the best stories ever.
Aveyond 3. Can't wait till 3.3 comes out in 3 days. It's my favorite oldschool 2D fantasy RPG, done in the style of SNES/Genesis games like the origina Zelda, Final Fantasy, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, wtc.
All of the game I love the most came out between 2001 & 2003.
Pokemon Crystal--Replaying it for old time sake before the remakes come out.
Fallout 3
Sims 2
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Thinking about picking up Chrono Trigger again, even though I know I won't finish it for months to come.
Does this control well on mouse and keyboard, or should I just go out and get the PS3 version?
Here is what I liked best, the credits:
Lol. I'm just going to assume that was the special thanks page.
There's also Psychonauts, which I'm determined to get through, despite my save game bugging out and forcing me to restart all over again. Bah!
There's also stan, kenny and morgan there.
Stan and Kenny, being next to Kyle and Cartman, are probably the South Park ones.
Morgan I'd say isn't Morgan LeFlay either.
That'd be Dexter Morgan, look at the last name on the line above.
Well played, sir.
On the PC I am currently playing the F2P games Warrior Epic and Holy Beast Online, and if not that WoW and if not that ToMI
On the DS, I'm actively playing Pokémon SoulSilver. I'm also attempting to complete the challenges in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, but I'm at the point where all I have left are the ones so hard they require walkthroughs, so it's been mostly sitting to the side lately.
On the GameCube, I'm trying to finally finish Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Progress is slow.
And there's a few other games that I've recently been playing but sort of stopped in the middle of and keep neglecting. Mainly FFCC, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories (despite the fact that I don't own a PS2), and my current run of Ocarina of Time.
And then there's my ongoing project of finishing Rock Band 2, but I play that on and off.
So I am (my first time playing it). It's a little odd not having an inventory, but I like the musical aspect. Maybe I should play on Expert, is there some sort of bonus scene for playing Expert?
But after doing a re-play of ToMI on the mac, I'm now an active player in Portal. I now see why my Game History teacher was hell bent with the ARG for it....
I'm currently playing no game.
But i'm looking forward to S&MS3E2, MOS, Eschalon Book II, LCRSE, Deathspank, Rage, HL2E3, oh and Ultima X by Lord British and The Bard's Tale II by InXile, hey one at least can dream. :O)