Telltale, just look what you did to the forums! I don't understand half of what's going on this thread.
Could you please just release episode 2 already? Thanks.
Telltale, just look what you did to the forums! I don't understand half of what's going on this thread.
Could you please just release episode 2 already? Thanks.
My favorite thriller. Okay I thought it was a knife. Good one. :P Ducky was a killer the whole time.
I see your avatar is Max. It remindes me of an awesome reference in one of Telltale's Sam and Max episodes, when Sam asks Max about Bosco and Mama Bosco's relationship and little buddy anwers: "You know, the best boy's friend is his mother". There will be awesome references in Atlas Mugged, right Telltale? S OO OO OO OO OO N
My favorite thriller. Okay I thought it was a knife. Good one. :P Ducky was a killer the whole time.
I see your avatar is Max. It reminde… mores me of an awesome reference in one of Telltale's Sam and Max episodes, when Sam asks Max about Bosco and Mama Bosco's relationship and little buddy anwers: "You know, the best boy's friend is his mother". There will be awesome references in Atlas Mugged, right Telltale? S OO OO OO OO OO N
No, it certainly isn't. Just because something doesn't explode or somebody doesn't die every 5 seconds doesn't make it boring, its probably just too complicated for you. So stop acting like your opinion is fact when it doesn't even make sense.
Rewriting doesn't really mean that the game is gonna be ruined. I figure its a matter of opinion but I absolutely loved Wolf Among Us, despite the massive rewrite.
Oh god, Telltale better not be rewriting again. The last time they did that, Season 2 was doomed and A Wolf Among Us was only just sorta oka… morey.
LEAVE THE GAME ALOOOONE T____T I swear, you even so much as put Rhys doggy paddling in a lake and you're gonna regret it!
It is boring precisely because someone dies every 5 minutes. They have that in common, actually, but Got's trying very hard to be "unpredictable" and cool by killing off every character in sight. TftB is just ligthearted and funny, nothing more and nothing less, that series is not trying to be something bigger than it is. While Got-like shows get people exciting for a while but it also gets predictable and boring very quickly, especially if you watch the whole show or several season at once and not 1 episode per week. The same could be said about any show, TWD, Supernatural and so on. They don't know when and where to stop.
Oh and btw calling someone stupid when they don't share your hype for one of the countless mediocre tv series only shows your own lack of intelligence here and nothing more, my dear. Really immature.
No, it certainly isn't. Just because something doesn't explode or somebody doesn't die every 5 seconds doesn't make it boring, its probably just too complicated for you. So stop acting like your opinion is fact when it doesn't even make sense.
No, I honestly don't think that they just kill off every character in sight. Almost every main death that occurs is used to advance the story forward (unlike Walking Dead or Supernatural, where a lot of the deaths are used just for shock factor), and it also shows the harsh and brutal world of Westeros.
Oh and btw calling someone stupid when they don't share your hype for a mediocre tv series only shows your own lack of intelligence here and nothing more,
Right, I'm the immature one when you intend on calling a show that is loved by many "stupid" and "medicore" like its fact when that is precisely your opinion.
If you say something I disagree with, I will put an actual and honest response forward without trying to trash you. Saying "its too complicated for you" isn't really an insult, though I can obviously see why you would look at it like that. People I know couldn't get into the show because they say its too confusing and complicated for them, and they are by no means dumb people.
I have no wish to keep arguing, I just do not like it when people trash something like its fact instead of their opinion.
It is boring precisely because someone dies every 5 minutes. They have that in common, actually, but Got's trying very hard to be "unpredict… moreable" and cool by killing off every character in sight. TftB is just ligthearted and funny, nothing more and nothing less, that series is not trying to be something bigger than it is. While Got-like shows get people exciting for a while but it also gets predictable and boring very quickly, especially if you watch the whole show or several season at once and not 1 episode per week. The same could be said about any show, TWD, Supernatural and so on. They don't know when and where to stop.
Oh and btw calling someone stupid when they don't share your hype for one of the countless mediocre tv series only shows your own lack of intelligence here and nothing more, my dear. Really immature.
Maybe....just maybe... when episode 2 is finally released they'll announce episode 3 sooner than usual to make up for the waiting. Kinda like what they did for episode 5 of TWD and TWAU.
Season finales tend to be released sooner than the other episodes. Around Every Corner and No Time Left were one month apart, In Sheep's Clothing and Cry Wolf were one month apart, and same thing with Amid the Ruins and No Going Back.
Still though, wouldn't complain if it was released sooner xD
Maybe....just maybe... when episode 2 is finally released they'll announce episode 3 sooner than usual to make up for the waiting. Kinda like what they did for episode 5 of TWD and TWAU.
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?
Insanity is visiting the forum... over and over again expecting for the episode release. That. Is. Crazy.
if that was the case a lot of people would be saying this:
My reaction would be: the answer to perfection, is to replace the problem and start over again, even through a lot of people think we have done that one time to many. >_>
This game is well known for it's dark sense of humour. It has ironic image. People look at the style and say "yeah that is borderlands" - the guns, the dark humour. Your say something on the lines of without Tory Baker; this game wouldn't be borderlands. No. Look Tory Baker is amazing voice actor yes but the game is all about its dark humour.
This game is well known for it's dark sense of humour. It has ironic image. People look at the style and say "yeah that is borderlands" - th… moree guns, the dark humour. Your say something on the lines of without Tory Baker; this game wouldn't be borderlands. No. Look Tory Baker is amazing voice actor yes but the game is all about its dark humour.
It feels like Tory Baker has been type casted. a lot of he's roles are characters that very arrogant. the only role I have seen him in that wasn't a arrogant character was a lazy character in a anima.
It feels like Tory Baker has been type casted. a lot of he's roles are characters that very arrogant. the only role I have seen him in that wasn't a arrogant character was a lazy character in a anima.
R. I. P CrazedRabbit
Good one.
Bat nah, I'm fine. I'm okay. Really. I'm completely fine. Everything's fine. Yeah. Hehehe...
Telltale, just look what you did to the forums! I don't understand half of what's going on this thread.

Could you please just release episode 2 already? Thanks.
My favorite thriller. Okay I thought it was a knife. Good one. :P Ducky was a killer the whole time.
I see your avatar is Max. It remindes me of an awesome reference in one of Telltale's Sam and Max episodes, when Sam asks Max about Bosco and Mama Bosco's relationship and little buddy anwers: "You know, the best boy's friend is his mother". There will be awesome references in Atlas Mugged, right Telltale? S OO OO OO OO OO N
Begin at 1:43
No, it certainly isn't. Just because something doesn't explode or somebody doesn't die every 5 seconds doesn't make it boring, its probably just too complicated for you. So stop acting like your opinion is fact when it doesn't even make sense.
Rewriting doesn't really mean that the game is gonna be ruined. I figure its a matter of opinion but I absolutely loved Wolf Among Us, despite the massive rewrite.
I beat Pre Sequel last night... need my fix of Borderlands soon!!!!!! >_<
It is boring precisely because someone dies every 5 minutes. They have that in common, actually, but Got's trying very hard to be "unpredictable" and cool by killing off every character in sight. TftB is just ligthearted and funny, nothing more and nothing less, that series is not trying to be something bigger than it is. While Got-like shows get people exciting for a while but it also gets predictable and boring very quickly, especially if you watch the whole show or several season at once and not 1 episode per week. The same could be said about any show, TWD, Supernatural and so on. They don't know when and where to stop.
Oh and btw calling someone stupid when they don't share your hype for one of the countless mediocre tv series only shows your own lack of intelligence here and nothing more, my dear. Really immature.
No, I honestly don't think that they just kill off every character in sight. Almost every main death that occurs is used to advance the story forward (unlike Walking Dead or Supernatural, where a lot of the deaths are used just for shock factor), and it also shows the harsh and brutal world of Westeros.
Right, I'm the immature one when you intend on calling a show that is loved by many "stupid" and "medicore" like its fact when that is precisely your opinion.
If you say something I disagree with, I will put an actual and honest response forward without trying to trash you. Saying "its too complicated for you" isn't really an insult, though I can obviously see why you would look at it like that. People I know couldn't get into the show because they say its too confusing and complicated for them, and they are by no means dumb people.
I have no wish to keep arguing, I just do not like it when people trash something like its fact instead of their opinion.
How was it? Been thinking about getting it since it's on sale right now.
Its really good, just not as good as Borderlands 2 IMO
Maybe....just maybe... when episode 2 is finally released they'll announce episode 3 sooner than usual to make up for the waiting. Kinda like what they did for episode 5 of TWD and TWAU.
Season finales tend to be released sooner than the other episodes. Around Every Corner and No Time Left were one month apart, In Sheep's Clothing and Cry Wolf were one month apart, and same thing with Amid the Ruins and No Going Back.
Still though, wouldn't complain if it was released sooner xD
This is becoming an everyday occurrence (and sometimes, even occurring more than once per day). You guys are really going stir crazy!
Im not crazy...
It would be ironic that this wait is because they decide to replace the voice actors a second time - no Troy Baker and no Lauran Bailey
Me waiting for episode 2 of Tales from the borderlands!
seriously thou i can't.
I think your feed will explode when we do get news :P
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?
Insanity is visiting the forum... over and over again expecting for the episode release. That. Is. Crazy.
Nah. No Troy = no Tales.
i was thinking how telltale will do all game episodic, and every episode is playable released by them hmmm Chaos Theory soon
if that was the case a lot of people would be saying this:
My reaction would be: the answer to perfection, is to replace the problem and start over again, even through a lot of people think we have done that one time to many. >_>
This game is well known for it's dark sense of humour. It has ironic image. People look at the style and say "yeah that is borderlands" - the guns, the dark humour. Your say something on the lines of without Tory Baker; this game wouldn't be borderlands. No. Look Tory Baker is amazing voice actor yes but the game is all about its dark humour.
That's just Borderlands. And we're talking about the Tales.
It feels like Tory Baker has been type casted. a lot of he's roles are characters that very arrogant. the only role I have seen him in that wasn't a arrogant character was a lazy character in a anima.
Yes but Tales is based on Borderlands - therefore it has the same dark humour as borderlands.
Yeah and good vas make everything better. Especially humor in the game. So those things are kinda related.
waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting...............
Booker Dewitt ain't that arrogant.
Also, Joel.