Really Telltale? Really? So this isn't a joke?



  • Nah it's ok, I'd probably be like that if someone said that to my thread too :P

    ata95 posted: »

    Oh, okay sorry for my quarrelsome attitude then :P

  • It must be early april fools, right...?

  • This is the first time I've seen someone advertise a story they're creating on this website in a different thread.

  • edited December 2014

    I'm just trying to get characters... Would you be interested in making one?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    This is the first time I've seen someone advertise a story they're creating on this website in a different thread.

  • Lol thanks pal. Now I can actually read what I wrote!

    Glacial posted: »


  • I don't know why you guys are hating on Minecraft: Story Mode. If your hating on games made by Telltale Games, you hate Telltale Games so all you haters just got owned.

  • If your hating on games made by Telltale Games, you hate Telltale Games so all you haters just got owned.

    How exactly? I mean I dont care about minecraft either way honestly but how does that mean the haters got owned, im pretty sure there hating on them as they hate the game; they know that

    I don't know why you guys are hating on Minecraft: Story Mode. If your hating on games made by Telltale Games, you hate Telltale Games so all you haters just got owned.

  • it's like those people on 4chan or neogaf who say your a incertwhateveryou like here fag. it's stupid.

    Flog61 posted: »

    'Fagcraft'? Really?

  • It's fucking ridiculous, the things people say. Or type.

    Flog61 posted: »

    'Fagcraft'? Really?

  • My 4 year old nephew got Minecraft for xmas, i can't wait to buy this game for him.

    Cinicage posted: »

    This forum also will turn into a COD forum with ages from 6 to 12. It was already that.

  • edited December 2014

    What if this is an early April fools joke?

  • I hope not, this seems like an interesting idea.

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    What if this is an early April fools joke?

  • Well I think this concept sounds cool and full of potential. I mean after Walking Dead, Wolf, and now TftB and GoT, not sure there's even a "Telltale Game's official type" anymore in terms of story. Playing as an 11 year old girl and the Big Bad Wolf are already different enough experiences, for example. Is it really so hard to imagine this early in the process that playing in the MC world through TTG's lens wouldn't work?

    Is it because MC doesn't have any voices, beyond the villager's conversations or monster noises? I have no idea how TaleCraft could work, but I'm sure if any company can make it work, it's Telltale.

    That is one thing though; I may be alone in this, but "Minecraft: Story Mode" sounds rather blah to me as a title. Maybe it's just a working title, or it will really fit with the story.

  • ^ Flog's got a point.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I thought we weren't allowed to discuss banned users.

  • No, it doesn't mean that.

    I don't know why you guys are hating on Minecraft: Story Mode. If your hating on games made by Telltale Games, you hate Telltale Games so all you haters just got owned.

  • I really can't believe that telltale are doing this.
    They have four or five games to be going on with. Two of which people are clambering for, like The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead. Yet they are putting time, money and effort into this ridiculous project.
    You know, I know, hell everyone knows this idea is going to fall flat on its face. You look at all the various forums, including their own facebook page and people want the games I mentioned, not this rubbish.

    Besides, telltale games are mainly for the more mature audience. Or supposed to be anyway. When the majority of older fans see this, they will desert telltale like a sinking ship.
    Mark my words, this could be telltales failing and a disaster for the rest of us that are waiting in vain for their proper games.

  • The Walking Dead season 3 will be going alongside the Minecraft project. They need to make more games than just the ones they have or else it would get stale and repetitive very quickly, and this Minecraft game could be very good, I mean most people didn't expect to like the Borderlands game and wrote it off very quickly. I'd try not to judge it before we at least see a screenshot.

    Also what do you mean by older fans? The ones who were here when Telltale created actual puzzle games, or the ones who joined when their narrative choice driven games came in?

    Mark my words, this could be telltales failing and a disaster for the rest of us that are waiting in vain for their proper games.

    The falling of Telltale over one game? No, not likely, unless the game was so poorly received and barely anyone bought it, then I doubt they'd fall. And who's to say Minecraft isn't a proper game? They used to create lighthearted games, some of which were rated E or T, so they could do this kind of choice driven game with Minecraft.

    I want to keep my mind open to this idea and not denounce it as trash the moment I heard about it. I personally think it might be good, but I'll wait for a trailer before making a decision, and even then I'll still buy it if the trailer left a bad taste in my mouth, just to experience it for myself.

    I really can't believe that telltale are doing this. They have four or five games to be going on with. Two of which people are clambering f

  • Telltale fell 4 years ago, when they stopped putting puzzles in their games.

    Cope49 posted: »

    The fall of TellTale had to happen sooner or later...

  • Telltale should just go back to making Monkey Island and Sam & Max games filled with satisfying logic puzzles.

    I really can't believe that telltale are doing this. They have four or five games to be going on with. Two of which people are clambering f

  • I wouldn't say that was a fall, it was a new beginning, and it's a pretty succesful new beginning.

    Telltale fell 4 years ago, when they stopped putting puzzles in their games.

  • They completely and utterly betrayed the trust and loyalty that their fans had built up over the prior 4 years. As far as I'm concerned, they stopped existing once they released Back to the Future.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I wouldn't say that was a fall, it was a new beginning, and it's a pretty succesful new beginning.

  • To each their own I guess, but why do you still come back here?

    But didn't The Walking Dead Season 1 technically have puzzles? Or do you consider those to simplistic?

    They completely and utterly betrayed the trust and loyalty that their fans had built up over the prior 4 years. As far as I'm concerned, they stopped existing once they released Back to the Future.

  • edited December 2014

    I come back as a ghost of Christmas past to remind Telltale of their misdeeds periodically.

    And no, I don't consider what TWD season 1 had to be satisfying puzzles.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    To each their own I guess, but why do you still come back here? But didn't The Walking Dead Season 1 technically have puzzles? Or do you consider those to simplistic?

  • They have four or five games to be going on with. Two of which people are clambering for, like The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead

    You know, people hated Wolf Among Us when Walking Dead was announced in a similar way that people hate the Minecraft announcement now. Despite Wolf having been announced alongside Season One of Walking Dead, people complained that Telltale was abandoning their Walking Dead fanbase and slowing down progress on Walking Dead Season Two by working on "that stupid Wolf game." However, once the game came out, people opened up to it and eventually held it near the same level as they held Walking Dead. Heck, the same thing is happening right now with Borderlands and Game of Thrones.

    Minecraft certainly is an odd choice, no doubt, but it's not at all safe to assume that Minecraft will be awful without any evidence beyond "it has no story (by default)" or "it will attract kiddies to the forums."

    I really can't believe that telltale are doing this. They have four or five games to be going on with. Two of which people are clambering f

  • As you said in a previous post, I think having a "cinematic" and "puzzle" mode would be pretty nice. Heck, I think that the way Inventory items are context sensitive in their newer games is a great potential starting point for adding puzzle design that stimulates the old fans while not alienating the newer fans.

    It seems that Telltale says that puzzles "disrupt" narrative flow if players don't get them, but if Telltale returns to puzzle design, I think they could approach their puzzle/gameplay design from a view point where even "getting stuck" fits the narrative/character role playing angle. A good compromise would be for the player/character to solve a problem in the same way that someone would in the source material, as opposed to making puzzles that allow the player to interact while only spinning the wheels from a narrative point of view.

    Of course, some of Telltale's fans prioritize gameplay over story, but I think that would at least make a good compromise given Telltale's new direction.

    Telltale should just go back to making Monkey Island and Sam & Max games filled with satisfying logic puzzles.

  • While I agree with the fact that the sound of a Minecraft story is ludicrous and absurd, I find people's reactions to be so hilarious that they're sad. I for one am gonna turn a blind eye on this Minecraft game and let the Minecraft fans have their fun. Getting mad ain't worth it. I learned that the hard way when I used to get mad at Telltale for delaying the final episode of The Walking Dead Season 2 to release the final episode of The Wolf Among Us, or when I was getting mad at Telltale for their idea of Tales from the Borderlands. Now I'm not really fazed by all of this. While we the fans find the idea of creating a Minecraft story is far fetched and practically impossible to do, Telltale thought that this was a good idea, and maybe they will have something in mind. This Minecraft game won't mean the end of Telltale Games. We've still got Season 3 of The Walking Dead to look forward to. Don't let a silly game like Minecraft piss you off so much.

  • Yes, he does.

    ^ Flog's got a point.

  • If they're that worried about puzzles blocking the flow, they could just expand their hint system to also have a setting of "the character will automatically figure it out via monologues announcing the solution to the player" instead of just hints directing you to the proper location. I really don't think removing any trace of challenge is the appropriate way to enhance the narrative.

    As you said in a previous post, I think having a "cinematic" and "puzzle" mode would be pretty nice. Heck, I think that the way Inventory it

  • As I said earlier, I think it would be cool if Telltale incorporated a style of puzzle solving (or other interaction) that fit the source material for each series as an addition (not a replacement) to their template, instead of having each game differ exclusively in how the player solves puzzles or makes choices.

    I personally don't think that would mean having puzzles as a necessity in each game, but I do think it would be cool to see Telltale branch out and experiment with more gameplay beyond dialogue selection and purposefully clean-cut/simplified QTEs. Again, I think it boils down to what would fit the source material. Some series could easily benefit from puzzles, but I don't think puzzles always fit for each franchise.

    If they're that worried about puzzles blocking the flow, they could just expand their hint system to also have a setting of "the character w

  • I wonder if Telltale will finally update their engine for this game. I don't think their current engine can capture the feel of Minecraft.

  • Telltale's Grand Theft Auto!

    Telltale's Mine... wait that already exists...

    Telltale's Elder Scrolls!

    Telltale's Guitar Hero!

    Telltale's Chewy's wookie cookie cooking! (AKA telltale's star wars)

    Telltale's Infamous!

    I gotta better idea TTG! Make your own franchise. Better yet, make TWAU S2.

    One more...

    Telltale's SpongeBob SquarePants!

    I'd buy that.

  • ...and over here we see a flock of mindless binge-haters jumping on the hate bandwagon. Don't make eye contact and you'll be fine.

  • Oh my god I thought it was just a telltale texture pack on xbox and ps, but NOPE. It's a freaking game by telltale.

  • People are just pissed because minecraft has little to no lore AT ALL. It'll probably turn out as a new story just with a minecraft skin. I mean, I'm all for completely new stories, I would love to see what Telltale comes up with, with no source material. But this just throw minecraft into the equation just get get audience. It's just such a pathetic cash grab. Thought you were better than this guys.

  • edited December 2014

    Same but the way some people are acting towards this idea are unbelievable sometimes.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I hope not, this seems like an interesting idea.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2014

    While I'm sure the popularity of Minecraft had a lot to do with Telltale's decision. It's not really a simple cash grab as this is what Mojang wanted to do with the Minecraft franchise. Mojang actually came to Telltale with the idea, rather than the other way around, as they wanted to make a story based game set in the Minecraft universe and thought that Telltale was the best company to handle it. The idea to make a story based game was a decision from the original creative team behind Minecraft, as the deal was made before the Microsoft purchase.

    This is also a controversial idea, that is meeting a lot of resistance from both Telltale fans and fans of Minecraft, so it's actually a bit of a gamble and not a guaranteed money earner. Telltale's taking a lot of unusual franchises lately (Tales from the Borderlands was also met with a lot of controversy due to it being a story based game about choices with little action based on a first person shooter), and I'm sure they were aware they'd be met with skepticism due to them basing games around franchises that never had adventure games set in their worlds. So they're definitely not necessarily going where the money leads. They know they have to create a strong story in order to sell these unusual concepts. They have delivered so far with Tales from the Borderlands, so there's a really good chance they'll do so with Minecraft: Story Mode as well.

    Healoz posted: »

    People are just pissed because minecraft has little to no lore AT ALL. It'll probably turn out as a new story just with a minecraft skin. I

  • edited December 2014

    They should've make wreck it ralph or baymax, or how to train your dragon instead..

  • Don't worry! There are some of us looking forward to this game. Also, it makes sense for Telltale to expand their audience! I mean, I want Walking Dead Season 3 as much as the next guy, but if Telltale only did Walking Dead games they would have a fairly narrow demographic.

    And why are there all these comments about Telltale Games just caring about cash!? Anyone who has played their games should see that a lot of heart goes into each project! Telltale Games are not as good as they are because the devs are just grabbing for easy cash. They're good because a lot of care goes into each one -- and that care really shows in the final product.

    Jennifer posted: »

    While I'm sure the popularity of Minecraft had a lot to do with Telltale's decision. It's not really a simple cash grab as this is what Moja

  • You probably played multiplayer and or minigames. Those suck. Start a survival world and play, that truly is MineCraft.

    Okay, I love Telltale, but really? This just sounds stupid. I've tried Minecraft, it was terrible, so I'm sorry Telltale, I'm not buying this.

This discussion has been closed.