Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • Obviously this is real: I'm getting really tired of men's rights being ignored.

    Really Flog?

  • 'Most gamers being straight males'

    ? SInce when has this been a universally true fact? I don't doubt that most players of CoD or GoW, for example, are male, but for RPG decision-based games I've seen no statistics saying the majority is both straight and heterosexual.

    Katalept posted: »

    This is one of those unfortunate artifacts of appealing to a wide audience: with most gamers being straight males, it's more likely to maint

  • Alt text

    Flog61 posted: »

    Obviously this is real: I'm getting really tired of men's rights being ignored.

  • Don't take this as an insult but this type of behavior is what makes people dislike SJWs.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Obviously this is real: I'm getting really tired of men's rights being ignored.

  • No--Max's power is limited to objects only, at least as what I witnessed.

    Death just seems to follow her everywhere she goes. It's sad. But speaking of Chloe, do you think it's possible that she'll be able to a

  • I think the big problem is the entertainment industry is really bad at doing market research beyond some narrow focus testing.

    Partly because people have a tendency to not know what they want from entertainment, because it's hard to get a usable answer out of people when they can only talk about what they've enjoyed in the past. Everyone knows they need to keep breaking new ground, but because it's a risk they usually wait until someone has a big hit and they rush to be second. The bigger the budget, the less likely they'll take any kind of chance.

    So you get progressive movement in the most conservative way possible. In the last several years we've seen RPGs go from gently prodding the idea of sexual relationships in games to gently prodding the idea of homosexual relationships in games before realizing that giving RPG fans an option to have all the gay sex they want doesn't make your games less popular. From Mass Effect 1 on the SexBox to Dragon Age: Inquisition in seven years. Lots of bitching and moaning from the usual easily offended folks, but they've found a lot of extremely dedicated fans in the process.

    I'm hoping we see similar things with female actions leads. A few brave devs will push them to the fore, get enough success to encourage a few more devs to push it forward, and within a decade we'll have something we arrive at a pretty natural diversity... but the process needs a lot of people supporting it and making noise to overcome the natural reluctance of nervous money men.

    Flog61 posted: »

    'Most gamers being straight males' ? SInce when has this been a universally true fact? I don't doubt that most players of CoD or GoW, for

  • What type of behaviour?

    Don't take this as an insult but this type of behavior is what makes people dislike SJWs.

  • These sly sarcastic rude notions.

    You don't notice it?

    Whatever, I'm not in the mood to get into an argument, just wanted to point out that this behavior is why people dislike SJWs.

    Flog61 posted: »

    What type of behaviour?

  • She'll witness her power in some way I think. Like Max will tell her something from the future that will happen 5 minutes from now or something.

    Death just seems to follow her everywhere she goes. It's sad. But speaking of Chloe, do you think it's possible that she'll be able to a

  • That reminds me of Groundhog Day in that diner where the lead character explains practically everything that happens in the building to his love interest to prove that he's trapped in a loop.

    She'll witness her power in some way I think. Like Max will tell her something from the future that will happen 5 minutes from now or something.

  • edited March 2015

    Watch it be like I told you before, Chloe and Warren are the pizza and ice cream of LiS, but with actual pizza and ice cream involved.

    I never want to romance Chloe. However I would like a choice to either romance Chloe, Warren, or not give a fuck and not romance anyone. If they force us to romance a certain person then I will be seriously upset.

  • Chloe- Hey Max come get some pizza with me.

    Warren- Mad Max, let's go get some Ice Cream.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Watch it be like I told you before, Chloe and Warren are the pizza and ice cream of LiS, but with actual pizza and ice cream involved.

  • Hmmm... not sure wether I should go for the pizza or the ice cream... screw it, I'll just exit the game and eat an ice cream pizza.

    To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if this an actual choice in a future episode.

    Chloe- Hey Max come get some pizza with me. Warren- Mad Max, let's go get some Ice Cream.

  • Me neither, seems possible.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Hmmm... not sure wether I should go for the pizza or the ice cream... screw it, I'll just exit the game and eat an ice cream pizza. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if this an actual choice in a future episode.

  • Yup, and I think it'd be the hardest choice for me, since I like both Chloe and Warren. I can pick the other in a different playthrough, but still it'd be really hard for me.

    Me neither, seems possible.

  • I would pick Warren, I mean, Chloe seems nice but I don't really like her that much right now.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yup, and I think it'd be the hardest choice for me, since I like both Chloe and Warren. I can pick the other in a different playthrough, but still it'd be really hard for me.

  • Maybe I'd pick Chloe in my first playthrough. I'm kinda afraid that if I pick Warren, Chloe will be even more depressed, and then have Joyce and David(who I think deep down really does care about Chloe) make Max feel like shit because of Chloe. Plus, Warren might be that character that's too much of a dense bastard to notice there is a girl that really does like him.

    I would pick Warren, I mean, Chloe seems nice but I don't really like her that much right now.

  • I really don't care how Max feels sometimes. :P

    What do you mean "dense bastard"?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Maybe I'd pick Chloe in my first playthrough. I'm kinda afraid that if I pick Warren, Chloe will be even more depressed, and then have Joyce

  • It's just Warren might have a girl that does really like him, but he's clueless about it.

    I really don't care how Max feels sometimes. :P What do you mean "dense bastard"?

  • The only girl I think might, would be that one nerdy girl who's drone we flew.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It's just Warren might have a girl that does really like him, but he's clueless about it.

  • I think her name is Brooke?
    Max said she was perfect for Warren, and that he should be all over her (Brooke).

    The only girl I think might, would be that one nerdy girl who's drone we flew.

  • Yeah, but that doesn't mean Brooke likes him.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I think her name is Brooke? Max said she was perfect for Warren, and that he should be all over her (Brooke).

  • Yeah it doesn't, it could be just like Kenny saying Luke and Nick were a perfect match. We all know how that ended.

    Yeah, but that doesn't mean Brooke likes him.

  • One of them drowning....

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah it doesn't, it could be just like Kenny saying Luke and Nick were a perfect match. We all know how that ended.

  • And the other one dying off screen (the most horrifying and cruel death in existence) or by getting his throat ripped out..... shit...

    One of them drowning....

  • RIP Brooke and Warren.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    And the other one dying off screen (the most horrifying and cruel death in existence) or by getting his throat ripped out..... shit...

  • They were 2pure for this world.

    RIP Brooke and Warren.

  • Mhm.

    She'll witness her power in some way I think. Like Max will tell her something from the future that will happen 5 minutes from now or something.

  • A universally true fact? I don't know when or for how long, but it seems to have been the case since PC games came around in the early 90's, not specifically RPG's but any video game in general.. At the moment the average age for gamers is around 36, according to what I read recently. If you've seen no statistics on the matter, you could just do a search and see what comes up, provided the data collected is reliable and up to date.

    I'm also pretty sure straight and heterosexual mean the same thing. ;)

    Flog61 posted: »

    'Most gamers being straight males' ? SInce when has this been a universally true fact? I don't doubt that most players of CoD or GoW, for

  • You already put this in the one of the other Life is Strange threads. You don't need to repeat it.

  • edited March 2015

    Wow I didnt think it was possible but the lip synching got even worse, also really max? A tornado is coming to the town and your response is "Meh time for a milkshake!"

  • Whatever. Asking for things like 'white/straight history month' is why people hate racists and homophobes.

    These sly sarcastic rude notions. You don't notice it? Whatever, I'm not in the mood to get into an argument, just wanted to point out that this behavior is why people dislike SJWs.

  • edited March 2015

    Sorry, I meant male, not straight :)

    Um yeah, except a) audiences change, and b) the audiences for different genres are very different. Recent figures show that the majority of rpg players are female; recent statistics show that the majority of FPS gamers are male. Overall there are about the same number of female gamers as male gamers.

    Katalept posted: »

    A universally true fact? I don't know when or for how long, but it seems to have been the case since PC games came around in the early 90's,

  • edited March 2015

    What would your response be to an unpredictable meteorological event as an 18 year old?

    Would the authorities really believe an 18 year old saying 'There's a tornado coming I saw it in the future!!!'?

    Wow I didnt think it was possible but the lip synching got even worse, also really max? A tornado is coming to the town and your response is "Meh time for a milkshake!"

  • I know I know I didnt mean it that seriously . Still I dont think I'd be that chill about it, unless max got into chloe's weed stash her being that calm about it is a bit strange.

    Flog61 posted: »

    What would your response be to an unpredictable meteorological event as an 18 year old? Would the authorities really believe an 18 year old saying 'There's a tornado coming I saw it in the future!!!'?

  • Well, we don't know what happens in the episode before the diner yet :P

    I know I know I didnt mean it that seriously . Still I dont think I'd be that chill about it, unless max got into chloe's weed stash her being that calm about it is a bit strange.

  • No one ever brought that up, at all, but alright.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Whatever. Asking for things like 'white/straight history month' is why people hate racists and homophobes.

  • edited March 2015

    The devs said, on the official twitter account, that they will reveal episode 2's release date soon.

    I'm guessing that by "soon", they might mean EGX Rezzed, since they will have a panel there on saturday, the 14th. They will also be streaming it.

    I'm guessing episode 2 will be released on the 20th or the 27th of March. If it is released on the 20th, then that would be a pretty awesome week since Borderlands episode 2 should also be released that week. Though, I don't mind waiting an extra week, if the devs need it to iron out the performance issues, that were reported at Pax, and make sure that it is a solid release on all platforms.

  • My guess is the episode will come out the week after TFTB

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