Pokemon Black. Downloading one classic Pokemon every day and completely ignoring the disfigured crap they call Pokémon nowadays.
3 Great Pokemon owned, 3 more to go.
Pokemon Black. Downloading one classic Pokemon every day and completely ignoring the disfigured crap they call Pokémon nowadays.
3 Great Pokemon owned, 3 more to go.
There are some gems in the newer generations(Black & White's fossil Pokemon come to mind)...and then there's the trash bag Pokemon or the ice cream cone Pokemon. WTF.
There are some gems in the newer generations(Black & White's fossil Pokemon come to mind)...and then there's the trash bag Pokemon or the ice cream cone Pokemon. WTF.
Well even the first generation wasn't perfect.
And yes some of the new ones are really nice. I just don't want to play with them on my team. I want the Pokémon I like.
Finally getting around to play BioShock Infinite and Borderlands 2, been sitting there for a while just needed some time. Only put 2-3hrs into each so far but already love them both.
I'm probably going to finish BioShock then I can dump lots of time into Borderlands.
Well even the first generation wasn't perfect.
And yes some of the new ones are really nice. I just don't want to play with them on my team. I want the Pokémon I like.
But then I wonder, why not just re-play an old Pokémon game?
I'm most of the way through Oracle of Ages. I've now managed to build a permanent list of Secrets for starting either game first, so as long as I have either my phone or access to my Dropbox, I never have to find something to write down secrets on ever again!
But then I wonder, why not just re-play an old Pokémon game?
They aren't available on the 3DS.
I have no other console in my house. I bought a 3DS Xl to play games like Pokemon. Had I known the tricks I have to pull to play these games with Pokémon I actually like (or in English like any other game on the DS/3DS) I wouldn't have bought Pokemon Black.
Also I refuse to use an emulator. That's just not the same. But if they would add Pokémon Blue/Red/Green/Yellow to the e-store I'd be all over it. But then again they'd only sell the German version in the German store which would suck. (Had that problem with Link's Awakening already. Didn't check for languages and wasted 6€ on it.)
I have 5 great Generation 1 Pokemon in my team right now that I collected online and one of the 5th generation which I use as my HM-Slave.
Since getting a Butterfree (my favourite Pokémon) would be a ton of grinding I'm thinking about getting Venomoth as the final member of my team. Because bugs rule. Also not sure if I want to keep Magneton.
Today I invested several hours into playing through the first Metroid for the first time and by god is it hard. Stuck in Turian right now and really glad that there are savestates on the virtual console. Never played a Metroid game but saw all the 2D games in the series several times.
Also thanks for those lists. I'll think about using these to skip some of the horrible minigames in these games.
I've never been able to seriously play the original Metroid. The difficulty is so up there, I only ever play around it with the NARPAS SWORD password, and Zero Mission always fills its spot in my series runs.
The problem with the first one is that SuperMetroid overshadows it and Metroid 2. It was such an improvement. You cannot really go back from Super to the NES game.
Then again they don't have SNES games on the 3DS e-shop. I also bought and played a bit of Metroid 2 before Metroid and just stopped because even Metroid 2 is so much better than the first one.
You make fun of the current pokemon but is fine with this?
It's the really bad middle form. At least I only have to see it's back.
Shouldn't be long until I find a Leaf-Stone and can transform that one to:
Also played more Metroid and collected a ton of rockets, the Screw Attack and the Varia Suit. Man was I glad I remembered where that suit was. That one is hidden in an almost unfindable spot.
Will try one of the bosses later. Was too chicken to face him earlier.
The problem with Animal Crossing is every time I turn on my 3DS I am unable to play anything else...
Still I don't believe them when they say it eats into your real life...
*looks at calendar
The problem with Animal Crossing is every time I turn on my 3DS I am unable to play anything else...
Still I don't believe them when they say it eats into your real life...
*looks at calendar
Dang this game's story is long. It's not really compelling, it's just long. Too many story missions put in just for padding.
Also, I might well call this game Grand Theft Hire-A-Taxi, because driving all around the city all the time is getting to be such a chore that I now usually try to find the nearest cab to take me places instead. Travelling around the city in the Saints Row series is a lot more fun. What I wouldn't give to have a helicopter at my beckoned call (ie. not all the way across the city).
Whoever says GTA4 is better than Saints Row 2 in any way other than graphically has never played SR2. GTA4 has no ability to collect cars, cool or otherwise; does not make the ability to use aircraft convenient enough to bother with; pads the story way too much by getting way off track from the whole reason Niko is in America; makes driving around town boring; and has worthless sidetracking events like going bowling with your buddies which do nothing but try to artificially extend the gameplay that much longer...nevermind that these events are in no way interesting.
I was thinking that I might have waited until the game was finished so I could post this in the Rate the Last Game You Finished thread, but I'm thinking about these things right now so I thought I should say them while I remember them clearly.
Currently trying to play Resident Evil 5. Played chapter 1-1 and currently do and don't want to continue. I want to continue because I've played every main RE game and I want to see what happens. I don't want to continue because I hate the gameplay. Having to stop to shoot baffles me and the non pausing inventory just does my head in. In the short time I've played I just ended up running around trying to find bullets then having to stop to reload or change weapon at which point I'm getting hammered by a massive guy with massive axe or something. This is just not fun.
I'm almost at the point of persevering just to experience the game (because as a fan of previous RE games I know the story will be crap but they are usually fun to experience) but if it's not fun then what's the point. Hell I'm considering watching a Lets Play instead and I generally don't like watching lets plays.
At least from the demo RE6 feels like it'll be more fun to play.
It occurred to me tonight that the reason why I'm not enjoying GTA4 very much is because my interest is in knocking it off of my list of unfinished games on Backloggery. This means that I'm primarily focused on the story and not on just farting around town (perhaps with the Iron Man mod) and doing random stuff.
Suffice it to say, people enjoy GTA4 for the open-world-ness of it, not as much the story. Granted, the story doesn't suck; It's just the story missions get boring and frustrating when you focus too much on them.
It occurred to me tonight that the reason why I'm not enjoying GTA4 very much is because my interest is in knocking it off of my list of unfinished games on Backloggery. This means that I'm primarily focused on the story and not on just farting around town (perhaps with the Iron Man mod) and doing random stuff.
Suffice it to say, people enjoy GTA4 for the open-world-ness of it, not as much the story. Granted, the story doesn't suck; It's just the story missions get boring and frustrating when you focus too much on them.
As soon as I have the money and get Saints Row The Third complete edition or whatever they call it, GTA4 is never going in my PS3 again.
I can tell you right now, this (game? expansion? episode?) seems better than vanilla GTA4. No boring dating side-missions; no need to accrue respect from friends in order to enlist their help; and really what feels to me so far as a more interesting set of characters.
I can tell you right now, this (game? expansion? episode?) seems better than vanilla GTA4. No boring dating side-missions; no need to accrue respect from friends in order to enlist their help; and really what feels to me so far as a more interesting set of characters.
Ugh, I hated Lost & Damned...worst game in the series since GTA2. Gay Tony is okay.
I've been playing for two hours, and I really like this!
(It has similar mechanics to Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts with the vehicle creation aspect, but its quite relaxing watching my rocket take off into space and eventually exploding >:D)
I'm quite proud to say that the PoopRocket Mk.7 managed to last an entire 6 and a half hours in space!
I've been playing for two hours, and I really like this!
(It has similar mechanics to Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts with the vehicle creation aspect, but its quite relaxing watching my rocket take off into space and eventually exploding >:D)
I'm quite proud to say that the PoopRocket Mk.7 managed to last an entire 6 and a half hours in space!
I just got the Journey Collection for the PS3. It includes flOw, Flower, and Journey by ThatGameCompany. I've only started playing flOw. Can't wait to play Flower and Journey.
Ugh, I hated Lost & Damned...worst game in the series since GTA2. Gay Tony is okay.
Niko isn't that interesting a character. He's just a guy from some slavic country who moved to America
on a mission of revenge
. He spends the entire game being a hitman for the mob so that they will eventually maybe help him with this. Suffice it to say that at the beginning, he and his cousin are nobodies; and at the end, Niko is slightly less of a nobody but now has a price on his head.
Niko also has very little of a character arc beyond the two major choices at the end of the game, and while his backstory is interesting, his adventures in Liberty City are rather shallow as he's mostly just an errand boy for the mob.
I haven't played very much of GTA:TLAD, but being the second-in-command of a long-established biker gang where the leader starts making crazy stupid decisions which cause your character to question his loyalty is a much more interesting start to the story. (This is not really a spoiler. I've only played less than 5 missions.)
Half-Life. I'm just having a blast with this game. I die a lot because I'm terrible at shooters, but it's still fun to just walk up to random crap and see if it's going to murder you or not. Half the time, I find out what is a hazard by being killed or eaten by it at least once.
The moral of the story is - if it's not blue or white (or, if you include blood, red), then it's going to kill you, so kill it first. There's some symbolism in there somewhere, but I can't for the life of me figure out what is is. *shrug*
Currently trying out a few city-building apps on Android, having been inspired by The Simpsons: Tapped Out. Oddly enough, it turns out that's probably the best of all of them - or at least, has the best introduction to the game.
I gave Jurassic Park Builder a go, but I flat-out couldn't log in to my Facebook account, and eventually tired it as a guest, only to realize that it wasn't my thing at all. Sigh. Next tried Ice Age Village, but that ran like crap on my tablet, so nope! I also tried... oh, what was it? Megapolis. Which didn't appeal for some reason. Too busy, I think.
I've gone with Paradise Island (which is a bit basic but seems OK so far) and The Smurfs Village (it's gotten so much press, I thought I'd give it a whirl). Not sure how long I'll keep playing them, but hey ho.
The moral of the story is - if it's not blue or white (or, if you include blood, red), then it's going to kill you, so kill it first. There's some symbolism in there somewhere, but I can't for the life of me figure out what is is. *shrug*
Strangely enough... the thing that kills me the most in this game?
Ladders. Fucking ladders.
I have died more often climbing ladders than any other hazard in this game. Room full of enemies? Sure I'll just charge in there and see what happens. Ladder? I'm quicksaving that shit.
Maybe it's just because I've played Half-Life (and like 500 mods) so much that I'm just that good, but your tales of troubles with it are just hilarious to me. Ladders? Seriously? Oh Al. Just you wait until Xen.
Yeah, that's kinda the problem. I'm not so great with the whole "walking in a straight line, when that straight line is up" thing. So I keep on just falling off the side or something. I mean, I've played older shooters before, but I've never come across this kind of ladder.
Then again, most of the shooters I played didn't have any ladders.
Everything else is fine, though. I really like how the boss battles work. It's way more entertaining to kill a boss with terrain than to just shoot it repeatedly.
Everything else is fine, though. I really like how the boss battles work. It's way more entertaining to kill a boss with terrain than to just shoot it repeatedly.
Wait until Xen. And then stream yourself playing Xen. I'd watch that!
Wait until Xen. And then stream yourself playing Xen. I'd watch that!
I'm guessing that's at the end of the game and consists of nothing but a room filled with ladders over toxic sludge. Because that would be the easiest way to kill me repeatedly.
I'm guessing that's at the end of the game and consists of nothing but a room filled with ladders over toxic sludge. Because that would be the easiest way to kill me repeatedly.
Oh your body is NOT ready. So not ready.
HL1 was the first shooter I ever played and I had so much trouble even on easy. But I made it through the whole thing without cheating. And so will you.
But Xen is the point where many players just stopped. And I don't blame them. No ladders though!
3 Great Pokemon owned, 3 more to go.
There are some gems in the newer generations(Black & White's fossil Pokemon come to mind)...and then there's the trash bag Pokemon or the ice cream cone Pokemon. WTF.
Playing Kingdoms of Amalur for a while.
Well even the first generation wasn't perfect.
And yes some of the new ones are really nice. I just don't want to play with them on my team. I want the Pokémon I like.
I'm probably going to finish BioShock then I can dump lots of time into Borderlands.
(I think its really adorable!
But then I wonder, why not just re-play an old Pokémon game?
I'm most of the way through Oracle of Ages. I've now managed to build a permanent list of Secrets for starting either game first, so as long as I have either my phone or access to my Dropbox, I never have to find something to write down secrets on ever again!
Ages first:
Seasons first:
They aren't available on the 3DS.
I have no other console in my house. I bought a 3DS Xl to play games like Pokemon. Had I known the tricks I have to pull to play these games with Pokémon I actually like (or in English like any other game on the DS/3DS) I wouldn't have bought Pokemon Black.
Also I refuse to use an emulator. That's just not the same. But if they would add Pokémon Blue/Red/Green/Yellow to the e-store I'd be all over it. But then again they'd only sell the German version in the German store which would suck. (Had that problem with Link's Awakening already. Didn't check for languages and wasted 6€ on it.)
I have 5 great Generation 1 Pokemon in my team right now that I collected online and one of the 5th generation which I use as my HM-Slave.
Since getting a Butterfree (my favourite Pokémon) would be a ton of grinding I'm thinking about getting Venomoth as the final member of my team. Because bugs rule. Also not sure if I want to keep Magneton.
Today I invested several hours into playing through the first Metroid for the first time and by god is it hard. Stuck in Turian right now and really glad that there are savestates on the virtual console. Never played a Metroid game but saw all the 2D games in the series several times.
Also thanks for those lists. I'll think about using these to skip some of the horrible minigames in these games.
Then again they don't have SNES games on the 3DS e-shop. I also bought and played a bit of Metroid 2 before Metroid and just stopped because even Metroid 2 is so much better than the first one.
Whoa whoa whoa.
You make fun of the current pokemon but is fine with this?
It's the really bad middle form. At least I only have to see it's back.
Shouldn't be long until I find a Leaf-Stone and can transform that one to:
Also played more Metroid and collected a ton of rockets, the Screw Attack and the Varia Suit. Man was I glad I remembered where that suit was. That one is hidden in an almost unfindable spot.
Will try one of the bosses later. Was too chicken to face him earlier.
Still I don't believe them when they say it eats into your real life...
*looks at calendar
*hand twitches at mention of AC*
Dang this game's story is long. It's not really compelling, it's just long. Too many story missions put in just for padding.
Also, I might well call this game Grand Theft Hire-A-Taxi, because driving all around the city all the time is getting to be such a chore that I now usually try to find the nearest cab to take me places instead. Travelling around the city in the Saints Row series is a lot more fun. What I wouldn't give to have a helicopter at my beckoned call (ie. not all the way across the city).
Whoever says GTA4 is better than Saints Row 2 in any way other than graphically has never played SR2. GTA4 has no ability to collect cars, cool or otherwise; does not make the ability to use aircraft convenient enough to bother with; pads the story way too much by getting way off track from the whole reason Niko is in America; makes driving around town boring; and has worthless sidetracking events like going bowling with your buddies which do nothing but try to artificially extend the gameplay that much longer...nevermind that these events are in no way interesting.
I was thinking that I might have waited until the game was finished so I could post this in the Rate the Last Game You Finished thread, but I'm thinking about these things right now so I thought I should say them while I remember them clearly.
I'm almost at the point of persevering just to experience the game (because as a fan of previous RE games I know the story will be crap but they are usually fun to experience) but if it's not fun then what's the point. Hell I'm considering watching a Lets Play instead and I generally don't like watching lets plays.
At least from the demo RE6 feels like it'll be more fun to play.
Suffice it to say, people enjoy GTA4 for the open-world-ness of it, not as much the story. Granted, the story doesn't suck; It's just the story missions get boring and frustrating when you focus too much on them.
As soon as I have the money and get Saints Row The Third complete edition or whatever they call it, GTA4 is never going in my PS3 again.
I can tell you right now, this (game? expansion? episode?) seems better than vanilla GTA4. No boring dating side-missions; no need to accrue respect from friends in order to enlist their help; and really what feels to me so far as a more interesting set of characters.
Ugh, I hated Lost & Damned...worst game in the series since GTA2. Gay Tony is okay.
GTA2 is actually my favourite...:mad:
I've been playing for two hours, and I really like this!
(It has similar mechanics to Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts with the vehicle creation aspect, but its quite relaxing watching my rocket take off into space and eventually exploding >:D)
I'm quite proud to say that the PoopRocket Mk.7 managed to last an entire 6 and a half hours in space!
Worth getting during the sale?
I haven't really played enough to judge tbh.
(I'm just dicking around with rocket parts)
But it has mods, and its early access.
I'd say try the demo.
Niko also has very little of a character arc beyond the two major choices at the end of the game, and while his backstory is interesting, his adventures in Liberty City are rather shallow as he's mostly just an errand boy for the mob.
I haven't played very much of GTA:TLAD, but being the second-in-command of a long-established biker gang where the leader starts making crazy stupid decisions which cause your character to question his loyalty is a much more interesting start to the story. (This is not really a spoiler. I've only played less than 5 missions.)
Currently trying out a few city-building apps on Android, having been inspired by The Simpsons: Tapped Out. Oddly enough, it turns out that's probably the best of all of them - or at least, has the best introduction to the game.
I gave Jurassic Park Builder a go, but I flat-out couldn't log in to my Facebook account, and eventually tired it as a guest, only to realize that it wasn't my thing at all. Sigh. Next tried Ice Age Village, but that ran like crap on my tablet, so nope! I also tried... oh, what was it? Megapolis. Which didn't appeal for some reason. Too busy, I think.
I've gone with Paradise Island (which is a bit basic but seems OK so far) and The Smurfs Village (it's gotten so much press, I thought I'd give it a whirl). Not sure how long I'll keep playing them, but hey ho.
I'm not 100% sure what I am doing but I think I enjoyed it...
Strangely enough... the thing that kills me the most in this game?
Ladders. Fucking ladders.
I have died more often climbing ladders than any other hazard in this game. Room full of enemies? Sure I'll just charge in there and see what happens. Ladder? I'm quicksaving that shit.
I'm close to the end of Fire Emblem now. My 3DS tells me I played it for 60 hours now. I'm kinda surprised by that. It really didn't feel that long.
Then again, most of the shooters I played didn't have any ladders.
Everything else is fine, though. I really like how the boss battles work. It's way more entertaining to kill a boss with terrain than to just shoot it repeatedly.
I'm guessing that's at the end of the game and consists of nothing but a room filled with ladders over toxic sludge. Because that would be the easiest way to kill me repeatedly.
Oh your body is NOT ready. So not ready.
HL1 was the first shooter I ever played and I had so much trouble even on easy. But I made it through the whole thing without cheating. And so will you.
But Xen is the point where many players just stopped. And I don't blame them. No ladders though!