TMI - Nothing happening



  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2009
    I haven't given up yet! Just mulling over my options. For the new people that have the problem, did you try the previously suggested solutions? Just because they didn't work for some people doesn't necessarily mean they won't work for you.
  • edited July 2009
    I tried desinstalling drivers dont work
    and in dxding shows no problem my problem is just with telltale games
  • edited July 2009
    by the way, still not working on my main comp... had to play on girlfriends but she hates strongbad and that has same error.
  • edited July 2009

    This is getting really frustrating. Since I bought it on steam I can't install on laptop, do we get refunds at steam?
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2009
    I'm pretty sure Steam gives out refunds. I can ask around.
  • edited July 2009
    unfortunate, one week without a solution.
    now my motivation to work on a solution has gone, in my judgement the problem isn't on my side. my system runs fine with all applications, games, ...what ever. will keep an eye on teh fred!
  • edited July 2009
    Okay, folks, this is insane. I just hopped onto Steam to get the Lucasarts Monkey Island, and figured I'd give something a shot while it downloaded. I tried loading the TellTale game into Steam. Ran it from within Steam, and the launcher OPENED! Left Steam & tried the ol' ever-failing shortcut on the desktop & whaddayaknow, there's the launcher... Logged in, launched the game and all is beautiful. I've been out of town since the last time I posted (7/10?) & my computer has been off the entire time.. Absolutely nothing has changed since I last couldn't launch it. If anyone is still having the process showing in Task Manager, then disappearing after 20-ish seconds, you may want to give this a shot.
  • edited July 2009
    skicamel wrote: »
    Okay, folks, this is insane. I just hopped onto Steam to get the Lucasarts Monkey Island, and figured I'd give something a shot while it downloaded. I tried loading the TellTale game into Steam. Ran it from within Steam, and the launcher OPENED!

    Just tried that. No luck.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited July 2009
    I don't know if checking your memory helps in this case, but you should give it a try.
  • edited July 2009
    Yeah, the first step would be to find the general source of the area, be it conflicting software (try safemode), input/driver issues (DXDiag/Device Manager), or hardware issues (check memory and update drivers where possible)
  • edited July 2009
    Miir wrote: »

    This is getting really frustrating. Since I bought it on steam I can't install on laptop, do we get refunds at steam?

    Unless I am misunderstanding your statement, you should be able to install it on the laptop (assuming it has the proper hardware specs), as one of the benefits of steam is that you can launch it on any computer with net access (and steam) with your account, then download and play any steam game you have previously purchased.

    just for sh#ts and giggles, I installed TMI (from steam) on an eeePC 901 and put in a prefs.prop file set to run at 640x480 and detail level 1. Plugged the thing into the wall outlet so it wouldn't downclock itself.

    After about 15 or 20 minutes of doing nothing (similar symptoms as was described in this thread: it spawns a process for TMI but does not open anything in the taskbar or show any video indicative of the game running), it finally loaded to the options screen! The taskbar icon thingy for the game finally showed up at this point. I even got the intro to start. It seemed to be running in the single-digit fps, though, based on the menu animation and the floating company logos in the intro sequence.

    I accidentally alt-tabbed out of the game, and when I tried to go back, it sat there for 5 minutes doing nothing with a black screen. It already runs great on my desktop, so I didn't feel like waiting another 15 or 20 minutes to see if it would start running again (it would probably be unplayable anyways), and I just called it a day.

    Now, I know that a lot of people in here have systems (especially the guy with a 4870) that are not as laughable as an eeePC 901, so I doubt this is what's going on, but perhaps for some of you with lower-end systems, if you let the thing sit for 30 minutes or so, it might actually pop something onto the screen.

    Makes me wonder exactly what the game is doing in those 20 minutes before it starts. Where is the major bottleneck occurring? Trying to detect the hardware? Trying to load things into video memory? I know so little about these things that it would be pointless for me to go on.
  • edited July 2009
    still i have the problem oh the game is tales of monkey island
    i tried a other computer it works there was so close to finish it And now it dont work when i enter the game the computer reset when i reach the menu
    so close i was in the idols part the game freeze and i reseted the computer i think the grafic card is too hot it an old one
    the point is why in an old computer the game works good and on advance one it just dont start i dont get it
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited July 2009
    guille wrote: »
    still i have the problem oh the game is tales of monkey island
    i tried a other computer it works there was so close to finish it And now it dont work when i enter the game the computer reset when i reach the menu
    so close i was in the idols part the game freeze and i reseted the computer i think the grafic card is too hot it an old one
    the point is why in an old computer the game works good and on advance one it just dont start i dont get it

    You should not discuss the same issue in two threads. That only confuses and people will ask you the same question again that you already answered here.

    If you still have not tried the memory test, do that. If we don't do that one there's not much we can do and you still can't play the game until something magical happens out of nowhere.
  • edited July 2009
    Well I gave up and have just shoved Windows 7 RC on another drive. The game works fine on that.

    Not the best solution ever, but itll do until October when Vista goes bye-bye.

    Thanks for trying to help anyway.
  • edited July 2009
    i,ve install tale of pirates 20 time alas the same results press start to play then it says loading then vanish completely
    please help:confused:
  • edited July 2009
    I had the same problem, failed to open without any messages.

    What was causing this for me was an installation of Lua for Windows I had made recently (

    I uninstalled Lua and the game, re-installed the game and it worked.

    I guess the game engine uses Lua and doesn't play nice with other installations.
  • edited August 2009
    Will wrote: »
    I haven't given up yet! Just mulling over my options.

    Have you given up now?
  • edited August 2009
    Episode one of ToMI works for me without any issue, episode two however gives me the error pointed in this thread.. That is to say no error at all. Pops up in task manager for a second without any menus or whatever showing.

    Tried everything in this thread, nothing works.
  • edited August 2009
    Went ahead and formated. It now works.
  • edited September 2009
    hi everyone, ive just downloaded and installed the game myself. after the installer runs i clicked to launch the game immediately. i get into the launcher which prompts me for a username and password. after which i come to this screen:

    how do i proceed from here? i dont see any link to launch the game...seems to me that somethings abit screwed up here...any input??

    i tried later on to load directly from the MonkeyIsland101 application file instead of going through the launcher...after about 5 min of zoning in and out of blackscreening the game kind of loaded, but was very very choppy so i quit and didnt continue.

    anyone know how to solve this launcher issue? im hoping if it loads through the launcher instead of the direct app that it will be smoother and not so choppy, and hence also playable.

    thanks alot for suggestions or advice in advance!

    ps: using windows vista + avast + bit defender + ad aware. dont know if that has to do with anything..
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2009
    I'd say try updating your IE. That will likely fix the problem. If that doesn't solve it though, you can actually still click on the button even if you can't see it. Try clicking around the center of the right window.

    Also, if the game is still running slowly for you, try turning your in game graphics quality down in the Settings menu.
  • edited September 2009
    HOLY SHi.....

    It works... All I had to do was unplug all my USB stuff other than my keyboard and mouse. Unfortunately one of those devices was my headphones... So I can play the game, just with no sound :-P
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2009
    See if you can find an updated driver for your headphones. That might solve the problem for you.
  • edited September 2009
    Will wrote: »
    See if you can find an updated driver for your headphones. That might solve the problem for you.

    Good suggestion, I'll try that later when I'm not at work
  • edited October 2009
    I'm very sorry Will, but here's yet another soul who can't play Tales due to the same problem, e.g. no action and a standard Windows error message (telltale games has encountered a problem). The "funny" thing is that I was able to play episode 1 and 2 with my wacom bamboo tablet just fine this summer. Now when I try to play episode 2 again, it won't work. The only major differences to my system between now and then is an installation of Opera as my main browser and BankID (internet bank program). I've followed the thread but I'm still clueless as to what is causing the problem.

    Thank you in advance!
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2009
    Ok, just to run through the options:
    Have you tried unplugging all usb devices that aren't mouse or keyboard?
    Have you updated your directx?
    Have you updated your graphics drivers?
    Could you try uninstalling the wacom?
  • edited October 2009
    hi will, thanks for the suggestion. tried it. but nada. zip. i updated IE7 to IE8, microsoft decided to update the OS at the same time so i probably have one of their new SPs now. anyhow, i ran the launcher again, it was wayyy worse this time. the left side that was showing the advert on TOMI with caption "the plot thickens" (see my previously posted image) is totally gone, replaced by blue sky graphic thats in the bg, the bottom rss feeders are still in disarray but now it doesnt even feed anything, it just says unable to log into community chat or something along those lines. so i clicked around the middle of the blue sky bg between the feeders and the logo, and nothing happened for quite a long time but during that time my computer was totally unresponsive. nothing worked and nothing responded to my clicks. after maybe 7 or 8 min like this, it blackscreened and gave me an error msg saying that there was a security failure due to login or something like this. and then it black screened for a long time before windows popped out an error msg saying monkeyisland101.exe has stopped responding, and it was checking for solutions. i tried to cancel that dialog, but no response. then the whole laptop just hung on me and the screen turned white. i waited like another couple min before force shutting down the computer.

    any ideas what the hell is going on?? i dont understand why the game is rendering my laptop completely useless when i try to run it! (im using a toshiba protege r500 by the way, its no gaming laptop but the specs should be decent enough to run MI)

    thanks again for ur help
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2009
    Alright, let's try something completely different. Let's try turning EVERYTHING off:

    To Boot Clean in Windows Vista

    1. Click Start --> Run --> Type MSCONFIG --> Click OK
    2. On the General tab, choose Selective Startup
    3. Uncheck Load Startup Items
    4. Select the Services tab
    5. Check Hide all Microsoft services
    6. Click Disable all
    7. Click on OK
    8. Click Restart.
    9. After reboot, run game to see if it works.

    After performing the necessary steps, restore your system by doing the following:

    1. Click Start --> Run --> Type MSCONFIG--> Click OK
    2. On the General tab, choose Normal Startup
    3. Click Ok
    4. Click Yes, when asked to restart your computer
  • edited October 2009
    Ok, I followed all of your earlier tips and after the clean boot it actually works!

    I guess some service is messing with the game. How do I find out which one?

    Thank you!
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2009
    Well, you can now go through and turn half of the items back on and try it again. You can just keep halving it till you know which one is the culprit. If I had to guess though, it's probably something related to virus scanner or something along those lines.
  • edited October 2009
    Right, I tracked it down to F-Secure 10 services causing some problems. FSMA and/or F-Secure Anti-Virus Firewall Daemon seems to be the culprits.

    Thank you for all your help, I really feel that I'm getting my money's worth with this kind of service. I can finally finish episode 2 now! :D
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2009
    Great to hear! It might be worth looking for updates to the program. One of them could maybe have fixed the problem.
  • edited October 2009
    Hey, just wanted to pop in and give my five.

    Looking at the services helped, although it wasn't an AV service in my case (I don't have one installed at the moment, you see). I can't remember what I turned off, since I just started uninstalling programs I didn't need anymore. I do remember removing several licensing services and some Apple services related to mobile devices.

    Works like a charm now.

    Thanks for the help, and a big thumbs up on your cheery attitude for fixing things Will :-)
  • edited October 2009
    I had a problem like this under Windows 7 RC that I fixed by deleting temporary files and emptying the recycle bin.
  • edited October 2009
    I just wanted to add my 2 cents to this thread and say that I'm having this problem still too: The Monkey Island process starts up and gets killed within a few seconds, with no error message or application window displaying. I've already gone through the "clean" startup, cleaned temporary files, disabled DEP,, installed the latest DirectX, and made sure my drivers were updated.

    The only item of interest I have is that ToMI Chapter 1 has worked before on this laptop (when it first came out and all through until Chapter 2 was downloaded), but after Chapter 2 was downloaded and installed, both chapters stopped working. I'm not sure what this would be :)

    I'm running Windows 7 x86 w/ ATI 3650 Hybrid and NOD32 AV.

    Thanks for your great games and stellar support :)
  • edited October 2009
    no luck..tried your boot clean suggestion will...but same stuff..launcher is not working 100%, still kind of buggy like the pic i posted in the beginning..and the game itself, even when impossible to play...the cursor in the game doesnt even respond to the movements on the mousepad. very jagged movements and incredibly slow response.. i think im gonna try getting a new computer and see if it works there.. in the giving up :(

    thanks anyway for ur help will. i hope the problem solves itself with a new pc..if not, i'll be back here to bug ya again ;) cheers
  • edited October 2009
    I'm starting wish I had read the support forum BEFORE I bought this game..

    I'm having the same problem as others. Bought it, downloaded it, installed it, double clicked it, and nothing!
    No error message. No black window. No buggy images. Nothing!

    I've tried the various ideas that have been proposed in this forum outside of formatting my hard drive and the result has been the same. Nothing.
    I'm not computer savvy so I don't know how exactly clean booting, adding a file, running through steam(No, not literally!), upgrading drivers, un-installing, re-installing, virus checking, and numerous re-booting, would have any effect I have no idea. Regardless, I did it and it's still doesn't work. Other than wasting a whole lot of life, it's made no impact whatsoever.

    Now that I'm done venting, please HELP! Anybody?

    My specs are as follows, in case the issue is there:
    Windows Vista, CPU T9300 2.50Ghz Laptop, 4 GB RAM, 32-bit OS, GeForce 8600M GT, 200+GB space, McAfee security.

    Having just completed TSoMI Special Edition, all I want to do is play this goddamn game!

    edited November 2009
    Thanks Anxarcule! Uninstalling "LUA for windows" works for me (well, after rebooting and re-installing TOMI - episode 2).
  • edited November 2009
    I am having the same problem with monkey island 102. 101 worked fine (sometimes I had to disconnect the internet to get it to work), 102 nothing.

    I have no problems with dxdiag, all drivers up to date, no antivirus atm (though I have done a scan to make sure its not a virus) and only one display. The only thing I can think of is my wireless keyboard and mouse but I can't disconnect them to check because I don't have anything else!

    This is a very annoying problem and needs to get fixed ASAP
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2009
    If only 102 isn't working, it's likely a bad download.
This discussion has been closed.