The Vent/Help Thread



  • [removed]

  • I think this post gave me the flu.

  • it gave me ebola :(

    I think this post gave me the flu.

  • Nevermind it was just gas. But you need serious help.

    versacebabe posted: »

    it gave me ebola

  • Waaat? Why?

    Nevermind it was just gas. But you need serious help.

  • Oh god. Is the cat dead?

    versacebabe posted: »

    Waaat? Why?

  • edited July 2015

    I'm posting a ton of stuff since I just found this thread!

    I fear mediocrity and failure. I'm honestly so scared about the future.

  • Yeah, she buried it in her yard lol

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    Oh god. Is the cat dead?

  • I think you should focus on yourself and what makes you happy. The worst thing you can do is compare your life to other people's lives.

    You gotta find your own purpose for living. Just because some piece of media is trying to tell you what you should be doing with yourself doesn't mean it you have to follow what it says.

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    I'm posting a ton of stuff since I just found this thread! I fear mediocrity and failure. I'm honestly so scared about the future.

  • Ah, this is fucked up.

    Anyway, at first I thought it said that she kept coming onto your porch and taking a shit.

  • I believe what is happening with your neighbor is called paranoid delusions and you have crossed into 5150 land.

  • The tl;dr version of your post: Your neighbor annoyed you so you murdered her cat.

    versacebabe posted: »

    Waaat? Why?

  • One has to wonder just how much stuff they have on their porch to take, and move around on them, for some reason.

    Ah, this is fucked up. Anyway, at first I thought it said that she kept coming onto your porch and taking a shit.

  • I think it's worse then that it promotes to be one type of person if your different they mock and humiliate that person

    Anything innovative and unique is destroyed and mocked

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    I hate how the media is slowly changing everybody to one person.

  • I'm a fitness instructor fear and doubt is essential to improve to always analysis your performance always look for better and demand that bit extra from yourself

    But for me I always think the people I compete against don't think I'm good enough so it burns a fire in my soul to prove and show I am

    Your mentality can be restrictive by saying all this negative stuff about yourself it makes it true you lose the battle before you even fight it

    Without belief you will never succeed give yourself a chance

    Think about today the aim to life is to be happy your pressuring yourself and already saying you will fail making you sad

    Change it

    I fear mediocrity and failure. I'm honestly so excited for my future because I think I'm good enough and I want to prove it. I work so hard in school but because of my add I'm just barely average but one day it will pay off, even when I think I do good, I don't I always want to improve and get better I believe I can

    . I'm an athlete and I will prove I can compete in college and that excites me that challenge. The future really excites me. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm scared of routine. Books, movies, video games even history books all make it seem like life has purpose one day I will change the world or become a pro athlete While haters fade into the shadows

    Give yourself a chance of success how can you expect yourself to achieve if you don't even believe it the world is full of hate and critics who want nothing for you sometimes it's up to us to prove we can do it we the only ones who can change anything for ourselfs

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    I'm posting a ton of stuff since I just found this thread! I fear mediocrity and failure. I'm honestly so scared about the future.

  • Well personally it is always nice to feel appreciated, some people just would like some recognition, and i don't see anything wrong with that at all.

    well, "false praise" is more of a phrase than literally praise that is false, it is sort of what you might do to a child eg. "wow that is su

  • edited July 2015

    sure recognition is nice, but wouldn't you feel weird about getting recognition simply because of one thing about you rather than the thing you were being recognised for, eg. you and some other person accomplish exactly the same thing, but you have blue eyes (and blue eyed people have in the past been treated as inferior) so websites (to make them sound progressive and right on) post articles titled things like "blue eyes accomplished thing!!" " you go blue eyes" "blue eyed person does the thing" and they don't even mention the other person, and you know you were only praised because of you had blue eyes.

    also this isn't an isolated incidence, it is a pattern.

    that is the kind of thing i am talking about, not genuine praise for genuinely praiseworthy things, just praise because of the person who is getting the praise.

    i am not saying praise is a bad thing at all, but unless it is actually based on pure merit and is given equally to everyone, not just special cases, it will always seem disingenuous or patronising

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Well personally it is always nice to feel appreciated, some people just would like some recognition, and i don't see anything wrong with that at all.

  • edited July 2015

    I read it last night.

    I think this gif sums it all on what I think of her:

    Alt text

    Seriously you were just defending your friend! facepalm Glad you don't have to put with her shit anymore. I dread for the other students though.... Eugh....

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Imagine actually having to deal with a bitch like that..... (You don't have to read this but I'm just venting about the past).... Back we

  • I never had people give me praise, so i couldn't say.

    sure recognition is nice, but wouldn't you feel weird about getting recognition simply because of one thing about you rather than the thing

  • So? lol

    The tl;dr version of your post: Your neighbor annoyed you so you murdered her cat.

  • Yeah, so? It's just felony animal cruelty!

    versacebabe posted: »

    So? lol

  • How can I imagine her taking my shit, touching my mail and leaving me notes???? I have every one she left me.
    lol wow this forum is wacked.

    I believe what is happening with your neighbor is called paranoid delusions and you have crossed into 5150 land.

  • I know it's not even a big deal lol

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Yeah, so? It's just felony animal cruelty!

  • This forum is too liberal judgemental for you to talk about things like that bro, Trust me. It never ends well. I support your cause, mainly because i'm PTSD crazy, and have a general dislike for cats. However, yeah its against the law in the US.

    Only in America can you get three years for killing a cat. In Australia they eat them.

    versacebabe posted: »

    I know it's not even a big deal lol

  • Finally, somebody talking fucking sense. Oh well, good thing shes too batshit to know I can get in trouble for it lol

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    This forum is too liberal judgemental for you to talk about things like that bro, Trust me. It never ends well. I support your cause, mai

  • You know how these animal lovers are. You should see how they're treating that dentist from minnesota. Its hilarious. He is getting death threats, his children are getting threatened. Internet Justice warriors are out in force to make him pay for Cecil's death.

    versacebabe posted: »

    Finally, somebody talking fucking sense. Oh well, good thing shes too batshit to know I can get in trouble for it lol

  • I've shot a feral cat before, but poisoning a neighbor's cat just rubs me the wrong way. Even if she is an asshole.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    This forum is too liberal judgemental for you to talk about things like that bro, Trust me. It never ends well. I support your cause, mai

  • You should scan them and post them into a 4chan post, or at least redit.

    versacebabe posted: »

    How can I imagine her taking my shit, touching my mail and leaving me notes???? I have every one she left me. lol wow this forum is wacked.

  • Lmao yess. I'm a regular on encyclopedia dramatica forums so I bet they'll love that there too :3

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    You should scan them and post them into a 4chan post, or at least redit.

  • Yeah and you killed her fucking cat. I think the crazy is pretty evenly distributed between the two of you.

    versacebabe posted: »

    How can I imagine her taking my shit, touching my mail and leaving me notes???? I have every one she left me. lol wow this forum is wacked.

  • That shit would just make me laugh. They ain't shit for that. They're not gonna do shit but make a big long tumblr post about it and wipe the cheeto cheese dust off on their triple chins.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    You know how these animal lovers are. You should see how they're treating that dentist from minnesota. Its hilarious. He is getting death

  • Think we should be friends going about the neighborhood killin random cats? Sounds like the perfect plan!!!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Yeah and you killed her fucking cat. I think the crazy is pretty evenly distributed between the two of you.

  • edited July 2015

    So you killed her fucking cat? How will that change anything? Because if anything she's just going to be an even bigger bitch now.

    Are you a sociopath? You want revenge you get her in trouble with the landlord, not kill things close to her.

  • edited July 2015


    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I've shot a feral cat before, but poisoning a neighbor's cat just rubs me the wrong way. Even if she is an asshole.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited July 2015

    What else could I do? It was diseased (probably rabies), terrorizing the neighborhood and animal control refused to pick it up. It was either a,) live in fear of it attacking my pets or b.) end its suffering. Cleared it with the cops beforehand too.

    AAA_Jane posted: »


  • That wasn't directed towards you.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    What else could I do? It was diseased (probably rabies), terrorizing the neighborhood and animal control refused to pick it up. It was eit

  • You have a dog, right? How would you feel exactly if a neighbor became annoyed with you and just decided to go ahead and kill it behind your back? That's exactly what "versacebabe" supposedly did to their neighbor. It should absolutely be against the law. I think you would agree that you shouldn't just be able to go around killing other people's pets.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    This forum is too liberal judgemental for you to talk about things like that bro, Trust me. It never ends well. I support your cause, mai

  • I've sort of got a feeling that you're not being truthful here, but if you don't think there is something wrong in murdering someone's pet, there is something very wrong with you. It's not even just about the pet itself, but also the pain that you caused the owner.

    versacebabe posted: »

    I know it's not even a big deal lol

  • This forum is too liberal judgemental for you to talk about things like that bro

    Oh yeah, conservatives absolutely love animal killings. Go kill a conservative's pet and see how they react.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    This forum is too liberal judgemental for you to talk about things like that bro, Trust me. It never ends well. I support your cause, mai

  • So...this happened.

    I woke up and went to the kitchen. Got me some milk, and poured my brothers dog some food. I'm just sitting at the table drinking me some milk, and my dog comes over. I start petting on him, and suddenly Tyson(brothers dog) is there. They start fucking fighting. I grab Bingo(my dog) and throw him back, but Tyson's stupid ass casually walks back up to Bingo and they start going at it again. I try to break it up which results in me getting bit four times on my left hand. I gave up and started throwing water on them trying to get them to back up. Doesn't work. My rage fucking breaks so I throw a chair at them. It hits them both, and they broke up. I quick try to jump in and get them away from one another, but I slip on the damned water. I remember after I hit the ground I said "Fucking, why?!?!?" I jumped up as fast as I could, but their already going at it again.

    At this point, I try to jump in again. I get bit two more times, this time it's my right. I walk over to the phone realizing I probably need some help. I call my dad, whose playing cards at my Aunts and basically just quick say "Dogs fightin', need help." I look back through the Hallways and their going at it in my room at this point. I hear my fan. "I know you rat bastards didn't just knock down my fan!" They did. My rage breaks again, so I grab me a butter-bowl and fill it up with hot-water. I fling it on both of em', and they break up. I grab Tyson's stupid ass, and fling him through the hallway and pretty much Sparta-kick Bingo back into my room. I grab Tyson and throw him outside on the porch. I go out on the porch for a second and finally, dad shows up. I tell him I broke them up right before he got there, and about that time he noticed my hands were kind of fucked up. "Might wanna go get the alcohol..."

    Keep in mind these ain't two-little dogs. Bingo is a English-Pitt, and Tyson is...I don't really know what Tyson is. He's big though.

    On the good side of things, I finally conquered Venice in Crusader Kings, which is quite nice. :)

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