Tales of monkey island , Sam and Max The devils play house and im going to start playing mass effect 1 soon but so far im liking both Sam and max and Tales of monkey island
Tales of monkey island , Sam and Max The devils play house and im going to start playing mass effect 1 soon but so far im liking both Sam and max and Tales of monkey island
I think the best Tales episode is Episode 4. (though the rest are also very good.)
The beginning of Episode 3. It had taken two whole episodes and I hadn't been challenged once. The puzzles were so straight-forward and the solutions were so obvious that I just couldn't do it anymore - I couldn't continue playing a game which didn't give me anything to overcome, in terms of gameplay. My progression through the game came with no sense of achievement, and provided no gratification as a result.
Besides, I didn't actually like the writing, and the story didn't feel engaging either. Overall, I considered it a flop, and I'd seen enough by the time Episode 3 had come out.
Someday I might return to it and force myself to finish it, but I'll need to work up the motivation.
The beginning of Episode 3. It had taken two whole episodes and I hadn't been challenged once. The puzzles were so straight-forward and the solutions were so obvious that I just couldn't do it anymore - I couldn't continue playing a game which didn't give me anything to overcome, in terms of gameplay. My progression through the game came with no sense of achievement, and provided no gratification as a result.
Besides, I didn't actually like the writing, and the story didn't feel engaging either. Overall, I considered it a flop, and I'd seen enough by the time Episode 3 had come out.
Someday I might return to it and force myself to finish it, but I'll need to work up the motivation.
Yeah the puzzles were EASY ... Is it bad i found the puzzles really chalenging maybe because im a noob at puzzle games
Yeah the puzzles were EASY ... Is it bad i found the puzzles really chalenging maybe because im a noob at puzzle games
I never play puzzle games alone so even if I am sometimes 'a little slow' when it comes to puzzle games...
I sometimes get stuck on easy puzzles (Episode 5 door puzzle) whilst I have breezed through older games such as Monkey Island 1-3 and Day of the Tentacle...
GAH! I have never played an adventure game with such frustrating controls!
(Not to mention glitches galore! :X (The game glitched out in the first damn puzzle for fuck's sake! >:/))
And the music is just horrible! Just a few repeating notes. Over and over!
Hopefully I don't go burning this game down to the ground and actually beat it.
(At least I know Normality and Sanitarium are good adventure games, having played them before for a bit)
Gave up on that frustrating piece of crap and decided to move on to Normality.
Got further than last time. And its pretty unusual and interesting where adventure games are concerned.
(The voice acting IS a bit dodgy at times, but at least its unique.)
I like adventure games that don't take themselves too seriously and act a little goofy. It just feels more comfortable to play.
I'd say Mass Effect 2 is relatively harmless. I suppose it really depends on if you like the characters. If you do, then it's more fun than ME 1, since the optional missions tend to end up being more fun. If you don't, it seems like a laundry list.
I'd say Mass Effect 2 is relatively harmless. I suppose it really depends on if you like the characters. If you do, then it's more fun than ME 1, since the optional missions tend to end up being more fun. If you don't, it seems like a laundry list.
ME 3 just is a laundry list.
I loved 2 and 3(and loved the ending for my own reasons, but then I love thinking philosophically so I'm probably one of the few that put any thought into the ending), but have yet to get around to playing the first.
I didn't mind the ending in 3. I just minded the rest of the game. It dragged on and on. I've never been so conscious of the length of my unfinished quest list in a game until ME3. I didn't notice so much in ME2 because with the optional companion quests, and even the mini quests that people gave me while I was wandering around the various planets you could wander around (key word: various) I felt invested in finishing the mission. With ME3, you got the Citadel and the ship and every quest that wasn't a main quest was essentially a glorified fetch quest or a glorified "walk down this hallway" quest.
Having managed to hook up an old External Drive to my Wii, I've been trying out some Mario Kart and Super Mario Bros. Wii track/level hacks. Lot of interesting stuff out there (provided you own the original games, of course).
I'm jelly. I wish I had chosen New Leaf as my free game instead of Castlevania.
Remember to collect your 10 coins every day. You can use them in New Leaf.
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess: I abandoned the game years ago after getting stuck but I decided to continue my old save file a few months ago and now I almost completed it.
Minecraft: I play it a lot, I love this game so much
The Dark Knight Rises: Got it on App Store, loved the movie, so I'm playing the game on my iPad
The Amazing Spider Man: I am also playing this on my iPad
There are some other games I'm playing just to embarrassed to mention them, there rated age 3 and that's all I'm saying. Never mind I'm not embarrassed since other people have mention the games I'm playing I'll say them
Animal Crossing New Leaf: I'm the major, finally get to run the town my way, first I have to get 100% approval rating so far I have 85
Pokemon Mystery Dungeons Gates to Infinite: At the thing, I don't know what it's called it's an ice palace or something.
Gotta say, this has one of the most fun methods of traversing a game world I've ever seen, second only to web swinging in Spider-Man 2. Flipping gravity upside-down or sideways and "falling" into the sky, stopping, and re-orienting it into a completely different direction to finish your descent(sometimes to the actual bottom of a floating structure or airship!) is really exhilarating and lends itself to some of the most awesome vertical open world spaces I've ever seen.
Animal crossing- I just realized being mayor is hard work...
I had to farm on Tortimer's Island all Night to fund building a Reset centre which all it does is punish you when your battery fails...
Animal crossing- I just realized being mayor is hard work...
I had to farm on Tortimer's Island all Night to fund building a Reset centre which all it does is punish you when your battery fails...
Sorry but it is really good...
Well it is a bit slow starting but once you gain the power to change laws and build projects and go to a tropical island it gets really good...
I started playing my old Majora's mask save file again. I'm determined to beat it this time. I beat the Snow Head temple this morning.
I've also got Paper Mario: Sticker star on the go (which is dreadful. I'm going to sell it I think. It has none of the humour of the other games, no levelling up (so battles are pointless) and boss fights come down to having the right stickers, which sucks.
Well I have been playing a lot of...
Animal Crossing- I just decided to play a Prank on the newest member of my town and finally decided to put those pit fall seeds to use...
She wasn't happy...
I really like the idea of a five protagonist episode. I'm not sure if I'd want to play a whole season with five episodes with five protagonists each time, but it's fun as a one-time thing.
And, it definitely could work if they did a new protagonist each episode for a season.
Finally managed to persuade my brother to let me play a bit of PS3 so I could start the Last Of Us...
I found it average-ish
The story and writing is pretty good but very predictable...
The stealth is pretty generic and so is the Cover shooter
I will continue but not sure it deserves '10/10's
Also they seem to have actually patched the explosion happening on TV before real life which is something that happened when I watched a couple of LP videos...
I decided to play Animal Crossing with my 8 year old Cousin...
His first reaction was chop down all the trees, push all the villagers into pitfall seeds and he attempted to catch townspeople in nets to sell them to the slave trade...
I'm not sure if I should be worried or not...
Welcome, welcome!
Other than those stupid log puzzles...
... Wario Land 2 on the virtual console.
The beginning of Episode 3. It had taken two whole episodes and I hadn't been challenged once. The puzzles were so straight-forward and the solutions were so obvious that I just couldn't do it anymore - I couldn't continue playing a game which didn't give me anything to overcome, in terms of gameplay. My progression through the game came with no sense of achievement, and provided no gratification as a result.
Besides, I didn't actually like the writing, and the story didn't feel engaging either. Overall, I considered it a flop, and I'd seen enough by the time Episode 3 had come out.
Someday I might return to it and force myself to finish it, but I'll need to work up the motivation.
I sometimes get stuck on easy puzzles (Episode 5 door puzzle) whilst I have breezed through older games such as Monkey Island 1-3 and Day of the Tentacle...
GAH! I have never played an adventure game with such frustrating controls!
(Not to mention glitches galore! :X (The game glitched out in the first damn puzzle for fuck's sake! >:/))
And the music is just horrible! Just a few repeating notes. Over and over!
Hopefully I don't go burning this game down to the ground and actually beat it.
(At least I know Normality and Sanitarium are good adventure games, having played them before for a bit)
Got further than last time. And its pretty unusual and interesting where adventure games are concerned.
(The voice acting IS a bit dodgy at times, but at least its unique.)
I like adventure games that don't take themselves too seriously and act a little goofy. It just feels more comfortable to play.
Just wanted to test it and I'm already completely hooked.
You are just setting yourself up for disappointment in Mass Effect 2 and 3 here.
Just ignore them. Do it for me.
ME 3 just is a laundry list.
Then again I think the gameplay is crap on all 3 and only enjoy the story, so that's maybe why.
I tried the demo, having never played a Fire Emblem game before, and I love how it plays. It's very much like Dungeons & Dragons.
I loved 2 and 3(and loved the ending for my own reasons, but then I love thinking philosophically so I'm probably one of the few that put any thought into the ending), but have yet to get around to playing the first.
And it's just as hard and wonderful.
It bloody great! Fun AND educational.
(It actually makes me want to practice and improve.
*looks at watch
Maybe a bit longer than an hour...
Remember to collect your 10 coins every day. You can use them in New Leaf.
Maybe now it is time to change my role from 'Mayor' to Dictator...
Minecraft: I play it a lot, I love this game so much
The Dark Knight Rises: Got it on App Store, loved the movie, so I'm playing the game on my iPad
The Amazing Spider Man: I am also playing this on my iPad
There are some other games I'm playing just to embarrassed to mention them, there rated age 3 and that's all I'm saying. Never mind I'm not embarrassed since other people have mention the games I'm playing I'll say them
Animal Crossing New Leaf: I'm the major, finally get to run the town my way, first I have to get 100% approval rating so far I have 85
Pokemon Mystery Dungeons Gates to Infinite: At the thing, I don't know what it's called it's an ice palace or something.
Gotta say, this has one of the most fun methods of traversing a game world I've ever seen, second only to web swinging in Spider-Man 2. Flipping gravity upside-down or sideways and "falling" into the sky, stopping, and re-orienting it into a completely different direction to finish your descent(sometimes to the actual bottom of a floating structure or airship!) is really exhilarating and lends itself to some of the most awesome vertical open world spaces I've ever seen.
I had to farm on Tortimer's Island all Night to fund building a Reset centre which all it does is punish you when your battery fails...
I've been....so strong.... ghhuuhhh....
Sorry but it is really good...
Well it is a bit slow starting but once you gain the power to change laws and build projects and go to a tropical island it gets really good...
The best.
I only got the game a week ago...
(and it only took me an hour to get used to the slightly floaty jumping physics.
I've also got Paper Mario: Sticker star on the go (which is dreadful. I'm going to sell it I think. It has none of the humour of the other games, no levelling up (so battles are pointless) and boss fights come down to having the right stickers, which sucks.
Oh, and Oracle of Seasons.
Animal Crossing- I just decided to play a Prank on the newest member of my town and finally decided to put those pit fall seeds to use...
She wasn't happy...
*gets killed by a fly
I really like the idea of a five protagonist episode. I'm not sure if I'd want to play a whole season with five episodes with five protagonists each time, but it's fun as a one-time thing.
And, it definitely could work if they did a new protagonist each episode for a season.
I found it average-ish
The story and writing is pretty good but very predictable...
The stealth is pretty generic and so is the Cover shooter
I will continue but not sure it deserves '10/10's
Also they seem to have actually patched the explosion happening on TV before real life which is something that happened when I watched a couple of LP videos...
A rogue-light Castlevania?
Yes please!
His first reaction was chop down all the trees, push all the villagers into pitfall seeds and he attempted to catch townspeople in nets to sell them to the slave trade...
I'm not sure if I should be worried or not...