Really Telltale? Really? So this isn't a joke?



  • Thread: I'm losing hope for TT

    You can't be fvcking serious. Stop milking money! Go make Sam & Max again, not crap like this!

  • Butt-headButt-head Banned
    edited December 2014

    Don't lose it. You'll be touched by the story.

  • This is a late april fools joke, right?

    I'm really curious as to how they're going to tell a story with Minecrafts butt ugly graphics. I'm sorry, but they don't look good at all. It has no style, it's just blocks with textures. Don't come to me and say "It's a throwback it's supposed to be-" no, old 2D and 3D games don't look like this. That's an insult to those games.

    Now another issue I have is, who are they marketing this game to? Most of minecrafts fanbase consists out of kids. This is especially obvious when you look at footage of minecraftrelated cons. Would they really care about this mode? What story is there to tell? What would it even be about? I'm so confused.

  • I'm losing hope for this forum.

  • This was my exact same reaction. I was hoping for a Rapture Chronicles or something like that. Sighs Why? Minecraft? Ugh.

  • I'm not losing hope. They did awesome with TWD, TWAU, GOT and TFTB. I'm just disappointed in them doing minecraft.

  • "Kenny's fans will love minecraft"

    dat generalization.

    "focus on mature players"


    I not excited with sequels of TWD or TWAU but there are hundreds titles better for the game. Yeah, Kenny's fans will love minecraft, but focus on mature players, Telltale. Please.

  • Same goes for 3D games, it's just models with textures.

    Baldex posted: »

    This is a late april fools joke, right? I'm really curious as to how they're going to tell a story with Minecrafts butt ugly graphics. I'

  • wat is this i dont even

  • Well, no one expects anything good off of me, so I guess no one but me would care if I wasted my own time, no?

    And the time wasted to rant about a "stupid idea".

  • Don't get me wrong, I as a fan of books and show I love TT's GOT. But... Minecraft story based game? I think they were kinda drunk.

    I'm not losing hope. They did awesome with TWD, TWAU, GOT and TFTB. I'm just disappointed in them doing minecraft.

  • old 3D games you can find on PS1 and N64 aren't literally BLOCKS with textures. Read that more carefully next time. It looks ugly and unfinished. Like they used the test graphics for the finished games.

    Same goes for 3D games, it's just models with textures.

  • Alt text

    stitch123 posted: »

    Don't get me wrong, I as a fan of books and show I love TT's GOT. But... Minecraft story based game? I think they were kinda drunk.

  • You're a fan of the books (stories right, like novels?), yet you can't see a minecraft story based game working?

    I think you can color me confused.

    It'll likely be a comedy game anyway.

    stitch123 posted: »

    Don't get me wrong, I as a fan of books and show I love TT's GOT. But... Minecraft story based game? I think they were kinda drunk.

  • Ah, the day that I would actually agree with you. The world really must be about to end right now, haha.

    Baldex posted: »

    old 3D games you can find on PS1 and N64 aren't literally BLOCKS with textures. Read that more carefully next time. It looks ugly and unfinished. Like they used the test graphics for the finished games.

  • Personally, I think this is an awful decision that makes little sense other then a cash grab.

  • I was talking about the Ice and Fire books now.

    Rob_K posted: »

    You're a fan of the books (stories right, like novels?), yet you can't see a minecraft story based game working? I think you can color me confused. It'll likely be a comedy game anyway.

  • Whatever you say.

    Regardless of your intelligence, it would be really nice of you to at least try to use correct grammar online to ensure everyone understands

  • Of all the titles available they picked this? This?!

  • edited December 2014

    Ah, sorry. But I think there are Minecraft books? I think I saw an image of some on another forum. And I should have realised what you meant to with mentioning show. My bad.

    Anyhow, as I've stated a few times, I think we should have at least a little faith in their ability to pull it off. I think they've earned that. We know next to nothing about it afterall too, other than it is set in a universe where story is non-existent?

    stitch123 posted: »

    I was talking about the Ice and Fire books now.

  • "stop milking money from this franchise! Go back and milk this franchise!"



    Some of the reactions are really stupid. I don't know what telltale has in mind. It's not the franchise I would have picked for them. But like, it's really admirable of them to go for a project that is

    A: Totally unlike the other projects they've done, and

    B: Is aimed at a totally different demographic.

  • Seriously? Minecraft? I lost interest in Telltale around the time they stopped making point and click adventure games and focused on casual QTE stuff. Does anyone remember that Jurassic Park game? Or that CSI game? I guess if it makes money, they'd make just about anything. Call me when you start making good games again. I doubt it's going to be this one.

  • edited December 2014

    Um what right you have to call Kenny fans immature? Aren't his haters immature as well? Just saying. I find your comment very offensive. BTW, I hate Minecraft and I'm a Kenny fan.

    I not excited with sequels of TWD or TWAU but there are hundreds titles better for the game. Yeah, Kenny's fans will love minecraft, but focus on mature players, Telltale. Please.

  • A: How is this unlike the other projects they've done? Do we know anything about it yet? Is it going to be a comedy? A serious story? Is it going to have poker? Actual PUZZLES IN A POINT AND CLICK GAME SAY IT AINT SO
    They might have made statements about how it's going to be different, but all we have is their word and I think I'd rather not hear the promises they won't keep.

    B: Yeah, I'm sure the thirteen year olds who play this game will be so excited for this highly anticipated game mode.

    JByrne posted: »

    "stop milking money from this franchise! Go back and milk this franchise!" Like seriously. Some of the reactions are really stupid

  • yeah but its not comparable to TWAU or TWD
    I mean Minecaraft? seriously Telltale? WTF

  • They already confirmed TWD 3. Though I would much rather a second season of wolf.

    TJ3046 posted: »

    We can't have The Wolf Among Us Season 2 or The Walking Dead Season 3? Nah let's make a new IP and a joke of an IP at that. If they don't get their shit together I might be done with them.

  • Telltale has gone crazy
    I mean seriously fucking Minecraft? lost faith in the company
    instead of TWAU S2 or TWD S3 we get this shit ??

  • It won't be comparable to TWAU or TWD but it will be good. ;)

    I hope...

    Journey95 posted: »

    yeah but its not comparable to TWAU or TWD I mean Minecaraft? seriously Telltale? WTF

  • Pfft, what's next? A Minecraft Movie?! HAHAHAHAHAAHA OH WAIT

  • I hope this is a yearly occurrence. Announce a serious game and then throw in a curve ball with the weirdest idea for a game yet. It's so entertaining seeing the reactions from other people.

  • edited December 2014

    Thread: Very disappointed in Telltale

    There are probably many complain threads already but I'm a big fan of Telltale since TWD and loved everything from then since
    So I just have to comment on this:

    I was sceptical with Borderlands because its not famous for its story but I was wrong its awesome
    Still Minecraft is not at all comparable to that situation I mean seriously Telltale?
    Story mode in Minecraft? Seems like an April Fools Joker only its not

    Its a damm shame that they are wasting resources on that instead of TWAU S2 thats the worst part of it
    Anyone know what the reason could be? Money? I doubt many Minecraft players would be interested

  • edited December 2014

    'Players gonna play play play and haters gonna hate hate hate'

  • 2 billion dollar franchise thats just blocks with textures okay

  • Thread: Not Gonna Hate... Not Gonna Buy...


    I own Sam & Max, Wolf Among Us, Borderlands & GoT. I didn't buy Back To The Future & Jurassic Park because despite being a fan of both of those films, the games didn't turn out great, in my opinion.

    Now in regards to Telltales latest announcement... I've played quite a bit of Minecraft back in the day, and in no way do I feel compelled to buy this game. Minecraft is just not suited for narrative style. It just isn't that sort of game. I'm sure the creative minds behind Telltale and Mojang will come up with a narrative style, and it could turn out to be somewhat interesting. But will it sell?

    I think Telltale have been riding high upon their latest financial successes lately and I believe they think they have the mind to sell anything based on their successes so far. But if a consumer like myself, who has owned most of their games, including all the seasons of Sam & Max, and who has played and liked Minecraft, decides to shrug his shoulders at this latest announcement, then as a developer and a business you got to wonder... "Is this a sound investment?"

    Now I'm not hating on Telltale like I've seen others do in other threads/posts, I'm merely pointing out that this seems to me a very flawed business move and investment, and it makes me concerned about other IP's that Telltale currently have under their belt that could suffer because of this. They can do what they like however, and us consumers don't have any right other than to offer our opinions on the matter. But I do honestly think Telltale might have gotten too big of an ego to take on a non-narrative IP and attempt to turn it into a successful financial episodic series.

    I think the only people who will buy this are the ones who buys all of Telltale games even the bad ones, for the sake of just supporting the developers.and possibly those who adore everything and anything related to Minecraft. The latter may produce less sales than the former, it still doesn't come across as a sound investment.

    It also isn't about whether or not this will turn out to be good or bad. I love the Jurassic Park franchise, and BTTF, but didn't buy either because I read the reviews and saw the lets plays and was wholly disappointed, so it was a no brainer for me. I would have bought if they turned out differently. With Minecraft, it's not the same. Regardless of how good it is, I'll still not buy it simply because its not something I'm even remotely interested in playing in a narrative context, and that's why I firmly believe that Telltale have erred here because despite the massive amount of Minecraft users, they are still appealing to a very small fanbase and will be lucky to even attract a meager 1% of the Minecraft user base.

  • I have already lost hope
    there are so many awesome things they could do (TWAU S2, TWD S3, a new IP etc.)
    and we get a freaking Minecraft announcement
    thanks for nothing Telltale

  • Thread: Of all the things..

    They choose minecraft. A game with no story whatsoever. The could have done Bioshock, TWAU Season 2, maybe even the Elderscrolls? Sure, we don't know much about it yet, but this is a bad idea. Oh and just think about all the "minecraft kids" this is going to bring to the forum.. Oh no. With Minecraft's big fanbase, to be honest this seems like a quick money grab on Telltale's part. :\

  • Thread: Of all the things..

    They choose minecraft. A game with no story whatsoever. The could have done Bioshock, TWAU Season 2, maybe even the Elderscrolls? Sure, we don't know much about it yet, but this is a bad idea. Oh and just think about all the "minecraft kids" this is going to bring to the forum.. Oh no. With Minecraft's big fanbase, to be honest this seems like a quick money grab on Telltale's part. :\

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