Official Create your Own TWD story or Fanfic



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    Really unique and cool story Stache I really enjoyed it :D

    Hello there, fellow Stache-ists. Sorry for not posting new Fanfics for so long. But anyway, without further ado, here is my newest piece of

  • edited September 2014

    I totally forgot most of what I wrote, so I figure I'll write something new instead :) I hope you like it!

    She was running, her ponytail blowing in the massive wind storm. Sweat beaded down her forehead, mixed with falling rain and a little bit of blood.

    The blood wasn't hers.

    How did she get here? Running away from the monsters who'd torn her father away in front of her eyes.

    She kept running, rounding a street corner and dodging rusted cars standing in her way. The thick grass in between the cracks of the streets was slowing her down. She needed to get indoors, somewhere safe.

    But is anywhere safe?

    She ducked her head under a fallen telephone pole, knocking a few of the monsters to the ground. She didn't even know what to call them. Her Dad had called them all sorts of names, mostly profane words though. Bastards, Assholes. But one word did stick out among the rest.

    "Walkers! Run Alice! Run!"

    She winced at the thought of his words. The mixture of cold air and wet rain turning to slushy snow began eating her nose raw. She was soaked, which made the situation that much worse. She turned another corner. There was a bridge only a few blocks away, really big bridge. Her legs burned from the extreme exertion of energy. She wanted to live.

    Closer. It was getting closer. If it was a cloudless day, she would be able to see the setting sun over the horizon. The snow pounded hard on her, making her loose her grip to the concrete and slip a few times. She lifted her arms up over her eyes, shielding the snow flakes from her vision. There it was. The entrance. The toll booth. She hopped over the guard rail and climbed on top of the first car she encountered. The whole bridge was littered with them from one side to the other. All she had to do now was focus on her jumping and just keep running. The added obstacles slowed the Walkers down a lot. She began to sigh in relief. They were good runners, but bad climbers.

    She was halfway across the bridge when she realized her next problem.

    There was a giant gap between this side of the bridge and that side. It wasn't too far ahead now, and she began to panic, unsure of how she'd get across without falling into the icy waters of what her father called the Hudson River. She remembers fishing with him there one day, a long time ago. He used to tell her stories of what the city was like way back when things were normal. Before she was born.

    The one thing he never liked talking about was the monsters.

    The Walkers.

    She reached the end. The gap was too big to jump over. She turned to face her enemy, far enough behind for her to think something out.

    There was a bus halfway across the gap, stuck by metal framing and steel cables. It was likely going to fall with her added weight, but if she could get on top of it and jump as it fell, she could possible make it.

    So she climbed. Her legs were aching, wanting to rest so badly. The yellow paint was beginning to get covered in white, and she had to take care precaution about walking on top of that thing. She slowly made her way toward the end, crawling on her knees to get to the front.

    She wished so bad that her father was here to protect her. She wish she had the guts to hold a gun, to shoot them.

    She slipped. Her grip fell to one of the broken windows on the side of the bus. /the glass had cut one of her hands, making her cry out in pain. She used her arms to pull her inside. She heard the bus creak as she lifted herself in, and it swayed a bit when she fell onto one of the brown cushioned chairs.

    The aisle was thin and had stuff covering the ground. Clothes, suitcases, garbage. She made note not to look in the seats. She knew what was there. She just didn't want to see the skeletons. The windshield was also broken, so she cautiously climbed out, standing up. The nose of the bus began to tip forward.

    Now was her chance.She lept across, jumping as far as she could. She reached the other side, but barely. She was hanging on for life now, listening to the sound of the bus crash into the water. Her arms, so tired, began shaking as she pulled herself over and she rolled onto her back.

    She was finally safe.

    She was ready to survive. To live.

    Might continue this, but I hope you liked it. It was a little something I made up, seemed good to me.

  • Holy shit, that was intense! She possibly pulled off a Molly moment right there. XD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I totally forgot most of what I wrote, so I figure I'll write something new instead I hope you like it! She was running, her ponytail

  • A bit short but nice and enjoyable read. Feels like a middle part of something larger


    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I totally forgot most of what I wrote, so I figure I'll write something new instead I hope you like it! She was running, her ponytail

  • "Alice J.?" An unfamiliar voice echoed from an unknown area. Alice had been sleeping in the first car she encountered after that physically and emotionally exhausting chase from the day prior.

    "Alice J.?" The voice was getting closer. She the second time it called, she became fully aware that she wasn't hearing things. She slowly lifted her head to look out the window. The clouds were gone, though the sky was grey with the winter blues. She was freezing in that car. She searched for the person calling her.

    An older woman appear behind a Mercedes parked next to the Prius Alice occupied. She had blond hair, a heavy jacket, and a gun in her hand. Alice's heart dropped. She lowered her head and decided to pretend like no one could see her.

    The woman's fingers tapped the glass.

    "Alice. I know you're in there."

    Alice stayed silent, shaking in fear for who this woman was and what she could do to her.

    The door opened. Alice had forgotten to lock the damn thing.

    "Alice, don't be afraid. I'm a friend of your father."

    Alice's heart leaped. Her father.

    The woman sighed when Alice still didn't budge or say anything.

    "Listen kid. You know that fancy radio your daddy had? He sent out a mass call for help. I've known Paul since before the damn apocalypse, and I knew it was him. He specifically told anyone who got the message to find you. Luckily, it was me who found you, and not some creepy asshole. Now we've got to go, I've got a shelter not far from here. My name is Cara."

    Alice slowly rose from her seat. She stood, a full head shorter than this woman. The cold breeze blew Alice's dark brown hair behind her as they walked the opposite way of the gap where the monsters had stood.

    "How far were you chased by those things?" Cara attempted conversation. Alice didn't respond to it.

    "You mute or something? Your father didn't say if you could talk or not." Nothing came from Alice.

    "I'm gonna go on a whim here: You still don't trust me, or you're in so much shock of your situation that you've forgotten how to communicate. Some people were like that when this shit first happened. I remember when-"

    "How do you know my father?" Alice asked nonchalantly, following the stranger.

    "Oh, now she speaks. Well, if you want to know the short story for now, we dated."

    "Dated? What does that mean?"

    Cara sighed,"It's a really, really long story, kid. I'll explain it to you later, when we've got a warm fire to sit by and nothing urgent to worry about."

    Alice stared at her feet, listening to the crunch of the snow beneath them. She followed Cara down a street as soon as they got off the bridge. They turned a corner and Cara walked down some steps to an apartment that was below the street level. She knocked on the door a few times and waited a minute. The door opened but only slightly.

    "Who is it?"

    "It's fucking Cara, stupid ass. Who else would knock the theme song to 'Happy Birthday?'"

    The door shut again, and the sound of something being unlocked was heard. It opened again a second later, and an old man with greyish hair was on the other side.

    "Wait- Who's the girl?" He asked.

    "I got a call on the radio from an old friend of mine. She's his kid, I saved her."

    "How old is she?" The man asked.

    "Why the fuck do you want to know?" Cara asked.

    "Chill! I just figured, if she's old enough to understand some shit, then I could put her to work! That's how things run 'round here. Remember?"

    "Whatever. Her dad just died, let her mourn a rest a while. We'll get details later."

    "I'm 15," The girl uttered.

    "It's okay honey, let's just get you inside and warm. You look like you're gonna get frost bite if we leave you out here any longer."

    Alice followed Cara inside.

    So I am continuing this. Whoopie! I hope you like it!

  • edited September 2014

    Things I liked

    I love this it was intense from start to finish a really exciting story.

    I loved the way I seen the story through her perceptive so I felt part of the story like I was running from walkers trying to get away.

    Original Innovative idea with characters you made yourself

    So descriptive I could picture every scene perfectly and the scenery was so beautiful in this chapter so I enjoyed the images in my head even more reading through this

    I was on the edge on my seat reading through it, it was so exciting to see how she would escape and I was so nervous she was going to get caught and killed I loved every line

    Perfect grammar and spacing I didn't spot any mistakes and it was easy on the eyes to read, I never got lost or confused in the story

    Seeing all the obstacles and how she beat them also taking into account she is a girl was just inspiring and badass :D


    Superb I would love to see more but I can't rate out of 10 till your finished

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I totally forgot most of what I wrote, so I figure I'll write something new instead I hope you like it! She was running, her ponytail

  • Thanks! It's something I just thought up over a few days to contribute to this page, I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my previous story so I decided to start new.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Things I liked I love this it was intense from start to finish a really exciting story. I loved the way I seen the story through her p

  • Lol, yeah! I was trying to go for something action based and a little nerve racking.

    Holy shit, that was intense! She possibly pulled off a Molly moment right there. XD

  • Yeah, I'm more of a "Write a little at a time" person, I figured this would just be the beginning. Thanks!

    Sidewayz posted: »

    A bit short but nice and enjoyable read. Feels like a middle part of something larger Peace

  • When everything started to sink into Alice's mind, when she'd finally realized she was now an orphan, she started to cry. She was in a stranger's house, sleeping in a strange bed, all alone in a silent room. She didn't cry a lot when she was little; Her dad made sure to make her tough. But every single time she thought of him, her heart wrenched with pain and more tears escaped her eyes.

    Cara and the man (Who's called himself Terry) left her alone in her new room. It was a small room that had a window near the ceiling. There were bars on the window, to prevent Walkers from breaking in and eating them.

    She wished her dad spent more time telling her about them. She saw them dozens of times in her life. She never once had to face one alone, though.

    Again, another wave of pain and sadness swept through her body.

    A knock at the door.

    "Alice J.?" Cara.

    Alice didn't want to talk with her, but she responded anyway,"Yes?"

    "You want some dinner? We're cooking some meat and beans."

    "Sure, give me a minute," Alice said. She stood up and looked at herself in her mirror. She longed to be in her own bed, with her own belongings. The house her and her dad occupied was on the other side of the bridge. She'd have to learn how to kill those things, before she could even attempt to retrieve her stuff.

    She wiped her eyes with the edge of the blanket, making sure she didn't look like she'd just cried. It probably wasn't going to work, since they were red and puffy.

    She exited the room slowly, walking the long hall to the kitchen and dining area. The room was lit with a few candles, since electricity is scarcely conveyed throughout the world. She was lucky enough back where she used to live to have a few lights in her old home. It was hard to see with just candlelight in the room. They sat at a circular table together, passing the meat and beans around and dishing it to plates.

    "So, Alice J., is it?" Terry began a conversation.

    "Just....Alice. Please." She replied, scooping food to her mouth.

    "It's funny," Cara said,"I used to call your father Paul J., as a joke. He used to get mad but we'd laugh about it anyway. Guess he carried it on to you."

    "He never told me that. He just always called me Alice J., when he'd joke around or need me really badly." Alice moved the beans around her plate, not really hungry anymore.

    "The more you know," Cara said.

    The rest of dinner was finished in silence, and Alice returned to her new bedroom quietly. She sat up against the headboard, thinking her situation through.

    From now on, she would be brave. For her dad. For herself.

    Another one. I'm really enjoying this :)

  • hehe you're not the only one.

    I'd encourage you to turn it into a full blown novel.


    EMMYPESS posted: »

    When everything started to sink into Alice's mind, when she'd finally realized she was now an orphan, she started to cry. She was in a stran

  • The coming mornings have been getting easier and easier for Alice to wake up to. The first week, she didn't even want to leave her room. But slowly enough, her new friends had been able to coax her out of her hidey hole.

    "We've got a few others who live here, but during the Winter months they go away for a few weeks at a time. My brother Bobby, his wife Felicia, and another friend of ours, Gary. Me and Terry hold the fort down, make sure no walkers or bandits come and burn it down or some shit." Cara was explaining.

    Alice was still getting used to the whole schedule of the place. She was allowed for a little while to skip out on her new duties, but recently her new caretakers have been stressing the importance of not being a dead weight.

    "You can help Cara fish on the river tomorrow, if you'd like," Terry suggested, washing their breakfast plates in the sink.

    "I've fished before, with my dad," Alice responded, placing her empty mug on the counter next to him.

    "Well then you know what you're doing!" He exclaimed, placing a plate on the drying rack.

    Cara laughed,"Yeah, maybe you can show me some tips. Normally I don't do so much hunting, but Terry here has some back problems as of late, so I've been the man of the house."

    Terry laughed, and soon enough, so was Alice. It almost felt wrong to laugh so early on after her father's death. But she ignored the feeling and let it out. It felt good to laugh again.

    The next day, there was a knock at the door.

    "Who do you think it is?" Cara whispered to Terry on the sofa. Terry shrugged his shoulders, standing up ever so gently and scuffling to the door. Alice sat in the arm chair, afraid something bad might happen.

    "Who is it?" Terry called from the crack in the door.

    "It's us, Terry. Felicia, Bobby, and Gary!" A female yelled from behind. Terry quickly unlocked it, welcoming their friends inside.

    "You're home earlier than usual," Cara said, standing. Alice sat quietly in her spot, watching the adults exchange greetings and hugs. The last person who walked in carried several large dead animals.

    "Gary, always being the strong guy," Bobby said, smirking. Gary let go of them, letting the meat thud to the floor. Alice grimaced at the blood stains on his clothing, and the smell of dead animals that lingered in the house.

    "Put them in the storage room," Terry said.

    Gary and Bobby picked the meat back up, waltzing it across the room and through a door that Alice hadn't ventured through just yet.

    The woman, Felicia, turned her head. "Who's she?"

    Alice's eyes darted back toward her feet nervously.

    "She the daughter of an old flame," Cara replied.

    "An old flame? You mean guys actually dated you?" Felicia burst out laughing. Cara punched the dark skinned girl's arm.

    "Stop it. Listen, his radio picked up on my frequency, I recognized his voice and decided to try and find his kid, like he ordered whoever listening to. I succeeded, that's all that counts, right?"

    "Whatever," Felicia said, still smiling after the laughing fit.

    Alice shifted her position, feeling like an outcast again. She looked up at them, waiting for something else to come from their mouths.

    "Well? Name?" Felicia said after staring at the girl for a good 10 seconds.

    "A-Alice," She uttered, unable to find confidence in herself.

    "Alice? It's a cute name. I like it."

    Alice smiled, though she still didn't feel like she belonged much.

    "I'll be sharing a room with you now," Cara told Alice.

    "I thought that-" Alice began, but knew it wasn't her place to argue.

    "I was in my brother and sister-in-law's bed these past weeks. They deserve their, uh....privacy. There's a trundle under your bed, that's where I'll be."

    The two men came back in through the mysterious door, laughing about something they said to each other in the other room.

    "Good news, Gary," Terry said, smiling.

    "What?" Gary asked, looking over at the old man.

    "We're shifting bedrooms."

    "What? No, I don't want to!" Gary whined.

    "To bad. Don't want to creep the new girl out by making her share one with any of you, so she get's your bed and Cara get's mine."

    "This shit isn't fair!"

    "Life isn't fair. Suck it up, baby." Terry entered the hall and walked toward the end of it.

    Before Alice could say anything, Cara said,"The girl's name is Alice. There, now everybody knows. Let's get dinner on the stove. I'm in the mood for some good venison."

    "Looks like I'm cooking tonight," Bobby said.

    "Sounds good to me," Cara replied.

    Everyone filed out of the room, returning to their bedrooms to rest before the meal. Alice sat alone in the living room, wondering how she thought of these new arrivals.

    She decided that she liked them.

  • I caught up with all 3 chapters just beautiful with great chapter depth your building the tension slowly but I'm enjoying the ride through Alices perceptive I can see a romantic element coming and I love seeing how the mini interactions between characters making the story more realistic. Your a really talented writer it feels like I'm reading a novel I need to wait for the full story before I can do a full review but so far just quality and I can't wait to see more whenever you ready :D.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    The coming mornings have been getting easier and easier for Alice to wake up to. The first week, she didn't even want to leave her room. But

  • Nice. How's it going Stache, we haven't talked in a bit.

    Hello there, fellow Stache-ists. Sorry for not posting new Fanfics for so long. But anyway, without further ado, here is my newest piece of

  • Haha, yeah, I try my best. Thanks again, it means a lot to me. I'll work on more chapters when I can, though I don't know how far I'll go before I wrap it up. I don't mind if you can't rate it yet, I just look forward to it in the end :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I caught up with all 3 chapters just beautiful with great chapter depth your building the tension slowly but I'm enjoying the ride through A

  • Alt text

    Cool I can't wait for more :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Haha, yeah, I try my best. Thanks again, it means a lot to me. I'll work on more chapters when I can, though I don't know how far I'll go before I wrap it up. I don't mind if you can't rate it yet, I just look forward to it in the end

  • "Alice J.! Can you come on over and help me untie these fishing lines?" Alice's dad said.

    Alice's eyes darted open, looking back and forth. Her heart raced and she could feel cold sweets covering her body.

    "Alice J.?" Cara whispered,"Alice J.? Can you hear me? You awake honey?"

    Alice sat up and turned herself toward her roommate. The woman had lit a candle and they could see each other faintly in the low light.

    "I uh, I had a nightmare," Alice replied.

    "I figured. You look like you ran a marathon in your sleep," Cara said, adjusting herself on the bed she lay in.

    Alice lay back down, pulling the covers over herself and closed her eyes shut once more. Before she could drift back to bed, she forced herself to ask the question that had been eating her curiosity for weeks now.

    "Tell me how you met him," She said.

    "Your dad? You want me to tell you now? At like, 3'o'clock in the morning?"

    "Please. Tell me something about him. Anything."

    Cara sighed, realizing she wouldn't get to sleep again any time soon.

    "Well, we went to school together, for one. Saw him my first day of kindergarten. He pulled my braid, although he claimed it was an accident and that he was only curious. I still think to this day that he was dared to by his brother Vince."

    "My dad had a brother?" Alice said, surprised.

    "You didn't know that? Your dad must've kept a lot from you. Guess I can't blame him, he probably shoved it all deep down after the shit everyone's been through."

    "He never told me anything about him. He was fine when I asked general questions, like what movie theaters were like or what ice cream tasted like."

    "You want some ice cream?" Cara asked.

    "What? Really?" Alice sat up in her bed, eager for Cara's reply.

    "Really." Cara sat up too, pulling the covers off her legs.

    "How?" Alice followed Cara to the door. She opened it ever so slightly and started tiptoeing down the hall.

    Cara led Alice to the kitchen,"We've got a bunch of milk. Remember the door the guys went through? That goes to the courtyard. We've got two cows and 8 chickens."

    "How'd you get them out here?" Alice asked, like a child in awe.

    "Honey, we've been living here for years. It took time, but we managed."

    The refrigerator was one of the few things they kept hooked up to the generator. Terry explained that to Alice yesterday, as they began packing most of the fresh meat to one side of it. Cara opened it up, a little light at the top illuminating the space around them. She pulled a beat-up old plastic jug of white stuff out and set it on the counter.

    "You ever even have milk?" She asked, pulling various other supplies out.

    "A few times, when we found a cow," Alice said. She sat on the stool at the counter and watched as Cara prepared the concoction.

    "The trick to good vanilla ice cream is to shake it real good. It doesn't taste as good as the stuff we used to be able to get, but it's a nice treat every now and again for after dinner. Usually make it for birthdays and the like." Cara sealed the first container, which she'd put some milk and vanilla flavoring in, and set it in a bigger container that had a bit of rock salt on the bottom.

    "The salt creates a chemical reaction with ice, making it even colder than ice normally is. Now, start shaking!" Cara said, taping the lid to the outer container on.

    "Just...shake it?" Alice asked, grabbing the container off the counter.

    "Yep. That's all there is to it. In about 20 minutes, you'll hopefully have something sold and not a milkshake. Shake it real good!"

    Alice shook as Cara took her time cleaning everything back up. Her arms began to get tired and she wondered if it was worth it to be wasting energy like this.

    "Keep going," Cara said, when Alice began to slow down.

    After a short while, Cara finally said,"Stop! It should be done. Let's see," She grabbed the container from Alice, unbinding it and pulling the smaller one out. When she opened the second lid, there it was, the milky white wonderful aroma of plain vanilla ice cream.

    "I think we've got some sprinkles left, if you want," Cara said, heading for the cabinet again. Without replying, Alice dug her spoon into the frozen goodness and slowly lifted it to her tongue. The blissful taste of it sent chills down her spine and she just wanted more.

    "Whoa now tiger. Slow, before you get-"

    "Agh! My head! My head, make it stop!"

    "-Brain freeze," Cara laughed.

    As soon as the pain passed, Alice took another scoop and Cara soon joined in, having a little bit every few bites that Alice took.

    They finished the whole jar in a few minutes and returned to their cozy beds down the hall.

    Alice made note to remember exactly how it tasted, and decided that one day she'd learn to make it herself.

  • edited September 2014

    6 A.M.

    Alice heard the screaming through the paper thin walls. She tumbled out of her bed minutes after Cara, who'd been in a hurry to get out and see what was wrong.

    She rubbed her groggy eyes, searching in the still dark room for the doorway.

    "He'd dead! He's fucking dead! He fucking bit Gary!" Felicia screamed at the end of the hallway.

    Alice reached Felicia and looked over her shoulder. They had already shot Terry moments before, his limp, diseased body on the ground with blood pooling around it.

    "H-how...." Is all Cara could utter.

    The next thing Alice heard was another scream from the room adjacent to Terry's body.

    "It's off! It's over! Gary, you'll be okay!" She heard Bobby yelling.

    "Okay?" Gary winced,"Oh, fucking, kay? I don't have a FUCKING HAND NOW!" He was yelling loudly.

    "Well, it fucking saved you!"

    "If I don't bleed the fuck out!"

    The two were screaming at each other. Alice lifted her hands to her ears, drowning out the sound to just think a minute.

    She kept staring at Cara, whose eyes began filling with enormous amounts of tears. Alice knew that feeling.

    Bobby walked in the room, his eyes heavy and sweat covering his forehead.

    "I did it. I fucking...I did it." He was breathing heavy, leaning in the doorway and covering his face with his hand.

    Felicia wrapped herself around Bobby whilst Cara remained in the same spot, the tears falling off her cheeks as she silently let herself go.

    Alice had no idea what to do. So she stepped past those she faced, through the doorway to the scene of the incident. The bedroom Gary was in.

    He sat on the edge of the bed, a large towel soaking in the blood from the base of his wrist. His face was a combination of anger and sadness as he must have been asking himself how it all happened.

    She sat across from him, on the little green armchair spatter with tiny bits of blood.

    He looked up, gave a weak smile,"Not what you asked for, eh kid?" He said, adjusting the towel. He winced some more.

    "I liked Terry," She said.

    "I liked him too. He was a good man. This I never get used to seeing it. Never."

    She craned her head around to see out the doorway. The body lay so still, so lifeless. She liked to think that her dad was just dead, and not a monster like Terry had become. She again faced Gary, whose eyes were welling up just like Cara's.

    "What do we do now?" Alice asked. She placed her hands on her knees, squeezing them to relieve the stress she was beginning to feel.

    "We grieve, kid. Then we pick up. Move on. I've done it a thousand times, probably."

    "I don't like it," She said.

    Gary looked at her straight in her blue eyes,"Nobody does. Not one person."

    Dun dun dun! I figured It'd have to happen to someone sooner or later.

  • edited September 2014

    They had to dig a hole. First, the shovels hit frozen ice. It took a long time to get through that. Then, once the ice was out of the way, they shoved the tip of the shovel through the dark brown dirt. Alice was standing in the large courtyard, this being her first time back there. Bobby and Cara worked together, now standing waist deep in the body-sized trench.

    Terry was wrapped in his blanket. The two climbed out, walking over to the body and lifting him on each end into the ditch. Alice had never attended a real funeral before, if you didn't count her mother's death. But she was a baby then, couldn't even remember.

    This, she would remember. Her thoughts selfishly dove to her father. She longed to have a proper burial for him. Bobby started placing the dirt back in, while Cara began to break down again, her sobs echoing around them.

    The hole was full, sticking up like a small mound. The dirt clashed with all the white around it. Grey skies made the mood even more gloomy as everyone silently stared at the burial sight of their friend. Their family.

    "Terry was....a good guy," Bobby started. He began to choke up too. Gary stepped up, although weak, and began a speech of his own.

    "Terry was my uncle. He was my friend. He was our family. I'm sorry it had to be this way, but I think he'd be happy if we kept going. Just like previous casualties, we must find the strength to just, keep, going."

    The world spun around Alice. He was right; For Terry. For Dad. She wouldn't stop until she took her last breath.

    Everyone entered back indoors. Alice lingered a while longer, staring up at the apartment buildings surrounding them. The courtyard was narrow and long, closed off at all corners by the apartments surrounding it. She wondered if anyone else occupied the rooms above her head. She was surprised these people didn't choose a room at the top floor. Wouldn't it be safer? She pressed the snow around her down with the tip of her foot, making medium sized footprints all over.

    She pressed her foot in the dirt over the grave, into the shape of a heart. Terry was gone, but not forgotten.

  • Hi my old friend, nice to see/hear from you. First of, i wanna start with the good old Bro speech because you deserve it!

    I am very busy with my work and studying recently and due to that, i don't have alot of time to be around here anymore. (And i am trying to avoid this Kenny vs Jane discussions as well, since they don't provide anything) I will do my best, to be more active around here again, in the nearer future.

    Nice. How's it going Stache, we haven't talked in a bit.

  • edited September 2014

    The next morning was quiet.

    Everyone was quiet.

    Alice hadn't been told to do any chores, although when she thought about it, Terry was the only one who'd ever asked her to do something. He was always nice about it, and she never minded the work.

    Everyone did what they had to for the day. It was just really, really silent.

    Alice decided Felicia needed help. Her job was to go out and clean the traps on the street block. See if any animals or walkers were caught last night. Felicia didn't complain that Alice tagged along, so the two headed out the front door and up the steps to the lovely overgrown and rundown building surrounding the area.

    As soon as Felicia saw the way Alice had reacted to holding the gun, she asked,"You ever shoot one before?"

    Alice nervously stayed still, then shook her head,"No, ma'am. I never even held one before."

    Refraining from exasperation, Felicia took this opportunity to teach the girl and keep her mind off the heavy stuff going on.

    "Well, first thing's first. You gotta hold it with more confidence in yourself."

    "What if I hurt someone? Or myself?"

    "You won't if you know what you're doing," She responded.

    "But I don't know what I'm doing!" Alice argued.

    "You will, as soon as I'm done teachin' you. Now, follow me this way."

    Alice abided to Felicia's command, following the older woman past a few parked cars. At the end of the last one, she came to a halt and pointed toward the ground.

    Alice looked. An unused trap lay there.

    "Look out for them. There's a lot. We reset them every couple days, re-bait them, what not. Whatever animals don't hibernate, we catch. And we also catch the walkers who ain't frozen," She grimaced after that last sentence.

    Alice nodded in compliance, and followed her teacher further down.

    "There should be a trap every 30 or so feet, most of the time in more hidden spots. A few out in the open, for the stupid ones. There we are," Felicia pointed ahead of herself.

    Alice looked over. A walker, caught in a trap. It squirmed and made noises and look absolutely ugly nasty looking.

    "Shoot him." Felicia said.

    "Like, pull the trigger?"

    "That's how it's done. Aim for the head, shoot it. If you wanna get closer, you can."

    Alice shook her head, taking a stance. She lifted the gun up. It was extremely heavy and hard to keep steady. She gulped and said,"All I know how to do is fish, I can't- I don't have the guts to do it."

    "Bull shit you don't have the guts. Listen girl, I don't know what your daddy did to protect your ass all these years, but he's not here anymore which means you don't get the protection he provided anymore. I'm sorry if it hurts your damn feelings, but you gotta learn to survive on your own. God knows how long the rest of us have. At least you'll have more of a fighting chance."

    Although the speech made Alice a little upset, she understood. She gripped the handle tighter, gulping again and aiming a little more. She shot the gun and fell backward.

    "Ahh!" She said, her butt falling back into the snow.

    "Not bad, at least you got the sucker. You need to support yourself like this-" She demonstrated the stance that Alice should take,"-Just until you get the hang of the throwback these things do to ya. Soon enough, you'll be shootin' zombies like it's just an FPS!" Felicia laughed. Alice didn't get the joke.

    They checked the rest of the traps, and luckily, there were no other zombies. Unfortunately, there were no animals either.

    "It's alright. We got plenty of deer for a few weeks. We'll hold over." They headed back to the apartment. Felicia told Alice how to lock the gun, and told her to keep it on her when she went outside, especially if she was alone. Alice nodded, tucking the gun away in the first drawer of her end table.

    She realized that she would have to listen, because she knew it was the only way she would survive.

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    sry the reviews are late I'm so busy recently but I promise I will get to everything eventually I missed 3 :'(

    Chapter 1

    A beuatiful chapter between cara and Alice it was great seeing more depth within their characters and getting to know them more. Seeing Alice's nightmare about her father how she never had Ice cream and seeing the chapter progress how they made the ice cream and finally tasted it was so sweet and charming to read I loved this such a great dou I can't wait to see more.

    Chapter 2

    WOW I respect you so much as a writer for this chapter it takes true talent to mix up styles and this chapter was more intense and violent while chapter 1 was sweet and beatful dayum just awesome I never know what to expect that's a great sign you will keep the reader entertained.

    So many feels poor Gary I loved his diagolgue though it was very badass and cool I will miss him :'(

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm scared now but I can't wait

    Chapter 3

    :'O Really well written poor Alice hopefully she uses the pain as inspiration rather then get depressed I want her to be the next badass clem :'D

    She pressed her foot in the dirt over the grave, into the shape of a heart. Terry was gone, but not forgotten.

    That was the most beautiful line I ever read :'D

    edit another chapter YES I'll review it now :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    They had to dig a hole. First, the shovels hit frozen ice. It took a long time to get through that. Then, once the ice was out of the way, t

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    YES another epic Emmypess chapter making my day more bearable :'D

    I adored this chapter between Alice and Felicia the level of detail into each scene is just awesome and them descriptive words are just excellent so I can picture the moment perfectly seeing Alive so scaredto shoot but through motivation she did it, well the best she could she is still learning I'm so proud of Alice and her dad would be so proud :'D


    EMMYPESS posted: »

    The next morning was quiet. Everyone was quiet. Alice hadn't been told to do any chores, although when she thought about it, Terry was

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    Thanks and great seeing you again bro everyone missed you I don't blame you the forum is just not worth your time with all the Jane and Kenny bullshit and the best of luck with your work and studies whenever you get the time we would love to have them awesome stache tales :'D

    Hi my old friend, nice to see/hear from you. First of, i wanna start with the good old Bro speech because you deserve it! http://www.yout

  • Alright.

    Thanks so much man. You deserve a bro speech too.

    I'm proud of you bro.

    Hi my old friend, nice to see/hear from you. First of, i wanna start with the good old Bro speech because you deserve it! http://www.yout

  • Thanks :) I read the one above and this one at the same time. I just write what I think would happen, y'know? I'll have more character development in the coming chapters, as well as more surprising events.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    YES another epic Emmypess chapter making my day more bearable :'D I adored this chapter between Alice and Felicia the level of detail int

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    YES I CAN'T WAIT this is great news and thank you for the great tales so far and the consistency in such great quality :'D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Thanks I read the one above and this one at the same time. I just write what I think would happen, y'know? I'll have more character development in the coming chapters, as well as more surprising events.

  • "Tell me more about my father," Alice asked in the darkness of her bedroom. Every night, before bed, she would ask this question. She didn't always get an answer, but when she did, she cherished the information.

    "I guess I'll tell you more," Cara replied,"What do you want to know?"

    "How long were you guys 'dating'?" Alice asked, rolling on her side to face Cara. The moonlight that filtered in through their tiny window shone on Cara's face. She pulled her blond hair out of her face and began her newest story.

    "Well, we started in highschool. He was a football player-"

    "Is football the sport with the bat and the glove and the little ball?" Alice interjected.

    "No, no. Football is the one with the weird shaped brown ball that you throw across a really, really big field. Anyway, he was a football player, and I was this dorky girl on the newspaper committee."

    "Dorky? You don't look dorky to me."

    "Trust me, I was dorky. Compared to most other girls wearing high skirts and belly-showing tank tops, I was far from popular in the early 2000's."

    "What year is it now?"

    Cara sighed,"You're getting me sidetracked. It's probably 2025, or something like that. I don't know. How old are you again?"

    "Fifteen. Well, probably sixteen now. I was born in the winter time."

    "Anyway," Cara said again,"I was told to do an interview of the quarterback. Not knowing shit about football, I interviewed your dad by mistake. And he didn't correct me. He pretended he was the quarterback, just so I didn't feel stupid, and when I wrote up my report, the manager of the paper, who was know-it-all Hailey Buchanan, ripped it to shreds and told me I was an idiot."

    Alice laughed,"Even when I don't sidetrack you, you still get sidetracked."

    "I'm getting to the point!" Cara jokingly slapped Alice's arm.

    "So when did you finally start dating him?" Alice asked.

    "Well, I went to the football field the next day, angry. He stood on the sidelines, waiting for the coach to arrive and tell them what to do. I pulled his arm and he swung around and I started ripping into him about how he embarrassed me and stuff, and the whole time he just stared at me in awe, like I was the most perfect thing to exist or something. I didn't notice it until I finished, and all he could say was,'Will you go out with me?' To which, I realized he might be the only guy to ever ask me out, so I said yes."

    "Wow," Alice shifted onto her back,"So if you didn't confront him, he wouldn't have asked you out?"

    "Maybe. I don't know. So, to answer your first question, we dated for about 6 years."

    "6 years? And why did you break up with him? Weren't you know, happy?"

    Cara sighed,"Maybe I should tell you another night."

    "No, please. I want to hear it." Alice begged.

    "Fine. We broke up for a lot of reasons. I didn't want to leave him, but he didn't seem as committed to our relationship as he used to. Mostly, we drifted apart. And there were...other complications."

    "Like what?" Alice was eager.

    Cara refrained for a moment, almost not wanting her to hear what she had to say. But then again, she had a right to know, didn't she?

    "About sixteen years ago, I had found out he had an affair. That's what tore us apart. That's what drove me away. And then...then the shit we deal with every day now, that happened. And people died."

    Cara rolled over, facing away from Alice. She covered the pillow over her head, whispering a brisk goodnight before ignoring further questioning.

    Sixteen years.

    Alice put the two and two together.

    And then, she felt sad again. But not for herself.

    For Cara.

  • edited September 2014

    emmypess..... I really have to tell you that these are very, very, VERY good. admittedly I am not expert, but I am an avid reader, have been for the majority of my 46 years and this reads like a novel. the way you bring your characters to life and your scenes into reality is both artistic and very believable. for me when I read something that is exceptionally well written, it is almost as if I am watching movie in my minds eye, or as if I am hovering above this world an unseen and silent observer to the events described as they unfold. I believe that a writers ability to tell a story in such a way that it captures the reader in this way marks true talent. I believe that you absolutely have that without a doubt. I have absolutely enjoyed these, pop in every day when I get home from work and this is one of my first stops because I am wanting to know what comes next. Thank you for some really great reads.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Tell me more about my father," Alice asked in the darkness of her bedroom. Every night, before bed, she would ask this question. She didn't

  • edited September 2014

    Markd4547, RagingBladez...thank you so much for your nice words. You're Brolike behaviour made me remember why i love this Forum. Just for you, i wrote a new Fanfic.

    This is just me, writing my own Season3...Follow this brave girl's journey for one more season as she tests her limits as well as her friends. After she chooses Kenny over Jane, the wounded warrior tries to find redemption with Clementine as well as Alvin Junior. Join all of them in this epic season through the settlement of Wellington and beyond in this world where the dead walk among us

    Previously on the Walking Dead:

    After Edith wished them the best of luck and gave them double the supplies to survive. Kenny could barely believe the pride he felt for young Clementine. "You're as stubborn as a damn mule..." Clem smiled back. "Yeah? Wonder where I got that from?" And with tears still staining their cheeks, the three of them walked off back over the hill, together. Maybe in a few months, they could check back in with Wellington. Hope hadn't left their hearts yet because they had one another...

    Episode 1: The Fallen Rise:

    It had only been a several hours since Clementine, Kenny, and baby AJ dismissed themselves from Wellington. It was a cold day, but at least it wasn't snowing. The white powder however still quite littered the ground around them, and they were just traveling down a side street in a nearby town. Seemed as good a place as any as a waiting room for entrance to Wellington. Kenny was carrying both bags of supplies and Clementine was carrying little Alvie. He was such a good little boy, never made a fuss when he was in Clem's arms. Only when he needed something. Kenny was the one who snapped Clem outta her thoughts of the baby.

    "This town is a pretty good spot..." The wounded warrior scanned the area with his only good eye left as they walked. "Maybe when it gets to spring we can try Wellington again." Clementine questioned him. "What if we wait too long, and some other people take our spots?" Kenny looked down to her with a look of concern on his face. "We can wait, wait as long as we need to, hell... the fuck I'm leaving after all the shit we've been through. ...Besides if we find a good enough house here, we can hold up for the entire winter."

    Clementine nodded agreeing with Kenny. After everyone that was sacrificed, after everyone she sacrificed, she would never give up. "Where should we stay then? What should we be looking for?" He responded smartly as he locked eyes with her. "Something we can easily defend, with a fence or somethin' off the ground. Maybe make a fire-! OOFF! FUCK!" Kenny wasn't paying attention and his foot got caught in a pothole in the pavement of the road. Kenny tripped, but he used the bags he was carrying as cushion for his face and arms. But he didn't predict his fall too well and he landed badly on his other foot. "Jesus...!"

    Baby AJ cried out with the sudden commotion and Clem tried to calm the baby back down as Kenny coddled his ankle. "Kenny, are you okay?" , "No goddammit!" He bellowed at her like that was a stupidest question ever. "Sweet Jesus, that hurts."

    Kenny being from Florida was rare to counteract with brutal winters of the North. When one of the downsides to living up here though, is that the roads are shit if they are not maintained. Potholes are common and wreak havoc on unsuspecting victims in cars and bikers. "You should have watched where you were going." , "Clem, don't you start with that! Just gimme your hand." Kenny spat as he extended his hand to her. She took it and Kenny was pulled on his own tow feet, albeit it was favoring the one of them. "Let's just keep going."

    "You're limping." Clementine stopped him before he could take another step. But he did with much pained effort pick the two bags of supplies back up, one in each hand. "We should take a break." "And where do you suppose we do that? There?" Kenny motioned towards a two story house behind them. It was sky blue with a brick foundation and still covered in snow. Several windows adorned it, but they were boarded up except for the front door. "Actually..." Kenny limped forward to the house's mailbox and awkwardly wiped away snow that covered up fancy sign on top to reveal the address of the residence. "...Ruthie's Bed n' Breakfast... holy shit. This might be a place."

    Clementine was still cautious. "We should check it for walkers and other people." , "Yeah, I know. I don't trust this area too well." Kenny agreed as he gave Clem one of the supply bags and slung the second over his shoulder. He then took out his pistol and nodded at her. "Alright, I'll go check it out and you watch AJ, I'll holler to you if it's safe."

    "No! We can't split up like this, we don't know what's in there." She worried for him. Now with an injured ankle and halved vision, Kenny was at a disadvantage if he had to run away. "I can cover you." She stated as she slung the other supply bag on her stronger shoulder. The weight of it wasn't staggering for her, but it was a pillowcase of feathers either. "Alright, hard to win arguments with you now... huh?" Kenny smirked as he slowly made his way towards the house, followed by Clementine and AJ.

    "Clear down here." Kenny yelled as he inched his way towards the bottom of the stairs gingerly, declaring the first floor had no walkers. "Clem, you alright?"

    " We're fine." Clementine was smiling as she and AJ ran back down the stairs to meet Kenny. "There's no one up there. I think it's safe."

    "Yeah..." Kenny turned around and leaned his weight on one side of a large brown cabinet. "Put AJ in the living room then help me push this to block the door."

    Clem nodded and power-walked to the living which was right next to the foyer they were in and gently placed Alvie and his bundle of blankets on a green couch. Clementine then noticed that there was a fireplace they could use to keep warm, thank god. She then ran back to Kenny and they heaved and hoed the large piece of furniture a few times until it was securely placed in front of the door. Kenny winced in pain again along with a sigh of relief. "That should do... Clem, there's some wood next to that fireplace, get it goin' so we take a breather."

    "You need any help? Can you walk okay?" Clementine worriedly furrowed her eyebrows for him again. "I'm fine, darlin'. Just, go and get the fire started." Kenny assured with a comforting smirk. "We should get AJ warm and fed." "Okay Kenny..." Clementine complied as she walked back to the living to get the task done as Kenny paced himself slowly back to the couch with Alvin Junior. Clementine was able to use a nail file to strike a flint flimsily onto the pile of logs she placed into the fire. "Don't use too much wood, we don't want to tell everyone in the state to know we're here."

    "I got it, I got it." Clementine brushed him off because she has made numerous fires with Christa so long ago. "Keep the smoke down." Kenny smiled as he picked up AJ into his arms. "That a girl." Soon, the fire seemed good, everything else seemed good. Things were secure for now. Clementine was pleased with her work here and she spun around to find a welcome-looking couch with a friend as dare she say, a little brother. Rebecca did consider her as family before she passed away after all. It was getting dark outside and Kenny was feeding AJ his bottle and he looked back up at Clem. "You were always a good dad, Kenny."

    (?) Kenny will remember that.

  • I'm honestly speechless. I mostly do this for my own enjoyment, and I try my best to make it professional. I'm happy you think about my stories this way. Heck, I'm happy if I only get you and Mark as readers for this thing. I tend to underestimate myself often, and when I've written things, I'm never sure if anyone will think they're good. So I really appreciate you telling me this. Writing is a passion of mine, and although I don't want it as a career in the future, I think it'll be something I want to do in the meantime of everything else, you know? I mean, I'm just a kid, but I love what I do and if people do enjoy it, then it inspires me to write more. Thanks, I really do appreciate it :)

    crawfish posted: »

    emmypess..... I really have to tell you that these are very, very, VERY good. admittedly I am not expert, but I am an avid reader, have b

  • The next part of #MYSEASON3 will be released " super soon " and is in fact " just around the corner "!

    Alt text

    Markd4547, RagingBladez...thank you so much for your nice words. You're Brolike behaviour made me remember why i love this Forum. Just for y

  • edited September 2014

    it is my pleasure. on a real and honest note, I will tell you that your writing is very talented and you shouldn't underestimate, either your ability to create something that folks will enjoy or something that I believe you could do as a career. like I said before, I am no expert; but I have been an avid reader for the majority of my 46 years, so I've spent a dollar or two on books over the years. these read as well as any I've paid for. don't sell yourself or your talent short

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I'm honestly speechless. I mostly do this for my own enjoyment, and I try my best to make it professional. I'm happy you think about my stor

  • Episode 1: The Fallen Rise:

    He was grinning ear to ear at that. "Thanks Clem, you have no idea how much that means to me. ...And you'll make the best big sister."

    Coo Coo Cry

    "Oh, looks like someone's full." Kenny noted as he put the bottle away and proceeded to burp the infant. "You want some food Clem?"

    "Is that even a question?" Clementine joked as she hungrily dug through one of the supply bags and found a can of spaghetti and meatballs. "If I'm careful, I can cook this over the fire." , "Don't burn yourself." Kenny advised as he heard a soft burp come from the little Alvie. "There you go little man..."

    Clementine opened and put her canned food near the flames and waited for it to be heated. Then she went back and sat beside them on the couch with a look of empathy on her face. "I like this place a lot." , "Yeah, reminds me of the house back in Savannah, good enough to tide us over till we get to Wellington... then we'll be home free, Clem. Finally settle down in a bed where we don't need to sleep with a gun under our pillows. Somewhere where we don't have to worry about gangs or walkers." He closed his good eye. "Peace."

    Silence filled the room until Clementine broke it with a stunning revelation. "...I met Lee."

    "What?" Kenny's eyebrows arched, thinking he didn't hear her right. "What'd you say?" , Clem sniffed. "Back when Mike and Arvo tired to steal the truck, back when I Arvo shot me... I met him." Kenny put the baby down snugly in a small basket next to the couch. He couldn't find any other words other than, "What'd he say, Clem?" She struggled to remember but the dream version of Lee told her as she reiterated it to Kenny. "...He said he'd never leave me... sob and that everything will be alright..."

    "Aw hell... Lee." Kenny rubbed his eye, forehead, then ran his fingers through his hair as he remembered all the stuff he went through with that great man. "I'm sorry sweetie, I know I ain't him..." , "It's okay, it's okay Kenny." Clementine revealed a smile as she realized what this meant. "This just means that it's true, and that you will eventually see... Katjaa and Duck." , "You're right..." A tint of definite hope lit up his face. "You're right Clem... as sure as the sun sure shines, I will see them when the time comes for me. Thank you darlin'..."

    Clementine cleaned up her face and looked over to check on her food. She used the sleeve of her jacket to take hold of the hot can and smiled contently at her meal. She addressed Kenny one more time. "How do you feel now? Kenny?" Kenny gave a smirk of his own to match his with the little girl. "Better..."

    A few months have passed since Kenny, Clementine, and Alvin Junior took refuge in the Bed n' Breakfast. Able to salvage and conserve their supplies for as long as possible, the three of them were able to last long enough till the snow in the area began to actually melt. Getting a good feeling on this certain day, they head out to try their luck again.

    "Come on Kenny!" Clem called over to him as she jogged her way up the hill, hopeful for any new developments. Kenny followed close behind with AJ is his arms. "I'm coming, I'm coming." He panted slightly, "Alvie ain't as light as he used to be."

    The three of them finally got to the top of the hill once more, and they were met with the Wall of Wellington for a second time. High and mighty as it always was, Clementine, Kenny, and AJ stood far enough away to wait for permission to approach. They didn't need the sniper fire again. And then the woman on the loudspeaker, who they assumed was Edith ordered them. "Approach the gate."

    "Just like last time, cross your fingers Clem..." Kenny muttered as they walked towards the great wall which stood tall and strong against any threats. As they got closer they noticed Edith was on her perch in the opening above the main door which was a large red shipping container and would serve as the entrance. That was the same, however Edith was already talking to someone else who was on the ground, another survivor... "Kenny!"

    "Son of a bitch! Take him." Kenny gave AJ back to Clem as he ran towards the man. "You ain't taking our spots!" Their competition was a man who looked like in his early 30's. He had fair but receding blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He also had an unzipped blue jacket with a white shirt underneath and some brown-faded trousers. He turned around to see a charging Kenny coming right at him. "What the-?!" "The hell is wrong you?! You would just pass over starving kids just to save your own skin?!" He grabbed his jacket as he threatened him, and he also raised his fist. "We were here first, you ain't gonna fuck this up for us, or I'm goin' to fuck you up!" "Get the off of me!" The man attempted to push him off, but Kenny held his jacket firmly and punched the man right in the nose. "Let me go, you don't get it!"

    "Hey hey hey!" Edith spoke into her radio. "We might have a problem." Then she addressed the two men who were about to brawl. "Break up it up you two, or our sharpshooter will!" "Kenny, let him go!" Clementine caught up to the scene as Kenny pushed the other survivor to the ground, his nose broken and bleeding. "You think you can just cut in front of us?" He pointed to Alvin Junior still docile in Clem's arms. "This is who you're fucking over! You wanna reconsider?!"

    It doesn't work like that!" Edith shouted down at them as she rubbed her temples to relive some of the stress. "Lucas here was... talking." She gave the man known as Lucas a mean look but quickly moved on. "He's decided to not join our community." Lucas then shot up on his feet and advanced on Kenny. "Asshole... you think you can just walk up to people and kick the shit outta them? Start accusing me as some sort of monster?" He spit some blood on the ground in front of Kenny's feet. "Maybe I should find a mirror for you..."

    "You son of bitch." Kenny growled as he clenched his fists again. "That's enough!" Clementine was ending this confrontation. This day didn't have to be spoiled with another fight. "Kenny made a mistake, but can we just put this behind us and move on?" Lucas glared at her. "Kid's got some sense, but I'd sure feel a lot better if I wasn't the only one with a broken nose." "Go on and try it then! See what happens." Kenny challenged.

    "I'm not going to ask you again." Edith warned them. "Kenny right? Back the hell off now." , "Just listen to her Kenny." Clem added as she moved to stand by his side and pull him away. "Please." , "Yeah, 'listen to her Kenny' " Lucas mocked as he took as step back and tested his nose to see if he could clean it up or adjust it again. "Tch... fine." Kenny stepped back from Lucas while he took Clem's hand. "No skin off my nose."

    "Fucking hilarious, asshole..." Lucas grumbled as he held is breath and crack he realigned his nose. "Ah! ...Okay, Edith, do me a favor and don't let this guy anywhere near him." He paused and took out a folded up piece of paper from the inside of his coat. "And give this to Vaughn, should explain everything." Edith sarcastically retorted. "Anything for you Lucas. Been real nice seeing you again." He sighed. "Feeling's mutual." He then turned to Kenny again. "What are their names? They your kids?" Kenny responded by crossing his arms and said. "None of your damn business." , "Why? I just want to know their names. You must have done a good job to keep them alive this far in. Can't remember the last time I've seen a baby."

    "I'm Clementine. And this here is AJ." She introduced themselves to Lucas who turned his attention to her now.

    (?) He will remember that.

    The next part of #MYSEASON3 will be released " super soon " and is in fact " just around the corner "!

  • Alright, that's enough for one day. I am looking forward to your response. The next part of Episode1 will be released tommorow!

    Episode 1: The Fallen Rise: He was grinning ear to ear at that. "Thanks Clem, you have no idea how much that means to me. ...And you

  • edited September 2014

    markd, I told you that I might throw something in here one day, so here it is. at the moment, I am kind of at a crossroads in deciding whether or not to make this a fan fiction with participation from the forums or just a story for my own exercise. I would be very grateful, for the thoughts, suggestions and opinions of you and the writers in here. whatever it turns out to be, the title is A Road of Bones. I will post the first installment as a reply to this comment and see what you guys suggest/think before deciding on how to proceed. Thanks in advance for the input. So without further to do A Road of Bones

  • edited September 2014

    I am dreaming about you, on some level I know this but don’t care; for now, all I want to do is stay right here, in this moment. It was that weekend we spent canoeing on the Ouiska Chitto River with the kids. It was such a beautiful day, peaceful. I was in the back of the canoe, halfheartedly paddling, content to let us drift in the slow current, while watching you enjoy the sun. God, you were so beautiful that day. I sat there and watched you, you leaned back, stretching your body, eyes closed, face lifted into the sun, and you took my breath away.

    Behind us, there was a shriek, then a splash, followed by the hysterical laughter of an 8 year old boy and the indignant protests of a 14 year old girl. Another voice shouts “Dad’, I turn and take in the scene behind us. There’s Ben, holding on to the underside of a canoe, howling with laughter, his sister Chloe is a few feet away, treading water, soaked from head to toe, and furious as only a 14 year old sister can be at an 8 year old brother. I can tell in an instant, by the gleam in Ben’s eye, and the scowl on Chloe’s face that their current “circumstances” are not by accident.

    “That’s it you little brat, Chloe shouts! I am going to kill you; I’m going to hold you under the water until the bubbles stop!”

    With this, Ben stops laughing, assumes a face of perfect, wounded, innocence and looks at his sister.

    “But Chloe, it was an accident I swear, he says, his blue eyes still shining with laughter. I love you, and if you drown me where are you going to find another brother as wonderful as me, he asks, mock sincerity heavy in his voice?”

    Chloe looks at him, and I can see he is working his magic on her. He is smooth, 8 years old and he can charm the socks off all of them. He is the youngest of six in our blended family, and he has all four of his sisters completely wrapped around his finger. I smile thinking on it, it is such a love hate relationship; they love to hate him and hate to love him. He works it for all it’s worth.

    “Besides, Ben chuckles; Dad needs help keeping all you hens in check; and we all know that Jacob isn’t any help there”

    “Hey!” I hear my stepson moan, he’s our oldest. I look at Jacob, he’s smiling while at the same time trying to feign indignation at his little step brother.

    “The next time they want to dress you up like a little girl; I’m going to help them, in fact I am the one that is going to stuff you in the dress, he teases!

    “I ain’t scared of any of you, Ben says,” But I can see that he takes this threat seriously, there is now just a hint of concern in his eyes at his brother’s remark. I am laughing now, at this back and forth. Again, another voice shouts “Dad” joined in unison by another that shouts my name in drawn out dramatic fashion, “Raaaannnnnddddy.” I turn a little further to the right, to the metallic “click” of a camera. There’s Paige and Ashley, my oldest and your youngest, both 16 and thick as thieves.

    “Say cheese” says Ashley behind the camera.

    It is about this time that I notice two things. Number one, Paige has a look of pure bedevilment on her face. Number two; there is a bright pink balloon, undoubtedly filled with water, sailing my way in a perfect arc. The throw is dead on; Paige has always had one hell of an arm and one hell of an aim. The balloon hits me square in the chest, “SPLOOSH” and I am drenched. Now they are all laughing. “Randy” I hear Tabitha, your middle, shout from the canoe with Jacob. I turn, and another, bright, pink, water filled projectile lands squarely in my lap, “SPLOOSH!” They are all howling now; with laughter and delight at their prank.

    “KIDS, I shout! Can’t we just leave them out here? They’d fit right in with all the rest of the animals, I say; turning and expecting to find you just as soaked as me.

    To my surprise, you are still sitting there in that same pose; untouched by a single drop of water. Hands behind your back, placed flat to the seat of the canoe, legs stretched out to the front, eyes closed, face lifted to the sun, and the most beautiful and peaceful smile on your lips. Again, you take my breath away. I am not sure if the smile was for the warmth and beauty of the day, or for the sounds of those you loved all around you and laughing.

    “I love you, I whisper.” As the realization hits me once again that this is a dream.

    “I don’t want to leave this moment. I don’t want to go back. Please, can’t I stay here with all of you?”

    It is now that you chose to acknowledge me. You don’t say a word. You simply turn and look at me. You look at me with that face, and that soft smile you use when I have asked for something or said something stupid. That face and smile that says,” Oh my poor, poor, pitiful man. What would you ever do without me, what am I ever going to do with you?” Still you say nothing, a look of tenderness and love on your face, but silent.

    “Please, I beg, in an almost inaudible whisper!”

    Still, you just sit there, looking at me, silent. Your silence is my answer. The look on your face says it all. I can’t stay; not that you don’t want me to; I can see that; just that I can’t stay, not now. Once again I am struck by the realization that this is just a dream and this realization is clawing out me now, trying to drag me away from you. I try to force myself to stay in this moment, with you and the kids; but it’s becoming harder. The glare of the sun is becoming harsher, the heat on my shoulders that was at first warm and pleasant now becoming oppressive. Now there is a sound, a noise I can’t place that seems to come from everywhere and nowhere all at the same time. Why can’t I stay? I struggle to hold on to this dream for just a little longer.

    crawfish posted: »

    markd, I told you that I might throw something in here one day, so here it is. at the moment, I am kind of at a crossroads in deciding whet

  • XD it's a great gif I like it be proud :D

    That's my gif lol. (I didn't make it, but I was the one that started using it.)

  • edited September 2014

    That's my gif lol. (I didn't make it, but I was the one that started using it.)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    sry the reviews are late I'm so busy recently but I promise I will get to everything eventually I missed 3 Chapter 1 A beuatiful chap

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    first I got to say dayum @crawfish is a much better reviewer the me just awesome :O

    I can only give short reviews till the end but again superb Emmypess again you mixed up your styles for a more romantic and charming chapter just beautiful, Alice and Cara I love the partnership they are really growing on me every chapter don't hurt them pls :'(.

    Perfection at it's best this story

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Tell me more about my father," Alice asked in the darkness of her bedroom. Every night, before bed, she would ask this question. She didn't

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