Giving your opinion on the game is fine, but insulting people who like it is not OK. Please try to leave comments like that out of the discussion next time. Thanks!
Damn, What a shitty game. Big waste of time.
Poor poor Salinger, He would have committed suicide if he was still alive. The name Max Caul… morefield is obviously a reference to Holden, And the poster is her room is also a direct reference to The catcher in the rye. Except that the game isn't anywhere near The catcher in the rye, On any level.
Loser, Anti social, Criminally hipster, Pretentious protagonist which I couldn't help but strongly resent. Don't let me get started on the others, Corniest characterization I've seen in a long while. Script and the dialogues... Plain horrible. Probably written by a 16 yo retarded kid who is under the heavy influence of every cheesy 80s teenage movie that there was.
I could go on forever, But let's sum it up: Do not waste your time and money on this, [Mod edit: Last comment redacted]
So I got this game, I found it abit boring but I can see there will be a story line focused around the occult further down the line so that … moreintrigues me. Max is dull as dishwater and a sociopath, chloes a bigger loser than max.
Chloes licence plate reads TWIN PEAKS so thats intresting I like lynch so if the game has those types of influences I will be intrested in later eps.
Whats with the love for the soundtrack it was more boring than maxs personality and that is some achievement. The song chloe listened to was that supposed to be punk? Maybe her taste in music was supposed to clarify that shes a total poser
The first ep is called chrysilis so I guess that means max will transform (hopefully into someone I can give a damn about)
The game could benefit from some more puzzles as well, I think this would have been much better if it had all been released at once its overall abit dry at the moment and the story hasn't started at all… [view original content]
Yeah but whats the point of being able to fly it, do you use it to spy in someone in particular or is it just a thing you can do to pass time like the guitar?
Don't know if it has been mentioned before but episode 2 is already in the game files and it's fully playable except for a couple of glitches here and there.
I can't find any myself but it most certainly is true it would seem. The Steam Community is haywire about it actually being playable. Seems the game intends to keep a solid schedule too. And I honestly don't mind waiting. I'd rather wait a month for the second episode than have it now and wait two months for the third.
So Episode 2 is technically already made? If the episode is pretty much done they should release it. Telltale is actually making their episodes live, but these guys have a fully playable episode and they are making people wait for it. That kind of sucks.
EDIT - The leak is real and the episode is "playable". It really sucks that the episode got leaked, but the build is still pretty glitchy, so there's no real point to even playing it, since it's such a mess.
Don't know if it has been mentioned before but episode 2 is already in the game files and it's fully playable except for a couple of glitches here and there.
Don't know if it has been mentioned before but episode 2 is already in the game files and it's fully playable except for a couple of glitches here and there.
Yeah but whats the point of being able to fly it, do you use it to spy in someone in particular or is it just a thing you can do to pass time like the guitar?
Yeah, after the girl who's controlling the drone tells you off, look in her backpack it'll give you the name of the drone, now go back in time and talk to her, now you have the option to show off your drone smarts and she'll let you fly it around, it's on a fixed course though, so you can't control it.
Oh interesting. I looked at the box, rewound time, then talked to her again and just got the "go away," speech again. Guess I just didn't go far enough back lol. Something to try next time.
Yeah, after the girl who's controlling the drone tells you off, look in her backpack it'll give you the name of the drone, now go back in ti… moreme and talk to her, now you have the option to show off your drone smarts and she'll let you fly it around, it's on a fixed course though, so you can't control it.
The story was fine but it was way too short in the 4th one. And I've tried the the multiplayer beta for halo 5 and they changed up so much shit from the last one that its starting to feel more like a cod now. I just hope they don't fuck up the singleplayer too.
I wish Bungie would have stuck with halo ad well, though I do feel they could make another really interesting story if they set out to.
I… more don't agree that 343 is fucking up halo though. The multiplayer isn't as good as it used to be, but the story and singleplayer is still great.
Hey i remember 3 or 4 users saying theyd help out on the wiki when i needed them to, well i was wondering if someone could please help me right now? xD
I need a lot of help with some really basic stuff (editing character pages, adding information about the character or the plot) Theres about 20 - 30 characters in this game so we need some help from someone willing to .
So Episode 2 is technically already made? If the episode is pretty much done they should release it. Telltale is actually making their episo… moredes live, but these guys have a fully playable episode and they are making people wait for it. That kind of sucks.
EDIT - The leak is real and the episode is "playable". It really sucks that the episode got leaked, but the build is still pretty glitchy, so there's no real point to even playing it, since it's such a mess.
They might want to fix some bugs and maybe fix the lip synching first or maybe they don't want to release it immediately because they aren't close to being done with episode 3 and they don't want to release episode 2 now and make people wait like 3 months for the next episode.
I can't find any myself but it most certainly is true it would seem. The Steam Community is haywire about it actually being playable. Seems … morethe game intends to keep a solid schedule too. And I honestly don't mind waiting. I'd rather wait a month for the second episode than have it now and wait two months for the third.
Wow the developers really messed up by leaving the episode 2 files in episode 1, they are clearly upset about it but they should have done better checks to stop this from happening.
From the steam forums
We’ve seen the leak of later episodes of Life is Strange and it deeply saddens us that something we’ve invested so much time and passion into is available unfinished and not as we intended you to experience it. Please support us by ignoring the temptation to download work in progress code, we promise you there are still plenty of things we’re improving and polishing and episode 2 will be ready for release in mid-march
To say its seriously disheartening to see the unfinished episode leaked in such a way is a serious understatement.. The dev team at dontnod have been putting everything into this game, and am truly thankful to the community for being so understanding and supportive of them.
I believe its been announced there is approximately 6 weeks between Episodes, and they most definitely are not finished already and just being held back for dramatic effect, the team will be working on them right up to the wire am sure
I would also like to ask everyone not to post any leaked video's or screenshots as it could spoil the game for people and we also don't want to advocate it as most people here hated it when TWD season 2 episode 4 leaked onto youtube and spoilt major character deaths and when the choices leaked.
Don't know if it has been mentioned before but episode 2 is already in the game files and it's fully playable except for a couple of glitches here and there.
I didn't really like it...I found it quite.....boring.
I wanted to turn it off halfway through it was just so 'American' and stupid. It was only in the ending where it really gripped me, that's when I wanted to find out what happened next other than that it was really bland. Its very cliché and annoying however this is just my opinion. I have high hopes for episode 2.
The story was fine but it was way too short in the 4th one. And I've tried the the multiplayer beta for halo 5 and they changed up so much s… morehit from the last one that its starting to feel more like a cod now. I just hope they don't fuck up the singleplayer too.
I didn't like this first episode.
I didn't really go into it with any kind of expectations at all, since the only reason I bought it was because it was super-cheap and I'd heard a couple of youtubers mention it here and there, so I decided to give it a shot. First of all, I don't know if anyone else experienced this, but it was really glitchy and the speech kept skipping or repeating itself which made it almost impossible to become immersed in the initial moments of the story. Thankfully that seemed to sort itself out after the first 20 minutes or so, but it was a really frustrating way to start off. When it did stop glitching out I, like many others, found it to be boring and thoroughly underwhelming. 1 - Voice acting was abysmal for everyone except Chloe, and even then that couldn't hide the fact that 2 - the script sounded as though it had been written by OAPs. The teenage slang used by the characters is from at least two decades ago and just sounds awkward and out-of-place; like I say, clearly the script writers have no idea how to write teenagers without 3 - just making every single character a walking bunch of clichés. This frustrated the hell out of me. Max is so unlikeable it's a joke, she is the epitome of a Mary-Sue character (supposedly average girl with low self-esteem who feels like they don't fit in and worries about people thinking she's weird but in actual fact is pretty much liked by everybody, except the three bitchy girls who think they are god's gift, and has a male friend who is clearly into her but for some reason is too dumb to see it) With her constant whining and angsty comments she just turned me off completely, not to mention as I said earlier, her entirely dead-pan and dull-as-ditch-water voice acting. Every other character was just the definition of unoriginal; as well as the Mary-Sue protagonist you had the gang of bitchy girls who just seem to have it in for Max for no reason, the attractive male teacher who thinks Max is something special (god knows why) much to the envy of all the other female students, the desperate-puppy male friend who wants to be more than friends but just ends up making a fool of himself trying to impress/win over Max, and why not also throw in a rebellious stoner best-friend who is a rebel (you can tell because she smokes and has tattoos and blue hair and listens to her music too loud and disrespects her step-dad!) and might be a bad influence on you because, did I mention she's a rebel? The one thing about this that I think was cool was the rewind-time mechanic, which meant you could go through a conversation or action sequence seeing the response you got from picking certain options, and then replay it choosing other options or perhaps new ones which had been unlocked by the responses you got before. However, it does kind of negate the whole choice-based game thing, because it means that you can rewind as many times as you want, seeing what all different options do, and then make a choice based on which one turns out the best, making it possible to have the 'perfect' play-through. Part of what is exciting about choice-based games is that you don't know how picking a different option could've altered the story, that your choices can't be undone (unless you play through the whole thing again) and you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. The rewind mechanic makes it possible to evade making choices that will have negative impacts on the story, which in my opinion kind of defeats the point of choice-based games. But anyway, that's just my opinion. If you enjoyed this game that's great, but unless the next episodes are even cheaper I don't think I'll be continuing with Life is Strange.
I didn't played it as the matter of fact, just stumble upon 4chan thread. Anyway, thanks for the warning. I hate spoilers, people spoiling for other people and I won't spoil for anyone else IF I ever played it. Spoilers just ruined the excitement.
Terrible choosing system? The choosing system is better than telltalegames, because it actually notifies you when you make a big choice and what bad gameplay? It's basically the same as telltalegames (except for the rewind ability and LIS actually has "hub" areas to let you interact with other characters.)
I feel bad for them man screw anyone who tries to hack the game. These guys put alot of effort and hard work into it, it would be a dick move to hack it because for one like I said the developers put alot of work into it, so stealing it for free would be stealing money from the developers and two if people steal the game they won't make enough money to make a sequel or more games.(they already went bankrupt once).
The developers probably didn't realize what they were doing when they put the files in there after all this is there second game only.
Wow the developers really messed up by leaving the episode 2 files in episode 1, they are clearly upset about it but they should have done b… moreetter checks to stop this from happening.
From the steam forums
We’ve seen the leak of later episodes of Life is Strange and it deeply saddens us that something we’ve invested so much time and passion into is available unfinished and not as we intended you to experience it. Please support us by ignoring the temptation to download work in progress code, we promise you there are still plenty of things we’re improving and polishing and episode 2 will be ready for release in mid-march
To say its seriously disheartening to see the unfinished episode leaked in such a way is a serious understatement.. The dev team at dontnod have been putting everything into this game, and am truly thankful to the community for being so understanding and supportive of th… [view original content]
The only good thing about the hack is well nothing, but what I'm trying to say is since Life is Strange is a lesser known game alot of people won't hear about the hack which is good. Hell we wouldn't have known about it if no one said anything on here.
I think it's a ok game so far, but I honestly didn't enjoy it that much.
The dialogue is very cringe-worthy at times, and it has this annoying 'slang' to it.
Also, basically every character represents a stereotype:
David, the asshole paranoid cop who was in combat and thinks that gives him an excuse to be a total dick
Max, the silent, introvert girl who was superpowers
Chloe, the cool, drug-dealing girl with rough language who turns out to have family problems etc
You can go on and on.
Now, what I liked is the story, it's an interesting setup so far. Also, the time rewind feature is kinda cool and good integrated, but takes away from the feeling a bit (but not too much).
The choice system is also a big plus, Telltale could really learn something from that. But here you have to note again that most options are kind of the same when you talk to someone (chat, not choices).
Overall, I would give this Episode a 7/10.
I like the game so far, but it tries so to be 'cool' and 'hip'. The thing is: it doesn't need that. It would actually be better without it.
Wow that's awful. Freakin hackers eh? Try to ruin TWD, now Life is Strange. On one hand the devs should have been smart about this, but on the other people should just let it be and enjoy it when it comes out.
Wow the developers really messed up by leaving the episode 2 files in episode 1, they are clearly upset about it but they should have done b… moreetter checks to stop this from happening.
From the steam forums
We’ve seen the leak of later episodes of Life is Strange and it deeply saddens us that something we’ve invested so much time and passion into is available unfinished and not as we intended you to experience it. Please support us by ignoring the temptation to download work in progress code, we promise you there are still plenty of things we’re improving and polishing and episode 2 will be ready for release in mid-march
To say its seriously disheartening to see the unfinished episode leaked in such a way is a serious understatement.. The dev team at dontnod have been putting everything into this game, and am truly thankful to the community for being so understanding and supportive of th… [view original content]
I think it's a ok game so far, but I honestly didn't enjoy it that much.
The dialogue is very cringe-worthy at times, and it has this ann… moreoying 'slang' to it.
Also, basically every character represents a stereotype:
* David, the asshole paranoid cop who was in combat and thinks that gives him an excuse to be a total dick
* Max, the silent, introvert girl who was superpowers
* Chloe, the cool, drug-dealing girl with rough language who turns out to have family problems etc
You can go on and on.
Now, what I liked is the story, it's an interesting setup so far. Also, the time rewind feature is kinda cool and good integrated, but takes away from the feeling a bit (but not too much).
The choice system is also a big plus, Telltale could really learn something from that. But here you have to note again that most options are kind of the same when you talk to someone (chat, not choices).
Overall, I would give this Episode… [view original content]
Giving your opinion on the game is fine, but insulting people who like it is not OK. Please try to leave comments like that out of the discussion next time. Thanks!
A fair assessment and some pretty good points. I'm not saying the episode was the greatest thing ever, but I'd give it a 9 out of 10 but that's mostly because I love games like this.
I think it's a ok game so far, but I honestly didn't enjoy it that much.
The dialogue is very cringe-worthy at times, and it has this ann… moreoying 'slang' to it.
Also, basically every character represents a stereotype:
* David, the asshole paranoid cop who was in combat and thinks that gives him an excuse to be a total dick
* Max, the silent, introvert girl who was superpowers
* Chloe, the cool, drug-dealing girl with rough language who turns out to have family problems etc
You can go on and on.
Now, what I liked is the story, it's an interesting setup so far. Also, the time rewind feature is kinda cool and good integrated, but takes away from the feeling a bit (but not too much).
The choice system is also a big plus, Telltale could really learn something from that. But here you have to note again that most options are kind of the same when you talk to someone (chat, not choices).
Overall, I would give this Episode… [view original content]
One thing I kinda forgot to say was I like how it doesn't treat the player as dumb. If you go exploring in the world, you're rewarded with snippets of information about people and the plot. The slower pacing really helps with that as you don't feel pressured or pushed from scene to scene while you explore.
There's some really nice moments when you start exploring Chloe's house for example. If you look on the floor near the TV, Max tells you a story about Chloe and her when they were younger and their first drink of wine. Sit on the settee and you'll hear Max recollecting that very moment. Go outside and look at the drawing and another memory will be triggered of what they did when they were younger.
My favourite one though is on the swing. If Max sits on the swing, you'll hear her and Chloe back when they were 14 talking about the future. It's sad to hear Chloe then, as she was clearly a very happy child till her father died and Max left; it left her a complete wreck. The scenery during that memory is gorgeous too.
A fair assessment and some pretty good points. I'm not saying the episode was the greatest thing ever, but I'd give it a 9 out of 10 but that's mostly because I love games like this.
Why are we expected to act as though the shooting at the beginning is unprovoked the bitch was trying to rob a drugdealer, a crazy one to boot and the bitch got shot that shit happens every day! who the hell does she think she is running her mouth making threats she cant follow up then she shits herself when her mugging attempt backfires! little miss big I am wet her panties, Reality Slap BOOM
Giving your opinion on the game is fine, but insulting people who like it is not OK. Please try to leave comments like that out of the discussion next time. Thanks!
I liked the game.
But I don't feel the same urge of replaying it asap that GoT gave to me.
Guitar time again and again with Rocker Max. Gotta love it.
Well apparently it isn't a weapon.
The more you know.
Yeah but whats the point of being able to fly it, do you use it to spy in someone in particular or is it just a thing you can do to pass time like the guitar?
Really??? any videos of it?
I can't find any myself but it most certainly is true it would seem. The Steam Community is haywire about it actually being playable. Seems the game intends to keep a solid schedule too. And I honestly don't mind waiting. I'd rather wait a month for the second episode than have it now and wait two months for the third.
So Episode 2 is technically already made? If the episode is pretty much done they should release it. Telltale is actually making their episodes live, but these guys have a fully playable episode and they are making people wait for it. That kind of sucks.
EDIT - The leak is real and the episode is "playable". It really sucks that the episode got leaked, but the build is still pretty glitchy, so there's no real point to even playing it, since it's such a mess.
That means loads of people will hack it, they should make the next ep free otherwise its unfair on the honest joes
I... didn't know you could fly it. I tried rewinding time..... maybe I didn't go back far enough?
Yeah, after the girl who's controlling the drone tells you off, look in her backpack it'll give you the name of the drone, now go back in time and talk to her, now you have the option to show off your drone smarts and she'll let you fly it around, it's on a fixed course though, so you can't control it.
No they shouldn't, that's like saying every developer should make their game free since people can just pirate it.
Oh interesting. I looked at the box, rewound time, then talked to her again and just got the "go away," speech again. Guess I just didn't go far enough back lol. Something to try next time.
The story was fine but it was way too short in the 4th one. And I've tried the the multiplayer beta for halo 5 and they changed up so much shit from the last one that its starting to feel more like a cod now. I just hope they don't fuck up the singleplayer too.
Hey i remember 3 or 4 users saying theyd help out on the wiki when i needed them to, well i was wondering if someone could please help me right now? xD
I need a lot of help with some really basic stuff (editing character pages, adding information about the character or the plot) Theres about 20 - 30 characters in this game so we need some help from someone willing to
Click here to help!
Even all episode 3 choices are in the files.
They might want to fix some bugs and maybe fix the lip synching first or maybe they don't want to release it immediately because they aren't close to being done with episode 3 and they don't want to release episode 2 now and make people wait like 3 months for the next episode.
Wow the developers really messed up by leaving the episode 2 files in episode 1, they are clearly upset about it but they should have done better checks to stop this from happening.
From the steam forums
I believe its been announced there is approximately 6 weeks between Episodes, and they most definitely are not finished already and just being held back for dramatic effect, the team will be working on them right up to the wire am sure
I would also like to ask everyone not to post any leaked video's or screenshots as it could spoil the game for people and we also don't want to advocate it as most people here hated it when TWD season 2 episode 4 leaked onto youtube and spoilt major character deaths and when the choices leaked.
I didn't really like it...I found it quite.....boring.
I wanted to turn it off halfway through it was just so 'American' and stupid. It was only in the ending where it really gripped me, that's when I wanted to find out what happened next other than that it was really bland. Its very cliché and annoying however this is just my opinion. I have high hopes for episode 2.
Weak characters, specially Max.Terrible choosing system and very bad game play. Story is good but other things are terrible.
Yeah it feels way too much like CoD what with setting up your classes/load outs and stuff.
That choice was pretty hilarious. I never thought that watering a plant would be such a big deal. lol
I didn't like this first episode.
I didn't really go into it with any kind of expectations at all, since the only reason I bought it was because it was super-cheap and I'd heard a couple of youtubers mention it here and there, so I decided to give it a shot. First of all, I don't know if anyone else experienced this, but it was really glitchy and the speech kept skipping or repeating itself which made it almost impossible to become immersed in the initial moments of the story. Thankfully that seemed to sort itself out after the first 20 minutes or so, but it was a really frustrating way to start off. When it did stop glitching out I, like many others, found it to be boring and thoroughly underwhelming. 1 - Voice acting was abysmal for everyone except Chloe, and even then that couldn't hide the fact that 2 - the script sounded as though it had been written by OAPs. The teenage slang used by the characters is from at least two decades ago and just sounds awkward and out-of-place; like I say, clearly the script writers have no idea how to write teenagers without 3 - just making every single character a walking bunch of clichés. This frustrated the hell out of me. Max is so unlikeable it's a joke, she is the epitome of a Mary-Sue character (supposedly average girl with low self-esteem who feels like they don't fit in and worries about people thinking she's weird but in actual fact is pretty much liked by everybody, except the three bitchy girls who think they are god's gift, and has a male friend who is clearly into her but for some reason is too dumb to see it) With her constant whining and angsty comments she just turned me off completely, not to mention as I said earlier, her entirely dead-pan and dull-as-ditch-water voice acting. Every other character was just the definition of unoriginal; as well as the Mary-Sue protagonist you had the gang of bitchy girls who just seem to have it in for Max for no reason, the attractive male teacher who thinks Max is something special (god knows why) much to the envy of all the other female students, the desperate-puppy male friend who wants to be more than friends but just ends up making a fool of himself trying to impress/win over Max, and why not also throw in a rebellious stoner best-friend who is a rebel (you can tell because she smokes and has tattoos and blue hair and listens to her music too loud and disrespects her step-dad!) and might be a bad influence on you because, did I mention she's a rebel? The one thing about this that I think was cool was the rewind-time mechanic, which meant you could go through a conversation or action sequence seeing the response you got from picking certain options, and then replay it choosing other options or perhaps new ones which had been unlocked by the responses you got before. However, it does kind of negate the whole choice-based game thing, because it means that you can rewind as many times as you want, seeing what all different options do, and then make a choice based on which one turns out the best, making it possible to have the 'perfect' play-through. Part of what is exciting about choice-based games is that you don't know how picking a different option could've altered the story, that your choices can't be undone (unless you play through the whole thing again) and you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. The rewind mechanic makes it possible to evade making choices that will have negative impacts on the story, which in my opinion kind of defeats the point of choice-based games. But anyway, that's just my opinion. If you enjoyed this game that's great, but unless the next episodes are even cheaper I don't think I'll be continuing with Life is Strange.
My Lord the leaked file for Episode 2 is really tempting but,... I'm not gonna spoil myself just yet!!!! DARN IT!!
Good lord it's TWD 204 all over again. -_-
Yeah ok, but, can you keep it to yourself? There's nothing worse than having something spoiled.
I didn't played it as the matter of fact, just stumble upon 4chan thread. Anyway, thanks for the warning. I hate spoilers, people spoiling for other people and I won't spoil for anyone else IF I ever played it. Spoilers just ruined the excitement.
Personally found the choosing system more immersive and the gameplay way smoother than telltales stuff. (Also quite liked Max)
Terrible choosing system? The choosing system is better than telltalegames, because it actually notifies you when you make a big choice and what bad gameplay? It's basically the same as telltalegames (except for the rewind ability and LIS actually has "hub" areas to let you interact with other characters.)
I feel bad for them
man screw anyone who tries to hack the game. These guys put alot of effort and hard work into it, it would be a dick move to hack it because for one like I said the developers put alot of work into it, so stealing it for free would be stealing money from the developers and two if people steal the game they won't make enough money to make a sequel or more games.(they already went bankrupt once).
The developers probably didn't realize what they were doing when they put the files in there after all this is there second game only.
The only good thing about the hack is well nothing, but what I'm trying to say is since Life is Strange is a lesser known game alot of people won't hear about the hack which is good. Hell we wouldn't have known about it if no one said anything on here.
I think it's a ok game so far, but I honestly didn't enjoy it that much.
The dialogue is very cringe-worthy at times, and it has this annoying 'slang' to it.
Also, basically every character represents a stereotype:
David, the asshole paranoid cop who was in combat and thinks that gives him an excuse to be a total dick
Max, the silent, introvert girl who was superpowers
Chloe, the cool, drug-dealing girl with rough language who turns out to have family problems etc
You can go on and on.
Now, what I liked is the story, it's an interesting setup so far. Also, the time rewind feature is kinda cool and good integrated, but takes away from the feeling a bit (but not too much).
The choice system is also a big plus, Telltale could really learn something from that. But here you have to note again that most options are kind of the same when you talk to someone (chat, not choices).
Overall, I would give this Episode a 7/10.
I like the game so far, but it tries so to be 'cool' and 'hip'. The thing is: it doesn't need that. It would actually be better without it.
Still looking forward to the next Episode though.
Wow that's awful. Freakin hackers eh? Try to ruin TWD, now Life is Strange. On one hand the devs should have been smart about this, but on the other people should just let it be and enjoy it when it comes out.
Just one error in that good review. Chloe wasn't a drug dealer, Nathan was
And David isn't a cop :P
That was an opinion.
Ah yes. He's a security guard. I know what he means though.
A fair assessment and some pretty good points.
I'm not saying the episode was the greatest thing ever, but I'd give it a 9 out of 10 but that's mostly because I love games like this.
One thing I kinda forgot to say was I like how it doesn't treat the player as dumb. If you go exploring in the world, you're rewarded with snippets of information about people and the plot. The slower pacing really helps with that as you don't feel pressured or pushed from scene to scene while you explore.
There's some really nice moments when you start exploring Chloe's house for example. If you look on the floor near the TV, Max tells you a story about Chloe and her when they were younger and their first drink of wine. Sit on the settee and you'll hear Max recollecting that very moment. Go outside and look at the drawing and another memory will be triggered of what they did when they were younger.
My favourite one though is on the swing. If Max sits on the swing, you'll hear her and Chloe back when they were 14 talking about the future. It's sad to hear Chloe then, as she was clearly a very happy child till her father died and Max left; it left her a complete wreck. The scenery during that memory is gorgeous too.
Why are we expected to act as though the shooting at the beginning is unprovoked the bitch was trying to rob a drugdealer, a crazy one to boot and the bitch got shot that shit happens every day! who the hell does she think she is running her mouth making threats she cant follow up then she shits herself when her mugging attempt backfires! little miss big I am wet her panties, Reality Slap BOOM