Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Nuff said

    enter image description here

  • He's one of us now, YAY!!! :D

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Nuff said

  • "I love you"

    "I love you, too"

    enter image description here

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I almost pity Rhyionan's now they were so happy that they finally got a famous YT person... also Seriously watching the Sasha death scene for milionth time, even while knowing what happens next is so damn sad...

  • This is them in a nutshell

    enter image description here

    By znzn06

  • Now THIS is great news to see after being away for several hours. Had no idea Jack uploaded the final episode, glad to see he picked Rhysha.

  • Yes. That is perfect.

    This is them in a nutshell By znzn06

  • I hope this happens if there is a TFTBL season 2

    Leluch123 posted: »

    The end of the Church of Holy Rhyiona's oppresion is upon us brothers and sisters. It is the time for us to arise and break the shackles of

  • And you know whats the best??? He wanted to see them kissing!! Just like us!! Guys admit it he is amazing youtuber! If you ever watched his other video you know it!

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Nuff said

  • edited February 2016

    I love having a cult following. xD

    This next chapter will be taking a break from Rhys, Nora, Cait, Piper, and Vaughn and will instead be focusing on some of the dynamics of other characters. Who do you think I should pin the spotlight on?

    • Sasha, Hancock, Curie
    • Fiona, MacCready, Codsworth
    • Danse, Strong
    • Preston, Nick (and the Minutemen brigade)

    X6-88 has not been introduced because, due to the Institute's disintegration and collapse following Father's death and the Synth rebellion, it's safe to assume he was among the many who fought against the rebellion and was killed. Therein, he and Nora were never 'buddy buddy'. And Dogmeat is ... around.

    I have several mini plots in the works. Rhys and Nora are going to wind up getting in on a bulk of it because I have at least two HUGE ideas involving them. I've hinted to it in previous chapters, and I'm wondering if anybody has picked up on it.

    As for the others, well ... the plotbunnies are in mating season. xD Let's just say ... spoilers ... and Pickman ...

    Another amazing addition to the story! Everything just keeps on getting crazier!

  • edited February 2016

    Oh man its hard to say, but Id probably love to see more Sasha, I always love when she gets the spotlight! I cannot wait to see what you are planning!

    I love having a cult following. xD This next chapter will be taking a break from Rhys, Nora, Cait, Piper, and Vaughn and will instead be

  • Leap year for Rhysha!

  • I aways cry in the Sasha scene, gets me every time lol.
    And I also wanted to see a Rhysha kiss

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    enter link description here Jacksepticeye officaly ships Rhysha!! Yaya Finally. And poor guy cried over LB and Sasha

  • Imagine if it was a dialog between Rhys and Sasha.That would've been something:)

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    "I love you" "I love you, too"

  • Have a Rhysha sketch

    enter image description here

    By supergeekly

  • This sketch, I like it.

    enter image description here

    Have a Rhysha sketch By supergeekly

  • enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    This sketch, I like it.

  • Ah ha, sooo, about that next Halo Project chapter, I probably won't be able to work on it a great deal until this weekend. Besides school, it's also taking a long time because I'm basically building a Vault Hunter team full of OCs that have to fit into the existing Borderlands timeline and universe and I need to figure out how it all fits into my later plotlines, so that's been a whole lot of research (including many hours on the wiki and me playing Borderlands 2 just so I can memorize the map of the Highlands and other locations). And also I'm making hand-made splash screens for every OC I introduce (and I'm only an okay artist on a digital tablet so that's also taking a while). I'm currently at almost 3K words and not even at half of what I want to get done with this chapter.

    Yeah so expect a big chapter sometime, just know the delay was because I wanted to put out the best quality.

  • OC's, splash screens, and digital art?

    Dear god...

    This is evolving to be more than just a mere fanfic.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Ah ha, sooo, about that next Halo Project chapter, I probably won't be able to work on it a great deal until this weekend. Besides school, i

  • Yo, it's time to announce another event! Aaand it's the most popular one. What is it? Cards Against Humanity, of course.

    enter image description here

    So be ready at 9 PM CET/8 PM GMT/3 PM EST/12 AM PST this Saturday. I'll try to post the link to the game in the thread/chat few minutes before we start.


    PS: Irunts is prohibited from using magic, otherwise we'll be forced to burn him at the stake.

  • Will Skype or something be necessary? I don;t have great stuff for my computer unfortunately. (I mean like no webcam or microphone... at all)

    Pipas posted: »

    Yo, it's time to announce another event! Aaand it's the most popular one. What is it? Cards Against Humanity, of course. So be ready

  • Nah, no Skype is necessary. :)

    Will Skype or something be necessary? I don;t have great stuff for my computer unfortunately. (I mean like no webcam or microphone... at all)

  • Shit, I won't be able to make it, I'll be driving back to D.C. from Florida on Saturday.

    Pipas posted: »

    Yo, it's time to announce another event! Aaand it's the most popular one. What is it? Cards Against Humanity, of course. So be ready

  • I might make it, Spring Break is next week for me so this could work!

    Pipas posted: »

    Yo, it's time to announce another event! Aaand it's the most popular one. What is it? Cards Against Humanity, of course. So be ready

  • Season 2 script :D

    OC's, splash screens, and digital art? Dear god... This is evolving to be more than just a mere fanfic.

  • Sweet, I'll see if I can make it

    Pipas posted: »

    Nah, no Skype is necessary.

  • Could we possibly maybe change the time we play this Saturday to 2? I don't think Saturday at 3 will work out for me.

  • Sure, if no one is against it. :)

    Could we possibly maybe change the time we play this Saturday to 2? I don't think Saturday at 3 will work out for me.

  • Sweet. Hopefully we can have a quick game before I need to go to my appointment.

    Pipas posted: »

    Sure, if no one is against it.

  • Aight everyone, since Poultry can't join us on time, we'll have at least a quick (or long, who knows) prefatory CAH game one hour before the main event.

    That is at 8 PM CET/7 PM GMT/2 PM EST/11 AM PST this Saturday. I'll try to post the link to the game in the thread/chat few minutes before we start.

    enter image description here


    Hope I'll see you there. ;)

  • I'll be there with my witchcraft!

    Pipas posted: »

    Aight everyone, since Poultry can't join us on time, we'll have at least a quick (or long, who knows) prefatory CAH game one hour before the

  • So, it's been a hellish week, and I'll be looking to another hellish week ... But I've ideas for my next chapter. And I'll get to typing it tonight.

  • I cannot wait to see the next chapter ... :o I adore your work ~

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Ah ha, sooo, about that next Halo Project chapter, I probably won't be able to work on it a great deal until this weekend. Besides school, i

  • Sorry about the hellish-ness. It's like what Bob Ross said:

    enter image description here

    So, it's been a hellish week, and I'll be looking to another hellish week ... But I've ideas for my next chapter. And I'll get to typing it tonight.

  • This man is a true legend.I'm so glad Twitch has introduced me to his legacy

    Sorry about the hellish-ness. It's like what Bob Ross said:

  • I'll be there. Also next can we do a tf2 event?

    Pipas posted: »

    Yo, it's time to announce another event! Aaand it's the most popular one. What is it? Cards Against Humanity, of course. So be ready

  • Enjoy a good book with someone you love

    enter image description here

    By hostilejam

  • enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Do you guys like it?

    Sorry they are such low quality, I didn't want to save them all so I just captured the screen

  • Hey, everybody... I was hoping to get some feedback on a project I'm working on for my audio/video class. And yes, it's Rhysha--related!

    The assignment was to use Audacity to create an audio project with at least 4 different audio tracks, of which 2 had to be scores, 1 had to be recorded audio, and the remaining track could be whatever. So... I decided to make a Rhysha Remix. I recorded myself doing some intro dialog (including one part where I attempted--and I think pulled off--the Hyperion Voice), and then used a bunch of extracted game dialog over a mix of the romantic Atlas Dome music and... (don't judge me) Abba's "Lay All Your Love on Me." In my defense, I did not begin the project with Abba in mind. It just happened to fit the other pieces well, so I ran with it.

    Anyway, I've got two different versions of the finished product, and I can't quite make up my mind about which one I prefer, so I was hoping to get some opinions. I'm hoping a clear winner will arise that way.

    You can find the remixes on my Google Drive. They are identical except for the last few seconds,

    Here's the first one: (with "I missed you" dialog)

    And here's the second one: (with "That ship has sailed" dialog)


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