Good news everyone. The next part of my epic Fanfic " long shave ahead " will be released " super soon " and is in fact " just around the corner "...and here it is!
" It was slowly but surely getting dark outside and even though the group was aware of the fact that they were getting chased down by a evil maniacally retard, they decided to eat dinner first, before they were hitting the road again. Our beloved handsome shaved hero, did sit on a table with his new Bro Raging-Blades and his old Bro Markd4547. "
" No music required "
Markd: " So Stache, we were just talking. What's the deal with the kid? What's his name...Raging_Blades, is he in charge? "
Blades: " Dude, i'm sitting right next to you... "
Stache: " I like him, he is a good guy. "
Markd4547: " Would you trust him with your life? "
Blades: " I'm still sitting right next to you... "
Stache: " I think so. "
Markd: " He said they were on the run. "
Blades: " Some people are chasing after us. "
Stache: " It's been 5 days. Why would Travis still be following us? "
Blades: " Well...he's a retard. "
Markd: " Hope you like the food. "
Blades: " I wish we would still have those Froot Loops. "
Stache: " Me to. "
Markd: " Peaches and beans. Great for nutrition. Not too great on the way out though, i tell ya. "
" Loud fart sounds " ... " Meanwhile on the other table "
What the Duck: " It smells funny in here. "
Clementine-Everett: " Like shit, right Lee? "
LeetheLegend: " Don't you swear to much okay? "
" Back at the main table "
Stache: " sigh...Urbans. "
Markd: " You ever heard of a place called Wellington? "
Stache: " Yea. Tobi and i were going there. "
Blades: " Tobi? Who's Tobi? "
Markd: " Tobi was his son. "
Blades: " Oh... "
Stache: " I thought about him today, about his dumb little face...first things that come to mind are always the dumb things he was doing...makes it harder to remember, Tobi was a good boy. "
Markd: " So anyway... Supposed to be a big camp up near Michigan. Think about it. Fresh water, lots of land and cold ass winters, so the Stache stops to grow. "
Blades: " Sounds like Bullshit! "
Markd: " Listen shitbird. I don't know what your deal is, but you are more than welcome to take of in the morning. "
Blades: " Well that'd be just fine by me. "
Markd: " What's the deal with this guy Stache? "
Blades: " Hey, fuck you, buddy. "
Stache: " Please. Don't fight. "
Markd: " No Stache, you'll have to make a choice here. It's either him or me. So what's it gonna be? "
" The Walking Mustache was frozen. He didn't know which Bro he should decide for. In his memory, he was rethinking some of the most memorable moments they shared with each other. "
Blades: " What's the most important thing in this world? "
Stache: " Hoes! "
Blades: " Cmon Stache, think about it. What comes before Hoes?"
Stache: " Boat! "
Blades: " It's Bros Stache. It's a tough world out there without people you can trust. "
Markd: " I knew it. I knew that i could. I had a fire in me, sure as shit. Hell. I am a hell of a guy...When your Stache...well...i toke care of it. I hope you'l never forget that. "
Good news everyone. The next part of my epic Fanfic " long shave ahead " will be released " super soon " and is in fact " just around the co… morerner "...and here it is!
" It was slowly but surely getting dark outside and even though the group was aware of the fact that they were getting chased down by a evil maniacally retard, they decided to eat dinner first, before they were hitting the road again. Our beloved handsome shaved hero, did sit on a table with his new Bro Raging-Blades and his old Bro Markd4547. "
" No music required "
Markd: " So Stache, we were just talking. What's the deal with the kid? What's his name...Raging_Blades, is he in charge? "
Blades: " Dude, i'm sitting right next to you... "
Stache: " I like him, he is a good guy. "
Markd4547: " Would you trust him with your life? "
Blades: " I'm still sitting right next to you... "
Stache: " I think so. "
Markd… [view original content]
Markd: " Stache...Stache... "
" The Walking Mustache was frozen. He didn't know which Bro he should decide for. In his mem… moreory, he was rethinking some of the most memorable moments they shared with each other. "
Blades: " What's the most important thing in this world? "
Stache: " Hoes! "
Blades: " Cmon Stache, think about it. What comes before Hoes?"
Stache: " Boat! "
Blades: " It's Bros Stache. It's a tough world out there without people you can trust. "
Markd: " I knew it. I knew that i could. I had a fire in me, sure as shit. Hell. I am a hell of a guy...When your Stache...well...i toke care of it. I hope you'l never forget that. "
I kinda figured that you already, that you are gonna vote for yourself ;D. And i guess Markd4547 is gonna do the same thing.
I think it's time for a...
Speaking of which, since you are as much of a fan of Tiebreakers as i am. Maybe you could be the person that breaks the tie and gives a vote? That would definitely be a nice change of events!
-You sure this is safe? –Mike said with nervousness.
-Of course, have I ever lied to you? Andrew answered
-Who gave it to you?
-Everyone calls him “Vick”, he got it from someone named Heisenberg or something like that .
-So we just sell it and the money is ours? Just like that.
-Yeah it’s pretty easy, isn’t it?
-Well I don’t know I just don’t want this to become an ha…
Suddenly the sound of sirens interrupted Mike.
-Fuck –Andrew shouted –that motherfucker bailed on us.
-You remember Cole? I told him if he wanted to be part of this , but he told me that he didn’t want to be involved in anything illegal.
-But, why would he give us away?
-He came out of prison just a week ago, he made a deal with the police, he was going to be a mole, I thought I could trust him, you know ‘cause we were childhood friends and all.
A loud noise interrupted Andrew. –We’ll split ok?. Take this gun You go through the back door and I go thought the window.
Okay.-Mike answered
Mike hurried to escape through the door and ran as fast as he could, he ran until he couldn’t listen the sirens .He ran into the forest, there he hided in a hollow trunk. Three days had passed since he last saw some sign of civilization, he was starving , but his luck changed… or at least it seemed like that. He found a camp, there wasn’t anyone ,so he started to search for some food he found some cans when he heard.
-I’ll be back soon.
Mike quickly hided in the tend.
-I know there is someone in there-he heard -you should be more careful if ,you want to be a thief you know?. Plus I’m a cop. Are you one of those scavengers?
-He is a cop. He’ll know who I am. -Mike thought-
He reached the gun Andrew gave him.
Suddenly the tent opened. The cop was staring right at Mike eyes and said: Don’t do anything crazy son just give me that gun and … BAM BAM some shoots where heard in the distance.
Mike panicked, and before he could realize, three bullets went right thought the cop’s chest and PUMM his body collapsed like a rock. Mike quickly realized, he just killed a man, and not just that, he just killed a cop. When he thought anything could go any worse a voice interrupted the calm of the forest.
-Dad, did you heard the shoots? .It must have been the scavengers. Dad?
Mike iced right in the place he didn’t know what to do…
The weight of your actions
-You sure this is safe? –Mike said with nervousness.
-Of course, have I ever lied to you? And… morerew answered
-Who gave it to you?
-Everyone calls him “Vick”, he got it from someone named Heisenberg or something like that .
-So we just sell it and the money is ours? Just like that.
-Yeah it’s pretty easy, isn’t it?
-Well I don’t know I just don’t want this to become an ha…
Suddenly the sound of sirens interrupted Mike.
-Fuck –Andrew shouted –that motherfucker bailed on us.
-You remember Cole? I told him if he wanted to be part of this , but he told me that he didn’t want to be involved in anything illegal.
-But, why would he give us away?
-He came out of prison just a week ago, he made a deal with the police, he was going to be a mole, I thought I could trust him, you know ‘cause we were childhood friends and all.
A loud noise interrupted Andrew. –We’ll split… [view original content]
The weight of your actions
-You sure this is safe? –Mike said with nervousness.
-Of course, have I ever lied to you? And… morerew answered
-Who gave it to you?
-Everyone calls him “Vick”, he got it from someone named Heisenberg or something like that .
-So we just sell it and the money is ours? Just like that.
-Yeah it’s pretty easy, isn’t it?
-Well I don’t know I just don’t want this to become an ha…
Suddenly the sound of sirens interrupted Mike.
-Fuck –Andrew shouted –that motherfucker bailed on us.
-You remember Cole? I told him if he wanted to be part of this , but he told me that he didn’t want to be involved in anything illegal.
-But, why would he give us away?
-He came out of prison just a week ago, he made a deal with the police, he was going to be a mole, I thought I could trust him, you know ‘cause we were childhood friends and all.
A loud noise interrupted Andrew. –We’ll split… [view original content]
I think your writing is excellent and very entertaining. I'm sure your thread will get more response soon as from writing perceptive it's perfect.
More exciting option this going to be good
Well...seems like nobody is voting on this thread, so i will have to make the choice myself. Please keep in mind that whoever i choose isn't necessarily my better Bro, i just make my decision considering to the story (I love you both you desirable motherfuckers!). And now without further ado, I'll do the inevitable and decide for someone.
Choice A: Side Side with Markd4547
The next part of my epic Fanfic will be released tommorow/today.
Yeah their is so many decision story threads now this is really hard to find but this thread will outlive them all and reach the top one day believe me
Well...seems like nobody is voting on this thread, so i will have to make the choice myself. Please keep in mind that whoever i choose isn't… more necessarily my better Bro, i just make my decision considering to the story (I love you both you desirable motherfuckers!). And now without further ado, I'll do the inevitable and decide for someone.
Choice A: Side Side with Markd4547
The next part of my epic Fanfic will be released tommorow/today.
Oh no, seems like the Forum is dying, i won't allow it, there is no way i will let that happen! I will write the next part of my epic Fanfic in some hours, but in the meanwhile...
Oh no, seems like the Forum is dying, i won't allow it, there is no way i will let that happen! I will write the next part of my epic Fanfic in some hours, but in the meanwhile...
No time for big intros this time, let's just keep going... Long shave ahead - Travis revenge:
Markd: " Stache...Stache... "
" A man who had to make a heartbreaking decision. The Walking Mustache knew that he could not longer avoid the inevitable. He took one last long and soothing breath, before he told his best Bro, the best Bro speech he could have possibly imagined. "
Stache: " You've always been thre for me, Markd. Always had my Stache when it mattered. What kind of Bro would i be if i wasn't there for you now? Urban or not, I'm with you to the end. You can coun't on me. "
" There was almost nothing that could destroy this heartwarming moment. Well, except maybe one thing. "
Random fat girl: " Retard alert! "
LeetheLegend: " They are coming... "
" A gigantic group of retards entered the room, and the largest and most frightening retard among them was their leader Travis. He wanted to take revenge on the group, for Ben's tragic death. "
Travis: " Howdy folks. Where are Markd4547 and The Walking Mustache? "
Markd: " Me and my fucking mouth. "
Blades: " Holy fuck. What are we gonna do? "
Stache: " Markd and i can handle this. "
Blades: " Dude let me help you, you are already shaved. "
Stache: " Even more reason we all don't risk it. You've gotta worry about the others. "
" The group of retards was slowly but surely coming closer, as Raging_Blades and the group did run outside of the ski lodge. Leaving no one but Markd4547 and The Walking Mustache behind. "
" epic sacrifice music "
Markd: " Fuck! You have any bullets left? This here only got one left in it. "
Stache: " I'm out. "
Markd: " Shit...get the fuck out of here. "
Stache: " What? "
Markd: " Go back, they need you Bro. "
Stache: " Markd..."
Markd: " This is not a discussion! "
Stache: " Hell no man, i'm not leaving! "
Markd: " What the fuck did i just say. "
" Mard4547 pushed The Walking Mustache out of the ski lodge. "
Stache: " What the fuck Markd!? "
Markd: " Stache,'s okay. "
Stache: " No Bro, no it's not! "
Markd: " It's just something i gotta do, you know that. Go grow that Stache! "
" The Walking Mustache looked across the whole dramatic event from outside to the ski lodge. As the horde of hungry retards rushed over Markd4547. With many manly tears in his eyes he ran to catch up with Raging_Blades and the group, but it was already too late. Travis and his Alpha retard Troy caught up to him already and together they knocked him out. "
" As the Walking Mustache woke up some hours later he was tied up to a chair and Travis was standing right in front of him. He took a brief look around and could see that he was captured in some kind of control center. "
Did you know that even writers have a writing block sometimes? Well...i don't. " Long shave ahead "
Travis: " You may not believe this after what happened earlier, but... I liked Markd. He was a nice guy. He kept things light. You need folks like that... It's easy to let depression sink in during times like this. But he was weak. And I don't mean because he was Urban, that wasn't his problem. He was weak of stupidity. Weak of knowing what he was doing. And we can't have that around here. Not anymore. Not with what we got at stake. You have to be able to be stupid. "
Stache: " You are a retard. You can call it whatever you want. But i know what it really is. "
Travis: " Oh, i certainly am. You see, he put us all at risk. He had a string of being fine lately. Killing many in order to save one is part of being stupid. It's one of the tough decisions that a smarter person couldn't make. It's why it falls to people like us to lead them to danger. Do you understand? Well, I wish it was different, I do. But they are smart... and we are stupid. That's why it's our responsibilty to shepherd the smart. To keep them in danger. It's their nature to think... not to know what they're doing. "
Stache: " I'm not like you."
Travis: " I know it when i see it. And we are more alike than you think. In fact, I think you realize it...but you are not confortable with it yet. There's no way you could have lasted this long otherwhise. That's what we need if we are gonna get though this. The next generation has to be dumber than the last to...lead us out of this. "
Stache: " You know what i wish? "
Travis: " What's that? "
Stache: " I wish Markd would have killed you to. "
Travis: " And that's all the prove that i need. Do you think anyone out there would have been retarded enough to say something like this to me? "
Stache: " I gonna kill you! "
Travis: " Oh, you gonna whoop me? You and what homo parade? "
Raging_Blades: " This one! "
" Raging Blades did sneak into the room before, without Travis taking notice of it. Blades knew where Travis secret hideout was and Marks killed countless of retards back at the ski lodge before he died, so it was an easy task for him and the group to assassinate the rest of them. After he did hit Travis very hard, with a large Crowbar he found outside of the building, he did free the Walking Mustache out of the chair. The Walking Mustache did take the crowbar out of his hands and was standing right over Travis weak body. "
" epic vengeance music "
Stache: " Go on and wait outside. I only need a minute. Go on, you don't need to see this. "
Blades: " We don't have time for this. "
Stache: " I'm making time. "
Travis: " Lambs to the shepherd to guide you. The Walking Mustache knows exactly what i'm talking about. You go with that feeling you got right now Stache, it's what makes you dumber then the rest of them. "
Stache: "'s over! "
Travis: " My dad was special forces, you can't kill me! "
Did you know that even writers have a writing block sometimes? Well...i don't. " Long shave ahead "
Travis: " You may not believe this af… moreter what happened earlier, but... I liked Markd. He was a nice guy. He kept things light. You need folks like that... It's easy to let depression sink in during times like this. But he was weak. And I don't mean because he was Urban, that wasn't his problem. He was weak of stupidity. Weak of knowing what he was doing. And we can't have that around here. Not anymore. Not with what we got at stake. You have to be able to be stupid. "
Stache: " You are a retard. You can call it whatever you want. But i know what it really is. "
Travis: " Oh, i certainly am. You see, he put us all at risk. He had a string of being fine lately. Killing many in order to save one is part of being stupid. It's one of the tough decisions that a smarter person couldn't make. It's why it falls to people like us to lead them to… [view original content]
Blades: " Stache...are you okay? Do you want to talk? "
Stache: " Markd was my friend. He could be tough to like, but i agreed with him most of the time. So we were serious together i guess. "
Blades: " This is a shitty time, but i want to make sure we're clear before we go forward. "
Stache: " What is it? "
Blades: " Markd. I know that he was your Bro. "
Stache: " Yeah? "
Blades: " When it comes to Markd...well? "
Stache: " You guy would be great for me. Be my Bro. "
Blades: " I do my best, you know that. "
Stache: " Good...thanks. "
" 16 Months later "
" Two mans are sitting in front of a ashy little campfire and both of them look clearly depressed. "
" Depressed but still kinda epic music "
Raging_Blades: " Mustache. Talk to me. "
The Walking Mustache: " This will never work. Look at's pathetic. My Stache is to big to grow. "
Blades: " It's okay. I can wait. "
Stache: " sigh...All we do is wait. And for what...? You should be shaving it, not me. Shaving my Mustache so it stops to grow, it's something you have to be able to do Blades. Otherwhise... "
Blades: " Markd wanted to teach me. "
Stache (angry): " I know what he wanted! "
Blades: " I'm freezing. "
Stache: " You think this is bad? Wait till we get up to Wellington, then talk to me about cold. If we make it. We still have a couple of hard months ahead of us. This rain will turn to sleet, then ice, then snow. It won't be easy. "
Blades: " Is it safe there...? "
Stache: " Nope...but the beard stops to grow because of the cold. Or so they say. We just need to keep moving north. "
Blades: " I miss random fat girl. "
Stache: " I'm sure you do. I'm gonna go and look for more wood. "
" As the Walking Mustache was going deeper inside of the woods, he did take a quick look into his backpack. There was a old photo of him and his godlike Mustache (and is family) and right besides of that there was a drawing of his old Bro Markd4547. "
Stache: " sigh...that guy, he was always so serious. "
Random voice behind him: " Why so serious? "
Stache: " M...Markd? "
Markd: " Yes Stache, it's me. "
" Yet another time many manly tears were being cried, as the two Bros were giving each other a big Bro hug. "
" epic reunion music "
Stache: " But how are you still alive? I saw you get eaten alive by a gigantic horde of retards. "
Markd: " Well...long story short, i got lucky. Real lucky. "
Stache: " But... "
Markd: " Real lucky... "
Blades: " Jesus, are you fucking kidding me? Is that you Markd? "
Markd: " Yes it's me, but that's not important right now. Just let me tell you one thing. You don't just end it because it's hard. You stick it out and you help the folks you care about. So let's figure a way out'a here and get to Wellington. "
Lmao haha Stache your a genius Travis as Carver changing all his quotes around so funny, random fat girl, retarts, all the staches jokes etc… more
Which Homo parade THIS ONE lmao
The action and comedy in this your stories are just getting better and funnier really gripping I NEED MOAR
You want MOAR? Here...MOAR^!!!
Blades: " Stache...are you okay? Do you want to talk? "
Stache: " Markd was my friend. He could be … moretough to like, but i agreed with him most of the time. So we were serious together i guess. "
Blades: " This is a shitty time, but i want to make sure we're clear before we go forward. "
Stache: " What is it? "
Blades: " Markd. I know that he was your Bro. "
Stache: " Yeah? "
Blades: " When it comes to Markd...well? "
Stache: " You guy would be great for me. Be my Bro. "
Blades: " I do my best, you know that. "
Stache: " Good...thanks. "
" 16 Months later "
" Two mans are sitting in front of a ashy little campfire and both of them look clearly depressed. "
" Depressed but still kinda epic music "
Raging_Blades: " Mustache. Talk to me. "
The Walking Mustache: " This will never work. Look at's pathetic. My Stache is to big to grow. "
Blades: " It's okay. I… [view original content]
There it is again. My voice. I've been talking to myself without even realizing it. From what I've been able to piece together from the last bits and pieces of memories scattered throughout my mind it all started when the military came. When the shots were fired and all they left were the corpses of the ill-fated men and women working hard to secure the safety of the patients inside. I haven't left my husband's room since that day. The corpses never let me. Their deafening growls and pounds keep me on my toes and away from sleep. I fear my efforts to barricade the door are proving to be futile. I fear for the fate of my husband if the hospital's back-up power starts showing signs of failure. What if I'm not around when he wakes up? I'll have to leave this room some day. The food is limited and the water scarce. Could I let him escape into this new and terrifying world all by himself, desperately searching for me? No. I can't let that happen. I will simply have to wait for him to wake up. "Ever so slowly." I sigh while watching the seconds crawl by on the silver watch strapped to my wrist.
"It's been... 5 days."
There it is again. My voice. I've been talking to myself without even realizing it. From what I've been able to pi… moreece together from the last bits and pieces of memories scattered throughout my mind it all started when the military came. When the shots were fired and all they left were the corpses of the ill-fated men and women working hard to secure the safety of the patients inside. I haven't left my husband's room since that day. The corpses never let me. Their deafening growls and pounds keep me on my toes and away from sleep. I fear my efforts to barricade the door are proving to be futile. I fear for the fate of my husband if the hospital's back-up power starts showing signs of failure. What if I'm not around when he wakes up? I'll have to leave this room some day. The food is limited and the water scarce. Could I let him escape into this new and terrifying world all by himself, desperately searching for me? No.… [view original content]
"It's been... 5 days."
There it is again. My voice. I've been talking to myself without even realizing it. From what I've been able to pi… moreece together from the last bits and pieces of memories scattered throughout my mind it all started when the military came. When the shots were fired and all they left were the corpses of the ill-fated men and women working hard to secure the safety of the patients inside. I haven't left my husband's room since that day. The corpses never let me. Their deafening growls and pounds keep me on my toes and away from sleep. I fear my efforts to barricade the door are proving to be futile. I fear for the fate of my husband if the hospital's back-up power starts showing signs of failure. What if I'm not around when he wakes up? I'll have to leave this room some day. The food is limited and the water scarce. Could I let him escape into this new and terrifying world all by himself, desperately searching for me? No.… [view original content]
Mark, as well as other fellow storytellers who liked my story. ;D I'm still working on chapter 5 of the story of Max and Rayne, (and Molly) right now I am taking a break but it should be posted sometime today, as I want to make it decently long like chapter 3 of my story. With that said, I know that Mark is probably excited now. :P
In case you guys thought i'm running out of ideas, i ain't. My Fanfic " Long shave ahead ", is far away from being over. The next part is gonna be released later today. Brace yourself, it's coming!
" Many days had passed, as the story of our 3 beloved handsome shaved heroes continues and the atmosphere in the group was noticeable tense. The three Stacheketeers had almost finished their long journey to Wellington, they only had to pass though a small suburb called Wellingtonvannah before they could finish their long journey. Unfortunately, Raging_Blades had seriously injured his foot, a couple of days ago. "
Blades: " Guys, we need to rest. I need to rest! "
Stache: " Yeah, you'r right. Markd, hold up. Markd, goddamnit! I said hold up! Blades needs to take a break, let's give him a minute. "
Markd: " We're almost out of the suburb, almost to Wellington. "
Stache: " Then it won't hurt to stop for just one damn minute. "
" The sound of a (epic) loud Bell could be heard "
Blades: " What the hell? Maybe this city is not so dead after all. "
Markd: " Keep moving. No-one is ringing that bell, it's automatic, on a timer. "
Stache: " Ask not for whom the bell tolls for thee... "
" A huge herd of Nazi-Zombies approached the group and the 3 Bros had no other option, as to run. Luckily they found a small building nearby, where they could hide. But unfortunately the house was getting fuller and fuller with Nazi Zombies that were chasing after them, so they had no other choice left as to hide in the buildings attic. "
" some random epic music "
Stache: " How do we get out of here? "
Blades: " I don't know. "
Stache: " Okay, now your life depends on it. How do you get out of here? "
Markd: " Everyone need's to keep looking for a way out, damnit. We're trapped in here. "
Stache: " I think we need to " adult " conversation about what happens if we don't find another way out of here. We could be looking at a Ben situation here. "
Blades: " Who's Ben? "
Markd: " Okay, what do you want to do? "
Stache: " about it. "
Markd: " Does that conversation end with me getting shot in the face? "
Stache: " Now hey! "
Blades: " Guys...I don't know what happened before i became your Bro, but we can cross this bridge when we get to it. "
Stache: " Markd, I'm not advocating anything here...But how is this not a thing? We're all so worked up about finding Wellington, that we are forgetting what the fuck happened to you. You could sacrifice yourself again, to save our lives."
Markd: " My reincarnation is not the issue. I'm not the problem. The five hundred Nazi-Zombies and no door in this room are the goddamn problem. "
Stache: " Yeah. Maybe at the moment...but who's to say when it becomes an issue. And at that point, there may not be any time left to deal with it! "
Blades: " This is getting out of hand... "
Stache: " You're gonna listen to me. We will get to Wellington, with or without you. Because i haven't given up everything to die because we were stupid. "
Markd: " I'm sorry, okay? Fuck! We can't do this! "
Stache: " We're gonna have to! "
Markd: " Then just kill me motherfucker, don't even fucking hesitate! "
Stache: " I will! "
" The Walking Mustache was throwing a conveniently placed head-statue, that was standing just right next to him, at Markd's direction, but luckily the statue was missing him. "
Blades: " You ruined that dude's face. "
Stache: " Shut up Bro. Look. It's corroded to hell. "
" Stache said, as he was starting to beat in the wall, with a conveniently well placed wood-stand, that was standing just right next to him. "
Markd: " This wall ain't shit. Yeah. We can do this. We'll work in shifts. We will have to work fast. "
I would have gotten this done way earlier. But a few complications happened, still, I hope you guys enjoy nevertheless! This should be longer than my previous chapter as well!
Chapter 5: The Arbiter of All Things
"Come on, Max, you would be foolish to leave her sobbing in a state like that. Go on, talk to her you piece of shit, you can't always leave situations unscathed. Sometimes, all you gotta do is stepin." Max shook his head, he remembered what it was like to be in a situation like this. After all, it had the ingredients of unwanted memories to complete it: girl crying, depressing atmosphere, the choice of slipping away... He just couldn't bear it to begin with. But if it was to make a sweet girl like Rayne happy, so be it.
Max had felt his stomach churn out of distress, it pained him to see Rayne like this. He gathered the courage to finally approach the couch, as he sat down next to her.
"Rayne? Are, um, are you alright?"
Total silence.
"Well, whatever you are feeling right now, I hope it isn't serious. I still haven't properly thanked you for letting me stay, even if it was at the end of a pointed sword, or your friend's hook thing."
Rayne rubbed her eyes and sniffed, trying to cover up the snot that was dangling from her nose. She was a little embarrassed that Max had to see her this way.
"Ugh, I hate it when that happens." He grabbed something from his pocket, giving her a small packet of tissues. Rayne looked up and smiled, her smile being barely visible however, as her hand tried to cover her nose.
"...Thanks, kid, you know exactly what a girl wants." She grabbed a tissue from the pack and started blowing her nose out of desperation. Eventually throwing the crumpled-up piece of tissue on the floor.
"Feel better, R.? You don't mind if I call you 'R.', right? Like your friend did?"
"No... I don't mind." She sniffed again, while attempting to dry up her tears. "Thank you again for the tissue."
He nodded politely and waited to see if she had anything else to say.
"Max, I didn't mean to get her all pissed off like that. I do care for her sister, I really do. It's just that I felt so lonely without Molly. With her being gone for weeks and keeping the zombies at bay by myself, it got to me."
He was surprised when she mentioned 'weeks'. "Why didn't you go with her to Savannah?" Max then curiously asked.
"No, no, when it comes to scavenging runs with her, she always insists on going by herself. It's not like I'm going to argue with my best friend anyway. She is a stubborn chick, I'll give her that."
Rayne paused for a moment.
"Besides, someone had to watch this mansion, that person being me of course."
"Of course..." Max said as he tried to be a smartass.
"What? Still mad about the whole sword thing?" The girl undoubtedly raised an eyebrow, as she slowly made a disgusted face in response to what he said.
"No! I didn't mean that, I-" Rayne grabbed his hands and giggled after his amusing reaction. "Calm down, silly! I was joking. Now come on." She pulled him up with unexpected strength, leading him towards the stairs. She finally let go of his hands. "I want you be alongside me when I talk to Molly, alright? I think it'd be best that she would get to see your face a little more, so she would get used to you."
Max's face went pale a little. "Are you sure? Shouldn't you two work it on your own? You are her best friend after all..."
"It's alright, don't be so nervous. You need to be in a reasonable state of mind if you're going to crash with us, especially when it comes to helping out around the property here. Like I showed you yesterday."
Max nodded. "Okay, if you really want me to be with you, I'll try my best."
Rayne smiled her smile again. "Thank you. If only people were a lot like you, Max. Then maybe, just maybe the world would be a better place." The two of them walked up the stairs and continued down the large mansion hallway. Rayne walked in front of him, making sure that he didn’t try to do anything weird.
She came to a bedroom door, and had started to lean against it.
"Molly?" She gently knocked. "You in there?"
No response.
Rayne had a feeling something was amiss. Angry or not, Molly would have responded right away. Something was definitely wrong.
The worried girl took a breath, and opened the door quick. She scanned the bedroom quickly looking for her friend. It was no use though. Molly was gone, just like that.
Every piece of furniture in the room seemed to have been tossed around, as if there was some sort of struggle that happened.
"Molly. No, no, you can't be gone. ...You can't leave me again, Mol." Then, Rayne saw her backpack by an open window, she quickly shuffled towards it and kneeled down to pick it up. "She would never leave her pack here." Rayne got up, worryingly peering out the window as she tried to make sure this wasn't a joke that M. was playing on her. A few minutes passed on by, all she could hear was the moans of the Walkers that were wandering outside like always.
Rayne pressed Molly's pack against her chest, hugging it. Max was still standing by the doorway, he wanted to go and comfort R., but at the same time he didn't want to interrupt her either. He figured that it would be best to leave her alone while she tried to recollect her thoughts.
R. clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. She glared over at Max. "Max, did anyone follow you? Please tell the truth. Please."
Max could feel the hatred in her voice, he didn't know what to say, as he was completely caught off-guard by her demanding tone of voice.
"I don't know. I'm pretty sure that I wasn't followed. I mean, I think I wasn't followed, look, Rayne, I'm not part of another group or anything."
Rayne crossed her arms and sighed.
"Alright, but, if I find out that you're lying to me." The girl slowly walked towards Max, eyes still fixed on him. "I will get my sword, and I will chop your head off. Do you hear me? She's the only thing I have in this world, I don't want to lose her."
Max nodded in fear for his life.
"Good, if that's settled. You and me are taking a little trip down later to find her, and I might have a good idea where..."
Hey all, it's been awhile since I posted chapter 2, part 1 of my fan fic. I've been really busy getting our house ready to sell so I haven't had much time on my hands. I'm going to repost the first part of the chapter here, so you have enough context to understand what's going on. Enjoy.
**Chapter 2
4 Days In -- Robbins Joint Operations Base **
Manny cursed silently as Doc Horner unwrapped the bandages and started prodding at his injured rib.
"You're a lucky bastard." The large African American man said in his distinctive Alabama drawl.
"Do lucky bastards gets shot twice in the same year?"
"Most folks who lose a fight with a 7.62mm machine gun don't live to tell the tale, let alone get shot again." Manny closed his eyes and tried to drive the image of Cho's bisected corpse out of his head. "Thankfully, your flak jacket took the worst of it. The fact you made it out with a couple of fragments and a fractured rib is a miracle by itself." The doctor looked dejectedly at the dying bite victims at the other side of the tent. "Plus, you uh...didn't end up like them poor souls."
"True enough." Manny conceded. "How's military life treating you, Doc?" He already had a pretty good idea, you could see the exhaustion on the doctor's face.
"Pretty well, all things considered." The large man chuckled miserably. "I'm a family doctor...ain't treated wounds like this since Grenada, and that was oh...21 years ago. Beats the hell outta being food for them crazies though." After a long silence, Doc Horne wrapped a fresh bandage around the wound and started scribbling in his notepad.
"Soooo, I'm cleared for duty?"
"LIGHT duty." The doctor corrected him. "Remember, you lost a lot of blood. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't allow it, but things outside are getting worse all the time and the brass needs everyone they can get. I'll give you some painkillers for the ribs, but our supplies are running low, so otherwise you're on yo-"
"DOC!" A voice called from outside the medical tent. Two men jogged in, carrying a groaning Marine, with his left leg chopped off at the knee. Doc Horner looked at the victim, swore and turned back to Manny.
"Ortiz, the rest of your stuff is in Hangar 2A with your unit, you can show yourself out, god bless." He didn't need to be told twice. Manny got up, grabbed his things and walked into the summer heat. Each step sent a dull ache through his chest, but it felt good to finally be on his feet.
The base was a mad rush of activity. Hundreds of soldiers from all branches of the military and their families set up camp in hangars and tent cities scattered around the Tarmac. Guards were stationed at improvised watchtowers all along the perimeter. In spite of everything, the atmosphere at the base felt oddly cheerful.
"Move it!" A Humvee full of Marines honked and yelled, snapping Manny out of his thoughts. He crossed a runaway and made his way toward the hangar serving as a makeshift barracks for most of Blackhawk Company. On the way there he found Sgt. White speaking with wife, Linda. She was hard to miss with her long platinum blonde hair.
"Jake, dear; look who it is."
"Hey," White beamed, "Didn't expect to see you back on your feet this soon."
"Hey, Manny." Linda chirped "Glad to see you're doing ok." They were an odd couple; Sgt. White towered over Linda, who was barely over five feet tall.
"Thanks!" He smiled back, "I'm glad to see you made it here alright, Linda. Things are getting pretty bad out there."
"Yeah, me too." White added nervously. "It was...a close call, y'know? Good thing my girl knows how to take care of herself." He smiled and gave his wife a quick kiss. "I'll meet you back at the tent in a bit, darling. Gotta show Manny where he's sleeping." She nodded and walked toward the tent city, while Manny and White continued on to the barracks. White was grinning, but the way he was forcing it reminded Manny of a constipated dog. Finally, he dropped the act and started shaking his head.
"She's pregnant." White blurted, once his wife was out of earshot.
"Wha-?" White cut him off
"Yeah, that was kind of my reaction too. Fucking wonderful timing, ain't it?"
"You could say that...what are you two going to do?" White grimaced, clearly unsure of how to answer.
"I don't know, man. This shit ain't blowing over, at least for a long fucking am I supposed to be a Dad knowing that what happened to Cho could happen to me at any given day? Remember what happened to Lt. Marsh back in Nasiriyah? Pretty wife, two kids in pre-school? Then somebody had to tell em' that Daddy got blown up by some fucker with an RPG." He hesitated, staring at the ground. "I don't want her to have to deal with that."
"That's always a risk." Manny said earnestly. "She knew what she signed up for."
"Yeah." White sighed, trying to shake the unpleasant thought from his mind. How about your folks? They make it here?" Manny's throat tightened with worry.
"No, it's eating away at me." He admitted, "I told them to pick up abuela in Macon and head to the base, but...I don't know."
"Try not to worry about it. They'll get here." White said with genuine sympathy.
"I hope so...I treated them like shit the day I left for UGA." The pair finished the rest of their walk to the hangar in silence. They pushed through the large metal building, hastily filled with cots, storage containers and other guardsmen. When the pair reached Manny's bunk, Corporal Gibbs was waiting or them. White's expression changed to an angry glare as he stalked toward the driver, who's blue eyes appraised White nervously.
"What are you doing here, Corporal?" He demanded, placing himself mere inches from Gibb's face. "You've got some fucking nerve to come back here after what you did." Gibb's searched desperately for an escape route, only to find that White had him backed against a wall. Trapped, he looked pleadingly at Manny.
"Jesus, Sarge! Th-this is where I'm bunked now." He stammered "Major Horowitz stripped me of my IFV certification and put me in with you guys until they can could, uh, be a while."
"Oh that's just fucking perfect! Should I be worried you'll mistake me for a delta and shoot me?"
"No, I-" White grabbed Cpl. Gibbs by his shirt collar and slammed him against the wall. His face turned redder by second, until it nearly matched his hair.
"Or maybe I should save us all the trouble and put a bullet through your empty fucking skull while nobody's looking."
"Woah, woah. Be cool, man." Manny stepped in and tried to shove White away from the scrawny corporal before the situation got any worse. "Gibbs promised to try and make things right."
"Come on, don't be like that, Sarge. Please!" Gibbs said, desperation in his voice. "I'm sorry, I-"
"Don't fucking apologize to me! Save it for Cho's parents when they get here and find out that you gunned down their son!" Gibbs' head dropped in shame and White finally let him go.
"Hey, White." Manny said, "Didn't your wife want to see you?" White paused for a moment and nodded.
"Yeah. I'll see you around, Ortiz." He turned to Gibbs and told him to watch his ass in a menacing whisper. The corporal nodded frantically and slinked away, leaving Manny alone.
Manny changed into a new set of clothes and left for the mess hall. The building wasn't large enough to seat the new arrivals, so rows of makeshift tables were lined up outside to accommodate them. After waiting in a thirty-minute line for some soggy meatloaf, Manny made his back outside and sat down at a quiet table, near a couple of pilots. Normally, he could expect an angry rebuke for intruding on the 'Air Force table, but these weren't normal times. Both were drinking and only short, bald guy seemed to notice him, muttering "stupid fucking doggy" under his breath before returning to his drink. Manny didn't bother replying.
"It's so fucked, man..." The bald man said miserably, "All the runs to Atlanta? What kind of sick fucking animal orders that anyway?" The pilot didn't seem to notice that the man sitting across from him was out cold, as he continued babbling. "I mean, there were people down there...there were deltas, but there was people too. We just dropped the incendiaries and foooosh; no more people. Just smoke...all a that fuckin' smoke...should blow my fucking brains out." Manny gulped down the rest of his meatloaf as quickly as possible and got up to leave. He thought about reporting the drunk to the military police, but decided it was none of his business.
The cheerful atmosphere was fading quickly as guardsmen and other soldiers returned from the field by they truckload. Manny walked toward the entry gate and saw the dirty, exhausted troops file out of their vehicles; like a procession of the dazed and wounded, staggering over to their commanding officer for de-briefing. Some of them must've been out there for days. Surviving his squad's journey through Chinatown suddenly felt like less of an accomplishment.
"Poor bastards." Manny flinched at the sudden noise and turned around. Lt. Fisher walked up beside him, her flak jacket and helmet we're on. "This whole thing just keeps getting worse and worse."
"Yeah, it is." He nodded. "One of the flyboys said that Colonel Jackson has them bombing evac centers in the city."
"Yeah well, that's the strategy. Torch and burn, kill whatever moves." Manny couldn't believe what he was hearing and barely resisted the urge to snap at his CO.
"Killing unarmed civilians is the strategy, ma'am?" Fisher shook her head and stared down at the ground.
"Have you seen the casualty estimates, Sergeant?" She asked defensively. "Because I have. We've lost almost a fourth of our division to deltas, armed civilians and desertion. The chain of command is totally fucked." She paused for a second and retrieved a pack of cigarettes from her BDU. "Millions of people are dying, coming back and eating whatever they can get their hands on."
"Fuuuck. I didn't know it was that bad." Manny said, Fisher took a drag of her cigarette and put it out with her boot.
"That's because I'm not suppose to tell you. You think morale is bad now? Just wait until people find out what's really going on." Manny nodded grimly. He felt sick to his stomach as he imagined his parents and little sister stranded outside among the dead.
"In war, truth is the first casualty." He muttered as the group of returning soldiers began to disperse.
"Anyway." She continued, I've got to report for sentry duty in a few minutes. The rest of you guys should try to get some rest while you can, were moving out tomorrow. No id-". She was interrupted by the commander or the returning soldiers clearing his throat.
"Excuse me, Lieutenant. May I have a word?" Manny decided it was a good time to leave. "I'm afraid I have some bad news."
Manny walked back to the Hangar. On his way, he paused and stared at a makeshift chapel someone assembled outside. It was a far cry from the Baptist church Manny's family used to attend, but it was better than nothing. A large number of men and women from Blackhawk company sat there praying with an urgency that Manny hadn't seen since the night before they crossed the border into Iraq; that was never a good sign. Manny tried to sit down on one of the pews, but a sharp burst of pain shot through his chest, causing him to double-over. 'Damn it, I'm an idiot.' he thought to himself, as he remembered the bottle of pain medication still sitting in the medical tent.
Manny decided the doctor probably wouldn't mind if he stopped by to pick up some Aspirin, so walked over toward the medical tent. As he crossed the Tarmac, someone called out to him. "Hey Ortiz, wait up!" Gibbs ran to meet him.
"What is it?" Manny asked, making no effort to hide his annoyance, Corporal Gibbs was the last person he wanted to talk to right now.
"I'm supposed to tell you to get squared away, we're leaving in an hour." The corporal noticed Manny hunching over as he walked and stared nervously. "You gonna be okay to go?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I am." Manny assured him. "Just going to the doc for some pain meds."
"Oh...good." Gibbs said, visibly relieved. "I thought Sgt. White was going to kill me." He was right; White was always high-strung, but Manny had never seen him that angry before.
"Be careful around White. He's still pissed about Cho....and now with his family here...give him some space."
"Family?" Gibbs said curiously, "I only saw his wi-".
"Aaaaaaghhhh!" Gibbs was cut off by bloodcurdling scream coming from the the medical tent.
"What the fuck was that?!" Manny gasped, Gibbs shrugged his shoulders and the two guardsmen ran in the direction of the screams. They were stopped cold by a grisly sight, the one-legged marine was on top of Doc Horner, chewing the flesh from his shoulder.
"Gibbs, we gotta help him! Cover me!" Manny yelled, but the Corporal just stood there, completely dumbstruck. Cursing Gibbs' uselessness under his breath, Manny pulled his combat knife from its sheath and charged into the tent. The marine paid him no mind, continuing to gnaw away at the writhing doctor.
"Get off him you fucker!" Manny yelled as he kicked the delta off his victim and tackled it to the ground. He buried the tip of his combat knife into delta's temple, but the blade got lodged in the skull. The beast thrashed against him with inhuman strength, gurgling and growling, as Manny desperately tried to force the blade through the skull and into the brain It grabbed Manny's arm and locked it in a death grip, dragging the appendage closer and closer to it's snapping jaws.
BAM! Manny fell on his ass, deafened and scared shitless. Gibbs was standing over the marine, now with a fist-sized hole in the side of its head. Shaking, Gibbs kept his M9 handgun trained on the corpse.
"I think he's had enough, Gibbs." Manny choked as he spat out a piece of the marine's skull. "Ew, fuck....uh, thanks." The corporal nodded and holstered his sidearm. Manny ran over to the doctor and rolled him over. He was alive, but mortally wounded. The delta ripped off a piece of his neck and copious amounts of blood poured out of the hold, despite Manny's attempts to staunch it.
"Hey shit-for-brains, do want to get bitten?" A voice called out from behind. Three soldiers wearing DHS(1) Hazmat Suits pointed their suppressed MP5's at him. "This is a contaminated area, get the fuck out of our way." Manny glared at the agents, but eventually raised his hands in the air and began walking away; this was a fight he didn't want to get into.
"What the fuck are you doing?" He demanded as the Hazmat team filed into the tent with their guns at the ready. Their commander turned around and chuckled darkly.
"You sure you wanna know?" His squadmates hauled the injured patients out of their beds and laid them face down in a neat row. Sickened, Manny gestured to Gibbs, who was standing in front of the tent in silence.
"No, no, no this is so fucked up." he said, on the verge of tears.
"You don't want to see this, Corporal." He pulled Gibbs away from the gory scene. "Let's go."
(1) DHS stands for Department of Homeland Security
Hey all, it's been awhile since I posted chapter 2, part 1 of my fan fic. I've been really busy getting our house ready to sell so I haven'… moret had much time on my hands. I'm going to repost the first part of the chapter here, so you have enough context to understand what's going on. Enjoy.
**Chapter 2
4 Days In -- Robbins Joint Operations Base **
Manny cursed silently as Doc Horner unwrapped the bandages and started prodding at his injured rib.
"You're a lucky bastard." The large African American man said in his distinctive Alabama drawl.
"Do lucky bastards gets shot twice in the same year?"
"Most folks who lose a fight with a 7.62mm machine gun don't live to tell the tale, let alone get shot again." Manny closed his eyes and tried to drive the image of Cho's bisected corpse out of his head. "Thankfully, your flak jacket took the worst of it. The fact you made it out with a couple of fragments and a fractured rib … [view original content]
Sorry I haven't written in a while! I've been busy! And I've had some writer's block. So yeah! Also, my birthdays's next Sunday I'm turning 17, sorta excited! Anyway, here it goes:
Chapter 3: Gone
"Wake up! Em, wake up!"
I stir under the blankets and squint as the flashlight is shined at my face. Through the beams I can sort of see my brother's figure, tall and brutish. His long brown hair is a clumpy mess, but the darkness of the barn does a reasonable job of hiding it.
"What's up? What's wrong?" I ask, sitting up groggily. I rub my eyes and pull out a long yawn. My stomach growls under my shirt.
"Carter's gone, Emmy. I woke up and couldn't find him." He says.
"Gone?" My heart drops instantly. He left already.
"We need to find the bastard before he gets himself killed by those damn mutes," mutters Juan from nearby.
"I checked our supplies, and he took some. What on God's green earth was he thinking?"
I hesitate. Should I tell him?
I wait a moment before speaking," He went to go find Caleb. He thinks his brother is alive, and is with DESERT Nation."
Derek's face turns grim under the low sunlight slowly appearing in the broken windows,"He's as good as dead. Unless we can find him before he happens to run into them. That idiot!"
I get up off the floor and brush the dirt off my pants. Juan is rolling the blankets up and we head for the truck. He lied to me. He told me he was going when we got to the winter house.
He lied.
I didn't try to hide my scowl as we loaded up our truck and started in the approximate direction he took. He couldn't have gone far, could he? The engine roared to life and Derek furiously drove down the dirt path to the street.
Carter Jones:
I left as soon as she fell asleep. I knew it wouldn't be long, she was exhausted. When her eyes finally closed shut for good, I sat up and planted my lips on her forehead. I almost didn't go; She looked so peaceful there in the dark. Untroubled, almost. I knew that wasn't true. Too many times did she describe the horror story she goes through each night. I grabbed my bag, took some food from the truck. The rain was down to a low drizzle. I walked the muddy path to the road slower than I'd wanted to leave. Maybe I didn't want to leave. But the thought that my own brother might still be out there....the tiniest thought that he could have survived the fire and made it out.....It felt like something worth figuring out.
I needed to see him.
I needed answers.
I stuck to the street, going south, as my compass notified me. I took out my cracked portscreen in the dark for a bit of light. It's blue luminescence lit the area around me, practically throwing a red flag out for anyone looking for trouble. The grass weeds were up to my chest around this area, from not being tended to since the world ended.
I scrolled through some documents on the screen aimlessly. There was no network connection, so I couldn't get anything new on there. I sighed, stopping at the the file containing my mother's journal. I'd uploaded it years ago, shortly after her death. This was the only thing only I knew about. Not even Emmy knew.
I wanted to show my brother the file. I wanted to give him a copy. He deserved that much from me.
In the distance from behind me, I noticed lights. A car? I turned and watched it slow to a stop near me. It was a minivan with tinted front windows. I hesitated, stepped back before I saw the window roll down. A woman. And a man. They peered out at me, looking concerned.
"Do ya need help? Going south too?" The man said.
"I uh, yeah. I'm heading south, but then I need to go west after I get to Florida."
"We'll take you that far. My name's Eva" The woman exited and extended her hand. I nervously shook it, still not sure if I should trust these strangers.
The sliding doors opened, and there was 2 other people. Another woman, and a small boy. It must be a family. I got in and shut the doors.
"What's your name?" The girl besides me asked. I looked at her, but it was hard to see in the dark. From what I could tell, she had almond eyes and long black hair.
"M-my name is Carter." I could feel my cheeks fill with red, but it's impossible that she'd see them.
"My name's Zoey. This is my brother, Nate. My cousin Bill is driving and his sister is Eva there. Where ya headed when we get to Florida?"
Her personality hit me like a hurricane. It was bubbly, yet sweet. I liked it.
"I'm on my way to find my brother, actually. His name is, uh, Caleb."
"Carter and Caleb? You guys twins?" She seems like the questioning type.
"No. We're uh, half-brothers, actually. Different dads. He's older than me by a few years."
"No way. That's cool. So why're you looking for him? I thought families tended to stick together?"
I sigh. She's not going to stop, is she?
"We were separated. I actually thought he was dead for a long time, know. Found out he might be alive. So that's where I'm going."
"Sounds brave. Well, I hope you find him. We'll be in Florida in another 3 days, if that's okay with you."
"That's fine."
Silence filled the car, causing me to doze slowly. The last thing I saw before fully falling asleep were the lingering lights of the sunrise. My heart felt guilty at the sight. Emmy...
That's it for now! I'll try to get another chapter this week sometime, it's on my to-do list! I've got some big plans, just need to organize my thoughts better to get them down right! I hope you liked what I wrote for now!
We made it to the winter house. We gave up looking for him. Actually, I lie. They gave up. I'm still determined to find him.
We unpacked the car one last time, set up the bare beds inside with our blankets. We'd stay here all year long if it didn't get so hot in the summer and if there weren't so many tropical storms. So this is just our winter spot. If you go out into the woods far enough, you'll get to a highway that has signs pointing to Disney World. Carter's dreamland. Too bad we've never gone that far.
I sit in the window on the second floor, in my room. The house was a bit worn down from over the years. It's been through plenty of hurricanes and an earthquake in the last decade. Each time, we have to clean the yard of fallen trees, make sure the house hasn't suffered bad damage. We're lucky this year. Nothing major to fix.
I was the only one who didn't have to share a room, for obvious reasons. But now, with Ghost being gone 6 months and Carter being gone a few days, we should all have our own rooms. I headed downstairs as soon as I smelled something cooking. The house comes with a gas stove, however we use it lightly whenever we live here. We cook on special occasions, otherwise its over the firepit out back. Juan's grilling the latest animal we caught and skinned on the way here.
Derek sits on the couch, moping a bit. He's so tall, when he sits he's only a few inches smaller than me. I guess he took after our father, whereas I stayed small like mom. Mom...
I miss them. Every single day.
I miss Carter.
Derek tries turning on the radio, seeing if we can get any signals. There are a few radio towers still active. People report to us anything useful to do with government, natural disasters. They even play music from time to time. It's a shame that only a handful of us are willing to tune into the stations.
The static fills the room, along with the scent of freshly cooked meat. Juan hands us each a glass plate from the kitchen. Another thing we leave behind when we go home. The house has a well, and we use the water to clean our dishes. We don't drink the water unless we use purifiers though. Just in case. But it doesn't seem harmful if we can still eat off plates that're cleaned with it.
We eat silently while Derek fiddles with the antenna to the radio. Nothing is picking up. I get bored, so I finish dinner and go upstairs. My room is lit by candles in the evening. It's the smallest room, but that doesn't bother me. I always leave clothes behind in the dressers here, so I get changed into pajamas. It feels nice to finally wear pajamas to bed. I leave the window open and drift to sleep shortly after blowing the candles out.
"Cathy, grab Emery and Faith! Leave the blankets, we need to get out of here!"
Dad tugs on Derek and mom pulls Faith from my hands. We get into our car so fast and drive even faster. The streets are crazy and mom decided to hold Faith instead of strapping the baby in. Me and Derek hold each other in the back, scared, crying.
It's dark. We hear planes but don't see them. People run in sync with the car, but we're faster than them. Then there are the crazy people.
Attacking citizens. We shield each other's eyes and look away. Then we hit traffic.
"Damnit! We need to go another route. We need to head toward home!"
"Home? Are you nuts! We'll get attacked! We should stay here, Hans."
"I need to grab something on my desk, honey! I forgot to leave it in the car, we need to get it!"
"What does it matter?"
"It's for the safety of our children, Cathy. If those documents are found by the invaders we'll-"
We turned on Alpine Street and Dad stopped talking. Everyone stopped talking. And I blacked out.
You creap me out by no answering...
Good news everyone. The next part of my epic Fanfic " long shave ahead " will be released " super soon " and is in fact " just around the corner "...and here it is!
" It was slowly but surely getting dark outside and even though the group was aware of the fact that they were getting chased down by a evil maniacally retard, they decided to eat dinner first, before they were hitting the road again. Our beloved handsome shaved hero, did sit on a table with his new Bro Raging-Blades and his old Bro Markd4547. "
" No music required "
Markd: " So Stache, we were just talking. What's the deal with the kid? What's his name...Raging_Blades, is he in charge? "
Blades: " Dude, i'm sitting right next to you... "
Stache: " I like him, he is a good guy. "
Markd4547: " Would you trust him with your life? "
Blades: " I'm still sitting right next to you... "
Stache: " I think so. "
Markd: " He said they were on the run. "
Blades: " Some people are chasing after us. "
Stache: " It's been 5 days. Why would Travis still be following us? "
Blades: " Well...he's a retard. "
Markd: " Hope you like the food. "
Blades: " I wish we would still have those Froot Loops. "
Stache: " Me to. "
Markd: " Peaches and beans. Great for nutrition. Not too great on the way out though, i tell ya. "
" Loud fart sounds " ... " Meanwhile on the other table "
What the Duck: " It smells funny in here. "
Clementine-Everett: " Like shit, right Lee? "
LeetheLegend: " Don't you swear to much okay? "
" Back at the main table "
Stache: " sigh...Urbans. "
Markd: " You ever heard of a place called Wellington? "
Stache: " Yea. Tobi and i were going there. "
Blades: " Tobi? Who's Tobi? "
Markd: " Tobi was his son. "
Blades: " Oh... "
Stache: " I thought about him today, about his dumb little face...first things that come to mind are always the dumb things he was doing...makes it harder to remember, Tobi was a good boy. "
Markd: " So anyway... Supposed to be a big camp up near Michigan. Think about it. Fresh water, lots of land and cold ass winters, so the Stache stops to grow. "
Blades: " Sounds like Bullshit! "
Markd: " Listen shitbird. I don't know what your deal is, but you are more than welcome to take of in the morning. "
Blades: " Well that'd be just fine by me. "
Markd: " What's the deal with this guy Stache? "
Blades: " Hey, fuck you, buddy. "
Stache: " Please. Don't fight. "
Markd: " No Stache, you'll have to make a choice here. It's either him or me. So what's it gonna be? "
Markd: " Stache...Stache... "
" The Walking Mustache was frozen. He didn't know which Bro he should decide for. In his memory, he was rethinking some of the most memorable moments they shared with each other. "
Blades: " What's the most important thing in this world? "
Stache: " Hoes! "
Blades: " Cmon Stache, think about it. What comes before Hoes?"
Stache: " Boat! "
Blades: " It's Bros Stache. It's a tough world out there without people you can trust. "
Markd: " I knew it. I knew that i could. I had a fire in me, sure as shit. Hell. I am a hell of a guy...When your Stache...well...i toke care of it. I hope you'l never forget that. "
Choice B; Side with Raging_Blades
I'll side with myself
Hey I am Nick too now!
I kinda figured that you already, that you are gonna vote for yourself ;D. And i guess Markd4547 is gonna do the same thing.
I think it's time for a...
lol thanks bro I was just out all day so I didn't see it till now awesome
lol brilliant Markd on both
Yo dawg, we heard you like tiebreakers.
So we put a tiebreaker in yo tiebreaker so you can break ties while you break ties.
Thanks again man, but there still needs to be one person that votes! You both voted for yourself and well...i can't vote, that would be unfair. ;D
Speaking of which, since you are as much of a fan of Tiebreakers as i am. Maybe you could be the person that breaks the tie and gives a vote? That would definitely be a nice change of events!
Shit i already started mine before knowing about this thread.=(
Raging_Blades vs Markd4547! Fight, i wanna write!
SH** but you can copy and paste a story over if you want even if it's elsewhere
Random double post continue rolling down
The weight of your actions
-You sure this is safe? –Mike said with nervousness.
-Of course, have I ever lied to you? Andrew answered
-Who gave it to you?
-Everyone calls him “Vick”, he got it from someone named Heisenberg or something like that .
-So we just sell it and the money is ours? Just like that.
-Yeah it’s pretty easy, isn’t it?
-Well I don’t know I just don’t want this to become an ha…
Suddenly the sound of sirens interrupted Mike.
-Fuck –Andrew shouted –that motherfucker bailed on us.
-You remember Cole? I told him if he wanted to be part of this , but he told me that he didn’t want to be involved in anything illegal.
-But, why would he give us away?
-He came out of prison just a week ago, he made a deal with the police, he was going to be a mole, I thought I could trust him, you know ‘cause we were childhood friends and all.
A loud noise interrupted Andrew. –We’ll split ok?. Take this gun You go through the back door and I go thought the window.
Okay.-Mike answered
Mike hurried to escape through the door and ran as fast as he could, he ran until he couldn’t listen the sirens .He ran into the forest, there he hided in a hollow trunk. Three days had passed since he last saw some sign of civilization, he was starving , but his luck changed… or at least it seemed like that. He found a camp, there wasn’t anyone ,so he started to search for some food he found some cans when he heard.
-I’ll be back soon.
Mike quickly hided in the tend.
-I know there is someone in there-he heard -you should be more careful if ,you want to be a thief you know?. Plus I’m a cop. Are you one of those scavengers?
-He is a cop. He’ll know who I am. -Mike thought-
He reached the gun Andrew gave him.
Suddenly the tent opened. The cop was staring right at Mike eyes and said: Don’t do anything crazy son just give me that gun and … BAM BAM some shoots where heard in the distance.
Mike panicked, and before he could realize, three bullets went right thought the cop’s chest and PUMM his body collapsed like a rock. Mike quickly realized, he just killed a man, and not just that, he just killed a cop. When he thought anything could go any worse a voice interrupted the calm of the forest.
-Dad, did you heard the shoots? .It must have been the scavengers. Dad?
Mike iced right in the place he didn’t know what to do…
What should Mike do?
I already started this story in his own thread , but it doesnt seems to have to much response ,so i decided to put it here .
I think your writing is excellent and very entertaining. I'm sure your thread will get more response soon as from writing perceptive it's perfect.
More exciting option this going to be good
Thanks glad you liked it
Well...seems like nobody is voting on this thread, so i will have to make the choice myself. Please keep in mind that whoever i choose isn't necessarily my better Bro, i just make my decision considering to the story (I love you both you desirable motherfuckers!). And now without further ado, I'll do the inevitable and decide for someone.
The next part of my epic Fanfic will be released tommorow/today.
Yeah their is so many decision story threads now this is really hard to find but this thread will outlive them all and reach the top one day believe me
Oh no, seems like the Forum is dying, i won't allow it, there is no way i will let that happen! I will write the next part of my epic Fanfic in some hours, but in the meanwhile...
lol I can't wait this going to be epic
This video is pretty much explaining my whole Fanfic. (Just think about it, it all makes perfect sense now!)
No time for big intros this time, let's just keep going... Long shave ahead - Travis revenge:
Markd: " Stache...Stache... "
" A man who had to make a heartbreaking decision. The Walking Mustache knew that he could not longer avoid the inevitable. He took one last long and soothing breath, before he told his best Bro, the best Bro speech he could have possibly imagined. "
Stache: " You've always been thre for me, Markd. Always had my Stache when it mattered. What kind of Bro would i be if i wasn't there for you now? Urban or not, I'm with you to the end. You can coun't on me. "
" There was almost nothing that could destroy this heartwarming moment. Well, except maybe one thing. "
Random fat girl: " Retard alert! "
LeetheLegend: " They are coming... "
" A gigantic group of retards entered the room, and the largest and most frightening retard among them was their leader Travis. He wanted to take revenge on the group, for Ben's tragic death. "
Travis: " Howdy folks. Where are Markd4547 and The Walking Mustache? "
Markd: " Me and my fucking mouth. "
Blades: " Holy fuck. What are we gonna do? "
Stache: " Markd and i can handle this. "
Blades: " Dude let me help you, you are already shaved. "
Stache: " Even more reason we all don't risk it. You've gotta worry about the others. "
" The group of retards was slowly but surely coming closer, as Raging_Blades and the group did run outside of the ski lodge. Leaving no one but Markd4547 and The Walking Mustache behind. "
" epic sacrifice music "
Markd: " Fuck! You have any bullets left? This here only got one left in it. "
Stache: " I'm out. "
Markd: " Shit...get the fuck out of here. "
Stache: " What? "
Markd: " Go back, they need you Bro. "
Stache: " Markd..."
Markd: " This is not a discussion! "
Stache: " Hell no man, i'm not leaving! "
Markd: " What the fuck did i just say. "
" Mard4547 pushed The Walking Mustache out of the ski lodge. "
Stache: " What the fuck Markd!? "
Markd: " Stache,'s okay. "
Stache: " No Bro, no it's not! "
Markd: " It's just something i gotta do, you know that. Go grow that Stache! "
" The Walking Mustache looked across the whole dramatic event from outside to the ski lodge. As the horde of hungry retards rushed over Markd4547. With many manly tears in his eyes he ran to catch up with Raging_Blades and the group, but it was already too late. Travis and his Alpha retard Troy caught up to him already and together they knocked him out. "
" As the Walking Mustache woke up some hours later he was tied up to a chair and Travis was standing right in front of him. He took a brief look around and could see that he was captured in some kind of control center. "
Travis: " We need to talk. "
Did you know that even writers have a writing block sometimes? Well...i don't. " Long shave ahead "
Travis: " You may not believe this after what happened earlier, but... I liked Markd. He was a nice guy. He kept things light. You need folks like that... It's easy to let depression sink in during times like this. But he was weak. And I don't mean because he was Urban, that wasn't his problem. He was weak of stupidity. Weak of knowing what he was doing. And we can't have that around here. Not anymore. Not with what we got at stake. You have to be able to be stupid. "
Stache: " You are a retard. You can call it whatever you want. But i know what it really is. "
Travis: " Oh, i certainly am. You see, he put us all at risk. He had a string of being fine lately. Killing many in order to save one is part of being stupid. It's one of the tough decisions that a smarter person couldn't make. It's why it falls to people like us to lead them to danger. Do you understand? Well, I wish it was different, I do. But they are smart... and we are stupid. That's why it's our responsibilty to shepherd the smart. To keep them in danger. It's their nature to think... not to know what they're doing. "
Stache: " I'm not like you."
Travis: " I know it when i see it. And we are more alike than you think. In fact, I think you realize it...but you are not confortable with it yet. There's no way you could have lasted this long otherwhise. That's what we need if we are gonna get though this. The next generation has to be dumber than the last to...lead us out of this. "
Stache: " You know what i wish? "
Travis: " What's that? "
Stache: " I wish Markd would have killed you to. "
Travis: " And that's all the prove that i need. Do you think anyone out there would have been retarded enough to say something like this to me? "
Stache: " I gonna kill you! "
Travis: " Oh, you gonna whoop me? You and what homo parade? "
Raging_Blades: " This one! "
" Raging Blades did sneak into the room before, without Travis taking notice of it. Blades knew where Travis secret hideout was and Marks killed countless of retards back at the ski lodge before he died, so it was an easy task for him and the group to assassinate the rest of them. After he did hit Travis very hard, with a large Crowbar he found outside of the building, he did free the Walking Mustache out of the chair. The Walking Mustache did take the crowbar out of his hands and was standing right over Travis weak body. "
" epic vengeance music "
Stache: " Go on and wait outside. I only need a minute. Go on, you don't need to see this. "
Blades: " We don't have time for this. "
Stache: " I'm making time. "
Travis: " Lambs to the shepherd to guide you. The Walking Mustache knows exactly what i'm talking about. You go with that feeling you got right now Stache, it's what makes you dumber then the rest of them. "
Stache: "'s over! "
Travis: " My dad was special forces, you can't kill me! "
Stache: " I said it's over! "
Stache: " Let's go. "
Lmao haha Stache your a genius Travis as Carver changing all his quotes around so funny, random fat girl, retarts, all the staches jokes etc
Which Homo parade THIS ONE lmao
The action and comedy in this your stories are just getting better and funnier really gripping I NEED MOAR
You want MOAR? Here...MOAR^!!!
Blades: " Stache...are you okay? Do you want to talk? "
Stache: " Markd was my friend. He could be tough to like, but i agreed with him most of the time. So we were serious together i guess. "
Blades: " This is a shitty time, but i want to make sure we're clear before we go forward. "
Stache: " What is it? "
Blades: " Markd. I know that he was your Bro. "
Stache: " Yeah? "
Blades: " When it comes to Markd...well? "
Stache: " You guy would be great for me. Be my Bro. "
Blades: " I do my best, you know that. "
Stache: " Good...thanks. "
" 16 Months later "
" Two mans are sitting in front of a ashy little campfire and both of them look clearly depressed. "
" Depressed but still kinda epic music "
Raging_Blades: " Mustache. Talk to me. "
The Walking Mustache: " This will never work. Look at's pathetic. My Stache is to big to grow. "
Blades: " It's okay. I can wait. "
Stache: " sigh...All we do is wait. And for what...? You should be shaving it, not me. Shaving my Mustache so it stops to grow, it's something you have to be able to do Blades. Otherwhise... "
Blades: " Markd wanted to teach me. "
Stache (angry): " I know what he wanted! "
Blades: " I'm freezing. "
Stache: " You think this is bad? Wait till we get up to Wellington, then talk to me about cold. If we make it. We still have a couple of hard months ahead of us. This rain will turn to sleet, then ice, then snow. It won't be easy. "
Blades: " Is it safe there...? "
Stache: " Nope...but the beard stops to grow because of the cold. Or so they say. We just need to keep moving north. "
Blades: " I miss random fat girl. "
Stache: " I'm sure you do. I'm gonna go and look for more wood. "
" As the Walking Mustache was going deeper inside of the woods, he did take a quick look into his backpack. There was a old photo of him and his godlike Mustache (and is family) and right besides of that there was a drawing of his old Bro Markd4547. "
Stache: " sigh...that guy, he was always so serious. "
Random voice behind him: " Why so serious? "
Stache: " M...Markd? "
Markd: " Yes Stache, it's me. "
" Yet another time many manly tears were being cried, as the two Bros were giving each other a big Bro hug. "
" epic reunion music "
Stache: " But how are you still alive? I saw you get eaten alive by a gigantic horde of retards. "
Markd: " Well...long story short, i got lucky. Real lucky. "
Stache: " But... "
Markd: " Real lucky... "
Blades: " Jesus, are you fucking kidding me? Is that you Markd? "
Markd: " Yes it's me, but that's not important right now. Just let me tell you one thing. You don't just end it because it's hard. You stick it out and you help the folks you care about. So let's figure a way out'a here and get to Wellington. "
I would actually buy this game if made it so epic love it we need daily installments
Why so serious and lucky YESSS!!!
" Depressed but still kinda epic music lol
"It's been... 5 days."
There it is again. My voice. I've been talking to myself without even realizing it. From what I've been able to piece together from the last bits and pieces of memories scattered throughout my mind it all started when the military came. When the shots were fired and all they left were the corpses of the ill-fated men and women working hard to secure the safety of the patients inside. I haven't left my husband's room since that day. The corpses never let me. Their deafening growls and pounds keep me on my toes and away from sleep. I fear my efforts to barricade the door are proving to be futile. I fear for the fate of my husband if the hospital's back-up power starts showing signs of failure. What if I'm not around when he wakes up? I'll have to leave this room some day. The food is limited and the water scarce. Could I let him escape into this new and terrifying world all by himself, desperately searching for me? No. I can't let that happen. I will simply have to wait for him to wake up. "Ever so slowly." I sigh while watching the seconds crawl by on the silver watch strapped to my wrist.
"Ever so slowly..."
Cool can't wait to read it
Very very short. But I wanted to give a preview while I work out the full plot and see if you peeps are interested at all. : )
Mark, as well as other fellow storytellers who liked my story. ;D I'm still working on chapter 5 of the story of Max and Rayne, (and Molly) right now I am taking a break but it should be posted sometime today, as I want to make it decently long like chapter 3 of my story. With that said, I know that Mark is probably excited now. :P
In case you guys thought i'm running out of ideas, i ain't. My Fanfic " Long shave ahead ", is far away from being over. The next part is gonna be released later today. Brace yourself, it's coming!
Previously on the " Long shave ahead "
And now...
" Many days had passed, as the story of our 3 beloved handsome shaved heroes continues and the atmosphere in the group was noticeable tense. The three Stacheketeers had almost finished their long journey to Wellington, they only had to pass though a small suburb called Wellingtonvannah before they could finish their long journey. Unfortunately, Raging_Blades had seriously injured his foot, a couple of days ago. "
Blades: " Guys, we need to rest. I need to rest! "
Stache: " Yeah, you'r right. Markd, hold up. Markd, goddamnit! I said hold up! Blades needs to take a break, let's give him a minute. "
Markd: " We're almost out of the suburb, almost to Wellington. "
Stache: " Then it won't hurt to stop for just one damn minute. "
" The sound of a (epic) loud Bell could be heard "
Blades: " What the hell? Maybe this city is not so dead after all. "
Markd: " Keep moving. No-one is ringing that bell, it's automatic, on a timer. "
Stache: " Ask not for whom the bell tolls for thee... "
" A huge herd of Nazi-Zombies approached the group and the 3 Bros had no other option, as to run. Luckily they found a small building nearby, where they could hide. But unfortunately the house was getting fuller and fuller with Nazi Zombies that were chasing after them, so they had no other choice left as to hide in the buildings attic. "
" some random epic music "
Stache: " How do we get out of here? "
Blades: " I don't know. "
Stache: " Okay, now your life depends on it. How do you get out of here? "
Markd: " Everyone need's to keep looking for a way out, damnit. We're trapped in here. "
Stache: " I think we need to " adult " conversation about what happens if we don't find another way out of here. We could be looking at a Ben situation here. "
Blades: " Who's Ben? "
Markd: " Okay, what do you want to do? "
Stache: " about it. "
Markd: " Does that conversation end with me getting shot in the face? "
Stache: " Now hey! "
Blades: " Guys...I don't know what happened before i became your Bro, but we can cross this bridge when we get to it. "
Stache: " Markd, I'm not advocating anything here...But how is this not a thing? We're all so worked up about finding Wellington, that we are forgetting what the fuck happened to you. You could sacrifice yourself again, to save our lives."
Markd: " My reincarnation is not the issue. I'm not the problem. The five hundred Nazi-Zombies and no door in this room are the goddamn problem. "
Stache: " Yeah. Maybe at the moment...but who's to say when it becomes an issue. And at that point, there may not be any time left to deal with it! "
Blades: " This is getting out of hand... "
Stache: " You're gonna listen to me. We will get to Wellington, with or without you. Because i haven't given up everything to die because we were stupid. "
Markd: " I'm sorry, okay? Fuck! We can't do this! "
Stache: " We're gonna have to! "
Markd: " Then just kill me motherfucker, don't even fucking hesitate! "
Stache: " I will! "
" The Walking Mustache was throwing a conveniently placed head-statue, that was standing just right next to him, at Markd's direction, but luckily the statue was missing him. "
Blades: " You ruined that dude's face. "
Stache: " Shut up Bro. Look. It's corroded to hell. "
" Stache said, as he was starting to beat in the wall, with a conveniently well placed wood-stand, that was standing just right next to him. "
Markd: " This wall ain't shit. Yeah. We can do this. We'll work in shifts. We will have to work fast. "
Stache: " I...I wasn't gonna hurt you. "
Markd: " Sure, Bro. I know. "
Stache: " I'm sorry. "
Markd: " It's okay, i get it. Me to. "
I would have gotten this done way earlier. But a few complications happened, still, I hope you guys enjoy nevertheless! This should be longer than my previous chapter as well!
Chapter 5: The Arbiter of All Things
"Come on, Max, you would be foolish to leave her sobbing in a state like that. Go on, talk to her you piece of shit, you can't always leave situations unscathed. Sometimes, all you gotta do is step in." Max shook his head, he remembered what it was like to be in a situation like this. After all, it had the ingredients of unwanted memories to complete it: girl crying, depressing atmosphere, the choice of slipping away... He just couldn't bear it to begin with. But if it was to make a sweet girl like Rayne happy, so be it.
Max had felt his stomach churn out of distress, it pained him to see Rayne like this. He gathered the courage to finally approach the couch, as he sat down next to her.
"Rayne? Are, um, are you alright?"
Total silence.
"Well, whatever you are feeling right now, I hope it isn't serious. I still haven't properly thanked you for letting me stay, even if it was at the end of a pointed sword, or your friend's hook thing."
Rayne rubbed her eyes and sniffed, trying to cover up the snot that was dangling from her nose. She was a little embarrassed that Max had to see her this way.
"Ugh, I hate it when that happens." He grabbed something from his pocket, giving her a small packet of tissues. Rayne looked up and smiled, her smile being barely visible however, as her hand tried to cover her nose.
"...Thanks, kid, you know exactly what a girl wants." She grabbed a tissue from the pack and started blowing her nose out of desperation. Eventually throwing the crumpled-up piece of tissue on the floor.
"Feel better, R.? You don't mind if I call you 'R.', right? Like your friend did?"
"No... I don't mind." She sniffed again, while attempting to dry up her tears. "Thank you again for the tissue."
He nodded politely and waited to see if she had anything else to say.
"Max, I didn't mean to get her all pissed off like that. I do care for her sister, I really do. It's just that I felt so lonely without Molly. With her being gone for weeks and keeping the zombies at bay by myself, it got to me."
He was surprised when she mentioned 'weeks'. "Why didn't you go with her to Savannah?" Max then curiously asked.
"No, no, when it comes to scavenging runs with her, she always insists on going by herself. It's not like I'm going to argue with my best friend anyway. She is a stubborn chick, I'll give her that."
Rayne paused for a moment.
"Besides, someone had to watch this mansion, that person being me of course."
"Of course..." Max said as he tried to be a smartass.
"What? Still mad about the whole sword thing?" The girl undoubtedly raised an eyebrow, as she slowly made a disgusted face in response to what he said.
"No! I didn't mean that, I-" Rayne grabbed his hands and giggled after his amusing reaction. "Calm down, silly! I was joking. Now come on." She pulled him up with unexpected strength, leading him towards the stairs. She finally let go of his hands. "I want you be alongside me when I talk to Molly, alright? I think it'd be best that she would get to see your face a little more, so she would get used to you."
Max's face went pale a little. "Are you sure? Shouldn't you two work it on your own? You are her best friend after all..."
"It's alright, don't be so nervous. You need to be in a reasonable state of mind if you're going to crash with us, especially when it comes to helping out around the property here. Like I showed you yesterday."
Max nodded. "Okay, if you really want me to be with you, I'll try my best."
Rayne smiled her smile again. "Thank you. If only people were a lot like you, Max. Then maybe, just maybe the world would be a better place." The two of them walked up the stairs and continued down the large mansion hallway. Rayne walked in front of him, making sure that he didn’t try to do anything weird.
She came to a bedroom door, and had started to lean against it.
"Molly?" She gently knocked. "You in there?"
No response.
Rayne had a feeling something was amiss. Angry or not, Molly would have responded right away. Something was definitely wrong.
The worried girl took a breath, and opened the door quick. She scanned the bedroom quickly looking for her friend. It was no use though. Molly was gone, just like that.
Every piece of furniture in the room seemed to have been tossed around, as if there was some sort of struggle that happened.
"Molly. No, no, you can't be gone. ...You can't leave me again, Mol." Then, Rayne saw her backpack by an open window, she quickly shuffled towards it and kneeled down to pick it up. "She would never leave her pack here." Rayne got up, worryingly peering out the window as she tried to make sure this wasn't a joke that M. was playing on her. A few minutes passed on by, all she could hear was the moans of the Walkers that were wandering outside like always.
Rayne pressed Molly's pack against her chest, hugging it. Max was still standing by the doorway, he wanted to go and comfort R., but at the same time he didn't want to interrupt her either. He figured that it would be best to leave her alone while she tried to recollect her thoughts.
R. clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. She glared over at Max. "Max, did anyone follow you? Please tell the truth. Please."
Max could feel the hatred in her voice, he didn't know what to say, as he was completely caught off-guard by her demanding tone of voice.
"I don't know. I'm pretty sure that I wasn't followed. I mean, I think I wasn't followed, look, Rayne, I'm not part of another group or anything."
Rayne crossed her arms and sighed.
"Alright, but, if I find out that you're lying to me." The girl slowly walked towards Max, eyes still fixed on him. "I will get my sword, and I will chop your head off. Do you hear me? She's the only thing I have in this world, I don't want to lose her."
Max nodded in fear for his life.
"Good, if that's settled. You and me are taking a little trip down later to find her, and I might have a good idea where..."
END, of Chapter 5.
Hey all, it's been awhile since I posted chapter 2, part 1 of my fan fic. I've been really busy getting our house ready to sell so I haven't had much time on my hands. I'm going to repost the first part of the chapter here, so you have enough context to understand what's going on. Enjoy.
**Chapter 2
4 Days In -- Robbins Joint Operations Base **
Manny cursed silently as Doc Horner unwrapped the bandages and started prodding at his injured rib.
"You're a lucky bastard." The large African American man said in his distinctive Alabama drawl.
"Do lucky bastards gets shot twice in the same year?"
"Most folks who lose a fight with a 7.62mm machine gun don't live to tell the tale, let alone get shot again." Manny closed his eyes and tried to drive the image of Cho's bisected corpse out of his head. "Thankfully, your flak jacket took the worst of it. The fact you made it out with a couple of fragments and a fractured rib is a miracle by itself." The doctor looked dejectedly at the dying bite victims at the other side of the tent. "Plus, you uh...didn't end up like them poor souls."
"True enough." Manny conceded. "How's military life treating you, Doc?" He already had a pretty good idea, you could see the exhaustion on the doctor's face.
"Pretty well, all things considered." The large man chuckled miserably. "I'm a family doctor...ain't treated wounds like this since Grenada, and that was oh...21 years ago. Beats the hell outta being food for them crazies though." After a long silence, Doc Horne wrapped a fresh bandage around the wound and started scribbling in his notepad.
"Soooo, I'm cleared for duty?"
"LIGHT duty." The doctor corrected him. "Remember, you lost a lot of blood. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't allow it, but things outside are getting worse all the time and the brass needs everyone they can get. I'll give you some painkillers for the ribs, but our supplies are running low, so otherwise you're on yo-"
"DOC!" A voice called from outside the medical tent. Two men jogged in, carrying a groaning Marine, with his left leg chopped off at the knee. Doc Horner looked at the victim, swore and turned back to Manny.
"Ortiz, the rest of your stuff is in Hangar 2A with your unit, you can show yourself out, god bless." He didn't need to be told twice. Manny got up, grabbed his things and walked into the summer heat. Each step sent a dull ache through his chest, but it felt good to finally be on his feet.
The base was a mad rush of activity. Hundreds of soldiers from all branches of the military and their families set up camp in hangars and tent cities scattered around the Tarmac. Guards were stationed at improvised watchtowers all along the perimeter. In spite of everything, the atmosphere at the base felt oddly cheerful.
"Move it!" A Humvee full of Marines honked and yelled, snapping Manny out of his thoughts. He crossed a runaway and made his way toward the hangar serving as a makeshift barracks for most of Blackhawk Company. On the way there he found Sgt. White speaking with wife, Linda. She was hard to miss with her long platinum blonde hair.
"Jake, dear; look who it is."
"Hey," White beamed, "Didn't expect to see you back on your feet this soon."
"Hey, Manny." Linda chirped "Glad to see you're doing ok." They were an odd couple; Sgt. White towered over Linda, who was barely over five feet tall.
"Thanks!" He smiled back, "I'm glad to see you made it here alright, Linda. Things are getting pretty bad out there."
"Yeah, me too." White added nervously. "It was...a close call, y'know? Good thing my girl knows how to take care of herself." He smiled and gave his wife a quick kiss. "I'll meet you back at the tent in a bit, darling. Gotta show Manny where he's sleeping." She nodded and walked toward the tent city, while Manny and White continued on to the barracks. White was grinning, but the way he was forcing it reminded Manny of a constipated dog. Finally, he dropped the act and started shaking his head.
"She's pregnant." White blurted, once his wife was out of earshot.
"Wha-?" White cut him off
"Yeah, that was kind of my reaction too. Fucking wonderful timing, ain't it?"
"You could say that...what are you two going to do?" White grimaced, clearly unsure of how to answer.
"I don't know, man. This shit ain't blowing over, at least for a long fucking am I supposed to be a Dad knowing that what happened to Cho could happen to me at any given day? Remember what happened to Lt. Marsh back in Nasiriyah? Pretty wife, two kids in pre-school? Then somebody had to tell em' that Daddy got blown up by some fucker with an RPG." He hesitated, staring at the ground. "I don't want her to have to deal with that."
"That's always a risk." Manny said earnestly. "She knew what she signed up for."
"Yeah." White sighed, trying to shake the unpleasant thought from his mind. How about your folks? They make it here?" Manny's throat tightened with worry.
"No, it's eating away at me." He admitted, "I told them to pick up abuela in Macon and head to the base, but...I don't know."
"Try not to worry about it. They'll get here." White said with genuine sympathy.
"I hope so...I treated them like shit the day I left for UGA." The pair finished the rest of their walk to the hangar in silence. They pushed through the large metal building, hastily filled with cots, storage containers and other guardsmen. When the pair reached Manny's bunk, Corporal Gibbs was waiting or them. White's expression changed to an angry glare as he stalked toward the driver, who's blue eyes appraised White nervously.
"What are you doing here, Corporal?" He demanded, placing himself mere inches from Gibb's face. "You've got some fucking nerve to come back here after what you did." Gibb's searched desperately for an escape route, only to find that White had him backed against a wall. Trapped, he looked pleadingly at Manny.
"Jesus, Sarge! Th-this is where I'm bunked now." He stammered "Major Horowitz stripped me of my IFV certification and put me in with you guys until they can could, uh, be a while."
"Oh that's just fucking perfect! Should I be worried you'll mistake me for a delta and shoot me?"
"No, I-" White grabbed Cpl. Gibbs by his shirt collar and slammed him against the wall. His face turned redder by second, until it nearly matched his hair.
"Or maybe I should save us all the trouble and put a bullet through your empty fucking skull while nobody's looking."
"Woah, woah. Be cool, man." Manny stepped in and tried to shove White away from the scrawny corporal before the situation got any worse. "Gibbs promised to try and make things right."
"Come on, don't be like that, Sarge. Please!" Gibbs said, desperation in his voice. "I'm sorry, I-"
"Don't fucking apologize to me! Save it for Cho's parents when they get here and find out that you gunned down their son!" Gibbs' head dropped in shame and White finally let him go.
"Hey, White." Manny said, "Didn't your wife want to see you?" White paused for a moment and nodded.
"Yeah. I'll see you around, Ortiz." He turned to Gibbs and told him to watch his ass in a menacing whisper. The corporal nodded frantically and slinked away, leaving Manny alone.
Manny changed into a new set of clothes and left for the mess hall. The building wasn't large enough to seat the new arrivals, so rows of makeshift tables were lined up outside to accommodate them. After waiting in a thirty-minute line for some soggy meatloaf, Manny made his back outside and sat down at a quiet table, near a couple of pilots. Normally, he could expect an angry rebuke for intruding on the 'Air Force table, but these weren't normal times. Both were drinking and only short, bald guy seemed to notice him, muttering "stupid fucking doggy" under his breath before returning to his drink. Manny didn't bother replying.
"It's so fucked, man..." The bald man said miserably, "All the runs to Atlanta? What kind of sick fucking animal orders that anyway?" The pilot didn't seem to notice that the man sitting across from him was out cold, as he continued babbling. "I mean, there were people down there...there were deltas, but there was people too. We just dropped the incendiaries and foooosh; no more people. Just smoke...all a that fuckin' smoke...should blow my fucking brains out." Manny gulped down the rest of his meatloaf as quickly as possible and got up to leave. He thought about reporting the drunk to the military police, but decided it was none of his business.
The cheerful atmosphere was fading quickly as guardsmen and other soldiers returned from the field by they truckload. Manny walked toward the entry gate and saw the dirty, exhausted troops file out of their vehicles; like a procession of the dazed and wounded, staggering over to their commanding officer for de-briefing. Some of them must've been out there for days. Surviving his squad's journey through Chinatown suddenly felt like less of an accomplishment.
"Poor bastards." Manny flinched at the sudden noise and turned around. Lt. Fisher walked up beside him, her flak jacket and helmet we're on. "This whole thing just keeps getting worse and worse."
"Yeah, it is." He nodded. "One of the flyboys said that Colonel Jackson has them bombing evac centers in the city."
"Yeah well, that's the strategy. Torch and burn, kill whatever moves." Manny couldn't believe what he was hearing and barely resisted the urge to snap at his CO.
"Killing unarmed civilians is the strategy, ma'am?" Fisher shook her head and stared down at the ground.
"Have you seen the casualty estimates, Sergeant?" She asked defensively. "Because I have. We've lost almost a fourth of our division to deltas, armed civilians and desertion. The chain of command is totally fucked." She paused for a second and retrieved a pack of cigarettes from her BDU. "Millions of people are dying, coming back and eating whatever they can get their hands on."
"Fuuuck. I didn't know it was that bad." Manny said, Fisher took a drag of her cigarette and put it out with her boot.
"That's because I'm not suppose to tell you. You think morale is bad now? Just wait until people find out what's really going on." Manny nodded grimly. He felt sick to his stomach as he imagined his parents and little sister stranded outside among the dead.
"In war, truth is the first casualty." He muttered as the group of returning soldiers began to disperse.
"Anyway." She continued, I've got to report for sentry duty in a few minutes. The rest of you guys should try to get some rest while you can, were moving out tomorrow. No id-". She was interrupted by the commander or the returning soldiers clearing his throat.
"Excuse me, Lieutenant. May I have a word?" Manny decided it was a good time to leave. "I'm afraid I have some bad news."
Manny walked back to the Hangar. On his way, he paused and stared at a makeshift chapel someone assembled outside. It was a far cry from the Baptist church Manny's family used to attend, but it was better than nothing. A large number of men and women from Blackhawk company sat there praying with an urgency that Manny hadn't seen since the night before they crossed the border into Iraq; that was never a good sign. Manny tried to sit down on one of the pews, but a sharp burst of pain shot through his chest, causing him to double-over. 'Damn it, I'm an idiot.' he thought to himself, as he remembered the bottle of pain medication still sitting in the medical tent.
Manny decided the doctor probably wouldn't mind if he stopped by to pick up some Aspirin, so walked over toward the medical tent. As he crossed the Tarmac, someone called out to him. "Hey Ortiz, wait up!" Gibbs ran to meet him.
"What is it?" Manny asked, making no effort to hide his annoyance, Corporal Gibbs was the last person he wanted to talk to right now.
"I'm supposed to tell you to get squared away, we're leaving in an hour." The corporal noticed Manny hunching over as he walked and stared nervously. "You gonna be okay to go?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I am." Manny assured him. "Just going to the doc for some pain meds."
"Oh...good." Gibbs said, visibly relieved. "I thought Sgt. White was going to kill me." He was right; White was always high-strung, but Manny had never seen him that angry before.
"Be careful around White. He's still pissed about Cho....and now with his family here...give him some space."
"Family?" Gibbs said curiously, "I only saw his wi-".
"Aaaaaaghhhh!" Gibbs was cut off by bloodcurdling scream coming from the the medical tent.
"What the fuck was that?!" Manny gasped, Gibbs shrugged his shoulders and the two guardsmen ran in the direction of the screams. They were stopped cold by a grisly sight, the one-legged marine was on top of Doc Horner, chewing the flesh from his shoulder.
"Gibbs, we gotta help him! Cover me!" Manny yelled, but the Corporal just stood there, completely dumbstruck. Cursing Gibbs' uselessness under his breath, Manny pulled his combat knife from its sheath and charged into the tent. The marine paid him no mind, continuing to gnaw away at the writhing doctor.
"Get off him you fucker!" Manny yelled as he kicked the delta off his victim and tackled it to the ground. He buried the tip of his combat knife into delta's temple, but the blade got lodged in the skull. The beast thrashed against him with inhuman strength, gurgling and growling, as Manny desperately tried to force the blade through the skull and into the brain It grabbed Manny's arm and locked it in a death grip, dragging the appendage closer and closer to it's snapping jaws.
BAM! Manny fell on his ass, deafened and scared shitless. Gibbs was standing over the marine, now with a fist-sized hole in the side of its head. Shaking, Gibbs kept his M9 handgun trained on the corpse.
"I think he's had enough, Gibbs." Manny choked as he spat out a piece of the marine's skull. "Ew, fuck....uh, thanks." The corporal nodded and holstered his sidearm. Manny ran over to the doctor and rolled him over. He was alive, but mortally wounded. The delta ripped off a piece of his neck and copious amounts of blood poured out of the hold, despite Manny's attempts to staunch it.
"Hey shit-for-brains, do want to get bitten?" A voice called out from behind. Three soldiers wearing DHS(1) Hazmat Suits pointed their suppressed MP5's at him. "This is a contaminated area, get the fuck out of our way." Manny glared at the agents, but eventually raised his hands in the air and began walking away; this was a fight he didn't want to get into.
"What the fuck are you doing?" He demanded as the Hazmat team filed into the tent with their guns at the ready. Their commander turned around and chuckled darkly.
"You sure you wanna know?" His squadmates hauled the injured patients out of their beds and laid them face down in a neat row. Sickened, Manny gestured to Gibbs, who was standing in front of the tent in silence.
"No, no, no this is so fucked up." he said, on the verge of tears.
"You don't want to see this, Corporal." He pulled Gibbs away from the gory scene. "Let's go."
(1) DHS stands for Department of Homeland Security
Sorry I haven't written in a while! I've been busy! And I've had some writer's block. So yeah! Also, my birthdays's next Sunday
I'm turning 17, sorta excited! Anyway, here it goes:
Chapter 3: Gone
"Wake up! Em, wake up!"
I stir under the blankets and squint as the flashlight is shined at my face. Through the beams I can sort of see my brother's figure, tall and brutish. His long brown hair is a clumpy mess, but the darkness of the barn does a reasonable job of hiding it.
"What's up? What's wrong?" I ask, sitting up groggily. I rub my eyes and pull out a long yawn. My stomach growls under my shirt.
"Carter's gone, Emmy. I woke up and couldn't find him." He says.
"Gone?" My heart drops instantly. He left already.
"We need to find the bastard before he gets himself killed by those damn mutes," mutters Juan from nearby.
"I checked our supplies, and he took some. What on God's green earth was he thinking?"
I hesitate. Should I tell him?
I wait a moment before speaking," He went to go find Caleb. He thinks his brother is alive, and is with DESERT Nation."
Derek's face turns grim under the low sunlight slowly appearing in the broken windows,"He's as good as dead. Unless we can find him before he happens to run into them. That idiot!"
I get up off the floor and brush the dirt off my pants. Juan is rolling the blankets up and we head for the truck. He lied to me. He told me he was going when we got to the winter house.
He lied.
I didn't try to hide my scowl as we loaded up our truck and started in the approximate direction he took. He couldn't have gone far, could he? The engine roared to life and Derek furiously drove down the dirt path to the street.
Carter Jones:
I left as soon as she fell asleep. I knew it wouldn't be long, she was exhausted. When her eyes finally closed shut for good, I sat up and planted my lips on her forehead. I almost didn't go; She looked so peaceful there in the dark. Untroubled, almost. I knew that wasn't true. Too many times did she describe the horror story she goes through each night. I grabbed my bag, took some food from the truck. The rain was down to a low drizzle. I walked the muddy path to the road slower than I'd wanted to leave. Maybe I didn't want to leave. But the thought that my own brother might still be out there....the tiniest thought that he could have survived the fire and made it out.....It felt like something worth figuring out.
I needed to see him.
I needed answers.
I stuck to the street, going south, as my compass notified me. I took out my cracked portscreen in the dark for a bit of light. It's blue luminescence lit the area around me, practically throwing a red flag out for anyone looking for trouble. The grass weeds were up to my chest around this area, from not being tended to since the world ended.
I scrolled through some documents on the screen aimlessly. There was no network connection, so I couldn't get anything new on there. I sighed, stopping at the the file containing my mother's journal. I'd uploaded it years ago, shortly after her death. This was the only thing only I knew about. Not even Emmy knew.
I wanted to show my brother the file. I wanted to give him a copy. He deserved that much from me.
In the distance from behind me, I noticed lights. A car? I turned and watched it slow to a stop near me. It was a minivan with tinted front windows. I hesitated, stepped back before I saw the window roll down. A woman. And a man. They peered out at me, looking concerned.
"Do ya need help? Going south too?" The man said.
"I uh, yeah. I'm heading south, but then I need to go west after I get to Florida."
"We'll take you that far. My name's Eva" The woman exited and extended her hand. I nervously shook it, still not sure if I should trust these strangers.
The sliding doors opened, and there was 2 other people. Another woman, and a small boy. It must be a family. I got in and shut the doors.
"What's your name?" The girl besides me asked. I looked at her, but it was hard to see in the dark. From what I could tell, she had almond eyes and long black hair.
"M-my name is Carter." I could feel my cheeks fill with red, but it's impossible that she'd see them.
"My name's Zoey. This is my brother, Nate. My cousin Bill is driving and his sister is Eva there. Where ya headed when we get to Florida?"
Her personality hit me like a hurricane. It was bubbly, yet sweet. I liked it.
"I'm on my way to find my brother, actually. His name is, uh, Caleb."
"Carter and Caleb? You guys twins?" She seems like the questioning type.
"No. We're uh, half-brothers, actually. Different dads. He's older than me by a few years."
"No way. That's cool. So why're you looking for him? I thought families tended to stick together?"
I sigh. She's not going to stop, is she?
"We were separated. I actually thought he was dead for a long time, know. Found out he might be alive. So that's where I'm going."
"Sounds brave. Well, I hope you find him. We'll be in Florida in another 3 days, if that's okay with you."
"That's fine."
Silence filled the car, causing me to doze slowly. The last thing I saw before fully falling asleep were the lingering lights of the sunrise. My heart felt guilty at the sight. Emmy...
That's it for now! I'll try to get another chapter this week sometime, it's on my to-do list! I've got some big plans, just need to organize my thoughts better to get them down right! I hope you liked what I wrote for now!
Chapter 4: Arrival
We made it to the winter house. We gave up looking for him. Actually, I lie. They gave up. I'm still determined to find him.
We unpacked the car one last time, set up the bare beds inside with our blankets. We'd stay here all year long if it didn't get so hot in the summer and if there weren't so many tropical storms. So this is just our winter spot. If you go out into the woods far enough, you'll get to a highway that has signs pointing to Disney World. Carter's dreamland. Too bad we've never gone that far.
I sit in the window on the second floor, in my room. The house was a bit worn down from over the years. It's been through plenty of hurricanes and an earthquake in the last decade. Each time, we have to clean the yard of fallen trees, make sure the house hasn't suffered bad damage. We're lucky this year. Nothing major to fix.
I was the only one who didn't have to share a room, for obvious reasons. But now, with Ghost being gone 6 months and Carter being gone a few days, we should all have our own rooms. I headed downstairs as soon as I smelled something cooking. The house comes with a gas stove, however we use it lightly whenever we live here. We cook on special occasions, otherwise its over the firepit out back. Juan's grilling the latest animal we caught and skinned on the way here.
Derek sits on the couch, moping a bit. He's so tall, when he sits he's only a few inches smaller than me. I guess he took after our father, whereas I stayed small like mom. Mom...
I miss them. Every single day.
I miss Carter.
Derek tries turning on the radio, seeing if we can get any signals. There are a few radio towers still active. People report to us anything useful to do with government, natural disasters. They even play music from time to time. It's a shame that only a handful of us are willing to tune into the stations.
The static fills the room, along with the scent of freshly cooked meat. Juan hands us each a glass plate from the kitchen. Another thing we leave behind when we go home. The house has a well, and we use the water to clean our dishes. We don't drink the water unless we use purifiers though. Just in case. But it doesn't seem harmful if we can still eat off plates that're cleaned with it.
We eat silently while Derek fiddles with the antenna to the radio. Nothing is picking up. I get bored, so I finish dinner and go upstairs. My room is lit by candles in the evening. It's the smallest room, but that doesn't bother me. I always leave clothes behind in the dressers here, so I get changed into pajamas. It feels nice to finally wear pajamas to bed. I leave the window open and drift to sleep shortly after blowing the candles out.
"Cathy, grab Emery and Faith! Leave the blankets, we need to get out of here!"
Dad tugs on Derek and mom pulls Faith from my hands. We get into our car so fast and drive even faster. The streets are crazy and mom decided to hold Faith instead of strapping the baby in. Me and Derek hold each other in the back, scared, crying.
It's dark. We hear planes but don't see them. People run in sync with the car, but we're faster than them. Then there are the crazy people.
Attacking citizens. We shield each other's eyes and look away. Then we hit traffic.
"Damnit! We need to go another route. We need to head toward home!"
"Home? Are you nuts! We'll get attacked! We should stay here, Hans."
"I need to grab something on my desk, honey! I forgot to leave it in the car, we need to get it!"
"What does it matter?"
"It's for the safety of our children, Cathy. If those documents are found by the invaders we'll-"
We turned on Alpine Street and Dad stopped talking. Everyone stopped talking. And I blacked out.