I'm sorry but ATR is the worst friend ever if she's pressuring Gia to have a baby. She's only 17 and it's pretty much a death sentence to be pregnant in the apocalypse! And Adam and Gia are just going to go from friends who secretly like each other to mating? That's a relationship that is moving really fast.
"He leaves."
"Nina, I'm your father for Christ's sake." AWESOMEO and Kara go behind Jeremy, waiting for Nina to say the word.
"… moreYou may be our father by blood but you haven't been with us damn near enough for us to even consider calling you dad. Karalyn was right, bringing you here was trouble. That's why you're leaving." Nina stays down, looking at the roof.
AWESOMEO grabs his left arm and Kara grabs his right arm, they push him forward to the door. "ATR, go help them; it's alright, I've got Nina handled." Katie helps Nina up. You run over and help AWESOMEO and Kara with pushing him out, the three of you force him out and Paul shuts the door before he can run back in. "Well, that's one problem handled, who's going to tell Fox that we can't leave because of Nina?" Katie comments from the far end of the room.
"You won't have to, I'm going to be fine. I appreciate your worry though." You run back over to Gia and take Sardines … [view original content]
She means no harm, babies are pretty cute and it is a death sentence but I'm just going off of what Jen told me to write. It's been a while and we can assume that they already spend a lot of time together and they've saved each other a few times.
[They can help us]
I'm sorry but ATR is the worst friend ever if she's pressuring Gia to have a baby. She's only 17 and it's pretty much … morea death sentence to be pregnant in the apocalypse! And Adam and Gia are just going to go from friends who secretly like each other to mating? That's a relationship that is moving really fast.
Kara goes back up to the roof, only to come back down not even 5 minutes later. She returns outside, you and Nina follow her.
Their dad had refused to leave, no matter what anyone said to him. He was beginning to become a pain.
You look up to the roof and notice that Fox had gone somewhere as well, but not with you, Kara, and Nina.
Kara and Nina grab Jeremy, the both of them holding an arm. "Willy, help us." You tried to make it look like you weren't there but obviously you weren't that good at hiding yet.
You run over to them and start pushing Jeremy forward. Jeremy uses all of his force to pull away from the girls. Nina loses her grip and his arm comes flying back and hits you, forcing you to the ground.
Kara lets go of him and stares forward with fire in her eyes. You sit up and yell to Nina. "Push her back! She's going to hurt someone!" She was capable of it and all of you knew it. Nina lunges for her and forces her back, you stand up and look over at Jeremy, who was just standing there, as if his life wasn't in danger. "You should probably get out of here."
He lets out a scoff and gives you a glare "You really think she would hurt her own father?" Maybe you should have let her.
"She shot a guy, just for holding onto me. She isn't afraid to hurt you, especially after you left her; She said that she wanted to leave you behind but even you deserved a second chance. She was going to let you stay, even after your argument with ATR and Gia but you decided to be a jerk about it and you hit Nina. Hitting Nina was like hitting her and she doesn't like to be pushed around by anybody." He begins to say something but you cut him off "Nina is her sister and she was angry about that but she takes care of me as her child, just imagine what she would do to you if I had let her. If they don't want you around then just accept it and leave, you're just adding problems for the both of them; Nina is already in deep because of you and Kara is in even deeper. I speak for everyone when I say leave." Jeremy looks completely dumbfounded that you went from a scared little kid to a leader in just one hit.
You hear the girls scream and run to the screams. You see Kara pin Nina against the tree, Nina's face is bright red. You run even faster towards them and run into Kara, pushing her off of Nina. "I'm okay. See? I'm fine." She pushes down on her leg and gets up.
Nina stays against the tree. "You take wrestling very seriously, Karalyn."
Nina's eyes widen as you hear a familiar voice from behind. "You people haven't gotten any smarter, have you?" You turn to see Reynold and Spark.
"Who are you?" Even though your group knew who they were, Nina didn't know a thing about these two.
"They didn't tell you about us? That really hurts, Willy." Reynold was still holding a grudge over what you had said.
"We're the two men who single-handedly ruined them." Spark comes closer to the three of you. Kara pushes you away from him and Nina grabs onto you. "And I see you're still a bitch, aren't you?" Spark grins, getting no response.
"Let's get to the point. We found you guys again, we know that you're all family, and what hurts more than dying? Losing family." Reynold wasted no time in getting to what he considered the fun part. He threw a knife down on the ground.
"What the fuck is that for?" Nina looks down at the knife and then back at Reynold.
"Not for you, it's for Willy. He's going to pick up that knife and he's going to kill one of you. I would prefer that it would be Kara but since you're family, you'll have to do." Spark looks at you as Nina lets go. "Who's it going to be?"
"Nobody needs to die.", "Kara.", "Nina.", "Me., or "You." (Even though this situation has plenty of choices, it really doesn't have many outcomes. Please chose wisely.)
Emery2 months, 6 days.
"Get the fuck up, Princess." Amario is still on the ground, holding his head. "If it hurt that much then you might as well go home to your mommy and call it a day."
"That fucking hurt." He slowly crawls back up from the ground.
"How bad could she hurt you? Get up or it's going to hurt even worse." He leans against the tree, his face covered in blood.
"It wasn't her that hurt me, it was the damn tree." He wipes his face with his arm.
"So basically her? I mean she did slam your face into the tree and run away." Katherine crosses her arms.
"Fuck the both of you. Let's get back before Troy loses track of the others like Emery lost Aidan." Amario pushes away from the tree
"Excuse me? I didn't lose Aidan, those two took him from me and he gladly went with them. It's his loss though." Amario lets out a chuckle
"His loss? He was the smartest fucker out of all of us and now he's with them, only giving them more of an advantage." He had a point but you were in charge and you weren't going to let them get the upper hand.
The three of you return to the camp, you come to find the gates wide open and everyone other than Troy gone. "How the fuck could you manage to lose four people?" Your first instinct was to yell at him. He doesn't answer you, only proving him to be more weak and useless. "I gave you one order and you fucked it up."
You push him back and fire a shot into his chest. "Anyone else want to disobey me?" You turn back to Amario and Katherine.
Clarice2 months, 8 days. September
You wake up in a tent, your clothes were changed, and you were dry. You remember falling into the creek but you don't remember getting out... You get up and leave the tent and see two women. A tall woman with long, blonde hair runs to your side, the other woman strays behind.
"Are you alright? How do you feel?" This was obviously the woman who helped you.
The African woman steps up "Jessica, give her some space. She just woke up."
Jessica backs away from you. "Did you two help me?"
"It wasn't just us. We had some help but they're out right now, getting medicine for you." Jessica looks at the African woman.
"How about we introduce ourselves?" Jessica smiles at you. "My name is Jessica."
The African woman crosses her arms and looks away. "Christa."
"My name is Clarice. Clarice Chang." Jessica and Christa sit down, you do too.
"How did you wind up in the river?" Christa went straight to the questions. Jessica looks at her and elbows her.
"It's fine. I was running from a guy who was all pissed off because I didn't want to help him kill people." Christa looks as if she regrets asking the question.
(I'm sorry that this part is short but I'm just now getting back with it. Jamie won't be posting for a few more days but I will be posting at my time.)
Willy (Wooo hidden reference)
Kara goes back up to the roof, only to come back down not even 5 minutes later. She returns outside, you an… mored Nina follow her.
Their dad had refused to leave, no matter what anyone said to him. He was beginning to become a pain.
You look up to the roof and notice that Fox had gone somewhere as well, but not with you, Kara, and Nina.
Kara and Nina grab Jeremy, the both of them holding an arm. "Willy, help us." You tried to make it look like you weren't there but obviously you weren't that good at hiding yet.
You run over to them and start pushing Jeremy forward. Jeremy uses all of his force to pull away from the girls. Nina loses her grip and his arm comes flying back and hits you, forcing you to the ground.
Kara lets go of him and stares forward with fire in her eyes. You sit up and yell to Nina. "Push her back! She's going to hurt someone!" She was capable of it and all of you knew it. Nina lung… [view original content]
Willy (Wooo hidden reference)
Kara goes back up to the roof, only to come back down not even 5 minutes later. She returns outside, you an… mored Nina follow her.
Their dad had refused to leave, no matter what anyone said to him. He was beginning to become a pain.
You look up to the roof and notice that Fox had gone somewhere as well, but not with you, Kara, and Nina.
Kara and Nina grab Jeremy, the both of them holding an arm. "Willy, help us." You tried to make it look like you weren't there but obviously you weren't that good at hiding yet.
You run over to them and start pushing Jeremy forward. Jeremy uses all of his force to pull away from the girls. Nina loses her grip and his arm comes flying back and hits you, forcing you to the ground.
Kara lets go of him and stares forward with fire in her eyes. You sit up and yell to Nina. "Push her back! She's going to hurt someone!" She was capable of it and all of you knew it. Nina lung… [view original content]
Willy (Wooo hidden reference)
Kara goes back up to the roof, only to come back down not even 5 minutes later. She returns outside, you an… mored Nina follow her.
Their dad had refused to leave, no matter what anyone said to him. He was beginning to become a pain.
You look up to the roof and notice that Fox had gone somewhere as well, but not with you, Kara, and Nina.
Kara and Nina grab Jeremy, the both of them holding an arm. "Willy, help us." You tried to make it look like you weren't there but obviously you weren't that good at hiding yet.
You run over to them and start pushing Jeremy forward. Jeremy uses all of his force to pull away from the girls. Nina loses her grip and his arm comes flying back and hits you, forcing you to the ground.
Kara lets go of him and stares forward with fire in her eyes. You sit up and yell to Nina. "Push her back! She's going to hurt someone!" She was capable of it and all of you knew it. Nina lung… [view original content]
Willy (Wooo hidden reference)
Kara goes back up to the roof, only to come back down not even 5 minutes later. She returns outside, you an… mored Nina follow her.
Their dad had refused to leave, no matter what anyone said to him. He was beginning to become a pain.
You look up to the roof and notice that Fox had gone somewhere as well, but not with you, Kara, and Nina.
Kara and Nina grab Jeremy, the both of them holding an arm. "Willy, help us." You tried to make it look like you weren't there but obviously you weren't that good at hiding yet.
You run over to them and start pushing Jeremy forward. Jeremy uses all of his force to pull away from the girls. Nina loses her grip and his arm comes flying back and hits you, forcing you to the ground.
Kara lets go of him and stares forward with fire in her eyes. You sit up and yell to Nina. "Push her back! She's going to hurt someone!" She was capable of it and all of you knew it. Nina lung… [view original content]
I guess I'm the only one... Saying no one needs to die, or choosing Reynold will result in a negative outcome, I can just see it. The obvious choice is not always the best choice. She said choose wisely, so I think and hope that this is a better option.
Willy (Wooo hidden reference)
Kara goes back up to the roof, only to come back down not even 5 minutes later. She returns outside, you an… mored Nina follow her.
Their dad had refused to leave, no matter what anyone said to him. He was beginning to become a pain.
You look up to the roof and notice that Fox had gone somewhere as well, but not with you, Kara, and Nina.
Kara and Nina grab Jeremy, the both of them holding an arm. "Willy, help us." You tried to make it look like you weren't there but obviously you weren't that good at hiding yet.
You run over to them and start pushing Jeremy forward. Jeremy uses all of his force to pull away from the girls. Nina loses her grip and his arm comes flying back and hits you, forcing you to the ground.
Kara lets go of him and stares forward with fire in her eyes. You sit up and yell to Nina. "Push her back! She's going to hurt someone!" She was capable of it and all of you knew it. Nina lung… [view original content]
I guess I'm the only one... Saying no one needs to die, or choosing Reynold will result in a negative outcome, I can just see it.… more The obvious choice is not always the best choice. She said choose wisely, so I think and hope that this is a better option.
Cool. Keep up the good work with the thread(You too Fluefeed!). I'm in a lot of fan fics, but this and maybe one other are the only ones I follow anymore . It's just that good!
Jamie says thank you and she'll be back soon and thank you so much, even though I don't vote on your story I do keep up with it and I have to say, it's amazing.
Cool. Keep up the good work with the thread(You too Fluefeed!). I'm in a lot of fan fics, but this and maybe one other are the only ones I follow anymore . It's just that good!
Jamie says thank you and she'll be back soon and thank you so much, even though I don't vote on your story I do keep up with it and I have to say, it's amazing.
I went through the story and got some little miscellaneous information that doesn't really matter but it's still there.
People that Reynold considered a traitor included Willy, Fox, Kara, Katie, Lucy, and Ethan. Lana, Gia, and Adam could have been traitors as well. Out of all of the traitors, only three were not determinant traitors; Ethan, Willy, and Kara. Katie could have escaped, Fox could have avoided going into the facility, and Lucy could have shot one last time.
The character with the most determinant deaths as of right now is Kara with four. Katie, Santiago, Lucy, and Willy all have two. ATR, Devyn, Leroy, Peggy, Fox, Adam, and Kylie all have one. For now, at least.
There have been 18 chances of death but only four have happened. Peggy, Leroy, Ian, and Daphne.
If Kylie had chosen for everyone to stay there then Kara and Artie would have died.
I have at least 5 parts that I have either scrapped or not posted.
Raging is right, the obvious answer is a pretty bad choice sometimes.
We still barely know how each group came together. We know that ATR and Gia had been friends before the apocalypse. We know that Vanessa is Kylie's mother and the other children were her students. Puncake was Clem's dad and Cole's co-worker. There are three out of four main groups that we will probably never know how they became a group.
It's hinted by Jeremy that Kara had an encounter with fire and it probably wasn't a good one.
I lost track of where this was going welp.
There is only one group so far that has only one leader, Reynold's old group. Every other group had two leaders. Fox and Kara, Vanessa and Kylie, and AC and Emery.
Fox and Kara have the biggest group with 27 people, Vanessa and Kylie's group consists of ten people, and Emery's group had a strong three.
Brian, Charlie, Aidan, AWESOMEO, and Nina all joined Fox and Kara's group on the same day.
Sardines was born 28 days before Samantha and Madilyn.
No two children in Fox and Kara's group have the same caretaker. Willy has Kara, Clem has Cole, Sardines has ATR, Madilyn has Lana, and Samantha has Katie.
Woo useless facts that I decide to work on when I could be writing the next part!
Willy (Wooo hidden reference)
Kara goes back up to the roof, only to come back down not even 5 minutes later. She returns outside, you an… mored Nina follow her.
Their dad had refused to leave, no matter what anyone said to him. He was beginning to become a pain.
You look up to the roof and notice that Fox had gone somewhere as well, but not with you, Kara, and Nina.
Kara and Nina grab Jeremy, the both of them holding an arm. "Willy, help us." You tried to make it look like you weren't there but obviously you weren't that good at hiding yet.
You run over to them and start pushing Jeremy forward. Jeremy uses all of his force to pull away from the girls. Nina loses her grip and his arm comes flying back and hits you, forcing you to the ground.
Kara lets go of him and stares forward with fire in her eyes. You sit up and yell to Nina. "Push her back! She's going to hurt someone!" She was capable of it and all of you knew it. Nina lung… [view original content]
I went through the story and got some little miscellaneous information that doesn't really matter but it's still there.
People that Reyno… moreld considered a traitor included Willy, Fox, Kara, Katie, Lucy, and Ethan. Lana, Gia, and Adam could have been traitors as well. Out of all of the traitors, only three were not determinant traitors; Ethan, Willy, and Kara. Katie could have escaped, Fox could have avoided going into the facility, and Lucy could have shot one last time.
The character with the most determinant deaths as of right now is Kara with four. Katie, Santiago, Lucy, and Willy all have two. ATR, Devyn, Leroy, Peggy, Fox, Adam, and Kylie all have one. For now, at least.
There have been 18 chances of death but only four have happened. Peggy, Leroy, Ian, and Daphne.
If Kylie had chosen for everyone to stay there then Kara and Artie would have died.
I have at least 5 parts that I have either scrapped or not posted.
Raging i… [view original content]
I went through the story and got some little miscellaneous information that doesn't really matter but it's still there.
People that Reyno… moreld considered a traitor included Willy, Fox, Kara, Katie, Lucy, and Ethan. Lana, Gia, and Adam could have been traitors as well. Out of all of the traitors, only three were not determinant traitors; Ethan, Willy, and Kara. Katie could have escaped, Fox could have avoided going into the facility, and Lucy could have shot one last time.
The character with the most determinant deaths as of right now is Kara with four. Katie, Santiago, Lucy, and Willy all have two. ATR, Devyn, Leroy, Peggy, Fox, Adam, and Kylie all have one. For now, at least.
There have been 18 chances of death but only four have happened. Peggy, Leroy, Ian, and Daphne.
If Kylie had chosen for everyone to stay there then Kara and Artie would have died.
I have at least 5 parts that I have either scrapped or not posted.
Raging i… [view original content]
You pick up the knife with a sinking feeling in your chest. Nina didn't deserve to die but neither did Kara.
"Who's it gonna be, boy?" Spark seemed to care more about the downfall of the group than he cared about himself.
You touch the tip of the knife. "Kara."
"Reynold, you told us the game but you never told us the rules. I could run right now." Reynold didn't remember that Kara's second main defense was running.
"If you did then we would kill you ourselves." Spark gets closer to her.
"I would like to see you try." Kara takes off in the other direction, Spark following after her.
You see Jeremy standing behind Reynold, looking as clueless as ever. "You two, come with me and there will be no trouble." He lied.
You hear gunshots in the direction that Kara and Spark ran and thought the worse, Nina did too.
"She's gotten out of situations like this before, that's the only reason she's alive right now." You had to admit, Kara had made some pretty stupid choices before.
"Don't try and tell me she's going to make it. He wanted her dead so she will be, I'm not stupid." Now you saw how the two were sisters.
"The girl's right. Spark will see to it that she's dead." Reynold wasn't helping at all, you should have killed him when you had the chance. You put the knife in your back pocket and follow Reynold.
Jeremy had run away to the barn. Why wouldn't he take the word and just leave?
Reynold turns his back to you. Nina nudges your shoulder and looks at the knife, telling you to go for him.
You take a minute to think of all the reasons why you should kill him and take the knife back out. You make a run for him and stab him in the stomach, he falls to the ground. Nina grabs you and runs back to the group.
You follow Kara through the woods. How could you not think that she would run? It honestly wouldn't be the first time.
Kara made the stupid choice of running into a building, that was your chance. You follow her into the building and look around, she was gone.
"Just make this easier for the both of us and come out." You could tell that she was still in the room but she was hiding. You start looking around, you wanted her dead after all that she's done.
You throw a pallet to the side and hear a grunt. You turn to see a lurker that topples you, getting a chunk out of your arm.
You try and reach for your gun but Kara grabs it before you do. "Looks like you have a problem." She aims the gun right for your head.
"Oh come on, it was a little disagreement. No need to kill someone over it." You know that now she wasn't going to kill you or the lurker until she got the last word.
"No reason to kill someone? I seem to recall the original plan was to have Willy kill either me or Nina and now because of you I lost my group, my sister, and myself so fuck you." She pulls the trigger and leaves.
Maybe pissing her off wasn't the best choice.
You and Willy run back to the group. You reach the barn and run inside, slamming the door behnd you. "What happened? Where's Kara?" Adam noticed that only the two of you had returned.
"She's dead." You never really knew if she was dead but you could assume the she was.
"Dead? What the fuck happened out there?" Cole stepped in
"Reynold and Spark came back." Gia, Santiago, and Katie gathered around. "Reynold told me to kill Kara or Nina. I knew that Kara would make up some plan of her own and find a way out of the situation and she did. She ran and Spark followed her, we heard a gunshot and neither of them came back."
"Oh my God... So you don't know if she's really gone?" Katie was a person who needed proof of something to believe it happened.
"She didn't have a gun and we heard a gunshot, put two and two together. Even Nina knows that she's gone." ATR, AWESOMEO, Brian, Charlie, and Aidan had joined the people gathered around you and Willy.
"But what is she is alive? If she is then we need to find her." Charlie seemed to be a pretty forgiving person.
"We can't do that, Charlie. I want to know as bad as you do but if all of us go missing then Fox will know something's going on. It's be easier to explain to him now instead of going to look for her and we don't know how far she went, we can't risk it." Katie looks at you "But Nina is her sister, she should choose."
[Look for her] or [Don't risk it] (And that brings Fox's group down to 26. Not saying that she's actually dead but she did say that she lost the group.)
And now a little something special, brought to you by Jamie.
On 7/2/2014 I had a friend come over and Jamie let her read the story, I collected little notes from her reaction, mainly because she was having a hard time reacting silently.
"Why is everyone doubting her? I mean come on people, you wouldn't let someone die this early, would you?" She then reads the other way the situation could have ended "Oh. So you would let someone die this early."
"That isn't fair. Jen, why would you do that? That's so mean, I can see why Raging_Blades doesn't trust the obvious answer."
"Jen, that's what the history teacher said to me. WAIT NO WHY?" Jamie begins dying of laughter in the background
"Let me read your notes" I show her my notes "Wait. How can she have 3 determinant deaths? Are you trying to kill her or something? I will fight you anyday." Her being Kara.
"Jamie, why are you letting her do this?" Jamie stops laughing "I did part of that too." "JAMIE ARE YOU SERIOUS? >:(((("
"But did she ever get her rematch? Does anyone ever jump out of the window?" Trying to hold in laughter
"This kid is harcore, is he afraid of anything? Jen make him afraid of something." The kid being Willy. "But I don't want to."
"I don't like where this is going. What kind of person considers other people to be traitors when he just walks up like "yo wassup, I'm here to take your stuff and your people." he's the real traitor." Jamie starts laughing and almost chokes on her food.
"why do I have to trust her? she seems mean :c... oh wait that's her mom nevermind."
"I haven't posted this part yet so only you get to read it right now." She got pretty into the story so I decided to let her read the next part. "You can't do that. How do I tell these people to change their votes?" and in comes more laughter from Jamie.
She said lots of other stuff but I either didn't hear her or didn't write it down but it was pretty funny to hear her reaction because she gets really into stuff and yeah.
You pick up the knife with a sinking feeling in your chest. Nina didn't deserve to die but neither did Kara.
"Who's i… moret gonna be, boy?" Spark seemed to care more about the downfall of the group than he cared about himself.
You touch the tip of the knife. "Kara."
"Reynold, you told us the game but you never told us the rules. I could run right now." Reynold didn't remember that Kara's second main defense was running.
"If you did then we would kill you ourselves." Spark gets closer to her.
"I would like to see you try." Kara takes off in the other direction, Spark following after her.
You see Jeremy standing behind Reynold, looking as clueless as ever. "You two, come with me and there will be no trouble." He lied.
You hear gunshots in the direction that Kara and Spark ran and thought the worse, Nina did too.
"She's gotten out of situations like this before, that's the only reason she's alive right now.… [view original content]
You pick up the knife with a sinking feeling in your chest. Nina didn't deserve to die but neither did Kara.
"Who's i… moret gonna be, boy?" Spark seemed to care more about the downfall of the group than he cared about himself.
You touch the tip of the knife. "Kara."
"Reynold, you told us the game but you never told us the rules. I could run right now." Reynold didn't remember that Kara's second main defense was running.
"If you did then we would kill you ourselves." Spark gets closer to her.
"I would like to see you try." Kara takes off in the other direction, Spark following after her.
You see Jeremy standing behind Reynold, looking as clueless as ever. "You two, come with me and there will be no trouble." He lied.
You hear gunshots in the direction that Kara and Spark ran and thought the worse, Nina did too.
"She's gotten out of situations like this before, that's the only reason she's alive right now.… [view original content]
You pick up the knife with a sinking feeling in your chest. Nina didn't deserve to die but neither did Kara.
"Who's i… moret gonna be, boy?" Spark seemed to care more about the downfall of the group than he cared about himself.
You touch the tip of the knife. "Kara."
"Reynold, you told us the game but you never told us the rules. I could run right now." Reynold didn't remember that Kara's second main defense was running.
"If you did then we would kill you ourselves." Spark gets closer to her.
"I would like to see you try." Kara takes off in the other direction, Spark following after her.
You see Jeremy standing behind Reynold, looking as clueless as ever. "You two, come with me and there will be no trouble." He lied.
You hear gunshots in the direction that Kara and Spark ran and thought the worse, Nina did too.
"She's gotten out of situations like this before, that's the only reason she's alive right now.… [view original content]
You pick up the knife with a sinking feeling in your chest. Nina didn't deserve to die but neither did Kara.
"Who's i… moret gonna be, boy?" Spark seemed to care more about the downfall of the group than he cared about himself.
You touch the tip of the knife. "Kara."
"Reynold, you told us the game but you never told us the rules. I could run right now." Reynold didn't remember that Kara's second main defense was running.
"If you did then we would kill you ourselves." Spark gets closer to her.
"I would like to see you try." Kara takes off in the other direction, Spark following after her.
You see Jeremy standing behind Reynold, looking as clueless as ever. "You two, come with me and there will be no trouble." He lied.
You hear gunshots in the direction that Kara and Spark ran and thought the worse, Nina did too.
"She's gotten out of situations like this before, that's the only reason she's alive right now.… [view original content]
You pick up the knife with a sinking feeling in your chest. Nina didn't deserve to die but neither did Kara.
"Who's i… moret gonna be, boy?" Spark seemed to care more about the downfall of the group than he cared about himself.
You touch the tip of the knife. "Kara."
"Reynold, you told us the game but you never told us the rules. I could run right now." Reynold didn't remember that Kara's second main defense was running.
"If you did then we would kill you ourselves." Spark gets closer to her.
"I would like to see you try." Kara takes off in the other direction, Spark following after her.
You see Jeremy standing behind Reynold, looking as clueless as ever. "You two, come with me and there will be no trouble." He lied.
You hear gunshots in the direction that Kara and Spark ran and thought the worse, Nina did too.
"She's gotten out of situations like this before, that's the only reason she's alive right now.… [view original content]
You pick up the knife with a sinking feeling in your chest. Nina didn't deserve to die but neither did Kara.
"Who's i… moret gonna be, boy?" Spark seemed to care more about the downfall of the group than he cared about himself.
You touch the tip of the knife. "Kara."
"Reynold, you told us the game but you never told us the rules. I could run right now." Reynold didn't remember that Kara's second main defense was running.
"If you did then we would kill you ourselves." Spark gets closer to her.
"I would like to see you try." Kara takes off in the other direction, Spark following after her.
You see Jeremy standing behind Reynold, looking as clueless as ever. "You two, come with me and there will be no trouble." He lied.
You hear gunshots in the direction that Kara and Spark ran and thought the worse, Nina did too.
"She's gotten out of situations like this before, that's the only reason she's alive right now.… [view original content]
You pick up the knife with a sinking feeling in your chest. Nina didn't deserve to die but neither did Kara.
"Who's i… moret gonna be, boy?" Spark seemed to care more about the downfall of the group than he cared about himself.
You touch the tip of the knife. "Kara."
"Reynold, you told us the game but you never told us the rules. I could run right now." Reynold didn't remember that Kara's second main defense was running.
"If you did then we would kill you ourselves." Spark gets closer to her.
"I would like to see you try." Kara takes off in the other direction, Spark following after her.
You see Jeremy standing behind Reynold, looking as clueless as ever. "You two, come with me and there will be no trouble." He lied.
You hear gunshots in the direction that Kara and Spark ran and thought the worse, Nina did too.
"She's gotten out of situations like this before, that's the only reason she's alive right now.… [view original content]
You look down at the ground. "If she were going to come back then she already would have one her own, maybe it was for the best."
"Nina, she's your sister, how could you say that?" Charlie began to question your choice.
"Because that's how she would want me to think and we're leaving in the morning so we don't need to spend our night out there looking for her. We just need to keep Fox from finding out until she shows up again, if she does." Even though Willy thought that she was dead, he seemed hurt by your decision.
"Do you realize how long that could take? We've only been here for a day and we know he's not stupid, he'll be able to tell that she's gone." Brian defends Charlie's question.
"You wanted me to make the choice so I did. If you wanted to look for her then you shouldn't have given me the choice." You take a moment to finish your sentence. "It's time to just leave her alone."
Now that was handled, all that was left was to tell Fox that she was gone. Brian was right, he would eventually notice and that would make it even harder to explain to him. Your thoughts raced through your mind. "Willy, I want you to come tell him with me." Bringing Willy was your best choice, he knew Willy and obviously cared about him.
"When do we tell him?" ATR, AWESOMEO, Brian, Charlie, Aidan, Cole, Adam, Gia, and Katie all had gathered around the door. They were set on going to look for her.
"We'll let them look for her and if they can find her and bring her back then we don't tell him but if they come back without her tomorrow then we have to tell him." Willy agrees with you.
You, ATR, Gia, Adam, Cole, Katie, Brian, Charlie, and Aidan all gathered around the door. Pia, Paul, and Richard had joined you; you knew that Pia only came as a moral compass, hoping to stop the eleven of you before you left.
"Maybe she doesn't want to be found, have you ever thought of that? She was having a hard time with all the new people, she just needs some time." She had a point there. "And if she was in any sort of trouble then Willy wouldn't be so calm about it."
"Pia, we're going. She was there for us most of the time so we're going to be there for her. Richard, shouldn't she stay here?" Gia faces Richard
"Do you honestly think she's going to listen to me?" Gia turns away and the twelve of you run out.
"We probably should have asked Nina or Willy where they last saw her if we want to make any bit of progress." Cole seemed to know a lot about looking for lost people.
"What about that guy who was here earlier? Where is he?" Charlie suggests asking Jeremy if he might know.
You look to your left and see a shadowed figure in the trees, moving quickly. You chase after them, Katie follows you. "Who the fuck is that?" Apparently Pia saw it too.
You yell for the person to stop but they keep going. You pick up your speed and tackle the person. "Well we found Jeremy, all that's left is Kara, Spark, and Reynold." Katie puts her hands on her knees, catching her breath.
"We don't need to worry about Reynold, one of them got him." Cole and the others come up behind you.
"Just Kara and Spark then. Willy told us that she ran and that Spark followed her and that he heard a gunshot. She would stick to the trees and try and lead him away from the group." Katie and Kara were both tactical people, almost like they had a plan for everything.
"We could just ask her dad, we do have him pinned to the ground." Pia's sarcastic tone told you to follow her orders.
You get up and pull him up by the shirt. "Where did she go?"
"Somewhere." Oh lovely, another asshole...
"This isn't a game, your daughter's life is either ended or at stake and we're just trying to help her. Just keep holding in what you know." You could already tell that Brian knew what you were all after and would do anything to reach the objective.
"I would tell you but they always say that the innocent never run." The innocent never run? What did that mean?
"What do you mean by that?" It seemed like everyone just wanted to find her and get back.
"The innocent people, like you, never run away from their problems." Was he saying that she was guilty of something?
"Okay, that's enough. Cut it out with the damn riddles and just tell us where she went." Apparently Paul and Gia weren't the only two with anger problems.
"You're going to regret finding her. She went towards the town, I didn't follow her all the way." You let go of Jeremy and walk to the outskirts of the town with the others.
You never knew eleven people would go out of their way, risking their life for one girl.
"We want to look for Spark, dead or alive. She's probably still in the area." AWESOMEO didn't know who Spark was but he knew that she wouldn't leave.
"Where do we start? There are too many places to hide, she'll be gone if we all search in one building." Adam wasn't the bravest of the group but he was willing to help look.
AWESOMEO decides to split you all up, you, Paul, and Richard are sent into a nearby building that looked like it was burned but you still had to go in, no matter what it looked like.
The three of you go inside the building, Richard and Paul find Spark, dead. She was obviously here but there was nothing saying that she still wasn't.
Richard and Paul stay downstairs, you go upstairs. You find a hole in the floor, leading back down to the first floor. You look down the hole, what could have made it?
You stand up and turn around and instantly get pushed down by a lurker. The lurker falls down to the first floor but you grab onto the floor and hold on for your life. Richard and Paul see you dangling and run up.
"Grab on, kid." You heard someone call to you, it wasn't Paul or Richard. You see a hand reach down to you and grab on to the hand quickly. The person pulls you back up to the second floor and back to your feet. "Are you alright?" Of all the twelve people who could have found her, it was you.
"I should be asking you that. Why didn't you come back?" Paul and Richard stop in the doorway.
"I really don't have an answer for that right now... or at least an answer that I can share." You can tell that Paul and Richard are debating if they should go get the others or respect what she wants.
"What are we supposed to tell Nina, Fox, and Willy?" Richard wasted no time when it came to what everyone wanted to know.
She sighs "Just tell them that you didn't find me. No one has to know and we can all just walk away from this situation right now." She begins to go closer to the hole in the ground.
"We're not lying to them.""Leave while you have the chance." or "You need to come back."
[Don't risk it.]
You look down at the ground. "If she were going to come back then she already would have one her own, maybe it w… moreas for the best."
"Nina, she's your sister, how could you say that?" Charlie began to question your choice.
"Because that's how she would want me to think and we're leaving in the morning so we don't need to spend our night out there looking for her. We just need to keep Fox from finding out until she shows up again, if she does." Even though Willy thought that she was dead, he seemed hurt by your decision.
"Do you realize how long that could take? We've only been here for a day and we know he's not stupid, he'll be able to tell that she's gone." Brian defends Charlie's question.
"You wanted me to make the choice so I did. If you wanted to look for her then you shouldn't have given me the choice." You take a moment to finish your sentence. "It's time to just leave her alone."
Now that was h… [view original content]
[Don't risk it.]
You look down at the ground. "If she were going to come back then she already would have one her own, maybe it w… moreas for the best."
"Nina, she's your sister, how could you say that?" Charlie began to question your choice.
"Because that's how she would want me to think and we're leaving in the morning so we don't need to spend our night out there looking for her. We just need to keep Fox from finding out until she shows up again, if she does." Even though Willy thought that she was dead, he seemed hurt by your decision.
"Do you realize how long that could take? We've only been here for a day and we know he's not stupid, he'll be able to tell that she's gone." Brian defends Charlie's question.
"You wanted me to make the choice so I did. If you wanted to look for her then you shouldn't have given me the choice." You take a moment to finish your sentence. "It's time to just leave her alone."
Now that was h… [view original content]
[They can help us]
I'm sorry but ATR is the worst friend ever if she's pressuring Gia to have a baby. She's only 17 and it's pretty much a death sentence to be pregnant in the apocalypse! And Adam and Gia are just going to go from friends who secretly like each other to mating? That's a relationship that is moving really fast.
She means no harm, babies are pretty cute and it is a death sentence but I'm just going off of what Jen told me to write. It's been a while and we can assume that they already spend a lot of time together and they've saved each other a few times.
Willy (Wooo hidden reference)
Kara goes back up to the roof, only to come back down not even 5 minutes later. She returns outside, you and Nina follow her.
Their dad had refused to leave, no matter what anyone said to him. He was beginning to become a pain.
You look up to the roof and notice that Fox had gone somewhere as well, but not with you, Kara, and Nina.
Kara and Nina grab Jeremy, the both of them holding an arm. "Willy, help us." You tried to make it look like you weren't there but obviously you weren't that good at hiding yet.
You run over to them and start pushing Jeremy forward. Jeremy uses all of his force to pull away from the girls. Nina loses her grip and his arm comes flying back and hits you, forcing you to the ground.
Kara lets go of him and stares forward with fire in her eyes. You sit up and yell to Nina. "Push her back! She's going to hurt someone!" She was capable of it and all of you knew it. Nina lunges for her and forces her back, you stand up and look over at Jeremy, who was just standing there, as if his life wasn't in danger. "You should probably get out of here."
He lets out a scoff and gives you a glare "You really think she would hurt her own father?" Maybe you should have let her.
"She shot a guy, just for holding onto me. She isn't afraid to hurt you, especially after you left her; She said that she wanted to leave you behind but even you deserved a second chance. She was going to let you stay, even after your argument with ATR and Gia but you decided to be a jerk about it and you hit Nina. Hitting Nina was like hitting her and she doesn't like to be pushed around by anybody." He begins to say something but you cut him off "Nina is her sister and she was angry about that but she takes care of me as her child, just imagine what she would do to you if I had let her. If they don't want you around then just accept it and leave, you're just adding problems for the both of them; Nina is already in deep because of you and Kara is in even deeper. I speak for everyone when I say leave." Jeremy looks completely dumbfounded that you went from a scared little kid to a leader in just one hit.
You hear the girls scream and run to the screams. You see Kara pin Nina against the tree, Nina's face is bright red. You run even faster towards them and run into Kara, pushing her off of Nina. "I'm okay. See? I'm fine." She pushes down on her leg and gets up.
Nina stays against the tree. "You take wrestling very seriously, Karalyn."
Nina's eyes widen as you hear a familiar voice from behind. "You people haven't gotten any smarter, have you?" You turn to see Reynold and Spark.
"Who are you?" Even though your group knew who they were, Nina didn't know a thing about these two.
"They didn't tell you about us? That really hurts, Willy." Reynold was still holding a grudge over what you had said.
"We're the two men who single-handedly ruined them." Spark comes closer to the three of you. Kara pushes you away from him and Nina grabs onto you. "And I see you're still a bitch, aren't you?" Spark grins, getting no response.
"Let's get to the point. We found you guys again, we know that you're all family, and what hurts more than dying? Losing family." Reynold wasted no time in getting to what he considered the fun part. He threw a knife down on the ground.
"What the fuck is that for?" Nina looks down at the knife and then back at Reynold.
"Not for you, it's for Willy. He's going to pick up that knife and he's going to kill one of you. I would prefer that it would be Kara but since you're family, you'll have to do." Spark looks at you as Nina lets go. "Who's it going to be?"
"Nobody needs to die.", "Kara.", "Nina.", "Me., or "You." (Even though this situation has plenty of choices, it really doesn't have many outcomes. Please chose wisely.)
Emery 2 months, 6 days.
"Get the fuck up, Princess." Amario is still on the ground, holding his head. "If it hurt that much then you might as well go home to your mommy and call it a day."
"That fucking hurt." He slowly crawls back up from the ground.
"How bad could she hurt you? Get up or it's going to hurt even worse." He leans against the tree, his face covered in blood.
"It wasn't her that hurt me, it was the damn tree." He wipes his face with his arm.
"So basically her? I mean she did slam your face into the tree and run away." Katherine crosses her arms.
"Fuck the both of you. Let's get back before Troy loses track of the others like Emery lost Aidan." Amario pushes away from the tree
"Excuse me? I didn't lose Aidan, those two took him from me and he gladly went with them. It's his loss though." Amario lets out a chuckle
"His loss? He was the smartest fucker out of all of us and now he's with them, only giving them more of an advantage." He had a point but you were in charge and you weren't going to let them get the upper hand.
The three of you return to the camp, you come to find the gates wide open and everyone other than Troy gone. "How the fuck could you manage to lose four people?" Your first instinct was to yell at him. He doesn't answer you, only proving him to be more weak and useless. "I gave you one order and you fucked it up."
You push him back and fire a shot into his chest. "Anyone else want to disobey me?" You turn back to Amario and Katherine.
Clarice 2 months, 8 days. September
You wake up in a tent, your clothes were changed, and you were dry. You remember falling into the creek but you don't remember getting out... You get up and leave the tent and see two women. A tall woman with long, blonde hair runs to your side, the other woman strays behind.
"Are you alright? How do you feel?" This was obviously the woman who helped you.
The African woman steps up "Jessica, give her some space. She just woke up."
Jessica backs away from you. "Did you two help me?"
"It wasn't just us. We had some help but they're out right now, getting medicine for you." Jessica looks at the African woman.
"How about we introduce ourselves?" Jessica smiles at you. "My name is Jessica."
The African woman crosses her arms and looks away. "Christa."
"My name is Clarice. Clarice Chang." Jessica and Christa sit down, you do too.
"How did you wind up in the river?" Christa went straight to the questions. Jessica looks at her and elbows her.
"It's fine. I was running from a guy who was all pissed off because I didn't want to help him kill people." Christa looks as if she regrets asking the question.
(I'm sorry that this part is short but I'm just now getting back with it. Jamie won't be posting for a few more days but I will be posting at my time.)
Getting really tired of your shit, Reynold.
Then stab him in the guts while he is laughing his ass off.
Oh boi', somehow this got unfollowed and had to catch up with what I missed ._.
Nevertheless, a slice of cactus pie for everyone! \o/
Nobody needs to die.
Welcome back
I guess I'm the only one... Saying no one needs to die, or choosing Reynold will result in a negative outcome, I can just see it. The obvious choice is not always the best choice. She said choose wisely, so I think and hope that this is a better option.
Welcome back to you too!
Thanks so much, tough times you know...
How was the birthday?
It was pretty good, did some traveling and ate some food
Awesome, I'm glad you had fun! Where did you go? (If you don't mind my asking)
I went down to Louisiana to see some family and just sort of hang around, it was pretty fun.
Cool. Keep up the good work with the thread(You too Fluefeed!). I'm in a lot of fan fics, but this and maybe one other are the only ones I follow anymore
. It's just that good!
Jamie says thank you and she'll be back soon and thank you so much, even though I don't vote on your story I do keep up with it and I have to say, it's amazing.
Of course! It's fine if you don't vote. Thanks
I went through the story and got some little miscellaneous information that doesn't really matter but it's still there.
People that Reynold considered a traitor included Willy, Fox, Kara, Katie, Lucy, and Ethan. Lana, Gia, and Adam could have been traitors as well. Out of all of the traitors, only three were not determinant traitors; Ethan, Willy, and Kara. Katie could have escaped, Fox could have avoided going into the facility, and Lucy could have shot one last time.
The character with the most determinant deaths as of right now is Kara with four. Katie, Santiago, Lucy, and Willy all have two. ATR, Devyn, Leroy, Peggy, Fox, Adam, and Kylie all have one. For now, at least.
There have been 18 chances of death but only four have happened. Peggy, Leroy, Ian, and Daphne.
If Kylie had chosen for everyone to stay there then Kara and Artie would have died.
I have at least 5 parts that I have either scrapped or not posted.
Raging is right, the obvious answer is a pretty bad choice sometimes.
We still barely know how each group came together. We know that ATR and Gia had been friends before the apocalypse. We know that Vanessa is Kylie's mother and the other children were her students. Puncake was Clem's dad and Cole's co-worker. There are three out of four main groups that we will probably never know how they became a group.
It's hinted by Jeremy that Kara had an encounter with fire and it probably wasn't a good one.
I lost track of where this was going welp.
There is only one group so far that has only one leader, Reynold's old group. Every other group had two leaders. Fox and Kara, Vanessa and Kylie, and AC and Emery.
Fox and Kara have the biggest group with 27 people, Vanessa and Kylie's group consists of ten people, and Emery's group had a strong three.
Brian, Charlie, Aidan, AWESOMEO, and Nina all joined Fox and Kara's group on the same day.
Sardines was born 28 days before Samantha and Madilyn.
No two children in Fox and Kara's group have the same caretaker. Willy has Kara, Clem has Cole, Sardines has ATR, Madilyn has Lana, and Samantha has Katie.
Woo useless facts that I decide to work on when I could be writing the next part!
If I chose Reynold you would fuck over the entire group and I don't trust you.
That hurts me, Jamie
You're sitting in the other room. Fight me.
Don't actually fight me, just go to bed.
4 determinant deaths. You really want to kill Kara, don't you? :-D
"Raging is right, the obvious answer is a pretty bad choice sometimes."
Maaaaaaaaaaybe (·̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿·̿ ̿)
I felt that would make you happy
Tie between "You" and "Kara". Come one, guys, I'm not that mean <#
You pick up the knife with a sinking feeling in your chest. Nina didn't deserve to die but neither did Kara.
"Who's it gonna be, boy?" Spark seemed to care more about the downfall of the group than he cared about himself.
You touch the tip of the knife. "Kara."
"Reynold, you told us the game but you never told us the rules. I could run right now." Reynold didn't remember that Kara's second main defense was running.
"If you did then we would kill you ourselves." Spark gets closer to her.
"I would like to see you try." Kara takes off in the other direction, Spark following after her.
You see Jeremy standing behind Reynold, looking as clueless as ever. "You two, come with me and there will be no trouble." He lied.
You hear gunshots in the direction that Kara and Spark ran and thought the worse, Nina did too.
"She's gotten out of situations like this before, that's the only reason she's alive right now." You had to admit, Kara had made some pretty stupid choices before.
"Don't try and tell me she's going to make it. He wanted her dead so she will be, I'm not stupid." Now you saw how the two were sisters.
"The girl's right. Spark will see to it that she's dead." Reynold wasn't helping at all, you should have killed him when you had the chance. You put the knife in your back pocket and follow Reynold.
Jeremy had run away to the barn. Why wouldn't he take the word and just leave?
Reynold turns his back to you. Nina nudges your shoulder and looks at the knife, telling you to go for him.
You take a minute to think of all the reasons why you should kill him and take the knife back out. You make a run for him and stab him in the stomach, he falls to the ground. Nina grabs you and runs back to the group.
You follow Kara through the woods. How could you not think that she would run? It honestly wouldn't be the first time.
Kara made the stupid choice of running into a building, that was your chance. You follow her into the building and look around, she was gone.
"Just make this easier for the both of us and come out." You could tell that she was still in the room but she was hiding. You start looking around, you wanted her dead after all that she's done.
You throw a pallet to the side and hear a grunt. You turn to see a lurker that topples you, getting a chunk out of your arm.
You try and reach for your gun but Kara grabs it before you do. "Looks like you have a problem." She aims the gun right for your head.
"Oh come on, it was a little disagreement. No need to kill someone over it." You know that now she wasn't going to kill you or the lurker until she got the last word.
"No reason to kill someone? I seem to recall the original plan was to have Willy kill either me or Nina and now because of you I lost my group, my sister, and myself so fuck you." She pulls the trigger and leaves.
Maybe pissing her off wasn't the best choice.
You and Willy run back to the group. You reach the barn and run inside, slamming the door behnd you. "What happened? Where's Kara?" Adam noticed that only the two of you had returned.
"She's dead." You never really knew if she was dead but you could assume the she was.
"Dead? What the fuck happened out there?" Cole stepped in
"Reynold and Spark came back." Gia, Santiago, and Katie gathered around. "Reynold told me to kill Kara or Nina. I knew that Kara would make up some plan of her own and find a way out of the situation and she did. She ran and Spark followed her, we heard a gunshot and neither of them came back."
"Oh my God... So you don't know if she's really gone?" Katie was a person who needed proof of something to believe it happened.
"She didn't have a gun and we heard a gunshot, put two and two together. Even Nina knows that she's gone." ATR, AWESOMEO, Brian, Charlie, and Aidan had joined the people gathered around you and Willy.
"But what is she is alive? If she is then we need to find her." Charlie seemed to be a pretty forgiving person.
"We can't do that, Charlie. I want to know as bad as you do but if all of us go missing then Fox will know something's going on. It's be easier to explain to him now instead of going to look for her and we don't know how far she went, we can't risk it." Katie looks at you "But Nina is her sister, she should choose."
[Look for her] or [Don't risk it] (And that brings Fox's group down to 26. Not saying that she's actually dead but she did say that she lost the group.)
And now a little something special, brought to you by Jamie.
On 7/2/2014 I had a friend come over and Jamie let her read the story, I collected little notes from her reaction, mainly because she was having a hard time reacting silently.
"Why is everyone doubting her? I mean come on people, you wouldn't let someone die this early, would you?" She then reads the other way the situation could have ended "Oh. So you would let someone die this early."
"That isn't fair. Jen, why would you do that? That's so mean, I can see why Raging_Blades doesn't trust the obvious answer."
"Jen, that's what the history teacher said to me. WAIT NO WHY?" Jamie begins dying of laughter in the background
"Let me read your notes" I show her my notes "Wait. How can she have 3 determinant deaths? Are you trying to kill her or something? I will fight you anyday." Her being Kara.
"Jamie, why are you letting her do this?" Jamie stops laughing "I did part of that too." "JAMIE ARE YOU SERIOUS? >:(((("
"But did she ever get her rematch? Does anyone ever jump out of the window?" Trying to hold in laughter
"This kid is harcore, is he afraid of anything? Jen make him afraid of something." The kid being Willy. "But I don't want to."
"I don't like where this is going. What kind of person considers other people to be traitors when he just walks up like "yo wassup, I'm here to take your stuff and your people." he's the real traitor." Jamie starts laughing and almost chokes on her food.
"why do I have to trust her? she seems mean :c... oh wait that's her mom nevermind."
"I haven't posted this part yet so only you get to read it right now." She got pretty into the story so I decided to let her read the next part. "You can't do that. How do I tell these people to change their votes?" and in comes more laughter from Jamie.
She said lots of other stuff but I either didn't hear her or didn't write it down but it was pretty funny to hear her reaction because she gets really into stuff and yeah.
[Don't risk it] I'm sorry but she did say that she lost herself, is that like a hint that she's losing her mind or something?
[Look for her]
Like a tomato running an marathon.
[Don't risk it]
[Look for her]
oh. welcome to the forums then
[Look for her] (: Yay! I voted~
[Don't risk it]
[Don't risk it]
Looking for her would be too obvious
[Don't risk it.]
You look down at the ground. "If she were going to come back then she already would have one her own, maybe it was for the best."
"Nina, she's your sister, how could you say that?" Charlie began to question your choice.
"Because that's how she would want me to think and we're leaving in the morning so we don't need to spend our night out there looking for her. We just need to keep Fox from finding out until she shows up again, if she does." Even though Willy thought that she was dead, he seemed hurt by your decision.
"Do you realize how long that could take? We've only been here for a day and we know he's not stupid, he'll be able to tell that she's gone." Brian defends Charlie's question.
"You wanted me to make the choice so I did. If you wanted to look for her then you shouldn't have given me the choice." You take a moment to finish your sentence. "It's time to just leave her alone."
Now that was handled, all that was left was to tell Fox that she was gone. Brian was right, he would eventually notice and that would make it even harder to explain to him. Your thoughts raced through your mind. "Willy, I want you to come tell him with me." Bringing Willy was your best choice, he knew Willy and obviously cared about him.
"When do we tell him?" ATR, AWESOMEO, Brian, Charlie, Aidan, Cole, Adam, Gia, and Katie all had gathered around the door. They were set on going to look for her.
"We'll let them look for her and if they can find her and bring her back then we don't tell him but if they come back without her tomorrow then we have to tell him." Willy agrees with you.
You, ATR, Gia, Adam, Cole, Katie, Brian, Charlie, and Aidan all gathered around the door. Pia, Paul, and Richard had joined you; you knew that Pia only came as a moral compass, hoping to stop the eleven of you before you left.
"Maybe she doesn't want to be found, have you ever thought of that? She was having a hard time with all the new people, she just needs some time." She had a point there. "And if she was in any sort of trouble then Willy wouldn't be so calm about it."
"Pia, we're going. She was there for us most of the time so we're going to be there for her. Richard, shouldn't she stay here?" Gia faces Richard
"Do you honestly think she's going to listen to me?" Gia turns away and the twelve of you run out.
"We probably should have asked Nina or Willy where they last saw her if we want to make any bit of progress." Cole seemed to know a lot about looking for lost people.
"What about that guy who was here earlier? Where is he?" Charlie suggests asking Jeremy if he might know.
You look to your left and see a shadowed figure in the trees, moving quickly. You chase after them, Katie follows you. "Who the fuck is that?" Apparently Pia saw it too.
You yell for the person to stop but they keep going. You pick up your speed and tackle the person. "Well we found Jeremy, all that's left is Kara, Spark, and Reynold." Katie puts her hands on her knees, catching her breath.
"We don't need to worry about Reynold, one of them got him." Cole and the others come up behind you.
"Just Kara and Spark then. Willy told us that she ran and that Spark followed her and that he heard a gunshot. She would stick to the trees and try and lead him away from the group." Katie and Kara were both tactical people, almost like they had a plan for everything.
"We could just ask her dad, we do have him pinned to the ground." Pia's sarcastic tone told you to follow her orders.
You get up and pull him up by the shirt. "Where did she go?"
"Somewhere." Oh lovely, another asshole...
"This isn't a game, your daughter's life is either ended or at stake and we're just trying to help her. Just keep holding in what you know." You could already tell that Brian knew what you were all after and would do anything to reach the objective.
"I would tell you but they always say that the innocent never run." The innocent never run? What did that mean?
"What do you mean by that?" It seemed like everyone just wanted to find her and get back.
"The innocent people, like you, never run away from their problems." Was he saying that she was guilty of something?
"Okay, that's enough. Cut it out with the damn riddles and just tell us where she went." Apparently Paul and Gia weren't the only two with anger problems.
"You're going to regret finding her. She went towards the town, I didn't follow her all the way." You let go of Jeremy and walk to the outskirts of the town with the others.
You never knew eleven people would go out of their way, risking their life for one girl.
"We want to look for Spark, dead or alive. She's probably still in the area." AWESOMEO didn't know who Spark was but he knew that she wouldn't leave.
"Where do we start? There are too many places to hide, she'll be gone if we all search in one building." Adam wasn't the bravest of the group but he was willing to help look.
AWESOMEO decides to split you all up, you, Paul, and Richard are sent into a nearby building that looked like it was burned but you still had to go in, no matter what it looked like.
The three of you go inside the building, Richard and Paul find Spark, dead. She was obviously here but there was nothing saying that she still wasn't.
Richard and Paul stay downstairs, you go upstairs. You find a hole in the floor, leading back down to the first floor. You look down the hole, what could have made it?
You stand up and turn around and instantly get pushed down by a lurker. The lurker falls down to the first floor but you grab onto the floor and hold on for your life. Richard and Paul see you dangling and run up.
"Grab on, kid." You heard someone call to you, it wasn't Paul or Richard. You see a hand reach down to you and grab on to the hand quickly. The person pulls you back up to the second floor and back to your feet. "Are you alright?" Of all the twelve people who could have found her, it was you.
"I should be asking you that. Why didn't you come back?" Paul and Richard stop in the doorway.
"I really don't have an answer for that right now... or at least an answer that I can share." You can tell that Paul and Richard are debating if they should go get the others or respect what she wants.
"What are we supposed to tell Nina, Fox, and Willy?" Richard wasted no time when it came to what everyone wanted to know.
She sighs "Just tell them that you didn't find me. No one has to know and we can all just walk away from this situation right now." She begins to go closer to the hole in the ground.
"We're not lying to them." "Leave while you have the chance." or "You need to come back."
We're not lying to them
"You need to come back."