Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • edited March 2015

    Yeah, it would give them more time to put the finishing touches on the episode, and it would allow them to advertise it more.

    My guess is the episode will come out the week after TFTB

  • holy shit. i've spotted 4 triangles .... omg illuminate comfirmed. IGN rated that kiss mayn "10/10 it's okay" - ign

  • I don't like where this is going... coughBlue is the Warmest Colourcough

  • Chloe's hair is blue

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    I don't like where this is going... coughBlue is the Warmest Colourcough

  • Chloe kinda resembles Emma, doesn't she?


    Alt text

    Emma in the movie:

    Alt text

    Emma in the graphic novel:

    Alt text

    BITWC is a french graphic novel, and Dontnod is a french studio... maybe the character designer was a fan of Emma's appearance?

    TheEmoKid posted: »

    Chloe's hair is blue

  • She has blue she must have been inspired by someone who also has blue hair?

    Chloe was clearly inspired by Katy Perry too then?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Chloe kinda resembles Emma, doesn't she? Chloe: Emma in the movie: Emma in the graphic novel: BITWC is a french graphic novel, and Dontnod is a french studio... maybe the character designer was a fan of Emma's appearance?

  • It's been a loooong time since Katy Perry had blue hair.

    Flog61 posted: »

    She has blue she must have been inspired by someone who also has blue hair? Chloe was clearly inspired by Katy Perry too then?

  • Honestly I don't see any resemblance there. If anything Chloe was modeled after a stereotypical hipster or suicide girl.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Chloe kinda resembles Emma, doesn't she? Chloe: Emma in the movie: Emma in the graphic novel: BITWC is a french graphic novel, and Dontnod is a french studio... maybe the character designer was a fan of Emma's appearance?

  • Alt text This was the first and ever concept art for life is strange "what if", from what he looks we had to start at airport and it's related to Victoria from jurnal texture rip Victoria Avion.And that price of one ticket xD

  • Huh. What makes think its a airport, im pretty sure thats the opening scene in the school just without lockers cos lockers are more of a american school thing, and thats a gig ticket for a blues event.

    This was the first and ever concept art for life is strange "what if", from what he looks we had to start at airport and it's related to Victoria from jurnal texture rip Victoria Avion.And that price of one ticket xD

  • Not really the point.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    It's been a loooong time since Katy Perry had blue hair.

  • I would get the hell outa dodge

    Flog61 posted: »

    What would your response be to an unpredictable meteorological event as an 18 year old? Would the authorities really believe an 18 year old saying 'There's a tornado coming I saw it in the future!!!'?

  • Well the PS4 version received an update today,though, I'm not sure about the Xbox One and PC versions of the game.

    Here are the patch notes:

    Version 1.01

    -Necessary changes to get ready for the release of Episode 2

    -A number of incremental game improvements

    -Thanks everyone for your support, we hope you enjoy playing Life Is Strange.

    It shouldn't be long before episode 2 is released. I'm crossing my fingers for next week.

  • edited March 2015

    My question was simple: “How many endings does Life is Strange have?”

    I had absolutely no interest in finding out an exact number; instead, I was hoping for an answer along the lines of the one I received. Dontnod is attempting to take each player’s choices into account in order to give him or her an ending that is satisfying for them. If this works out the way it was explained, it essentially means that players will have complete control over how their personal journey concludes rather than presenting them with a series of pre-defined options. My ending would be completely different from yours, yet both would feel completely correct. In short, there is no set number of endings at this time because players aren’t going to be pigeon-holed like that. Accomplishing this would potentially change the way that open-ended storytelling functions in games, leaving the lane-based choice “systems” of yesteryear to saddle up next to the dodo and eight-track players.

    Of course, all of this ambition requires a successful story to actually elicit change. Without the end results meeting those initial hopes, Life is Strange will simply end up as yet another game that failed to live up to the promise. With that said, the promise of revolutionary choice mechanics and changing the way episodic gaming works is far more intriguing than the ability to render X amount of characters on screen or launching a multiplayer game with the most maps ever. If my conversation on that fateful Friday morning was any indication of what Life is Strange will accomplish, we could be looking at one of the most intriguing games of all time. Oh, and in case you were wondering, I’ll choose an omelet over a waffle any day.

    Well... let's see if they can actually accomplish this.

  • I wonder if Life is Strange is going to have a few big choices every so often in the next few episodes to have an affect on the ending. Or perhaps a bunch of small choices that add up to different scenes for their ending (kinda like Mass Effect 3/Witcher 2). Or just making a big choice at the very end (like TWD S2). Either way Hardcoregamer sounds like they have their expectations a little too high for a game like this.

    MichaelBP posted: » My question was simple

  • edited March 2015

    Well supposedly, from someone who apparently went to Pax and talked with the devs, all of your that have the "this choice will have consequences" pop-up, will affect the ending. Yes, even watering the plant will have some form of impact.

    I don't know wether this true or not, and he/she did say that he/she had not played. I'm kinda 50/50 on wether or not this bs, though I am leaning on it being bs, since the rest of his/her post had some spoilers that I wouldn't expect them (the dev team) to reveal.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I wonder if Life is Strange is going to have a few big choices every so often in the next few episodes to have an affect on the ending. Or p

  • So if anyone cares theRadBrad (my favorite YouTuber) might be starting this series. If he is, I'll probably just finish the rest of the series by watching him play it.

  • Joyce got an ass on her.

    TheShyGuy posted: »

    Exclusive look at gameplay for Episode 2

  • I forgot all about this game until today. Well I guess this will do until the third episode of GOT comes out.

  • Alt text It's coming 13th March or 20th March.

  • I want to ask, what do guys think about Max? I am curious about what you think of her art design and her character.

    Personally, I like Max. In terms of personality, I can relate to her. Although I don't have her passion for photos. Also, I like her looks, it is nerdy in a very charming way. :)

  • Alt text this was in lauch trailer is episode 2 location

  • Alt text this happen in school? heh no

    Huh. What makes think its a airport, im pretty sure thats the opening scene in the school just without lockers cos lockers are more of a american school thing, and thats a gig ticket for a blues event.

  • Yes, I like her too. She's that kinda of charming shy girl.

    I want to ask, what do guys think about Max? I am curious about what you think of her art design and her character. Personally, I like Ma

  • edited March 2015

    I just wanted to warn all who goes to youtube, those who wants to avoid spoilers, to watch out. There's a video uploaded in there I just noticed that shows a spoilery image of the second episode, and it's part 1/4 of the walkthrough for it. There's bound to be more than one leak. I was trying to find the Episode 2 launch trailer everyone is talking about when I found that. BTW where is the launch trailer? I can't find it.

    EDIT: Oh, nvm. It was just the game launch trailer in general that released long ago. V.v

  • Probably the 20th, unless crunch time happened, and they managed to iron out any remaining glitches in E2, and they are going to announce, today or tommorow, that it will be released this friday.

    It's coming 13th March or 20th March.

  • Well either the story was changed from when they recorder this scene, or Hayden is Juliet's new boyfriend in the next episodes, which adds another girl to his harem.

    this was in lauch trailer is episode 2 location

  • I really liked the vibe of the first episode. The high school stuff might be a bit cliche sometimes and it is a bit wannabe teenage angst from time to time, but there was this dreamy layer as well. And if things do get darker, as the developers have said, this might turn from a high school mystery into a donnie darkoesque mindblowing experience.

  • Max is okay.

    I want to ask, what do guys think about Max? I am curious about what you think of her art design and her character. Personally, I like Ma

  • I like her, but not as much as Chloe.

    I want to ask, what do guys think about Max? I am curious about what you think of her art design and her character. Personally, I like Ma

  • Im pretty sure thats a cleaners caddy and hes emptying a bin, so heh yes.

    this happen in school? heh no

  • edited March 2015

    Telltale Games is facing a big competition lately. It seems that more companies are trying out this "episodic" format Telltale Games proved to work well for them.

    Life is Strange series and others come from bigger companies and it shows in production value.

  • From the ones I can think of. We got Life is Strange (a huge contender since it's got a similar feel to Telltale's stuff), Resident Evil Revelations 2 (a completed story broken up into pieces for a t.v. show feel), and D4 (well it had a promising start, did they cancel this game?).

    Clord posted: »

    Telltale Games is facing a big competition lately. It seems that more companies are trying out this "episodic" format Telltale Games proved

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited March 2015

    Canceled? No, it's finished.

    Also, don't forget Dreamfall Chapters, which I believe has Dave Fennoy as one of the voices.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    From the ones I can think of. We got Life is Strange (a huge contender since it's got a similar feel to Telltale's stuff), Resident Evil Rev

  • It's finished. ok. I'll have to check it out then.

    Dreamfall Chapters right. I'll have to check that out too. I'm sure there are more episodic stuff along the way as well.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Canceled? No, it's finished. Also, don't forget Dreamfall Chapters, which I believe has Dave Fennoy as one of the voices.

  • Dont forget Oxafree which is coming out later this year also.

    Telltale needs some tough competition imo.

    Clord posted: »

    Telltale Games is facing a big competition lately. It seems that more companies are trying out this "episodic" format Telltale Games proved

  • I agree with you. In the gaming industry, wether it's between games or consoles, competition can be a really good thing because that way companies can strive to be better than their rivals.

    There are people who always say things like "Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo are shit, they should just stick to making games on another company's console", without realizing that if they were to do that, it would do more harm than good.

    As for Telltale's competition, I still haven't played RER2 because I'm waiting for the physical release, but I've seen people call it the best RE since 4, so it must be really good.

    I really enjoyed D4, too bad it ended on a cliffhanger, and Microsoft doesn't seem to give a shit about the remaining episodes. The PC version is fully done, but SWERY doesn't know if they'll be able to release it.

    As for LiS, I really enjoyed the first episode, and I thought that its technical aspects were far better, with the exception of lip-synching, and I preferred the UI and I liked how it had actual hubs and was around 3 hours long. Story has some potential, and in the next episodes it's supposed to be far darker.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Dont forget Oxafree which is coming out later this year also. Telltale needs some tough competition imo.

  • edited March 2015

    Alt text Ozzy countdown please?And exactly time.Thanks xDDDD (Sorry.)

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