What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • What about Ivy, Daniel and Paul. I thought they stayed back?

    Zyphon posted: »

    No, I'm just informing you that the bandits left. You are about to attack characters that aren't there anymore.

  • No, they're in one of the jeeps with Issac and Zeke(bandits). The other bandits took the second jeep. They're on their way back to Macon, and the group in the RV will have to follow, I suggest you join them.

    What about Ivy, Daniel and Paul. I thought they stayed back?

  • Oh, I know that, but I don't think our characters know that yet.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Guys, they left. They're long gone. They're on their way back to Macon.

  • edited March 2014

    If you read CleminteCultist's posts, she edited them to make some sense, but if you dont want to go back to read them. He pretty much says that when we look over the rocky area looking over the semis, we dont see the Bandits

    Oh, I know that, but I don't think our characters know that yet.

  • she

    I'm a guy, FYI.

    If you read CleminteCultist's posts, she edited them to make some sense, but if you dont want to go back to read them. He pretty much says that when we look over the rocky area looking over the semis, we dont see the Bandits

  • Lol sorry my bad, I keep on getting confused because I keep on thinking that Elisha is a girls name, but I do apologies, I will edit that.

    she I'm a guy, FYI.

  • Theodore

    Everyone in the RV group waits for Theo's response, "Alright look, I ain't gotta explain myself to all of you. YOUR friends have been kidnapped and you wanna know how I know that crazy motherfucker? Fuck. That."

  • I think the reason you think it's a girl's name is because you're reading it wrong.

    (I think) It's read: Elijah. E-Li-Jah.

    Of course, I could be wrong completely.

    Lol sorry my bad, I keep on getting confused because I keep on thinking that Elisha is a girls name, but I do apologies, I will edit that.

  • Elizabeth

    "Fine, I won't push it right now, because you're right. We've got more important things. We've got to follow the bandits." It was easy to hear the distrust in Elizabeth's voice as she said this. something was up with Theo, but they'd get to that later.

  • Han

    After running to the RV, the three finally making it with Han arriving a little bit later since he was smoking.

    He knocks his gun against the RV and while still having the smoke in his mouth he yells "Open the door, its me Han, along with two others!".

  • Kieran

    "He is right. We can talk later. We should see if we can find those assholes" I said.

  • They know who I am. Lol.

    Han After running to the RV, the three finally making it with Han arriving a little bit later since he was smoking. He knocks his gun

  • I know, I just wanted to say "two others" so it could be a little more dramatic when they see Han without Hal.

    They know who I am. Lol.

  • Wheres are we located right now?

    Zyphon posted: »

    Guys, they left. They're long gone. They're on their way back to Macon.

  • Elisha

    "C'mon, guys! We need to kick some ass here!" Elisha shouted as he turned to Phoenix. "Y'all know these people?"

  • Well "abnormally horny" describes the sex drive of both rapist/pedo Paul. Ha Pedo Paul that could be a nickname.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Less "abnormally horny", more pedophile.

  • Oh I see. Lol.

    I know, I just wanted to say "two others" so it could be a little more dramatic when they see Han without Hal.

  • Phoenix

    "Yes, they're good people. I was with them.. Well with them for almost a full day anyways."

  • edited March 2014


    "Okay," Elisha said. "Let's go." He stepped inside the RV and sat in a seat.

  • Kieran

    "Ok, so we've got everybody, we should be able to bring a good fight to the bandits. We have no time left, god knows what they might do. We need to save Daniel and Ivy. Wait...where's your Brother?" I ask Han.

  • edited March 2014


    Han pretends to ignore Kieran, he hasn't been thinking about Hal for a while but now all the images run through his head once more. He goes past Kieran and goes to the rv washroom. He washes his brothers blood off his knife, he lies against the wall and puts out his cigarette, he looks into his bag and has half a bottle of whiskey, he looks for a cup in his bag. "fuck it". He takes the bottle and begins to drink.

  • Kieran

    "I don't think...his brother made it" I tell the others. I don't follow Han into the washroom as I don't want to interrupt him as he is probably depressed right now.

  • Ivy

    "Please stop just for a minute... they've obviously fallen behind by now! It wont take long!"

  • You were initially banned for a short duration for openly admitting to trolling/derailing threads for a laugh.

    I extended your ban for both ban evasion (through the creation of not one but multiple alternate accounts).

    Well atleast I know mods hate me. Pm's don't work, so if a Mod could go on here, and tell me why Morrisonthebroski & Kennythebroski was

  • If you are so inclined as to wonder why:


    Well atleast I know mods hate me. Pm's don't work, so if a Mod could go on here, and tell me why Morrisonthebroski & Kennythebroski was

  • So apparently I got banned again. I posted a thread but it didn't go through so I posted it again and then BOOM banned. I did the ______ because I've ran out of names.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2014

    As I explain in a PM sent to your current account below, your main account was banned for openly admitting to trolling and derailing threads. I have elaborated in this PM.


    PM notifications don't work. Just click this link. I will check back in once you respond.

    So apparently I got banned again. I posted a thread but it didn't go through so I posted it again and then BOOM banned. I did the ______ because I've ran out of names.

  • Elisha

    I look at the guy talking about Han's brother. "... When I first met up with these guys, Han was carrying a... body out of the cabin. That might be hjs brother, but I'm not too sure."

  • Han

    Han who was clearly drunk was now mumbling to him self. "Why should I be the one looking for those two people, the guys in the RV didnt give two shits about my brother!". Han slams his fists on the ground as he gets up and leaves the empty bottle in the washroom, he throws the lighter at Elisha before he crashes on the couch. "I think that was yours." he says as he drops his stuff down and lays the rifle by his side.

  • Elisha

    "Goddamn..." Elisha muttered as he fondled his Kalashnikov. "Where are we going, guys?" He asked as he took a swig of water from his canteen.

  • Theodore

    "We're going to get those motherfuckin' assholes who got what's-his-name and Ivy." Theo replies to Elisha while starting up the RV. "Get your shit ready, we're going in shooting."

  • Elisha

    "Good, man," Elisha replied. "There's just one problem." "What?" Theo asked. "What's the plan to rescue them?" Elisha asked. "These people are very competent and they're led by a brilliant but evil sonofabitch."

  • Are the only ones in the RV Phoenix, Elisha, Han, and Kieran?

    I haven't been paying much attention to the other areas as I was confused once we got split up.

    In fact, could somebody tell me where everybody is, as I'm not sure how updated the top of the page is.

  • I think....

    Ivy, and Daniel are with Paul and his gang of bandits.

    Kieran, Pheonix, Elisha, Han, Elizabeth, Anton, Molly, Anna, Theodore, Will, and Lauren(I think) are at the RV.

    Angel and Frankie are somewhere.

    Not sure where everyone else is but I'm pretty sure they're on their own.

    Are the only ones in the RV Phoenix, Elisha, Han, and Kieran? I haven't been paying much attention to the other areas as I was confused o

  • Thank you.

    Okay, and what the hell are Daniel and Ivy doing with the bandits? I saw one post where Ivy was peeing on Paul. How did they get in control of the bandits.

    I think.... Ivy, and Daniel are with Paul and his gang of bandits. Kieran, Pheonix, Elisha, Han, Elizabeth, Anton, Molly, Anna, Theodo

  • edited March 2014

    Daniel and Ivy were kidnapped by them, when the group seperated Paul found Daniel and Ivy hiding in the Semi.

    Thank you. Okay, and what the hell are Daniel and Ivy doing with the bandits? I saw one post where Ivy was peeing on Paul. How did they get in control of the bandits.

  • They were by themselves back at the semis. Bandit arrived and they got kidnapped. It was 2 against... 5 I think. So they surrendered. When RV group got back we fought the bandits but they drove away with Daniel and Ivy. The peeing part... Well ask whoever writes for her character,

    Thank you. Okay, and what the hell are Daniel and Ivy doing with the bandits? I saw one post where Ivy was peeing on Paul. How did they get in control of the bandits.

  • OK, I saw your response and sent you another reply. (Use the same link).

    Sorry for the late response. I thought you would be away longer so I didn't check back as soon.

    So apparently I got banned again. I posted a thread but it didn't go through so I posted it again and then BOOM banned. I did the ______ because I've ran out of names.

  • edited March 2014

    Top page isn't updated much, i'll get around to that soon, but for now...

    Molly, Theo, Elisha, Phoenix, Han, Elizabeth, Anna, Kieran, Will, and Lauren are in the RV.

    I believe that Angel and Frankie are still missing, and Anton has phased out from existence. I'm sure there are others missing or stopped posting as well, but I don't know who.

    Daniel and Ivy were kidnapped by Paul and the bandits. And... Yeah, I think that's everyone.

    Are the only ones in the RV Phoenix, Elisha, Han, and Kieran? I haven't been paying much attention to the other areas as I was confused o

  • Paul

    "Fine, we'll fucking pull over." Paul said, drawing his gun. "Zeke, stop the fucking jeep, tell the others to keep going, we'll meet them back at the Motor Inn."

    "You got it boss." The jeep stopped, and so did the other one. Zeke got out to explain. Paul grabbed the girl roughly by her arm and pulled her out. "Come on then, little bitch."

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