Really Telltale? Really? So this isn't a joke?



  • Yes i'm new here. And a lot of the people who were replying are acting like Minecraft Story Mode is the end for Minecraft. I'm not sure if some people know but Minecraft Story Mode is NOT CANNON! It was stated that it's not an Official Story for Steve which in a way is good! and i thought i would just say it was nothing but a Suggestion for Sonic before others start getting at me because the Sonic Fanbase is Stuffed up enough as is but really though... I think Sonic could work... Somehow...

    Here let me help you. When you want to reply to someone where they can see your response in their feed click the reply button. unde

  • I'm going to guess you've been on the Minecraft Forums more than here. People say that this is the end of TT here more than they would say the end of Minecraft, both of which those statements are wrong. This won't be the end of anything. I know it's not canon, this game won't reveal anything about the world or Minecraft's only characters.

    However, let's be honest. Any game could as a TT game but just because it could doesn't mean it should.

    But still, enjoy your time here, it will be a while till we get any news on this.

    Yes i'm new here. And a lot of the people who were replying are acting like Minecraft Story Mode is the end for Minecraft. I'm not sure if s

  • Yeah. I'm looking forward to it! I don't know what i'm more excited for Minecraft Story Mode, The Walking Dead Season 3 or The Wolf Among Us Season 2.

    I'm going to guess you've been on the Minecraft Forums more than here. People say that this is the end of TT here more than they would say t

  • Don't get your hopes up that TWAU S2 will ever happen.

    Yeah. I'm looking forward to it! I don't know what i'm more excited for Minecraft Story Mode, The Walking Dead Season 3 or The Wolf Among Us Season 2.

  • Yes it will it's just delayed till 2016

    Don't get your hopes up that TWAU S2 will ever happen.

  • Telltale never said that.

    Yes it will it's just delayed till 2016

  • I'm not going to lie, unlike most of you guys, I have certain expectation for this game. I think it can turn out okay. But also I have to admit when you think about it, there's huge chance this collaboration will go straight to hell. ;( And secondly, telltale games have to get their priority straight. Not TWAU 2 but minecraft first? Pleeeaaase. This comming from huge, devoted telltale fan.... so you might need to really sit on it.

  • yeah. no TWAU 2 but minecraft? naaaahhhhhhhh. even if this doesn't turn out to be mistake(gotta admit, it's a slim chance) it's just not a smart move/

    Angga47 posted: »

    Choosing minecraft over TWAU or another series is a bad move,because if they really did make this game and even have a story,its probably go

  • edited January 2015

    I agree it's better to use correct grammar(or spelling for that matter) but there's no need to be a mean grammar nazzi about it. For example, I don't live in(or ever lived in) English- using country and English is my 2nd language at best(more like 3rd). So obviously, my English is not nearly "perfect" as I want it to be. But I try hard to use precise English since I try to communicate with people who use English. And for me(and people like me I assume), grammar/spelling nazzis seems like people who kick me while I'm down. Correcting someone's grammar/spelling is one thing, but please be nice when doing so. You just don't know who they are or what their situations are like.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Having finished my Masters in Ancient Greek and Latin literature last year, I really don't think I do need to go back to school. Firstly,

  • Well i looked up the release date up on Google and a lot of sites said it was delayed till next year because they wanted to work on TWD Season 3 and Borderlands and Game of Thrones

    Telltale never said that.

  • That article has been proven false tons of times. Unfortunately, there is no Wolf Among Us S2 in production atm ;-;

    Well i looked up the release date up on Google and a lot of sites said it was delayed till next year because they wanted to work on TWD Season 3 and Borderlands and Game of Thrones

  • If it's not directly from Telltale then don't trust it.

    Well i looked up the release date up on Google and a lot of sites said it was delayed till next year because they wanted to work on TWD Season 3 and Borderlands and Game of Thrones

  • Thread: Is this a fucking joke?

    If it's not, then I've lost faith in humanity.

  • AMEN! Well said brother! Telltale is a sinking ship now.

  • Why are you talking to yourself ?

    Netaro posted: »

    AMEN! Well said brother! Telltale is a sinking ship now.

  • The person posted that before the thread was merged? And they have lost faith in humanity . . . I think it should be us saying that if so. ;) (Granted, I do talk to myself, but shh . . . I'm allowed with being one of those weird creative types.)

    In all seriousness though, I find it hard to believe people are still posting stuff like this. Thankfully, it's much less now from what I can make out. I suppose it could start up again as the release nears though.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Why are you talking to yourself ?

  • You've lost faith in humanity because a small known game studio is making something that you don't like?

    Netaro posted: »

    Thread: Is this a fucking joke? If it's not, then I've lost faith in humanity.

  • Agreed, although I was pumped for TFTB when it was announced.

    I am 100% with you on watching a playthrough first for this one. I didn't with any of their others.

    I don't get why the 'cursing a TTG first and then think it's great' is a general thing apparently? When they announced TftB, I was like '

  • This is making so much controversy that it's just gonna sell...
    Also when I saw this I was like what in the name of spaghetti monster is this, so many great universes to use but you choose THIS? But now I'm like who knows?
    From marketing point of view not entirely bad idea.

  • The more objective thing people should be thinking is that technically Minecraft never had a story it's a blank canvas with nothing really to say other than you a a guy that is somewhere in a world and you are alone. Also who is to say this will be like The Walking Dead and other choice your own adventure game. Everyone is on here with a preconceived idea, that is where you stop thinking and let you own experience decide what you write.

    I played the first season of Sam & Max to my horror it had lost far more of the series from the original Lucas Arts game, but as I played more I relied that the game was different and it was it's own thing, not a carbon copy to rake in the cash. Tell Tales was trying to do their own thing and it worked

    So before you condemn it you need to ask yourself what kind of game would you make if Minecraft was the starting point.

  • If only it would be the one. :P

    I've noticed you been here a while but only really started posting recently...So, I can't really do this but I would like to say Welcome to the Forums.

    Very true the sonic series has had major ups and down ( Sonic 6 the broken one) but it still stands the test of time and everyone lines up to see the new one if only to see if it's the one you have been waiting for

  • Very true the sonic series has had major ups and down ( Sonic 6 the broken one) but it still stands the test of time and everyone lines up to see the new one if only to see if it's the one you have been waiting for

    ''Sonic The Hedgehog'' Series! DON'T LISTEN TO THE HATERS! They aren't haters, they're people with different opinions.

  • TWAU is on a scheduled release, the Minecraft project seems more like an experiment, similar to Sam & Max because they could have alienated most of the fan base with the first game but no they got stronger for it. This may be a sign that TT is trying to be more than just quazi-adventure games but something more

    gina-0816 posted: »

    I'm not going to lie, unlike most of you guys, I have certain expectation for this game. I think it can turn out okay. But also I have to ad

  • edited February 2015

    Besides, look at Episode 2 of GoT.

    Telltale are coming back with the Amazing story and sadness that Game of thrones has.

    This is a sign that Minecraft is gonna be great.

    And then they add in a lil' bit of comic relief from Borderlands.

    Or, it could be the other way around.

    robehargra posted: »

    This is telltale, if theres any good team you would trust to make a story out of anything it would be them... I have faith.And besides I find minecraft really fun.

  • edited February 2015

    Like the rest of you I am skeptical about how this will turn out. I do however love almost all of the Telltale games, so you never know, it could turn out to be an unexpectedly great game. I have done silent playthroughs of some of the telltale games so if it does turn out to be any good it will end up on my youtube channel Here. but only time will tell.

  • If this delays the games I actually want by even one second there will be riots...

  • Sorry, but I dont see in which direction "Sam & Max" was an experiment. Can you explain your theory?

    "Sam & Max" was well know adventure game franchise which Telltale acuired from Lucas Arts. Actually, most of staff back then was doing never finished "Sam & Max" sequel for Lucas Arts and made new company called Telltale to finish their work.

    TWAU is on a scheduled release, the Minecraft project seems more like an experiment, similar to Sam & Max because they could have aliena

  • edited February 2015

    ah but it was a remake of the series and there were many fans that could only see the Hit the road and were disheartened even angry about Sam & Max going 3D. People like to have things the same and often reject or have issues with change. I was pointing out that no matter what a game maker does there will always be people that are upset or disillusioned by the idea. Long ago Star Wars and Blade-runner were only for the fringe community.

    Sorry, but I dont see in which direction "Sam & Max" was an experiment. Can you explain your theory? "Sam & Max" was well know ad

  • Thanks I don't comment much but where everyone is jump around crying that this is insanity they need to come back to the ground and remember that TT have done something that was lost for 15 years, bring adventure games back and telling storys

    If only it would be the one. :P I've noticed you been here a while but only really started posting recently...So, I can't really do this but I would like to say Welcome to the Forums.

  • I'm going to be honest, I was freaking out about this in the start but to be honest I was having a mental breakdown. :/

    I don't think this will be an adventure game.

    Thanks I don't comment much but where everyone is jump around crying that this is insanity they need to come back to the ground and remember that TT have done something that was lost for 15 years, bring adventure games back and telling storys

  • Telltale's Seasons weren't remakes, but I do recall hearing that the first Season was vaguely inspired by the story structure that Sam and Max: Freelance Police was supposed to have. Evidently, even the canned LucasArts sequel was supposed to have a somewhat Episodic structure.

    ah but it was a remake of the series and there were many fans that could only see the Hit the road and were disheartened even angry about S

  • Like I've said empty mind and let it be filled, preconceptions is what stops you from looking at the gems of gaming. Minecraft was underrated at the beginning now look at it. Z is another example, even C &C also Warcraft both where looked as not much chop in the concept and finish, now they are landmark games that define the gaming world.

    No matter how you look at it it will be something to see, something new and something unusual

    I'm going to be honest, I was freaking out about this in the start but to be honest I was having a mental breakdown. I don't think this will be an adventure game.

  • I'll watch, I'm not buying it but I'll watch to see how it goes.

    As you've seen, I obviously have calmed down about this situation, I'm not like I was AT ALL. :P

    Like I've said empty mind and let it be filled, preconceptions is what stops you from looking at the gems of gaming. Minecraft was underrat

  • I know it was suppose to be on the PS2 but never got there, there was a lot of the console stuff from LucasArts that killed the adventure games that they produced, The Dig was the last real adventure game and then boom nothing but console and heavy on the Star Wars franchise.

    Telltale's Seasons weren't remakes, but I do recall hearing that the first Season was vaguely inspired by the story structure that Sam and M

  • edited February 2015

    Perhaps this is an attempt to raise some extra $$$, with all this controversy over this it probably will sell really well. A lot of people play minecraft, well mostly kids by the age of 10-12, however their parents have money and money is what telltale wants. They are company that relys on a positive income.

    Besides this wont slow down releases of other TTG games, there is a specific number of people working on one project. TTG said so when the long waittime for TWD episodes took place, everyone thought it was TWAUs fault but telltale stated that was not the case.

    Lastly i believe TTG could make a story out of anything, this game might even be good, but I can't help but doubt it.

  • As you can see on following link Sam and Max: Freelance Police Lucas Arts originally doing was ALSO IN 3D:

    Same as never finished sequel to Full Throttle:

    So, your perception of Telltale doing some experiment is totally wrong. Fans of Lucas Arts already expects 3D Sam and Max, plus Lucas Arts already delivered Grim Fandango in 3D by that time. Telltale Games never did anything out of fans expectations with Sam & Max Seasons

    I know it was suppose to be on the PS2 but never got there, there was a lot of the console stuff from LucasArts that killed the adventure ga

  • edited February 2015

    Alt text
    I am disappoint Telltale... >.>

  • ...because quite obviously you're entitled to those games, and have all rights on heaven and earth on their swift delivery.

    Jayroen posted: »

    If this delays the games I actually want by even one second there will be riots...

  • I'll admit that i was slightly a part of the TFTB and GOT hate wagon...
    and i was proved wrong. Although I'm still "meh" of GOT.

    AGentlman posted: »

    Damn it... he is right...

  • [removed]

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